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T Rex VS Triceratops
T Rex
The rex is 10 feet and has big teeth but with small arms so if you make it

fall it will struggle.The rex is a lot bigger than the triec and has a lot more

power over the triec. Like bigger teeth or it has night vision and can run up

to 40 to 49 mph.

Triceratops has three big horns on its head and a stubby little tail.

The triec(Triceratops) yes it is smaller and it's slow but it’s body is made to

fight or show off so that is one for the triec.

Triceratops has three big horns on its head and a stubby little tail.

The triec(Triceratops) it is smaller and it's slow but it’s body is made to fight

or show off so that is one for the triec.

Facts About The T Rex.

Fact 1. The t rex stands up to 40 feet tall, Wow that is big but it has super

small arms hay that’s some breast now is it.

Fact 2

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