Penilaian Akhir Tahun (Pat) Sekolah Dasar TAHUN PELAJARAN 2017/ 2018 SD Negeri 2 Sukodono

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari , Tanggal : Senin, 28 Mei 2018

Kelas : V ( Lima) Waktu : 09.30 – 11.00

1. Tulislah nama dan nomor presensimu di lembar jawaban !
2. Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal-soal yang kamu anggap mudah !
3. Tanyakan kepada pengawas apabila ada soal yang kurang jelas !
4. Teliti kembali jawaban kamu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas !

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!
1. “Are you playing tug of war?” a. saya mempunyai beberapa boneka di
The correct translation is …..
b. saya mempunyai catur di ruangan
a. apakah kamu bermain petak umpet ?
c. saya mempunyai beberapa boneka di
b. apakah kamu bermain tarik tambang ?
d. saya mempunyai robot di rumahku
c. apakah kamu bermain kelereng ?
d. apakah kamu bermain lompat tali ?
7. “chess” in English means …..
a. catur c. kelereng
2. She ….. playing ballon. b. robot d. boneka
a. am c. were
b. are d. is 8. “Shape” means….
a. Permainan c. bentuk
3. I like playing ….. in the b. Angka d. nomor
a. marble 9. It is….
b. swing
c. kite
d. cheese
a. ovale c. square
b. triangle d. rectangle
4. They are playing hide
and 10. It is …….
Seek. “Hide and seek”
a. catur
b. layang-layang
c. petak umpet
a. octagon c. rectangle
d. tarik tambang
b. pentagon d. pyramid

5. 11. The shape of an

They are
ice cream is …..

a. oval c. rectangle
a. Tug of war c. marble b. pyramid d. cone
b. Rope skipping d. toy car

12. What shape is it

6. “I have some dolls in my room”
? It is …..
The correct translation is ….. a. octagon
b. pyramid
c. rectangle a. Obat-obatan c. kotak obat
d. cylinder b. bidan d. resep dokter

13. 23. “Disease” in Indonesia is ……

The shape of
the picture is…. a. Obat-obatan c. rumah sakit
b. penyakit d. kesehatan
a. square c. ovale
b. cone d. cube
24. The doctor
uses…. to inject
14. “I can draw pentagon”. The Indonesian
His patients.
means …
a. Saya dapat mewarnai segi lima
a. bandage c. syringe
b. Saya dapat menggambar segi lima b. fever d. tooth
c. Saya dapat mewarnai segienam
d. Saya dapat menggambar segi enam 25. A….. is
15. We can get plane in the….. a place to buy
a. airport c. harbour medicine.
b. railway station d. bus station

16. It is a land transportation.

It has three wheels. It is a ….
a. Car c. train
b. Pedicab d. bus a. drugstore c. toothache
b. syringe d. medicine
17. “Air transportation” means….
a. Transportasi tradisional
b. Transportasi udara 26. Rita has……
c. Transportasi darat She has eaten
d. Transportasi laut much spicy food.
a. toothache
b. headache
18. “Vehicle” means……
c. fever
a. tradisional c. laut
d. stomachache
b. kendaraan d. cepat

19. The fastest transportation is…..

27. These are things in the hospital …..
a. headache, nurse, fever
a. bus c. plane
b. syringe, knife, chair
b. pedicab d. car
c. wheelchair, medicines,syringe

20. These are kinds of land transportation d. computer, nurse, toothache

a. Bus, plane, motorcycle
28. “Dokter bedah” in English means…..
b. Airballon, truck, pedicab
a. Surgeon c. oculist
c. Plane, airballon, train
b. Dentist d. doctor
d. Truck, car, bus

21. She ….. sick yesterday.

29. He ….. a policeman.
a. are c. is
a. is c. was
b. was d. am
b. am d. are

22. “First aid box” means…..

30. is – she – nurse – a
The correct arrangement is……
a. Nurse is a she a. Pamanku seorang dokter
b. She is a nurse b. Meja itu berbentuk persegi
c. She nurse is a
d. She a is nurse
5. Arrange these words to be a good
B. Fill in the blanks!
sentence !
(isilah titik-titik berikut!)
(susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi
1. It is …….
kalimat yang benar!)
school – at – works – teacher - a

2. My brother has ……

3. “sneezing” in Indonesia means……

4. We can get medicine at the …….
5. It is …….

6. “lingkaran” in English means …..

7. I go to school by ….

8. “ becak” in English means…..

9. Ship is ….. transportation.
10. Train is ……. Transportation.

C. Answer the questions below !

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini
1. Mention three kinds of traditional games!
Sebutkan tiga macam jenis permainan

2. Translate these sentences into Indonesian !

Terjemahkan kalimat berikut kedalam
bahasa Indonesia!
a. The shapes of ice cream is cone
b. The shapes of wheels is circle

3. Mention 5 kinds of land transportation !

Sebutkan 5 macam transportasi darat !

4. Translate into English !

Terjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris !

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