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ESSAY QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS” - 2 Ad AeTUATORS, agit aA, “Robot actuation” and feedback components. troduction, Phoumatic, Hydraulic Actuators... - eno. Explain the term © Answers 2 ae eee "% ing physical changes such a lincar and angular displacements, which is obtained wit the help” ee re aes provides the actual motive force forthe fobot joints and it can also modulate the rte ofan act tthe displacements change, Actuators are driven by one ofthe following thee souees and sede roe (i) Pressurised fluid (hydraulic fluid) (i) Compressed air (pneumatic « Gii)’ Electricity. i e “Contr! ofthe robot manipulator requites the application of the control theory to a mechanical subsystem. ‘Te following are the different types of devices used in a robot control system. Bo (Postion sensors } eee Bee oy vencay nen eae Bee Gi) Actuators Control action (iv), Power transmission devices J components Position and velocity sensors are used in robotics as feedback devices, while actuators and power transmission devices ~ are used to accomplish, the control actions indicated by controller, Feedback components ensures the robot system foc proper “speed control of manipulator during the motion in workspace. 11. Whatare tho different types of actuators used for robots? Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages ‘of pneumatic actuators, 5 Answer : , “Types of Actuators: * Actuator is a device, which provides the actual motive force for the robot joints. Actuators are driven by different power sources ic, electricity: pressurized hydraulic fluid or compressed air. hey produces physical changes such as linear and angular ‘isplacements and also modulate the rate and power associated with changes in displacements. There are three types of actuators, (Hydraulic actuator % oy : (ii) Pneumatic actuz at Gi), Blectric motor. i W) . Hydraulle Actuator segs iianasitn wherein hydraulic energy is used to impart motion is called as hydraulic actuitor. ‘This actuator can produce pein a dtive the manipulator jo thou the use of reeton gearing and can be csily applied fer obit i). Pagurmatic Actuator : “eisaeTbRumitieneuator is powered by moving Oud (i, compressed a ied toa piston, whichis ae p 1y moving uid (ic., compressed air). It uses the force of air applied to a piston, cari ‘o-spool:The ‘working pressure is relatively low as compared to hydraulic actuator. v All) Electele Motor * pers, (a) a Se olor iva Widely used actuator, as it provides excellent contallabilty with minimum maiatenance required. hang ren tse of electric motors are D.C. servomotors, stepper motors and A.C. servoMotOrs. + kes Of Pneumittte Actuators __ is efficient for sinalt voltean, be used to Mi. iy robots; which possesé less degteds of freedom. ‘operate rotational joints. : ‘Scanned with CamScanner obot Actuators and Feedback Components Disadvantages of Paeumatle Actuators i) Pneumatic actuators cannot be used for heavy loads. ¥) |. These actuators are not much reliable, as compared to other actuators. = _ Maintenance of precision parts is very dificult, when they are exposed to polluted environment ss 12. State and describe the gonoral considerations of robot actuators in selection and design. Amswer fe : - Novibee.16, pinoy ‘The general considerations of robot actiators in selection and design ate, “1. An actuator should be able to move the robot links with adequate power and should withstand the loads, that a wt carties.. ‘They must be highly reliable, should possess high accuracy and easier in case of maintenance. ‘The power to weight ratio of actuator must be appropriate, corresponding to the application of robot. An actuator must possess better stability and controllability. ‘They are selected based on the type of motion to be: imparted i.e., translational or rotational. Q13. Discuss the working of following actuators, Pneumatic actuators i) Hydraulic actuators. ‘Answer : 2, 3. pe Si Model Papers. at @ "- Pneumatic Actuators : of mumatic actuator isa power device, used to dive the robot arms, by means of compressed air as working medium. Tht "(ype of actuator is applied to gripper for opening and closing of jaws. Pneumatic actuator operates in the range of 0.1 —0.12 klbi. ‘The schematic diagram of pneumatic actuator control unit is shown it in figure (1), ‘ ¢ ; 58 Pressure gauge “ 4 ae Actuator at ; faint = HD. : | Prenat SeeSatry Dg seine : a Ramee a: 2 Br ‘Present in air. This filtered fers into compress ean mc the tank and it is made to pass through dryet, WM Petra acon into the Aetuator through ‘secondary filter, pres Compressor plays a niflcant roe ‘obtained by the effect of compressed air, en the conto ni of reunat acustg ste ere sroion othe is ‘Scanned with CamScannee Figat (2: Cylinder Type Actuator ‘The emperical lations which help in deciding the tyPe of actustor ate, gage Me 1, Actuator velocity in terms of input Power, foes 2 5 I v=8 . Where, - V-Velocity of fluid : (0 Flow rate of fui. ‘: Force in terms of input power, “pee ref 1 Where, p- Fluid pressure » A~Atea of piston.” Also, the above empirical relations can be used to predict the payload carried by robot at given speed. + (i) Hydranlle Actuators ‘Anactuator, in which hydrailic energy is used to impart ‘motion is called as hydraulic actuator. These actuators are used, where high speed and large forces are desirable. The fluid in the hydraulic actuator is highly incompressible, as a result of which applied pressure is instantaneously transmitted to the member attached to it It consists of a servo valve or pilot valve, ‘hich is considered as the heart of a hydraulic actuator. This valve is capable of producing an oil flow, proportional to the ‘current supplied by a servo amplifier, which enables the piston {move inthe cylinder, producing linear or rotary displacement, Hydraulic actuators are of two types, | +O. Linear or two stage flow actuator . Rotary actuator ar hydraulic motor. ~ Working of a Two Stage Flow Control Servo Vaive Weonsists of a small D.C pe ; .C permanent-magnet torque faa eae jet hydraulic amplifier, intended to _ Produce the motion in the piston cylinder arrangement by proper riot fluid. When current flows, the armature rotates in or counterclockwise direction and alters the position maet defector accordingly. This causes the pressurized fluid to ther the right or left hand side of the cylinder and results Bees difference, that finally moves the mass attached 10 Mass, M Piston. Figura (3): Cylinder-Piston Arrangement in Hydraulic Actuator Q14, How the pneumatic actuators are useful in robotic applications. Explain? Answer : Mode! Papers, cea) Pneumatic actuators are used to drive robot arms and for opening and closing of jaws. The different types of pneumatic actuators used in the robots are, 1. Pneumatic diaphragm actuator 2. Blectro-pneumatic actuator. 1. Pneumatic Diaphragm Actuator Figure: Pneumatic Diaphragm Actuator ‘Figure illustrates the schematic diagram of pneumatic ‘diaphragm actuator. These are employed in many industries and in automobiles for exhaust gas turbo chargers. These actuators } are used due to the following reasons, wo (i) Cheap and simple in construction. (iii) Reduces the problem of miatcrial compatibility, with dry ai. | tis very strong and reliable. ‘Scanned with CamScannee ‘The pneumatic diaphiragm essentially comprises of anu he a aly comp of spheric pressure valve on the other side. The diaphragm: 'S keverally made of rubber and'is placed between the centre. contro! part ofthe ; acts on a valye. The diaphragm acts Against a retum spring which closes of opens, depending upon ‘the Working pressure at outlet, The displacement ofthe actuator. Occurs, when cylinder and diaphragm changes the external foree on the shaft. A position controller is required to control the negative effects that influences the precision of positioning, 2° Electro-pneumatic Actuator Electro-pneumatic actuator is a combination of Pneumatic system and electrical system, employed for Sequencing and controlling applications, The common Components involved in electro-pneumatic systems are, @ _ Actuators and Control Elements at 1 This includes pneumatic cylinders, solenoid operated directional control valves, motors, etc. (i) "Energy Supplying Elements ‘This includes compressor to provide compressed ait and ‘a power supply, whiich may be A.C or D.C source. (iii) Input Elements . ~ This comprises of proximity sensors, push buttons, limit switches and other switches or contactors. (iv) Processing Elements sn : This includes solenoid actuated DC valves; pneumatié or electric converters, relays and logic elements, ‘Working Trespass Suet vae ‘The'above figuré’shows the direct control of a single- jinder, by using an electro-pneuimatic systeni, Asingle Sere Olinderis conucled by 4.3/2 solenoid operated valve: “nitially, on pressing the push button P,, the piston rod moves in the cylinder by the actuation of solenoid valve. As longas the button is pressed, the compressed air is supplied to the cylinder, “Trthe push button is released, the piston returns back tit initial Q16. List out the advantag Answer Advantages of Hydraulic Actuators ‘ 1 AY 8 9. cut the cylinder is exhausted from port3 | 2, They enablé precise control of low speeds. “This system possess many advantages such as, ~ ttean transmit signals to'a larger Jeakage.or losses. Allthe valves the system ean be controlled ceca ~The time taken between transinission and recepyg, ised with the aid of clectro-pneum, re the advantages of using pney, of ai ima 15. Tren n tho robots? ‘< ewer t oie aes | Tn Pnials dite oe reliable, a8 they possess jay moving parts. * | 2. Components of these drives are readily avaiable any air exists abundantly... >. ae 3... Compressed air‘can be handled easly and stored fg, long duration % 4, ‘These drives are very quick in operation and.llows fi ‘running cycles... £ . 52-2 Low maintenarice costs"! a 6.. “It can be employed in explosive ‘areas and in wet” Conditions SE 7, “The design is compact and simple, Hence, they are suitable for small robots. i 8. Power canbe easily available for providing trarsltional ‘movement of sliding joints, 9.» »Sinee, the working medium:is air, the robots are fee from corrosion and dust... é 10. These drives are also, used to operate rotary actuators for rotational joint hydraulic actuators, Dowsbec.-1, (R15), 29(8) | Model Papert, 8 ‘Hydraulic actuajors produces extremely large forces. Frequent stopping, starting and reversing of motion can be obtained, by a single 4-way, 3-position direction’ » _sontrol valve: 1». Ttis possible to obtain controlled or variable torques. Easy to produce, transmit, store, regulate and contol the power, Toke ae 3 Possible to proiluce high power and force amplificatio® i.e., more mechanical advantagey- ts ' ‘Distribution and division of hydraulic power is ease and simple, as comparéd to other actuators. be Safe, compact aid adaptable to other forms of 70" Frictional forces’are inuch less as’ compared 10 # mechanical system, ae High eMiciency of power transmiision ; Generates uniform, smooth and stepless motions Yi high accuracy and precision. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 48. Disadvantages: ‘Hydraulic Actuators . - ee coatr needs large inftastuctre like igh 1. Retire pump, tank, distrbution pipe ins, ee, 4, | More chances of hydraulic fluid leakage, which is * undesirable in a working environment. 3. Rust corrosion band din problems reduces the long-run ‘operations. 4. Hyxtrulic oils may pose fire hazards. << s ‘requirements. &MRREaaT may our due tothe high pressure 7... Manufacturing cost of hydraulic system is high, since, ~~ parts require high degree of precision machining. 8 Hydzaulic power is not readily available, a compared “tweleetic power, ete. 9, Hydraulic oil characteristics changes with temperature 10. __ Hydraulic oil causes corrosion of metal components. ‘G17. Adouble acting hydraulic rotary vane or bucket actuator is used for a twist joint in a robot. The ‘outer and inner radius of the vane is 2.5mm and 0.75 mm respectively. Thickness of the vane is (0.2mm. The hydraulic power source can generate ‘upto 1000 kg/mm? of pressure to delivery to the cylinder at the rate of 100 mm’/min, determine the angular velocity and torque generated by the actuator. Also, find the power developed by the: ‘ydraute actuator. ‘Anower ies tat : ~* Inner radius of vane, r = 0.75 mm. Outer radius of vane, R = 2.5mm. he Thickness of vane, = 0.2 mm Discharge rate, Q= 100 mm/min = 1.667 mm?/see i _ Pressure, P = 1000 kg/mm? : ape mh 23" -0.75)})x02 £0 =2.931 radisce een =p Pie» nee ~ }000991)xa2,a5p- 259)" ‘ ROBOTICS [JNTU-HYDERABAD] Power developed by hydraulic actuator is piven by, PQ 1000, 3 1000%9.81)«¢ 667) 1000 J Py = 16353 W Py Pov ‘ peo ae a are, Explain slectrlc and stepper motor actuators, Answer Modal Peper, an) Electric ‘actuator is a device, which uses electrical energy, to impart motion. Electrical actuator system has the following subsystems, LL Switching Devices (@)" Mechanical Switches (Solenoids Gi) Relays, (b) Solid State Switches @ Diodes Gi) Thyristors +. (ii) Transistors. 4 2. -> Drive Systems 4 @ D.Cmotors (©) Stepper motors and A.C motors. D.C Motors ‘D.C motors are straight forward to interface and control. ‘ “A.C motors and stepper motors” are rarely used, because A.C. motors are difficult to control and stepper motors have low torque capability. Stepper motor cannot be used for Cartesian space trajectory tracking operations. (b) - Stepper Motors ‘The stepper motor is a digital device which converts electrical pulses into proportionate mechanical movement. It is a permanent magnet or variable reluctance D.C motor. It ‘moves in accurate equal angular inerements, known as “steps” in response to the application of digital pulses to an electric drive Circuit. The number and rate of pulses control the position and ‘speed of the motor shaft, Stepper motors are manufactured with steps per revolution of 12, 24,72, 144, 180 and 200 resulting in shaft increments of 30°, 15°, 5°, 2.5°, 2° and L 8° perstep. Ttisusedin digitally controlled position control system in open loop mode, ‘The input command isi the form ofa train of pulses to wma shaft through a specified angle. Its either bipolar or unipolar An bipolar, two power sources required, whereas in unipolar Single power source used. Stepper motor produces less than ‘one horse power hence, they are used in low-power position @ control applications. This motor consists of a slotted stator ‘having multipole.raulti-phase, winding and a rotor structure ‘Scanned with CamScannee ~ UNIT-4" Robot Actuators’ and Feedtiack Components The rotors may be ofthe permanent, reluctance type. This motor operate with an external drive logic Sreuit. When a train of pulse is applied to the input ofthe drive Siteuit, the circuit supplies. ‘Currents to the stator windings of the ‘motor to make the axis of the ai-gap field around in coincidence with: the ‘input pulses. The rotor follows the axis of the air-gap Magnetic field by virtue of the permanent magnet torque or the reluctance torque depending upon the pulse rate and Tood torque. : Advantages) ‘i ©. High compaibitity wih digital systems, (i) No sensors are needed for position and speed sensing. Gil) _ It can be readily interfaced with microprocessor. iv). Rotation can be possible ‘in both directions, Applications Positioning of print heads. i) Pens in X-Y plotters: Gi) “Recording heads in computer disc drives. Gv) Paper feed motors in type writers and printers. (©) Positioning of work tables and tools in NC machine tools. wi Employed to perform functions like metering, mixing, cutting, blending, stirring, ete. 19. What are the different types of electric actu- ~ ators used in robots? Explain their relative advantage: 4 Answer : 3 ‘Types of Electric Actuators F Electric actuators are classified into three types. They ae, 2 1. D.C servo motor 2. A.C servo motor 3. Stepper motor. Relative Advantages of Differeat-Types of Actuators +. Relative advantages of different types of actuators are. as follows,, z Be es: 1. Its easy to interface and control @ D.C motor: 2," “Uniform torque rating for a D.C motor; , 3. D.C motors are simple and highly reliable, 4. © D.Cmotors provide higher power to weight ratio and s+» have high acceleration, : ‘ 5. AC motors uses neither a Gomimitator nora brush, 6.© In AC motors, rotational movement is possibie in “reverse direction also. Ree ae 7. Better heat diseipaton eapacity in case Of A.C moigrs, 8. Nominal speed is kept constant in A.C motors. 9. ‘Stepper motors arg extensively employed in. robotic. 10.. Stepper motors are highly eo bee ide a rotational ‘ML, Stepper motors provide 2 rotational movereng 1 etre ua anglers. os 12. _No,sensor is required for position and speed Semingig = stepper motors. 3 20, Explain the workirig of AC servomotor, Answer: ” ‘A.C Servo Motor oe : AC servo motor is essentially a two phase induct motor, except with variation in the constructional features gp the rotor, which is of drag, cup type. It possess low ineris ang good accelerating characteristics and hence; mostly prefered for low power applications. ‘ a Mosel Pons cog AC servo motor is shown in figure. Ithas two windings ive,contol and reference winding. The contol volage Vis give, 4s inpist voltage to the control winding through the amplifier. Tae fixed voltage ¥, is given to the reference winding. The phase diference between the fixed voltage andthe control vokage is 5% The torque 7, is developed, due to the control voltage. Jeni are the moment of inertia of the motor and coefficient of frictsm respectively, The output 9, isthe angular displacement of them and «i the coresponding angular velocity. - 3 Control winding Figure: A.C Servo Motor Representatio | Mayldune-t3, «ORL f Explain the working of D Anewsr + fee D.C Servo Motor sige DCrewo neers whit are used in crvo systems tec seroma serene ae a “ih ao ly etn Cnt ‘Scanned with CamScanner ROBOTICS [JNTU-HYDERABAD] igure: D.C Servo Motor i : Fe 7 ni windings, the magnetic field is induced in it. This induced field Fi ce pontncn napica Tae dlfcace in mugen Bold jodoresnngoe onthe Tot The {orque produced by the rotor will be coastant throughout the rotation, since; the field strength depends on the function of current. +.” The torque of the D.C servo motor is given 2s, : TAO=EASO : Where, : Hl T,, Torque produced. ; Armature current, 2, —Motor’s torque constant. 22. What do you mean by linear stepper motor? Explain. 7 “Answer ‘a Linear stepper motor is designed with a flat sirfice, as shown in figure below, which cauises its motion along the straight line, e g $ Faer 1 pis Sgt Ay x Figure: Linear Stopper Motor f linear stepper motor are as follows, {teeth and its lengtly determines the distance, that Stepper motor and has a movable armature consisting of (our sccordance with the teeth of the platen. The foréer and the platen hanical roller bearings. The f the contact and rides. ‘Scanned with CamScanner UNIT-4- Robot Actuators and Feedback Components move is et Be eutent is passed through the col of the forcer (ce., armature), its magnetic fie Ce iatrent tases ar) path by the movement of set of tooth with respect to next set above the pl e direc Fon OF the force ‘rene: when he curent supply is reversed Ie cet flaw sapped, fecer ends to aign wih he deat fet {DE Motor moves smioothly in either forward (or) reversed direction, depending upon the pattem of ‘energizing de-energizing of the field coils in ‘the linear stepper by the motor controller. ms Q23. Distinguish between DC motor and tepper motor, Answer : The comparison between stepper motor and D.C motor drives is as follows, ‘Stepper Motor Tag © D.C Motor Drives ay ‘A Stepper motor is an electromechanical device Whi fs B ‘AD motor drive is an electromechanical devicg actu inuoUs step movements of shafts in ‘which conveiis electrical energy into mechanical _| Fesponse to continuous input pulse, 3 energy. 2 | Stepper motor isa form of synchronous machine. - | 2.*| D.C motors a form of D.C machine fi 3. | These motos are designed with multipole, mutphase | 3, | Eletrical-D.C motor consists of stator (ctationary pan) ‘stator windings,” ‘and rotor (rotating part). ‘ 4] Imtis motor, rotor is type of permanent magnet. | 4. | tn this motor, stator is a type of permanent magnet” 5: | Stepper motors rotates with known angle of 5. | D.C motors rotates with constant speed at varying rotation called as ‘step angles’, Toad. SNE ae 3 & | They require microprocessor citeuit for rotation. _ | 6. | They require electric curent for rotational movement 7. | Power to weight ratio is low. Power to weight ratio is high. 2 Ttis used in robots, when small amount of power and'| 8: torques are needed. é Stepper motors are rarely used in indusirial robots. | 9, . Compare stepper motor with an A.C servo m It is used in robots, whien uniform torque is needed. D.C motors are oftenly used in industrial robots. ‘tor In respect of torque and speed characteristica, > ‘Stepper Motor A.C Servo Motor 3 ‘Torgue-speed characteristies of an A.C servomotoris linear, as shown in figure, ‘Torque-speed characteristics of a stepper motoris | 1. ‘non-linear, as shown in figure, Seed Figure: Torque-speed Charnetersiies AAs the speed of the motor increases, the torque significantly decreases, Torque to inertia ratio is low.» _ Figure: Torque-speed Characteristics ‘The torque increases or decreases Jinearly with respect ta speed. é te Tora to inertia rato is high, : This sui ble for both low and high speed torque. | It his high output power relative to motor size and. weight. 4 weight BOA ete oc he ‘Noise is produced, when motor runs at moderate or |. 6, lean accelerate the loads abruptly. Such as encoders, resol ‘Scanned with CamScanner 1 2 anguish between D. D.C Shunt Motor we Field winding is ih the armature < jon of D.C shunt 2. rnit representation of pal shown in the following figure. hy ‘Shunt field Figure: D.C Shuot Motor The voltage and current equations are, 3 nmin catent I, =f, —1y Where, I, — Line eurrent ve fee co Jy Sha field current Terminal voltage, V=E, +1, R, winding consists of large number of | 4. tums of thin wire having high resistance due to ‘hich it caries a small current. . | Shaxat motors are also known as constant speed | 5. sotos, 25 thé torque developed is directly | propotiocal to speed i.e. Tre yoy 45 . ‘Slarting torque is low. 6. | Shuat motors can be started on no-load. 7 }D.C shunt motors are used in centrifugal pumps, | 8. {eciprocating pumps, fans, blowers, etc. E shunt motor and D.C series motor. ROBOTICS [JNTU-HYDERABAD) Model Papert, an(a) D.C Series Motor al motor the field winding is Connetted ith the armature. i representation of a D.C series motor is shown in the following fig Figure: D.C Series Motor ‘The voltage and curreat equations are, ‘Terminal voltage, V=E,+1(R, +R, Series field winding consists of few tus of thick wire having low resistance, due to which, it carries full armature current Series motots are also known as variable spéed motors as the torque developed varies inversely with the speed i.e. tet a " Starting torque is high. 3 Series motors cannot be started without load. D.C series motors are used in traction work, dri hoist trains, excavators, cranes, etc. 25, Distinguish betwen : ” hydraulic couse and ste lepper motors, used for joint actuation in robots. Hydraulic Drives Electrical Drives 2 Thea ‘used for large robots thi f Scr ia oe . "| These poss 1.°| Electrical drives obtain their power from electricity. 2..| Mase ate used for robots ofall sizes. | "These possess excellent controllability and precision. . | Reduction gears are used. _| Low or negligible maintenanc No leakage, thus, beter for clean koom application, .Oceupies less floor space,” sat “These drives can be used to actuate both rotational ‘and linea joi ‘Scanned with CamScanner @ pitch of 0.040 mm and micro stepping Is used to divide this distance Into 490 micro steps (i.., one micro step nioves ‘the motor 0.0001 mm), what pulse frequency must be applied to the motor to achlove * velocities from 0 to 60 mm/s? . Answer : . Resolution, R= 0,0001 mm ‘Velocity, = 60 mm/s The degree of step angle is given as, ‘Number of step angles, N= ‘The pulse count is given by, “ ‘As Where, N, = Number of revolutions ~ 1 1360 er 09, = 400 pulses ‘The pitch, P=0.04 mmmovement rotates the shaft by one revolution. The movement for 60 mm/s velocity is given by, = 0.0025 = 600 * 10? pulses/see 28, A'D.C servo motor is used to actuate speed of "a robot joint. It has torque constant of 10 mm- kg/A and voltage constant of 12 V/Kr/min (1 Kr! min = 1000 r/min). The armature resistance Is 2.5 Q. Ata particular moment during the robot “eycle, the joint is not moving and a voltage of 25 Vis applied to the motor, (a) | Determine torque of the motor immediately : after the'voltage Is applied. : \ (Bb) Asthe motor accelerates, the effect of back-emf _" Isto reduce the torque. Determine the back emfand corresponding torque at 250 p.m and 500 r.p.m. : a the torque andthe . (c) - Sketch a graph between ‘Answer! Give that, ‘Torque constant, K, =10mm-kyA 5 : 10981 * 10%Amm” ; © =0,0981 Nemv/A, Voltage constant, K, = 12 V/Kr/min | 1210? Kicpam + Armature resistance, R, = 2.5 Initial voltage, V,,=25°V ‘Torque after Voltage is Applied ‘The torque applied is given by equation as, T.-K, (a) Initially speed of rotation, a= 0 Kun) Tae Ry 0981x25 — aba. oe 7,=0981 Nm 4 Back emf and Torques at 250 p.m and 500 rpm ‘When speed of rotation, @ = 250 rpm Back emf, e,=K,a S “12 2109x250 =3V OO) Soe Trae 7, = Seca ee Bot - 0.0981x(25—3) es Adee ae zy VERE =0863. | T= 0.863 Nem of rotation, @ = S¢ Pe eee ett 25 ‘Scanned with CamScannee ROBOTICS [JNTU-HYDERABAD] too 200 300400 S00 Speedie) Fire Tern Ve Spend == ae = 29. Classify the various feedback devices used in robotics. Model Papert, 5a) “Answer 5 ors acts feedback devices to contol the actions ofthe manipulator arm and an end effector. + Various feedback devices are classified into two types. They are, 1. Tactile sensors oF contact type robotic sensors. It includes, A. Ronee sensors, 2. Position sensors 5 3. Torque sensors 9 Tooch sensors: Nine man esnips It includes, * eee Range imaging sensors, - ae ee i Block dlsgrame uns atone ‘between a closed-loop and an Spankor robot contol ope ils of the actuator, encoders and type of actuator, motion control signals. Answer: ‘congo system isan arrangement. ae ‘of physical ino eooncesd related in such a manner OF fegulat itself or another system. A control sysiem consists of following elements, : ©. Controtied variable control system consists o lowing ¢l ration ‘command, direct ‘Scanned with CamScanner Tip Reference input iv), Acting sina i (u). Disturbance {vir System ertor quip Pevatback elements 1 Control system are tivo types. They ate Fi 1, Opes-loop control system" 44, Closeillnop control system Closed-loop Control Systenn® “Phe differences between AN ‘open-loop robot contol systern and cl ‘Dpsi-toop Robot Control SYNE _ Differences between. Open-loop ™ {ose-loop robot cont Tetating rh ‘sap In fin ~ Control p (esa) EE as system 5, | ‘the etianges in outpt due to external ances. | 2+ ‘phe changes in output due Tre not corrected automatically. si ¢ are ‘corrected automatically. ~') 3.) Accurate and reliable. ‘ 3. Inaccurate and unreliable. 4, | Complex and costlier. 4. | Siinple and economical «5, | Greater efforts are required to desigy@ stable systert. 5. | ‘They are generally stable. 6, | Peedbaek devices are essential ‘Absence of feedback devices. 1,-| terror detector is necessary. ror detector is absent. ities. 4, | Reduced effect of non-linearities. Figure (1) shows a block diagram of a control sys (enrages ree or a sa eantet Figura (1) ~ © the inpat command is the defined position, to whi : a hy, © ofthe, 4 ‘ena |, 10 which the rseiad to mi coe fame a a node ons of the Join controller is carried ON alternate Variable isthe actualy a shale ,, encoders, motion control signal, cle. The load di ¥y a microprocessor (shown b: dotted line! 1 + forgue generated by the motor. The term J is the total inertia of | lue to gravity acting on the, ah a tine arm and load. P-l-D (Proportional-Integral-De ia of the system (kg: on the arm by *H¥" and is 9 contolle. Damping is eonroled by dtaaing td gain of Gchornete, © y= Propetional sin» iive) control is used for ea k, integral gait rf hye Tachometer win eats acct auLin-owe JOURN! FOR ENGINEERING Sra ey ‘Scanned with CamScanner i ROBOTICS [JNTU-HYDERABAD] vets top TUL rstion eat Owe Las PTL + ke + * R t > a a : ap k Pk = 7 Techonieter : ey = z 4 ‘ = gna ety Figure (2: Block Diagram of a Robot Joint © The implementation of the controller is doné by ‘microprocessor. Itreads the value of velocity and position from feedback “devices and compare it with desired parameter. The error signa is multiplied with integrator and proportional gains to generate @ ‘command signal for power amplifier which drives the electric motor. The quantity of load may change during working cycle. The microprocessor performs computations in support ‘of control function, to determine the appropriate value of damping constant | for change in load mass. Z 031. Explain about position'sensors. Answer : Model Papers, 20(0) Tey most cases of robotics, a primary interest is to control the posit of the arm. There is a large variety of devices “available for sensing position such as potentiometers, resolvers and encoders. Sensor isa transducer used to make a measurement cof physical variable. The position sensor is used to know the position of each joint and end effector. The movement of joint can ‘be either linear or angular, depending on the type of robot. “ : po There ‘are two types of position sensors. They are, (i) Absolute position sensor . a ii) “ Incremental position sensor. $ ‘The common type of position sensor is potentiometer. |. Potentiometer 5 ; Itis a simplest device that can be used to measure position. “Potentiometer” is an analog device, whose output voltage is proportional tothe postion (angular or linear) of a wiper. They may be either linear or angular tyPe. car th 7 Figure (1: Linear Wire Wound Potantimetor Fore Raa Wire Wound Potton ‘Scanned with CamScanner UNIT~ Robot Actuators and Feeih: 1ck Compor tS 3 Potentiometer is used in robots to monitor elher angular ‘on ofa sevolute joint or linear position ofa prismatic joint. Above figures show linear and rotary wire wound. porentiometers. By applying a D.C voltage (V,) across the Enlite resistance R, the vallage Vis proportional tothe linear or sorry distance of sliding contact or “wiper” from reference point A, : Po’ Mathematically, VV, 5 Where, 1 ~Resistance of coi between the wiper and the reference, Fe ry aa 932. Explain the principle of working of resolvers. : ‘ Hon, are) OR £ «Discuss the principle of a resolver. ows vc2, (09), 710) | May/Junet3, (Rts), 26) Model Paper, a5), ‘Resolver’ is a robotic sensory’ device, which is analogical in nature. It is an internal state sensor, whose outputis Proportional to the angle of a rotating element with respect toa ‘fixed element point. Itisa form of ‘synchro’ in which, the stator and rotor windings of the resolver are displaced mechanically at 90° 10 each other. It consists a single rotor and two stator ‘witidings, 28 shown in figure below. ‘Figure: Electrical Circuit of a Resolver Characteristics ‘a poe sists of devices used 10 measure position, velocity tit teceleraon of robot jot ‘or end effector. 2. Theresolver converts available A,C sigaal into a digital SS fom et Pies Scag. Med “3. ‘Tracking Synchro-to-Digital (SD), converts available signal into a velocity output. slteliminates the separate input and output i 6. ‘Itean be used a¥ an incremental encoder, 7. . Aresolver produces torque output. Itperforms all the synchronous func Q33, Whatare the difforenttypes of opti Explain thom briefly. Answer: Optical Encoders ens Optical encoders are the devices commonly sensors, which converts the linear or angular disp into digital signals. ' : They are grouped into two categories, “1. Absolute encoders. 2.” Incremental encoders. Absolute Encoders |” : These are used to sense actual position with respect fixed frame of reference. Foreach increased value of resol different output digital signal is obtained 4 ‘The constructional details of absolute encoders are, ‘They comprises of multiple track light source, a mult- track receiver and multi-track rotary disc. The tacks con-the dise are in the form of circular slots and radal sectors to produce the digital signals. - “ Gi) “The LED-photodiode pairs, depending on the ‘number | of tracks, are provided around the tracks; to avoid the signal interference. fas ms, Used ag ems L @ Gi) The slots of tracks are of transparent and opaque, represented with codes 1 and 0 respectively. Thus, the: ‘output digial signal obtained is a binary code signal. ‘Number of bits in the binary code = Number of tracks ondise, “ geil (vy © Example’: An absolute encoder has 9 tracks on'dise. 7 ‘Therefore, it has 9 bits in its binary code. ‘Number of positions that can be detected S e512 : ej si (W) > They are also calléd absolute transducers, whi h eg the, Position to be sensed directly. " (91). The main problem with the absolute encoders ist the output values rapidly changes, daring power conditions. © ‘ _Increméntal Encoders ce ‘These ae use to sense the actual position wi tothe previous position, For each increased value of _Same output signal is obtained. ‘The. Construction details of inctemental encode ()_ - These encoders comprises of a disc, encoder shi motor. The disc and moto Resolution of encoder = ‘Scanned with CamScanner ROBOTICS [JNTU-HYDERABAD} ated such that, has alternate transparent and opaque slots. When the dise is rotated, the The die trough transparent slots and thus, ouput signals are produced. ° " ‘These signals are then transmitted o the counter, to know the mimber of putes or signals obtained, which results i the : determination of total angle of rotation ofthe shaft. : © iv) The resoltuion of incremental encoder i, _Basicresahion = 222° : : Where, : ‘ri—Number of sectors an dise (each sector is half transparent and half opaque) : (©) Generally an incremental encoder consists of 2500 sectors on it dite and with basi resolution of 0.144" The resolution ‘dnd sccuracy canbe improved by using multiplier circuits and many other techniques. ‘Example: I'the incremented signal factor i 4”, then the resolution of encoder is 0.036°. oe AO ight sources. § sand detectors MOF = |pise Shaft Figura (a: Absolute Optical Eneoder Shaft (Conditioning EA Photo electonic FH detector = LD : ss Figure (bl: Ineremental Encoder se soH ii (Q34. Explain about construction and working of absolute encoders. Answer: s ‘Absolute. encoders consists of a photo transmitter, photo receiver and a rotating dise connected to the motor shaft. The diseis vided with opaque and transparent slots, which are known as tracks. Both these slots are arranged alternately, such that, te oie pray the encoder results in a binary code, Tracks are surrounded with LED pairs to avoid the turbulence in ‘Scanned with CamScanner Ss PMR cate Beg 8 RE eg ng ee ae tee UNIT-4 “Robot Actuators and Feedbnck Comporionts © The above fis + Nutnber oF increments pos And rslaton or angular width ofeach increment = 32° = 140° » Hence, angular displacement is measured directly ftom the encoder. eYez a a ntanaaeE (ii) Tactile sensors. Answer: @ ‘Velocity Sensors ~ ‘Velocity sensor is a device used in control system of a robot as feedback of velocity information. Example of velocity. ‘sensor is a D.C tachometer. ° A tachometer is essentially an A.C generator providing an output voltage proportional to the angular velocity of the ax. ‘mature. I is described by the relation, VO=kO-@ Where, ; V9 ~ Output voltage of the tachometer (Volts) ‘A{0) ~ Tachometer constant (Vol rad/see) ‘@— Angular velocity (rad/s): e age and its response to disturbances, D.C tachometer provides a voltage output proy (i) Tactile Sensors ‘Tactile sensors are tie contact type sensors used for detecting the contact ofan ol an additional information about the object such os shape, size or material. These sensi arrange in max form or anay fr, Hach sensor omits of ies main pars, “sensor operates, the plunger in displaced, which blocks the projection of the light from LED. in an output of th ight sensors, which is proportional tthe plunger displacement, Similarly, when Seetae fs a basis for determining the shape, sensors gives different signals. This provi sensors aro applicable in measurement of force, torgue,pressue, dsplaeémeny ete j ee These ser I er ‘ i lacement, etc, And, based om their appli different tactile sensors ate LVDTS, pressure sensors, for igure (2) shows a 3 bit dise in which, transparency Is taken a 7 Wacky crsunnels on the dise are same as the number of bts on the code, which is proportional to the angle made bythe shaft, Ay ge ATE cual to bit, resolution of this encoder depends on the number of tracks marked-on the dise. : ‘ Example: muinber of tracks = then number af hits will also be équa to ‘8. ions that can be detected per.reyolution= 2* « |_*_ Tachometer is used o provide velocity information to the controller This ean be used for performing velodity control 2 device or in many cases, fo increase the value ofk, (gain constant inthe system, there by improving the stability ofthe sysieg rons tothe amature rotational velocity (analog deviee funeton, wh ‘digital D.C tachometer provides a pulse train output of a frequency proportional to the ; reais ae seri mn “1 anid opaqueness as ‘0". The number of =? = 256 bjet with the manipulator. It also OFS consists of a series of touch sense fin LED, sensor and a plunger. When Sensor makes a contact with an object, diffe ‘izo'or material of an object. sensors, etc, ‘Scanned with CamScanner want ped esi dei bony lant eta types Tey ae, 4, Bletrea!Tachometers == ; 130 oashanyaelaatyiaae denser ona te Principle of force and torque :|, (Contact rod proximity sensor : 7 oer 2... Non-contact proximity sensors ° "Anewer s a o + (@) Optical proximity sensors Foreefforque Sensory (©), Capacitive sensors + ©) Fibre optic scanning sensors i ilizes the principle of strain Hall-ffect sensors fue. When a force is applied on a stan gauge it sense @ ing the resistance of i x (©) Inductive sensors por rear’? of i The amount of change depends era (9. Eddy curent sensors °(@) Pneumatic sensors (®)_ Scanning laser sensors. Red Proximity Sensor | HUGE The sensor conists often ‘sensor utilizing strain ular rings ie, i Ree end-effector | Contact or. AS the force is applied on w a Finer g MANC® a oe end of ing The chaste 4] | pincometer lM the movement of the needle of ‘Scanned with CamScanner UNIT~4. Robot Actuators and Feedback Component A simple type of contact proximity sensor is shown in figure, It ally comprises of a r° ; a gure, It essentially comprises of a ftom one end and a monitoring component (ie, switch to change the position of an object, located inside the body Of sensor. The ‘monitoring component can algo be placed anywhere on robot's arm or Wrst. Initially, due to moyement of arobods manipulte, the rod comes in contact with an object or obstacle, by which the sensor becomes active. Tis results in change of state of switch, Ge., ON/OFF) and is monitored by robots input or output interface, to perform required operation or task: 5 _ This type of sensor, enables he sensing of obstele and object simultaneously. However, coniact proximity sensor cao, give any information about the naturé of shape of either object or obstacle. But, theuse of arrays with this type of devices furnish, some degree of object recognition. —— : | | Q41, Describe the working of optical proximity sensor.» i : . ef | | | Answer ite ‘A:simple type of non-contact proximity sensor is shown in figure (1) It operation is based on the principle of reflection, light from an object,An optical proximity sengor comprises a source of light», LED and a detector (usually photodiode). These are fitted symmetrical towards one another and are separated at a distance of about 8 to 10 mim. The light rays coming from the ‘Source and detector, intersects on the same plane in the form of long cone like volume, which defines the'sensor field operation: “The cones of light is reflected and intersected by a reflective surface: Thus, the reflective surface is illuminated by the source and geen by the receiver simultaneously. Proximity can also be moitored in several directions suchas beneath and ahead of robot's » hand, if'many sensors are used and are placed on a robotic gripper. =, nee aS ‘A graph is plotted to show the variation between the object distance'from thé réceiver and a photo detector voltage. “! 242, Expl Answer! ine mat choos _pddy Current Sensors” sets obs Poeeteiar a, : ae ructing plate is placed between the two magnetizit i, “to the di “aig set acs a psy Set lads Se oes ea oe “generated eddy current wil b propational fo te velocity of the conducting plate nd it will viry with respect tt rs ysically eddy cuenSensors ate oftwotypes, They arg 098 Rady current tachometer : ‘Scanned with CamScanner "Paty Current of te eddy carrest tachometer is to The operation of eae dy current hype achomneter is shown in ‘ Figen dy Corest Tachometer = The eddy carvent tachometer cousists Of a permanent magnet, it can be either two pole or multiple pole magnet ” Magnet is positioned on coe cod of the shaft and free end of ‘shat is od to make contact with the rotor whose angular ‘velocity isto be measured An eddy coment cup which is nothing ‘pets conducting material is located the magnet It is carried by ¥,— Vector potential ‘ill be damped. As a result the amplitude decreases. With and ‘without a conductor in the presence of field prodnced by the ‘coil, the impedance of the LC oscillator circuit becomes high and low. So, the current becomes low ad high respectively. ‘The following characteristic curve shown in igure (3) which is ‘drawn between the oscillator current znd distance of conductor from the coil shows low and high values of carext. ‘When he sais in contact with actor (which s rotating), ‘te sha seme along wit magact. Du to this fx passes through, - the cap Wt the change inthe rotation of he magnet the rection of aldeced fix ako changes causing the alicmate fax density (B) ‘wéevelopia the cap. Therefore, an cecaric fel is produced with (tera of change of fr density B. eB Cat E = ‘Then clot fed wil generate ely corent inthe shell The generated eddy current density is indicated by e trees aainY magaetic ld of eat H. teition D aaner aes Tyco ; intensity Hd ety Fe CWB RS ty i Dae to these two magnetic fields a torque is generated * Se ASI wc propria othe engl y Current cop is restrained by torsion spring, Se sointsdefecion of spindle occurs and is indicated over 8 Figsre (3: Carve Showing Carreat Vs Distance Characteristics ‘conductor size should be sufficiently large so that the varudons produced by this sbould wot aet the expt ‘current. The conductor should have greater thickness than skin depth ds, which is given bo con ae abc 0 OED sts do altrated wale by pointer, 2 ‘Scanned with CamScannee {uni “5 Reber Abpcaton in nontce ; z s Q9, Sipait oa obelocks gsinumhgepermee teat a s ee Answer 2 ¥ © pitov 1000218, (R18), QTD) | Mode! Papert, a10(ay, Machining isa metal working process in which ihe shape of the part ib chinged by removing material with acuting tool in generally secondary process to produce final form alter primary process such as casting ot forging provides basic shape of = ‘There area numberof different machining processes s mt afin, ling ng, shaping, plein sd riding : Robots used to perform the loading and unloading functions in machining operations. The robot is typically engaged to load a raw workpigce i in to machine tool and to unload the finished part at the completion of the machining cycle. The features” - “0 Saal gros -- Gi) Upto six joint motions (Git) . Good repeatability siler ea (iv). Pelletizing and depalletizing capacity (Wy “Programming features ete What are the considerations of Robots in processing applications? 5 i OR What are the considerations of robots in material handling? pata be ein ier fools ins () Part Positioning and Orientation sence eine Speman netsh w Gripper Design.» favs iy y For the pick and place operation, Sisingushedendefetore “Minimum Distance Travel _ “The distanc# traveled by the psn the material handing operation should be minimum. ™ Robot Work-Volume Tbe amount of work caried ou Robot Weight Capaclty. Fi, Se ase nhetatirererntin seit 1&9: ‘Scanned with CamScanner Tachine Optimum Utilisation: i" ‘Atypicl pallet configuration ie shew tiga belo Bach ooo aaaee ona beetecivetisnceary taal | stn is ped aa difee imatom rte pallet be vate a ‘he equipments inthe cll should be used at optimum | In carton location isin hee dis versions, ‘The pullers ate i a tacked on topof eae other in layers, strom in fang Jer to ensure the optimum utilisation of | che fie mbots should work effectively, 1 Configuration, DOF's, Control, ete j esd, ies degree of freedom’s are required in the aaerovans of machine lating. tn the ‘operation of ae snd picking pa fiom conveyors, the © Pepitementsforeontol are more complicated. “Qt, Describe the materlal handling Operations. — Answer 3. eae NowsDec.-17, (R13), Q10(a) | “Material handling operations involve usage of robots to ‘move the parts from and tothe machine and to load or unload, the pars from the machine, The three main operations are, "Machine Load or Unload : ‘While doing operation on.a production machine, the loading of raw materials and unloading of finished products is done by ‘robots This reduces the human effort and ensures minimum “wastage of time. For example, in case of machining operation, ‘the job to be machined is fixed in the machine and the final part is ‘collected by the robot after completion of finishing operations. (2. Machine Loading“ 7°”: : % this operation; the robot only loads the raw materials fr schicng. wbile the fished pars are collected by separate The robot is to be programmed to perfortn desiced Pattern in palletizing operations. Also, sensuts are incorporated 1 identify carton locations td thei delivery pot, Depalletizing operation is the reverse of paltetiing, in which, the robot removes cartons from a palles and places thera onto a conveyor or other location, a—a—r—— Q13. Explain simple pick-and-place operation of the robot. ANSWER 5 (NowDec.A7,(R12}, Q10(e)| Modal Papert, Ct02 In pick-and-place operation, the robot pickups the part at one location and moves it to another location. The part is available to the robot by mechanical feeding device or belt ‘conveyor in a known location and orientation. A simple lirsit switch is used to stop the component to allow the part to be | stipped by robot. The robet then moves and ponition the pat sta | desired ocation The retaton ofthe par remain banged m ing luring the travelling. The basic operation 1s shown in figure. i _ Example: Die casting and plastic moulding a an) nth ut thal borane of bacon i 10 order to itmprove the préduttion rates, the robot rrequited to lift component from pickup point and put it dow at | Bssisted workhouse is, developed, in which, a production the drop-off point and second DOF is needed to move the part Ie desioneden es Sto ate located. These workhouses ate between these two positions. In some cases, a reorientation of | | | | “sere, lis operation, the rw materials are loaded by some “extemal sources and finished parts are unloaded by a robot. 3 es for different operations. Some are designed | the component is accomplished during the move perind. ‘ub tht same identical pars ate produced, while, in some | =— ovkhouse, diferent types of models on different machines erent times are In oth eases, robot plays key z ace eh NoviDeeea7 ay.) | » tor mlttnaetial transfer application frobot; pallets are used | | Grmateal hadtng and serge merge te Norage. ‘containers Fill ona ral, ned ef handing nities error ote Moved mechanically within the manufacturing Sanding on nse forklift trucks or conveyors, The only pce indivi cartons aries, when the component , Maite cy cra nn i is onto al ‘Scanned with CamScanner UNIT:5 Robot Application In Manutacturt “sia * Q14. Dincuss the use of Industrial robote In (i) Degrees of freedom © > : + Gasting operation. - ey ‘To manipulate and potition the port in the machine tog), ~Anawer 1 2 robot requires more number of degrees of freedom of the arm, © Die-cast products comprise withthe bull components |‘ wrist : : ‘ ‘manuftctured by the automobile industry auch as engine parts, | (il) Good Repentability ; ‘ete. Robots plays a vital role in automated die-casting operation ‘To position the part into chuck or other work holding ‘with respect to, devices; robot requires comparatively high level of precision, _- “A. Cost-effectiveness. sie ‘| dv) Palletizing and Depalietizing Capabilities 2. Improved working conditions, ‘Tho use of robot is to} las the sew wor pare coal 3. Quick product changes etc, 4 (palletizing) and move it to the work cel remove | Uses of Robot in Dle-casting : swork parts from pallet (depalletizing). The robots controllet and Uses of robot in die-casting are as follows, (@__ Low cost of robots leading to cost effective automation with quick return on investment. ii). Increased requirements for system flexibility to ‘produce multiple die-casted parts. : (iii) Ever increasing focus on the human factor/work cell safety. Gv) Variety of production rate requirements based on market for cait products, : (©) Cycletime requirements, (vi). Life cycle of manufactured product to ensure return on investment. (vii) Product handling requirements. (vii) Maintenance requirements. (ix): Safety standards rélated to heat and gas exposure in die-casting operations etc, Factors to be Considered for Automated Die-casting ” following factors are considered, (i Product and die design Gi) Environmental factors (iil) End-effect design Civ), Floor space saad “<(W)__Play load and robot selection (vi) Cyele time validation (vii) Part cooling requirements (viii) Flash timing * “(Gay Part transfer/exit (4) Como nginetng and rbot progamaing, G6. What are the desirable features of a robot "The desirable features of a robot forsuccessful machine"|. ~ tool load or unload applications areas follows, @.. Dual Gripper — st i © tallow the robot to handle the raw material and finished work parts simultaneously, due to whic! ch the production eycl "| programming capabilities must be sufficient to. accomplish the specified task, () > Prograrnming Features “The use of robots allows several programming features jn machining applications..In batch production of different ’| parts, the change over of set up is required from batch to batch, ‘This change over causes the change in robot program among different batches. Thus, the robot must have high storage ‘medium like disks, tapes, etc., for storing and changing arge ‘mumber of programs in between batches. Robot requires another programming feature for machining i.c., it must be able to accept programs for tool or pallet changes. +Q16, What Is the role of robots in loading and unloading? ‘State and explain the application of robots in machine loading and unloading. Answer: © Weuroee 16, (R13), tea) Robots are used for loading raw materials and unloading finished products in manufacturing process. Inereaes the rate of production and minimizes the dle time, 3. Robots are highly efficient, while working in hazardous © environments. : ai 4:_- The parts are loaded with high ‘accuracy, thereby ~" eliminating human errors, Robots are also used for loading of tools, special fixtures. orattachments, ee, onamachine. Handling of, machine tool in a work cell, containing “The robot is used to load ihe finished r Dace Sale tal fet pet ‘The parts are loaded on functional testers, ‘Measures the resposes of system to certain controlled ~ Use oftobots ineredscs he ail of the syst ., Tedees the material handling costs. s wget ‘They are: effectively use zi ‘unloading tarps m1 lene z “SIA. GROUP: ‘Scanned with CamScannee [NovsDbe.-17, (R13), Q11(6)| Modal papers, A10(b)) answer t $ into the cavity of « mould (die) under age oy die consists of two halves that are __ NF closed by adie casting machine, During operation, _ etEe is elosed and molten metal i injected into the cavity sae oe siemal energy source like pump. When the metal gets ied, te di is opened andthe casted component is ejected eis which push the component away from mould cavity. Type ich is removed fom the di casting machine eel ‘heat treated (quenched). Hence, a typical die- ‘casting manufacturing eyele consists of casting, removing the ‘fom the machine, quenching and trimming. Generally, the Frodoation ate ofde-cating process is about an average 400 ‘openings per hour depending upon the machine capacity, Inreference to robotics concept, the die-casting process represents relatively straight forward application: The limit ‘itches are used to interlock the robot cyclic operation: The - progratming ofthe robot is done to operate gripper to remove part from the die, when die is opened. The process requires only hat the robot unload the die-casting machine, since the metal the molten state before the part is forme : _ Novdec.18, (R18), 1040) ‘Robots are used in plastic injection moulding machines ‘formass production. The figure below shows the plastic mould- ‘ng operation with incorporation of robo. Diecastingis one ofthe manufacturing process in which ‘ Ic apot walding, aro tho advantages of robotic welding ‘over manual welding, OR Explain tho uso of robots in the fleld of spot welding. Answer: [Novibee, 18), Q11(0)| Model Papert, a10(0) The welding, which involves fusion of two metals through electrodes or welding guns is known as spot welding. |In spot welding, fusion is obtained by generating heat at the ited point, through electrodes. The electrodes are supplied with current for specific duration of time, depending on the ‘metal thickness, A robotic spot welding consists ofa robotic manipulator, welding gun, controller and power sources, The manipulator with several number of degrees of freedom is utilised. The ‘welding gun is situated on the robot wrist in connection with controllers and power sources. Operations ‘The two metal pieces are placed on the work table, Then, squeezing of metal surfaces between the electrodes is carried by generating heat for specific time. Thus, welding is done by application of load and heat on the metal surfaces. The robot, then releases the metal surfaces after welding operation. J conrtise mio ‘lpure Pastie settee en T y be linear (cartesian) of articulated arm pas cut bot ae ncusedon ee te fined ony Fe asain axis ofthe robot a1 90° tothe moulding transverse) or in line with the moulding machine {{ . Figure: Robotic Spot Welding ‘Advantages of Robotic Welding Over ‘Manual Welding 1, © Robotic welding consumes less time than manual welding. Hence, the work can be performed quickly: 2. Bfficient and accurate welding can be achieved by using robotic welding, — E : 3, Accurate welding results in conservation of materials. ‘Welding is reliable and repeatable with high rele ‘Welding can be carried out in hannful environ Work able "Robotic welding reve he ot of about and arse ‘Scanned with CamScanner . UNIT-5 "Robot Application In Manufacturing ‘020. What are the desired capabilities and features, of robots in spot welding? Explain. “Answer: = «Following ae the capabilities and features of robots to | ‘Perform spot welding, A It should have enough | yload ‘capacity 0 Taal ilate the welding gun forthe application, It should be able to position and orient the welding gun ‘Over surfaces of the product that are difficult to reach, Tt should have increased number of degrees of freedom: that help in carrying out the process with great ease. Capacity of controller memory must be large enough ..... f0store many positioning steps required in the welding process. «With change of models, robots must-be able to switch -from one welding sequence to other... 6. Spot welding by robots leads to’ ienproved product quality in the form of more consistent and better repeatable. locations of the welds. It leads to improved safety due to the absence of human 4in the work environment, thus preventing hazards like “electrical shocks and bums, At gives better control over the production process, leading to improvement in areas‘like production scheduling and in-process inventory control. Ire welding? Following are the features of robots in arc welding, * Work Envelope and Degrees of Freedom ~ Work eny of robot must take into consideration, the _ «size of the parts being welded and space required for the manipulation of welding torch. Generally, an arc welding robot requires five to six degrees of freedom. Lesser degrees’ of freedom affects the motion capability ofthe’ anil. Motion Control System , “ Robots should be able to produce ‘smooth continuous motion required in are welding to maintain uiformity of tie welding seam. Precision Motion Requirements. WK Quality-of the job depends’ to #-larger’extent on the’ ‘accuracy and repeatability. Therefore, these requirements whieh vary according to'size and industrial practice Should be clearly: ‘defined, that helps in ‘the selection of ‘most appropriate robot. Interface Capabilities “Robot miust possess sufficient control'cs pabi ities to work with different equipmmensinthe cll. The controller “gnust coordinate speed and:path with parameters. of _.welding such as wire feed rate and power level, “Programming | The'robot should be programmed carefully for © Continuous are welding along paths with iegular | @w ii) “| current systems), when it nT G2z- Explain the advantages of using robots In are ‘welding operations. ‘ [pd aes < ORT \ aed How robot willbe integrated in an arc welding - “facitity? Noeupec i 19) 0110) Made Ppa egy ‘Answer + “Are welding is.a continuous welding process, in which tong weld joints with airtight seal is maintained in between the two pieces of metal being joined. The process uses an electrade in the form of rod 6r wire of metal t supply the high elecic curent needed for establishing the ae. A continuous path seryo controlled robot that specifically designed for single application is used. The parts. be welded are positioned and held in place, the 3-dimensional path can be pre-taught and no external sensors. may be used, "The position sensor is placed in front of the welding tool. which provides information conceming irregularities in the weld path. ‘For wide joints, the robot is programmed to produce a weave ‘type of motion, which ensures that weld covers the entire exp, ‘The workspace of the welding robot should De large enough to accommodate size of the parts to be welded, A'5-DOF ‘manipulator can weld plane parts, while 6-DOFS are required for welding complex contours. The robotic’ welder controls the arc time effectively, which defines the weld strength. The following are the advantages of robotic welding. ° -@ Gi) Gi) Good quality of weld product Improved safety aspects in working coven Better control over welding process Higher productivity <<, Optimum utilisation of electrodes. (vi) Elimination of human errors eté. - Robot is programmed ae ave pte 5 pave mooncan be pend a wera cross $2088," ‘is done by the con i Avene ‘Scanned with CamScanner consists of vision camera in on ye This camera is mounted 1 the ew ewe amust be progranimed for the desired eeing 1re Robe ches Le single pass aystem and + Maing path. se llowed. Generally. single pass system doubles 7° the variations in the welding seam in just “dtc ak oe ble pass system initially do a high speed wo Norecorany deviations from the programmed + seanofthe seam pass, welding is performed after analysis of ms sa ws by the controler ‘G24. Discuss the problems for robots In are wolding. - Anawer! ‘Problems for robots in are welding are, becomes more difficult to weld components involving hee oe amount of variations, ‘ 2. _ Ifthe variation is in the dimensions of the parts, the ‘path to be followed the other. 7 Variation in the edges and surfaces of the parts to be _ welded, iregular edges lead to errors in gaps between, the pars. Robot in are Welding do not have the seri still and judgement when compared toa " iatompensating the above variations, ‘ Problem occur in positioning the robot hile performing ‘ae welding in confined areas like ares inside pressure ‘Vessels, ship hulls, ete. cchanges slightly from one part to ing capability, human welder | 25. What are the require: of the robot for ‘*Pray-coating applications? Answer 1. eae as cet EOS ate of robot for spray- © | Continuous Path Contest © man POMOC QUIRES Large urnber of m and it chon ge umber of degrees of freedom forts, ‘continuous path to | Perth's human opersor Hydraulic Drive ‘when compared to electric drive and poeumati ive, de to the following reasons, Lee “Inelectic drive, generally spark is produced, which may “Tpit the pai fares. ea themutions ened to ec teeta ‘which is unacceptable for spray. «__, Inspray-coating applications, hydraulic drive is meg oe uly Manual lead ‘most suitable method for farm is moved manually in the desired motivs help of skilled humas ‘teach arm may be used instead of actual is heavier and posse 3 7) _ The use of ol ‘multiple programs a it also requires the capability to: applications ‘Answer + Industrial robots are used avoid hazards to hus nozzle, fire hazards painting operations, Robots employed fo both straight line and spray painting robot The spray painting extemal sensors, les of sprayi Q26.. Explain how the robot is use through programming is considered teach isthe robot, in which the site m pater. wit he 4 i operator. While prograrsiming the ton, robot, ay actiah ober ipulating snotty 48 difficulties in ‘Multiple Program Storage bot in spre -coating applications, requires forage for di ifferent styles of speay ing and ‘quickly access the program fo quires large memory to setup pro; \d for spray painting s. Model Papert, att{a) to perform spray painting to imans like fumes, mist in air, noise from and cancer hazards, etc. In robot sie the spray gun is the robot's end-effector. this purpose are capable of performing ‘continuous path motions. Prograinining is performed by a highly skilled operator application does not require the use of Figure: Spray Painting Advantages of using Robots in Spray Palnting 1. Consistency in operation : 2 Less enry consumplon 203. Optimum use of paint material x © 4 Higher product quality : Higher prociciviey aes : Tonproved safety and « E “Reduced + Proceas ratializaion ind quality OF wok tite ‘Scanned with CamScanner © “SCARA” Robots 4 + SCARA obots are highly accurate aid precise machines, assombly operations, * OR +) State and explain the application of robots In’ /anautomated assembly lines, ‘Answer 1 [Nav/Dec-16, (13), (a) | Model Papert, Q11(2] Assembly is defined as fitting two or more discrete. Parts together, to forma new subassembly, Assembly operation ‘consists of the sequential addition of components toa base pait to create a more complex subassembly or a complete product. Fastening operation using screws, nuts, bol, swaging, sFivets, ete, and insertions of shafts in holes are examples of assembly operations. Assembly operations are divided intotwo basic types, @ Parts mating Gi) Parts joining. In parts mating, two or more’parts are brought into : contact with each other, while in parts joining, two or more ‘Parts are mated and then additional steps are adopted to ensure that the parts will remnain in contact with each other. Example: Peg-in-hole assembly tasks. ‘There are two basic assembly system configurations ie., a single workstation and a series of workstations (an assembly Tine). Combinations of these two basic types are also possible. ‘The design for robotic assembly depends on the design of the product. The design considerations are, (Ease of assembly Gil) , Feeding and orientation. ‘The compliance of the gripper is the most important ‘| property in the assembly operation. There are thrée types of robots for assembly operations, (2). Cartesian robots (Gantry robots) ‘ (@) Revolute robots (“PUMA” robots) © “SCARA" robots. (@) "Cartesian Robots (Gantry Robots) ~ They are suitable for simple assembly operations as they _ have high accuracy and repeatability. These robots have grippers with 2 10 3 degrees of freedom. °° “@) RevoluteRodots | ">" ‘They are suitable for moderate assembly tasks, PUMA. (Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly) type robots (high level language robots) VAL and VAL I or “V+have 6-DOF’s. They have two coordinate systems, ©). Tool coordinate system: (ii) World coordinate system. which has direct drive motors for allowing high speed, > packlash-free, fast and accuréte assembling of parts, Q27. Discuss the applications of robots in automated '| capabilities in the manufacturing systems.’ Robots save ' ‘G28. Discuss the sin; system. t : Anawers Model Papas ayy In station robotic assembly system, all the par, hater tet complee the desredatembly ee prea : to the robot at a single work station: All the parts mating ang joining tasks for the assembly are accomplished at the single '| workstation. A single-station robotic assembly system, ‘be used for low and medium volume work, in which, limitey number of assembly tasks and parts are to be handled, ~ ‘Asebly fre iS Figure: Single Station Robotic Assembly System ‘The’single work station configuration isnot very | fast, even for assemblies of relatively low complexity. The ° production rate of the work station is inversely proportionalto ‘the number of parts in the assembly. Larger number of pars assembly by one gripper is difficult to design. This system is economical, for low-volume automated production. Some | disadvantages like changing grippers during ‘the’ work cycle : and reorienting the parts, results in loss of time.” k Q29. Discuss the robotic series assembly system. Answer : - on “Assembly robots are used in expanded producto ‘workers from tedious and dull assembly line jobs and increase Production and savings inthe process... Bie’ .__“ Assembly line constitutes the Which is used i Following figure shows a séies of employed for motor assembly job, An aesen ‘motor consisting components like rear end 10tor, stator, two brushes, two bearings; t - ‘Scanned with CamScannee ROBOTICS [JNTU-HYDERABAD] a i Bi -A—A_A___]| fk "Fees ~ @30. Discuss the robotic Inspection system. 7 : s “OR Explain how robotics can be applied to Inspection automation. » PE cn ae : : Now, (R09),080) y i i. oR” et wd ‘ Hew robot willbe integrated in an automated inspection system? : < i ‘3 "ea, * sDec.-16, (R13), Q10(b) sca, lmpestion” is a quality contol operation tat é ; aoe i toca r t involves the checking of parts assemblies or products for conforman e zai ceria specified by the designers, The inspection functic meat Foon ‘materials at various stages of the | Mae ea the completion of production Prior to shipping the product. Testing is another quality control operation Sime O00 He used to perform inspectic : Sis sh inspection or testing operations for Robo farm inspection operations. They cari be used to accomplish inspection or testing operat resins entrance and other physical characteristics, production function, performance, et. Mon the ‘TITLE COVER before you buy ‘Scanned ith CamScannee . Figure Machine vision as a sensor in robots is used for parts ocation, parts identification, bin picking. ete. Different features of robotic inspection are, 1. ‘The various types of inspection and testing equipment ‘can be loaded by a robot, which includes mechanical, electrical, pneumatic gauges, etc. ‘ In the manufacturing process, a robotic inspection is {incorporated at an appropriate place. The robot is used 10 ‘unload the finished product from the machine and to load it into an inspection gauge, which would specify if the ~~ “product is accepted or not according to predetermined setting. If the product is within the tolerance, limits it would pass to next step in manufacturing process, otherwise itis rejected: E 3. The automatic inspection system i tobe programmed o just tool wear and other sources of variation in metal cutting process. f . iv. 4. © Automation of a production operation requires robotic inspection in loading and unloading the products which are to be delivered at high level of quality with functional: |- requirements. Robotic inspection is incorporated in work cell to accomplish inspection of finished products at minimum crite What is meant by a robot cell? Explain the different robot cell layouts. “. Answer ‘ * Model Papers, a11(0) ~ Arobot éelfisa complete system consisting ofa robot, controller, positioners and safety envifonment for performing ‘Gifferent operations on a product. Robot cells are also known ag workcells. ae robot cell can be organised in different layouts, they ast. ‘Yn-line Robot Cells “In Inline robot cells layout, robot is placeq ‘moving conveyors.and other tool handling equipment robots then performs the specific task on the Product dune its movement on the conveyors. In this layouts merchant -| robots are used for performing tasks. The figure (1) shows... in-line robot cell:’ 3 2s ‘Mobile Robot Cell Layout In mobile cell Jayout, the robots are mounted on a mobile base. These mobile base are the tracks that are: ‘transported on floor or on overhead rail systems. In this layou, robots can be moved to various machines for performing taiks ‘on different or multiple products within the work cell. The figure (2) shows a mobile robot celll layout. ee ‘Scanned with CamScannee -ROBOTICS [JNTU-HYDERABAD] Robot Oper Costs once cell layout is relatively new form Direct Labour Cost | EE pai shown |. Iie the cot of sour Fequied for te operation c yout B Frobot. “eed a0 toe vel Handing stem. The lay how of rot ‘sgue 0) eee a,b (UW) Supervisory Cost { G32. Briefy. explain te economic analysis of robots me in detail. “Amswer s o Ezonomic Analysis of Robots © For economic analysis of robots data or information paces production (i., rate and amount of production, ~"jprodaction hours per day) and costs associated with robots either directly or indirectly is required. L irect Costs Associated ‘with Robots ‘Model Papers, ati(b) “4. Robot Investment Costs , © Robot Cost ~ It includes basic cost of robot, operational ‘equipment suchas manipulator and controle dt. i) Accesories Cost It includes the”cost aséociated with’ additional accessories such as recorders, computers, toolsete, (i) Engineering Cost Jt mainly includes the plaining and design costs (costs associated with research and laboratory Er -ritnete ene ith special tooling, * srinper, various fixtures, part positioners ee, - This the cost associated with manpower other than { maintenance staff i Maintenance Cost It includes the cost of maintenance : staff, replacement parts, services, lubricants, spare parts ete. ai, (iv) Training Cost sllincludes the cost associated with the training 2 Sprograms conducted for the staff “Indirect Costs Associated with Robots tincludes the following costs associated with robots. (@ Costassociated with inventory (i... finished and swork in process (WIP) goods). ‘Costs related to floor utilization. Costs associated with material procurement and utilization. Costs associated with the riew technologies or modifications in current technologies. 7 wy Costs associated with the rework and scrap reduction, etc. Q33. Give the different applications of robot in manufacturing industries Answer : Applications of Robots in Manufacturing Industries Applications of robots in manufacturing are mainly classified into three types as follows, 1. Material Handling and Transfer : } For answer refer UnitV, Q12: * fe Processing Operation: ‘This includes various applications like, (@_ Spot welding i ass Z For answer refer Unit-V, Q19, Continuous arc welding e7pc For answer refer Unit-V, Q22. + Gill). Spray coating : For answer refer Unit-V, 26. . ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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