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Forensic Psychology 1

Fatima Syed

Forensic Psychology
Ma’am Fatima Zafar

April 21,2020
Forensic Psychology 2


Criminal defendants may often exaggerate psychiatric symptoms either to appear non-

accountable for their actions or to mitigate their imprisonment. How literature support

this notion. Discuss

Malingering in a psychological setting includes the deliberate adulteration of a

clinical or psychological condition for a conspicuous thought process that produces

unmistakable advantages to the introducing patient. Ordinarily, intentions are to dodge social

or individual commitments, for example, staying away from or shortening a prison sentence,

keeping away from work, staying away from military help, or staying away from monetary

commitments, for example, provision or kid support. Unmistakable advantages may

incorporate acquiring inability or worker's pay or other monetary advantages or getting

controlled substances for control of announced side effects. These thought processes are

recognized from maladaptive and regularly self-hurting mental intentions, of which an

individual might be intentionally mindful, that underlie factitious problems and somatoform


Although malingering generally is recognized as an uncommon condition (prevalence

5% or less), Mittenberg and colleagues17 estimate that 29% of personal injury cases, 30% of

disability cases, 19% of criminal cases, and 8% of medical cases probably involve

malingering and symptom exaggeration. The prevalence of malingering in the population of

chronic pain patients who are seeking compensation has been estimated to be 25% to 50%.

The clinical presentations of 39 criminal defendants diagnosed as malingering psychotic

symptoms were contrasted with 25 defendants diagnosed as genuinely psychotic. The

incidence of diagnosed malingering was 8% in a series of 314 consecutive evaluations.

Malingerers differed from psychotics on 14 of 24 clinical presentation variables, including

Forensic Psychology 3

measures of general presentation, affect, hallucinations, delusions, and formal thought

disorder. Results indicate consistent clinical features associated with the diagnosis of

malingered psychosis.

Rogers (2008) provided a conversation of the conceivable informative models, taking

note of a background marked by accepting that people who malinger are psychologically

disordered. This pathological model emerged from the clarifications of conduct upheld by

psychoanalytic masterminds. Rogers likewise portrayed a second logical model that zeroed in

on singular character. Rather than the pathological model, in which malingerers beguile in

view of some intrapsychic pathology, the criminological model accentuates the affinity for

reserved and psychopathic characters to lie, cheat, and take.

Diagnosing accuracy is unmistakably a significant undertaking. Mental tests help in

this quest for precision; nonetheless, even the most solid and substantial test has mistakes.

That mistake connects with the base paces of the condition in any given populace.

Demonstrative precision, at that point, requires a comprehension of the prescient attributes of

the tests we use inside a particular populace (Baldessarini et al., 1983; Gouvier et al., 1998;

Rosenfeld et al., 2000). Disregarding base rate data seems to add to the trouble of

malingering identification and misclassification when all is said in done (Labarge et al., 2003;

Rosenfeld et al., 2000). Recognizing the base rate for malingering among criminal

respondents alluded for neuropsychological assessments is significant, on the grounds that it

reveals insight into the prescient estimation of the malingering discovery technique utilized.

In the genuinely forensic setting (that relating to the legal framework) this implies

faking or then again overstating inability to postpone or stay away from arraignment, hinder

criminal duty, or acquire a lesser sentence. Most usually, endeavors to pretend psychological

incapacity emerge comparable to competency to continue. In spite of the fact that courts have
Forensic Psychology 4

been hesitant to permit master declaration with respect to a person's veracity in close to home

injury and common misdeed activities (Commonwealth v. Zamarripa, 1988; Nicholson v.

American National Insurance, 1998), these examples ordinarily include the judge giving

declaration before a jury. Judges seem to have less concern in regard to this issue when it is

tended to in a seat continuing. Truth be told, unmistakably courts take endeavors to dodge the

criminal legal interaction genuinely.


Denney, R. L. (2008). Negative response bias and malingering during neuropsychological

assessment in criminal forensic settings. In R. L. Denney & J. P. Sullivan (Eds.), Clinical

neuropsychology in the criminal forensic setting (p. 91–134). The Guilford Press.

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