Rubric For Group Presentation: Creativity

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10 8 6 4

 Uses the unexpected to full advantage

 Very original, clever, and creative approach that captures
audience's attention. Only 2 indicators were
Creativity Only 4 indicators Only 3 indicators observed
 Uses appropriate materials to firm up the ideas presented
(40%) were observed. were observed.
 Presented a unique concept and present ideas artistically
 Media are prepared in a professional manner. Details are
minimized so that main points stand out.

 Students provide an accurate and complete explanation of key

concepts Applications of concepts are included to enlighten
Depth and Accuracy issues.
Content  Provides evidence of extensive and valid research and sources.
 Combines and evaluates existing ideas to form new insights. Only 3 indicators were
Only 5 indicators Only 4 indicators observed
 Information completely accurate; all names and facts were precise
(35%) were observed. were observed.
and explicit
 Level of presentation is appropriate for the audience.
 Poised, clear articulation; proper volume; steady rate; enthusiasm;
confidence; speaker is clearly comfortable in front of the group.

 Extremely well organized.

 Introduces the purpose of the presentation clearly.
 Effectively connect key points
Organization Only 2 indicators were
Only 4 indicators Only 3 indicators observed
 Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence were observed. were observed.
which audience can follow.
 Ends with an accurate conclusion showing thoughtful, strong
evaluation of the evidence presented.
 Encourages audience interaction. Calls on classmates by name.
 Demonstrates extensive knowledge of the topic by responding
confidently, precisely and appropriately to all audience questions. Only 1 indicator was
Question and Only 3 indicators Only 2 indicator
Answer  Involved the audience in the presentation; held the audience's observed
attention were observed were observed
 Demonstrate creative art of questioning
10 8 6

The group presents The group presents product

The group presents product
The group presents product product through a tag line through a tag line with 2
through a tag line with 5 through a tag line with 4
with 3 features, features, advantages and
features, advantages and features, advantages and
Purpose/Usefulness/Convenience (50%) advantages and features features that is designed to
features that is designed to features that is designed to be environment-friendly
be environment-friendly that is designed to be
be environment-friendly and is an innovation that
and is an innovation that environment-friendly and
and is an innovation that best filled the community.
best filled the community. is an innovation that best
best filled the community.
filled the community.

The group/students are The group/students The group/students seem

motivated, even driven to The group/students openly uninterested in a new
Exhibition of curiosity, inquisitiveness, express interests in ideas
know about community’s express interest, wonder product and avoid
wonder, openness and excitement but are not motivated to becoming involved in such
problem and how to find and openness to a new
(30%) resolve thru product explore a new product experience.
product innovation.
innovation. invention.

The group presents a

The group presents a product innovation, gives
product innovation is given The group completes the
Effort/Perseverance adequate interpretation
effort for beyond the given The group completes the tasks but lack pride in
about the product but lack finished work.
requirements, and is task with minimum effort.
(20%) environment-friendly and finishing touches to make
accessible to use. it environment-friendly and
accessible to use.
10 8 6 4

Exhibition of curiosity, The group/students are motivated, The group/students seem

The group/students openly The group/students express
inquisitiveness, wonder, even driven to know about uninterested in a new product
express interest, wonder and interests in ideas but are not
openness and community’s problem and how to and avoid becoming involved in
find resolve thru product openness to a new product motivated to explore a new such experience.
innovation. innovation. product invention.

Creativity Tag line is creative and a

Tag line is creative and some The tag line does not reflect any
(30%) Tag line is exceptionally creative.. good amount of thought was
thought was put into it. degree of creativity.
put into it.

Effectiveness The message is somewhat Message is too confusing, silly, or

Tag line delivers a strong and Tag line message is
(20%) confusing or would not does not convince consumers to
compelling message. effective.
necessarily be convincing. take action.


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