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Gmail - To, The Editor, Annals Of Physics. Dear Sir/Ma...

Ishnath Pathak <>

To, The Editor, Annals Of Physics. Dear Sir/Madam, Four years ago, I had
submitt... [Reference: 141230-007340]
EP Support <> Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 2:50 PM
Reply-To: EP Support <>

To, The Editor, Annals Of Physics. Dear Sir/Madam, Four years ago, I had submitt...

Response Via Email (Natalie Lovell) 31/12/2014 09.20 AM
Dear Ishnath Pathak.

Thank you for your email regarding your article entitled "Concept Of Absolute Polarization In Dielectrics".
This is to inform you that I have forwarded your enquiry to the Journal Manager who will be able to assist you or
direct you to someone who can.
Please allow some time to receive a response due to the holidays.
With Warm Regards

Natalie Lovell
Elsevier Researcher Support,
Open Access

Customer By Web Form (Ishnath Pathak) 30/12/2014 11.49 PM

The Editor,
Annals Of Physics.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Four years ago, I had submitted an original work of mine to Annals of Physics. My paper was titled “Concept Of
Absolute Polarization In Dielectrics” and the journal had declined to review my paper. The paper was assigned
the label ‘Ms. AOP 68029’, and you can find other details about my submission in the journal’s records. The
journal had informed me its decision on Nov-06,2010. The e-mail that revealed the journal’s decision to me,
included the information: “The editor finds your paper, referenced above, not appropriate for our journal. His
comment is that the article is 'slight and incremental.' There is no formal report.”
I haven’t published the work even until today.
Since the journal didn’t show interest in my work earlier, I was curious to know whether the journal may be
interested in the work now.
Can I assume that Annals Of Physics is never to decide to publish this particular paper so that I may be sure that
I'm expected to exclude the journal from the options for this particular work of mine?

Ishnath Pathak.
05:18 A.M. (IST)

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Gmail - To, The Editor, Annals Of Physics. Dear Sir/Ma...

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