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Holistic Study and Analysis of Factors Affecting

Collaborative Planning in Construction

Amr Elsayegh, S.M.ASCE 1; and Islam H. El-adaway, F.ASCE 2

Abstract: The fragmentation of the construction industry led to the development of innovative approaches including collaborative planning,
relational contracting, integrated project delivery, advancements in technology, and lean construction. Existing research focused on certain
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aspects of collaborative planning without providing a comprehensive analysis of the factors affecting collaboration. To this end, the goal of
this paper is to provide a holistic list of factors affecting collaborative planning in the construction industry and guiding future research needs.
This study followed an interrelated research methodology. As such, the authors (1) conducted an extensive review and analysis of the liter-
ature on collaboration and collaborative planning in the construction industry within the last 30 years, (2) identified and defined the factors
impacting the effectiveness of construction collaborative planning, (3) performed social network analysis (SNA) to quantify the importance
and impact of each of the identified factors and verified the output using a simple analytic method, and (4) highlighted the gaps in the literature
and created a roadmap for the factors that need further investigation. Consequently, this study provides substantial addition to the body of
knowledge at multifacets. To this effect, the results include (1) presenting 50 factors that could collectively affect collaborative planning in
construction projects; (2) indicating that future research endeavors need to investigate the understudied key factors for collaborative planning
comprising vision, goal alignment and integration, early involvement of key project stakeholders, project parties relationship, and willingness
for collaboration and cooperation; and (3) substantiating the need to develop models that simultaneously incorporate all 50 factors to have
simulation environment that is as close as possible to reality. Ultimately, this research provides a foundation for a broader and more holistic
framework to further advance the utilization of collaborative planning in the construction industry. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-
7862.0002031. © 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers.

Introduction relationships between project parties in construction projects are

known for lack of collaboration and inadequate client involvement
The construction industry represents a project-based sector with (Costa et al. 2019). Additionally, construction projects are known
unique characteristics that distinguish it from other industries such to be distinctive in terms of their financial, social, technical, and
as fragmentation, complexities, heterogeneity, and performance vari- political aspects, resulting in difficulties in managing the supply
ability of different trades (Assaad et al. 2020a; Ratajczak et al. chain relationships in construction (Costa et al. 2019). Moreover,
2018). To address these characteristics, the construction industry wit- the different project parties are required to make interdependent
nessed huge transformations regarding the scale of projects, large decisions. As such, a proper flow of information and adequate com-
investments, the complexity of project procurement processes, the munication shall be present between the different project stakehold-
interconnected processes in project execution, and the advancement ers so they can take mutually compatible decisions (Mokhtar et al.
in construction technology (Deep et al. 2019). These transformations 2000). Nevertheless, this is a difficult task on construction projects
led to the development of innovative approaches such as collabora- because of the availability of a large amount of information and the
tion, integrated project delivery, alliancing, and partnering. continuous changes associated with such information.
The planning, design, and execution of construction projects re- The complexities present in the execution of construction proj-
quire a collaborative effort from different project parties including ects are increased due to a competitive environment and the mutual
project owners, architects, civil engineers, construction/project relationships present among the different parties involved in con-
managers, general contractors, specialty subcontractors, suppli- struction projects (Sears et al. 2008). The problem is even exacer-
ers, and manufacturers (Assaad et al. 2020b). Nevertheless, the bated in construction projects where the information is still
communicated with paper-based methods such as drawings, con-
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental
struction logs, and scheduling (Ratajczak et al. 2017). This leads
Engineering, Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO to miscommunication between project parties, errors in construc-
65409. Email: tion, and reduced potential to take rapid and correct actions
2 (Ratajczak et al. 2017). That being said, there exists a critical need
Hurst-McCarthy Professor of Construction Engineering and Manage-
ment, Professor of Civil Engineering, and Founding Director of the Missouri to implement effective collaboration, cooperation, and communica-
Consortium of Construction Innovation, Dept. of Civil, Architectural, and tion methods on construction sites (Dainty et al. 2006).
Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Engineering Management and Many challenges have been present for decades in the construc-
Systems Engineering, Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology, Rolla, tion industry and are still not sufficiently addressed by practitioners
MO 65409 (corresponding author). ORCID:
and scholars, and collaboration is one of them. To overcome the
-7306-6380. Email:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on June 17, 2020; approved on
difficulties, many construction companies started to adopt new in-
November 13, 2020; published online on February 13, 2021. Discussion formation and communication technologies, which are based on the
period open until July 13, 2021; separate discussions must be submitted principles of lean construction, agile construction, and effective
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction supply chain practices devised mainly from the manufacturing in-
Engineering and Management, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364. dustry. These technologies are often referred to as collaborative

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2021, 147(4): 04021023

planning, scheduling, and execution to represent the practices 2019; Sacks et al. 2010a). In relation to that, previous research high-
where multiple project participants have shared responsibilities in lighted the similarities and differences between collaborative planning
relation to communicating information regarding project planning practices for project delivery and the LPS principles (Daniel et al.
and management, project execution, and performance measure- 2017). In addition, a framework has been developed to deal with
ments (Richey et al. 2012). Nevertheless, there are construction the integration challenges of implementing LPS in international meg-
firms that still apply the traditional management concepts and proc- aprojects (El-Sabek and McCabe 2018). The use of BIM as a tool has
esses due to the lack of experience and knowledge on lean con- been tested to implement the lean construction principles to enhanc-
struction and collaborative planning and the factors that affect ing productivity on a construction project (Zhang et al. 2018) which is
collaboration in the industry (Adegbembo et al. 2016). a fundamental piece of information and an important metric that pro-
The goal of this research is to provide a holistic list of factors vides feedback about the industry trends and improvements. Also, a
affecting collaborative planning in the construction industry and framework has also been developed for assisting project stakeholders
guiding future research needs. Eventually, the outcomes of this pa- in utilizing the LPS on construction projects (Daniel et al. 2019).
per shall facilitate a better understanding of collaborative planning Furthermore, the study conducted by Sacks et al. (2010a) focused
in the construction industry and the factors affecting it. This should on the interaction and synergy between lean construction principles
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lead to more reliable planning and management practices as well as and BIM in construction projects.
enhanced project performance.
Collaborative Planning Technologies
Background Information There has been extensive research studying collaborative planning
technologies such as mobile applications and nD modeling such as
Collaborative planning is a process that requires the involvement BIM (Lai et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2017; Park et al. 2017). For ex-
and integration of different stakeholders on construction projects ample, different BIM practices have been explored to highlight
to provide more reliable project planning and scheduling, promote their critical impacts on collaborative design and construction (Liu
a sense of involvement and ownership, and lead to enhanced project et al. 2017). Frameworks based on BIM have been developed to
performance. Many research works have been performed to study promote and support collaboration in the project design and man-
collaboration in construction projects, as detailed in the next agement tasks and to facilitate the interoperability of data (Lai et al.
subsections. 2019; Zhang et al. 2017). A visualization approach that is web- and
database-supported has been developed to facilitate real-time infor-
Collaborative Planning, Relational Contracting, mation sharing of daily four-dimensional (3D plus time) BIM (Park
Integrated Project Delivery, and Partnering et al. 2017). Moreover, a 5D (4D plus cost) framework has been
developed using BIM tools and capabilities to construct a cash flow
Previous research work focused on studying collaborative planning approach (Elghaish et al. 2019).
practices related to relational contracting and innovative project de-
livery methods such as integrated project delivery (IPD) and part-
nering (Ma et al. 2018b; Ibrahim et al. 2018; Hall et al. 2018; Costa Knowledge Gap
et al. 2019; Deep et al. 2019). Collaborative and integrative prac- Existing models addressing collaborative planning in the construc-
tices in the construction industry have been investigated in relation tion industry presented different views with different areas of focus
to whether they are solely ascribed to IPD methods (Koolwijk et al. supported by strong theoretical bases. However, research exploring
2018). In addition, the principles of innovative project delivery collaborative planning technologies has focused on BIM. Current
methods—such as alliancing, partnering, relational contracts, and collaborative planning management systems require objective quan-
lean project delivery—have been explored by previous studies, and titative metrics to prioritize factors that affect collaborative planning
a tool has been developed to enhance the relationships between in the construction industry. Additionally, research focusing on prac-
stakeholders in construction projects (Palacios et al. 2014). Early tical applications of such models is limited. While a few models do
contractor involvement procurement has also been studied by mod- exist that have studied some of the factors affecting collaborative
eling its knowledge integration process at the tender stage (Hastie planning in the construction industry, they focused on a very specific
et al. 2017). Several supply chain integration practices, such as area of focus. In addition, there are no studies that developed a
multiparty contracts and colocation, have been highlighted for their methodology that quantitively analyzes the interrelationships among
positive impact on the implementation of systematic innovation in a holistic list of factors affecting collaborative planning in the
complex construction projects (Hall et al. 2018). On the other hand, construction industry. As such, while previous research efforts con-
a research study conducted by Costa et al. (2019) focused on the centrated on different aspects of collaboration and collaborative
critical aspects that hinder collaboration in construction supply planning in the construction industry, no previous research study
chains. Trust, commitment, and reliability have been highlighted as has been conducted to provide an all-inclusive list of factors that
the most important facilitators of collaboration in the construction affect the efficiency and effectiveness of collaborative planning in
industry (Deep et al. 2019). In emerging economies, the following the construction industry. To this end, this paper aims to address
main factors affecting collaboration on construction projects have this critical knowledge gap by reviewing the literature related to
been highlighted: project vision, behavior of project participants, collaboration in the construction industry for the last 30 years to
communication, contractual agreements, systematic process, and identify a holistic list of factors affecting collaborative planning
relationship definition (Faris et al. 2019). in the construction industry and to provide future research direc-
tions for effective collaborative planning in construction projects.
Lean Construction, Last Planner System, and
Pull planning
Research Methodology
Lean construction principles such as the last planner system (LPS)
and pull planning have been closely linked to collaboration in con- To realize the goal and objectives of this study, the authors followed
struction projects in previous research (Zhang et al. 2018; Daniel et al. an interdependent multistep methodology as summarized in Fig. 1.

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Fig. 1. Summary of the followed research methodology (M refers to theoretical discussions of the collaborative planning factors, while S refers to
developed models and frameworks incorporating the collaborative planning factors).

The authors (1) conducted an extensive review and analysis of article title, abstract, and keywords fields. Second, the search
the literature on collaboration and collaborative planning in the was restrained to papers classified as article type. Third, an exten-
construction industry within the last 30 years, (2) identified and sive keyword search of the different aspects of collaborative plan-
defined the factors impacting the effectiveness of construction col- ning in the construction industry was performed, including pull
laborative planning, (3) performed social network analysis (SNA) planning, LPS, collaboration, collaborative, collaborative schedul-
to quantify the importance and impact of each of the identified fac- ing, and collaborative planning. Fourth, abstracts were examined
tors and verified the output using a simple analytic method, and and assessed to determine the fitness of the retrieved articles for
(4) highlighted the gaps in the literature and created a roadmap the goal and objectives of this study. It should be noted that existing
for the factors that need further investigation. Details on each of research work presented valuable knowledge and guidelines by re-
the followed steps are presented in the subsequent subsections. viewing the literature using a keyword search methodology. To
name a few, Costa et al. (2019) conducted a systematic literature
review using a keyword search to study the critical aspects that hin-
Literature Review and Systematic Collection of
der collaboration in construction supply chains. Additionally, Deep
Previous Studies
et al. (2019) also conducted a systematic literature review of ena-
The authors reviewed and analyzed the literature related to collabo- blers of collaboration among project participants in the construction
rative planning in the construction industry within the past 30 years industry using keyword search and citation analysis.
(1990–2019). In relation to that, the authors systematically col- After analyzing and collecting relevant research articles related
lected previous collaborative planning studies. Studies considered to collaborative planning in the construction industry, the authors
in the literature review include:
• Articles that are peer-reviewed and issued in reputable archived
scholarly construction management journals. Table 1 includes Table 1. List of journals
the list of journals considered in this paper and their correspond- Journal name Publisher
ing publishers. This list of journals is adopted from previous
Journal of Construction Engineering and ASCE
research work by El-adaway et al. (2019). Management
• Papers related to the use of collaborative planning in the con- Journal of Management in Engineering
struction industry rather than articles related to other industries Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
such as manufacturing, information technology (IT), or others. International Journal of Project Management Elsevier
The selected articles either developed models, frameworks, Automation in Construction
decision-support tools, or qualitatively discussed collaborative Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Emerald Publishing
planning in construction. Management
The authors utilized a systematic keyword search methodology Construction Innovation
to retrieve the relevant journal papers. First, the Scopus search en- Construction Management and Economics Taylor & Francis
International Journal of Construction Management
gine was utilized to conduct an all-inclusive search within the

© ASCE 04021023-3 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

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the analyzed articles (i.e., matrix M contains types 1 and 3, and
matrix S contains types 2 and 3). If a factor is mentioned in an
article, a value of 1 is inserted into its corresponding cell; otherwise,
a value of 0 is inserted. Fig. 2 shows an illustrative example to dem-
onstrate the concept of a reference matrix. In this paper, Fi repre-
sents an identified factor. As shown in Fig. 2, factors Fi and Fiþ1 are
mentioned in Article j and Article J; thus, a value of 1 is recorded in
the corresponding cells, while a value of 0 is recorded for cells be-
low the other articles.
As mentioned earlier, the articles that include theoretical discus-
Fig. 2. Illustrative example of a reference matrix. sions about collaborative planning in the construction industry are
reflected in reference matrix M. That is, reference matrix M in-
cludes articles of type 1 or 3. Reference matrix M reflects the points
of view of scholars on collaborative planning in the construction
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classified these articles into three types based on previous similar industry and identifies its main factors. Conversely, the articles that
studies (Assaad and El-adaway 2020; Abotaleb and El-adaway include developed predictive or explanatory models based on the
2018) as follows: identified factors are reflected in reference matrix S. That is, refer-
Type 1: These articles provide theoretical mentions and discus- ence matrix S includes articles of type 2 or 3. Reference matrix S
sions on the factors affecting collaborative planning in the construc- presents insights on research status regarding developed models on
tion industry. The term theoretical mentions and discussions means collaborative planning in the construction industry. To this end, a
that the retrieved articles offered theoretical considerations and in- comparison between the two reference matrices M and S highlights
sights on the factors related to collaborative planning without de- the research gap between the factors that have been studied and the
veloping models or frameworks that could be based on machine factors that should be studied in the future as related to collabora-
learning techniques, statistical approaches, or any other computa- tive planning in the construction industry. Ultimately, this compari-
tional approaches. In this study, the articles with theoretical discus- son will identify the understudied collaborative planning factors in
sions were included in reference matrix M. The research work of the construction industry that should be incorporated in future re-
Ey et al. (2014) is considered to be of type 1 since it studied the search studies. To this end, the authors conducted quantitative
barriers and challenges of collaborative procurements in the con- analysis using SNA approach for the developed reference matrices
struction industry. M and S and validated the results using a simplified analysis ap-
Type 2: These articles focus on the developed models with proach. Further details about these two analysis approaches are pro-
little (if any) theoretical discussions on the factors related to col- vided in the following subsections.
laborative planning in the construction industry. In this paper, the
retrieved article that developed models were included in the refer- Social Network Analysis
ence matrix S. The research work of Meng et al. (2011) is con- Reasons for Choosing SNA. One of the main reasons for choosing
sidered to be of type 2 since it constructed a maturity model for the SNA approach is that it accounts for the interconnectivity
measuring and enhancing the relationships between project par- among the different factors studied in this research. SNA is a math-
ties in construction supply chains. ematical methodology that is based on graph theory to examine
Type 3: These articles provide a combination of theoretical dis- how networks behave while accounting for the interconnectivity
cussions and developed models related to collaborative planning in aspect of its components (Otte and Rousseau 2002). SNA com-
the construction industry. As such, this type of articles was included prises different nodes (vertices) connected by edges (links).
in both reference matrices M and S. The research work of Heiger- According to Freeman (1978), centrality is a major characteristic
moser et al. (2019) is considered to be of type 3 since it examined of SNA and its associated metric, degree centrality (DC), is used
the synergies between lean construction and BIM and presented a to identify the number of links connected to each node. That is, the
tool for construction management that combines LPS with 3D nodes that have the highest number of connections in a network are
modeling to improve productivity and reduce waste in construction. considered to have a high DC. While existing analysis approaches
for identifying factors from the literature depend on qualitative
measures, SNA focuses more on quantitative measures (Assaad
Quantitative Analysis of the Literature
and El-adaway 2020). SNA is also known for its practicality in
After collecting the articles and reviewing the literature, the authors evaluating the studied factors and their relative importance and
identified the factors affecting collaborative planning in the con- highlighting areas of research that are understudied and need fur-
struction industry. To analyze the identified factors, the authors de- ther investigation (Abotaleb and El-adaway 2018). Another im-
veloped two reference matrices M and S. The rows in a reference portant characteristic of the SNA is the cooccurrence, which is
matrix represent the identified factors, and the columns represent also known as a measurement that identifies objects of interest

Fig. 3. Illustrative example of an adjacency matrix.

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that appear together (Choudhury and Uddin 2016). Cooccurrence example of how to develop an adjacency matrix. In Fig. 3, letter F
is perceived as a useful bibliometric technique for determining represents factors, and letter A represents articles.
relationships between different nodes or factors in the studied net- After this step in this research, two adjacency matrices have
work (Waltman et al. 2010). been constructed, one for network M and the other for network S.
Developing the Social Network. For this research, degree central- The degree centrality for each factor for collaborative planning is
ity is computed for the reference matrices M and S. For matrix M, calculated from the two adjacency matrices as shown in Eq. 1,
the DC measure reflects the importance of a given factor in terms of where DCi represents the degree centrality for factor i, and V i;j
its frequency and being mentioned with other factors in theoretical represents the value of the cell in row i and column j of the studied
discussions. Similarly, for matrix S, the DC measure reflects the adjacency matrix
importance of a given factor in terms of its frequency and being X
mentioned with other factors in the developed models, decision- DCi ¼ Vi;j ð1Þ
support tools, and frameworks concerned with collaborative plan- j;j≠i
ning in the construction industry.
Calculating the degree centrality for the nodes in the SNA re- For a given node in a network, degree centrality is computed by
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quires the development of an adjacency matrix for the studied net- the number of links connected to this node. For the sake of con-
work. As such, the authors constructed two adjacency matrices, one sistency of scores especially between the two networks M and S as
for network M and the other for network S. An adjacency matrix is the number of articles used in each matrix is different, a normalized
developed by multiplying the reference matrix by its transpose and DCi is calculated by dividing the DCi of each factor over the maxi-
then removing the values in the diagonal cells from the resulting mum DCi obtained by a factor in the same reference matrix. The
matrix and replacing them with zeros. Fig. 3 shows an illustrative equation of the normalized DCi is shown in Eq. (2). That is because

Table 2. List of reviewed articles

Year range Used articles of articles
1990–1999 Bröchner and Grandinson (1992), Choo et al. (1999), and Laborde and Sanvido (1994) 3
2000–2009 Akintoye and Main (2007), Alshawi and Faraj (2002), Anumba et al. (2008), Aspin (2007), Bresnen and Marshall (2000a, b), 25
Chan and Leung (2004), Chen and Chen (2007), Choo et al. (2004), Chua et al. (2003a, b), Drexler and Larson (2000),
Erdogan et al. (2008), Eriksson et al. (2009), Hauck et al. (2004), Jergeas and Put (2001), Kang et al. (2007), Karlsson et al.
(2008), Kumaraswamy et al. (2005), Ozorhon et al. (2007), Penã-Mora and Dwivedi (2002), Rahman and Kumaraswamy
(2005), Shelbourn et al. (2007), Yeomans et al. (2006), and Zaneldin et al. (2001)
2010–2019 Abdirad and Dossick (2019), Ahuja et al. (2010), AlSehaimi et al. (2014), Anderson et al. (2011), Arnold and Javernick-Will 72
(2013), Azari and Kim (2016), Chang et al. (2017), Chen and Manley (2014), Costa et al. (2019), Daniel et al. (2019, 2017),
Deep et al. (2019), Di Marco et al. (2010), Elghaish et al. (2019), El-Gohary and El-Diraby (2010), El-Sabek and McCabe
(2018), Enegbuma et al. (2014), Erdogan et al. (2014), Ey et al. (2014), Faris et al. (2019), Farnsworth et al. (2016), Franz et al.
(2017), González et al. (2010), Greenwood and Wu (2012), Guo et al. (2010), Hall et al. (2018), Hamzeh et al. (2015a, b),
Hanna (2016), Hastie et al. (2017), Heigermoser et al. (2019), Herazo and Lizarralde (2015), Hughes et al. (2012), Ibrahim
et al. (2015, 2018, 2013), Isikdag and Underwood (2010), Kent and Becerik-Gerber (2010), Kokkonen and Vaagaasar (2018),
Koolwijk et al. (2018), Koseoglu et al. (2018), Lahdenperä (2012), Lai et al. (2019), Leoto and Lizarralde (2019), Liu et al.
(2017), Ma et al. (2018a, b), Memon et al. (2015), Meng (2012), Meng et al. (2011), Merschbrock et al. (2018), Oraee et al.
(2019), Osipova (2015), Palacios et al. (2014), Park et al. (2017), Pishdad-Bozorgi et al. (2017), Poirier et al. (2016), Priven
and Sacks (2015, 2016), Russell et al. (2015), Sacks et al. (2010b, a), Son and Rojas (2011), Suprapto et al. (2015b, a), Taggart
et al. (2014), Tayeh et al. (2019), Zhang et al. (2017, 2018), Zhou et al. (2012, 2014), and Zimina et al. (2012)

Fig. 4. Articles distribution over the years.

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Table 3. Identified factors related to collaborative planning in the construction industry

Number Factors Definition
1 Adaptation or resistance to change It refers to the reaction of team members by accepting or resisting upon introducing a change.
2 Willingness for collaboration and cooperation It refers to the willingness of project parties to work together to achieve a common desired outcome.
3 Commitment It refers to that project parties are dedicated to the collaborative planning process and their associated tasks.
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4 Influence or dependency between project parties It refers to the influences that some team members can have on the work and decisions of other team members.
5 Leadership It refers to the availability of leadership to guide the project team.
6 Trust, confidence, and respect It refers to the strong belief in other project parties that their work will be satisfactory.
7 Continuous improvement It refers to the ongoing effort to improve the process of collaborative planning.
8 Communication formality, effectiveness, and timeliness It refers to the type and environment of communication in the studied project (e.g., formal/informal and quick / late).
9 Frequency of meetings It refers to the frequency (e.g., daily/weekly/biweekly/monthly) and type (e.g., physical/virtual) of meetings conducted.
10 Sharing of lessons learned It refers to pinpointing previous project experiences in terms of successes and failures and providing recommendations
for team members.
11 Early involvement of key project stakeholders It refers to the phase when key project participants were actively involved in the project especially during project
development and design.
12 Timely reporting and updating It refers to the frequency and timing of reporting project work and such reports shall match management and
stakeholders’ requirements.
13 Constructability feedbacks It refers to getting feedback and insight from construction on the design of the studied project.
14 Stakeholders input in schedule development It refers to input from relevant stakeholders in schedule development of the project and its reliability.
15 Multicultural team members and language barrier It refers to the presence of team members with different cultural backgrounds and difficulty in understanding and
speaking a common language.
16 Project parties relationship It refers to the type, strength, and characteristics of relationships between project parties.
17 Culture (i.e., shared values and beliefs) It refers to the sharing of the same value, and beliefs across the project team.
18 Team and key personnel skill, expertise, and knowledge It refers to the skills, expertise, and knowledge of project participants, especially key personnel conducting

collaborative planning tasks.

19 Vision, goal alignment, and integration It refers to that all project parties agree on the collaboration aims and objectives.
20 Team building, chemistry, and empathy It refers to the ability of team members to get along with one other and work toward the same goal.
21 Team involvement and participation It refers to the direct participation and involvement of different team members whenever their input is required to
achieve project objectives.
22 Team motivation and incentives It refers to the level of motivation among the team members and the inclusion of various kinds of incentives.
23 Orientation/workshops and training/education It refers to the training and education given to project participants about the importance of collaborative planning and
how to properly implement it in the project.
24 Creativity, option generation, and innovation It refers to the opportunity and support given to creativity, idea generation, and innovation in a construction project.
25 Flexibility and coordination of design It refers to coordinating all activities, processes, and teams involved in the design phase for producing a suitable and
consistent design.
26 Stakeholders and management support It refers to that project stakeholders and management are investing time and effort and collaborating to ensure project
27 Colocation/centralized working place It refers to having the project team in the same room or office for in-person, cross-team collaboration.
28 Construction coordination It refers to the sequencing of work between different trades and parties and deals with the day-to-day construction
coordination to ensure continuity of the work and resolving issues quickly.
29 Lean construction adoption and awareness It refers to the adoption and applicability of lean construction concepts and techniques in the studied project.
30 Risk/uncertainty management and sharing It refers to the study and management of project risk and sharing it among project parties.
31 Pull planning effectiveness It refers to the planning process that focuses on the end goal rather than starting from the beginning and it is
characterized by a high degree of collaboration.
J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

32 Value management/engineering It refers to the adoption of a value management approach to maximize value and minimize cost by achieving “value for
money” (VfM).
33 Availability/sharing of resources It refers to available resources at hand to support collaborative planning in the project (e.g., financial, labor, and
34 Customer focus, orientation, and understanding of client’s needs It refers to the vision of always prioritizing customer’s needs and best interest while working on the project.
35 Standardization of planning practices and meetings/documentation It refers to following a standard and formal procedure in carrying out the planning process and activities.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2021, 147(4): 04021023

It refers to the procurement and prequalification process used in the project and how the project team was selected.
It refers to the use of any multidimensional modeling and/or BIM for better understanding and implementation of the

It refers to the policies and contractual obligations supporting/restricting the implementation of collaborative planning.
It refers to the lack of integration of construction processes and project parties due to the presence of many stakeholders
It refers to various tools and techniques including visual signs, elimination of visual obstacles, and procedures for

It refers to the conflict and dispute resolution definition and procedures and their effect on the implementation of
It refers to the proper planning of activities by removing all constraints and completing predecessors before such
degree centrality relies on the size of the network. As such, the

It refers to the transfer and sharing of information between project stakeholders through media such as reports,
normalized DCi for any collaborative planning factor ranges

It refers to the joint decision making and problem-solving environment and involvement of affected project
from 0 to 1

It refers to the software or technology used for collaboration (e.g., Procore, Touchplan, and PlanGrid).
It refers to the use of key performance indicators for monitoring and controlling the project schedule.
Normalized DCi ¼ ð2Þ

It refers to how well defined the project scope is and the applicability of accommodating changes.
Maximum DCi in the network

It refers to the effect of project characteristics on the implementation of collaborative planning.

Validation Method: Simplified Analysis

It refers to the choice of a suitable and efficient delivery method for the studied project.
A simplified analysis was used in this study as a validation method

It refers to the performance and suitability of the scheduling tool used in the project.
for the SNA and to test whether the SNA is working as intended. In
the simplified analysis, a score for each identified factor is calcu-
lated by summing all the corresponding cells in the row using
Eq. (3). For example, a score of 15 for collaborative planning factor
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F1 in matrix M means that this factor is mentioned in 15 of the

studied articles in this matrix and suggested by scholars to be a
factor affecting collaborative planning in the construction industry.

Similarly, if the same factor F1 in matrix S has a score of 10, this

means that it is mentioned in 10 of the studied articles in this matrix
and used in the developed models within these articles. Similar to
the normalization process performed in the SNA, the equation for
the normalized score is shown in Eq. (4). As such, the normalized
score ranges from 0 to 1 for any factor in the same reference matrix
maintaining a clean and orderly workplace.

Last article in the matrix
Scorei ¼ W i;x ð3Þ
x¼First article in the matrix

Normalized Scorei ¼ ð4Þ
Maximum Scorei in the matrix
collaborative planning.
meetings, and mail.

where Scorei = frequency of mentioning the collaborative planning

and subcontracting.

factor i; and W i;x = value of the cell (either 0 or 1) corresponding to

activity starts.

factor i and the article x in the same reference matrix.



Results and Analysis

Collaborative Planning Factors in the Construction

Maturity/interoperability of technology or platform used for collaboration

As detailed in the methodology, the authors retrieved journal papers
related to collaborative planning in the construction industry using
a systematic method based on keyword search. To verify that the
searches were accurately performed and produced what is intended,
Problem solving/critical analysis and decision making

Use of indicators to assess schedule accomplishment

the authors conducted a manual search of two papers as a demon-

Systematic identification and removal of constraints

Effectiveness of scheduling tool used and updates

Procurement, prequalification, and team selection

strative example. In relation to that, the first paper is the study per-
Information sharing, availability, and technology

Scope/workpackages definition and flexibility

formed by Palacios et al. (2014) that presented a tool that aims at

Appropriateness of project delivery method

enhancing the relationships among construction project parties. As

Project fragmentation and subcontracting

such, this study was incorporated in the list of analyzed articles in


this paper, as shown in Table 2. On the other hand, the second paper
Policies and contractual obligations
Project type, size, and complexity
nD modeling (BIM) effectiveness

is the study performed by Zimring et al. (2001), which, although it

Visualization tools/management

appeared in the search results, it was not included in the analysis

because it developed a website for architecture students to facilitate
sharing their designs and provide better access to online cases. The
reason behind excluding the second paper is that it is not considered
Conflict resolution

to be of significant relevance to the topic of this paper, which is

studying the factors affecting collaborative planning in the con-
struction industry. Thus, the search methods are perceived to pro-
Table 3. (Continued.)

duce what is intended based on the performed manual search. As

such, a total of 100 journal papers were found to fit the require-
ments of this study that are shown in Table 2 and were considered
for further analysis.
The majority of the collaborative planning research studies in

the construction industry were conducted in the last 10-year period








of the study (2010–2019), as shown in Table 2. The rise of interest

© ASCE 04021023-7 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2021, 147(4): 04021023

in the collaborative planning area has increased exponentially com- planning in construction projects after the 2008–2009 great reces-
pared to the previous 20 years period of the study. The number of sion period.
studies were very limited in the first 10 years period (1990–1999) By analyzing the articles in Table 2, the authors identified
and amounted to only three papers. The distribution of the articles 50 collaborative planning factors in the construction industry,
over the years of the study period is shown more precisely in Fig. 4. and they are shown in Table 3. Table 3 lists the 50 identified factors
There is an increasing steady trend since 2016 ending with the year and their definition in the context of this research. Some of the iden-
2019 having the highest number of articles concerned with collabo- tified factors include multiple aspects. For instance, factor 8 (F8)
rative planning in the construction industry in one year. A notice- ‘Communication formality, effectiveness, and timeliness’ incorpo-
able rise appears in the number of articles in 2010, which could be rates all aspects of communication such as the type of communi-
explained by the increased focus of research on collaborative cation (formal/informal) and timeliness of communication (prompt/
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Table 4. Types of reviewed articles and corresponding reference matrices

Corresponding Corresponding
reference matrix reference matrix
Citation of the articles Type M S Citation of the articles Type M S
Abdirad and Dossick (2019) 1 X — Choo et al. (1999) 2 — X
AlSehaimi et al. (2014) 1 X — Choo et al. (2004) 2 — X
Anderson et al. (2011) 1 X — Chua et al. (2003a) 2 — X
Arnold and Javernick-Will (2013) 1 X — Chua et al. (2003b) 2 — X
Bresnen and Marshall (2000a) 1 X — El-Gohary and El-Diraby (2010) 2 — X
Bresnen and Marshall (2000b) 1 X — Elghaish et al. (2019) 2 — X
Bröchner and Grandinson (1992) 1 X — Erdogan et al. (2014) 2 — X
Chen and Chen (2007) 1 X — Franz et al. (2017) 2 — X
Costa et al. (2019) 1 X — González et al. (2010) 2 — X
Daniel et al. (2017) 1 X — Guo et al. (2010) 2 — X
Deep et al. (2019) 1 X — Greenwood and Wu (2012) 2 — X
Drexler and Larson (2000) 1 X — Hamzeh et al. (2015a) 2 — X
Enegbuma et al. (2014) 1 X — Hamzeh et al. (2015b) 2 — X
Erdogan et al. (2008) 1 X — Heigermoser et al. (2019) 2 — X
Eriksson et al. (2009) 1 X — Ibrahim et al. (2018) 2 — X
Ey et al. (2014) 1 X — Isikdag and Underwood (2010) 2 — X
Faris et al. (2019) 1 X — Ma et al. (2018b) 2 — X
Farnsworth et al. (2016) 1 X — Ozorhon et al. (2007) 2 — X
Hanna (2016) 1 X — Pishdad-Bozorgi et al. (2017) 2 — X
Hall et al. (2018) 1 X — Park et al. (2017) 2 — X
Herazo and Lizarralde (2015) 1 X — Penã-Mora and Dwivedi (2002) 2 — X
Hughes et al. (2012) 1 X — Sacks et al. (2010b) 2 — X
Ibrahim et al. (2015) 1 X — Son and Rojas (2011) 2 — X
Jergeas and Put (2001) 1 X — Suprapto et al. (2015a) 2 — X
Kent and Becerik-Gerber (2010) 1 X — Zaneldin et al. (2001) 2 — X
Kokkonen and Vaagaasar (2018) 1 X — Zhang et al. (2017) 2 — X
Koolwijk et al. (2018) 1 X — Zhou et al. (2012) 2 — X
Koseoglu et al. (2018) 1 X — Akintoye and Main (2007) 3 X X
Kumaraswamy et al. (2005) 1 X — Alshawi and Faraj (2002) 3 X X
Laborde and Sanvido (1994) 1 X — Chen and Manley (2014) 3 X X
Lahdenperä (2012) 1 X — Daniel et al. (2019) 3 X X
Meng (2012) 1 X — Di Marco et al. (2010) 3 X X
Merschbrock et al. (2018) 1 X — El-Sabek and McCabe (2018) 3 X X
Osipova (2015) 1 X — Hastie et al. (2017) 3 X X
Priven and Sacks (2015) 1 X — Hauck et al. ( 2004) 3 X X
Rahman and Kumaraswamy (2005) 1 X — Ibrahim et al. (2013) 3 X X
Russell et al. (2015) 1 X — Kang et al. (2007) 3 X X
Sacks et al. (2010a) 1 X — Karlsson et al. (2008) 3 X X
Shelbourn et al. (2007) 1 X — Leoto and Lizarralde (2019) 3 X X
Taggart et al. (2014) 1 X — Lai et al. (2019) 3 X X
Tayeh et al. (2019) 1 X — Liu et al. (2017) 3 X X
Yeomans et al. (2006) 1 X — Ma et al. (2018a) 3 X X
Zhang et al. (2018) 1 X — Memon et al. (2015) 3 X X
Zimina et al. (2012) 1 X — Meng et al. (2011) 3 X X
Ahuja et al. (2010) 2 — X Oraee et al. (2019) 3 X X
Anumba et al. (2008) 2 — X Palacios et al. (2014) 3 X X
Aspin (2007) 2 — X Priven and Sacks (2016) 3 X X
Azari and Kim (2016) 2 — X Poirier et al. (2016) 3 X X
Chan and Leung (2004) 2 — X Suprapto et al. (2015b) 3 X X
Chang et al. (2017) 2 — X Zhou et al. (2014) 3 X X

© ASCE 04021023-8 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2021, 147(4): 04021023

late). To this end, the authors provided a brief definition of each the technological factors/barriers in BIM-based construction
factor and what it incorporates. networks.
Furthermore, the results of Fig. 5 present insights on the liter-
ature gaps between the theoretical discussions shown in matrix M
Classification of Analyzed Articles and Development of and the developed models and frameworks shown in matrix S. The
Reference Matrices M and S largest common literature gaps present in the SNA are found in F19
The authors developed two reference matrices M and S according (i.e., vision, goal alignment, and integration) and F11 (i.e., early
to the categorization step provided in the research methodology involvement of key project stakeholders), respectively. There is
section. To this end, Table 4 shows the type of each reviewed an additional large literature gap found in F2 (i.e., willingness
article and which matrix it is included in. There are 44 articles for collaboration and cooperation). These gaps indicate that these
with Type 1 concerned with theoretical discussions, 33 with collaborative planning factors are understudied given the consider-
Type 2 concerned with developed models, simulations, and ation obtained in the theoretical discussions. In other words, more
decision-support tools, and 23 with Type 3 concerned with a com- models are needed to study the impact and effect of these factors on
bination of theoretical discussions and developed models. As collaborative planning in the construction industry. It should be
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such, matrix M consists of 67 articles (type 1 and 3), creating noted that F10 (i.e., sharing of lessons learned) has the lowest nor-
a matrix of dimensions 50 by 67 (50 factors and 67 articles). Sim- malized scores for matrix S in SNA, indicating the lack of devel-
ilarly, matrix S consists of 56 articles (type 2 and 3), creating a oped models incorporating this factor. On the other hand, some
matrix of dimensions 50 by 56. This simple comparison of several factors have been overstudied or incorporated in many developed
articles indicates that there are more theoretical discussions than models and frameworks. As such, the top three factors found are
developed models on factors affecting collaborative planning in F12 (i.e., timely reporting and updating), F40 [i.e., nD modeling
the construction industry and thus highlights the need for more (BIM) effectiveness], and F49 (i.e., project type, size, and complex-
models, simulations, and decision-support tools to study the effect ity), interchangeably. In fact, BIM is one of the most prominent
of such factors on collaborative planning. technological advancements.
Figs. 6 and 7 show the results of the SNA for networks
M and S, respectively. In both figures, the network diagram
Quantitative Analysis of the Literature reflects the computed normalized DC of each collaborative
The authors conducted SNA on the reference matrices M and S and planning factor in terms of radial position. The radial position
validated the results of the SNA using the simplified analysis ap- of the node is inversely proportional to the normalized DC of
proach as described in the research methodology. the corresponding factor. That means that as the node becomes
closer to the center, the normalized DC of this factor becomes
Social Network Analysis higher than other nodes that are further from the center. The fac-
Fig. 5 shows the normalized scores for the SNA. that F8 (i.e., com- tors having the highest normalized DC are highlighted in Figs. 6
munication formality, effectiveness, and timeliness) and F41 and 7, respectively.
(i.e., maturity/interoperability of technology or platform used It can be seen that both networks are dense in terms of a high
for collaboration) have approximately equal normalized DCs number of nodes and links. For that reason, the color-coded ma-
for networks M and S. This indicates that F8 and F41 are the fac- trices reflect the depth of the links between different nodes. Both
tors that are equally mentioned in theoretical literature discussions rows and columns in the matrices represent the collaborative plan-
and utilized as well in developed models, simulations, and ning factors. It is noted that the matrices are color-coded based on
decision-support tools. For instance, the communication the depth of the link between any two corresponding collaborative
formality, effectiveness, and timeliness factors have been men- factors. The darker color of the cell in the matrix indicates stronger
tioned in the research work of Ma et al. (2018b) which developed links between factors.
a collaboration platform for IPD. On the other hand, the concep- There are some observed commonalities and differences in the
tual model presented in the study of Oraee et al. (2019) considered normalized DC for both networks M and S in Figs. 6 and 7, respec-
interoperability of the platform used for collaboration as one of tively. For example, F39 (Information sharing, availability, and

Fig. 5. Normalized scores for the SNA (Rectangles are for factors having much bigger normalized score for matrix M, while arrows are for factors
having bigger normalized score for matrix S).

© ASCE 04021023-9 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2021, 147(4): 04021023

technology) and F8 (Communication formality, effectiveness, and with other collaborative planning factors in a high rate of recur-
timeliness) have significant and approximately equal normalized rence. On the other hand, F39 (Information sharing, availability,
DC values in both networks M and S. That reflects that both factors and technology) has the highest normalized DC in network S,
have been included in developed models and decision-support tools as shown in Fig. 7. This indicates that there are extensive studies
in the same proportion they were incorporated in the theoretical performed on this factor through developed models, simulations,
literature discussions. The largest normalized DC in network M and decision-support tools while being modeled with other col-
is present in F19 (vision, goal alignment, and integration), as shown laborative planning factors. It is noted that the color-coded matrix
in Fig. 6. This indicates that this factor is mentioned and recom- M is much dense and darker than the color-coded matrix S. This
mended in theoretical discussions as well as being comentioned can be interpreted in a way that theoretical discussions usually
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Fig. 6. Results of the SNA for network M.

© ASCE 04021023-10 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2021, 147(4): 04021023

mention a list of factors together affecting the studied topic, while A large positive value in Fig. 8 indicates a deficit in the number
the developed models, frameworks, and decision-support tools of developed models and decision-support tools compared to the
usually focus on a limited number of factors to better understand theoretical discussions mentioning such factors. Conversely, a large
its effect. negative value implies an excess of the number of developed mod-
To properly visualize and grasp the literature gap presented in els, frameworks, and decision-support tools compared to the
earlier figures, the authors developed Fig. 8 to better visualize the theoretical discussions made on the same factor. The top four fac-
derived differences of normalized DC (M-S) for collaborative plan- tors with positive value are F19 (vision, goal alignment, and inte-
ning factors in the construction industry. gration), F11 (early involvement of key project stakeholders), F2
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Fig. 7. Results of the SNA for network S.

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Fig. 8. Derived differences in the scores of M and S matrices.

(willingness for collaboration and cooperation), and F16 (project supports the motivation behind and significance of this study as
parties relationship). the outcomes indicate that current research incorporates or fo-
cuses on specific collaborative planning factors such as timely
Validation reporting and updating, nD modeling (BIM) effectiveness, and
The simplified analysis was used in this study to validate the results project type, size, and complexity, while disregarding other im-
of the SNA. After getting the normalized scores from both M and S portant factors such as vision, goal alignment and integration,
matrices, as described in the research methodology, the authors de- early involvement of key project stakeholders, and project par-
rived the differences between the two normalized scores (M-S) to ties relationship.
provide a clear comparison between the results of the SNA and the • Researchers are recommended to shift their future research
simplified analysis. Table 5 shows the obtained differences in the endeavors to study vision, goal alignment and integration, early
normalized scores for the SNA and the simplified analysis.
involvement of key project stakeholders, project parties’ rela-
Table 5 reflects that the obtained results of the simplified analy-
tionship, and willingness for collaboration and cooperation.
sis are close to the results of the SNA. The small differences in the
These factors have been characterized by a wider gap between
results between the two analysis approaches can be attributed to the
matrices M and S, as shown in Fig. 8. F19 (Vision, goal align-
fact that the SNA incorporates more advanced measures as related
ment, and integration) refers to that all project parties agree on
to the interconnectivity and the relationship between the different
the collaboration aims and objectives to achieve successful
factors. On the other hand, the simplified analysis relies mainly on
project completion. F11 (Early involvement of key project
the simple frequency of cooccurrence of factors in the analyzed
stakeholders) refers to the phase when key project participants
articles. As such, the small differences are considered to be within
are keen on engaging in the project especially during project
an acceptable range considering the inherent characteristics of the
development and the design phase. F2 (willingness for collabo-
two analyses. Thus, the obtained results in Table 5 verify that the
ration and cooperation) refers to the willingness of parties to act
SNA is working as intended. Nevertheless, to have an in-depth val-
together to reach a common desired outcome. F16 (project par-
idation of the findings, the authors recommend future research
ties relationship) refers to the type, strength, and characteristics
work to further study the interrelated relationships between the
of relationships between project parties. Although these factors
50 factors based on actual case studies or other data collection
methods. have been noted by many research studies for their significance
and impact in achieving efficient collaborative planning in con-
struction projects (Abdirad and Dossick 2019; Costa et al. 2019;
Research Guidelines and Recommendations Daniel et al. 2017; Leoto and Lizarralde 2019), the incorpora-
Building on the insights from the performed literature analysis in tion of these factors in developed models is considered minia-
this research, the authors concluded some helpful guidelines and ture compared to its expected or desired level. This stresses the
recommendations that assist in knowledge advancement in collabo- knowledge gap existing in collaborative planning factors in the
rative planning in the construction industry. That is performed by construction industry with respect to vision alignment, early
highlighting areas where there is abundant research work and involvement of key project stakeholders, project parties’ rela-
directing future research toward areas that require further investi- tionship, and willingness for collaboration and cooperation.
gation. As such, the guidelines and recommendations of this study • Researchers are also advised to direct their work toward two
are presented as follows: factors namely, F10 (Sharing of lessons learned) and F50
• Existing models include, analyze, and concentrate on the effect (Conflict resolution), which have been identified as the lowest
of certain collaborative planning factors in the construction in- mentioned in both matrices M and S, meaning they are the least
dustry and disregard other essential factors that have been iden- incorporated in developed models and theoretical discussions,
tified by the literature and mentioned the interconnectivity as shown in Fig. 5. Sharing of lessons learned refers to pinpoint-
between them. A visual illustration of this issue can be found ing previous project experiences in terms of successes and
by comparing the matrices in Figs. 6 and 7. It can be seen that failures and providing recommendations for team members.
network M is denser than network S with respect to the number Conflict resolution refers to the conflict and dispute resolution
of links and the darkness of the color of its matrix. As such, this definition and procedures and their effect on the implementation

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2021, 147(4): 04021023

Table 5. Validation of the SNA results by comparing the derived differences in the M and S scores with the simplified analysis
Difference in normalized scores (M-S)
Code Factor SNA Simplified analysis
F19 Vision, goal alignment, and integration 0.350 0.511
F11 Early involvement of key project participants 0.311 0.360
F2 Willingness for collaboration and cooperation 0.276 0.228
F16 Project parties relationship 0.244 0.319
F44 Appropriateness of project delivery method 0.241 0.278
F30 Risk/uncertainty management and sharing 0.232 0.274
F23 Orientation/workshops and training/education 0.210 0.214
F26 Stakeholders and management support 0.204 0.234
F22 Team motivation and incentives 0.192 0.192
F6 Trust, confidence, and respect 0.182 0.361
F32 Value management/engineering 0.156 0.129
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F18 Team and key personnel skill, expertise, and knowledge 0.152 0.168
F48 Policies and contractual obligations 0.149 0.211
F21 Team involvement and participation 0.149 0.203
F1 Adaptation or resistance to change 0.137 0.170
F7 Continuous improvement 0.136 0.170
F3 Commitment 0.136 0.229
F27 Colocation/centralized working place 0.134 0.105
F20 Team building, chemistry, and empathy 0.122 0.167
F13 Constructability feedbacks 0.118 0.062
F36 Problem solving/critical analysis and decision making 0.102 0.142
F9 Frequency of meetings 0.101 0.128
F35 Standardization of planning practices and meetings/documentation 0.091 0.106
F10 Sharing of lessons learned 0.082 0.043
F46 Scope/workpackages definition and flexibility 0.079 0.086
F34 Customer focus, orientation, and understanding of client’s needs 0.077 0.085
F45 Project fragmentation and subcontracting 0.073 0.079
F4 Influence or dependency between project parties 0.070 0.084
F17 Culture (i.e., shared values and beliefs) 0.058 0.167
F37 Use of indicators to assess schedule accomplishment 0.056 0.085
F5 Leadership 0.051 0.124
F47 Procurement, prequalification, and team selection 0.031 0.083
F43 Visualization tools/management 0.030 −0.005
F28 Construction coordination 0.025 0.018
F15 Multicultural team members and language barrier 0.020 0.040
F25 Flexibility and coordination of design 0.015 −0.008
F14 Stakeholders input in schedule development 0.004 −0.003
F41 Maturity/interoperability of technology or platform used for collaboration 0.000 −0.057
F31 Pull planning effectiveness −0.017 −0.028
F8 Communication formality, effectiveness, and timeliness −0.017 0.002
F38 Systematic identification and removal of constraints −0.019 −0.026
F29 Lean construction adoption and awareness −0.019 −0.050
F42 Effectiveness of scheduling tool used and updates −0.030 −0.007
F50 Conflict resolution −0.031 −0.001
F24 Creativity, option generation, and innovation −0.037 −0.005
F33 Availability/sharing of resources −0.051 −0.051
F39 Information sharing, availability, and technology −0.085 −0.109
F40 nD modeling (BIM) effectiveness −0.112 −0.119
F49 Project type, size, and complexity −0.145 −0.070
F12 Timely reporting and updating −0.152 −0.186

of collaborative planning. It is contended by the few studies that in future research models and decision-support tools to better
mention these two factors that they enable saving time and understand its effect and impact on collaborative planning prac-
money on future projects and enhancing project performance tices. It was found that there are no existing comprehensive
(Faris et al. 2019; Hastie et al. 2017; Palacios et al. 2014; Suprapto frameworks in the literature that simultaneously incorporate
et al. 2015b). As such, incorporating these two factors in future the 50 identified collaborative planning factors. As such, there
research works, either in theoretical discussion or in models and is a shortage in the literature in gauging models that can capture
decision-support tools, can have positive impacts on the collabo- the factors affecting collaborative planning in the construction
rative planning practices in construction projects. In fact, equip- industry comprehensively and holistically. This indicates there
ping decision-makers with effective predictive tools is crucial in is a dire need to develop unprecedented models and frameworks
ensuring successful results. that simultaneously incorporate the 50 factors affecting collabo-
• Scholars are urged to include the 50 factors presented in this rative planning in the construction industry. Most previous stud-
study related to collaborative planning in the construction industry ies mostly focused on one aspect of collaborative planning such

© ASCE 04021023-13 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2021, 147(4): 04021023

as BIM-based models, lean construction-based models, and re- Data Availability Statement
lational contracting-based models that were usually restricted in
reaching their full capabilities by the availability of data and All data, models, and code generated or used during the study ap-
other various limiting causes. This resulted in the lack of com- pear in the published article.
prehensive and innovative models. Moreover, the guidelines and
results shown in this study portray the current position of re-
search as many researchers pointed out the necessity of a holistic
model or framework for the identification of collaborative plan- This study was conducted through the financial support provided
ning factors in the construction industry (Ibrahim et al. 2018; by the Missouri Consortium for Construction Innovation (MO-CCI)
Liu et al. 2017; Meng et al. 2011; Oraee et al. 2019). as represented by its member companies including McCarthy Build-
ing Companies, Brinkman Constructors, Arco Construction, Clayco,
Limitations BJC Healthcare, Alberici, and Greensfelder.
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