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The first car appeared on British roads in 1888.

By the year 2000, there may be

as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads.
Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws
Introduced to control car ownership and use.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
As the amount of cars on roads is growing day by day, so some other means of transportation
should be introduced and universal legislation should be implemented to take care of ever-
increasing vehicle usage. I totally agree with this concept to introduce alternate means of
travelling. In this context we will discuss how introducing public transport and green taxes can
limit the ownership of vehicles.

Firstly, public transport infrastructure should be implemented in our transportation system. The
reason behind, it helps in travelling of masses from one place to another with fewer resources
and vehicles. For instance, if hundreds of people use to travel between any two cities daily,
then the use of a train or bus will be more comfortable and effective as compared to driving
own vehicle. Briefly, introducing public trains and buses can enormously decrease cars usage.

Secondly, green taxes should be introduced to the purchase of new cars. As it will not only limit
new vehicle purchasing but will also promote a green and healthy environment. For instance,
green taxes on new cars can be used to fund tree plantation and as compensation for damaging
our environment by the emission of various exhaust gases. Also, it will increase the overall cost
of a vehicle which will discourage new car buying trend.

To recapitulate, the number of vehicles on roads is increasing by leaps and bounds, as a result,
more efficient travelling options should be supported by encouraging train and bus service.
Meanwhile, implementing some international legislation for car emission will surely decline the
trend of cars ownership.

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