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Security Strategies: Sifers-Grayson Company.

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At Sifers-Grayson, research reports have been analyzed, thus showing a need for a plan to

improve its security posture. The senior team members have chosen specific defense strategies,

defense-in-depth and layered security, which are based on policies, technologies, and processes

to deal with the situation. A decent layered security strategy protects the resources of information

technology and a defense-in-depths approach widens the room of security's attention. In addition,

defense-in-depth encourages policy flexibility that can respond to new conditions, thus ensuring

unexpected threats do not blindside one (Štitilis, D. e.t al 2017). The security strategies will be

able to protect the enterprise from internal and external attacks and threats if well implemented.

Defense-in-depth and layered security is defense strategies with different concepts but are

somehow similar, and there is a relationship between them. However, despite them being

different, there is no competition between them. The two defense strategies should be in a

position to infirm one's treatment of the other so that it can be possible to get rid of some

circumstances. Those circumstances include threats that might have strayed from their common

targets, unexpected intense attacks, and simultaneous attacks by independent threats. Therefore,

before implementing the two strategies, the managers should have a greater understanding of

how the two are different from each other, how they are similar, and how they are related to each


Defense in depth is an information assurance strategy, and it provides various defensive

measures that are redundant in case there is a security control failure or vulnerability

exploitation. The method originates from a military strategy that aims at not defending an attack

but delaying the advance of the attack. With the delay factor, the approach ensures rapid notice

and response when disasters and attacks progress and delay their effects. Therefore, damage

mitigation or avoidance that is impossible to manage using decent technological measures can be

endorsed before realizing the complete impacts brought about by a threat. The strategy's use

cases include product design, network security, and end-user security.

The strategy assumes that it is impossible to accomplish complete safety against threats

through application of any group of solutions to security. Relatively, a layered security's

technological components are seen as stumbling barriers that block a threat from progressing

where its progress becomes slow and frustrating until the threat ceases. The strategy also

assumes a wider range of likelihoods that do not have explicit target on the protected systems. A

defense-in-depth strategy also has extra safety measures that address precise concerns. The

concerns include forensic analysis, disaster recovery, criminal activity reporting, accounting on

authorized personnel's activities, and responding to alerting, emergency, and monitoring.

The layered security approach is a security system that uses a variety of components to

protect operations on multiple layers and can be implemented at any complete security strategy

level. The deployment of the strategy's security tools can improve the security system of Sifers-

Grayson. The tools include intrusion detection systems, firewalls, integrity auditing procedures,

local storage encryption, and malware scanners. The stated tools may be used to protect

information technology sources at Sifers-Grayson in ways that are impossible for others.

Defenses have possibilities of being at fault and the possible ways to identify the defects

is them being conceded through attacks (Horne, C. A.2017). Therefore, a chain of different

defenses should be used by the approach for coverage of the gaps in the other's capability of

them being protective. However, layered security does is not a reference to many publications of

one elementary safety tool. Free ClamWin and AVG fixing on an MS Windows device is not a

layered security example despite it achieving some of the similar benefits. Layered security is all

about use of many security procedures where individual measure protects a different path for a


The two strategies are similar because they aim to protect the information technology

system from attacks both internally and externally. However, the two approaches differ in that,

layered security arises from the aim of covering for the failings of every component in order to

secure the whole system against threats, whereas defense-in-depth arises from a view that it is

not possible to achieve total security against threats through the implementation of any security

solutions collection. Also, the solution of layered security has an assumption of a singular focus

on where threats originate, within some specific categories of attack. However, for the defense in

depth approach, it takes a broader range of possibilities.

Penetration testing discovers the vulnerability of an organization's cybersecurity through

viewing the network, device, application, and physical security through a bad actor's eyes. By

implementing the two security strategies in Sifers-Grayson, the enterprise will be able to identify

a hacker's target, how they will attack, and the possible breach's magnitude (Tahoun, E., &

Khedri, R. 2017). Therefore, the strategies are a recommendation to be implemented in the

organization for their great ability to protect its security system. With the discussion, it is evident

that the two proposed strategies have the ability to improve the overall defense posture at Sifers-

Grayson. They will ensure that the information technology of the organization will not at risk of

being attacked.

The Product Evaluation.

The security situation at the Sifers-Graysons has to be enhanced to avert the internal and

the external cyber-attacks. To attain well-strategized security setting for the institution’s

information and equipment, a critical evaluation of the system security requirements must be

conducted. The analysis aims to select the most ideal of the security products and the services in

conjunction with the outlined defense-in-depth and the layered security strategies of the

presented Sifers-Graysons security scenario. Therefore, this section of the essay will show and

discuss the products and the technologies to utilize in implementing the mentioned above

security strategies.

Inline to the Defense Strategy #1, that requires the development of a Demilitarized Zone

(DMZ) for the R and D center, business class firewalls, business class routers, and the business

class intrusion, detection, and prevention systems product is a requirement. On the other hand,

Defense Strategy #2 requires the products that will be essential in implementing enterprise-wide

protection, detection, and prevention abilities. Moreover, the applications and tools will be

installed on the Sifers-Graysons Company’s servers. Both of the two stated measures are

engineered towards preventing internal and external attacks.

Defense Strategy #1.

The Business Class Firewalls.

A firewall can refer to the computer security tool positioned in between a business’s in-

house net and the internet. Firewalls function at the hardware and software levels. They prevent

unauthorized access to an organization’s computer system information and components. A

firewall has to have the Stateful Packet Inspection engine (Li, Jiang, Jiang, Wu, Du, 2020,). The

SPI engine will examine the packet components and permit access to the network as long as the

traffic is legit.

Moreover, firewalls can block incongruous outgoing and in-coming traffic grounded on

rules and filters. Firewalls function as networking shields, identifying information packets before

they are permitted to pass through. Idyllically, they detect attackers, prevent them from accessing

the business’ computer network, alert the system admin, record material-evidence on the source

of the tried forced entry, and produce bits of intelligence that will help in the tracking down of

the hackers.

The firewall types of protection vary in terms of the hardware security systems,

configurations, and complexity. The less complicated and small businesses can employ routers

that will regulate the sending and receiving of data and information. The routers are fitted out

packet filters for inspecting the conveyed data. Furthermore, the routers are configured in a

manner to allow and block inbound and outbound data. The type of protection is cheap to

implement but has minimal protection against hackers. A proxy server is another type of

protection. It works by stopping the incoming and the outgoing traffic to pass through an

inspection before being forwarded. Proxy servers are not ideal for installation, and they offer

minimal security to the system information. Therefore, basing on the above discussion on

firewalls, they can be classified into packet filtering firewalls, Stateful inspection firewalls, and

proxy service firewalls.

Firewall Product.

The primary examples of firewalls products include the CISCO, the FortiGate, the

WatchGuard Network Security, SonicWALL, the Barracuda CloudGen firewall, and the Fortinet.

The cost of the stated firewalls varies from one vendor to the other.

For the Sifers-Graysons Company, the Fortinet firewall will the most ideal compared to

the other firewall products. They are network-based, and it is robust. They are designed in a way

to meet the requirements of small and large companies. The firewall is cost-effective since its

price is reasonable in contrast to the other firewalls. It has multiple roles embedded within it.

Thus, handling of the Fortinet Fortigate firewall is straightforward and more uncomplicated.

The Business Class Routers.

Routers are devices that convey data and information amongst packet-switched computer

networks. They can be virtual and physical in form. They function by inspecting a particular

information packet’s destination IP address, compute the ideal path for the packet to arrive at its

destination, and forward it appropriately.

Routers are essential in business as they link the organization to the external world,

safeguard important business info from attacks, and prioritize the computer systems. The

common router brands include the CISCO routers, the Linksys, and the NetGear.

For the Graysons Company, the CISCO router will be the most appropriate in

implementing the Defense strategy #1. The CISCO RVO42G category is the best of the CISCO

routers distribution since it is a dual Gigabit WAN VPN router. It has high performance and

security. Moreover, it offers internet reliability. It provides support for the Stateful Packet

Inspection engine. Besides, it is intuitive hence the best for Defense Strategy #1.

The intrusion Detection and Prevention System.

The IDPS refers to the application and technology that is created to prevent computer

systems from vulnerability exploits by offering a system user with the ability to react to and avert

spoofed, unauthorized internet data packets from inserting viruses into computing devices

(Birkinshaw, Rouka, Vassilakis, 2019). Intrusion, detection, and prevention systems monitor the

incoming and outgoing network traffic. Secondly, they work by maintaining a constant analysis

pattern on activities.

The identified IDPS include the CISCO, the Entrust, the Trend Micro, and McAfee. For

the Sifers organization, the McAfee Network Security Platform will be recommended. It is a

network threat and intrusion prevention tool, which safeguards data and computer systems on a

network. It is artificial intelligence-enabled and offers room for almost 33 million connections.

The connectivity can even be achieved on a single appliance.

Defense Strategy #2.

The Identity and Access Management tool.

The IAM tool permits authorized personnel to access system information at the required

time and for the right reasons (Abreu, Santin, Viegas, Cogo, 2020). Therefore, the IAM tools

identify system users' identities and allow them access to the system.

The Okta, the OneLogin, the RSA SEcurID, the Centrify, the SailPoint are typical

examples of the Identity and Access Management tools. The most recommended IAM tool for

the Graysons servers is the RSA SEcurID. The device offers solutions to security by accelerating

business actions and protection. It centralizes dynamic vulnerability-control measures.

In conclusion, the Fortinet firewall, the CISCO RVO42G category, the McAfee Network

Security Platform, and the RSA SEcurID IAM tool are the necessary tools and technologies to be

implemented in conjunction with Defense-in-depth strategies. The devices are essential as they

over security to the system components, data, and information by preventing unauthorized




Abreu, V., Santin, A. O., Viegas, E. K., & Cogo, V. V. (2020, April). Identity and Access

Management. In International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and

Applications.Springer, Cham.

Birkinshaw, C., Rouka, E., & Vassilakis, V. G. (2019). Implementing an intrusion detection and

prevention system using software-defined networking: Defending against port-scanning

and denial-of-service attacks.

Li, J., Jiang, H., Jiang, W., Wu, J., & Du, W. (2020, May). SDN-based Stateful Firewall for

Cloud. In 2020 IEEE 6th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud

(BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing,

(HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS) IEEE.


Štitilis, D., Pakutinskas, P., Laurinaitis, M., & de Castel, I. M. V. (2017). A MODEL FOR THE


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Horne, C. A., Maynard, S. B., & Ahmad, A. (2017). Organisational information security

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Systems, 21.

Tahoun, E., & Khedri, R. (2017). Exploring Strategies for Digital Security.

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