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Saadnoor Salehin

Dhaka, Bangladesh
Software Engineer 

Aspiring software engineer offering 3+ years of professional experience building customer focused mobile & web app and
cloud deployment with proper CI/CD pipelines. Willing to work with distributed algorithms & design scalable products
hands on. Proven fast learner with working knowledge on:

- Javascript (ES6) - Kotlin (Android) - Cache (Redis)

- NodeJs( REST API and GCF) - CI/CD (Gitlab) - Virtualization(Docker)
- Angular (NGRX) - C/C++ (Arduino and Competitive - C# ( .Net Core, Entity Framework)
- React Programming) - DBMS (MongoDb, SQL Server)
- Firebase (Cloud Functions, Firestore, - AWS (EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, Route 53,
Analytics etc) S3 etc)

Work experience
Software Engineer January 2020 - Present
Improved performance of the front-end angular app by 60% with lazy loading, service worker, preloading etc.
Implemented Server Side Rendering with Angular Universal to improve the SEO and initial load time.
Developed front-end using Angular, Rxjs, Angular Material. Used NGRX for state management.
Followed TTD method for backend by Xunit and Moq and front-end (from scratch) by Jasmine and Karma.
Developed back-end using C#, ASP .NET Core, Web API 2, .NET Standard with CQRS, Mediator design pattern.
Took a technical session on "Javascript Engine and v8" to share the knowledge of how JS works internally

Full Stack Engineer February 2018 - December 2019

Jeeon Bangladesh Limited
Implemented RESTful Web API server for Elearning Platform in NodeJS
Integrated Typeform( survey tool ) to the e-learning system by designing a complex backend system with NodeJS and
MongoDB by receiving data through webhook.
Implemented 2 admin panels for e-learning and drug-ordering platforms with Angular. Used Material module for
designing and also implemented pre-caching with the Angular service worker
Coded 40% of an e-learning app built with ionic and 50% of an android app (Natively with Kotlin), Implemented in-app
scheduled notification by AlarmManager.
Moved production server from Heroku to AWS. Set up the environment for scheduled cron job in Gitlab.
Regularly learnt new technologies and spread the knowledge by taking technical sessions. Eg: Took a technical session
on N
​ GRX: Redux in Angular.

Team Lead and Devops Engineer April 2019 - December 2019

Digitruck Limited
Interviewed 30+ candidates and recruited and built a team of 7 members and led them.
Regularly reviewed codes of all team members of both android (Kotlin) and web team (NodeJs, Angular 7) and
provided them with architectural solutions.
Wrote the CI/CD pipelines for both android app and 2 web apps. Automated the deployment process.

Bachelor of science, Computer Science and Engineering 2014 - 2017
Military Institute of Science and Technology
Participated programming contests regularly and secured 26th position on ACM ICPC Dhaka Regional 2016 (Out of
500+ team participated in BD)
Acted as a judge for the National High School Programming Contest, set problems and wrote alternate solutions
Champion of DIU App Contest 2017 (Developed android app in Hackathon where 50+ team participated)
Runners Up of IUT ICT FEST 2017 (Developed IOT Based Manhole Monitoring System in the project showcasing
category where 35+ team participated)
Champion in Poster Competition- Bangladesh National Authority for Chemical Weapons Convention

Higher Secondary School Certificate 2011 - 2013

Rajuk Uttara Model College
Divisional CHAMPION in National Children Award Competition - Government of the people's republic of Bangladesh

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