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Analysis of the Transformer Inrush Current in a

Hydro Generator

C. Carrillo, E. Diaz-Dorado, J. Cidrás D. Román Costas, J. Grande, A. Gallego

Dep. of Electrical Engineering, University of Vigo Magallanes Renewables
Spain Spain,,,,

Abstract— The inrush currents related to the connection of III. ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE
generator devices is a typical matter of concern in situation with
long distribution lines or/and under low short circuit power A. Electrical Network
values at the PCC. This situation is usual for offshore devices. The EMEC tidal test facility is fed via a spur from a 33kV
In this case, it is analyzed the magnetization current of the hydro ring. The Newbigging substation provides the 11kV
generator developed by Magallanes Renewables supposed to be
connection for EMEC and for an adjacent 800kW wind
installed at the EMEC tidal test site. For this analysis, the
turbine via a 33:11kV 4/8MVA transformer, as shown in Fig.
surrounding network and the transformer has been modelled
and simulated under different conditions (short circuit power,
remanent flux…). The results show that the voltage depression The minimum and maximum short circuit powers
related to that inrush current fulfills the regulation of the local (30MVA and 46.2MVA) at the 11kV point of coupling are
regulations. given by the local distribution network operator. The 11kV
underground feeder from Newbigging to Caldale substation
Keywords—Inrush current, transformer energization, tidal has only 50 m long, so it is not considered in the study.
The Eday tidal test facility consists of eight test berths in a
I. INTRODUCTION range of different tidal conditions, each with a nominal
The main objective of this paper is to analyze the inrush capacity in excess of 1MVA at a working voltage of 11kV.
current for the transformer installed in the hydro generator The authorized export capacity of the grid connection is
developed by Magallanes Renewables. This report presents 4MW.
the analysis of the impact of this current on the voltage level Finally, the three phase transformer of Magallanes Project
at the point of common coupling placed at the EMEC (“The hydro generator has three secondary windings (2.1MVA
European Marine Energy Centre”) [1] facility in the Eday 11kV/690V/690V/400V).
Island (Scotland). The results of this study will be used to
analyze the compliance of the hydro generator (“Magallanes Eday
Project”) related to the under-voltage limits according to the Subsea
33 kV
Overhead Line
regulation stablished by the network operator. Cable to Cable to
Westray Sanday

II. REGULATION Underground

Loop 33 kV
(usually opened)
The voltage transients during inrush current must fulfill Cable
(3 km) 4/8 MVA Subestation
the limits stablished in the “P28: Planning Limits for Voltage 33 kV 33/11 kV 11 kV cable

Fluctuations Caused by Industrial, Commercial and Domestic 2.1 MVA

Equipment in the United Kingdom” [2]. The limits for voltage 2x1MVAr Magallanes
depression as required in the P28 for transients with a 800 kW Test Site
maximum starting frequency of 750 seconds is the 3% at the Substation
point of common coupling. For cases of very infrequent
Fig. 1 Single line diagram of the electrical supply power for the test site
starting, and subject to agreement of the distribution network
operator, P28 allows voltage depressions of up to 6%. B. Electrical infrastructure at EMEC tidal test site
The Eday tidal test facility consists of eight test berths in a
range of different tidal conditions, each with a nominal
capacity in excess of 1MVA at a working voltage of 11kV.
The authorized export capacity of the grid connection is
This Project has been co-funded by the European Regional
Development Fund, FEDER, as part of the Technological Fund Operative
Program 2007-2013 (EXP 00064842 / ITC-20133119).

978-1-5090-2320-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

The main characteristics of the subsea cable installed in The values of RFE and Xm determine the transformer no
the different berths are shown in the Table 1. The electric load current, whereas the current which flows through Xm is
parameters for the Pirelli cable used at EMEC are shown in called the magnetizing current. Usually, saturation is
Table 2. modelled by means a non-linear behavior of the magnetizing
Length As-Installed Rated power (kVA) 2100
Cable Type Supplier
(m) Capacity Frequency (Hz) 50
1 3224
Copper losses (pu) 0.00921
2 3560 120
178 A Pirelli No load losses (pu) 0.00146
3 4024 mm2
3.4 MVA@11 kV (Prysmian) Primary air core reactance (pu) 0.4
4 2083 EPR
Magnetizing current (%) 0.3
5 2658
284 A
7 2326 mm2 Norsk
5.4 MVA@11kV
XLPE Kabel Shortcircuit Shortcircuit Shortcircuit Short
voltage voltage X voltage R circuit
Uk% Ukx% Ukr% Winding
4.186 4.14 0.61 1U1V1W 3U3V3W
Cross section 120 mm2 3.07 3.03 0.508 1U1V1W 4U4V4W
DC Resistance (20ºC) 0.154 Ÿ/km 6.84 6.78 0.921 1U1V1W ALL
AC Resistance (20ºC) 0.197 Ÿ/km
0.31 ȝF/km CURRENT I0)
Star Capacitance
Positive sequence impedance 0.233 Ÿ/km Io V
0.164 Ÿ/km (%) (pu) ͳǤ͵
Zero sequence resistance
0.15 0.629 ͳǤʹ
Zero sequence reactance 0.1 Ÿ/km
0.18 0.755
Zero sequence impedance 0.192 Ÿ/km ͳǤͳ
0.21 0.880 ‘Ž–ƒ‰‡ ȋ’—Ȍ
0.25 0.943 ͳ
0.27 0.975
C. Transformer data 0.3 1 ͲǤͻ
The three phase transformer of Magallanes Project hydro 0.37 1.038 ͲǤͺ
generator has been made by ABB and has three secondary 0.47 1.069
windings (2.1MVA 11kV/690V/690V/400V). The 0.62 1.101
0.85 1.132 ͲǤ͸
characteristic of the transformer have been provided by the Ͳ ͲǤͷ ͳ ͳǤͷ ʹ ʹ
1.21 1.164
manufacturer and are illustrated from Table 3 to Table 5. 1.69 1.195 ƒ‰‡–‹œ‹‰ …—””‡– ͲȋΨȌ
2.32 1.226
CALCULATION A. Saturation modelling
To carry out the calculation of the energization inrush In order to obtain the transformer saturation parameters,
current, a transformer model including saturation is required. the saturation curve of the transformer provided by the
The saturation provokes the magnetic core to lose the capacity manufacturer ABB, as shown in Table 5, is fitted using the
of increasing its magnetization and the windings of the following expression [4], [5]:
transformer to behave almost like an air core reactance. Due
to the hysteresis of the magnetic core, once the transformer is ඥሺȰௌ െ Ȱ௄ ሻଶ ൅ Ͷ‫ܮܦ‬஺ ൅ Ȱௌ െ Ȱ௄ ‫ܦ‬
‫ܫ‬଴ ൌ െ  (1)
disconnected from the electrical network it can remain ʹ‫ܮ‬஺ Ȱ௄
magnetized (remanent magnetization), which can
considerably affect to the inrush current. Where A, B, C and D coefficients can be obtained in the
following way:
The typical model of the transformer [3] has the following ௅ಲ ௅ಲ ூಾ ି஍ಾ
elements: ‫ܣ‬ൌ ;‫ܤ‬ൌ ; ‫ ܥ‬ൌ ‫ܫ‬ெ ሺ‫ܮ‬஺ ‫ܫ‬ெ െ Ȱெ ൅ Ȱ௄ ሻ;
಼ ஍಼
• Xsc, Rsc are the equivalent values for the winding (2)
െ‫ ܤ‬െ ξ‫ܤ‬ଶ െ Ͷ‫ܥܣ‬
resistance and reactance. These values are usually ‫ܦ‬ൌ
obtained by means a short circuit test. ʹ‫ܣ‬
• RFE represents the core losses
• I0 is the magnetizing current
• Xm is the magnetizing reactance
• ΦS is magnetic flux in the transformer core • E is the RMS value of the supply voltage
• IM y ΦM represent the values of current and magnetic • Rsc is the equivalent winding resistance
flux that define the knee saturation point
• LA is the air core inductance
• LA is the air core reactance or the saturated core
reactance • ω is the frequency of the supply voltage (2π·50 rad/s
in Europe)
• ΦK is the intersection with flux axis of the asymptote,
whose slope is defined by the air core reactance, to the • ψ is the phase difference between voltage and current
saturation curve when the steady estate is reached:
In order to obtain the values of the saturation knee point as ߰ ൌ ܽ‫ ݊ܽݐ‬൬ ൰ (4)
well as the entire saturation curve, the data provided by ABB ܴ௦௖
have been fitted by (1. The results are given in Fig. 2 and in • θ is the voltage phase when the core starts to be
Table 6. saturated. It can be obtained from:
…‘• ߠ ൌ (5)
Parameter Value Source ‫ܤ‬௠
Air core inductance LA (pu) 0.4 ABB Where Brn is the remanent magnetic intensity, Bm is the
Mag. current at the knee point Im (%) 0.3 ABB/Estimated magnetic intensity when the transformer is working at
Flux ΦK (Hz) 1.25 Estimated its rated supply voltage and Bs is the magnetic intensity
Mag. flux at the knee point Φm (pu) 1.000 Estimated when the core is saturated.



‹––‡†—”˜‡ Fig. 3. Simplified model for the transformer inrush current
Ͳ C. Transient Model for the Transformer
Ͳ ͲǤͷ ͳ ͳǤͷ ʹ ʹǤͷ A transient model for the transformer has been developed
ƒ‰‡–‹œ‹‰…—”˜‡ȋΨȌ in order to obtain the waveforms of electrical variables during
Fig. 2. Saturation curve (given by ABB and fitted) and asymptote the process of energization. In this case, the transformer has
been modeled using a non-linear model where saturation is
B. Simplified model for the inrush current calculation simulated introducing a current source in one of the windings.
In order to obtain a preliminary estimation of the inrush The value of this current is obtained from the magnetic flux
currents, it is used a simplified model of the transformer which which is firstly calculated from the voltage integral using the
consists in: a series circuit with a resistance that represents the linearized and simplified saturation curve. This transformer
equivalent electrical resistance of the windings and a model is available in the PSCAD program which is used to
reactance whose value is the air core reactance, as shown in simulate the transient behavior of electrical systems [5].
Fig. 3 [6]. In this model, the air core inductance simulates the
behavior of the transformer winding when the core is saturated
whose value is much lower than the unsaturated magnetizing Firstly, the transformer in connected using a zero
inductance. The transition between the saturated and impedance voltage source in order to obtain the inrush current
unsaturated state is simulated by means of a switch which is with different models, the simplified model and the transient
closed when the flux reaches the saturation value. As a model, so their results can be compared and validated in a
consequence, the analytical equation for the peak value of the certain way. Next, the simulation is performed including the
inrush current is obtained [6]: whole electrical network at EMEC with the objective of
obtaining both the inrush current and the under-voltage value
ξʹ‫ܧ‬ provoked by that current.
‫ܫ‬௣ǡ௠௔௫ ൌ ൤ͳ

ඥܴ௦௖ ൅ ߱ ଶ ‫ܮ‬ଶ஺ (3) All simulations have been carried out considering the
ିோ ഏ
െ ݁ ఠ௅ ൫ మ షഗషഇ൯ ‫݊݅ݏ‬ሺߠ െ ߰ሻ൨ worst connection conditions that means both, zero voltage in
one phase and the maximum residual flux at the moment of
Where: transformer energization.

• Ip,max is the peak maximum value of the inrush current

A. Inrush current source is lower than 5 times the rated current. The inrush
In this section, the inrush current results based on the three current when energizing the transformer at EMEC facility will
models are shown: reach lower values than those obtained in this study.

• Approximated model with the parameters shown in The wave form of the inrush current for the different
Table 7. models three-phase and monophasic can be seen in Fig. 5.

• Three-phase transient model. In this model the 4

windings transformer has been modeled as a DY
three-phase transformer using the HV winding
parameters (winding 1) and one of the LV winding ‹‰Ž‡’Šƒ•‡‘†‡Ž
(690V) parameters (winding 2). The parameters for
this model can be seen in Table 8.
• Transient single-phase equivalent model modeled
using the HV winding (winding 1) and the one of the
LV winding (winding 2) parameters.


LA 0.4 Bm 1 Fig. 4. Values obtained with different models for the maximum peak current
RCC 0.007 Bs 1.25 during the energization of the transformer
ψ 1.554 Br 0 - 1
E 1 cos θs -0.25


Rated Power (MVA) 2.1

Rated Voltage 11kV/690V
Configuration DYn
Leakage reactance (pu) 0.0267
No-load losses (pu) 0.00146
Copper losses (pu) 0.003
Air core reactance (pu) 0.4
Knee voltage for the saturation curve (pu) 1 Fig. 5. Inrush current waveform for the three-phase model (Phase A, B and
Magnetizing current (%) 0.3 C) and the single phase model (remanent flux = 1 pu)
Inrush decay time constant (s) 1.1
Remanent flux (pu) 0-1 B. Inrush current at EMEC
cos θs -0.25 In this section, the electric network at EMEC is modelled.
This model include: the equivalent circuit of the distribution
network at 11 kV level and the cables between the test berths
With reference to the LV winding selected for the and the substation onshore. The single line diagram of the
simulations, it has been observed that the results don´t vary network used to carry out the simulation and the main
significantly when another LV winding is chosen to model the parameters can be seen in the Fig. 6.
transformer behavior.
The electrical network at 11kV level has been modeled by
All the simulations have been carried out supposing that means of the Thevenin equivalent circuit using the shortcircuit
the transformer is connected against an ideal zero impedance power data given by EMEC.
source or ideal source. The main objective of the simulations
is to establish the maximum value of the inrush current as well Subsea cables have been modeled by using the pi model
as validate the models in a certain way. (series impedance with parallel capacitance). It has been
observed that the influence of the cable series impedance in
The inrush current calculation results for different values comparison with the transformer impedance and the network
of residual flux can be seen in the Fig. 4. As can be seen, the short circuit impedance doesn`t affect significantly to the
results show high concordance between the single-phase results.
equivalent and the simplified models. Due to the existence of
the triangle winding, the maximum pick value of the inrush Finally, according to Sections C and A, the Magallanes
current for the three-phase model is slightly lower (between transformer has been modeled by means of a two winding
10 to 25%), which is usual for this type of transformers [7]. three-phase transformer. In order to consider the worst case
used for the remanent flux it was set to 0.85pu [4].
Based on the simulations carried out, it is possible to
conclude that the maximum peak value of the inrush current
when connecting the transformer to an ideal zero impedance
EMEC Subsea Magallanes voltage depression values lower than 3% it would be
Substation Cable Generator necessary that the short circuit power at the 11KV connection
Scc = 30-46 MVA Long. = 2-4 km Sn = 2.1 MVA point to be higher than 60 MVA.
Zcc = 0.22-0.33 pu Z = 0.01-0.03 pu Zcc = 0.131-0.199 pu
Xcap = 169-85 pu In order to reduce the inrush current, different method can
be used: pre-insertion resistors of pre-magnetization,
synchronized breakers…
11 kV

Sbase = 4 MVA ͶǤͲͲ

Fig. 6. Main parameters and scheme for the complete model ͵ǤͷͲ

During simulations, it has been supposed that the ͵ǤͲͲ

Magallanes transformer is energized at the moment t=0.2 ȀαʹǤʹ
seconds, provoking current transients (inrush current) and ʹǤͷͲ ……αͶ͸ǤʹǡȀαʹǤʹ
voltage transients (under-voltage) as shown in Fig. 7.
Ͳ ʹͲ ͶͲ ͸Ͳ ͺͲ ͳͲͲ

Fig. 8. Peak maximum value for different values of shortcircuit power and
X/R ratio at the 11 kV level (marked values are those given by EMEC).




ͲǤͻͳ ȀαʹǤʹ
Ͳ ʹͲ ͶͲ ͸Ͳ ͺͲ ͳͲͲ
Fig. 7. Voltage and current during the energization of the transformer Š‘”–…‹”…—‹–’‘™‡”̷ͳͳȋȌ
(Network shortcircuit power 46.2 MVA).
Fig. 9. Minimum voltage value for different values of shortcircuit power and
X/R ratio at the 11 kV level (marked values are those given by EMEC).
As the short circuit power at the point of common coupling
at 11kV is the parameter whose variation has the greatest ͳʹΨ
influence on the inrush current, several simulations have been
carried out to determine this dependence with the following ͳͲΨ ȀαʹǤʹ

values: ȀαͳǤ͹ͻ
• Maximum peak value of the inrush current in phase ……α͵ͷǡȀαͳǤ͹ͻ
(as shown in Fig. 8)
• Minimum value of the RMS voltage between phases
at the point of common coupling in the EMEC ʹΨ
substation (as shown in Fig. 9)
• Maximum voltage drop at the point of common Ͳ ʹͲ ͶͲ ͸Ͳ ͺͲ ͳͲͲ
coupling in the EMEC substation (as shown in Fig. Š‘”–…‹”…—‹–’‘™‡”̷ͳͳȋȌ
10). Fig. 10. Maximum voltage drop value for different values of shortcircuit
power and X/R ratio at the 11 kV level (marked values are those given by
The inrush current peak value has a maximum value from EMEC).
3.4 to 3.7 times the rated current of the transformer when the
EMEC network conditions are taken into account. C. Effect of remanent flux
Consequently, the voltage depression at the point of common In this section it is analyzed the influence of the remanent
coupling varies from 4% to 5.4% of the nominal voltage. magnetization flux supposing the worst short circuit
By analyzing the results it can be concluded that the conditions provided by the Distribution Network Operator. A
voltage depression value is higher than the 3% of the nominal shortcircuit power equal to 30.3 MVA at 11kV level has been
voltage required in the Engineering Recommendation P28 for considered for this purpose. As a result, the maximum values
transients with a maximum starting frequency of 750 seconds. for the inrush current peak and voltage depression have been
This value is below the limits for cases of infrequent starting obtained, as shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12.
which is rated at 6% of the nominal voltage. In order to get
starting frequency of 750 seconds. This value is below
the limits for cases of very infrequent starting which is
rated at 6% of the nominal voltage.
• To achieve voltage depressions lower than 3% a
shortcircuit power of at least 60MVA would be
• When the remanent flux is near to zero, the voltage
depression values are lower than 3% for a shortcircuit
power equal to 30.3MVA. According to this, the use
of pre-insertion resistors of pre-magnetization would
be very useful in order to reduce inrush currents.
Fig. 11. Maximum peak current for different remanent flux values (Scc = 30 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
MVA @11kV)
The authors would like to thank the personnel of EMEC
ͺǤͲΨ for their contribution and for their accessibility to the technical
data of the test site.

ͷǤͲΨ [1] EMEC, “The European Marine Energy Centre LTD (EMEC).”
[Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14-Apr-2016].
[2] System Utilisation Consultancy Group, “Engineering
͵ǤͲΨ Recommendation P28: Planning Limits for Voltage Fluctuations Caused by
ʹǤͲΨ Industrial, Commercial and Domestic Equipment in the United Kingdom,”
Electricity Council Engineering Management Conference. 1989.
[3] M. Salimi, A. M. Gole, and R. P. Jayasinghe, “Improvement of
ͲǤͲΨ Transformer Saturation Modeling for Electromagnetic Transient Programs,”
ͲǤͲ ͲǤʹ ͲǤͶ ͲǤ͸ ͲǤͺ in International Conference on Power Systems Transients, 2013, pp. 1–6.
‡ƒ‡– Ž—š ȋ’—Ȍ [4] Manitoba HVDC Research Centre Inc., “Applications of
Fig. 12. Maximum voltage drop for different remanent flux values (Scc = 30 PSCAD/EMTDC.” Manitoba.
MVA @11kV) [5] Manitoba-HVDC Research Centre, “USER’S GUIDE: EMTDC
(v. 4.7).” Manitoba, pp. 1–248, 2010.
Considering the hypothesis above, in order to keep the [6] J. E. HOLCOMB, “Distribution Transformer Magnetizing Inrush
voltage depression lower than the P28 requirements, the Current,” Trans. Amer. Inst. Elect. Eng. (Power App. Syst.), vol. 80, no. 3,
pp. 697–702, 1961.
remanent flux should be nearly null when energizing the
[7] N. Chiesa and H. K. Høidalen, “Novel Approach for Reducing
transformer. Supposing this, the maximum peak value of the Transformer Inrush Currents: Laboratory Measurements, Analytical
inrush current would be 1.65 times the nominal current and Interpretation and Simulation Studies,” IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., vol. 25,
the voltage depression would remain lower than the 3%. no. 4, pp. 2609–2616, 2010.

The aim of this paper is to analyze the under-voltage
values at the point of common coupling (11kV level of the
EMEC substation) related to the inrush current of the
transformer to be installed in the Magallanes Project hydro
generator. The main results obtained in the simulations are:
• The maximum peak value of the inrush current when
energizing the transformer and supposing the worst
conditions, i.e. a zero impedance power source, is
lower than 5 times the rated current.
• The maximum peak value of the inrush current
supposing it being installed at the EMEC facility
would be between 3.4 and 3.7 times the rated current.
• The voltage depression at the point of common
coupling would be between the 4% and the 5.4% of the
nominal voltage.
• The voltage depression value is higher than the 3% of
the nominal voltage required in the Engineering
Recommendation P28 for transients with a maximum

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