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Eat, drink, and be merry! Nouns * Expressions of quantity = something/no one... «+ Articles + Aloaf of bread + Food and clothes + Pronunciation - diphthongs Nouns 1. Main Street shops ‘Write the shops where you can get these things. “Il Fa 1 aloafofbread bakery 4 avacation brochure 4019 ploceS 7 an apartment to rent Real hte Ment 2 lamb chops her 5 abook to borrow Mbrary — 8 abookto buy Ye book 3 amagazine hoot nee 6 a coat cleaned aur dey 9 ahaircut aur besdey| clean Tan Sens oe 31 IEzaony cuzaness! EUTCHER. REAL (1) AGENT DoD =| at 2 Count and noncount nouns ‘apple suger stamp car gas meat water_-money dollar vice job work potato fruit _ soup bread _loaf__nens information Write the nouns in the correct column. ‘Count nouns Noncount nouns ape stamp — dollar suger os mecct information sb potato bak uo © POP water er mom far brea fork vce Unit 4 + Eat, drink, and be merry! 23 3. Chocolate or a chocolate? 1 Sometimes a noun can be count and noncount. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with 42+ noun or just the noun. 1 Like chocolate 2 Would you like a chocolate ? 3 [drink cotse every ‘morning. 5 Wsmadeof_glass_ 6 Heres o_ gle Sof milk 2 Complete the sentences with some + noun or a/an + noun, 1 Tdlike anicecream, 2 Would youllike some please. leecream? Expressions of quantity 4 some or any? 1 Complete the sentences with some or any. 1 There isn’t exny_ milk in the fridge 2. Isthere 04. gasiin the car? 3 Can you buy 20% milk when you go out? 4 [didn't buy 0 > grapes, 5 need to get Spee gas on my way to work. 6 Ineed Spent change for the parking meter. Idon't have 40 money. 8 Did you have 2% problems with this exercise? 9 Can you lend me Som’ money? 10 Can you give me ore advice? 2. Correct the mistake in each sentence. come 1 Can thaver bread, please? Tdonit want sofe rice 3 Ta like’ 3@' information about hotels in town, please. ome 4. He has done f very good work recently. paper. 6 Can Lhave aly milk in my coffee, please? 5 Idon't hav How much? or How many? Complete the questions with How much or How many. 1 “How meeps children do you have?” a 3 [bought her_cake. 4 Have seme. cake! 5 Can you buy 2 pager 7 6 Ineed some paper: 24 Unit 4 + Eat, drink, and-be merry! =~ “Three, Two boys and a girl” 2 “How revels butter do we need?” “Just one stick” 3“ Mew mam eggs did you buy?” “Halfa dozen” 4 “How raao~t people are coming for dinner?” “Bight” 5 “How muds do you earn?” “Thats none of your business!” 6 “Wows many bedrooms are there in her house?” “Three” 6 much, many, or alot of Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with much, many, or @ lot of t 1 ‘The store has alot of apples. Idontt see much bread. ‘There arent « lel “eopie. “They don't have smith cheese. 5 There are lototmagazines, but there aren't any_newspapers. ‘There isnit =m2h. milk. 6 7 But there isa lobog yogurt. 8 “Isthere rch salt?” “Yes, Lots!” 9 They don't have md butter. 10 There area \etof cans of soda. LL There isn't sch olive oil. 12 There's alotot rice, 7 afewora little? Match a question in A with a reply in B and C. A B Gc 1 "Does your tooth hurt?” ———— 2. "Were there many people atthe party? 3. "Have some whipped cream with your dessert” 4 “Do you have any books on Russian history? “ Tm trying to lose weight [-tm going to the dentist tomorrow’ “You can borrow them if you ike’ didn't know anyone” 8 Conversation ina store Complete the conversation with your own ideas. ‘A Good morning! Can! help you? B Yes. 11_need grapes, please, Yowmech cosk they? ‘A $4a pound. B ‘Mou have _anice bunch, please, And ° do you have any bananas? ‘A I'm sorry. [only have a few left - just three. B OK Never mind. I need some vegetables.© D6 yous have any broccoli? ‘A Yes, its right next to you. Help yourself. 7am tring else? B That’s*_OK _, thanks." Wows mach _js that? aAe_M'5 $5.50, please. @ Listen and compare. if Unit 4 + Eat, drink, and be merry! 2% something/no one... 9 Pronouns ~ someone... Look at the possible combinations RP someone = alien sondendy oie 7 elyse® anyone nad & ami bee NEA evenpae cada ane As needa nadie where 1 Complete the sentences using the words someone anyone 1 There's someone on the phone for you. 2 Did anyone call me last night? everything nothing 3 She has a rich husband and a big house. 4 He has ~ not a penny to his name somewhere everywhere 5 [can't find my keys! I've looked 6 I want to go away on vacation hot. anyone noone “Who did you speak to at the party?” | just stayed for ten minutes, then [left Tknew at the party, so I left 8 Lcouldn't sce someone everyone 9 Tt wasa great concert! enjoyed it 10 Could Jend me $5 until the end of the week? 2 Complete the sentences with one of the words in Exercise 1 1 Does anyone know whose book this is? 2. Please don't worry about me. Vim fine, the matter. Hello? Is home? 4 Tm so unhappy. loves me. 5 [put my glasses safe, and now I cant find them, 6 Wete going to sing Happy Birthday. has to join in and sing, 26 Unit 4 + Eat, drifk, and be merry! Reading 10 America’s favorite meal — hamburgers 1 @ Read the introduction and the paragraph How it all began. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences. 1 [EJ MeDonalds invented hamburgers Louis’ Lunch invented the hamburger. Gi Americans eat about 50 billion hamburgers a year. 3 (J Louis’ Lunch sold hamburgers on toast. 4 C1 A customer wanted a fast lunch at Louis’ Lunch. 5 1 the earliest hamburgers had ketchup. 6 CI Louis Lunch doesn't sell hamburgers anymore. Read the rest of the article. Answer the questions. 1 Who brought hamburgers to the Worlds Fairin 1904? 2. Where were the Menches brothers from? 3. Why did the Menches use hamburgers at the fair? 4 What did Charles Nagreen want to sell atthe fair in Wisconsin? 5 How many possible people “invented” the hamburger? 6 Who eats hamburgers nowadays? Complete the sentences. 1 Thes Library of Congress says a restaurant in Connecticut invented the first hamburger. 2k is probably the oldest hamburger restaurant in the US. 3 The 1904 ‘was in St, Louis, Missouri 4 used hamburgers instead of sausages. 8 ‘wanted to sell meatballs atthe fair. 6 ‘was the first person to put a hamburger onabun, | | | The hamburger is the dish the US is known for all over the World. Americans eat almost 50 billion hamburgers each year ~ that's three per person every week! We eat them with cheese, ketchup, mustard, tomatoes, lettuce, or onions — or with everything on top. Americans simply cannot get enough cof hamburgers. How it all began ‘The US Library of Congress says that a restaurant in Connecticut, Louis’ Lunch, served the first hamburger in 1900. The story says that a customer was in a hurry and wanted a fast lunch to go. So the owner put a ground beef patty on two pieces of white toast, and the customer walked out of the restaurant with the first hamburger The earliest hamburgers didn’t have ketchup or mustard on | them. Cheese, tomatoes, and onions were the only items added. And for some time, all these ingredients were served on toast or | regular bread. Louis’ Lunch still serves their hamburgers on toast today. The dispute Many people argue that others invented | the hamburger long | before Louis’ Lunch | did. Some argue that a Tevan named Fletcher Davis served them in Listening Tl My favorite kind of meal "AMERICA’S FAVORITE MEAL the 1880s and brought them tothe 1904 World's Fair in St Louis, Missouri Others say that Frank and Charles Menches, brothers from Ohio, invented the hamburger in 1885 after running out of sausages ata local county fair, And some others claim that Charlie Nagreen invented it ata fair in 1885 in Wisconsin. He wanted to sell meatballs, but it was easier to sell them between tw slices of bread. A fourth story says that Oscar Bilby, from Oklahoma, came up with the dea to put @ hamburger on a bun instead of bread. In fact, no one really ‘knows who first came up with the hamburger. Hamburgers today Once common only in fast food chains and diners, the hamburger also appears on the menus of ‘ashianable restaurants nowadays. The combination of ingredients varies, but the basic ones are still ‘the same. And you can find this “typical” American ‘meal all over the world now. Its definitely America’s favorite meal, but not only Americans know how to enjoy it ® Listen to four people talking about their favorite meal. Complete the chart. What’ his/her favorite meal? ‘When does he/she have i? Why does he/she ike it? What's ini? Articles Vocabulary 12 a/an, the, or nothing? BB Alloaf of bread 1 Complete the sentences with a/an or the Write a word from the box before the nouns ‘There may be more than one possible answer. 1 Patand Peter are_a lovely couple. She has a store and he’s _an_ engineer. oles, bag can bunch, 2 We went to thetheater to see 4 movie about Frida i cba’ cfbread Kahlo, he Mexican artist. 3 Itwas my friend's birthday yesterday. [ bought her 2. bunch of flowers and box of chocolates. She put 2 a She _ofham 3 a bolle of water ‘he flowers in = beautiful glass vase. 4 a each of bananas 4. “Where are Yechildren?” “They're playing in 5 a_1009_of chips ‘he garden” 6 a_colMle of olive oil 5. “Where are my shoes?” “They're on {he floor in 7 a_piect_of paper ‘he kitchen? 8 a_votHe ofjuice 6 TYloveto live in_ex house with a balcony near Hye ocean. Sia leas lohan? 7. Before you goto bed, can you feed ca cat and turn 10 a_bag, of oe sualigwes .29,_ of frozen peas 1 a_pite 8 Wedrove into dne countryside last weekend and found een fale arageee te We wae 12 a teach of flowers Ane. food was excellent, 13 a_Slee_of cake 2 Match a noun in A with a verb in B and an ending in C 14 a_bag of cookies to make general statements 7m r e 4 Food way, Write the words in the correct box. There are five 1 eon pee ne Uns words for each box. pe See gee chien lemon melon twrley ham 3 Mectaicn lan, /| cs yore tcc beef pea cafot_ onion 4 Detectives i ith to, peach nay lamb plum caulifower pt el 5 Butchers. Mind/ | fish 6 Cats sell —b meat. re Vegetables || Fruit Meat ul Zoeehin’ | [Yeon chicken ea |Jmeton || 4urke um e mS rer ar e)- Av carrot caspbecry || bara wae vo onion pe poet cavhflower beet: 3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1 Thad #lunch with Michael yesterday. 2 Give Maria a call. She's at 6 home. 3. Igo tothe school bf bus, 4 Mysister’s“doctor. 5. We have best teacher in world, 6 Tusually go to tHe bed at midnight. 28 Unit 4 + Eat, drink, and be merry! Pronunciation 15 Diphthongs Look atthe phonetic symbols for diphthongs (two vowel sounds together fevname Jowlno fan my lavlhow — jou! boy 1. Write a word from B next to the phonetic symbols ind. cee 8 1 istetki steak pie 2 out! toy 3 ipa! case 4 kau! steak 5 ou! boil 6 kets! loaf 7 fool’ Seek brown 8 Mbraun/ wD |-cow @ Listen and check. 2. Which words rhyme? Match a word in A with a word in B. A 8 1 steak 2 sn 2. phone » [5] boil 3 dine ¢ Ocak 4 loud FY dough 5 oll ¢ @) cond 6 grow F [2 grown 7 dy 3 Beght 8 plate h FH tie ® Listen and check 3 @ Listen and practice saying the sentences. 1 Tike a rare steak, please. Can I have eight ripe pears? 2 3 Five pounds of brown rice, please. 4 Aslice of white bread goes well with mild cheese. 5 like the same meal every day - olive oil, potatoes, and soy sauce, Just for funt 16 Word pairs Find the pairs of words. gs Hives ay butter. shire Milk salt SUS" forks tie beaaa bacon pepper krives and forks salt and peppey Shirt and $72 eggs and bacon milk and Sogav bread and butte 7 Crossword ~ plural nouns Complete the crossword. ‘The answers are all plural nouns that end in -s. Ny fela[nfs) fs Ul lk s} fe} nlc oP iy 3 [r] tf [3 fe[jel eels] [a laf Ls S| [mi Psi¥ Ja fs [x5 e| [a Psfh[o[*[+[S e 3 n[ Ss Across Down 1 ants made of denim, 2. Glasses to protect your Usually blue. () 6 The things that you wear, such a shits, eyes from the sun. (0) 3 A piece of womens clothing that covers the feet and pants, etc (7) legs up to the waist. (6) 7 Steps bultbetween two 4 Youuse these to cut levels inabuldng, (6) paper (8) 8 Short pans that end above the knee 6) 9 suit consists of jacket and...(8) 5. You wear thesein bed. (7)

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