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PowerFactory Dynamic model specification

130219 AAS PowerFactory Dynamic Model Specification

Ingeteam Power Technology S.A. 02/2013



1. INDEX ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 3
3. V & F CONTROL SLOT .............................................................................................................................. 4
4. V INVERTER SLOT ..................................................................................................................................... 5
5. P & Q CONTROL SLOT .............................................................................................................................. 6
6. PHASE MEAS SLOT .................................................................................................................................... 7
7. MEASUREMENT MODULE SLOT ........................................................................................................... 8
8. PV PANEL MODULE SLOT ..................................................................................................................... 10
9. CONTROL MODULE SLOT ..................................................................................................................... 12
9.1 ACTIVE POWER CONTROL ........................................................................................................................... 13
9.1.1 Primary frequency control ............................................................................................................... 14
9.1.2 Virtual inertia .................................................................................................................................. 15
9.1.3 Power reduction and ramp limit ...................................................................................................... 16
9.1.4 Limitation of the response of the active power control .................................................................... 17
9.2 REACTIVE POWER CONTROL ....................................................................................................................... 17
9.2.1 Fixed reactive power........................................................................................................................ 18
9.2.2 7.2.2. Fixed power factor ................................................................................................................. 18
9.2.3 7.2.3. Reactive power control by the power output .......................................................................... 18
9.2.4 Voltage control ................................................................................................................................ 19
9.2.5 Limitation of the response of the reactive power control ................................................................. 20
10. CONVERTER MODULE SLOT ................................................................................................................ 22
10.1 CURRENT COMMANDS IN NORMAL OPERATION MODE............................................................................ 23
10.2 FAULT DETECTION LOGIC AND CONVERTER OPERATIONAL LIMITS ........................................................ 24
10.2.1 Switch and Out of Service Events ................................................................................................ 26
10.3 CONVERTER CURRENT LIMITS ............................................................................................................... 28
10.4 HIGH/LOW VOLTAGE FAULT RIDE THROUGH OPERATION MODE .......................................................... 30
11. STATIC GENERATOR SLOT................................................................................................................... 32
12. ANNEX I. MODEL DATASHEET ............................................................................................................ 33

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The purpose of this document is to describe the dynamic model of INGECON SUN®
inverters developed for RMS Simulation in PowerFactory v.14. This document is
complemented by a user guide “Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Plants with
INGECON SUN® Inverters in PowerFactory®” that contains information on how to use
the model and several dynamic simulation examples.
The model is programmed as a composite model and its main structure is shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Ingecon PV System Composite Frame

The composite frame of the model is made up of seven slots:
Slot 0. Static Generator. This slot must contain the PowerFactory built-in model of a Static
Slot 1. Converter Module. This slot must contain a common model defined with the DSL Block
Definition named “BlkDef Converter Module”.
Slot 2. Control Module. This slot must contain a common model defined with the DSL Block
Definition named “BlkDef Control Module”.
Slot 3. PV Panel Module. This slot must contain a common model defined with the DSL Block
Definition named “BlkDef PV Panel Module”.
Slot 4. Measurement Module. This slot must contain a common model defined with the DSL Block
Definition named “BlkDef Measurement Module”.
Slot 5. V & F Control Bus. This slot must contain the PowerFactory built-in model of a Voltage

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Slot 6. V Inverter Bus. This slot must contain the PowerFactory built-in model of a Voltage
Slot 7. P & Q Inverter Bus. This slot must contain the PowerFactory built-in model of a PQ
Slot 8. Phase Meas. This slot must contain the PowerFactory built-in model of a Phase
Measurement Device PLL.

Next sections describe the different Slots in detail, starting from left to right in Figure 1.
The complete model datasheet can be consulted in Annex I.


This slot provides the RMS voltage and frequency values measured at the control bus.
The slot signals are shown in Table 1.
Sign Type Unit Description
Positive Sequence Voltage
u output p.u.
fe output p.u. Frequency Magnitude
Table 1. Signals of the V & F Control Slot
The network element in the composite model of the plant has to be a Voltage
Measurement element (class StaVmea). The user has to select the bus where the
voltage is going to be controlled, normally the Point Of Interconnection (POI) of the
plant to the grid. This selection is done in the Voltage Measurement element dialog
window, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Configuration of the control bus voltage measurement element

The ouput of the slot is the voltage and frequency in pu. The voltage base has to be
selected with the option “Rating of Connected Busbar”, as shown in Figure 2.

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This slot provides the RMS voltage at the inverter bus. The slot signals are shown in
Table 2.
Sign Type Unit Description
Positive Sequence Inverter Voltage
u output p.u.
Table 2. Signal of the V Inverter Slot
The network element in the composite model of the plant has to be a Voltage
Measurement element (class StaVmea). The user has to select the bus where the
plant inverter (static generator network element) is connected, and use the option
“Rating of Connected Busbar” as the voltage base.

Figure 3. Configuration of the inverter bus voltage measurement element

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This slot provides the RMS active and reactive power values measured at the control
bus. The slot signals are shown in Table 2.
Sign Type Unit Description
Positive Sequence Active
p output p.u.
Positive Sequence Reactive
q output p.u.
Table 2. Signals of the P & Q Control Slot
The network element in the composite model of the PV Plant has to be a Power
Measurement element (class StaPqmea). The measurement point has to be the
cubicle where the inverter (static generator network element) is connected. This
selection is done in the Power Measurement element dialog window, as shown in
Figure 4.

Figure 4. Configuration of the PQ measurement element

The ouput of the slot is in pu. The power base has to be selected with the option
“Rating of Connected Element”. Finally, the sign criteria used in the model is positive
for generated power and negative for consumed power. This way, the orientation
parameter in the element dialog has to be selected as “Generator oriented”.

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This slot provides the angle reference to synchronize the current injection of the
inverter with the voltage phasor at the control bus. The slot signals are shown in Table
Sign Type Unit Description
cosp Cosine Value of Voltage
hi Angle
sinphi output Sine Value of Voltage Angle
Table 3. Signals of the Phase Meas Slot

The network element in the composite model of the PV Plant has to be a Phase
Measurement Device PLL element (class ElmPhi). The measurement point has to be
the inverter bus (Figure 5):

Figure 5. Selection of the voltage base

For RMS simulation, the PLL element has four parameters. It is recommended to use
the default values, shown in Table 4.
Parameter Value Unit Description
Kp 50 Controller Gain
Ki 3 Integration Gain
fmax 1.2 p.u. Upper Frequency Limit
fmin 0.8 p.u. Lower Frequency Limit
Table 4. Parameters of the PLL network element

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This slot provides the electrical measurements for the control and converter slots from
the output values of the P&F and P&Q slots.
The network element in the composite model of the PV Plant has to be a DSL
common model (class ElmDsl) defined with the DSL Block Definition named “BlkDef
Measurement Module”.
The DSL model “BlkDef Measurement Module” models the measurement of the
electrical magnitudes, for the electrical control of the PV plant, with a first order delay
transfer function for each measured value, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Measurement Module Block Diagram

The description of model signals is shown in Table 5.
Sign Type Unit Description
v input p.u. Positive Sequence Voltage Magnitude
f input p.u. Frequency Magnitude
p input p.u. Positive Sequence Active Power
q input p.u. Positive Sequence Reactive Power
Vgrid output p.u. Measured Positive Sequence Voltage
fgrid output p.u. Measured Frequency
Pgrid output p.u. Measured Active Power
Qgrid output p.u. Measured Reactive Power
Table 5. Signals of the Measurement Module common model

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For RMS simulation, the DSL common model has four parameters, as shown in Table
Parameter Value Unit Description
Control Voltage Filter Time
Tv 0.02 s
Tf 0.02 s Frequency Filter Time Constant
Tp 0.02 s Active Power Filter Time Constant
Reactive Power Filter Time
Tq 0.02 s
Table 6. Parameters of the DSL common model for the measurement module slot

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This slot provides the aggregated output of the PV panels of the plant along with the
maximum and minimum output limits.
The network element in the composite model of the PV Plant has to be a DSL
common model (class ElmDsl) defined with the DSL Block Definition named “BlkDef
PV Panel Module”.
The DSL model “BlkDef PV Panel Module” models the aggregated output of the PV
panels of the plant as a constant value, as shown in Figure 7. This value, defined with
the internal input variable Pout, is initialized to the active power output of the plant
from the initial powerflow case. During the simulation, the user can change the output
power changing the value of the input signal Pout with a “Parameter Event”.

Figure 7. PV Panel Module Block Diagram

The model signals are shown in Table 7.
Signal Type Unit Description
Pout input refence p.u. PV Panels Agregated DC Power
PV Panels Agregated Output
Ppv ouput p.u.
Ppvma PV Plant Maximum Output Power
ouput p.u.
Ppvmi PV Plant Minimum Output Power
ouput p.u.
Table 7. Signals of the PV Panel Module common model

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The maximum and minium output of the plant (output signals P pvmax and Ppvmin) are
entered by the user in the parameters of the DSL common model in the network
element, shown in Table 9.

Parameter Value Unit Description

Pmax p.u. PV Plant Maximum Output Power
Pmin p.u. PV Plant Minimum Output Power
Table 9. Parameters of the DSL common model for the PV panel module slot

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The control module slot ouputs the active and reactive power commands when the
plant operates in normal grid conditions.
The network element in the composite model of the PV Plant has to be a DSL
common model (class ElmDsl) defined with the DSL Block Definition named “BlkDef
Control Module”. This model calculates the active and reactive power commands from
the control references and the programmed control algorithms, as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Control Module Block Diagram

Besides the input and output signals, the model uses some internal input signals as
references for the control. The value of these signals is initialized from the initial power
flow case. During the simulation, the user can change the value of the reference
signals with a “Parameter Event”. Also, the model calculates several internal signals
that the user can monitor to check the performance of the model. All these signals are
listed in Table 9.

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Signal Type Unit Description

fgrid input p.u. Measured Frequency
fref input reference p.u. Frequency Reference
Pred Input reference p.u. Active Power Reduction Reference
Ppv input p.u. PV Panels Agregated Output Power
Pmax input p.u. PV Plant Maximum Output Power
Pmin input p.u. PV Plant Minimum Output Power
Reset input Active Power Ramp Limit Reset Signal
Qref input reference p.u. Reactive Power Reference
Tanphi input reference Power Factor (Tan) Reference
Pgrid input p.u. Measured Active Power
Pref input reference p.u. Active Power Reference for Voltage Control
Vgrid input p.u. Measured Positive Sequence Voltage
Vref input reference p.u. Voltage Reference for Voltage Control
Pcmd output p.u. Active Power Command Reference
Qcmd output p.u. Reactive Power Command Reference
Reactive Power Command in Power Factor Control
Qpf internal p.u.
Qp internal p.u. Reactive Power Command in P Control Mode
Qv internal p.u. Reactive Power Command in V Control Mode
Qmax internal p.u. Maximum Reactive Power Limit
Qmin internal p.u. Minimum Reactive Power Limit
Table 9. Signals of the Control Module common model
The following subchapters explain in more detail the different control functions and the
parameters of each function.

9.1 Active power control

The active power control, shown in Figure 9, provides the active power setting P CMD as
the combination of the primary regulation response, the inertial response and the
active power value supplied by the PV panels. This last value is affected by the active
power reduction order and it is limited by a ramp.

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Figure 9. Block diagram of P-f control

9.1.1 Primary frequency control

The primary frequency control provides the plant response for frequency deviations
greater than a deadband. For small frequency deviations, the plant response is
proportional to the frequency deviation, based on a droop characteristic. For large
frequency deviations, the plant responses with a step. The power response is limited
by a maximum and a minimum limit and the rate of change of the response is limited
by a ramp.
The block diagram and the frequency response characteristics are shown in Figures
10 and 11. The parameters of the control are detailed in Table 10.

Figure 10. Block diagram of the primary frequency control

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DPPR max


K1 = -1/R Δfstep

Dead Band
Δf1/fref K1 = -1/R
- Pstep

DPPR min

Figure 11. Droop characteristic of the primary frequency control

Parameter Value Unit Description
dbfreq 0.004 p.u. Primary Response Deadband
R 0.4 p.u. Droop
Transition from Small to Large Frequency Deviation
df_step 0.08 p.u.
P_step 1 p.u. Active Power Response to Large Frequency Deviation
d_ppr_max 0 p.u. Max. Active Power Limit for Primary Response
d_ppr_min -1 p.u. Min. Active Power Limit for Primary Response
Ramp_pr 0.5 p.u./s Primary Regulation Response Ramp
Table 10. Parameters of the primary frequency control

9.1.2 Virtual inertia

The model can emulate the inertial response of a conventional power plant. The virtual
inertia function is represented in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Block diagram for the emulation of the inertial response

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The parameters of the function are detailed in Table 11. A value of 0 for the inertia
constant cancels the inertial response.

Parameter Value Unit Description

H 0 s Inertia Constant
Th 0.02 s Inertial Response Time Constant
Max. Active Power Limit for Inertial
d_pin_max 0 p.u.
Min. Active Power Limit for Inertial
d_pin_min -1 p.u.
Table 11. Paramters of the inertial response

9.1.3 Power reduction and ramp limit

The model allows decreasing the power output by means of the application of a power
reduction order, as represented in Figure 13. The power reduction order is applied in
p.u. For example, if the order is 0.2 p.u., the power is reduced to 20% of the actual
active power produced by the PV Panel (Ppv).
The step change produced by the power reduction order, and also the changes in the
output of the PV Panel, are limited by a ramp that fixes a maximum rate of change of
active power per time unit. After a voltage dip, the ramp output can be reseted. If this
is done the plant output after the dip will ramp up from 0 to its predisturbance value.
The parameters of the function are detailed in Table 12.

Figure 13. Block diagram for power reduction and ramp limit
Parameter Value Unit Description
Ramp_p 0.5 p.u./s Active Power Ramp Limit
Reset_Ramp Reset Ramp Output After LV Event (0-No;1-
_p Yes)
Table 12. Parameters for power reduction and ramp limit

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9.1.4 Limitation of the response of the active power control

The total active power setting is obtained as the sum of the power input plus the terms
corresponding to primary, inertial and power reduction responses. This value is finally
limited according to the PV panel power output limits, as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Block diagram of the limitation of the response of the active power control

9.2 Reactive power control

The reactive power control system provides the reactive power command reference
QCMD (Figure 15). The value of the reactive power supplied to the grid can be
controlled by:
 Mode 1: fixed reactive power output (Qref)
 Mode 2: fixed power factor (QPF)
 Mode 3: reactive power control by the power output (QP)
 Mode 4: voltage control (QV)

The control mode can be selected by specifying the appropriate value of the
parameter Qmode (Q Mode Selector).

Figure 15. Block diagram of the reactive power control

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9.2.1 Fixed reactive power

The reactive power command reference is constant and equal to the reactive power
reference setting (Qref). The value of this variable is set by the user with a “Parameter

9.2.2 7.2.2. Fixed power factor

The reactive power command reference (QPF) is controled according to the active
power output of the plant to keep the power factor at its reference value (Figure 16).
The refence is set by the user using a “Parameter Event”.

Figure 16. Block diagram of the reactive power control by a fixed power factor

9.2.3 7.2.3. Reactive power control by the power output

With this control, the reactive power command reference (Q P) is determined as the
sum of the reactive power reference (Qref) and a reactive power variation proportional
to the variation of the active power output from a reference value, as shown in Figures
17 and 18.

Figure 17. Block diagram of the control of reactive power by the power output

Figure 18. Droop characteristic of the reactive power control by the power output

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The parameters used by this function are detailed in Table 13.

Paramete Value Unit Description
dbp 0.1 p.u. Reactive Power P Control Deadband
Kp 0.25 p.u. Reactive Power P Control Gain
Table 13. Parameters for the reactive power control by the power output.

9.2.4 Voltage control

Finally, the reactive power output can be controlled by determining the reactive power
(QV) to be supplied according to the reactive power reference (Qref) plus a reactive
power variation. This variation is based on a PI controler with parallel reactive droop
compensation, as shown in Figure 19. The voltage droop control function is shown in
Figure 20.

Figure 19. Block diagram of the voltage control function

- DQV/Prated
Kv =


Dead band QV ΔV/Vbase


Figure 20. Droop characteristic of the voltage control function

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The parameters used by this control function are shown in Table 14.
Parameter Value Unit Description
dbv 0.05 p.u. Voltage Control Deadband
Kv 0 p.u. Voltage Control Gain
Voltage PI Control Proportional
KpV 1 p.u.
KiV 10 Voltage PI Control Integral Gain
Table 14. Parameters used in the voltage control function

9.2.5 Limitation of the response of the reactive power control

The reactive power command calculated by any of the four control functions, as
selected by the user, is limited according to the voltage at the control bus. This
function calculates the maximum and minimum reactive power limits according to the
values contained in a parameter table, defined by the user, and limits the rate of
change with a ramp. The block diagram is shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21. Block diagram of the reactive power limits management

The table is defined by 3 voltage points, each with a value of Qmax and Qmin. The
first point has to be the upper voltage level (point 1), the second one the nominal
voltage level (point 2) and the third one the lower voltage level (point 3). Intermediate
values are calculated using linear interpolation.

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The parameters used by this function are detailed in Table 15.

Parameter Value Unit Description
Ramp_q 0.5 p.u./s Reactive Power Ramp Limit
QLV1 1.1 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 1 V
QLV1Qmax 0.33 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 1 Qmax
QLV1Qmin -0.33 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 1 Qmin
QLV2 1 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 2 V
QLV2Qmax 0.33 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 2 Qmax
QLV2Qmin -0.33 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 2 Qmin
QLV3 0.9 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 3 V
QLV3Qmax 0.33 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 3 Qmax
QLV3Qmin -0.33 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 3 Qmin
Table 15. Parameters of the reactive power output limit function

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The converter module slot ouputs the active and reactive current references for the
static generator slot.
The network element in the composite model of the PV Plant has to be a DSL
common model (class ElmDsl) defined with the DSL Block Definition named “BlkDef
Converter Module”. This model calculates the active and reactive current references
from the active and reactive power commands, in normal operation mode, of from an
internal function in case of perturbed operation. Also, the module trips the plant in
case of out of limits operation.
The general block diagram of the converter model is shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22. Control Module Block Diagram

Besides the input and output signals, the model calculates several internal signals that
are accessible to the user. All these signals are listed in Table 16.

Signal Type Unit Description

fgridt input p.u. Instantaneous Grid Frequency
Vgridt input p.u. Instantaneous Grid Voltage
Pgrid input p.u. Measured Active Power
Pcmd input p.u. Active Power Command Reference
Vgrid input p.u. Measured Positive Sequence Voltage
Qcmd input p.u. Reactive Power Command Reference

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Reset output Active Power Ramp Limit Reset Signal

id output p.u. Active Current Reference
iq output p.u. Reactive Current Reference
idcmd internal p.u. Active Current Command. Normal Operation
iqcmd internal p.u. Reactive Current Command. Normal Operation
id_VFRT internal p.u. Active Current Command. HLVFRT Operation
Reactive Current Command. HLVFRT
iq_VFRT internal p.u.
idmax internal p.u. Active Current Max. Limit
idmin internal p.u. Active Current Min. Limit
iqmax internal p.u. Reactive Current Max. Limit
iqmin internal p.u. Reactive Current Min. Limit
VDFlag internal Voltage Disturbance Detection Flag
P0 internal p.u. Pre Disturbance Active Power Output
Trip internal Trip Signal
Trip_Vmax internal Max Voltage Trip Signal
Trip_Vmin internal Min Voltage Trip Signal
Trip_fmax internal Max Frequency Trip Signal
Trip_fmin internal Min Frequency Trip Signal
V_Max_Limi V Max Limit
internal p.u.
V_Min_Limit internal p.u. V Min Limit
f_Max_Limit internal p.u. f Max Limit
f_Min_Limit internal p.u. f Min Limit
Time_Vmax internal s Time of V Max Event
Time_Vmin internal s Time of V Min Event
Time_fmax internal s Time of f Max Event
Time_fmin internal s Time of f Min Event
Table 16. Signals of the Converter Module common model
The following subchapters explain in more detail the different functions and the
parameters of each function.

10.1 Current commands in normal operation mode

The active and reactive current commands in normal operation mode are determined
from the active and reactive power commands, after a first order delay, and the
voltage measured at the control bus. The block diagram is shown in Figure 23 and the
function parameters are detailed in Table 17.

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Figure 23. Current commands in normal operation model

Parameter Value Unit Description
Converter Time Constant for Id
Tp 0.02 s
Converter Time Constant for Iq
Tq 0.02 s
Table 17. Parameters of the current commands

10.2 Fault detection logic and converter operational limits

This function of the power converter module monitors the frequency and the grid
voltage. In case of over/under voltage, the block activates a flag (VDFlag) and
changes the operation of the converter from normal operation to VFRT (Voltage Fault
Ride Through) control.
If the voltage remains out of limits for a time greater than the limits parameterized, the
function activates a trip signal (Trip_Vmax or Trip_Vmin). Similarly, in case frequency
out of limit operation, the function activates a trip signal (Trip_fmax or Trip_fmin). The
activation of any of the four trip signals activates a general trip signal (Trip) that is
used to disconnect the plant from the grid.
Figure 24 shows the function block and Figure 25 a detailed diagram. The voltage
limits are defined by two curves, one for the maximum limits and another one for the
minimum limits. Each curve is defined by 3 time-voltage points ordered by increasing
time and decreasing voltage, for the maximum limit curve, and increasing voltage for
the minimum limit curve. The definition of the frequency limits is done in a similar way.
The function detects when the voltage and or the frequency is out of limits, registers
the time associated with the event, calculates the corresponding maximum and
minimum limit, and activates the corresponding trip signal when the limits are
exceeded. The user can access all these variables by their corresponding name,
indicated in Table 16.

Figure 24. Fault detection logic & converter operational function

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Vmax Limit Vmin Limit

Vmax_3V V(p.u.)
Curve Curve
1 2
t Vmax t Vmin
Vgridt > Vmax < Vmax Non disconnection zone

< Vmin > Vmin 3

Vmin_3V Trip_Vmax
1 2

Pgrid SH Trip_Vmin
f(p.u.) fmax Limit
fmin Limit
1 2
t fmax t fmin

Non disconnection zone

1 2

P0 VDFlag Reset

Figure 25. Fault detection logic & converter operational limits operation diagram
The voltage disturbance detection signal (VDFlag) activates the internal Sample &
Hold block and changes the state of the input selectors of Figure 26 to change the
behavior of the converter from PQ control to VFRT control.
After the voltage disturbance disappears, when the voltage is withing normal operation
limits, the Reset signal is activated and a timer starts. When the time is equal to the
voltage recovery time (parameter VRtime), the signal VDFlag deactivates and the
converter returns to normal PQ control.

Figure 26. PQ control or LVRT control selector

The function parameters are detailed in Table 18.

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Parameter Value Unit Description

VRtime 0 s Voltage Recovery Time
Vmax_1t 0 p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 1 t
Vmax_1V 1.2 p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 1 V
Vmax_2t 0.02 p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 2 t
Vmax_2V 1.2 p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 2 V
Vmax_3t 2 p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 3 t
Vmax_3V 1.1 p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 3 V
Vmin_1t 0 p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 1 V
Vmin_1V 0 p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 1 t
Vmin_2t 2 p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 2 V
Vmin_2V 0 p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 2 t
Vmin_3t 2 p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 3 V
Vmin_3V 0.85 p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 3 t
fmax_1t 0.2 p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 1 t
fmax_1f 1.06 p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 1 f
fmax_2t 100 p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 2 t
fmax_2f 1.06 p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 2 f
fmax_3t 100 p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 3 t
fmax_3f 1.02 p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 3 f
fmin_1t 0.2 p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 1 t
fmin_1f 0.92 p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 1 f
fmin_2t 100 p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 2 t
fmin_2f 0.92 p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 2 f
fmin_3t 100 p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 3 t
fmin_3f 0.98 p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 3 f
Table 18. Parameters of the fault detection and converter operational limits function

10.2.1 Switch and Out of Service Events

When the fault detection function detects a voltage and/or frequency out of limit
operation, it activates the Trip signal, changing its value from 0 to 1. This change is
used to call five predefined events that the user must have created in the DSL
common model of the converter. If these events are not created, the Trip condition will
be signaled but the plant will remain connected to the network. The events have to be
defined as indicated in Table 19.

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Name Type Element affected

Trip_Plant Switch Event Plant Breaker
Control_Out_Of_Service Outage Event Control DSL Common Model
Converter_Out_Of_Service Outage Event Converter DSL Common Model
Measurements_Out_Of_Servi Measurement DSL Common
Outage Event
ce Model
PV_Panel_Out_Of_Service Outage Event PV Panel DSL Common Model
Table 19. Events of the Converter DSL Common Model

Only the first event is mandatory to disconnect the plant from the grid. The other four
are optional, if they are created, all the signals of the DSL common models will go to
zero if the plant is tripped. All the events are activated 20 ms after they are called.
For example, if a composite model named “PV Plant” is defined as indicated in Figure
27, in the DSL common model of the converter, named “Plant Converter”, the user has
to create the events as indicated in Figure 28.

Figure 27. Composite model example

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Figure 28. Example of definition of events in the Converter DSL common model

Figure 29. Example of the switch event named “Trip_Plant”

10.3 Converter current limits

The current injected by the converter is limited according to the converter maximum
current rating. This function calculates the active and reactive current limits,
depending on the value of the PQpriority parameter, and limits the current commands.
The function block diagram is shown in Figure 30, and the function parameters are
detailed in Table 20.

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Figure 30. Current limiting function block diagram

Parameter Value Unit Description

Imax 1 p.u. Converter Maximum Current Rating
P,Q Priority Flag (0-P Priority; 1-Q
PQpriority 1
Table 20. Parameters of the current limiting function

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10.4 High/Low Voltage Fault Ride Through operation mode

This function controls the behavior of the converter in case of a high or low voltage
condition in the grid. Figure 31 shows the function block and Figure 32 a detailed

Figure 31. VFRT function block diagram

P0 Vgrid

Id(p.u.) 3


1 2 Iq_LVRT
V(p.u.) 5
0 0.5 0.95

Id (V,P0) Iq (V)

V(p.u.) Id(p.u.) V(p.u.) Iq(p.u.)

Figure 32. LVFRT management block diagram

The magnitude of the current injection depends on the grid voltage. For the reactive
component, the user has to define a 7 V-Iq point table. This table has to be ordered
according to the numbering indicated in Figure 32. The function calculates the reactive
current command using linear interpolation. For the active component, the user has to
define a 3 V-Id point table. This table has to be ordered by increasing values of
voltage and increasing values of current, as indicated in Figure 32. The function
calculates the active current command using linear interpolation.

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The function parameters are detailed in Table 21.

Parameter Value Unit Description
Iq_LV_1V 0.80 p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 1 V
Iq_LV_1I 0.44 p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 1 Iq
Iq_LV_2V 0.5 p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 2 V
Iq_LV_2I 1 p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 2 Iq
Iq_LV_3V 0.25 p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 3 V
Iq_LV_3I 1 p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 3 Iq
Iq_LV_4V 0 p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 4 V
Iq_LV_4I 1 p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 4 Iq
Iq_HV_1V 1.15 p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 1 V

Iq_HV_1I 0 p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 1 Iq

Iq_HV_2V 1.3 p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 2 V

Iq_HV_2I 0 p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 2 Iq

Iq_HV_3V 1.4 p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 3 V

Iq_HV_3I 0 p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 3 Iq

Id_LV_1V 0 p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 1 V

Id_LV_1I 0 p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 1 Id

Id_LV_2V 0.5 p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 2 V

Id_LV_2I 0 p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 2 Id

Id_LV_3V 0.95 p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 3 V

Id_LV_3I 1 p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 3 Id

Table 21. Parameters of the VFRT function

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This slot injects the active and reactive current references into the network bus where
the PV Plant model is connected. The slot signals are shown in Table 22.
Sign Type Unit Description
id_ref input p.u. Active Current Reference
iq_ref input p.u. Reactive Current Reference
cosre Cosine Value of Voltage
f Angle
sinref input Sine Value of Voltage Angle
Table 22. Signals of the Static Generator Slot
The network element in the composite model of the PV Plant has to be a Static
Generator element (class ElmGenStat). For RMS simulation, the Static Generator has
five parameters. It is recommended to change the value of the parameter “Min.
Operation Voltage” to 0 and leave the rest unchanged.

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Model Frame: “Frame Ingecon PV system”

Slot 0. Static Generator. Built-in model of a Static Generator.
Slot 1. Converter Module. Common model with Block Definition “BlkDef Converter Module”.
Slot 2. Control Module. Common model with Block Definition “BlkDef Control Module”.
Slot 3. PV Panel Module. Common model with Block Definition “BlkDef PV Panel Module”.
Slot 4. Measurement Module. Common model with Block Definition “BlkDef Measurement
Slot 5. V & F Control Bus. Built-in model of a Voltage Measurement.
Slot 6. V Inverter Bus. Built-in model of a Voltage Measurement.
Slot 7. P & Q Inverter Bus. Built-in model of a PQ Measurement.
Slot 8. Phase Meas. Built-in model of a Phase Measurement Device PLL.

Slot 0. Static Generator. Built-in model “Static Generator”

Sign Type Unit Description
id_ref input p.u. Active Current Reference
iq_ref input p.u. Reactive Current Reference
cosre Cosine Value of Voltage
f Angle
sinref input Sine Value of Voltage Angle
Signals of the Static Generator Built-in Model
Slot 1. Converter Module. Block Definition “BlkDef Converter Module”
Signal Type Unit Description
fgridt input p.u. Instantaneous Grid Frequency
Vgridt input p.u. Instantaneous Grid Voltage
Pgrid input p.u. Measured Active Power
Pcmd input p.u. Active Power Command Reference
Vinv input p.u. Measured Positive Sequence Inverter Voltage
Qcmd input p.u. Reactive Power Command Reference
Vgrid input p.u. Measured Positive Sequence Control Voltage
Reset output Active Power Ramp Limit Reset Signal
id output p.u. Active Current Reference
iq output p.u. Reactive Current Reference
idcmd output p.u. Active Current Command. Normal Operation
iqcmd output p.u. Reactive Current Command. Normal Operation
id_VFRT output p.u. Active Current Command. HLVFRT Operation

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output Reactive Current Command. HLVFRT

iq_VFRT p.u.
idmax output p.u. Active Current Max. Limit
idmin output p.u. Active Current Min. Limit
iqmax output p.u. Reactive Current Max. Limit
iqmin output p.u. Reactive Current Min. Limit
VDFlag output Voltage Disturbance Detection Flag
P0 output p.u. Pre Disturbance Active Power Output
Trip output Trip Signal
Trip_Vmax output Max Voltage Trip Signal
Trip_Vmin output Min Voltage Trip Signal
Trip_fmax output Max Frequency Trip Signal
Trip_fmin output Min Frequency Trip Signal
V_Max_Limi output V Max Limit
V_Min_Limit output p.u. V Min Limit
f_Max_Limit output p.u. f Max Limit
f_Min_Limit output p.u. f Min Limit
Time_Vmax output s Time of V Max Event
Time_Vmin output s Time of V Min Event
Time_fmax output s Time of f Max Event
Time_fmin output s Time of f Min Event
Signals of the Converter Module Common Model
Parameter Value Unit Description
Converter Time Constant for Id
Tp s
Converter Time Constant for Iq
Tq s
Imax p.u. Converter Maximum Current Rating
P,Q Priority Flag (0-P Priority; 1-Q
VRtime s Voltage Recovery Time
Vmax_1t p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 1 t
Vmax_1V p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 1 V
Vmax_2t p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 2 t
Vmax_2V p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 2 V
Vmax_3t p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 3 t
Vmax_3V p.u. V Max Limit Curve Point 3 V

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Vmin_1t p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 1 V

Vmin_1V p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 1 t
Vmin_2t p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 2 V
Vmin_2V p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 2 t
Vmin_3t p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 3 V
Vmin_3V p.u. V Min Limit Curve Point 3 t
fmax_1t p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 1 t
fmax_1f p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 1 f
fmax_2t p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 2 t
fmax_2f p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 2 f
fmax_3t p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 3 t
fmax_3f p.u. f Max Limit Curve Point 3 f
fmin_1t p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 1 t
fmin_1f p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 1 f
fmin_2t p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 2 t
fmin_2f p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 2 f
fmin_3t p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 3 t
fmin_3f p.u. f Min Limit Curve Point 3 f
Iq_LV_1V p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 1 V
Iq_LV_1I p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 1 Iq
Iq_LV_2V p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 2 V
Iq_LV_2I p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 2 Iq
Iq_LV_3V p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 3 V
Iq_LV_3I p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 3 Iq
Iq_LV_4V p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 4 V
Iq_LV_4I p.u. Iq LVFRT Curve Point 4 Iq
Iq_HV_1V p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 1 V
Iq_HV_1I p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 1 Iq
Iq_HV_2V p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 2 V
Iq_HV_2I p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 2 Iq
Iq_HV_3V p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 3 V
Iq_HV_3I p.u. Iq HVFRT Curve Point 3 Iq
Id_LV_1V p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 1 V
Id_LV_1I p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 1 Id
Id_LV_2V p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 2 V
Id_LV_2I p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 2 Id
Id_LV_3V p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 3 V

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Id_LV_3I p.u. Id LVFRT Curve Point 3 Id

Parameters of the Converter Module Common Model
Name Type Element affected
Trip_Plant Switch Event Plant Breaker
Control_Out_Of_Service Outage Event Control DSL Common Model
Converter_Out_Of_Service Outage Event Converter DSL Common Model
Measurements_Out_Of_Servi Measurement DSL Common
Outage Event
ce Model
PV_Panel_Out_Of_Service Outage Event PV Panel DSL Common Model
Events of the Converter Module Common Model

Slot 2. Control Module. Block Definition “BlkDef Control Module”

Signal Type Unit Description
fgrid input p.u. Measured Frequency
fref input reference p.u. Frequency Reference
Pred Input reference p.u. Active Power Reduction Reference
Ppv input p.u. PV Panels Agregated Output Power
Pmax input p.u. PV Plant Maximum Output Power
Pmin input p.u. PV Plant Minimum Output Power
Reset input Active Power Ramp Limit Reset Signal
Qref input reference p.u. Reactive Power Reference
Tanphi input reference Power Factor (Tan) Reference
Pgrid input p.u. Measured Active Power
Pref input reference p.u. Active Power Reference for Voltage Control
Vgrid input p.u. Measured Positive Sequence Control Voltage
Vref input reference p.u. Voltage Reference for Voltage Control
Pcmd output p.u. Active Power Command Reference
Qcmd output p.u. Reactive Power Command Reference
output Reactive Power Command in Power Factor Control
Qpf p.u.
Qp output p.u. Reactive Power Command in P Control Mode
Qv output p.u. Reactive Power Command in Q Control Mode
Qmax output p.u. Maximum Reactive Power Limit
Qmin output p.u. Minimum Reactive Power Limit
Signals of the Control Module Common Model
Parameter Value Unit Description
dbfreq p.u. Primary Response Deadband

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R p.u. Droop
Transition from Small to Large Frequency Deviation
df_step p.u.
P_step p.u. Active Power Response to Large Frequency Deviation
d_ppr_max p.u. Max. Active Power Limit for Primary Response
d_ppr_min p.u. Min. Active Power Limit for Primary Response
Ramp_pr p.u./s Primary Regulation Response Ramp
H s Inertia Constant
Th s Inertial Response Time Constant
d_pin_max p.u. Max. Active Power Limit for Inertial Response
d_pin_min p.u. Min. Active Power Limit for Inertial Response
Ramp_p p.u./s Active Power Ramp Limit
Reset_Ramp_ Reset Ramp Output After LV Event (0-No;1-Yes)
QMode Q Mode Selector (1,2,3,4)
dbp p.u. Reactive Power P Control Deadband
Kp p.u. Reactive Power P Control Gain
dbv p.u. Voltage Control Deadband
Kv p.u. Voltage Control Gain
KpV p.u. Voltage PI Control Proportional Gain
KiV Voltage PI Control Integral Gain
Ramp_q p.u./s Reactive Power Ramp Limit
QLV1 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 1 V
QLV1Qmax p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 1 Qmax
QLV1Qmin p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 1 Qmin
QLV2 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 2 V
QLV2Qmax p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 2 Qmax
QLV2Qmin p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 2 Qmin
QLV3 p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 3 V
QLV3Qmax p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 3 Qmax
QLV3Qmin p.u. Q Limit Curve Point 3 Qmin
Parameters of the Control Module Common Model

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Slot 3. PV Panel Module. Block Definition “BlkDef PV Panel Module”

Signal Type Unit Description
Pout input refence p.u. PV Panels Agregated DC Power
PV Panels Agregated Output
Ppv ouput p.u.
Ppvmax ouput p.u. PV Plant Maximum Output Power
Ppvmin ouput p.u. PV Plant Minimum Output Power
Signals of the PV Panel Module Common Model

Parameter Value Unit Description

Pmax p.u. PV Plant Maximum Output Power
Pmin p.u. PV Plant Minimum Output Power
Parameters of the PV Panel Module Common Model

Slot 4. Measurement Module. Block Definition “BlkDef Measurement Module”

Sign Type Unit Description
v input p.u. Positive Sequence Voltage Magnitude
f input p.u. Frequency Magnitude
p input p.u. Positive Sequence Active Power
q input p.u. Positive Sequence Reactive Power
Vgrid output p.u. Measured Positive Sequence Voltage
fgrid output p.u. Measured Frequency
Pgrid output p.u. Measured Active Power
Qgrid output p.u. Measured Reactive Power
Signals of the Measurement Module Common Model

Parameter Value Unit Description

Control Voltage Filter Time
Tv 0.02 s
Tf 0.02 s Frequency Filter Time Constant
Tp 0.02 s Active Power Filter Time Constant
Reactive Power Filter Time
Tq 0.02 s
Parameters of the Measurement Module Common Model

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Slot 5. V & F Control Bus. Built-in model “Voltage Measurement”

Sign Type Unit Description
Positive Sequence Voltage
u output p.u.
fe output p.u. Frequency Magnitude
Signals of the Voltage Measurement Built-in Model
Slot 6. V Inverter Bus. Built-in model “Voltage Measurement”
Sign Type Unit Description
Positive Sequence Inverter Voltage
u output p.u.
Signals of the Voltage Measurement Built-in Model

Slot 7. P & Q Control Bus. Built-in model “PQ Measurement”

Sign Type Unit Description
Positive Sequence Active
p output p.u.
Positive Sequence Reactive
q output p.u.
Signals of the PQ Measurement Built-in Model

Slot 8. Phase Meas. Built-in model “Phase Measurement Device PLL”

Sign Type Unit Description
cosp Cosine Value of Voltage
hi Angle
sinphi output Sine Value of Voltage Angle
Signals of the Phase Measurement Device PLL Built-in Model
Parameter Value Unit Description
Kp 50 Controller Gain
Ki 3 Integration Gain
fmax 1.2 p.u. Upper Frequency Limit
fmin 0.8 p.u. Lower Frequency Limit
Parameters of the Phase Measurement Device PLL Built-in Model

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