Dont Kill Animals Mabel

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I think that no one should kill animals unless they have to do it to survive. I think
this because animals are living creatures and deserve to live long healthy lives.

If you have to hunt for food and that is the only way for you to get food, I think it is
okay. But if you are just hunting for fun I think that you shouldn't. Hunting for sport is
cruel. Hunting disrupts migration and hibernation patterns, destroys animal family
units, and degrades habitats. All animals have feelings from a giant elephant to a tiny

Eating Meat
Studies show that vegetarians live 6-9 years longer than people that eat meat. If
you eat meat you’re more likely to get heart disease and cancer because plant-based
diets have fewer animal products and are high in fruit and vegetables which are packed
with vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and fiber. Also, have you ever tried impossible meat?
It is really good and tastes like real meat!

Killing Bugs
If you find an insect in your house DO NOT KILL IT just let it outside because
while you think that you're keeping your house safe from an ant infestation you're
actually killing an innocent creature on its normal day. And ants play an important role
in the environment. Ants turn and aerate the soil, allowing water and oxygen to reach
plant roots.

I hope that you have learned something from this but even if you have, the next
time you see something that you want to kill or eat, are you going to kill it? You
probably think that you won’t, but you might, so remember: ALL animals have feelings

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