Learning Plan: Elementary & Secondary: Computer/cellphone, Projector, Worksheet

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Title of lesson The American Revolution Grade Grade 9

Subject History Topic
The American Revolution
Relevance Learning about the American Revolution is part of Quebec’s history program because
of the impact it had on Quebec's territory, population, economy and politics. By
learning about the American Revolution, students will learn about the early relation
between Quebec, the US and Britain; they will be able to understand how it
influenced the present society.
Resources Required Computer/cellphone, projector, worksheet.
QEP Subject Area History Cycle Two
Competencies Competency 1: Students will examine the American Revolution from a historical
perspective; they will look at the various social, political, territorial and economic
aspects that make up the complexity of the phenomenon. Students will also try to
understand the point of view of various actors that have been impacted by the
American Revolution.
Learning Objectives - Students will gain an understanding of the causes and consequences of the
American Revolution.
- Students will gain an understanding of the changes and continuities between
the period of 1773 and 1783.
Essential Question (s) - Why did the 13 colonies revolt against Britain?
- How did the US gain their independence?
- What impact did the American Revolution have on Quebec?
Lesson Introduction (hook): Student will know:
Timing Students will watch a 3min cartoon video - Students will know when the
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVufq8celE8) American Revolution happened;
depicting the Boston Tea Party; they will be asked to they will know the political,
pay close attention and to observe what they already economic, territorial and societal
knew beforehand. Following the video, we will have a impacts that the American
short classroom discussion containing true/false Revolution brought to both the
questions where students will raise their hands to vote. US and Quebec.
Lastly, students will be given the schedule for today’s - Students will know what caused
class. the American Revolution; they
will know how the Royal
Proclamation, the Quebec Act
and the Intolerable Acts
impacted the population.
- Students will know what
important actors played a role in
the American Revolution (The
king of Britain, the 13 colonists,
the Loyalists, the Canadians).

Development (Learning activities–step by step sequential Students will understand:

procedure): - Students will understand how
the American Revolution has
shaped our present society; they

Based on a simplified version of Understanding by Design (UBD) and the IB Middle Year Program Planner
will understand how the
population and territorial
changes shape Quebec today.
- Students will understand that
the American Revolution is
made up of many positions; the
conflict was one that arises from
a lack of empathy between the
different actors of that time.
- Students will understand that
our current reality in Quebec
was affected by both our history
and the history of other

1. The teacher leads a lecture covering the Students will do:

American Revolution; students are given a - Students will be able to think
fill-in-the blank package for their notes on the critically about the American
American Revolution. The teacher ensures that Revolution; they will be able to
students actively participate in the lecture by analyse different documents and
asking questions and raising interests on certain identify different perspectives.
issues. The lecture ends with a quick recap of
what was covered in the notes. (30min) Cross Curricular Competencies:
2. Students are given a worksheet (Appendix A), - To use information: Students
where they have to come up with two questions gather information on the
(possible exam questions). They are given a American Revolution all
word bank to guide them through the creation throughout the lesson; they
of their questions. Students need to include at make connections between what
least one word from the word bank in each they already know about the
question and they need to provide a complete political and historical context in
answer to their question. The questions can be the 18th century and the new
about anything that was covered in the lecture. information they are given.
(10-15min) - To use creativity: Students use
3. The teacher collects the worksheet to be able to creativity when creating their
give feedback to students for the next class. own “exam like” questions; they
4. The class ends with a quick Kahoot game that become involved in a new
includes questions that students could have process where they have to
written in their worksheet and questions that are imagine possible ways to
valuable in strengthening student proceed.
understanding of the topic. Students can play
the game both individually or with a partner; Broad Areas of Learning:
the goal here is to end the class without losing - Citizenship and Community Life:
engagement in the classroom (students know This lesson is closely tied to
from the very beginning of class that they will citizenship and community life
play a game which motivates them to focus on precisely in regard to how
the tasks). citizens can influence society
when taking action against

Universal Design for Learning/
The lesson is designed in a way that
targets different learning styles; it is
both student-led and teacher-led and
incorporates auditory and visual
components. It also makes use of
gamification to target student
engagement and interest. Creativity is
also an important component of this
lesson; students are given the freedom
to be creative in the way they design
their questions.

Closure (transition): FORMATIVE - Assessment FOR learning:

- Students are given a reflection exit-card where - Students are formatively
they need to reflect on one aspect of the assessed on the question
American Revolution and how it influences our generator worksheet; students
society today. They are given participation mark are given feedback on their
if done properly. work; the teacher comments on
student strength and what they
could develop more.

FORMATIVE - Assessment AS learning:

- Students are given three
different learning opportunities
during the lesson where they
can gage their understanding of
the content; short class
discussion at the beginning of
class, the question generator
worksheet, and the Kahoot.

SUMMATIVE - Assessment OF learning:

- The entire lesson is designed to
help students succeed in their
summative assessment, which is
a standard exam at the end of
the unit.

Further considerations:
Technology is incorporated in different ways throughout the lesson; students are shown a video to raise
curiosity at the beginning and the lesson ends with a Kahoot game which students always enjoy (the goal
here is to keep the participation high from start to end). The entire lesson is also very adaptable to a
completely virtual lesson.

Professional Competencies:
C8 - Support Students’ love of learning: The lesson was entirely designed with a focus on student
engagement, hence it is so important to ensure that students learn in ways that they appreciate and that
easily connect to themselves and their surroundings. I aimed to address this competency in this lesson by
using a diverse approach; students watch a cartoon video to raise curiosity, the class has a short true/false
discussion to recap and see what students already knew, students reflect on what they learned by creating
their own questions and finally students participate in a Kahoot game to keep them engaged and to recap
what had been covered in the lesson.

Appendix A

Name: ________________________ Date:__________________________

Question Generator: The American Revolution

Based on the notes from the lecture, create two thought-provoking questions (think of possible
exam questions that a teacher could create) and provide answers for both. Both questions need
to include at least one word from the word bank and please highlight/underline the word used.

Word Bank: Continuity, Change, Consequence, Cause, Impact, Difference, Similarity, Territory,

Question 1:

Answer 1:

Question 2:

Answer 2:

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