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Name _______________________________________

B1+ Progress test 4A Units 10–12

1  Listen to a man talking about his life working 2  Listen again and complete the sentences. Use
in business. Then choose the correct answers to one word in each space.
questions 1–5.
6 Jack says that it’s important for your colleagues to
1 What does Jack say about working in business? __________ in you.
7 Jack says that most customers use the internet to
a He always knew it was what he wanted to do.
__________ with his business.
b He hadn’t planned to go into business.
8 Jack says that he has had __________ proud
c His business guide advised him to do it.
moments in business.
9 Jack says that there were lots of business people at
2 Jack’s main advice to someone wishing to start a the __________ when he won a prize.
business is to … 10 Jack says he got good __________ as well as
a think seriously about it before deciding. feedback from his business guide.
b learn some new skills first.
2 points for each correct answer 10
c do something that’s familiar to you.

3 What does Jack think about the digital world?

a It’ll probably be less important to his business in
the future.
b It’s not as good as traditional ways of doing
c It’s extremely important to his business.

4 Jack says that his proudest moment in business was

when …
a he became a boss.
b he won a prize.
c he bought his family home.

5 Jack says that having a business guide means that

they can …
a stop you from making any mistakes.
b share their experience with you.
c help you with money at the beginning.

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

B1+ Progress test 4A Units 10–12

3 Read the text about advertising. Then choose the singers, with a camera crew to so many locations could
correct answers to questions 1–5. have been so much higher. Just ask Chanel.
In 2004, they spent a lot more than Pepsi on an advert
for its famous No. 5 perfume. The big-budget short
The key to a successful product is its marketing – how film featured a well-known Australian actress and a
it is advertised and sold. Many products have a very Brazilian actor and was filmed in various North
long life, not because they are necessarily the best, but American studios. It was well received by viewers and
because there is very powerful marketing behind them the proof of its success was in the sales figures for the
that makes sure that they sell well. This is one reason perfume, which reached a record high that year. The
why so many people are willing to pay higher prices example of the Chanel advert just goes to show that
for trusted brands – products made by a company with using a famous star instantly builds the viewers’ trust
a very well-known name. This trust is created over in the product – if people know and like the people
time, so that the products are seen by the public as appearing in adverts, it seems that they will believe
being very high quality. that the product must be worth buying.
Successful marketing isn’t cheap of course, as a lot of
1 What does the writer say about some products?
skill, talent and money are put in to make sure that it
a The best products cost more.
has a positive effect. The amount of money spent is
b They are successful because of advertising, not
usually worth it in the end, though, in terms of the
number of products which are sold and the amount of
c Well-known products need less advertising.
money the company makes. TV is one of the most
expensive forms of advertising, but it’s very successful
2 Television is an effective form of advertising
because it reaches such a larger number of people at
because of …
the same time.
a the number of viewers who see the adverts.
In addition, although internet advertising is perhaps b the money available to produce adverts.
now beginning to catch up, TV is still the most c the talent of the people who work in TV
successful kind of marketing because of its ability to advertising.
connect a particular product to the people watching.
TV adverts create a deep trust by showing brands or 3 One advantage of TV advertising is its ability to …
products a number of times to certain groups of people, a build people’s trust.
such as parents or young professionals. These groups b reach many groups of people at the same time.
will then very often remember the adverts they’ve seen c give people a greater choice.
when thinking about what products to buy, sometimes
without even realising. 4 What does the writer say about the 2001 Pepsi
Two of the most expensive adverts of all time were for a Sales results were disappointing when you
two of the best-known brands in the world. In 2001, consider the cost.
Pepsi produced an advert which showed the product b It didn’t communicate its message very well.
being drunk and enjoyed in different years from 1958. c It could have been even more expensive.
The advert required a lot of dancers and was filmed at
many different locations around the world, from 5 The Chanel advert was successful because …
beaches to bars, and cost over $8 million to produce. a the advert cost less money than expected.
According to various sources, the advert actually cost b the product got good reviews from the public.
considerably more than had been planned, but it was c the product achieved more sales than ever
felt that the end result was well worth it. The cost of before.
sending its star, one of the world’s most successful
2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

B1+ Progress test 4A Units 10–12

4 Read the text again and complete the summary. 5 Complete the text about social media with
Use one word from the text for each answer. phrases from the box. There is one phrase that
you don’t need.
It seems that a lot of us are 1 __________ to
spend more money on a product that we believe Another drawback is that
is high quality. TV adverts are extremely Another major positive is that
__________ because so many of us watch On the other hand One advantage is that
them. They also work well because they connect One disadvantage can be that
certain products to people in different There are several benefits
__________. This is probably why it was felt
to be 4 __________ spending so much money on Social media has completely changed the way
we connect with people and whether we like it
a Pepsi advert in 2001. Similarly, Chanel were
or not, it’s here to stay.
prepared to spend a great deal of money to
advertise a 5 __________ in 2004. 1
______________________________ to using
2 points for each correct answer 10 social media, in my opinion.
______________________________ it makes
it possible to keep in touch with friends and
family all over the world. In the past, people
wrote letters that took weeks to arrive, or made
phone calls which cost a lot of money.
______________________________ social
media allows us to keep up with other people’s
lives through photos as well as words.

However, some people point out the problems

that social media can cause.
______________________________ people
may lose their privacy if everything about their
life is posted on a website.
people may end up feeling jealous; if they see
other people having lots of fun, they may feel
that their own lives are boring in comparison.

In general, though, I think there are more

advantages than disadvantages and that’s why
I’m a fan of social media.

1 point for each correct answer 5

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Name _______________________________________

B1+ Progress test 4A Units 10–12

6 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the 7 If Laura __________ with my idea, we probably
sentences. __________ friends now.
a doesn’t agree / won’t be
1 The police __________ a local man of the crime,
b haven’t agreed / wouldn’t be
but they couldn’t prove it.
c hadn’t agreed / wouldn’t be
a arrested
b captured
8 My partner asked me __________ to a concert with
c suspected
him next weekend.
a if I could go
2 You __________ posted that nasty comment about
b if I went
Clara’s new boyfriend. You’ve really upset her!
c if I could have gone
a should have
b shouldn’t have
9 That was one of the most __________ days I’ve
c shouldn’t have to
ever had! I’ll never forget it!
a persuasive
3 My mum has always encouraged me to
b clever
__________ about things I feel strongly about, like
c memorable
environmental problems.
a speak up
10 The person who really __________ my choice of
b criticize
career was actually my English teacher.
c stand up
a benefited
b influenced
4 You need to continue with your training. Don’t
c confused
forget __________ final’s next week!
a – 2 points for each correct answer 20
b a
c the

5 Up to now, more than 10,000 of these products

__________, so we’re pleased with the results.
a are sold
b have sold
c have been sold

6 I had to borrow money to pay for my new car, so

my parents had to give __________ that the money
would be paid.
a an investor
b a guarantee
c a bank loan

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Name _______________________________________

B1+ Progress test 4A Units 10–12

7 Imagine you have booked a large room at a local

hotel for a family party. Unfortunately, you now
have to cancel your booking. Write an email to
the manager of the hotel to apologize. Write
120–150 words.

You should:
 describe the booking you made
 explain your reason for cancelling
 apologize to the hotel manager.


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Name _______________________________________

B1+ Progress test 4A Units 10–12


Student A
8 Work with a partner. Have a discussion about
teaching children about the value of money.

 Say why you think children should be taught about

the value of money, and give reasons and examples
to support your opinion.
 Say whether you agree or disagree with your
partner about who should be responsible for
teaching children about the value of money and
give reasons.


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Name _______________________________________

B1+ Progress test 4A Units 10–12


Student B
8 Work with a partner. Have a discussion about
teaching children about the value of money.
Student A will start the conversation.

 Say whether you agree or disagree with your

partner’s reasons for teaching children about the
value of money and explain why.
 Say who you think should be responsible for
teaching children about the value of money, and
give reasons and examples to support your opinion.


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