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Diabetes Detox & Cleanse: The

Ultimate Guide
Knowledge is power.

Learn from an ex-diabetic engineer.

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What is a Cleanse and Detox?

Key Organs for Cleanse & Detox

Author’s Experience with Detox

Detox Changes Biochemistry

Benefits of Cleanse and Detox

Cleanse & Detox 10-Step Program

Detox Tips to Reduce Toxins

Next Steps: Cleanse and Detox
Cleanse & Detox: Control Blood Sugar

What is a Diabetic Cleanse and Detox?

A diabetic cleanse and detox helps to remove the chemicals and toxins
toxins/) that have accumulated in your cells and tissues that need to be
removed by your excretory organs, e.g. colon, liver, kidneys, etc.

If you have been eating a lot of animal meat and processed foods over the
years or if you have been taking a lot of medications for your diabetes, then, a
diabetes cleanse and detox can help you.

A diabetic cleanse and detox can help you by:

Providing the proper nutrients and nourishment to your digestive tract,

liver, colon, kidneys, pancreas, lungs, skin, etc.
Promoting toxin elimination through feces, urine, and sweat
Stimulating your liver. colon, and kidneys to get rid of toxins
Resting your organs by reducing consumption of unhealthy foods
Improving circulation
Stabilizing your insulin and blood sugar levels
Improving your environment, especially if you live in a toxic area

Detox therapies are most commonly recommended because of our exposure

to toxic chemicals in the environment and our diet. These toxic chemicals
include food additives, pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, drugs,
and other harmful compounds.

Ways to Cleanse and Detox

There are many ways to try to cleanse and detox your body. Some of those
ways include:

Fasting for 1–3 days

Eating only healthy foods such as green vegetables and fruits
Avoiding unhealthy foods such as sugar, flour, wheat, and processed
Avoiding animal meat, processed meats and other
animal meat products
Avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and other recreational drugs
Drinking only specific liquids such as water, lemon juice, herbal tea or
other similar beverages
Drinking only fresh raw juices and/or smoothies
Using herbs and other herbal products
Using dietary supplements or other commercial products
Cleansing the colon with enemas, laxatives, etc.
Performing a liver flush or detox
Performing a kidney flush or detox with filtered water, herbal teas or
other beverages
Reducing environmental exposures to chemicals and toxins such
as household cleaners, building materials, plastics, etc.
Eliminating foods high in heavy metals, allergens, and other
Using sauna therapy
Using mediation, yoga, relaxation techniques
Using intense exercise, short burst cardio or some other exercise

Note: Visit our Holistic Detox Therapies

page for more details about effective ways to detox your body, your mind
and your environment.

However, please keep in mind that many of these detox methods are either
not effective or not safe, especially if you have Type 2 diabetes or some other

And, because it is very important that you cleanse and detox properly in
order to achieve any health benefits, this led the author to identify the most
effective ways in his Diabetic Cleanse and Detox book

Key Point #1: Despite what you have heard, it is your excretory organs (e.g.
colon, liver, kidneys, etc.) that perform the actual cleanse and detoxification
process. However, if you are fighting a disease like Type 2 diabetes, then, your
excretory organs may not be performing at their optimum levels and may
need some help.
As  a result, it may be necessary to provide the proper nourishment to your
organs so that they can do their job, which includes cleansing and
detoxifying your cells and tissues.

Proper nourishment includes whole foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits,

raw nuts and seeds, etc. — not commercial detox products. In fact,
commercial detox products may contain the very same chemicals that
you’re trying to avoid or get rid of!

Key Point #2: Cleanse and detox pills, supplements, bottled juices and other
fad products do not “cleanse and detox” your body. In fact, some of these
products contain chemicals that can put a strain on your liver, colon, or other

Instead, rely on whole foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits and organic
herbs to provide the critical nutrients to your organs instead of man-made
synthetic foods and chemicals.

Key Point #3: As you can see there are a lot of ways to cleanse and detox the
body. However, instead of using some random detox method, the most
effective approach to an effective cleanse and detox is to use a science-based
holistic cleanse and detox program that addresses all areas of your life.

Author’s Experience with Detox Therapies

Author Sidebar: Back when I was diabetic, my endocrinologist told me that a

cleanse and detox would not help me with my diabetes. When I asked him
why, he couldn’t give me a good answer. So, I did some research and decided
to try a raw juice and green smoothie detox. Let me tell you something — I
don’t want to get too graphic, but, after I drank a couple of green smoothies
and went to the bathroom, I felt like I dropped 20 pounds!

When I went back to see my endocrinologist, he was amazed at my weight

loss and my ability to reduce my average blood sugar from the high 300s
down to the normal range. He was further surprised when he looked at my
lab work because my average blood sugar was down to 95.5 mg/dl and my
hemoglobin A1C was down to 5.5%.

I had also reduced my insulin dosage from 4 shots, 60 units of insulin

(Humalog and Lantus) a day down to 1 shot, 10 units (only Lantus). By my
next doctor’s appointment, I was down to zero shots and a zero insulin
dosage. But, my endocrinologist was not happy and told me to return to my
original insulin dosage. He said that since I was going through the
“honeymoon period”, my blood sugar would eventually return to the high
levels and I would have to go back on insulin.

But, my blood sugar level didn’t return to the high levels. Instead, my blood
sugar kept doing down — I had an average blood sugar of 87.5 mg/dl and
my hemoglobin A1C was down to 4.9%.

I can’t give all the credit for my recovery to the raw juice and smoothie detox.
I was also eating healthier meals (lots of green veggies, salads, soups, etc.)
and exercising 5 to 6 times a week.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the importance of the emotional

support that I received from my mother and daughter. After I recovered
from the diabetic coma, they took care of me when I was released from the
hospital. Their support allowed me to “detox” my mind and remove all of the
negative thoughts that I was getting from my endocrinologist.

A few years later, this experience helped me to write my Death to Diabetes

book ( and design
my diabetes program which included a holistic detox component.

A few years after that, several clients asked me to provide more detail in my
diabetes book about raw juicing and cleanse-detox therapies. But, there was
no room to add the level of detail they wanted in my diabetes book. After I
did some additional research about juicing, I wrote the  Power of Raw Juicing
book (

Later that year, after completing some additional research about holistic
cleanse and detox therapies, I wrote the Cleanse and Detox book

Interestingly, over the years, the juicing book and detox book have become
two of my more popular books — for both diabetics and non-diabetics.

Cleanse & Detox Pages:

Types of Chemicals and Toxins (


Detox Mistakes (


Holistic Detox Strategies (


Detox for Weight Loss (


Top 10 Detox Foods (


Detox Foods for Organs (


Juice Cleanse (


Key Benefits of Cleanse and Detox for Diabetics

So, why is a diabetes cleanse and detoxification necessary and so important

to your overall health?

Some of the key benefits of a diabetes cleanse and detox include:

Lower blood sugar

Stabilized blood sugar
Lower blood pressure
Lower cholesterol
Able to lose weight and burn fat
Improved digestion
More energy, less fatigue
Less food cravings
Stronger immune system
Less inflammation and cell damage

Let’s take a car that has not had an oil change or engine tune-up and has
been running on cheap fuel for several years. If you switch from the cheap
fuel to a higher-octane “super” fuel, the car may run a little better, but it will
still run sluggish. Once you change the oil and air filters and tune up the
engine, the car will run even better.

The same principle applies to the human body – if you clean the filters (the
kidneys and liver), then, this will help them to remove the buildup of toxins
and waste and kill the pathogenic bacteria and parasites so that the body
will run better.

If you are overweight by more than 20 pounds, more than likely, you are
carrying as much as ten pounds of fecal matter packed in your colon.

If you are also struggling with high cholesterol or high blood pressure, then,
your body is carrying extra fluid/waste in your cells and tissues.

Consequently, cleansing the liver and kidneys, your body’s primary filters, will
help the body to better release this extra fluid/waste.

This will thin out the blood, hydrate cells, break down fats, absorb protein,
and convert glycogen to glucose. And, in most cases, cleansing will help to
lower blood pressure, inflammation, cholesterol, glucose levels, and body

This cleansing will also help to strengthen your immune system

diabetics/), turn on the body’s natural healing mechanisms, and improve
your body’s immune response to invading bacteria and viruses.
A cleanse and detox helps the body as a whole by reducing inflammation,
oxidation, and glycation, which are three of the major biological processes
that either fuel Type 2 diabetes or contribute to diabetic complications and
cell/tissue damage.

As a result, a complete or full-body detox

( can help to
prevent or stop the progression of major diabetic complications such as
retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, or heart disease.


Detox for Diabetics: Cleanse & Detox Tips

to Help Reduce Toxic Load in Your Body

Every day we are exposed to toxic chemicals in our food, OTC drugs,

prescription drugs and the environment. These chemicals affect multiple
systems in our bodies including the endocrine system, digestive system,
immune system, urinary system, nervous system, reproductive system, and
respiratory system.

If some of these toxins may affect our other systems including the circulatory
system, muscular system, integumentary system (skin), and skeletal system.
As you can imagine, these toxins have led to many diseases and disorders
associated with the various systems of our body, starting with the endocrine
system (due to endocrine disruptors) and digestive system, nervous system
and immune system.

Primary sources of these toxins come from the food we eat, the water we
drink, the cookware that we use, the air we breathe, the carpet on our floors,
the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, places where we work and shop … the
list goes on and on …

However, you can do something to protect your own health by taking

preventive actions to reduce your exposure and reduce the toxic load in your
body’s cells and tissues.

Here are some preventive measures to help you reduce your exposure to
toxic chemicals in your food, drugs and environment.

Diabetic Cleanse and Detox Diet Tips

There are many detox strategies (
and-detox/detox-strategies/) that you can employ to help to stabilize your
blood sugar. First, and foremost, you should start with a sound diabetes
detox diet. A sound diet will help you to remove chemicals and toxins that
have been accumulating over the years — from processed foods, animal
meat, medications, and your environment..

Follow a low glycemic, anti-inflammatory, fiber-rich, plant-based diet

( and eat whole foods
focused on locally grown, fresh and ideally organic vegetables
and fruits (
blood-sugar/). Wash fresh produce well, especially if it’s not organically
Include some superfoods (
diet/superfoods-for-diabetics/) as part of your meal plan because these
foods can help with cleansing and detoxification.

Drink raw vegetable juices and green smoothies

( to help
with removing chemicals and toxins as well as reducing insulin resistance
and inflammation.

Eating green vegetables and drinking raw juices/green smoothies also

help with digestion and nutrient absorption This helps to prevent digestive
issues such as GERD (
gerd-natural-treatments/), gastroparesis
and leaky gut (

Avoid processed and packaged foods, which are a common source of

chemicals, both in the food itself and the packaging.

Eat wild-caught Alaskan salmon and sardines; and, avoid the conventional
or farm-raised fish, which are often heavily contaminated with PCBs and

Eat certified organic grass-fed meats and dairy to reduce your exposure to
hormones, pesticides and fertilizers. Avoid cow’s milk and other dairy
products containing genetically engineered recombinant bovine growth
hormone (rBGH or rBST).

Filter your tap water for both drinking and bathing. If you can only afford to
do one, filtering your bathing water may be more important, as your skin
readily absorbs contaminants. If your tap water is fluoridated, keep in mind
that not all filter systems will filter out this toxic additive.

Herbs and herbal products may contain harmful chemicals if the herbs
are not grown and harvested properly. Use only organic products from a
reputable herbal company.
Avoid OTC drugs and prescription drugs as much as possible. Drugs may
seem harmless on the surface, but, they put a toll on your liver and kidneys.
Ironically, your liver and kidneys are two of the major organs that try to help
you in fighting your diabetes …

Lifestyle Tips to Support Diabetes Detox

In order for a detox strategy to be effective, it must go beyond just
addressing the food issue. A comprehensive detox strategy must address
other areas of your life, such as your environment, work, home, behavior, etc.
In other words, it must be be a holistic detox strategy

Here are some lifestyle and environmental changes that can help you with
an effective cleanse and detox strategy.

Store your food and beverages in glass, rather than plastic, and avoid using
plastic wrap and aluminum foil. Use glass baby bottles.

Buy products in glass bottles rather than plastic or cans, as chemicals can
leach out of plastics (and plastic can linings), into the contents; be aware that
even “BPA-free” plastics typically leach endocrine-disrupting chemicals that
are just as bad.

Use cast-iron or ceramic or glass cookware; get rid of any nonstick pots and

Look for certified organic and GMO-free products. This applies to

everything from food and personal care products to building materials,
carpeting, paint, baby items, furniture, mattresses and more.

Consider buying chemical-free house furnishings such as furniture,

mattresses or carpet padding, containing naturally less flammable materials,
such as leather, wool, cotton, silk and Kevlar — to avoid exposure to toxic
flame retardants.
Use organic toiletries, including shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants and
cosmetics. EWG’s Skin Deep database can help you find personal care
products free of phthalates and other potentially dangerous chemicals.

Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to remove contaminated house

dust. This is one of the major routes of exposure to flame-retardant

Make sure your baby’s toys are BPA-free, such as pacifiers, teething rings
and anything your child may be prone to suck or chew on — even books,
which are often plasticized. It’s advisable to avoid all plastic, especially flexible

Use a fabric shower curtain or install glass doors. Get rid of your vinyl shower

Use natural cleaning products or make your own. Avoid those containing 2-
butoxyethanol (EGBE) and methoxydiglycol (DEGME) — two toxic glycol
ethers that can compromise your fertility and cause fetal harm.

Look for fragrance-free products. One artificial fragrance can contain

dozens of potentially toxic chemicals.

Replace feminine hygiene products (tampons and sanitary pads) with safer

Please Note: Even if you are able to do all of this, you should still perform a
periodic cleanse and detox to help your liver, colon and kidneys remove the
toxins that accumulate in your body’s cells and tissues (see below for details).

Diabetic Cleanse and Detox

Helps to Control Blood Sugar

In many cases, blood sugar problems, weight gain, and chronic fatigue issues
are due to the body’s excess toxic load, which prevents proper metabolism
and consistent energy production within your cells.
So, by helping your body release the excess toxins carried within your fat
cells, you can increase metabolism to support weight loss as part of the
detox process (

Now, you may be asking “What do fat cells have to do with lowering my
blood sugar levels?”

You see, as a self-protective mechanism, fat cells hold on to the toxins to

prevent them from being released into your bloodstream [Ref: PubMed
(]. As a result, your
body cannot metabolize and burn fat, making it almost impossible to lose
weight, especially the fat in the belly area.

If these fat cells trigger inflammation markers that cause an immune

response that, in turn, may lead to spikes in cortisol, adrenaline and blood

And, in the meantime, the liver is under a tremendous strain because it’s
processing the food and the medications while dealing with the problems
associated with diabetes.

Also, depending on the person’s specific pathology, other organs such as the
colon, kidneys, lymphatic system, pancreas and brain may also be struggling
with functioning properly.

A study in the Nutrition Research journal

( reported that a detox program
reduces body fat and insulin resistance through caloric restriction and
might have a potential beneficial effect on risk factors for cardiovascular
disease related to circulating CRP reduction.

Another study ( indicated
that juicing or detoxification diets help to lose weight, but, when returning
to a normal diet, it must be macronutrient-balanced to prevent the weight
from being regained.
If there is a major bacterial infection, virus, or introduction of a toxin (such as
a vaccine, antibiotic, NSAID or other prescription drug), this may trigger a
faulty immune response and lead to a food allergy or an autoimmune
disease (
natural-treatments/) such as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

For diabetics  who are not eating properly and exercising on a consistent
basis, their excess toxic load is definitely affecting their liver and other
organs, preventing proper metabolism and energy production. For diabetics
who are eating properly and exercising, their toxic load may be less, but, it
may still affect their liver and other organs.

More importantly, this also prevents diabetics  from being able to control
their blood sugar naturally, because their bodies are  under  such a
tremendous toxic load.

Cleansing-and-detoxification is a set of normal biochemical processes

performed by the body’s liver, colon, kidneys and other organs to remove
chemicals, toxins and impurities from the cells, blood, and tissues.

These biochemical processes help to prevent and fight diseases like Type 2
diabetes on a continual basis and to keep the body as healthy as possible.
These cleanse-and-detoxification processes are optimized when you eat
healthy foods and exercise on a consistent basis.

However, in our fast-paced world it can be difficult to find the time to

prepare healthy meals and exercise, especially, given our schedules and the
easy availability and accessibility of convenience and fast foods.

Unfortunately, after a period of years of abuse, our bodies pay a heavy toll for
living a sedentary lifestyle and eating unhealthy convenience foods, fast
foods, and processed foods. As a result, a periodic cleanse and detoxification
can be beneficial.
FYI: Did you know that the brain has it’s own lymphatic system to help with
its won detoxification? This is very important especially if you are dealing
with the early stages of dementia! Don’t wait for full-blown Alzheimer’s to
set in!

Get started with cleansing and detoxing your body today



Key Organs & Tissues Involved in  

Diabetes Cleanse and Detoxification

In the meantime, the body’s detoxification and excretory organs struggle to

effectively remove the toxins, excess glucose, and acid waste.

The key detoxification and excretory organs include:

Lymphatic system

The liver is the primary organ that performs the detoxification. The liver
accomplishes this by using specific enzymes to breakdown these toxins into
harmless water-soluble substances that are then excreted in the bile or urine.

But, if the liver becomes sluggish, clogged, or impaired, these toxins can
begin to accumulate in the body’s tissues and blood.

Consequently, it is very important that the liver is kept as healthy as possible.

Ironically, when we don’t feel well, we take an over-the-counter or

prescription drug, which is toxic and only puts more stress on an already
overworked liver and suppresses the symptoms, making us think we’re okay.

The colon (or large intestine) is important to cleansing and detoxification

because it removes unwanted chemicals and toxins via fecal waste.

Discomfort in the colon usually manifests itself as something such as

diarrhea or constipation.

Unfortunately, our response to this is usually a drug, such as a laxative, to

“force” the elimination of the fecal waste.

But many of the other toxins are left behind and reabsorbed into the
bloodstream attacking the tissues and organs, and producing their own
pathogenic bacteria that attack the body’s weakest points.

These attacks manifest themselves in the form of aches and pain in the back,
joints, stomach, and head, and, then onto the other tissues and organs.

This leads to more discomfort and more drugs, followed by more diseases,
stronger drugs, hospital visits, and eventually death – unless the toxins are
The kidneys are important to cleansing and detoxification because they
filter the blood (210 quarts a day) by eliminating toxins and waste materials
from the blood.

The kidneys also help to maintain the electrolyte balance by selectively

eliminating some electrolytes while retaining others, according to the body’s

Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and chloride.

These electrolytes are important because they are used by the cells to
maintain voltages across the cell membranes and carry electrical impulses
(e.g. nerve impulses, muscle contractions) across themselves and to other

The kidneys also help regulate other bodily functions by secreting the
hormones renin, erythropoietin, and prostaglandin.

Renin helps control blood pressure, erythropoietin stimulates the body to

produce more red blood cells, and prostaglandin helps control blood
pressure, muscle contractions, and inflammation.

The high levels of glucose in the blood and the accumulation of acids in the
kidneys cause the formation of kidney stones and ultimately cause kidney
cells to die.

Because kidney cells cannot be regenerated or repaired, the remaining cells

have to work that much harder to filter substances from the blood.

In order to help with the filtering process, the heart increases the flow of
blood plasma to the kidneys, which in turn elevates blood pressure. As the
kidney cells continue to die, the risk of kidney failure increases dramatically.

The lymphatic system is also important to proper cleansing and

As the blood circulates, providing nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the
body, the lymphatic system accumulates dead bacteria and toxins that need
to be removed.

Lymphatic vessels are situated alongside blood vessels, relying upon body
movement to move the lymph fluid around to collect and drain away toxins
and dead bacteria through the lymph nodes and skin (pores).

Most cleanse/detox programs do not bother to even mention the pancreas!

But, cleansing and detoxifying the pancreas is very important for all

For Type 2 diabetics, the pancreas is overworked because it is excreting too

much insulin to meet the demands of high glucose levels.

The pancreas is involved in our digestion by secreting digestive enzymes.

Digestive enzymes help the body with the absorption and assimilation of key
macronutrients and micronutrients.

If you are a smoker, then, cleansing and detoxifying your lungs is imperative.

In fact, we strongly recommend that you stop smoking if you really want to
control your blood sugar.

Another system that is overlooked when it comes to cleanse and detox is the
immune system.

When you cleanse and detox to remove toxins from your cells and tissues,
your immune system (
immune-system-for-diabetics/) won’t have to waste energy trying to fight off
the toxins that have accumulated in your cells and tissues.

As a result, this frees up your immune system to fight off harmful bacteria,
viruses, other pathogens, cancer, and other diseases.

Note: There are many detox foods

organs/) (such as green vegetables and fiber-rich beans) that can help your
organs with the cleanse and detox process.

Please Note: As depicted in the detox flow diagram (below), the DTD Cleanse
& Detox Program goes far beyond these organs to provide a
more comprehensive detox program that addresses the major detox
pathways within the body.

Do you know the three most powerful nutrients for cleanse and detox? If not,
get the detox book, or attend one of our free seminars. 

Diabetes Detox:

Start Your Journey Today

If you want to perform a full diabetes body detox, get the Diabetic Cleanse
and Detox book (
book/) to decrease the toxic load in your cells. In the meantime, add some
detox foods (
foods/) to your meal plan, e.g. green veggies, black beans, green
smoothies, filtered water, etc.
This will help to rest your organs and prevent diabetic complications as
well as prevent your immune system from becoming weak, especially
during flu season.

Note: If you have an autoimmune disease, PCOS, or if you have issues with
your thyroid, get the How to Treat Autoimmune Diseases, PCOS & Thyroid
Issues Naturally book (
thyroid-diseases-book/). This book explains how to treat the more common
autoimmune diseases as well as how to optimize the health of your thyroid.

Note: Get the Nutritional Supplements ebook

book/) for a list of the top wholefood supplements and herbal tinctures that
deal with colds and the flu.

Diabetes Detox Can Help Change Biochemistry


Diabetic to Diabetic-in-Remission

As part of a comprehensive diabetes program

diabetes-program/), cleanse and detoxification can help to better manage
and control your diabetes.

This can be accomplished by changing the biochemistry in your body from a

diabetic state to a diabetic state in remission.
More specifically, when you change your body’s biochemistry, this reduces
the cell inflammation, oxidation (free radical damage), protein glycation
(RBC damage), and excess toxicity within your cells.

Diabetes Detox Program: Benefits

Some of the key health benefits of a comprehensive diabetes detox program

includes the following:

Lower blood glucose level

Stable blood glucose levels
Lower blood pressure (
Lower cholesterol and triglycerides
Lower cortisol levels (stress hormone)
Reduced chronic inflammation
Reduced oxidation
Able to metabolize and burn fat
Reduced belly fat (
Increased energy
No more brain fog
Reduced food cravings
Able to absorb more nutrients from healthy foods
Strengthen immune system
Able to gradually wean off the drugs
Prevent diabetic complications

The Death to Diabetes Cleanse-Detox Program can help you to enjoy these
health benefits and more.

DTD Diabetic Cleanse and Detox Program

The Death to Diabetes Full Body Cleanse and Detox Program is a

comprehensive holistic detox program that goes beyond other detox
programs that only address the liver, colon and kidneys and fail to address
your mind and attitude.
This detox program (as depicted in the following diagrams from
our training class and Diabetic Cleanse and Detox book/ebook
(, addresses
not only the colon, liver, and kidneys, but, also the pancreas, digestive
system, joints, brain, nervous system, cardiovascular system, immune system,
and lungs.

Why is this important? Because diabetes is a systemic disease that, over a

period of years, attacks and causes major cellular damage to all of your
tissues and organs!

In addition, this program addresses how to detox your mind and handle your
self-esteem, emotions, attitude, internal talk-track, self-motivation, and
negative people.

Again, this is an area that most detox programs ignore! If your mind is full of
negative thoughts and full of hopelessness, you are not going to be
motivated to change and stick with those changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Also, make sure that you avoid some of the common detox mistakes
(, such
as using fad detox products. These products tend to contain toxins and other
chemicals that can destabilize your blood sugar levels.

Also, be careful with a juice cleanse

( — they
can cause your blood sugar levels to become erratic if they’re not part of a
balanced meal plan. Instead, follow our juice cleanse guidelines
( and
use the author’s Power of Juicing book
( as a guide.

Cleanse and Detox Body Diagram

The following detox diagram identifies the major organs that are addressed
as part of ourCleanse and Detox Program.
As you can see from the diagram, this detox process goes beyond the colon,
kidneys and liver.

Other organs and tissues need to be cleansed and detoxified, including the
brain, lungs, arteries, and joints.

Diabetic Cleanse and

Detox Flow Chart

The following detox flow chart depicts the overall process and steps involved
in the Death to Diabetes Cleanse and Detox Program.
Next Steps: Cleanse and Detox Program

In addition to the colon, liver and kidneys, the Diabetic Cleanse & Detox
10-Step Program/Book (
detox-book/) addresses the lymphatic system, arteries, brain, pancreas,
skin, joints, lungs, and your emotions.

This comprehensive diabetes detox process not only helps your liver, colon
and kidneys, but, it helps your other organs.

In addition, because a detox helps to release toxins from your fat cells, this
can facilitate weight loss and improved blood sugar control.
So, get the engineer’s Diabetic Cleanse & Detox book
( to help
cleanse and detoxify your body and your cells..


And, if you’re just getting started with managing your diabetes, then, get the
engineer’s  Death to Diabetes book

This book identifies the real root causes of your Type 2 diabetes and explains
how to address these root causes naturally with balanced meal planning,
super foods, blood glucose testing, and emotional support.

If you have a juicer or blender, then, get the Raw Juicing book
( to help you with
detox and stabilizing your blood sugar.

If you prefer to use a raw food or vegetarian diet to help stabilize your blood
sugar and detox, then, get the Raw Food Diet book

If you need help with weaning off the drugs, get the Drug Weaning book
( chart

Food for Thought About Detox

Does it make sense to continue spending hundreds of dollars for drugs that
will lead to spending thousands of dollars for surgeries and more drugs
when all you have to do is spend a few dollars for a book that can prevent all
of this?
Note: Be wary of fad detox programs! Although these detox programs may
work in the short term, these types of programs tend to do more harm than

For example, some fad detox programs cause fast weight loss, but, after you
finish the detox, you regain the weight. Or, if you’re diabetic, the detox may
cause your blood sugar to spike.

Author’s Perspective on Diabetes Detox

When I was diabetic, there were times when I struggled with getting my
blood glucose to come down. At other times, I struggled with unstable blood
glucose levels, where my blood glucose would spike for no reason.

This was very frustrating, especially when I thought that I was doing
everything correctly in terms of eating right and exercising.

During my research, I discovered that after some people with diabetes had
started to eat well as part of a Diabetes Type 2 Diet Plan,  they eventually
reached a “wall” where they  were unable to lower their blood glucose level
below a certain point

In other cases, they were getting unexplained blood glucose spikes for no
apparent reason.

If some people found it almost impossible lose any more weight.  Why does
this happen? How can this be fixed?

As it turned out (in my case), after years of eating a lot of processed foods
and taking a lot of medications, various toxins from the food and
medications collect in your tissues, especially your fat cells!

And, your body will do everything in its power to hold those toxins in your
fat cells, preventing you from burning fat and losing weight — especially in
the belly area.
At the time, I didn’t really like the idea of doing a detox, because of my work
schedule. So, a friend who happened to be an herbalist, suggested that I try
a green smoothie every morning.

Wow!! After several days, I felt like a new man! I felt “lighter” and energized
like you wouldn’t believe!  A year or so later, I tried the same thing, but it
didn’t give me the same boost.

By this time, I had a done quite a bit of research about various detox
methods. So, I tried some organic herbal detox products (from Herbdoc).
Wow! I had the same feeling of being lighter and energized.

So, I learned a few things:

(1) Detox on a more frequent and periodic basis

(2) Use different detox methods to prevent the body from getting used to
one method

(3) Eat/drink lots of green foods

(4) Use high-quality organic herbal products

(5) Follow a sound diabetes diet (

diet/), meal plan/meal plate (
diet/diabetic-meal-plan-plate-portions/) and nutritional program along with
the top 10 super foods (
diet/superfoods-for-diabetics/) to help with the cleanse and detox process.

(6) Avoid fad detox diets and products

Cleanse & Detox Pages:

Cleanse & Detox Main Page (this page)

Types of Chemicals and Toxins (


Detox Mistakes (


Holistic Detox Strategies (


Detox for Weight Loss (


Top 10 Detox Foods (


Detox Foods for Organs (


Juice Cleanse (


The Death to Diabetes Story

Reverse Type 2 Diabetes: Death to Diabetes -- DeWayne McCulley, E…


Diabetes Detox Book


Juicing Book



 

Richard Benbo

The entire program, I’ve learned more correct information

Great program

Death to Diabetes, LLC

My people perish for lack of

knowledge. Hosea 4:6

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