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PT Wave wahana Wisesa

Is an Online game publishing company established since 2008. Have several games (such as, Angel Love
online The new beginning , 3 Kingdoms Reborn, New RAN online, 3 Kingdoms online Next Gen) also
provide Wave piont (virtual point for digital products online)

To grow our business: from online gaming entertainment, edutainment, and community into virtual
payment gateways; from nationally into globally in the changing environment and tough competition.
To bring and serve: different excitement in entertainment where player enjoy togetherness that cross
the boundary between virtual and reality; online users for an alternate way of convenience and secure
service for online transaction

Wave Literature :

Help author / writer to publish their creation into global audience through Global Digital Platform. They
serve not only localization to local language but also local content globalization especially in Web Novel
production. They help distribute, license, and protect content intellectual property.

Memupublikasikan kreasi/novel dari author dan penulis dari lokal hingga Global Audience through
Global Digital Platform. Melayani tidak hanya lokalisasi ke bahasa lokal tetapi juga globalisasi konten
local khususnya dalam produksi Web Novel.

Wave Literature project : Fantasy (Cincin Naga, battle through heavens

Perusahaan mendistribusikan, melisensikan, dan melindungi konten Intellectual Property (hak cipta)

Jobdesk :
1. Converting Author to platform
2. Guide & explore author / writer how to make money on the platform
3. Helping authors to publish their work on the platform
4. Lokking for new potential writers to join the platform
5. Teach, mentor, and advice potential writers to improve content quality and grow reader base
6. Maintain author relationship with the platform

Wattpad :
Author fav : despersa (Petty shitty), iLaDira (possessive Ex), Freelancer Author (He wants to fix
1. Premium (sebulan 65k, setahun 650k, 6 bulan 390k) unlimited onffline stories
2. Premium+ (sebulan 2 paid stories 129k, Setahun 24 paid stories 1,3 jt)
3. Coins (per part 3 coins, seluruh part tergantung bab novel)

Buku The History of Bees : Ada 3 cerita yang berbeda, setnya di Inggris, US, dan China.
1. William, seorang ayah yang ditempat tidur berbulan2 karna depresi, ung keluarganya hilang.
Percakapan dengan putranya memicu usaha baru yaitu untuk membangun sarang lebah yang
sempurna. Tapi putranya bukan anak sempurna yang diharapkan, tetapi dia menemukan
semangat bar di salah satu putrinya.
2. George, peternak lebah (beekeeper) berjuang melawan industri pertanian. Besikeras membuat
sarangnya sendiri, tetapi keuangan menipis dan putranya lebih tertarik lanjut perguruan tinggi
dari pada mengurus pertanian.
3. Tao, pekerja yang mengecat serbuk sari ke pohon, semua lebah telah menghilang. Putranya
yang berusia 3 tahun mengalami kecelakaan tragis sehingga dibawa pergi. Tao berusaha ntuk
mendapatkan putranya kembali.

Customer service : is the support we offer our customer that helps them have an easy and enjoyable
experience with us.
1. Giving the information about the products or service to customers
2. Help customers to handle problems and give the best solution about it
3. Ensure that customers are satisfied with our services

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