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Ava Eve Lucirax Avonts: Raphael, Azrael, Chemuel Com Aan oreo The Creation of the World and other Business ACT ONE sky full of stars. Day spread forming sbadows in the contrasting Paradise, the ultimate Garden—wbich is to say that all ge impression of color rather than terrestrial det plants and vines. Only one such feature stands apart, from the Left, reaching out like an inverted, finger-spread ranch with golden leaves, from which bangs an apple God appeers on his throne above the deep in thought as He tries to spreads, the caw of a crow sounds, the ‘moves—a man, Adam, who reaches up above bis ead ‘and plucks @ fg and, propped up against a rock, crosses bis legs and idly chews, He is in every way a man and naked, but bis skin is imprinted with striped and speckled shadows, an animated congealment of light and color and darkness. God emerges bebind and to one side of him. He looks about, at the weather, up at the sky. Then He turns and looks down at Adam, who gradually feels His presence, he slightest start of surprise ADAM. Oh! Good morning, God! GOD. Good morning, Adam. Beautiful day. ADAM. Ob, perfect, Lord, But they all are. 3 2 Z S.mopYr uo spuog sq ss20%0y Kyoruowoiad 246) jwepy "24S "GOO, ‘mou 9104 YAO, "2134 240 (2609 qus sig syeof pos worop M06 EDU NOK “GOD i 09 Susy sa puE emp ayy Ie 0 [8 9HF—01 980K | PIHOM ang "HEH TY VOY of says oy 935 pue SumpatIES xrxosdan | Btuseddns ‘GOS 8 -wo> nO Sy8Ys 3NOA ST MOU | PUL—UNPY “KIFEMDY "GOD ‘we | Ajo ‘sompeau> ay) [TE “uops9ysed 10) paps "oun sq “yap wopusar nog pes os oyensy pox oem ave oin—sued a sqeunue aur sin fq poonod 240k suum | “Spon Joy yBHOU> 3q TELL “Soe uoq eur wZepaIe, JO vYBHOHP BACH 2AOU now J iog of a0. pouim 2408 aiaeas AUER UC 3EUAA “GOD ‘aepdaney (CAompun) WVOV "Squusom sip aye ye Suxkso sea youENG P: aes | apse ap dooy nos em ap yum poseePd A126 WY "GOD stu, Gu af oF pn» an ape “YEH PHO * Sr © 92019 9) din pos ib, Something stirs on the periphery, rising from the ground. Music.) ‘This is now bone of thy bones, And flesh of thy flesh; out of Man. (dara opens bis eyes and sits up. Eve moves and they look at each other. Her skin f00 is e's perfect! (But be GOD. 1 think so too ADAM. Me too. GOD. Huh! I don’t know how I do it! What would you like to call her? inborn rule. The and fish have no tree; you will not ADAM. Yes, Lord. GOD. It is all yours, my children, ull the end of time. (le walks away aid vanishes. Adam and Eve turn from God and face each other. They smile tentatively. Examine each otber's bands, breasts. ADAM, (Deciding to test his.) Are you a litle thirsty? EVE. Mihm, ‘ADAM, Me too, And a file hungry? like 2 pomegranate, a pomegranate, (He fetches ber EVE, (She suddenly plucks something out of bis bair and bolds it between ber fingers.) What's this? 9 o rans 0s Sumkue 25 3949 NOK PIC “TSNWTED Cusofigd 295 wo sono aoqdng paw possy “mad sqpbun 50 "m0 oq soon 94 pnogs 434 sno suse Aopoaues P ug.) istoreBage Au epes 9 NOK Y>ER TL pegs Supparys asnf st " “3a poy nog “Ng “AON ION 1 708 nos on sss aseyp “Pip nok woos se 1 ‘ood amp amp fron Supgem pSue ue jo ado “aur poe (fo spoig 249) —she (uotop 2108 Logg “somg) "0 Tp 2 Suppyanmos aney nok og eAusn, (‘sesdeyjoo purisprag 5146) ‘WWOV ep I 0p ROK Op EH 0S “FAA : (Cwawou o sof Sogo ag “purspeng » 0p : _ Pitb poaq siq ojo syos 246) “SP 40 ‘sip Op | soumEWES ‘wyay auo wo spusys pup sus sq spoasds aq flo ous v 40} Bussapssuos “poaqe s2303s 246) jueou yaad ‘syjdnosp aes pet yeu 2 uo eat (Yasui spies ajo) ‘wpaxd © sae, GEHL WVGY st exeyen jo nowy “aA eufnous Pe “YAO (wispy 0 3904 sum ug r ‘sanou uagy 99 quit aun dap 2 2 (334 wy Busgioos soaou safiony fou oy “209 Spm Anos 240) ‘ae wopy 241 tosf 4900 194 pe 33g) suoq wees 30 HON oy ‘seis quip ‘Kem SxEWy " Due 21g pur ‘poodles 9g 49 oy 0) sow ayp “ss0ns nowy oF Womp peaveM f90 | 'pIOT AION iestaren am 240 240 pur aur monpono oF oy SunyER anoq GREG oer aed nok pue—spesy op ae pos Yoo! pue 350 ap TE 239 Povo 1200 ap “SISK pe AAojog spuesepun Aas oH ppaue ou a “MOK Jo aime sey Jo BNoAP | 9502299 “COD ep amok sump 905 PAYA AEIONT " -pod « oy wy sees prom gory ‘ue 4x yo sped 2p way mos 0} sd aun spe SOEpNS Joy aseid aos sp] 3p] Jo S138 2g) 0 SpHE outE Jo woREMIDY ‘yp ‘Ansrurayp sf oF Jerod asax ay YBnoM 995 TY 3] PMOYS | ages yBoo%s | por—opess J9 pey 1 Bune puokag ma P>AOy gan sep and | gn pm Apooped mowy 1 BappowOS 40 ‘sosey e 238 op pu 21343 Wop 08 0) SPP 2yop ‘uoUT | Hs InogE Hy ooo Uw | ENP MOET 9p BAY 3OCE (asHed » fF) "GOD eno 08 | AB “ms "hes nop, samy, (sseuaeisaa wo9> © gv4L) EAION “san aes wouy Keae £615 "GOD “AuyeanHosyp jo surat ou sey Joos peumep SAL 2905 nog -30n © Busp| 5,94 "4007 Cuaop syod} 242) “124 J040 ITE 39 Tat “se shou 9y 9ouO PUY “saHAG PuE Poo? woHG 2009 “PIP 2p ow Tay puE sAddE auE CAO 3 INO AYA YAIONT "po mon OF DAD at apie Kur 938 AH “GOO ‘aap uaop PEEUP sjogm aeHp yo wed sa] 9am ou suum sep ‘OWE Apeas st OA ING dn s208 wooyeg sys pur ‘vey ovmy 08 sopemay YL “YBIONT ‘sewer spe s2qio 24) 20g "20D “ong SiqeSaseauy ou sy ay Aysouino jo doussge sums sexs yp ang “SHE “YEON "aUO WAD ONY, Sa}dde aatp 202 30M I BARS 5,pOD I, “AES pp ‘san sey) 38 700] “BuyuiourYpRo fem O UY PRUEN | "TOD Grad ap SF Iya ct pram no, sey Ay NOL SINT ‘sopdde 2soip ye> s9800 2800 3} “COD -Bummpssen9 303 ypas> TIMy payweM nog ‘p10 'spiom xs Uf “so18p ase] op 01 Ai0f8 sn0x AgpuBems op afin Jouuy opsenurs anok sem 3 LUCIFER. You don’t imagine, do you, that God intended you to lie around like this fore smming ee ‘about making something of your- LUCIFER. And why do ADAM. Because God makes it. LUCIFER, But how, dear? ADAM. How should she know? LUCIFER. But God wants her to know. ADAM, But why didn’t He feels more passionate about than that you begin to multiply. EVE. Really? LUCIFER. Of course. That's why that tree is there. EVE. We multiply with the excuse me, We're not even sup: posed to EVE. go around not thinking about it LUCIFER. Oh, you find that’s getting dificult? EVE. No, but it takes up so much time, ADAM, It’s because we'll die if we eat those things. (Lucifer 16 lately, that’s practically all T do is reaches up, takes an apple.) You better watch out, they're not LUCIFER. (Point hhere? Do you praise Him fo ADAM. (Looking down at bin inch LLUCIFER, But how can you when you don't know what its for? EVE, He pees that way. ‘That is s0 incidental i's not even worth mention- ‘You have no idea, do you? ) Well, not in particular, but ‘ADAM. Fm only guessing, but sometimes it makes me feel— LUCIFER, Feel what? ADAM, Well... . kind of sporty? LUCIFER. Adam! God has made you in His image, given you His body. How re Now, your take one bite, and I Promise you will understand everything. Adsm, open your mouth and you will become— (He glances quickly about, lowers bis voice.) —like God. ADAM, Like God! You should xy a thing like that! LUCIFER. You're not even li i animals! use saep “es Cosa ae ‘EP>{eU 319M NOK AOU, 1p. fusyoo) ‘pageddy) WG BP BOA 1994) PIO OW "OD <2u jo} ous WV poy FEA now eH 294p POD OWA “COD (sofusuia 269) “sess pry y pur ‘payer 208 SL LEY | yea j asnendg ‘preaye seat up 5 wana yooq no mou nok /939 (aq fo juosf ‘foo, w 104 spuog apg) jo Biyypow0s ang iMOHL AV avaHA (aaqio gov wiosf aig 1 6 Sop Guouoys 021 4 “845 7g 34) Wo 29 294 29 di wage 389 01 0, ‘ogg “ube punes possp 9a, “Soiaq> 330) iMOTIEAS 1NL) “BA Cqinow s1q osm agddo aga soysnd dpappns 24s) “Wy "WYGY «WV, £85 AL “aur Bujas 2296 nok JF 5 ys ‘SaqySuw 295 sguop AoA jam! Fiuzes 30u 94.n04 amg "ZA, {mo ve Bapjooy 109 30 -WVaV jawsae 2p aaneg 3A eau 22s Bun s9q op ou of 5) 351 AG Greg 3400; WC Pop wy BAB nok a,uop “wepyy jour 32 007 ;pausddey s9N9 we | 198 SY IPH 4940 | |MOK BF 34 A pies poo amg WV jong ‘sug & “seed snopes 5] "UA iva WO¥ 308d BAL 200] sq a30f0q aydde oq sp10q 245) esmIp SE eA C14 ASME dy 494 SoqsoUS 295) st eBeyop nok a36 vq, (104 prow 4p sind pu wD sx soq>n0} Aononwss as) cine ip sae (sas 0} usm 295) <2, + mapad S0ien amp ‘uo sto ¢nok am 24M WVAY wap S006 pumos agg, Sioa wxpy ‘Posi, 0) Pinos 9 a Gino HB NO ASAIN ‘ovou 8008 204 AG ‘seap ‘2ae2] 03 303 24] pres, WIN (ug soqovoudde qmowas Fuso Kp0q 494 “But 2s) 19908 24 °°" IPA BAT ag seu 889 ASSIOTTT i vel 2960) BA 24s “sp9 4h sinh punos po “apres sole 424 ‘sag pur tous pox ‘nag x ane, Cyl Fao) ONT At “HAR “PAN ION Emre] uo Mos8 0} Bumo8 3s 'GEDUET “AN “AAT “aopsonb Caafpongy 04 sausng pus “aq pugeg Buc ‘suum ay sod 043 faq pun “aafiony wos syp24q ags pur ‘sak sq wos{ soyourue wonosuas a6urss (Goof aq. of of aq tosh soko aq Buywams S45) “YEIONT Bo ane 0 sang, Cfo of Pa Bp pur ‘sede aso) fey ov EM 3.00 | ADAM. She made me. EVE. J couldn't help it. A snake came. (Jo Adam.) Wasn's he a snake? ADAM. Like a snake, ya. GOD. That son of a on you... ! EVE, But why'd You GOD, You're questioni put the tree here so. th: shouldn't think about! So, a litle self-control EVE. Oh! cop. * I give you an “Oh” that you'll wis you'd never been born! But first ’m going to fx it between you and snakes, Serpent, because thou hast done this, ‘Thou art cursed above all cattle, And above every beast of the field; ‘And I will put enmity between thee and woman— That means all women will hate snakes. she says. Or almost all. . You see? It’s already impossible to make an absolute statement around here! You bad girl, Jook what you did ro me! EVE. ’m ashamed. GOD. Ashamed! You don’t know the half of it. greatly uutiply thy sorrow and thy conception; In sorrow thow shalt bring forth children— EVE. Oh God! GOD. And thy desire shall be to thy husband And he shall rae lover thee, No more equals, you hear? He's the boss forever. Pt ‘up your leaf. (le turns to Adam.) And as for you, schmuck! ke bring forth co thee ing up lunch, thou eat bread, For dust thou art. dust shal thou return, ‘Adam and Eve? Get ou ADAM. Out where? jo0d enough for you here? Go and see cut on your own. re any way we can get back in? to0 much to know, 3 spider and the mouse— know My perfection fou ate what I forbade, ‘You yearned for what you were And thus laid a judgment on my work. TAm What | Am What ! Am, but it was not enough; ‘The warmth in the sand, the coolness of water, ‘The coming and going of day and night— Ie was not enough to live in these things. You had to have power, and power is in you now, But not Eden any mor hear the sound of shadows on the leaves? EVE. (‘With immense loss and wonder) No! (God on thr, bt, erect Whereis the woke ofthe fhe river? ADAM. Where are the footsteps of angels walking through the vines? (On the verge of weeping, they are turning to catch the mt . ec ABU Jo voneArosuod >¥p Jo ME] 2, 0) Suyinis uaoq oaey | “RYN "GOD Apeos woe | “Suprem wae aay J zoqpe ‘ook uci, Copmin S.po6 01 sono sof Buryooy "Kav, pew pnd x s2fony sresoaues 246 sump 31 poG “06 Koc) in en 0 ebay agg) * + 09) “anssf ayy—mauy sempe sxIN7 8 ‘our up Sais ApuuRp sx UOSsDep e anc om | tens ser) noge SO ne ApH BE SOY OnE uo 304 puy ‘Buosm suo8 Apewuyep sey 31 ysUD e 405 SuiBuorDs {uasop ap weos sBuyzep otorpr om Aum pur ‘punos® ayo; u>yeoun ses ypead pawsd ap !uapg Adu 'z00d ‘ptm Fxyu0d wy usaq exojoq soAou axe | em ano 3 ust 340) smu | “4em sp wo 08 2,009 dey sana aeyp Sup 330" 9yp ‘Bunsndstp aperzads apoyr 3 posed Spud 05 sures Aus prey 190 YO, ‘sno pouD ays Apuappns pury “spojdx9 40 syBmowp 1 Kid 0s aquaiq ot urfoq ays pu ‘9 ‘soy Ong} 302M PUR WMO Jt] Pre] MEY au IsIy ayp Sea 3 AYE on sueoum | yey possess | ae assy ayp 198305 42494 TL “GOD “soUEYp © UBKP 241D [99S “TENWSHO “aun pau aya souo Aquo amp a8 ABUL, "COD ano ug adie pus UMkop 08 9UF 19] MOA 2,00 AYA “TEVZY ‘panious af sBaouayys poddnoory oym 2p22q 24 PUY “ENWIHO —pounesp og any YM yay ak—soyEasIUT oyIO 3s!eq PEED NOK “AA HL NOK, Smpuayo wo o8 warp 29] nox Aye poessepem 3u0p T “TEVUZV suopnsod yons én qe Ao op Mors 007 Coiag Burqiowos q sq6ne0 oa SG ‘PAYDOGS ‘spurts 246) “PSENIOG BURfoO| WEI 40g ‘MOE T "COD a “sma puesnogp 218 205 3.0 aueq] SHON ‘PAY “VHAVY jawed 2H0N “EVIZY bug, HON, my syelnpey soup dn pros Aayp wy af SURGROU Sau, EP TE ue sure Aas asesd Aaya vay ang (¢po08 Aayp ase uaIjo MOY Ing cope oy oo one pond suoop syoo} 246) —I94 "9 "GOD aunseajd e Ypns sea. 3] “ENWAHD audap wag ( ‘seu0d axp pu {Py 9024 JnOA 40 “nox Maury oye nok Jo au0 yuo 2m “umop of “inpsoyp Sunpoures snoge 2yer oF 280 6 aqSeyy “TENSE “aos 91002 ‘we op Aayp jy “BHR WHO 24g PuE UEPY 3 Yoo] “EVAZY “pede ‘Gene a ad p/h, ‘GOD 0008569, ag I02AKE THOT HT Gian ara nog “apde 9 38 24g gE 3 Sung © ypns Jo ayBnowp aney PID | Moy BUEN 3,089 | “COD Ploy Aiposap fons, gn Bukoyd patog 2a» suoiunasuy se wag) uo Buskeyd 51 \g6ey ‘poe aq) 0 Joop ‘etuy Kaqy spunes fom being broken into small pieces and sprinkled over the Atantic Ocean, LUCIFER, Wouldn’ that just spread him around, though? LUCIFER. I never thought of any case, it works, ince my interview with Eve simply felt there should be icecaps on both ay it is—one thing always leads to another. LUGHFER, Then you must aleady know te fanaa news Pve Paradise, of my curse! for bis thought.) 1 undoubtedly do, (At a foss:) all my disappointments T condemn you, Lucifer. oe : For making You a grandfather? Luc ing Saco Eve's ovarian body violates 2 Commandment, GOD. (Striking His forehead.) Asazaht! ovum? LUCIFER, Has been fertilized OF coursel And the holding on nicely. LLUCIFER. So good. I can't see any reason to worry. GOD. (Clapping His bands) My fist upright pregnancy! (Wor- ried.) Maybe she ought to lie down more. ¢ could stand on her head and not lose it feeling? Va ask You about that. She is slightly naw seated in the morning. GOD. That is partly disgust with herself, At least I hope so. But it is also the blood supply diverting to the womb, pry a josge 9q s08u0y tpn 995 [Se 908 Jog ues Cqsuadaf ‘bupaad 5; po) “sum 30 pus ayp 09 ye HO 20 vereg puooss © woiy Aeme ayeyspuey © ase NOK aKped yp KouNy [YM a, 4M E 9g JHA9G ED o1yR sseusNOANYEE amposge mown ¢. [2 Buns a4 PE AxUNED puE Pod 404, unm sem sey oip NE Uo} azyIGou 4949 pyno> Aue sey eanoge 3y8y 01 axny aq TAEHM ‘OUD se PuERS [Ao Pu Pood 31 B36 nok 9s Ue | “| 298 NOK [kM 9q J9ADU ADU PIBOD as 1 &q igBme> 5} po) “sexppng aygesedasur ons 2 pao Spanyiad ‘nox apysoq | pte ‘pood uo 2yejnoeuu nox {pIOT Haypof0r poo!s am ul ‘uoou 34) go yf op doy See pou 9g s10m oF uD “ut segundos Apoqon—Suruep scene 5 ated ay S806 NOK oP MOET EMIONT Sing ow nq 59 Msed a, aang agp SBD sB4O8 E> NOR “COD “anise a enor nop oye ge sem Siseys uo Ewe © 1 NBN “San ap Sogus 6209 JO "GOD pany nay 2a soquowos nox oq astany ap sSuayp you sgh vp a ECE stacy ap od oyy—somste nok 200g 0G as] © EH ear ff Bono A[pnosqe S840] pod, Ae) Sain YRUDS ne we [ao] 3H WEY “HE 2p ou jf ey ayes ano ay “ps0y ‘Suos 918 “LAN AION 19901 998 2PEG “JOD “puoi 2p 2p aq soeid Kus 946) 02 Apeos we | sO] Copsound agp AP) HHMI, aq) oR APH THM | oye, Cdn spans apg) ia TY "BION % ismg woo sou pu yp 29 29 ok we MOH “GOD poMpuey sno, Buutepe ps0 ‘eneG | YADTTT PU © e seo joys sos ¥ so}9q SepuEN nox tae aaNet | 2 MOR. igPSMOK 40g 5 wou MOK 390] AO 9 [ONO] “LOD Ht] SPU anoy A Inq Asesanoy SoBe m0, mowy J Hoey ‘PEN Touope “mde (seam 54 0} ehen sigs our 3p: 06) OK “9H “OO opt jeround ayp—s.20y3, 7 "JO 0g YH 940} HY IP) | puy "podsas-jps yum adam Spieau | pue 21m yBnony Sur yom asodind ano, es | hey wes | 29u0 Puy ‘anuta wsrodua, wo} ppom sq sdo0y wy soesquo Sues sey ‘AaomNNAS ‘vaNo2II09 5:pop we [—wHOr ou | we AYUO YONY egpesAuE sey Sep Mo} ZPuPUEUT yim auEUDId apeur aay sem souRTPqO “Sip Aut yBnoup Inq 35/9 Mop] eUDHOE 9q | Ue MOLY “YSAIONT ‘vappry ‘ajgpasour ayp 295 y pus ‘mow sueufasd st ang ang ' ‘at 3m> 09 Apes woIjo sees wm 08 5 BAB | NOL efunsnSspp Sypresuoyaysie sve Jet Joa NON WALI ¢stepr yns dn yoqd nos op waxeaqy wy 22444 ‘GOD asap Bupjuns ts Sf PHOM ap Jo aunsoauy ayp 'Aeaap ‘yuauDsox> vy off JJ 3ur 01 snopasd sf 3joy LraAq ‘soy a10p2 “peaypuoy 919 vB 949 02 spusq sure> ‘yeipur: Au “spiemda er puy Auoqdses y -waop of a} sem async (fo sypasq 046) —Su em ‘sapuoM 0} uelog ide yeue> yons 09 of oqe uRelxe Ou EO | “BUH 10] Asko 3y HYEUE 3,4oP—POEB "poe (ug sw S400} Ayduus po5) exe4p wesw nok op mop (parssea,) “AasONT LUCIFER, Justin big vi, Privat of eoure— (A geste ave no thought of actually — speaking purely of the image. LUCTFER. Noting’ changed. You're good, and Ya ba. Is at ‘hat to the public— GOD. We will appear to be— LUCIFER, Yes. GOD. Equal LUCIFER. Not morally equal. Just equally real, Bea ting beside You in Heaven— GOD. Then T must love you. LUCIFER. Exactly. And if God can love the Devil, He can love absolutely anybody, GOD. That's certainly true, yes. So people would end of guile. Ani again, Pause.) GOD. Operationally speaking— LUCIFER. Yes, GOD. Yes sir LUCIFER. Yes sir. Excuse me. come to hate themselves, and den, and everybody innocent GOD. In cases of lying, cheating, fornication, murder, and so on —you mean they are no longer to be judged? LUCIFER. Ob, on tween the two of us no one will judge the bad people, and you GOD. Bat who would try to be good if it’s just as good to be bad? LUCIFER. And will the bad be good for fear of your judgment? So you them be bad and the good be good, and love God because they'll know that God . am ready to take my place. Between the two have mankind mousetrapped, GOD. Yes. (Stiaht where good and Lam unable t0 despise? stand in the way thou art Fallen in all thy beauty. ‘and green the grass Lot nd the Lord is good and only good! 29 Ie : ues wof> 294 ‘sass a0uy 49g pun “Lssnonsuas sojequ 29s) “pop, Jo Appreue 319 wos} pliOM aup axes our doy ‘ueMIOM “MON (-Ky2q. ‘aq. s955%4 pur spueq apc) “IBY kup Jo soy amp soWUD { (-peaqoAo| oof 94s Kap pis 346) eta eu wE Imq—PHoM oxp eH Adou| IeIEP IH SF Suny (294 1 MHep £400} 909 0 ‘Awe 2400 1949 “Uaypor) a4 EY SeA\ “PIPMPUT s:poy—Aisferr ‘SyeuE PHOM Shp uF sopsnur Ayuo uoym ‘pondze ‘pepeayd ‘pauosess fen ayeet PlnoKs woseadep ¥¥L e aeqay “89q Bus pg eepBuny yp wossy Jeunes din smonp 996 1 Bunpaizag (poogo soans ag “passaidaq) OH Pooqaco igi 8,724 aa sioqof 24, bus fo Bi THA, (Apmoo(6 seasaseifo Guosparg agg) “do an9s YO BAIT “an yoo} 246 “Bus 01 subg pag » praqseeo fuss 4s sq wo gD S1q “51S pao Kagdued 2g} or sypoes 24 sgénoqi deep us “2}¢02d ‘00 agi 19 uorop syo0} Haq ‘POH fo UbIs Kuo sof ys ‘aq suoas 245 punosB aqh wos sass ‘now 33014 95.7 “dn Burgos Kyjoq ywoufoad £390 409 "3909 aq wo aouays uy say ags “Kpparuaquo sesous agg “ode {nq ‘d2opso passaonsip a 243 pun wupyr “igbyses agi tc “ys amis “fo sap 16 Puen qliq » fo punos agg, “ssouysog NIvaIND ‘aBuens mopy (-poaqy sass apc) cx, sm Lop 09 ogo Bupyoo, 'P29q Sig SHAM 24G Yanop Kq poop "Hs po Camoge Burgooy ‘preg sit rea “pos av ploy a oR (Aydangs pao Kyo} BubasS) “SEION STHONY OAL IOV “én 34 SHEL PHOT RR fapede us quads ayp BT C 9s puy ‘amy Jepmus yam pte aq Wo puog Sq ‘sca 494 0} Sd ‘aanyor eo nox, (pug 499 52401 246) sf 9}] Auofe aip soy spmpesd aos sf J0v0 -pog yo unos at pq i806 W 34 1A "PIED say soy Susyen wonesy] ot umop pue doped 244 "SONY np jo me thy e29mod WAN BAR stowodana4 34s) pu 93 si A ay—seyu9e ana0d Hf Pavouos Sp0q 494 sbusq twopyr‘suawp koa, S20 ox (veh 304 o1ms ‘ouye [—wewon "aap “sonsnf pear wpeap Aun & ype 1Q) ‘hqy Aiys woseasun #6029 0}—9prop ants NOK AEP SAE, ‘was ‘sanjey yo duane fapeap © ApH ou 3aKp uo souesBU oupeseg jo ano nos Busing ump] soqueay NOK yu0C) “YaITYT edge ang AT ‘no 2ey SE sit pu ‘pop ssyead nog, ganoge Suiurepdaco nox 124 “YSAIONT aqy 01 4204 424 said 0} Bunsoys“s0q fo wos us prmoss ee sop 1 Cudfiony quer 220f 01 avof fpasiaq pu of swam) “s9pnoy souo ags) 1 oi Buydumq wy. punoae wan 3 Ase no 2eaw 298 01 was 3,42 1 3Ey st amp asoweue ou 3 4aq quar sv yg a0f Kid quer qo amp anogy Cuuounuoddenp 4 Bugsy (Ao 409 Saqono1 995) — piesa eyo. J9quU ona 3ut9 no pue /amop pus ue spuas ped wedUs nA WYAV ein oun oye nok axou op 03 pasaddns ig WY Cot at sem ‘poy, ee 30 nous Zen 00] 24 Bae ON Cponso| 9 fpton) “aN epeypyw cpeudey WYCV ‘2ur ou ang “wap, EY “EM Aaa S940 A009 OWE op nok yng ‘syPesEY Jo wEDIp 19430 ddn vajjoms pue §]8n we wou pur ‘po9(q | Iq !PHON ayy ur 9:94, ano paBucyo Sppsey 94.nok Kye wosear 94 tH PUY Cspow Kjpa0 nq ‘paiujoddesyp reymswos Ajuo sem pro] ayp nok qpl—aou. Apeopp 624 ye 25 | “wepy ‘Soko Ku pourdo pRue wyL Jaq ng 0} stn) ags orony ~poay Busses pouowar 504 94s “Sep 46 21PNG Kage “Pues fo 501 F) cICHAL “WYGV He) 103 aq fo Host eau ypyan, (499 07 sagan aq “papa yu BET BAT exe WYOY awe) paue wy “Ag 8 07 s200n8 310) 8 agin Sop FEU, YEA oF SAE itwepy (0p 29 1 Rep ouios mo puy yam aqaeus ‘4 ue 9peur apy Ayan ou (saan pus ‘pu “BuBuoy pauarqbieg » que ye w so9psad MOH ( am way puy “sfunp moj & pomeu aap pay ((pauugo 4179s) “IAI os9 sem jo fi ose sem 35549 ‘asneooq Aepung sea ssan8 | “pazesiey pues ou Puy “WAV SW] woxy #803 ayoIug “eas ae 3} (sy2aq $1 U0 si 1d you—sometimes it seems to me you don’t mind at all like this, Do you like that thing? ing Angel.) I—I don’t its alive we could (She gesps, bo There, you see? You why I don’t know where {am any more! T ssarted, if you jumped up and down— it moves it’s alive, ant ng ber bel sal ye id jump! [ADAM Yo id not jump. You went like that. Ole makes afew thing! Geatously.) ‘You know what's in there, don’t you? EVE. (Crying out.) I love thee, husband, and I know this thing l be thy curse! DAM, Woman, you will tell me what in thy bly! et bends, staring EVE. Its own. Pause.) ADAM, Who told thee? EVE. Lucifer. peg eet eters ing, you're sleeping! ‘tam my back for a minute on my owt EVE. Adam—he’s not all bad, ADAM, He's not all . . . ! (Light dawns in bis bead.) Okhbht No wonder you looked so jdicy when you woke up! I want to know what's so good about him! 40 ber ears.) T can't stand any more fam thy master, woman, and you EVE, Well . . . small. To start off with, Like the baby monkeys and the litle zebras— ADAM, Zebras! He's got you turning us into animals now? No human being has ever been born excep Devil hath spoken, thou hast likewise spoken, (Silence, Neither ‘moves. One sheep baas, like a sinister snarl. A sudden surge of id, which quickly dies: JAM. (Jortured.) But I had no idea it was a man when I said EVE. But why do you all want him dead! ADAM. I forbid you to say that again! I am not Lucifer! (A heartbroken cry escapes him.) Evel (Ble sinks to bis knees. He curs up in igrons before ber, flat out ‘on the ground, pressing bis lips to ber foot.) Forgive me! (He weeps. Wind blasts, 1 dies.) EVE. (A new tought interrupts ber far-off gaze, and sbe looks «at bis prostrate body.) Will you dig us a hole? 4“ o ano 1 agp Soaseagd 4,5 I 3 "POD isk S24] aH ‘ON “HAL jeoueyp & 424 9n18 ‘PLOT WYCY ypoweap © our ane8 soa 2pf-—pomar uu | GA ipa Faq JO mo sf ays ‘vaaeaEY UF Por) ('s9aHy s1q 0} Guyyrc) WVQV ‘Aut jo yo ny yey, AvE “aur AG joxEME MME | ‘UOUD snp ano aye], CFuibog Ljoaisenagns ‘paddiqas g6noqs SY) “AAT ngs sao sig Busdde.>) WWOV “out 0} 03 juounp ‘ou PH FAL buyeo) WV 1 ppBue Awe wo peo | Cpaqoianisino spud ’ Pop 'O ++ asi0m Apoopied 198 JR 810m S198 AF UaKM PUY "910M 298 ‘uonoq 28 at aq4 1P0D "YO 1PoD (>°q 404 uo Saque ags 50 punos6 agi uo spung saq supe 945 “19g qanoy 01 proafo ‘pou "fo wnd 51 wupy “An soaoy 35smut 23u0gdoo09 asso» so ‘punosb 241 Guoye s2a0 pun sano sies pue Luo sag hq poz2s 51 245) 158 “for yo ano aur ayer pve 199m5 |MyDIaY) > 1 of pun "aug fo 4019) smogs 9g5 pue—aug fo a2sf soqououm aqs) i243 Covou 204 Soqpin aj seimf ‘yogdoos9 Jo aiod # hq paddoss s1 puw “1 Suygsns 5) pun Kom 198 age ang 299 soqaqe> Apoou agg 8g yaduinay Biyseus smoot 1g Busaqor v kq 09s paddors 51 aqs saqsns puo suum} 24s) eBuiop nos go 51 aig og Gauase, Busuoosns 1 ag paddos pus “a sagsna Auoppns ho Sf 389 ayR IEP" * YAY HB BS CAyoq Jaq pases Saou puog ¥) "BA * 9q Aiqyssod 31 pine> ‘WYGV iysss (aos 119} qu apyn sa Jaq ‘paued-uado “dn 10095 spue4 3240) “SARL cede sn sano apf HR | (pase 9124 1A Ba oop oa ++ pura ays “uepy “Ar -4Biq » fo Kao Bayyano as “Aypq 494 aiagg “panos pur dn yoo, Koqp) i ow . sq JHB on da say jamased aye yoo] Cwosf foo) Wy 2499 I (punosB agp iP Apyemmb snoge Biuryoo7) “GAR eBiymos8 ss038 sup 51 W¥CY eSipep 4s 'sey9 “3A 2243 (paqswuoyso ‘punos6 aq yo uaxop Buryo0] SyuopPHS) “GY Cprag 5 By 114 dn songs sofion7) p10 jae am pos 8 3yA4 wee Cane og uO) SAR "+ aysnoqp nuns 3 a4ey Gog. 2H EHH snopasew 3p 35] Cutobo gb, £295) SY AP SPH "IAT #94 oomeooq ueow | WYGY 4.0 ou S906 Pun spung Cqbney pur 4aqio qove 1 wed £946) -y 'Y WIM ulBoq 09 ayn0 3p ue TEM wisoq of "BAA 2qKeyy S34 fos sson8 | VAY 20+ ye ons app ezep yun 06 30) an Ad IPA (200d ‘suas axe) “WY ocd os 215104 "NOK ‘on “Ag (éyaq 499 soapy 246) ¢04 wwem no op 40, "a 30} ate © Jo yon 04 aur aadxs Aygegosd ym pao ays ‘mou '€eS WYCIY Clabiun Bys.s pas snaeps smogs -Pf)ora) “sssypue sop 9830p Ip | WaH, wDMS MOY YO “GAT “woo Jo seo pouadis © yy au Pans ey seou>wB10y Aap “ong YO (qoi019 sq fu 4 Busrpunyp Aus "yong pad fig 001 2g .upaou IO V Cpung 42g sassry pun dn sayqunsas Kysnoke! ‘Thee nothing any more, and I call, I call, I call for—(A seizure, with each call she pounds the earth.) God. Oh God. Oh God. God—damn—you—God! ADAM, (Curled up in terror) Ali Cucifer appears at the ‘Eucifer takes a step toward her and is balted by trumpets, a single melodious chord. She faints. Adam tries to rise and, seeing ber, 00. God enters. A step bebind him are Azrael, Angel of Death, and Chemel, Angel of Mercy.) GOD. (Standing over ber, lookit over her face. Eve shudders as asleep.) That’s enough, Chem to the comer of her mind, and seal i¢ up. (Chemuel kneels, kisses ber once, Eve exbales wi God walks a few yards away (Azrael stand fast) Go, Azracl, And glancing up at God.) Go, Chemus (Chemuel stands and goes out.) Now in thy slumber let us reason together. (Adem and Eve sit up, their eyes sbut in sleep.) Behold ine agony hath made, (4 youth of sixteen appears, ited head, He moves wayward be at last approaches Eve, be ‘vay as God speaks again) Here isthe rst life of tl ‘And itis fting thatthe frst letter stand before who was in jeopardy, stands) Now Cain is bor d ‘She sits up, opens ber eyes, and looks down at Cain.) “4 EVE, (Joyfully surprised.) Abhi! ADAM, (Waking up quickly, seeing Cain.) What's that? EVE leis GOD. Cain. Thy son. (Gotb gasp, surprised by THis presence) EVE, (She sudde before God.) 1 from the worm of thine own evil, which # in thee, Look in my face, woman, up thine eyes, (She slowly dares to face bim on ber knees.) EVE. I have gotten a man from the Lord, GOD. Thou art the mother of mankind. EVE, And generations unknown to me shall spring from my Joins. Gre extends His band, She rests bers on it and rises) the summer sun arousing the bee, 1g moon is held in her place ind, so am I held GOD. Eve, you are my favorite gil! (An angetic waltz strikes up. God sweeps Eve in a glorious dance all over the stage, Adam, haP- with joy, Cain coiled up LUCIFER, You've got to hand ie co lim. CHe turns front, staring.) ‘What a system! (Now be looks down et Cain.) So this is Cain. (Gre crouches over Cain.) With the’kiss of Lucifer begin thy li Tet my nature coil around thin own, And on thy shoulders, may T climb the throne. (He bends and kisses bim.) CURTAIN 4s a (Gung sassy aq pu ‘ap{so 42g Senow NPY “uug sassry ‘suuD 40q m! PEA Aq uypjoq pun jeqy 04 5206 puv dn sia6 2qs) ae us poss pe we pry Crags) + kas asp ssoize Buy sem | TEV ‘yenpqeanq ayeur 20g “yBnoue sae, W¥OV jmesap ayy (di Bis) w “Kybuygosvas ‘wogy Guoww my soutyowos pu k9 ppnoan soaqut Kynonsyto> 236) c91p 01 pasoddns 5,046 adv Due spy ato ypeyo ang |TRFEDG SF HP “YO [3HOUDH ap PU Apexp © aaeyy ob 64 ox PaO agp 232% pu ak Joy aur 260] T,A2HP ue Suyypy ssp doas i 1358] 38 Suuado Aus $2494 puy YSIOIT “Mp Bunypewos wee | AUR | NIV A HAA smmeaup © seu Ct BusiHs) “NIV 2g opus mop 398 tou apqnon Jo ano tay daa, ‘oy yo8 94—speut Kseou | ayeis © sey TWA OFF 492q PO yo 2005 oy and pue And waip ayeur ox Kem snag Seg [38509 jo—empmu © 30 dn uy) Somes ay s]—epoomg ASHI ‘ipooig “Aa “poy sem aia puy "A WVAV eames sosiod YHA eamp Aaxp op oy 9p15 10 po S| RHP JO a0: EAL “aouy © pe sdaays © aqKeN (00h ‘ap Bunpouos °° * es [AUR T (Asqumysodea ig oy say 203) jtueoup © aeq Cn 8S) "WAV Eup Ov tea Jo sweasp Moya ay PIC HHcEUROID (‘dood 241 OF ftvep souco sefony “sagstuva poszy "W0Os Ay 'q3901q 4045 "pro| 3914} smoyg juszy) zaIp 0 Bu D pods sq sano jozy) sf Sumppien 24 TEE 1 ogh pourasp 2, Aomp 2eypa JoquUaUIaY 0 Way HEM 2yeM—I96 TONY CSuud 514 a4 01 SDS [2s21°) quay asin 2063 03 wi8oq pu ‘wre pos Jo. Il ‘apeap woes Bujey puy soe2205 aay owes Ang 35) og Pus of Afuo axe nok ‘Kpoqsue Tey 0 30a jypsed 9q ang “UMP TH fray spenp go sopia oq TI NOS “ata UMep skys vay ‘2:05 “Srm{L (2jdo0d aq) 19 usep Burqoo] ‘spuris) cevouKue peuenvest ‘poe sf sue Ke mou ano Wage paussacd 9q s3pmanmur mp TeyS ‘Moy seq 39 0F aN] pw 9a] 03 19 KY “POO UaHOBIOG 39g re baey oydoad asogp ang "yues atp ssonse peaids [gm apes ueumy Bun wae a0 sey BN BL “ep 'noK 40g HOM acy “4NeeC, yo py (uoans “7 941 pugag dh sgby, pexzy) i1EY “COD paging ‘pg S19 SEIS 216 2H, 3208 © wo poy98 51 Pos} PuD ‘sys Bubuog "P2196 aud “danse pasanoosip Kye} 24g WH IOV el dies? But who kills him? (Cain kisses Abel.) the ground, thy face crushed, and a blood EVE. You two stop fighting. Nobody ever dreamed of death before, I. Father, ve never understood why you couldn’ have stayed Garden and multiplied, EVE In the Garden! boy— ething you do in the Garden, did He say, exactly, when yo place. So the fence should fence the thing that stays in one place and not the thing that moves around. ADAM. That's logical, Cain, 9 Is os ft (sdoss uaqy ‘ues 24 50 prop ss sumnsys uye>) epouaddeq sey uoyp puy Chyproy) “TAA (Cayoay asuate faq fo zie “yowow » sof wig goon Kaye Shoyd 24 "aan tio ypeq sq Bun ‘pur Dy w 0} #906 w3e>) "00 CEH “WVGY _oxp etme ON) Cow poses 210)2) “TREY ‘ae 2 ON WYCV nok pres nok y8N0% | “NIVD. ion 1 Cogn a osm pans) TRY ‘yan 2u—a08 mos 2 FNP PPA err oe apa oo} POET Ok PE NID aware Wav “9 pu pood 30 “TaBY Pode ue pom san sap sem aso) pouopon jaaopg | Keméue PAL WEY HHH BA (sabe 340 -ayoyp ypnu use sion ein0> $0) sRonBuod sea BIS WC “PIP 3 98009 40 "NIV exp ome a 394 poy ROK Puy (pM Fg » QML) "TREY ome WV “ewey) oem oH “TGV eas nok "poo8 os Sino8 sem Sompasoas senf say (uo) os K}6umpveje) “ZAR ‘3ep oy SuIyAKUE 40 NOK 09 pain 2m ep Up 0 ‘no see 3,u0p |—asIpereg Simazaq Jo wopsonb ayp snoqy “W¥GV (Aipassuagasdde gogo Buinis “6x ac) ded "eye IL “EBV -puoys suupuias og 209 i202 1 uy Soka 49g siaa0s yroge Buys st og ‘309 af 991 pus ‘pavaq 51 saioko> puacas fo Buyeioy 46iq 248 Jo mo 299 2895 ( sbuyf pur sagsna paddosp s =yous 26iny v uaqe paqy qovouddo 0} puny siq pase jdn ani nok ¥t10p KYA CuoneD}¢ 0} KsnoHo} exmey (pug 4 smo 58H, | ‘910 }9q NOK pjor 2m $e—IPAN Aas 08 Haj 06 ane Supa Ses UP 1 3 arnok em oy ing HAT 03 84308 axe 31 WVOV ‘Kus je sem 9 99, spunos "a Jp 23H 9 gouge 5949 sus Hossasdx posnsos v ‘2205 ‘Sf teD) cop ov Pesoddns | ure 3eyM wou, ay amsoop wossod ©. uepur [295 nod fay 3y 2UPIP AOL 9” "AAT esa (203 “yoo we] or Aisoyoq swam ang) “IPA eM COU) “Wa arr 205 s3eid eq Sip EV aiueyp pyooys am sqdour pus “regan st a 3 OUERAEINS YHOTD eIeG “NIV a9 34 "BEN SPP 3UpIP | aq "HED “epseY 310M nok MOK | -paway ov pjos (una # Lomo sug 2H) — age aia agy 2254 (08 08 appoop APOE AP * * 2A WYGY eta S40 “HAV eB sonaq a aqKour os ‘Buquaddey sj Bonp id Cap agi a» punose sousy6 » qiiaL) WYCY ‘sB00pq POM ap aoa pp ou 0 a0 0M op pIOM HPO VD ADAM, (With a worried glance at Cain.) Well, the next thing— Tooked 2t her y’see. And there was something funny. I didn’t know what it was, And then I She was naked, (Cain now turns to ther.) CAIN AND ABEL, Mama? EVE, Well, be was too. CAIN, (Shocked, be drops the lyre.) Mama! EVE, We didn’t know it, da CAIN. How could you not know you were naked? EVE, Well, we were like children; lke you, like Abel. You remem- ber, when Abel was a baby and ran around— CAIN. (Outraged, accusing.) But you weren't a baby! EVE. (Jo Adam, at a loss.) Aren't you going to say anything? ABEL, (Explaining jor Adam.) Well, they were like animals. CAIN, (Pained, horrified.) Don’t you say a thing like that! ADAM, (To Cain.) Well [told you~I could smell water? ABEL. Sure! And they could hear the trout talking. CAIN. But you never said you were actually . . animals. ADAM. Now just @ minute, Cain, That was the way God wanted it CAIN. I can't believe that! God could never have wanted my ‘mother going sround without any clothes on! ADAM. (ngrity, standing.) You mean 7 woulds’t let her put her clothes on? EVE. (Going to bim.) Darling, we were innocent! CAIN. “GFuriously.) You were naked and innocent? Don’t you ‘understand that that’s why he threw you out? EVE. He loved us most when we were naked, He only got mad when we knew we were, (Slight pause.) No wonder we dreamed of death CAIN. (Swept by bis EVE, Why? CAIN, We've been saying all the wrong prayers. We shoulda’t be thanking God—we should be begging his forgiveness. We've been living a5 though we were innocent. We've been living as though ‘we were blessed! EVE. But we are, darling CAIN. We are cursed, Mother! EVE. (Furiously to Adam.) You should never have told him! CAIN. Why did you lie to us? 2 ADAM, Now just a minute - ; CAIN, CAecusingly,) 1 always few there was something you werent ADAM. Jota inate! (Sight pause) We dia’ wart eo flghten ‘you, tha’s all, But maybe now you're ald enough to understand He did curse us when Hl threw us out, And part of the curse is chat we will have to die CAIN. We're going t die? ABEL. Like the sheep, you mean? ADAM, Sheep, beds, everything CAIN. You and Mama, t00? You mean we woulda’ see you any- EVE, Don’t worry about i, Daring, Px sure we have along, long time yet. CAIN, You mean before He got angry you would never die? ADAM. Far 25 I know—yes. CAIN. Oh my God—then He must have been absolutely furious with you. EVE. I'm sure He's forgiven us, dear, or we wouldn't have you and everything so wonderful— CAIN. (Sinking fo bis knees) Listen to me! I tell you we have been warned. Now we must do what has never been done, EVE. Do what? CAIN, We wast give this day—not to che animals this day we must give to God. I tll you— Ge loo tenderly) if we will open up our sins to Him and cl selves, He might show His face and tell us how we are supposed to liv Father, Mother, Abel—come and pray with me. ADAM. (Jo foe) Wella EVE. (Recallng.) Maybe he (Going to her knees.) What should we pray, da ‘Heaven. Adam goes to bis knees. And finally Abe! CAIN. Almihty God, sesing that our parents were thrown out oF en leans over to Eve.) 4 glance at the praying Cain) Does this mean Ym cy -daams suas po 3g avy agi fo dot ost sayper sAeie 29} pe wioo Aygo 384 9H EL Conuadea 5g quer “ae 06) “eg ‘poo8 As spunos j29p IMFAPUOM e SELL C edn 9nf8 1049 nok (uaonagg 0 af» Bu uv oye oy oer 01 ame se 3 9HOP te SD40H SEH TA “NIV. (aaqiowe fo do1 uo saptnog 2g soe (oaqie 1 Boy p20 "08 SOA 5 ipsam oy rte ewe sy 0508 uy yeas 3uom nog, (ais “Fn ay aus Soon me bun soar Ka pewepiy) IAG pnw 4 an ‘amy 1p 08 yweM | “OP vwerp soneq Sens nq“ "wR ‘ “aey vesp pe Sab YUH AO TNIV 6 a4 aust 'gBnoxp ‘eae sey Aros “ueynous ax ssouse samased pet euatp 4s088n5 nos prnom 7 | 4 foes op fem 99 0 ao UNE PAY 10K pInOM 3234, “NIV doqeny “Yan usen aap 242 2e4p doays ang ang dooys ayp 282 seq woD ay) 204 say YB ANA “TAY 9h ‘NIV ‘exou quien susns Jaqy” MON.) 1941] TPL “10K 0} 308 Sey 20] 4 304 ent nok PIC Cain, you'll see. And here's another thing. We've go to praise Him more. We haven't been praising Him enough. wp, get the suf (Cain ) verisly.) He's going t0 throw in a few onions, g to be like it was again! (She rushes to Abel.) Push back your hair, darling, Adam, '& swept forward am apple of 1 Because that’s the one He loves y/see, because that’s the one He t eye and don’e be frightened, tho turns and tensely stars forthe altar.) Ole halts. She comes t offering. Then she kisses bim. Die turns again to the altar. before him. They stare at 5 bin. Toen be carefully sets sleps back. All go to their knees befor te cdo ett.) hk Abel iS my idea, Mother. Can't he do it another time? EVE. It was just a suggestion! You don’t have to get angry. ABEL. (Struck by bis vision.) Maybe He would come because of 56 are you guilty about? Just because your mother back and enjoy it. is not fair to Cain, and ! can’t bear that any more! jat—Cain would have to accept tatl LUCIFER. Boy, even with God's help nobody can be Number One and good at the e ABEL. Get thee be 1c! CHe draws bis knife and rusbes U.) EVE. (Jo Adam.) RR, (As be rushes u. after Abel.) Abell Don’t call down in is still on is knees, staring abead. Eve feels bis .) Now, Maker, show thyself and ‘my Abel and my Cain, (She and ‘and left, He sets bis offering on the sounds again, and now a figure rises bead of a bull, At the sigbttbey round) thine awakening, Mankind! And for your progeny now and forever I decare one massive eternal, continuous parole! From here on out there is no sin or innocence But only Man. 7 sir—my mistake. But this isn't er, then with bigh interest leans and in- 2) Ohith, yes. ‘My youngest, ‘She goes, and be comes to a belt. 1s be sees bis strange expression.) fattest lamb, Lord. I hope it try rubbing a bud of garlic over it. of dangerous taught corn? I planted tw first time, (His eyes time, definitely. (Mow God picks up a piece of meat. All grow rad to watch. God puts the meat in His ICIFER. What's this, now? CAIN. This is my house! Mine! Cle faces Luci ‘enters here but Cain any more, They have God, farm—and before Pm finished, may fences will stretch for Abel) Darling! (She ips, and turns up 10 God.) 1 there is no other on earth oF cither. (Turning to Lucifer, who earth, (Daylight changes stars appear.) Look! (Both ook up at the nigbt sky.) He is giving you a night at noon, Dark+ 6 £99 WHALP a9 "xO 9H Jo 1 5 53108 SH NIV eq 51 4m WAY Pay ‘ana Cuwpy pun 203 ware pargag spuoys mp9) jnowp He Oy, png sq 0308 406 aroqauwos joa} Busy tx wo if omy Sbunf mv>) j08 por a4oq nok ED Mo} jE: jon 2405 (panos 99 Sa 330) 150 28S Cumop gy SoHE 94 may Bune ieHOWY Chunuca (suns pup saBpop 0901 240) 190 9N85 MON, POH oF Fayed ‘gy? 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Where is Abel, thy brother? CAIN. (With a new, dead indifference) I know not, Am 1 my brother's keeper? GOD. The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground, EVE. (Seeing the corpse, tke a sigh at firs.) Abb. ADAM. (Wide-eyed.) Obbh. (The sigh repeatedly emanating from her, sbe balts, looking down at the corpse, Adam comes and faces it) Obhhh. EVE. (Se goes down beside the corpse, keening.) Abel? Wake sy darling! ADAM. Abel? (Calls) Abel! GOD. What CAIN. (With a bitter, hard grin, plus a certain intimate, familiar tone.) What had to be done, As the Lord surely knew when I laid before Him the fruit of my sweat—for which there was only Thy contempt. GOD. But why contempt? Didn't I approve of your offering? x. Abel’s lamb was not “ap- proved,” it was adore, ike GOD. “Gndignantly.) But Ike lamb! (Cain is dumbfounded.) 1 don’t deny it I like lamb better chan LUCIFER, Surely there can be no accounting for taste, CAIN, And this is Your justice? GOD. Justice! CAIN, (With a bitter laugb.) Yes, justice! Justice! GOD. When have I ever spoken that word? CAIN, You mean our worth and value are a question of taste? GOD. (credufousy.) But Cain, there are eagles and sparrows, lions and mice—is every bird to be an eagle? Are there to be no ‘mice? Let a man do wel, and he shall be accepted. CAIN. [have done well and 1 am humiliated! GOD. You hated Abel before this day, so you cannot say you hhave done well. from the corpse) You argue with Wim? (She rusbes in, Adam boldind ber back.) Kill him! He's a mure eld by Adam, she calls) Take his Hie! GOD. Surely you repent this, CAIN, When God repents injustice, 1 will repent my own! 6 LUCIFER. Why should he repent? Who sent death down here? You did! (te points to God.) There is the murderer! beginning to end! (Eve stops to God.) Do You deny, le they slept? (To Eve) Ask EVE. You sent the Angel of Death? (Pause) GOD. Yes. EVE. Lord God . . . did you wi GOD. Eve... soon the mult Pause) spring. from this Arst thousands be shepherded 3 eye of Cod opens in the cach himself will choose the way of you go as beasts, locked up in the ir nature. (Sigh! pause} T saw that Cain was pious; saw envy too. And so I thought—if Cain were 30 he lif his hand against his brother, but then, remem- bering his love for Abel and for me, even in his fury lay down his arms? (Jo Cain) Mant—you would kave risen like a planet be- fore the generations, the victory of God; fist brother and the fist to reject a murder. Oh Cain, how I hoped for chee! ADAM. (Jo Eve.) Do you understand? He was trying to help us (She stands rigid, wide-eyed.) Eve, you must beg his pardon, EVE, (Surning to God.) But why must my child have died? You could have tested me, or Adam or Abel—vwe could never have falled. COD. Woman, 2 moment ago you commanded me to take Cais EVE. But... 1 was angry. COD. Cain was also angry. (She turns away, rejecting.) Do you understand me? (Beginning to anger.) Then am Ia wanton mur. derer? Speak! What am Ito you? ADAM, Evel Tell Him you understand! EVE. I do not understand . . . why we can't just fiver GOD. Because without God you'll murder each other! EVE. (Furiously.) And with God? With God? GOD. Then do you want the Devil? Tell me now before the mulki- tudes arrive. Who do you want? ADAM. You, Lord, you! hheart of every man; only life, not deat darkness 6 9 temmom “uonsanb 24) 5} HM PUY “COO JINOS AW CawaqunW SH “HAT ‘uonsonb ayy #8 92gM 30g “COD “wos Aas poropanas 9 ang (uafony 0G) "BA “soue>uimy oy peg 08 03 I TPL, C99 06) jsuopsonb ssypiny ow Sey 2uS jm] 5F 2YS “YSIIOTTT —uowsonb © aaey 01 subse 245 “COD “sop poy xe suonom ou put ‘uonenys wanok uf ¥8n09 908 ‘dams £oq 1, HED ogee asORE OW 3q [L914], “¥AIIN OTE snoge Tey ang (4efny OG) "AAT 2 qos-mau » gig.) 208 Ye 38324 NOK 3u0p Ay AYO ap 30 Kem ug EHOW Nok smear oy sues sp Jo suoH Buy (ofiomy op 903 poop sq sumy aq eto aauaps ws 6 ipyon 08 03 Wy TPL (20g 24) ipuom om aye 1 IB KA (POG eG) “waAIONT Cusp ‘Sian To, POY oP NO ny ove peop MOS ste A Fe PoY “OD Cag oF soqsns sane sag ep POD 9 E> a yO * ‘aafeong wos} dois » Bunyog “Jo agen “sxpong Sty ORO 24 JT IBupuadar soppy & jo ssa oe 249 ‘POD J0 94} ap UEA nok ssopep, jueWOR ‘dORETOsUOD OM St SIBKLL “YAOI {pauaddog sey Sumpou wesw nox Cancun 4x4 Guat) “BAL 5p a FE SOUDLATP a4 SAHA, (05 om 405 wonsenb amp Jo 3n0 imox WuM—ou ‘ON YEONT 2 ‘aq aA,n04 34M SAL “GOD insur qe saifo Su9s~q) ANN Pop 9q 07 ateM YOU op sop 23804 sno 3eNp Mot joint} 24 op 0} enmH09 319 ‘Tumypow so¥pnt oye po 2P—Seel YS NOK THY PUR HITE nos EOOYD M7 H SRL "OD be WaY “Aavsgmat 06 03 s9n0 a 248 kqp20q ] pue—pHoM ayy wom sary nos eBay Csajony 2g) “TE 38 2ume]q ou sxoW wos 949 pue ‘auo ou samRyG saWyER 3A ‘poo soumeg soqou ayy, js89]3H0% Ye 228 nox (72891!ND) “GOD YER ZPO08 sf ~*~ snp KD ‘sayMaHIOS euoemos oj egtem—zmowy | op moy * °° ssneoeg “WVGY 1s {peop 5 wos ausoouNt snoK 2K “COD ‘uop aa,nok pj NOK ayuoq (we Of) * ‘of ajosuo fos spsom svetdoadd ‘ur jou—ueeur 3,0p nog, ;puc (Coa suois apg) jax0m Ke epeq PAY Fug we Supe] ‘Buyag ess pue tos ameyndosim sno 948], cH oP NOK 2e> Kip, «Gm Hf mH eo Ag, —o80 soumoT © 3s 0p ABS NOK PIP FY 3 TOO HREM BAT] 9 WED MOFY (POF 04 4n0 Fu 12 1p on emowote, : ‘Coa usunpe se 01 aang) ay 09 CSOT 22) 3A aoa deg iaopsr} noe 10894804 "SHOT u pars aoa) #3 poe ef sper oanseg 7 {Gepy) a4oge Jo # Garg) 9 jo spp sno ‘9600 den way Sempre sy yi joa BET 05 sams aay BF poo Jo sad sede poe ef oom Ups SEY ‘os seoy oy pode 384 om FHF PRL sansa sou, soma song BY coeying woos YO Gaxguey aye 28 sy om) FE 320% eo yes pus syecestotod FH Pot ‘i Fa usps puuyog cay 2ST tues pune 3 P0008, sud ‘240 PF LO ALIBLO¥d oe Nivzaino MWY (satoud pasa» “pom og) 04 pu “noge pu do syo0] wwpY “ae 241 1 sou 99) fo 29U0 pur ‘sbuas me Sauer 200f 1g wo pax se—jayqsuodsos pj saeyp Te BE 9M ‘hog (Lomo sms M29) —sromacue Suae> rou spo pury jsseaq yp 4q popunoxins S18 3m ‘ae (gi0q wosf Lar sum wo) jUopsed 204 SY "WYK ipavaddey Baxpou yBnoxp se nO tp jou js | e224 pauoddeq Burqou eq) 2a aug o} ou we | "NTYD Pe 449 nok sopsnf oF MEP Au ay HH pu Tan POY NO PUY

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