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CLASS 2031


Human Resource Management




Intrutor: Nguyen Ngoc Uyen

List of members:

1. Lê Thị Huyền Trân – 218 0736

2. Nguyễn Hồng Thanh Trúc – 218 2458
3. Dư Hữu Khang – 218 2937
4. Phan Vũ Kiều Hạnh –218 4274
5. Trần Hồ Hoàng Hải – 218 6271
6. Nguyễn Trần Vinh – 218 2626

Semester 20.1A, 11 /2020

Hoa Sen University


We assert that our report are self-made, there are no fraudulent acts in the process.

If there is fraud, we will take full responsibility as prescribed.

Student confirmation

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University


Our team would like to thank our Human Resource Management faculty for their support and
guidance during their time studying and writing reports. I hope you'll make the right comments
for our team to have more experience when you come out of life. Our team would like to thank:

✓ Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Uyen, lecturer in Human Resources Management.

Besides, my team also sincerely thanked Tran Vinh Limited company for taking a precious
time to support our team with information so that we can write a favorable report. Our team
would like to thank:

✓ Mr. Nguyen Huu Vinh- Director of Tran Vinh Limited.

✓ Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan- Head of Human Rights.
✓ Ms. Italy: Deputy Human Rights Department.

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University






















Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University


Picture 1 - Tran Vinh company .............................................................................. 1


Diagram 1 - Tran Vinh Limited Company Organization Chart................................. 2

Diagram 2 - Tran Vinh's recuitment process........................................................... 3

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University


HRM .......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

COMMITMENT ............................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. ii
LECTURER’S COMMEMT ............................................................................. iii
TABLE OF PICTURE...................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF DIAGRAM .................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... v
REASONS TO CHOOSE TOPIC ...................................................................... vii
REPORT LAYOUT ....................................................................................... viii
JOB DISTRIBUTION TABLE .......................................................................... ix
Employees evaluation criteria ............................................................................................... ix
Conclude ........................................................................................................ ix
Workforce planing ................................................................................................................ ix
Workforce planing ................................................................................................................ ix
Workforce planing ................................................................................................................ ix
1. OVERVIEW OF TRAN VINH COMPANY ................................................... 1
1.1. Organizational chart of the company .......................................................................... 2
1.2. The role of HRM in TRAN VINH Limited ................................................................ 2
2. Recruitment process ................................................................................... 3
2.1. Workforce planing....................................................................................................... 3
2.2. Interview...................................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Employees evaluation criteria ..................................................................................... 5
3. Conclusion .........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 6

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University


The economic market is constantly having fierce competitions, not only the office market but
also a lot of markets: automotive, industry,... always want to find partners, customers who
make strong arms for themselves to dispute with competitors. Not only small companies, large
companies also need companies that provide and distribute intermediaries that can meet most
of their needs when needed immediately. What if I could choose a place as a good source for
me? With small companies will save a lot of time and reduce a lot of costs on the source of
goods, while large companies can participate in the implementation of large packages quickly,
bringing great revenue to the company. Because of that when manufacturers are too far away,
suppliers and distributors are really good and fast supply of goods.

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University


At present, many companies appear on the market and the need to buy the necessary materials
for their company is also harder year by year, they want to choose a place that can supply and
exchange goods for themselves quickly, neatly and safely. When choosing the right supply
place will create a lot of advantages for their entire company: reduce transportation costs, return
safely, have quick goods,... . Because of this, our team has planned to research and learn one
of the factors that make up the strength of the big companies in the market today.

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University


Our research on Tran Vinh Limited will consist of 6 parts:

Part 1: Overview of Tran Vinh Limited.

Part 2: Recruitment process.

Part 3: Conclusion

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University


Name Part

Employees evaluation criteria

1 Lê Thị Huyền Trân 100%

Summary Word
2 Nguyễn Hồng Thanh Trúc 100%
Workforce planing

3 Dư Hữu Khang 100%

Workforce planing

4 Phan Vũ Kiều Hạnh 100%

Workforce planing

Recruitment process
5 Trần Hồ Hoàng Hải 100%
Support Workforce planing

6 Nguyễn Trần Vinh Overview of tran vinh company 100%

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University


Tran Vinh Co.,Ltd is currently a wholesale supplier of packages as well as distributor of office
items, labor protection, printers,... with wholesale prices and warranty modes according to the
manufacturer. Currently the number of employees is about 80 people and is assigned labor in
the right position.

Picture 1 - Tran Vinh company

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University

1.1. Organizational chart of the company

Diagram 1 - Tran Vinh Limited Company Organization Chart

1.2. The role of HRM in Tran Vinh company

Human resource management in the company will have the following roles:

 Recruit candidates and improve staff qualifications.

The company will consult candidates to apply on recruitment websites, thereby selecting the
right people to start contacting, undergoing official interviews of the company. After being
received, candidates will be trained by the company to suit the position.

 Quality control of work.

In order for every stage of the company to operate in the best way, the manager must know,
while controlling the working capacity of new candidates and the stable quality of work of
former employees.

 Ensure the stability of the working atmosphere.

Human resources department will be responsible for motivating and maintaining enthusiasm
throughout the time employees are at the company. Because without this, all employees will

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University

be very bored, do and go home, without the excitement, the performance will not be high,
leading to the quality of the company is also difficult to develop in the future. For the company,
human resources are the most important factor.

 Resolving internal conflicts.

Everywhere there will be conflicts from small to large, it is because that there must be a
manager who reduces the atmosphere of these conflicts.

 Keep personnel profile information in the company.

This role can be considered the most important in terms of ensuring the safety of the company.
Whatever happens, the company can know the employee's information and take quick and safe

In addition, the human services department also controls warehouse and accounting areas to
hold the situation of goods as well as incidents between employees and customers to solve

(Source: (Tran Vinh Limited, 2020))


Diagram 2 - Tran Vinh's recuitment process

(Source: (TranVinh, 2020))

2.1. Workforce planing

Step 1: Prepare an effective job description

Writing an effective job description is the first step to attracting the right candidates to your
company. The more clearly you describe the requirements, tasks, working conditions and

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University

advantages of the position, the less time you will waste examining and rejecting unsuitable

An effective job description should include the following:

 Position title
 Information about your company
 Job description
 Qualifications
 How to apply

Before recruiting, Tran Vinh company has prepared an intereview guide according to each
applied position to help candidates understand clearly and exactly whether this job is right for
them. Using the same questionnaire for an interview position to be able to objectively evaluate
the candidates participating in the interview. This also helps the employer to avoid emotions
that dominate the interview process.

Step 2: Seek personal resources

When recruiting people for a certain position, companies seek resources from both inside and
outside the company. Each source will have advantages and disadvantages, as well as different
ways to advertise recruitment information. At Tran Vinh company, employers have searched
for human resources in both ways:

 Internal resources: reviews, assesses suitability and gives internal candidates the
opportunity to be interviewed.
 Outside resouces: advertisements in internal corporate information table; relying on the
network to recommend candidates; post recruitment advertising on the media:
facebook, zalo ..., recruitment sites: Vietnamworks, carrier builder; timviecnhanh,

However, most of the company's personnel will be promoted or relocated to fit in under-staffed
areas. Because Tran Vinh Company believes that its longtime employees are familiar with the
working environment while reducing advertising costs, training costs, and some other costs.

2.2. Interview

Face-to-face interviews take many forms such as one-to-one interviews, and group interviews.
The company chooses to interview one to one with the desire to have a detailed and accurate

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University

assessment of candidates. You can't choose the wrong person because of saving 30 minutes or
1 hour of interviewing. Especially wasting time in other stages after recruitment (training
programs, new employee orientation, training programs to supplement the candidate's capacity
during working at the company, ...)

Tran Vinh Company invests heavily in the recruitment of personnel, and the company's opinion
is very clear, "not possible because you save time and then choose the wrong person". However,
thanks to the careful selection of personnel and spending a lot of time in the recruitment step,
the company can train the right people and support more favorable post-recruitment stages, in
terms of time and planning. company direction, capacity building programs, ....

2.3. Employees evaluation criteria

The establishment of employee assessment criteria helps recruit the most suitable candidate for
the position that the company needs, in addition, the recruiters can also assess the level of
current employees to plan training and improve the quality of work for employees.

Tran Vinh Company has set up the evaluation criteria for a potential employees:

 Professional competencies
 Problem solving thinking / skills
 Experience in an equivalent position
 Ethical qualities / behavior / communication
 Attitude / enthusiasm at work
 Age / health / time able to contribute to the company

However, the candidate's attitude and behavior in the interview is a factor that needs attention
and is quite important. Because through the attitude of the recruiters can partly assess a
candidate's people quickly and least costly. The employers of the Tran Vinh company said that
qualifications only show the ability and learning attitude. Studying well is not sure to do well.
Attitude towards the job, enthusiasm and responsibility for the job or not are of concern.

Besides, the candidate's skills and capabilities are very important factors. HR will evaluate the
behavior, body language, team fit ..., the suitability between the candidate's experience /
knowledge with the actual vacancy; The results of the qualification / skills test, the expected
salary of the candidate are in line with the company's salary framework or not & the assessment
of the managerial staff of the department having a vacancy.

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University


Tran Vinh company currently operates with a small private scale, but has a solid and flexible
human resources base. The HR department has its own human resource plans and strategies
that are suitable for the size and operation of the company.

Tran Vinh company currently only applies face-to-face interviews, so it is possible to consider
online interview, testing real skills via the online system for positions that are not too important
or need to show skills. On-the-job practice, especially during the Covid, has yet to be
completely ended. This helps to save travel costs, be flexible in time and easily improvise when
there is a social gap.

In terms of resources, currently the company has applied both internal and external resources.
However, the company still uses mostly internal human resources through promotions or
relocations. This job can create a less dynamic and competitive working environment among
employees, causing low productivity. The company may further consider expanding external
recruitment, along with remuneration for former employees, to work effectively to avoid the
injustice of time, productivity, dedication between former and new employees.


CINDAR. (2010, 8 4). HubPage. Được truy lục từ Forecasting Personnel Needs:

Commission, N. S. (2001). Strategic workforce planning. Được truy lục từ Employment Portal:

PARK, T. (2019). bdc. Được truy lục từ A 5-step recruitment plan for small businesses:

Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn Trần Vinh. (2020). Sơ đồ tổ chức 2020. Retrieved 11 12, 2020

TranVinh. (2020). tuyen dung. Retrieved from

VINH, C. T. (2020). trang chu. Retrieved from

Human Resource Management Final Report
Hoa Sen University

Human Resource Management Final Report

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