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How to implement Time-to-Trigger(TTT) used in LTE Handover modeling?

: NetSim Support Portal

How to implement Time-to-Trigger(TTT) used in LTE Handover modeling?

Created by: NetSim SUPPORT TEAM
Modified on: Tue, 17 Mar, 2020 at 4:41 PM

Applicable Versions NetSim Standard NetSim Pro

Applicable Releases v10 v11.1 v12.0 v12.1

The LTE standard supports several parameters to trigger the handover and select the target cells, such as hysteresis
margin and Time-to-Trigger (TTT).
When applying Time-to-Trigger, the handover is initiated only if the triggering requirement is fulfilled for a time interval.
This parameter can decrease the number of unnecessary handovers and effectively avoid Ping-Pong effects. But it can
also delay the handover which then increases the probability of handover failures.

The following procedure can be followed to involve Time-to-Trigger parameter in NetSim LTE Simulations:
1. Open NetSim source code in Visual Studio 2015/2017/2019 by double-clicking on the NetSim.sln file present in
“<NetSim_Install_Directory>/src/Simulation” folder. (from NetSim v11.1 or higher versions, source codes should
be opened using Open Code option only)
2. Go to the LTE project through the solution explorer and open the file LTE.h. Add the lines of code highlighted in red
as shown below:


#define TARGET_BER 1.0e-5

/**** Structure typedefs *****/

typedef struct stru_LTE_ENB_Phy LTE_ENB_PHY;

typedef struct stru_LTE_UE_Phy LTE_UE_PHY;

typedef struct stru_LTE_ENB_MAC LTE_ENB_MAC;

typedef struct stru_LTE_UE_MACLTE_UE_MAC;

typedef struct stru_LTE_AssociateUEInfoLTE_ASSOCIATEUE_INFO;

typedef struct stru_LTE_QueueLTE_QUEUE;

typedef struct stru_LTE_Mac_PacketLTE_MAC_PACKET;

typedef struct stru_LTE_Phy_PacketLTE_PHY_PACKET;

typedef struct stru_LTE_RRC_Connection_RequestRRC_CONNECTION_REQUEST;

typedef struct stru_LTE_RRC_Connection_SetupRRC_CONNECTION_SETUP;

typedef struct stru_LTE_RRC_Connection_Setup_CompleteRRC_CONNECTION_SETUP_COMPLETE;

typedef struct stru_LTE_PDCP_HeaderLTE_PDCP_HEADER;

typedef struct stru_LTE_MME_HLRLTE_HLR;

typedef struct stru_LTE_MMELTE_MME;

typedef struct stru_LTE_MeasurementReportLTE_MEASUREMENT_REPORT;

typedef struct stru_LTE_HOInfoLTE_HO_INFO;

typedef struct stru_LTE_MetricsLTE_METRICS;

typedef struct stru_LTE_ACKLTE_ACK;

typedef struct stru_LTE_Handover_Status


struct stru_LTE_Handover_Status

bool status;

double time;

How to implement Time-to-Trigger(TTT) used in LTE Handover modeling? : NetSim Support Portal


LTE_Handover ** devices;

/* 3GPP TS 36.213

* Transport blocks not mapped to two or more layer spatial multiplexing

*For 110 1≤ NPRB ≤ , the TBS is given by the ( TBS I ,NPRB ) entry of Table

*Table Transport block size table (dimension 27×110)



3. Go to LTE project through the solution explorer and open the file LTE.c. Add the lines of code highlighted in red in
fn_NetSim_LTE_Init() as shown below:
_declspec(dllexport) int fn_NetSim_LTE_Init()

int i;

devices = calloc(NETWORK->nDeviceCount + 1, sizeof * devices);

for (i = 0; i < NETWORK->nDeviceCount + 1; i++)

devices[i] = (LTE_Handover*)malloc(1 * sizeof(struct stru_LTE_Handover_Status));

devices[i]->status = false;

devices[i]->targetENB = 0;

devices[i]->time = 0.0;

return fn_NetSim_LTE_Init_F();
4. Go to LTE project through the solution explorer and open the file NAS.c. Add the line of code highlighted in red as
shown below:
#include "main.h"

#include "LTE.h"


#define HO_REQUEST_SIZE 288/8.0

#define HO_CONFIRM_SIZE 112/8.0

#define HANDOVER_DIFF3 //db

#define TIME_TO_TRIGGER 5000000.0

int fn_NetSim_LTE_InitHandover(NETSIM_ID ueId, NETSIM_ID nENBId)

5. Go to LTE project through the solution explorer and open the file NAS.c. In the function
fn_NetSim_LTE_DecideHandover() replace the entire function defention with the following since it involves code
modifications in multiple places.
int fn_NetSim_LTE_DecideHandover()

//code modification

int i, count = 0;

double tempfavourablesnr = 0;

NETSIM_ID tempfavourabledevice;
NETSIM_ID enbid;


//code modification 

double dSNR = 0;

double dTargetSNR = 0;

NETSIM_ID target = 0;

NETSIM_ID ueId = 0;

How to implement Time-to-Trigger(TTT) used in LTE Handover modeling? : NetSim Support Portal


while (report)

if (report->nENBId == pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId)

//code modification

enbid = report->nENBId;

ueid = report->nUEId;

//code modification

dSNR = min_elementd(report->dSNR_DL, report->carrier_count);

ueId = report->nUEId;


report = LIST_NEXT(report);

report = (LTE_MEASUREMENT_REPORT*)((LTE_MAC_PACKET*)pstruEventDetails->pPacket-

while (report)

if (report->nENBId != pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId)

double d = min_elementd(report->dSNR_DL, report->carrier_count);

if (d >= dSNR + HANDOVER_DIFF)

if (d > dTargetSNR && isPartofSameMME(pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId, report->nENBId))

tempfavourabledevice = report->nENBId;

dTargetSNR = d;

report = LIST_NEXT(report);

if (devices[ueid]->targetENB == 0)

devices[ueid]->targetENB == enbid;

if (dTargetSNR <= dSNR)

devices[ueid]->time = pstruEventDetails->dEventTime;

else if (dTargetSNR > dSNR)

if (devices[ueid]->targetENB == tempfavourabledevice)

if (dTargetSNR >= dSNR + HANDOVER_DIFF&&isPartofSameMME(pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId,


if (pstruEventDetails->dEventTime - devices[ueid]->time >= TIME_TO_TRIGGER)

devices[ueid]->status = true;

devices[ueid]->time = pstruEventDetails->dEventTime;

How to implement Time-to-Trigger(TTT) used in LTE Handover modeling? : NetSim Support Portal


report = (LTE_MEASUREMENT_REPORT*)((LTE_MAC_PACKET*)pstruEventDetails->pPacket-

while (report)

if (report->nENBId == devices[ueid]->targetENB)

double d = min_elementd(report->dSNR_DL, report->carrier_count);

if (d >= dSNR + HANDOVER_DIFF &&



if (pstruEventDetails->dEventTime - devices[ueid]->time >= TIME_TO_TRIGGER)

devices[ueid]->status = true;

devices[ueid]->targetENB = tempfavourabledevice;

devices[ueid]->time = pstruEventDetails->dEventTime;


else if (d >= dSNR && d < dSNR + HANDOVER_DIFF && isPartofSameMME(pstruEventDetails-

>nDeviceId, report->nENBId))

devices[ueid]->targetENB = tempfavourabledevice;

report = LIST_NEXT(report);

//Free measurement report packet


if (devices[ueid]->status == true && devices[ueid]->targetENB && pstruEventDetails->nDeviceType !=


NetSim_BUFFER* buffer;

NetSim_PACKET* packet;

LTE_MAC_PACKET* macPacket = (LTE_MAC_PACKET*)calloc(1, sizeof* macPacket);

LTE_HO_INFO* request = (LTE_HO_INFO*)calloc(1, sizeof* request);

packet = fn_NetSim_LTE_CreateCtrlPacket(pstruEventDetails->dEventTime,






macPacket->logicalChannel = LogicalChannel_CCCH;

macPacket->MessageType = LTEPacket_HandoverRequest;

packet->pstruMacData->Packet_MACProtocol = macPacket;

packet->pstruMacData->dontFree = true;

macPacket->MessageVar = request;

request->nSourceENB = pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId;
How to implement Time-to-Trigger(TTT) used in LTE Handover modeling? : NetSim Support Portal

request->nTargetENB = devices[ueid]->targetENB;

request->nUEId = ueId;

request->info = fn_NetSim_LTE_FindInfo(DEVICE_MACVAR(pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId, 1), ueId);

((LTE_HO_INFO*)macPacket->MessageVar)->sourceMac = DEVICE_MACVAR(pstruEventDetails-
>nDeviceId, 1);

//Add macout event

buffer = NETWORK->ppstruDeviceList[pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId - 1]->ppstruInterfaceList[1]-


if (!fn_NetSim_GetBufferStatus(buffer))

//Add the MAC out event

pstruEventDetails->dPacketSize = HO_REQUEST_SIZE;

pstruEventDetails->nEventType = MAC_OUT_EVENT;

pstruEventDetails->nPacketId = packet->nPacketId;

pstruEventDetails->nProtocolId = fn_NetSim_Stack_GetMacProtocol(pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId, 2);

pstruEventDetails->nSubEventType = 0;

pstruEventDetails->pPacket = NULL;

pstruEventDetails->szOtherDetails = NULL;

pstruEventDetails->nApplicationId = 0;

pstruEventDetails->nInterfaceId = 2;

pstruEventDetails->nSegmentId = 0;


fn_NetSim_Packet_AddPacketToList(buffer, packet, 0);

devices[ueid]->status = false;

return 1;

6. The new constant TIME_TO_TRIGGER that we have added to the code can be customized as per the requirement
and is currently set to 5 Seconds. Based on the value set, Handover will happen if the difference in signal strength
between the target and serving cell is greater than the Handover Margin(HANDOVER_DIFF) for a time period greater
7. After setting HANDOVER_DIFF and TIME_TO_TRIGGER parameters as per the requirement, right-click on the LTE
module in the solution explorer and select rebuild.
8. Upon a successful build, you will get a new libLTE.dll file in the “<NetSim_Install_Directory>/src/Simulation/DLL”
folder. (this step can be ignored in case of NetSim v11.1 or higher versions)
9. Copy this newly-built DLL file and replace it in the bin folder of NetSim after you rename the original libLTE.dll file
which is already existing there(as a backup). (this step can be ignored in case of NetSim v11.1 or higher versions)
10. Now upon running LTE simulations involving UE handovers, handover will be initiated only if the difference in signal
strength is more than the HANDOVER_DIFF for a time period greater than TIME_TO_TRIGGER  specified by you.
11. You can then run multiple simulations of the same network scenario varying certain parameters such as seed
values, the velocity of devices, etc and take the average Number of Handovers and Throughput. 
12. Record the results of every test case in an excel file and once all the test cases are complete plot graphs of
Number of Handovers versus Speed and Throughput versus speed.

A sample graph that was obtained upon running several simulations with the above code modifications is shown below:
How to implement Time-to-Trigger(TTT) used in LTE Handover modeling? : NetSim Support Portal

N NetSim is the author of this solution article.

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