Argumentative Essay Task

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NAME: Nur Faqihah Binti Hafizal

MATRIC NUMBER: D20191088478


Discipline is the parents’s responsibility and not schools

Based on the Journal of Education and Vocational Research, I have been knowing about
in this recent years, discipline issues have made a major concern to all party including parents,
educators, government, and the public alike. From minor and common discipline issues like
littering to juvenile cases like rape, incest, robbery, and such. Minister of Education of Malaysia
reported in 2013 that, there were 107,191 students were caught for indiscipline in 2012, included
truancy (17,343, or 16.18%), crime and delinquency (1432, or 13.36%), misbehavior (9926, or
9.26%), pornography (3778, or 3.52%), vandalism (3630, or 3.39%), personal neatness (13926,
or 12.99%), time-wasting (10403, or 9.71%), bullying (4159, or 3.88%), smoking (14298, or
13.34%) and so forth. It desperately shows that our discipline problems in a school were in the
critical levels and I think we need to consider it was from the education at home. I strongly
believe and agree when it comes to the opinion that stating the discipline of the students is the
responsibility of the parents.

First of all, I want to share the situation that was happening in the school due to the
discipline of the students. There are some of the parents who were having arguments with the
school authorities and blame each other when it comes to the problems that come from their
children at the school. From the attitude shown by the parents, I would like to decide to say that
students dare to do a mistake at the school because they know their parents will blame the
schools and not their children. For me, if they think they are good at parenting, they should teach
their children to be nice to all the people including their teachers. They also need to give the
education to be a student that coming to school to pursue knowledge earnestly and not to come to
school to cause trouble to teachers and schools. Some of the parents out there need to learn how
to make sure their children get aware of doing something that can downgrade the reputation of
the school. They should be telling their children about the real role of being a good student
instead of blaming the schools when their children get involved in discipline issues.
Secondly, even though the schools taught the students about morals and civics at schools,
they still cannot be having a good mentality to be a better person from all the courses. This might
be the reason education at home is more important than everything. Here is my evidence why I
am saying this, a student that comes to school every day will show the attitude based on what
they have been taught from the people at home because when their parents or siblings showing
bad attitudes such as using abusive words when speaking, smoking in front of the family
members, they will feel easy to be influenced to do all of these things. Parents often blame their
children when their children make such mistakes. However, they are not realized that they can be
the cause of the bad manner displayed by their children at their school age. So, parents are the
ones who should be responsible if their children make mistakes in school instead of busy
blaming the school only and letting the school having the trouble to teach their children how to
be a student who does not make problems in school.

Issues and stresses at home are a major reason for students to act out in class. If students
are abused or neglected at home, their anger can boil over and lead them to disrupt the
classroom. Students who come from homes where the parents are divorcing are also under duress
and can act out in class as a way to deal with their fear and frustration. Acting out in class is a
way students who feel helpless about their home situations feel like they still have some control.
As a result, the students that having a family problem matters always deal with a lot of
uncontrollable frame of mind and, they acting recklessly without thinking wisely because they
cannot withstand their unstable emotions. So, is it right when parents keep blaming the school
alone for the problem of discipline in students? I can feel this is a very unwarranted offense as
their discipline is capable of damaging the education and lives of others like committing heinous
acts such as vandalism and bullying. Due to the bad conditions that students see at home, it will
have a bad effect on the lives of the students. It can affect their lessons and also their relationship
with their teachers and friends. So, I hope parents can educate children to respect each other and
handle the situation at home appropriately without showing any fights scene that makes them
feel depressed when they come to the school.

According to the Royal Malaysian Police record (2003) from 2000 to 2002, 14,463
children or teenagers between 10 to 18 years old were involved in discipline problems related to
criminal cases. After seeing this evidence, there is no way we can agree with what they say
because I was shocked to know that Sarawak was ranked fourth in terms of the most recorded
number of criminal cases that involved a juvenile. From my experience, I also see the teenagers
that are involved in a fight scene around the area of the school. So, I would like to say that
schools must also bear the responsibility to control disciplinary problems and do not be careless
in educating students. The school or discipline teacher should be more strict in teaching students
about school manners and rules and for the student who violates the rules, the student should be
given appropriate punishment or fine. The school or discipline teacher should be more strict in
teaching students about school manners and rules and for anyone who violates them, the student
should be given appropriate punishment or fine. The student can be fined by hitting with a cane
on the part that does not injure the internal organs as well as giving lessons in the form of
motivation or studying their attitudes through psychological methods. Teachers and school
guards also need to control more tightly for any unwanted situations that will be happening
around the school.

Therefore, I would like to suggest some ways to carry out the responsibilities that must be
shouldered to overcome the disciplinary problems that not only come from the school but also
the parents. Students need to get a good education from parents at home so that they will not be
carried away by the problems faced at home. The responsibility borne by the parents towards the
children will be more effective as the parents are more lenient to reprimand whatever wrong
actions are done by the children. Parents can also educate their children by giving them enough
love and attention at home and taking note of what happens to them at school regularly. They
need to be monitored every time and never point out their mistakes as the right thing to do. Last
but not least, I want to say that parents are the one who has to provide all the needs that will
make the children knows how to control their attitude in the school and also in public.

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