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Holiday should be treated with care

I believe that holidays should be treated with care for 3 reasons.

1people try to make other people not believe in the thing they would like to
believe if no one even believes in holidays what would be exiting what
would be the reason for living nothing life would just be empty and barley
anything would make anyone happy now think what life would be like if
there were holidays there would be something exciting to look forward to
for example on Christmas the presents, Halloween with tasty candy, and
easter with a fun scavenger hunt

2 the thing with the holiday is you don’t have to be the one that is going to
find a holiday that someone made make your own make more thing to look
forward and make those holidays will make your life have a bigger meaning
also you can have more to celebrate you will also have a reason to eat
treats such as my favorite broccoli I .. Ment cake heh heh

3 okay now since you got this far I admit you’re doing great now before I
go on with what I’m saying I want you to think of a time that you made
someone feel that holidays are trash if you did I am not blaming you for it I
just want you to remember okay now the last reason that you should treat
holidays with respect is you are not only harming the person mentally you
are being disrespectful to the culture and when you grow up you will feel
guilty for what you have done.


So this is my evidence for why holidays should be treated withThe care I

hoped that you liked my opinion so please comment thank you

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