Aircrew Survival Equipement

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January 2012

Aircrew Survival


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By obtaining this rate training manual, you have demonstrated a desire to improve
yourself and the Navy. Remember, however, this manual is only one part of the total
Navy training program. Practical experience, schools, selected reading, and your desire
to succeed are also necessary to successfully round out a fully meaningful training
THE MANUAL: This manual is organized into subject matter areas, each containing
learning objectives to help you determine what you should learn along with text and
illustrations to help you understand the information. The subject matter reflects day-to-
day requirements and experiences of personnel in the rating or skill area. It also reflects
guidance provided by Enlisted Community Managers (ECM) and other senior
personnel, technical references, instructions, etc., and either the occupational or naval
standards that are listed in the Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel
Classifications and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068 (series).
THE QUESTIONS: The questions that appear in this manual are designed to help you
understand the material in the text. The answers for the end of chapter questions are
located in the appendices.
THE EVALUATION: The end of book evaluation is available on Navy Knowledge
Online. The evaluation serves as proof of your knowledge of the entire contents of this
NRTC. When you achieve a passing score of 70%, your electronic training jacket will be
updated automatically.
THE INTERACTIVITY: This manual contains interactive animations and graphics. They
are available throughout the course and provide additional insight to the operation of
equipment and processes.
VALUE: In completing this manual, you will improve your military and professional
knowledge. Importantly, it can also help you study for the Navy-wide advancement in
rate examination. If you are studying and discover a reference in the text to another
publication for further information, look it up.

January 2012 Edition Prepared by

PRCM (AW/SW) Gebriel Cantu PR1 (AW) Eric Baldger

PRCS (AW/SW/PJ) David O’Connor PR1 (AW) Carlos Hunter
PRCS (AW) Todd Werner PR1 (AW/PJ) Robert Linsley
PRC (AW/EXW/FPJ) Bruce Ambrose PR1 (AW) Fred Gutierrez
PRC (AW/SW/FPJ) Carlos Alvarez PR1 (AW/SW) Richard Beach
PRC (AWNAC) Ryan Fitzgerald PR1 (AW/SW) Paulo Osorio
PRC (AW/SW) Charles Sieber PR1 (AWSW) Ronald Ferguson
PR1 (AW/SW) Scott Krizak PR1 (AW) James Reese
PR1 (AW) Hector Perez PR2 (AW) Devin Hellman
PR1 (AW/PJ) Justin Todd

NAVSUP Logistics Tracking Number
FSN 0504-LP-111-1221


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Sailor’s Creed

"I am a United States Sailor.

I will support and defend the

Constitution of the United States of
America and I will obey the orders
of those appointed over me.

I represent the fighting spirit of the

Navy and those who have gone
before me to defend freedom and
democracy around the world.

I proudly serve my country‘s Navy

combat team with honor, courage
and commitment.

I am committed to excellence and

the fair treatment of all."


1. Parachute Familiarization ................................................................................ 1-1
2. Automatic Opening Devices ............................................................................ 2-1
3. Parachute Systems ......................................................................................... 3-1
4. Aircrew Personnel Protective Equipment ........................................................ 4-1
5. Rescue and Survival Equipment ..................................................................... 5-1
6. Inflatable Survival Equipment .......................................................................... 6-1
7. Seat Survival Kit .............................................................................................. 7-1
8. Carbon Dioxide ................................................................................................ 8-1
9. Sewing Machines ............................................................................................ 9-1
10. Fabrication and Manufacture ......................................................................... 10-1
11. Oxygen Related Components ....................................................................... 11-1
12. Radios ........................................................................................................... 12-1

I. Glossary and Acronyms ................................................................................... AI-1
II. References ...................................................................................................... AII-1
III. Answers to End of Chapter Questions ........................................................... AIII-1

Index ................................................................................................................... Index 1

Nonresident Training Course Review Questions .................................................. 1

The word parachute is, in the modern sense, derived from the French word para,
meaning to prepare for or to protect against, and the French word chute, meaning a fall
or quick descent – literally, ―to protect from a fall.‖ As early as the year 1300, Chinese
experimenters are reported to have jumped off the Great Wall with devices resembling
umbrellas. In the year 1495, the great genius, artist, and inventor, Leonardo da Vinci
sketched a parachute design to be made of caulked linen that would permit a gentle
descent to earth. About a century later, Fausto Veranzio described and sketched a
parachute design consisting of a four-poled square frame covered with fabric, which he
claimed could be used to escape from tall, burning buildings. Since man, not yet
airborne, had no use for a lifesaving device of this nature at that time, parachutes were
considered novelties or items of amusement, and interest in them gradually lessened. It
was not until the invention of the first aerial balloon that interest in the parachute was
renewed. As a result of the balloon, the parachute became less of a toy and more a
means of escape.

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to recognize and understand the
history, components, and publications used to maintain personnel emergency parachute

In the late 1700‘s, the Montgolfier brothers had invented a balloon that would stay aloft.
This balloon was kept in the air by burning bundles of straw beneath the bag to furnish
the necessary supply of hot air. If the fabric caught fire, the flight was abruptly ended.
This meant that those who went up on such flights had to have a means of escape.
Those early days of ballooning saw excursions of curiosity into the use of parachutes by
early balloonists such as the Montgolfiers, Blanchard, Martyn, Arnold, Appleby,
Hampton, and others. Some parachute drops, using animals as passengers, were
successfully made. The first human parachute descent was accomplished by the
famous French balloonist Andre-Jacques Garnerin, on 22 October 1798. This historic
event took place over Monceau Park, near Paris, when Garnerin released himself and
his semi-rigid parachute from the balloon at an altitude of 6,000 feet.
On 14 July 1808, a famous Polish balloonist, Jodaki Kuparento, was the first man to
have his life saved from a flaming bag of hot air when, over Warsaw, remnants of his
burning balloon blew into the balloon‘s net structure and blossomed into a parachute,
lowering him to the ground safely. However, the need for a foolproof parachute—whose
main role at that time was its use as an added thrill to balloon ascensions—was not
strong enough to stimulate a great deal of inventive effort until nearly 100 years later.
Hence, with the coming of the air age in 1903, when the Wright brothers made their
spectacular flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, there came also an era of
experimentation with parachutes designed for this new type of flying machine.
Albert Berry is credited with being the first person to successfully jump from an aircraft
using a parachute. This jump was made on 1 March 1912, from a Benoist Pusher
Biplane, at Jefferson Barracks, not far from Kinloch Park ―Aerodrome,‖ St. Louis. The
parachute was an unbleached muslin cotton parachute, 36 feet in diameter. Its
suspension lines terminated into a trapeze bar and strap arrangement. The parachute
assembly was packed into a cone attached under the airplane. It was retained within the
metal cone by a series of break cords. The weight of Berry‘s falling body pulled the
canopy and lines from the container. Many others, using makeshift or experimental
parachutes, made descents before World War I, but parachutes still were not
considered essential equipment for military aviators. As World War I progressed, the
resultant mortality rate among pilots was very high. However, the lives of over 800
balloonist observers and artillery fire directors were saved by parachutes, demonstrating
a desperate need for a foolproof and practical lifesaving device for aviators. The next
step was to improve parachute reliability and make them mandatory for military fliers.
Parachute lore tells us that in 1917 a French pilot attacked a German Fokker and
riddled it with bullets. The plane exploded in flames and began to plunge to earth. As
the Frenchman circled his kill, he was surprised to see the enemy pilot jump,
immediately followed by a ribbon of white swing out behind him as he fell through the
clouds. Still amazed, he watched as a great billowing canopy fluttered and opened. The
plummeting body slowed with a jerk and began swaying gently beneath the air-filled
blossom. The adversary waved at the stunned victor and proceeded to swing into no
man‘s land, where the reception was far from friendly. Twenty-seven rifle and machine
gun bullets were pumped into the German‘s legs. He survived and gained the honor of
being the first person to save his life by an emergency escape from an airplane.
Official documentation reveals that regular emergency bailouts were made during the
late months of 1918 by German aviators. Captured equipment showed the parachute to
be a unique one designed by Heineke. Gradually, German fighter pilots began to equip
themselves with parachutes. Soon, whole squadrons were doing the same. At the end
of the war, it was reported that all fliers in the entire German Air Force were in the
process of wearing parachutes in flight.
All parachutes, however clever in design, were still dependent upon a static line
attached to the aircraft to deploy the parachute, and they were far from perfect. Thus,
some emergency escape attempts continued to take lives. Towards the end of 1918,
with the war coming to a close, demands by the flying public and Congress finally
resulted in the formation of a U.S. Air Service Parachute Board at McCook Field in
Dayton, Ohio. Floyd Smith, with a reputation for his ideas in parachute design, was put
in charge of this new unit of the Engineering Division. He surrounded himself with Guy
M. Ball, James M. Russel, James J. Higgins, and Sgt. Ralph W. Bottreil. At the
beginning of 1919, energetic Major E. L. Hoffman was chosen as military head of this
parachute development team.
The ―crash program‖ produced results. Parachutes from all over the world, all attached
(static-line actuated) types, were tested and found to be unsafe, weak, or otherwise
unsuitable for use in emergency jumps from airplanes. Initial testing on a new parachute
design devised by Floyd Smith showed potential. This concept involved the use of a
parachute canopy and lines packed into a container worn on a body harness, and a
manually operated ripcord yanked while falling freely through the air with no attachment
to the aircraft was used to open the parachute. Floyd Smith, with Guy Ball closely at his
side, worked to perfect this new revolutionary parachute.

This parachute ultimately became the U.S. Air Service Airplane Parachute, type A. It
had a 28-foot diameter silk canopy with silk suspension lines. The canopy was formed
of 40 gores, with a novel shock-reducing vent design, and it was packed into a
backpack container worn on the body of the flyer through the use of a webbing harness.
A small pilot-chute was used to deploy the packed canopy and lines into the air when a
pull on the ripcord opened the flaps on the back container worn on the body. Not having
to be attached to the aircraft allowed the aviator to leave his disabled aircraft regardless
of its position. It was capable of withstanding an opening shock delivered by 200
pounds falling at a speed of 400 miles per hour.
When Major Hoffman felt that it was time for the Model A parachute to be live-jumped,
he chose a young, enthusiastic parachutist and designer named Leslie L. Irvin because
of his vast experience as a parachute jumper. Irvin had previously responded to the
government‘s call for a suitable parachute and had submitted a static-line operated
parachute assembly with a cotton canopy. He was apprised that the submitted
parachute was unsuitable because by that time the use of a silk canopy, as well as the
ripcord concept, was considered preferable. Irvin continued to cooperate with the board
by supplying parachute items. On 28 April 1919, flying in a USD-9 airplane piloted by
Floyd Smith at an altitude of 1,500 feet and airspeed of 80 miles per hour, Irvin jumped
from the turret cockpit wearing a prototype Model A chute. He pulled the ripcord, the
parachute opened in one and two-fifth seconds, and he became the first man to make a
free-fall parachute jump from an aircraft.
The new parachute was the first step on the way to all modern personnel parachutes—
emergency, military, and sporting. From this basic design came the seat pack, chest or
reserve chutes, backpacks, and any other parachute that can be attached to a harness.
In October 1922, Lieutenant Harold Harris, U.S. Army, was saved from death using a
manually-operated parachute when his aircraft failed. By March 1924, it became
mandatory for all Army and Navy aircrew to wear the standard back-type parachute
while in flight. A sign in one of the parachute lofts read, ―Don‘t forget your parachute. If
you need it and you haven‘t got it, you‘ll never need it again.‖
With the requirement for all Navy aviators to wear parachutes came the necessity for
trained personnel to pack and maintain these parachutes. In June 1922, the Bureau of
Aeronautics requested volunteers from among the petty officers attached to the various
naval air stations to take a course of instruction in parachutes at the Army School at
Chanute Field, Rantoul, Illinois. Thirteen Chief Petty Officers were selected from
throughout the Navy. They completed the course of instruction and returned to their
duty stations. Three of them were selected for further training at McCook Field, Dayton,
Ohio, at that time known as the Army Equipment Experimental Depot. The three chief
petty officers received advanced training in parachutes. In August 1923, Chief Alva
Starr and Chief Lyman Ford—two of the three—were ordered to Lakehurst, New Jersey
to set up a training course on parachutes. Although the course was established, the PR
rate was not established until 1942. In September 1924, class No. 1 was convened at
the Parachute Material School at Lakehurst to teach parachute rigging.
Although his name is now lost to history, one of the farsighted founders of the PR
school decided on a novel means to help combat the airmen‘s reluctance to ―hit the
silk.‖ He reasoned that if the men who packed and repaired the parachutes had enough
confidence in their ability and equipment to make a deliberate, premeditated jump,
aviators might be more willing to trust his parachute over his crashing airplane. In the
beginning, graduate trainees jumped from the outer wing tips of a biplane flying high
above the naval air station at Lakehurst. Later, the students ―let go‖ from short rope
ladders suspended from the sides of the old gondola airships (blimps) and eventually
from training and patrol type lighter-than-air ships. Since the beginning of the PR school
in 1924, there have been over 72,000 parachute jumps made at Lakehurst, New Jersey.
With the coming of the jet age, the emergency use of parachutes has become a highly
technical sequence. Today‘s emergency sequence for ejecting from a disabled aircraft
starts with the aircrewman making a decision to leave the aircraft. After making that
decision, everything is done automatically, as you will see in the ejection sequence for
the A-6 aircraft, shown in Figure 1-1. This is only one of several types of ejection
systems used in modern naval aircraft.

Figure 1-1 — Ejection sequence.

For example, the ejection sequence of the MK GRU-7 is as follows:

1. Initial ejection.
2. Drogue gun fires.
3. Controller drogue deploys.
4. Stabilizer drogue deploys.
5. Main parachute deploys and a normal parachute descent is made.
The parachute has evolved from the experimental devices of the early Chinese through
the seat ejection systems of today. Considering parachute evolution in light of
continuing innovations in shuttle flight and other advanced aircraft, it appears that
development to this point is just the beginning.
A parachute appears somewhat similar to a giant umbrella. By offering a large air-
resisting or drag surface, the parachute, when opened, provides the deceleration
necessary to allow for the safe descent of an aircrewman. In each parachute jump a
sequence of events takes place as shown in Figure 1-2. The parachutist clears the
aircraft and then pulls the ripcord. The ripcord pins are removed from the locking cones,
permitting the grommets to separate from the locking cones. The container spring
opening bands pull the side and end flaps apart, allowing the pilot chute to spring
beyond the negative pressure area immediately above the falling body. This results in
its getting a better ―bite‖ on the surrounding air, thus speeding the opening of the

Figure 1-2 — Aircraft egress, pilot chute deployed, and main canopy free of

The aircrewman falling away from the pilot chute causes the main canopy to be pulled
from the container assembly, followed by the suspension lines. The canopy begins to fill
with air during this operation.
The ties on the risers break as the load is applied. The lift webs are then pulled from the
container while the canopy fully opens; at this point the parachutist receives the opening
shock as the parachute fills with air. The aircrewman then hangs or sits suspended in
the harness during the descent.
There are many different types of parachutes used in today‘s naval aircraft. To really
understand the operating principles of a parachute, you should first know the basic
design and construction of a parachute and its components.

The design and construction of a parachute and its components are based on the idea
that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Every component or link from the
jumper to the canopy must carry its share of the maximum load that is applied during
the opening shock.
The five major parts of a standard service parachute, starting at the top and working
down, are the pilot chute, main canopy, suspension lines, harness, and pack. These five
major parts are shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3 — The five major parts of a parachute.

Pilot Chute
The pilot chute has the job of anchoring itself in the airstream in order to pull the
remaining packed components out of the parachute pack. The order of deployment for
most parachute assemblies is the pilot chute, the canopy, the suspension lines, and the
risers. A typical pilot chute is shown in Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4 — Pilot chute.

Six sizes of canopies are used in naval aviation. They are the 35-foot, 28-foot, 26-foot,
24-foot, 21-foot, and 17-foot sizes. The 28-foot canopy is the size dealt with in this
chapter and is most commonly described as a polygon having 28 sides and a diameter
of 28 feet plus or minus 1 inch. The 28-foot canopy contains approximately 796 square
feet of nylon cloth plus 2,400 yards of nylon thread. The sewing on a parachute varies
from 8 to 10 stitches per inch. The cloth that is used in the construction of a parachute
canopy is high-tensile strength, 1.1 ounce ripstop nylon. Ripstop nylon cloth must meet
the following minimum requirements: tensile strength (T/S) of 42 pounds per square
inch, tear strength of 5 pounds, and air permeability of 80 to 100 cubic feet per minute.
T/S is the greatest stress cloth can withstand along its length without rupturing,
expressed as the number of pounds per square inch. Tear strength is the average force,
expressed in pounds, required to continue a tear across either the filling or the warp of
the cloth. Air permeability is the measured amount, in cubic feet, of the flow of air
through a square foot of cloth in 1 minute under a specific pressure.
The suspension lines are sewn into the canopy. These lines run continuously from the
connector link on one side, through the canopy, and to the connector link on the other
side (Figure 1-5). The material between any two suspension lines is called a gore
(Figure 1-6). There are 28 gores in a 28-foot canopy. Each gore is composed of four
sections identified by the letters A, B, C, and D, starting with the bottom section, (Figure
1-7). Figure 1-7 is a flat view of the entire canopy, and the note in the figure shows the
relationship of the gore in Figure 1-6 to the rest of the canopy.

Figure 1-5 — Suspension lines on a 28-foot canopy.

Figure 1-6 — Close-up view of a gore.

Most woven cloth has two types of threads: warp and filling. These two types are
identified by their relationship to the selvage edge. A selvage edge is a finished edge on
two sides of a piece of fabric that prevents raveling. This finished edge sometimes has a
narrow border of different threads or sometimes may have a different weave. Warp
thread runs parallel to the selvage edge of cloth and runs lengthwise down a roll of
fabric. Filling thread runs perpendicular to the selvage edge or crosswise across the
width of the cloth.
The sections used in a parachute canopy are cut at a 45-degree angle to the centerline
of the gore. This is called a bias construction and provides the maximum strength and
elasticity. The radial and diagonal seams are double lapped for security. The
suspension lines are enclosed in the channel that is produced by stitching the radial
seams. Figure 1-7 shows a flat view of this bias construction of the 28-gore canopy.
Stenciled on the top center gore (section A of gore 28) in letters one-half inch high and
about 12 inches from the bottom of the canopy are the Naval Air Facility (NAVAIRFAC)
order number, date of manufacture, serial number, and the manufacturer‘s mark or
trademark. Stenciled on the diametrically opposite gore (section A of gore 14) is the
date of manufacture and serial number.

Figure 1-7 — Flat view showing bias construction on a 28-foot canopy.

If you have to add markings to the canopy, the marking fluid you use should be in
accordance with Specification MIL-I-6903A, Amendment No. 1.
Note the vent pictured in Figure 1-8. This vent acts as a relief valve and relieves the
high internal pressure within the parachute at the instant of opening. Without this vent,
an opening at high speed could result in a dangerous rupture of the canopy. The skirt
(not shown) and vent hems are reinforced with 1-inch tubular nylon webbing with a T/S
of 4,000 pounds to aid in preventing tears from completely separating the canopy.

Figure 1-8 — Vent.

All machine stitching except zigzag should conform to Type 301, Federal Standard 751
and should be no less than 8 or more than 10 stitches per inch. Ends of all tape,
webbing, and lines must be seared to prevent fraying. No waxes should be used. For
sewing diagonal seams, either size B or E nylon thread may be used. Use size E thread
for all other seams, zigzag stitching, and repairs.
Removable connector links provide a quick attachment for the canopy and suspension
lines to the lift webs.

To determine the service life of a component, refer to the
Maintenance Instruction Manual, or Publications.

Suspension Lines
The suspension lines form a net or skeleton for the canopy and absorb much of the
shock load. Therefore, when being assembled, they must be placed under a 20-pound
tension, marked, and cut as a group to assure equal distribution of the shock load. The
28 suspension lines counted at the links are actually 14 lines that are 75 feet 4 inches in
length. These lines run continuously from link to link; that is, each line is secured to a
connector link on one side of the canopy and runs up and over the canopy and down to
a link on the opposite side.
Type III nylon suspension line (with a minimum T/S of 550 pounds) is used on all main
canopies and vane-type pilot chutes. This line consists of a loosely woven outer
covering called a sleeve and several strong inner cords called the core. This core
provides the greater portion of the strength of the suspension line.

The suspension lines are attached to the connector links by tying a clove hitch, then a
half-hitch, and completing the attachment with 2 (+1/2 or -1/4) inches of zigzag stitching.
These lines are attached to the lift webs with removable connector links. One of the four
removable connector links is shown in Figure 1-9. See the four links (the ends of the
suspension lines without the lift webs) in Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-9 — Method of attaching suspension lines at the link.

To prevent the canopy on the 28-foot parachute from slipping along the suspension
lines, each line is anchored by zigzag stitching at several points to the radial seams
through which it passes. One-half inch of slack is allowed in the vicinity of the skirt
between the zigzag sewing points to relieve the strain during opening shock.

Parachute Containers
The parachute container is designed to house and protect the pilot chute, main canopy,
and suspension lines. There are as many different styles of containers as there are
parachutes. They all have the same basic opening procedures. There are four flaps:
top, bottom, left, and right. These flaps are held closed by two or four ripcord pins
inserted through locking cones. To open the parachute container, the ripcord pins must
be removed either manually or automatically. This allows the flaps to open and the pilot
chute to spring from the pack. The pilot chute then pulls the canopy out.

Parachute Harness
The harness is the part of the parachute that holds the parachute to the wearer. It is
designed to absorb the largest part of the opening shock and has chest, leg, and back
straps added to prevent the jumper from falling free from the chute on the way down.
Personnel parachute harnesses are made of 1 3/4-inch-wide nylon webbing that has a
T/S from 6,000 to 8,700 pounds.
The Navy uses two types of harnesses. The first is the quick-fit harness. It is made in
three configurations: seat-type, back-type, and chest-type. The other type of harness is
the integrated torso harness. It combines the harness, lap belt, and shoulder harness
into one integrated garment. This harness improves the individual‘s comfort and
mobility; it is more secure and is easier to put on and take off. It also reduces the
number of exposed straps and overall bulk and weight.

The ripcord is a manual releasing device used to allow the container to open. It consists
of locking pins attached to a length of 3/32-inch diameter corrosion-resistant steel cable.
The ripcord handles are made of steel tubing in the shape of a cloverleaf or a trapezoid,
and they are attached by passing the cable through a small hole drilled in the grip and
then swaging a retaining ball or clamping a small sleeve onto the loose end of the cable.
The pins are swaged in place and tested to withstand a pull of 300 pounds.

Parachute harness fittings (hardware) are small metal devices usually made of
cadmium or chrome-plated steel. They are designed to join the parachute and harness
and to afford easy and rapid adjustment of the harness to the wearer.
The many types of parachute harness fittings include adapters, snaps, D-rings, V-rings,
connector links, and Koch release adapters. Some of the more common types of these
fittings and their T/S‘s are illustrated in Figure 1-10.

Figure 1-10 — Harness hardware (sheet 1 of 2).

Figure 1-10 — Harness hardware (sheet 2 of 2).

Two types of adapters are used with a regular quick-fit type harness. They are the
regular harness adapter and the friction adapter. The harness adjuster adapter is used
to adjust the harness to the wearer, and the friction quick-fit adapter has a grip slide bar
that allows the wearer to make quick adjustments to the harness.

There are several types of snaps used with parachutes. They are the plain harness
snap, the quick-fit snap, and the quick-connector snap. The harness snap is a plain
hook-shaped, spring-actuated guard that snaps over a V-ring to secure two parts of the
harness together. The quick-fit snap is similar except that it has a grip slide bar. The
quick-connector snap is similar to the harness snap and is used as a means to quickly
attach the Navy chest-type parachute to the two D-rings on the Navy chest-type

Connector Links
Connector links are fittings designed to join the parachute to the harness. The
suspension lines are attached to the connector link on one side and on the other side of
the connector link the harness is attached.

Koch Release Adapters

Integrated torso suit harnesses are equipped with four Koch release adapters that
attach to the fittings on the lap belts and risers of the integrated parachute assembly.
Release fitting adapters are manufactured in two parts: male and female.
The male portion of the adapter is attached to the torso suit harness, and the female
portion is attached to the riser assembly of the parachute. Figure 1-11 shows the Koch
parachute release adapters.

Figure 1-11 — Koch release adapters.

When issuing parachutes, you may need to give some instructions to the aircrewmen on
proper ways to carry and handle them. The most effective way to explain the proper
handling of packed parachutes is to list a series of DO‘s and DON‘Ts.
1. DO take EVERY precaution to prevent soiling or contamination of parachute
2. DO use utmost CAUTION when handling parachute assemblies with installed
cartridge-activated devices.
3. DO thoroughly clean vehicles used to transport parachute assemblies.
4. DO check for contamination and provide suitable covers during inclement
5. DO maintain in climate controlled area.
6. DO NOT pick up a parachute by its risers or ripcord. Lift web tackings break
relatively easily, and when they do, the suspension lines are almost certain to
become disarranged.
7. DO NOT allow a parachute to come in contact with light fixtures or heat sources.
Heat tends to decompose the fabric.
8. DO NOT stack parachute assemblies on top of each other or on the floor unless
they are in suitable shipping containers.
9. DO NOT leave a parachute where heavy objects can be dropped or placed on it.
Permitting a parachute to be carried in a cargo net along with squadron cruise
boxes or similar gear is an example of poor handling techniques.
10. DO NOT tack or tie a container with the parachute in the packed condition.
Shipping Containers
Parachutes are shipped and/or stored in sealed shipping containers of either cardboard
or metal construction and of suitable size. The containers are designed for reuse, and
they must be opened and closed with care.
When you are using the container to return parachutes to supply or to transfer the
assembly to another activity, ensure that the old tags and labels on the container are
removed or marked out. Ensure that the proper tags and labels are attached and
properly filled out on the transferring container. Tags and labels are shown in Figure 1-

Figure 1-12 — Shipping tags and labels.

To place a parachute assembly into temporary storage, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the parachute assembly. Check the nameplate information with the
recorded information on the parachute history card.
2. Remove and disarm the automatic actuator. (This is an explosive device used to
automatically pull the ripcord on certain parachutes.)
3. Remove cartridges from all other cartridge-actuated devices (these are other
explosive devices used to assist in opening certain types of parachute canopies).
Store the cartridges from explosive devices in accordance with existing
4. Release all snap fasteners, open all slide fasteners, and remove one end of each
of the parachute container spring opening bands.
5. Place the parachute into storage according to local requirements.
6. Maintain in climate controlled area in accordance with NAVAIR 13 series


As a PR, you have one of the most important jobs in naval aviation. You will be working
with lifesaving equipment. Unlike the other components that make up the naval aircraft,
the parachute has no backup system. If all other parts fail, the parachute must function
to prevent serious injury or death to the aircrewman.
Parachutes are primarily designed to allow pilots and aircrewmen to escape from
disabled aircraft. The nature of this lifesaving system leaves no margin for error in the
work of the PR. Parachute inspections must be carefully conducted, ensuring security,
rapid positive functioning, airworthiness, and comfort of the entire assembly.
Procedures for working with parachutes are different from other types of work because
whenever a critical operation is performed, the rigger‘s work must be inspected and his
performance verified and recorded by a designated inspector before work continues.
Continuing with a procedure without obtaining the required inspection is prohibited.
Although this constant interruption of work may seem inefficient, you must appreciate
how important it is to the parachute user that every step is done exactly right.

Reasons for Inspecting Parachutes

Depending on its use, a parachute is exposed to a large number of potentially
destructive forces and agents. A parachute consists of many parts and is a complex and
sometimes fragile assembly, so there are many chances for something to go wrong.
Once a parachute has been inspected, repacked, and placed in service, it is moved
around, sat on, leaned against, and in many ways subjected to forces that can cause
chafe and wear. When installed in an aircraft or being worn, the parachute may be
contaminated by a number of potentially harmful fluids such as perspiration, lubricants
and hydraulic fluids, chemicals, and salt water. Dampness can also get into the
components in humid conditions.
Aside from inspecting for damage, new parachutes are inspected before being placed in
service because it is possible for a mistake to be made when many persons are
involved in a manufacturing process. A parachute may also require changes and
modifications. These are issued by the Aircrew System Bulletins, Aircrew Systems
Changes, and updated material entered in the Emergency Personnel and Drogue
Parachute Systems Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.2.
As you can see, many things can happen to a parachute in service. Inspection
schedules based on experience are established to ensure that damage is detected
before it becomes serious. You have the responsibility for following these schedules
and for properly doing the required inspections.

Inspection Schedules
The frequency and nature of parachute inspections depends on the use of the
parachute. Those used regularly for jumping, such as parachutes assigned to SEAL
teams, are inspected and repacked after each use; these and others are on a different
schedule than those intended for emergency use. Our discussion focuses on
emergency parachutes to emphasize that although they are rarely used; they may be
damaged in handling or may be exposed to hazards in different environments.
Emergency parachutes are assigned to operating units. They may be part of an aircraft
inventory or they may be assigned to a ready issue room. To some extent, the
frequency of their inspection depends on the type of aircraft to which they are assigned.
Those assigned to attack or fighter aircraft are inspected more frequently than those on
the larger patrol, cargo, or other aircraft where they are not sat upon or otherwise
subjected to as many hazards.
Major inspections of emergency parachutes are routine when each parachute is first put
into service and then later are performed at intervals to coincide with the time the
aircraft is down for major maintenance.
Less extensive inspections that do not involve unpacking the parachute are daily,
preflight, postflight, and special. These special inspections are done every 7 days, 10
days, or 14 days depending on the type of aircraft. Of course, if any damage is found or
suspected during these inspections, the assembly is sent to a Fleet Readiness Center
(FRC) for thorough inspection, testing, and possible repair.
Several special inspections may also be performed. For instance, after a combat
mission the parachute assembly is inspected for missile damage from bullets or
fragments. After an emergency use, the entire parachute is shipped to the Naval
Weapons Center in China Lake, California for a detailed inspection. Other inspections
may be ordered if defects are suspected in a group of parachutes or in association with
authorized changes and modifications.

Parachute Maintenance
All parachutes are given periodic maintenance inspections under the direction and
control of the maintenance control officer. Maintenance is thorough at all times. No
instance of careless treatment or neglect of parachute equipment is to be allowed to
pass unnoticed. The vital function of this equipment must be uppermost in the minds of
all personnel concerned.

Parachute maintenance and inspection procedures are performed according to the
guidelines set forth in the Emergency Personnel and Drogue Parachute Systems
Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.2, and the Maintenance Requirements Cards. These manuals
are continually updated, and when using them, as in using any publication, you must
first make sure that the current changes are included. The manuals will list all of the
proper steps, procedures, and points to inspect. They also give you information about
proper specifications, technical data, and are used to ensure that all steps are followed,
all details are inspected, and that all quality control items are checked at the proper time
by a quality assurance (QA) inspector. Using these manuals is mandatory and ensures
that you are following the current and approved procedures.
Whenever a question on the construction of parachute equipment comes up, you should
obtain and study the drawing that applies. Repairs that are difficult should be compared
to the drawing to ensure that the finished product is the same as the one in the drawing.
The drawing number or reference number of a particular piece of parachute equipment
can be found in the applicable work package in the Emergency Personnel and Drogue
Parachute Systems Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.2.
All parachute maintenance is done by the lowest level activity equipped to satisfactorily
perform the work. Mission, time, equipment, trained personnel, and operational needs
are the basic considerations involved in determining which level performs the work.


The following records and documents are used by the Aircrew Survival Equipmentman,
under the direction of the maintenance control officer, to provide a systematic means of

Preflight/Daily/Turnaround/Postflight Maintenance Record (OPNAV

Whenever you perform any of these routine inspections, you must fill out an OPNAV
Form 4790/38 (Figure 1-13). Also use the Preflight/Daily/Turnaround/Postflight
Maintenance Record Card to record the special (7-14 day) inspection in accordance
with applicable Aircraft Maintenance Requirement Card decks and
COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 (series).

Figure 1-13 — Preflight/Daily/Turnaround/Postflight Maintenance Record, OPNAV

Parachute Configuration Inspection and History Record (OPNAV
The Parachute Configuration Inspection and History Record (also known as the ―History
Card‖) is designed to provide a continuing historical record of a parachute‘s assembly
and components throughout its service life (Figure 1-14). The form is a two-part NCR
form. The hardback copy is to be filed in the aircraft logbook for the aircraft in which the
parachute is installed. All original copies of the history record are maintained in a
permanent file as designated by the cognizant aircraft maintenance officer. A
permanent file of all history records, including the current hardback copy, is maintained
as designated by the cognizant aircraft maintenance officer. Upon transfer of the aircraft
or parachute assembly from one activity to another, all original copies from the
permanent file are transferred to the new custodian to provide a complete history of the
parachute assembly. This will also initiate the new custodian‘s permanent file. When a
parachute assembly has been involved in an aircraft accident, the history record and the
permanent file of original history records are forwarded to the Commander, Naval
Weapons Center (Code 64123), China Lake, CA 93555.

Figure 1-14 — Parachute configuration inspection and history record OPNAV


The Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA) placing the parachute assembly into
service initiates the Parachute Configuration Inspection and History Record. The IMA
initiates a new history record each time the parachute assembly is inducted for repack
or maintenance. All required entries must be legibly recorded using a ball-point pen or
typewriter. The Aircraft Buno/Serial Number block maybe annotated in pencil or left
blank, to be filled in by the cognizant custodian of the parachute assembly. Entry errors
are ruled through a single line and initialed by the quality assurance inspector. The
hardback copy from the previous inspection can be destroyed once the OMA accepts
the newly repacked parachute assembly.
The type parachute (A/P28-24, A/P28S-27), the parachute assembly part number
(MBEU10030PA-4,MBEU10030PA-4), the canopy serial number, the date the canopy
was placed in service (month and year), the aircraft buno/serial number, the controlling
custodian‘s alphanumeric 3-M organization code, the next scheduled removal date
(YYMMDD), and the actual removed date (YYMMDD) must be entered at the top of the
history record.

Cartridges and Cartridge-Actuated Devices

The parachute uses a cartridge-actuated device; you must fill out the appropriate
columns on the history card. If the parachute does not use the devices listed, you must
use the letters N/A (not applicable) in the column(s). Enter the part number, type of
cartridge being used, the time delay of the cartridge, lot number, and the expiration date
of the cartridge.

Technical Directives
Since you are placing the parachute into service, you must update its history of
technical directives with prescribed changes and modifications that were previously
incorporated. The codes used to properly fill out this part of the history card can be
found in appendix K of COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 (series). You also need to use
NAT01 to find a listing of all technical directives that apply to this equipment.

Miscellaneous History
If applicable, you should enter the results of the ripcord pin pull force check for both
disassembly and assembly. Notice the quality assurance inspector‘s initials should be
entered below each recorded measurement. The inspector‘s initials must also be placed
in the space following the Suspension Line Mandatory Inspection Point (SLMIP). If
applicable, the automatic parachute ripcord release firing altitude and the results of the
spreading gun firing pin pull force check are logged into the proper locations. If these
checks do not apply, you should enter N/A. Enter the date (YYMMDD) of the last
complete inspection and repack, or enter N/A. Check the appropriate box to indicate
whether or not a canopy damage chart is attached.

Configuration Verification
Configuration verification information is a list of each item that has a service life. All
parachute components, other than cartridges and cartridge-actuated devices, with
assigned service life must be entered in the Service Life Items Section of the history
record. Identify service life items by referring to the Illustrated Parts Breakdown
Numerical Index of the applicable parachute assembly work package. Enter the
nomenclature, part number, contract number, manufactured date (month and year),
placed-in-service date, and the expiration date for each component with a service life.
Obtain the date of manufacture and contract number from the component label. The
placed-in-service date is the date the shipping container seal was broken. If the service
life has been extended for a particular component, enter the issuing authority and the
date-time group of the authorizing message in the Remarks column. If the contract
number is not known or cannot be determined, enter UNK in the appropriate block. After
the parachute assembly has been repaired, inspected, and repacked, and the packer
and inspector are satisfied the parachute assembly is ready for flight, the packer and
quality assurance inspector must legibly sign their full names and rates, QA stamp in
the inspector block, and enter the date and 3-M organization code of the IMA at the
bottom of the history record. The stamp must not obscure the signatures.

Upon transfer of the parachute, the current hardback copy and all original copies in the
permanent file are forwarded to the new custodian to provide a complete history of the
entire service life of the assembly.
When a parachute is involved in an aircraft accident, the record is forwarded in
accordance with OPNAVINST 3750.6.
When a parachute (canopy) is retired because its total service life has expired, the
record may be destroyed. Subassemblies for which the total service life has not expired
may be salvaged for future use. Appropriate service life information is transcribed to an
Aircraft Equipment Condition Tag (NAVAIR-2650) and attached to the salvaged items if
they are to be reused. Under no circumstances should a salvaged item be reused if
its previous history cannot be firmly established.

Canopy Damage Charts
Whenever a canopy is inspected and found to need repairs, an appropriate Canopy
Damage Chart must be filled out. An example of this chart is shown in Figure 1-15. The
symbols to be used are shown on one side of the chart. As each defect is repaired,
write the letters ―OK‖ in the section representing the respective gore. If repairs cannot
be made locally, the chart goes with the canopy to the next higher level maintenance
activity. This form must not be discarded. When the repairs are complete, the
Canopy Damage Chart is attached to the Parachute Configuration, Inspection, and
History Record.

Figure 1-15 — Canopy damage chart for 28-foot diameter canopy (page 1).

Figure 1-15 — Canopy damage chart for 28-foot diameter canopy (page 2).

Naval Aviation Maintenance Program Forms

The following forms used in the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) are
applicable to parachute maintenance: Work Orders, Support Action Form, and DOD
Single Line Requisition System Document. Proper completion of documents is essential
to the function of the program. Detailed instructions for using forms may be found in the
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program Manual, COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 (series).

Recording Modifications
When a modification is performed on a parachute assembly, you must record the
assigned technical directive code and modification code on the Parachute Configuration
Inspection and History Record. Other records must be completed in accordance with
COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 (series).

The following paragraphs discuss the various times when personnel parachute
inspections are performed.

Daily Inspection
A daily inspection should be performed on all in-service parachute assemblies installed
in aircraft or in ready issue rooms. The inspection may be accomplished by line
personnel or by an issue room custodian who has been checked out by both the AME
and PR shops and found qualified. The inspection is performed in accordance with the
Maintenance Requirement Card (MRC) for the equipment and the requirements detailed
in NAVAIR 13-1-6.2 for the aircraft involved. It is done before daily flight operations and
is a visual in-place inspection. It is also included in the special (7- 14 day) inspection.
The packaged parachute is inspected for external evidence of damage. You should be
looking for wear or other evidence of physical abuse. The assembly should also be
checked for stains, which may indicate contact with harmful fluids or chemicals. Any
stain should be considered harmful until the fluid that made it is identified. Stains or
discolorations may also be caused by contact with a hot object. Heat can seriously
weaken the synthetic fabrics in parachute assemblies. Another possible source of
trouble is exposure to ultraviolet radiation such as sunlight or some types of artificial
lighting. Any evidence of damage or suspicious condition must be reported to
maintenance control.

Special Inspection
The special inspection is performed at intervals of 7, 14, or 28 days, depending on the
type of aircraft. In-service parachute assemblies installed in aircraft and in ready issue
rooms are also given this special inspection. This inspection includes the integrated
torso harness and quick attachable harnesses. The daily inspection is included as part
of performing the special inspection. Assemblies used for training, parachute rescue,
path finding, and reconnaissance teams—and those parachute assemblies not
assigned to a specific type of aircraft—are inspected every 14 days. Inspections are
performed by organizational level maintenance PR personnel, and conducted only
under adequate lightning conditions.
Inspection includes but is not limited to emergency aircraft escape assemblies and/or
systems as well as assemblies used for premeditated free-fall or static-line parachute
descents. The reserve (emergency) parachute, which may form a part of a training-type,
troop-type, or a test assembly, is also inspected. Parachute assemblies are not opened
for the special inspections or for the daily inspections. If you find or suspect any damage
or contamination, notify maintenance control. When you complete the special
inspection, enter your full name, rate, and current date on the
Preflight/Daily/Turnaround/Postflight Maintenance Record Card IAW

Acceptance (Original Issue)/Calendar/Phased/Conditional Inspections
The acceptance (original issue)/calendar/phased/conditional inspection is performed by
I level maintenance. These inspections include but are not limited to aircraft emergency
escape assemblies and/or systems.

Original Issue/Acceptance
The original issue inspection is performed at the time a parachute is placed into service.
The original issue inspection consists of a visual inspection of the assembly and a
repack of the parachute assembly in accordance with the applicable work package.
When a parachute assembly is an aircraft inventory item, the acceptance inventory
inspection serves as the original issue inspection. In this case, the packed parachute
assembly is visually inspected for damage, and the records concerning the parachute
are examined for discrepancies or missing information. If any discrepancy is found,
perform a conditional inspection that includes a repack of the parachute assembly.

The regular inspection cycle of a parachute assembly should correspond either to the
aircraft calendar inspection or to the phased maintenance inspection cycle program as
directed by MRC. You should ensure the parachute assembly inspection period does
not expire before the scheduled maintenance period of the aircraft. To meet unusual
situations and facilitate workload scheduling, a plus or minus 7 days, or a portion
thereof, may be applied to the authorized inspection interval. To enable a ferry flight to
return to home station/ship after an away-from-home grounding discrepancy of such
duration that the inspection interval expired, necessary additional days may be added.
However, in each instance deviations apply only to the immediate inspection due. If
unusual circumstances dictate deviations of succeeding inspection intervals, each
deviation must be computed from the date on which the inspection would have been
due if the preceding deviation had not been granted.

Conditional Inspection
When a parachute assembly must be inspected as the result of a specific situation or
set of conditions unrelated to the normal inspection interval, perform a conditional

Postcombat Inspection
Organizational-level maintenance inspects parachute assemblies for external damage
or abnormal condition after each combat mission. When an aircraft has been subjected
to gunfire, all parachutes are examined for damage prior to the next flight. If bullets or
fragments have entered the parachute assembly, you must remove it from service and
perform a conditional inspection.

Aircraft Accident Report Inspection
Any personnel parachute, along with related subassemblies or equipment (pilot
parachutes, stabilization parachutes, containers, harnesses, cushions, automatic
parachute ripcord release assemblies, and ballistic spreading guns), that has been
recovered following use in an emergency bailout or ejection must be returned to the
nearest naval supply activity for shipment to the Commanding Officer, Naval Weapons
Center (NWC), China Lake, California. The parachute must be in the same condition
that it was when recovered. Do not chain the lines. Performing this responsibility
ensures that the parachute is available in the event that the NWC requires an
engineering investigation. Stencil the following on the outside of the shipping container
SITUATION. These items are required so that a design deficiency can be detected or
requirements for product improvements can be established.
OPNAV 3750.6 contains procedures you must follow to provide the Naval Weapons
Center with sufficient information to properly evaluate and improve these parachutes for
service use. In accordance with this instruction, you will give NWC the following
1. Name of submitting activity and AAR number
2. Date, time, and place of use
3. Name, rank/rate, and serial/service number of user
4. Model aircraft, altitude, attitude, airspeed, and sink rate at time of ejection or
bailout (if known)
5. Type of parachute and serial number of canopy assembly
6. Type and model designation of ejection seat (if applicable)
7. Type of automatic parachute ripcord release and serial number
8. A brief narrative summary of any difficulties with the personnel parachute
equipment and/or automatic actuator or other additional information that may be
Also include the Parachute Configuration Inspection and History Record and any
reference information or documents that would have a bearing on a technical
investigation. If the aircrewman sustained fatal or serious injuries during the escape or
recovery sequence, include photographs of the parachute, ejection seat, and other
components at the scene of the impact.
Ensure the proper shipping tags and labels are attached to all equipment and the
shipping container. If pyrotechnics or explosives are in the package, it should be noted
on the outside of the container.


When you are assembling a parachute for an original issue inspection or performing a
normal calendar repack, you will have to do some preliminary tests and inspections that
are common to all personnel parachutes. These inspections and tests are discussed in
the following text.

Ripcord Pull Test
Parachutes must be given a ripcord pull test before being unpacked for inspection. The
maximum pull force that you may use is 27 pounds. If you exceed 27 pounds, check the
ripcord pins, cones, and grommets for bends, dents, and roughness, and make sure
that the ripcord cable moves freely in the housing. Inspect the housing for sharp bends
or dents and replace any damaged parts. Silicone spray may be sparingly applied to
ripcord parts. Make sure that ripcord pins are properly positioned before testing. All
assemblies with metal ripcord handle clips require an additional test. To do this, use a
straight pull to remove the handle from the clip; this will require 10 to 20 pounds of
force. If not within limits, use pliers to adjust the clip.

Service Life Checks

Testing the ripcord opens the container. If the assembly includes explosive devices,
deactivate prior to testing. Then, place the canopy on the table with the nameplate up. If
the parachute is being placed in service, stencil the date on the parachute canopy on
the nameplate gore directly below the nameplate.
For a periodic inspection, you should verify the nameplate data against the Parachute
Configuration Inspection and History Record. If the service life dates listed on the
history card are in accordance with the MRC, check their expiration dates against the
current date of inspection. Items that have reached service life limits must be replaced.
Items that will become overage after the assembly is repacked may remain in service
until the next inspection date of the complete assembly. There is an exception for
explosive devices, which must be replaced if they will reach their expiration date before
the next inspection.

Replacing Parachute Assemblies and Subassemblies

After a parachute has been in service for some time, some of the components or
subassemblies will have to be replaced in the course of the periodic inspections.
However, not all the components of a parachute assembly come to the end of their
service lives at the same time.
If you find an assembly or subassembly that has reached the service/total life limit, it
should be returned to supply for appropriate disposition according to current supply
instructions. Before turning in an overage assembly to supply, you should remove all
serviceable ready for issue (RFI) subassemblies. You should carefully inspect all nylon
webbing and cloth on items to be salvaged. Dirt, oil, and grease greatly weaken these
materials. All fabric items salvaged must have date of manufacture and date placed into
service markings verified prior to disassembly. Cartridges used on cartridge-actuated
parachutes are to be handled, shipped, stored, or disposed of in accordance with
NAVAIR 11-100-1. When an in-service parachute does not have a start of service date,
the service life from date of manufacture expires as follows: 7 years for emergency use
parachute assemblies and 10 years for troop and training assemblies.

Contamination Inspection
Contamination of a parachute canopy or an assembly could result in the malfunction of
the complete assembly. It is very important that you are able to recognize harmful
stains. All parachute assemblies must be carefully inspected for the following types of
1. Acid/alkaline
2. Salt water
3. Perspiration
4. Freshwater
5. Mildew/fungus
6. Fire-fighting agent
7. Petroleum products
8. Bloodstains
9. Mud/dirt/sand/trash

Acid and Alkaline Contamination

If a parachute assembly is suspected of having acid or alkaline contamination, it must
be tested with a pH test paper. A pH reading of 5.0 to 9.0 is in the safe zone. Readings
below 5.0 indicate excess acidity, and readings above 9.0 indicate excess alkalinity. By
following the steps listed below, you will be able to conduct a proper inspection to
determine if a stain is acid or alkaline. You need to have distilled water and a pH test
paper kit (full range and short range).

Make sure that the testing area is free of contaminants to
avoid false readings or damage to the assembly.

To perform an acid and alkaline contaminant inspection properly, perform the following
1. First, dampen the suspected area with distilled water.
2. Place a piece of full-range test paper (0.0 to 14.0 pH) on the dampened area.
Compare the color of the paper with the chart samples to determine the
approximate pH and which specific short-range test paper to use.
3. Place the short-range test paper indicated by step 2 on the dampened area. The
color the paper changes to will indicate the pH factor of the affected area. By
matching the test strip with the applicable range color chart supplied with the pH
indicator kit, you can determine the strength of the acid or alkaline present.

You must be careful not to let the suspected contaminated
area come into contact with any other area, as this could
spread the damage.

4. Treat contaminated areas of the parachute assembly in accordance with NAVAIR


Other Contaminations
Those stains caused by contact with acid, oil, and salt water are the most harmful to
nylon and should be removed as quickly as possible to prevent further deterioration of
the material. Although sun rays do not stain, they are harmful to nylon. Parachutes and
components must be kept out of direct sunlight.

Inspecting for Wear and Physical Defects

Wear in a parachute is not difficult to detect. Most wear occurs as chafing at the comers
or on outside surfaces. Parts of parachutes and related equipment showing excessive
wear should be replaced or repaired, and the work should be accomplished at the
lowest maintenance level capable of performing the task.

Pilot Parachute Inspection

Inspect the fabric drag surfaces, rib pockets, lift webs, seams, and suspension lines for
signs of contamination, cuts, tears, burns, fraying, and loose or missing stitches. Inspect
the vane material for defects and deterioration. Inspect for seam separation along the
seam area where the vane attaches to the cone and suspension lines. Yarn separation
is acceptable; however, replace the pilot chute if the vane material contains holes, rips,
or tears. Inspect the spring assembly for sufficient tension and bends. Replace all loose
or broken tacking. There is little that you can repair on a pilot parachute. If you find any
damage, you must replace the pilot parachute in accordance with NAVAIR 13-1-6.2.

Canopy Inspection
Inspecting the canopy requires the most time. You must take your time in order to be
certain that you do not miss any defects. MRC and NAVAIR 13-1-6.2 spell out the step-
by-step procedures for this inspection. Any damage must be recorded on a canopy
damage chart. (See Figure 1-15.) To inspect the canopy for possible defects or
damage, perform the following steps:
1. Lay the canopy on a clean packing table so its nameplate gore is facing down.
2. Place tension on the canopy.

3. Have your helper raise the suspension line. Use line separtor at the skirt hem to
hold the suspension lines.
4. You, as the packer, start at the skirt hem and inspect the upper radial seam from
skirt hem to peak. Inspect the vent hem, collar and ring, lower radial seam, fabric
surface, diagonal seams or tapes, and skirt hem. Minor defects that do not
weaken the assembly are not reported on a canopy damage chart. If necessary,
minor defects may be corrected by light brushing or trimming.
5. Report on the canopy damage chart any significant damage and major defects,
such as holes, rips, tears, or contaminated areas that have to be removed.
Use the same procedures to inspect all canopy gores.

Suspension and Vent Line Inspection

To inspect the suspension lines, you and your helper grasp one group of suspension
lines at the connector links and walk toward the canopy skirt hem, allowing the lines to
run freely over the palm of your hands. Visually examine the lines for damage and
defects. Upon reaching the skirt hem, grasp the remaining groups of lines and inspect
them the same way, walking toward the connector links. Also visually examine the lines
at the canopy vent. Your inspection includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. General condition of the suspension lines including fraying, ruptures, inner cores
protruding from lines; dirty, lumpy, hard, or thin spots; friction bums; improper
overlap length; presence of twists in individual lines; and the proper sequence of
lines on the connector links. To help you decide on the various types of damage,
refer to the examples in Figures 1-16 and 1-17.

Figure 1-16 — Suspension line construction.

Figure 1-17 — Suspension line damage.

2. Be sure that each of the suspension lines is in proper rotation at the connector
links and through the canopy.
3. On an original issue inspection, you must measure the suspension lines for
proper length. Apply an equal weighted tension to each line. The length of the
shortest line and the length of the longest line must not vary more than 2 inches.
4. Inspect the attachment at the skirt hem for thin spots at the V-tabs, and also
check the condition of the V-tabs.
5. Inspect the four-line release system. The four-line release system permits four of
the suspension lines on one side of the parachute to be detached from the
connector links during a parachute descent. This permits the parachutist to
dampen oscillations and to have some control over the direction the parachute
travels when descending.
6. Other defects should be noted on the Parachute Configuration Inspection and
History Card. If a defective line is found that would affect the safe operation of
the assembly, the line must be replaced at a depot-level maintenance activity.

Connector Link Inspection
To inspect connector links, (Figure 1-18), proceed as follows:
1. First, examine the connector links for proper part numbers, signs of corrosion,
distortion, bends, dents, nicks, burrs, sharp edges, breaks, and if applicable,
defective yoke and plate assemblies.

Figure 1-18 — Connector link.

2. If required, examine the yoke and plate assembly for proper installation (Figure
1-19). When the yoke and plate assembly screw is tightened, there should be a
maximum of 1/64-inch play in the assembly. (When tightening the screw, torque
to 20 to 25 lb-in.)

Figure 1-19 — Locked and unlocked connector links.

At this point, a quality inspector performs a mandatory inspection. All of your work stops
until the mandatory inspection is performed and the assembly has been found

Ballistic Spreading Gun Inspection

While inspecting the ballistic spreading gun, you may have to remove, replace, or make
some adjustment. All work must be in accordance with the procedures in the applicable
chapter of the NAVAIR 13-1-6.2. The ballistic spreading gun is described in the next
chapter of this text.

Harness/Riser Assembly Inspection

Inspect the harness webbing for signs of contamination from oil, grease, acid, or other
foreign matter, such as rust at points of contact with metal parts. Inspect for cuts, twists,
fading, excessive wear or fusing (indicated by unusual hardening or softening of
webbing fibers), fraying, burns, abrasions, and loose or broken stitching (in excess of
three stitches). If applicable, inspect the four-line release lanyard flute for wear and
proper attachment. If you find any damage to the harness, dispose of it and replace it in
accordance with applicable rigging and packing procedures.
When a replacement harness is installed, you should stencil the date, preceded by the
letter R, in the center of the horizontal back strap in letters 1/2-inch high. For example,
R-2-88 indicates a replacement was made in February 1988.
If fewer than three stitches are loose or broken, repair the riser or harness assembly
using nylon 6-cord lock-stitch over original stitch and 3/4 inches on both sides of the
original. Use four to six stitches per inch.

Hardware Inspection
To inspect harness and riser hardware, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the canopy quick-release fittings for breaks, corrosion, pitting, bends,
dents, and sharp edges. Check the tamper-dot on the locking screw. If it is
broken, tighten it and apply a new tamper-dot to the screw head using lacquer
(TT-L-32, 11136, insignia red) or equivalent. Remove sand or any dirt from the
mechanism using an air hose to blow it out at not more than 50 psi. Wipe dirt and
grease from fittings with a clean rag. Do not lubricate the fittings. Replace all
damaged fittings.
2. With the canopy quick-release fitting locking cover plate held in the open
position, insert a torque meter into the hexagonal cavity located on either end of
the knurled locking-lever shaft. With the canopy quick-release fitting locking
cover plate held in the open position, rotate the knurled lever shaft until it reaches
the stop. Record the torque reading. The allowable torque is 28 to 50 ounce-
inches. All canopy quick-release fittings that do not meet torque test
requirements must be replaced.
3. Inspect all other hardware for signs of corrosion, pitting, ease of operation,
security of attachment, bends, dents, nicks, burrs, and sharp edges. Make sure
that the rollers in the roller yokes turn freely. If you find any parts damaged,
forward the riser or harness assembly to supply for screening.

Cross-Connector Strap Inspection

Inspect the cross-connector strap(s) for signs of contamination, cuts, fraying, burns, and
loose or broken stitching. If you find any damage, dispose of parts locally, and replace
them in accordance with applicable rigging and packing procedures.

Ripcord Assembly Inspection

The ripcord was inspected before the parachute was unpacked, and now it is inspected
again. To inspect the ripcord assembly, examine the following:
1. Inspect the ripcord handle. Examine the cable and locking pins for signs of
corrosion, bends, dents, cracks, loose swage joints, and breaks. If damaged,
dispose of locally.
2. Inspect the ripcord housing for signs of corrosion, bends, dents, and for security
of attachment. If any damage is found, replace the housing.
3. Inspect the ripcord housing release clamp and base plate for signs of corrosion,
bends, dents, cracks, and security of attachment.
4. Inspect the ripcord housing release lanyard and guide for signs of contamination,
tears, fraying, loose or broken stitches, cuts, burns, correct length, and security
of attachment.
5. If you find any loose or damaged tacking, it must be replaced.

Ripcord Handle Pocket Inspection

Inspect the ripcord handle pocket for signs of contamination, cuts, tears, burns, fraying,
and loose or broken stitches. If such damage is found, replace the pocket. You have
options on how the new pocket can be installed. You may install a new pocket by
machine stitching, using nylon thread size E (V-T-295), or by whip stitching using waxed
nylon 6-cord, type I, doubled, stitches being 3/8 inches apart.

Ripcord Handle Clip Inspection

To inspect the ripcord handle clip, perform the following:
1. Examine the clip for corrosion, sharp edges, bends, twists, and dents. Examine
the webbing for contamination, fraying, loose or broken stitching, cuts, and burns.
Replace any damaged stitching. If other damage exists, replace webbing and/or
2. If any maintenance is performed on the clip, repeat the pull-force test outlined in
MIM and described earlier in this chapter.

Container Assembly Inspection

When you inspect the container assembly, examine all flaps, locking cones, grommets,
spring opening bands, tacking, and hardware. Check fabric, seams, webbing and
reinforcement for holes, cuts, tears, fraying, contamination, and deterioration. Examine
hardware for corrosion, bends, dents, nicks, sharp edges, proper function, and security
of attachment. Make sure that you keep a record of any damage for later repairs. Repair
holes, tears, snags, or rips in container fabric using approved procedures as described
in NAVAIR 13-1-6.2.
Some parachute containers use rubber retaining bands to secure the suspension lines.
On most assemblies, these rubber bands must be replaced at each repack regardless
of their condition.


On parachute repack cycles, or when otherwise directed, inspect the parachute
assembly and components for updating according to the latest modifications. For each
type of parachute, refer to the Emergency Personnel and Drogue Parachute Systems
Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.2, and recent Air-crew System bulletins and changes for all
current parachute configurations. Do not permit any local modifications without prior
approval by proper authority.
1-1. In what year was the PR rate established?

A. 1922
B. 1924
C. 1942
D. 1944

1-2. The air permeability of 1.1-ounce ripstop nylon must be __________.

A. 40 to 50 cubic feet per second

B. 60 to 70 cubic feet per minute
C. 70 to 80 cubic feet per second
D. 80 to 100 cubic feet per minute

1-3. The sections used in a parachute canopy are cut at a 45-degree angle to the
centerline of the gore. This is known as what type of construction?

A. Off-center
B. Bias
C. Filler
D. Warp

1-4. Which of the following components is NOT housed in a parachute container?

A. Harness
B. Main canopy
C. Suspension lines
D. Pilot chute

1-5. What is the total amount of naphthalene flakes that should be sprinkled
throughout the parachute assembly prior to sealing it into a shipping container?

A. ¼ pound
B. ⅜ pound
C. ½ pound
D. ⅝ pound

1-6. Periodic maintenance for parachutes falls under the direction and control of the

A. shop supervisor
B. quality assurance officer
C. maintenance control officer
D. maintenance officer

1-7. The original issue inspection on a parachute assembly is performed


A. every 14 days
B. at each postcombat inspection
C. at the time the assembly is placed into service
D. at each calendar/phased inspection

1-8. If a canopy used in an emergency fails to show a start-of-service date, what will
be the service life of the canopy from the date of manufacture?

A. 15 years
B. 12 years
C. 10 years
D. 7 years

1-9. If a harness assembly has two broken stitches, what action, if any, should be

A. Repair it using 6-cord

B. Repair it using 3-cord
C. Repair it using FF
D. None

1-10. What method is used to remove sand or dirt from canopy quick-release fittings?

A. High-pressure air (1500 - 1800 psi)

B. Low-pressure air (50 psi)
C. Clean with toluene
D. Soak in dry cleaning solvent

As you look around the parachute loft, you will see that it is a very clean, neat, and safe-
looking place to work. Despite this appearance, there are a few places that are very
dangerous. One of the more hazardous places is the packing table. The packing table
may look as safe to you as sitting at home in your easy chair watching television.
However, on the packing table you will find automatic opening devices. There are two
basic opening devices used in the operation of personnel parachutes.
The first is the automatic parachute ripcord release. Working with this actuator is the
same as working with a loaded .38 caliber pistol. The second is the CYPRES (2).
Working with any opening device requires extreme caution—all safety precautions must
be taken to ensure your safety as well as that of your coworkers. This chapter will help
you understand the operation, function, and maintenance of this equipment.

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to recognize, inspect, and maintain
automatic activation devices used with personnel emergency parachute assemblies.


The Navy currently uses the Model 7000 Automatic Parachute Ripcord Release (APRR)
(see Figure 2-1) in its emergency personnel parachute assemblies. It is a barometrically
controlled, pyrotechnic device. The actuator is designed to open a parachute at a preset

Figure 2-1 — Model 7000 Automatic Parachute Ripcord Release.

The Model 7000 APRR is available in two different altitude settings. One is the 10,000-
foot setting, plus or minus 1,000 feet (identified by green labels on the cover assembly).
The aneroid is identified by a green potting seal and a white label with green lettering.
The other is the 14,000-foot setting, plus or minus 1,000 feet (identified by red labels on
the cover assembly). The aneroid is identified by a red potted seal and a white label
with red lettering (see Figure 2-2).

Figure 2-2 — Model 7000 Automatic Parachute Ripcord.

Automatic Parachute Ripcord Release Subassembly
The APRR assembly, shown in Figure 2-3, consists of the following major sub
1. Cover and power cable housing assembly
2. Receiver and barrel assembly
3. Arming cable housing and pin

Figure 2-3 — APRR subassembly.

Automatic Parachute Ripcord Release Function

It is impossible for an aircrewman to select the altitude at which an emergency may
occur. By using the APRR, you can bring the aircrewman down to a safe altitude before
the parachute opens.
When an aircrewman makes an emergency ejection at an altitude above that for which
the ripcord release is set to open the parachute, the following functions take place:
1. The arming pin is pulled. This pin locks the ripcord release firing mechanism
while installed. When the arming pin is withdrawn, the assembly fires at or below
the preset altitude of the ripcord release.
2. The sear and the aneroid mechanism lock the ripcord release.
3. As the aircrewman free-falls, increasing air pressure causes the aneroid to
4. When the operating altitude is reached, the aneroid contracts enough to remove
the sear from the firing hammer lock.
5. The hammer‘s firing pin strikes the cartridge (see Figure 2-4).

Figure 2-4 — Firing pin and hammer.

6. The time-delay cartridge fires (time depending on the type of cartridge used) after
the hammer strikes.
7. The piston is forced forward in the barrel, pulling the power cable that is attached
to the parachute locking pins. (The power cable travels 3.75 inches.)
8. The locking pins are pulled, and the normal parachute opening sequence begins.

When an aircrewman bails out below the operating altitude of the APRR, the hammer
releases as soon as the arming pin is pulled, and the following functions take place:
1. The hammer‘s firing pin strikes the cartridge.
2. The time-delay cartridge fires (time depending on the type of cartridge used) after
the hammer strikes.
3. The piston is forced forward in the barrel, pulling the power cable that is attached
to the parachute locking pins.
4. The locking pins are pulled, and the normal parachute opening sequence begins.

Preparation for use

When you receive an APRR from supply, there are some preparations for you to make
before placing it into service. Upon removal of the ripcord release from the shipping
carton, the exterior parts of the unit must be inspected for damage during shipping and

storage. An inspection should be made for corrosion, dirt, dents, and cracks. If any
damage or discrepancy is found, a quality deficiency report must be submitted, and a
tag must be affixed to the ripcord release stating ―NOT FOR USE.‖ Remove this tag
only after correction has been made. Fired ripcord release assemblies must not be

Refer to NAVAIR 11-100-1.1 for the cartridge service/shelf
life. The cartridge service life must not expire prior to the
next scheduled repack of the parachute assembly.

You should exercise extreme caution when handling
automatic ripcord release assemblies after the cartridge
has been inserted in the barrel.

Do not allow either end of the cover assembly to be pointed
toward your face as high velocity flame and smoke may be
produced if the cartridge goes off. Another reason for
extreme caution is the possibility that the piston of the
ripcord release may become a projectile if the cartridge
accidentally fires.

An APRR in service must be inspected each time its parachute assembly is repacked.
You must pay particular attention to detail when working on an automatic ripcord
release. The importance of careful work must be impressed upon personnel actually
performing the work, as well as those assigned to collateral duty inspections. You will
find more detailed information concerning automatic parachute ripcord release
assemblies in the Emergency Personnel and Drogue Parachute Systems Manual,
NAVAIR 13-1-6.2

Maintenance on any APRR in service must be performed each time its parachute
assembly is repacked. As you work on a APRR assembly, you are required to perform
several different types of maintenance and inspections. You are required to inspect the
operational condition of the automatic ripcord release before installing it in a parachute
assembly. If you find any damage or an inspection discrepancy, submit a quality
deficiency report, as discussed in COMNAVAIRFOR 4790.2 (series).
The cover and power cable housing assembly and the
receiver and barrel assembly are serialized matched sets.
Do not mix these assemblies.

To perform maintenance on the APRR assembly, follow the procedures outlined in


Automatic Parachute Ripcord Release Test Set

The APRR test set, shown in Figure 2-5, is designed to test the sensitivity of the
automatic ripcord release to a preset pressure altitude through use of an aneroid
blocking mechanism.

Figure 2-5 — APRR test set.

The principal action that you test is the consistency of the aneroid in actuating the
release mechanism at a predetermined altitude. To do this, you first evacuate air from a
test chamber to simulate an increase in altitude. When you have achieved a simulated
altitude above the preset altitude of the ripcord release, extract the arming pin to arm

the parachute ripcord release firing mechanism. Then, bleed outside air back into the
test chamber at a controlled rate to simulate a specific rate of descent. When the
pressure reaches the value for which the APRR has been set, the aneroid will unlock
the sear if the pressure sensitivity is within tolerance.
The test chamber, evacuation system, instrumentation, and controls are packaged in
one container. The test chamber is designed to withstand a vacuum equivalent to an
altitude of 30,000 feet. The chamber holds the entire 7000 series APRR, and it includes
the necessary brackets to support and position the ripcord release within the chamber
during the test cycle. An access door/observation window is also provided.

Before testing an APRR, the test chamber altimeter should
read 29.92 inches of mercury barometric pressure.

Military Cybernetic Parachute Release System (2)

The Military Cybernetic Parachute Release System (CYPRES) (2) shown in Figure 2-6
is a solid state electronic automatic activation device. It is designed to cut the reserve
pilot parachute closing loop utilizing a remote electrically fired cutter should the
CYPRES (2) sense specific parameters. The unit is waterproof for up to 24 hours to a
depth of 5 feet (1.5 meters) in fresh or saltwater.

Figure 2-6 — Military CYPRES (2).

The Military CYPRES (2) is available in the following standard models:

1. 1000/35 A
2. 1500/35 A
3. 1900/35 A
4. 2500/29 A
The difference between the versions is the activation altitude and the vertical activation
CYPRES (2) Subassemblies
The CYPRES (2) assembly consists of the following major subassemblies (see Figure
1. Control unit
2. Processing unit
3. Release unit

Figure 2-7 — CYPRES (2) subassemblies.

Parachutists assume that their main parachute will always open. During situations
where the main canopy has not deployed, automatic activation of the reserve parachute
is necessary.
When a parachutist cannot manually deploy the reserve parachute due to an
emergency situation, the CYPRES (2) will automatically initiate the opening sequence
as follows:
1. The CYPRES (2) is armed at ground level where the unit‘s microprocessor
samples barometric pressure at set intervals. An average value is established for
ground level, thus zeroing itself.
2. The microprocessor is capable of real-time calculations of the jumper's altitude
and rate of descent based on barometric pressure.

3. By monitoring this data, specific criteria are generated from which activation
parameters are drawn. Should the conclusion be that the jumper is in a
dangerous situation, (e.g., still in freefall at a low altitude) the processing unit
triggers the release unit.
4. The explosive-power cutter assembly will activate electronically and sever the
reserve pilot parachute‘s specially made continuous closing loop to allow positive
opening of the reserve pack assembly.

After 14 hours have passed, the unit will switch itself off
automatically, regardless if jumper is in freefall.

Preparation for Use

Training mode – Switch the CYPRES (2) on by pressing the push button four times with
very short clicks. Start the switch-on cycle by clicking the button once. After
approximately one second, the red LED light will glow. You must acknowledge the red
light immediately by clicking the button again. This sequence, a click following
appearance of the red light, will be repeated two more times. After a total of four clicks,
CYPRES (2) goes into self-test. Once the switch-on procedure is finished, the unit will
run through its self-test. Initially, the display will show the number "10," and then a
countdown ending in "0." When the "0" with the arrow down is shown, the unit is
functional for the next 14 hours (see Figure 2-8). CYPRES (2) constantly checks the
weather over the day by measuring the air pressure twice a minute. This means the unit
is always calibrated to the precise ground level.

Figure 2-8 — CYPRES (2) set in training mode.

Refer to NAVSEA SS400-AX-MMO-010 Rev 1 for any error
code given.

Operational mode – Switch the CYPRES (2) on by pressing the push button four times
with very short clicks. Start the switch-on cycle by clicking the button once. After
approximately one second, the red LED light will glow. You must acknowledge the red
light immediately by clicking the button again. This sequence—a click following
appearance of the red light—will be repeated two more times. On the fourth click,
depress the button and hold for 10 seconds (see Figure 2-9).

Figure 2-9 — CYPRES (2) set in operational mode.

Refer to NAVSEA SS400-AX-MMO-010 Rev 1 for any error
code given.

Shutdown – The manual switch-off sequence is the same as the switch-on procedure
(click, light, click, light, click, light, and click) (see Figure 2-10).

Figure 2-10 — CYPRES (2) shutdown procedures.

After the initial installation, the manufacturer completes all additional maintenance every
four years. The CYPRES (2) unit will alert the, user of nearing maintenance, and the
maintenance due date is easily available along with each units serial number.
To perform all other general maintenance on the CYPRES (2), follow the procedures
outlined in the NAVSEA SS400-AX-MMO-010 Rev 1.

Self Test
CYPRES (2) self-tests automatically run every time the unit is switched on. When the
display unit shows "0" with the arrow down, the self-test has been completed
successfully. If the self-test has detected an error or discrepancy, CYPRES (2) will not
assume operating mode but will switch itself off after displaying an error code.

2-1. The Model 7000 APRR is designed to ________.

A. automatically send a signal on guard when the parachute is deployed

B. provide a mechanical parachute release option should the primary method
C. automatically open the parachute at a preset time after leaving an aircraft
D. open the parachute at a preset altitude

2-2. When the firing mechanism of the APRR is installed in a parachute, it is locked
by which of the following parts?

A. Arming pin
B. Sear
C. Aneroid mechanism
D. Locking pin

2-3. When an aircrewman makes an emergency ejection at an altitude above that for
which the ripcord release is set to open, what causes the aneroid to contract?

A. A preset timer set for a specific number of seconds after ejection

B. The mechanical interlock between the parachute assembly and the APRR
C. The rapid deceleration that occurs after the ejection process
D. Increasing air pressure as the aircrewman falls

2-4. As the APRR piston is forced forward in the barrel, the power cable travels a total
of ________ inches.

A. 2.5 inches
B. 2.0 inches
C. 3.5 inches
D. 3.75 inches

2-5. Maintenance on any automatic ripcord release assembly in service must be

performed at which times?

A. At least once every year

B. Only at the original issue inspection
C. Every time its parachute assembly is repacked
D. Every six months starting with the date received

2-6. The automatic parachute ripcord release test set has a test chamber that can
withstand a vacuum equivalent to what altitude?

A. 20,000 feet
B. 30,000 feet
C. 40,000 feet
D. 50,000 feet

2-7. The purpose of the CYPRES (2) is to ________ when specific parameters are

A. cut the reserve pilot parachute, closing the loop and allowing the
parachute to deploy
B. prevent inadvertent opening of the reserve parachute
C. automatically transmit an emergency signal on guard
D. alert the user that the unit is nearing maintenance

2-8. Switch the CYPRES (2) unit on by pressing the push-button __________ times.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

2-9. In order for the CYPRES (2) unit to maintain its calibration to precise ground
level, how often does the unit measure the air pressure?

A. Every minute
B. Twice a minute
C. Every five minutes
D. Every ten minutes

2-10. The CYPRES (2) automatically runs a self-test every time it is switched on. If the
self-test detects an error, which of the following occurs?

A. The unit stays on, displaying a flashing error code

B. The unit displays an error code with a flashing red LED light
C. The unit will display the error and turn itself off
D. The unit turns off with no error code

The modern high-performance aircraft used by the Navy make extreme demands of
emergency escape devices. The most critical time for ejection from an aircraft is at low
altitudes, especially during takeoffs and landings. The ultimate goal that engineers have
been trying to achieve in seat performance is to safely eject the occupant at zero
airspeed and at zero altitude, at low altitudes under a high speed, or under other
adverse altitude conditions. The system discussed in this chapter gives the aircrewman
that zero airspeed and zero altitude ejection.

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to understand the theory of operation
for parachute systems.

In this chapter, the following parachutes will be discussed:
 A/P28S-32 Emergency Parachute
 MT-2XX/SL Ram Air Parachute
 MC-6 Static-line Parachute
 G-12 Cargo Parachute


A/P28S-32 Emergency Parachutes are integral to the SJU-17 series of Aircrew
Automated Ejection Seat Escape Systems.
There are three variants of the A/P28S-32 parachute, which are shown in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 — A/P28S-32 variations.

Parachute Assembly Aircraft Type Seat Position

F/A-18C, E Single seat

A/P28S-32 (V) 1
T45A Aft

F/A-18D, F Forward
A/P28S-32 (V) 2
T45A Forward

A/P28S-32 (V) 6 F/A-18D, F Aft

The A/P28S-32 emergency parachute assembly (Figure 3-1) is composed of an aero-
conical canopy, withdrawal line, deployment sleeve, suspension line stowage tray, and
forward and aft risers. These items are packed into a metal rigid container closed by a
lid assembly.

Figure 3-1 — A/P28S-32 emergency parachute assembly.

The multi-colored (white, international orange, olive green, and sand shade) nylon
canopy inflates to a 21 foot diameter and consists of 20 gores (Figure 3-2). The canopy

is stowed in a deployment sleeve which is attached to a withdrawal line. The withdrawal
line is connected to the parachute deployment rocket motor when the assembly is
installed on the seat.
The canopy has two Le-Moigne slots that control direction and forward velocity. The Le-
Moigne slots are located 180 degrees apart in gores 6 and 16, and they are locked in
the closed position to ensure the parachute descends vertically upon initial opening.
Pulling down the two handles between the risers unlocks a toggle securing the Le-
Moigne slots in the closed position. Once tension is released from the steering lines, the
Le-Moigne slots open and provide forward drive to the canopy. To turn the canopy, the
aircrewman pulls down on the appropriate steering line handle. Pulling down the left
hand (LH) steering line handle will close the LH slot, turning the canopy left and vice
versa. Pulling down both steering line handles simultaneously will close both slots,
decreasing the forward velocity of the canopy.
Connector links are used to attach the suspension lines to the risers. The other end of
the riser assemblies connect to canopy release fittings that connect with the male fitting
of the aircrewman‘s parachute restraint harness.
The canopy is packed into the deployment sleeve assembly, which is then packed into
the rigid container. The rigid container attaches to the ejection seat and serves as a
headrest for the aircrewman. When seated in the ejection seat, the aircrew connects the
canopy release fittings on the risers to the fittings on the parachute restraint harness

Figure 3-2 — A/P28S-32 emergency parachute assembly.


The MT-2XX/SL is a Ram Air Parachute Assembly with a seven-cell, 370-square-foot
canopy used as both a main and reserve. The main parachute assembly is convertible
to either free fall or static line configuration (Figure 3-3). Table 3-2 provides a few basic
specifications for both configurations. The pack/harness assembly has provisions for
Combat Equipment Containers, Automatic Ripcord Release, Automatic Activation
Device, and the Personnel Oxygen System.

Figure 3-3 — MT-2XX/SL ram air parachute assembly.

Table 3-2 — Static line and free fall configuration limits.

Static Line Configuration Free Fall Configuration

Maximum aircraft exit 25,000 feet MSL 25,000 feet MSL (with a 6-
altitude to10-second delay)
Minimum aircraft 2,500 feet AGL 3,500 feet AGL
exit/opening altitude
Maximum aircraft airspeed 135 KIAS 150 KIAS
Maximum all-up (total) 360 pounds 360 pounds

Main Deployment System (Free Fall Configuration)
The main parachute assembly consists of a pilot parachute connected by a bridle to the
seven-cell ram air canopy. A free fall deployment bag is used to house the canopy and
suspension lines (Figure 3-4). The free fall deployment bag is packed in the main
parachute compartment of the pack/harness assembly with the riser assembly attached
to the pack/harness assembly using a 3-ring release system. A cutaway handle can be
used to actuate the 3-ring release system, disengaging the riser assembly from the
pack/harness assembly. There are two ways to actuate the main parachute assembly:
 Manually using the main ripcord
 Automatically the automatic ripcord release
The main pilot parachute has a 6 3/4-inch diameter crown, a 32-inch spiral spring, and
is covered with a combination of nylon fabric and nylon mesh fabric. A 1-inch loop at the
bottom of the main pilot parachute is used to connect a 62-inch bridle to the main
canopy assembly. The free fall deployment bag measures 17 inches by 9 3/4 inches
and is constructed of nylon cloth. A grommet in the top of the free fall deployment bag
allows the bridle to pass through the bag and attach to the canopy. The free fall
deployment bag has attachment points for elastic stowage bands, which are used to
lock the bag closed and stow suspension lines.

Figure 3-4 — Main deployment system (free fall configuration).

Main Deployment System (Static Line Configuration)
The main parachute assembly consists of a drogue/slider control line that run through
grommets installed in the center of the canopy and attach to the slider on one end and
to the drogue parachute on the top end (Figure 3-5). The inner deployment bag is used
to house the canopy and drogue/slider control line. The outer deployment bag is used to
house the inner deployment bag and suspension lines. A 14-foot 8-inch static line and
outer deployment bag is used for deployment from the aircraft. The outer deployment
bag is packed in the main parachute compartment of the pack/harness assembly with
the riser assembly attached to the pack/harness assembly using a 3-ring release
system. A cutaway handle can be used to actuate the 3-ring release system,
disengaging the riser assembly from the pack/harness assembly. The main parachute
may be deployed by static line only.
The main parachute assembly is deployed by a static line anchored to the aircraft.
The outer deployment bag measures 16 3/4 by 10-inches and is constructed of nylon
cloth. A grommet on the top of the outer deployment bag allows the drogue parachute to
be secured to the static line. The outer deployment bag has attachment points for
elastic stowage bands which are used to lock the bag closed and stow suspension
lines. A 1-inch loop at the bottom of the drogue parachute is used to connect the
drogue/slider control line. The inner deployment bag measures 17 by 10-inches and is
constructed of cotton cloth. A grommet on the top of the inner deployment bag allows
the drogue/slider control line to pass through the inner deployment bag, pass through
the center cell grommets and inner and outer buffer tubes on the canopy, and attach to
the slider loop with a No. 6 connector link. The inner deployment bag has attachment
points for 2-inch elastic stowage bands which are used to lock the inner deployment bag
closed and stow drogue/slider control line.

Figure 3-5 — Main deployment system (static line configuration).

Main Canopy Assembly

The main canopy assembly consists of a rectangular canopy constructed of nylon fabric
with heat-set, stabilized, braided polyester suspension and steering lines, a slider for
reefing, and four barrel nut style connector links (rapide links) for connection to the main
The ram air canopy is a wing. It has upper and lower surface panels connected by a
series of ribs. This construction forms a rectangular shaped canopy with seven dual
openings at the leading edge known as cells. Each cell is identified numerically, 1
through 7, as shown in Figure 3-6. The cells allow ram air pressure between the upper
and lower control surfaces giving the canopy its shape and glide characteristics. All
inner ribs have three crossports cut into them to allow spanwise air flow (the center rib
has only two crossports). The outer ribs and alternating ribs through the canopy (eight in
all) have load distributing tapes and attachment loops for suspension line attachment.

Figure 3-6 — Main and reserve canopy assembly.

The suspension lines are connected to alternate ribs at four chordwise attachment
points on each rib. The lines attached to the leading edge are identified as the A lines.
The lines attached just aft of the A lines are the B lines, and so on to the D lines. The
lines attached to the trailing edge are the steering lines. Each set of lines along each rib
(A, B, C, and D) are identified numerically 1 through 8 as shown in Figure 3-7; i.e., 1A,
1B, 1C, and 1D.
The center A and B lines are continuous: (lines 4A, 4B, 5A, and 5B). They run directly
from the fourth A line attachment point down to and around the front left connector link
and up to the B line attachment point. The fifth A and B lines run from the fifth A line
attachment point down to and around the front right connector link and up to the fifth B
line attachment point.
The remaining A lines are attached directly to one of the front two connector links. The
B lines are cascaded to the associated A lines. The C lines run directly to one of the two
rear connector links, and the D lines are cascaded to associated C lines. This method of
construction reduces weight, volume, and aerodynamic drag.
Two steering lines attached at the risers by guide rings are used to maneuver the
canopy. Each steering line is formed by attaching five cascaded lines from the trailing
edge of the canopy into one main steering line. Each steering line then runs directly to
the back of the rear riser.
A stabilizer panel is attached to each outboard side of the canopy, and the first and
eighth line sets descend from those stabilizer panels rather than directly from the
canopy lower surface.

Figure 3-7 — Main and reserve canopy assembly (lines).

The slider shown in Figure 3-6 is used for reefing; it is made of nylon fabric and
measures 27 by 28-inches. All sides are reinforced with webbing. Four number eight
grommets are installed at each corner. The slider has a loop attached to the center
used as an attachment point for the drogue/slider control line.

Connector Link
Four number six, barrel nut style connector links (rapide links), are used to connect the
suspension lines to the risers. Each connector link has a rated tensile strength of 7,150

Pack/Harness Assembly
The pack and harness assemblies (Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9) are integral parts of each
other. The pack is divided into two compartments for the main and reserve parachute
assemblies, while the harness provides attachment points for the main and reserve
ripcords, main risers, cutaway handle, and accessory attachment rings.
The pack, constructed of parapack cloth, provides an upper (reserve) and lower (main)
compartment for stowing parachute assemblies. Protective covers are provided for the
main risers, an automatic ripcord release pocket is located on the right side of the
container, and the dual-purpose CYPRES Spandex pouch is located inside the reserve
The harness is constructed of nylon webbing and is an integral part of the pack. The
harness includes eight adjustment points, two leg straps with quick-ejector snap hooks,
an adjustable chest strap, an adjustable belly band, two diagonal straps, and two main
slings. Two accessory attaching rings, one on each upper main sling, are used to
accommodate the rucksacks, containers, and weapons. The reserve parachute
assembly attaches to the reserve risers. The risers include guide rings and steering line
keepers for the stowage of excess steering line. The right and left main sling serve as
attachment locations for the main and reserve ripcord pockets and the cutaway handle.
Also located on the main sling are the RW-1 rings, used for attaching the main riser
assembly to the pack/harness assembly.
The main ripcord assembly consists of a stainless steel braided cable with two locking
pins. The cable is secured to a curved ripcord handle with two swaged balls.
The reserve ripcord assembly consists of a stainless steel braided cable with two
locking pins. The cable is secured to a curved ripcord handle with two swaged balls.
The cutaway handle consists of a nylon covered cushion grip, and two plastic coated
cables. A 4 1/2-inch length of hook and pile fastener is sewn to the cushion grip to
secure the grip to the main ripcord grip pocket.

Figure 3-8 — Pack/harness assembly (back).

Figure 3-9 — Pack/harness assembly (front).

Main Riser Assembly

The main riser assembly (Figure 3-10) is constructed of nylon webbing. Each riser strap
is 36 inches in length. The bottom end of each riser incorporates two rings, a grommet,
and a locking loop. A fluted channel is sewn to the back of the rear riser strap for
stowing the cutaway cable. The back of the rear riser also incorporates steering line
keepers for stowing excess steering line as well as steering line toggle keepers for
stowage of steering line toggles.

Figure 3-10 — Riser assembly.

Reserve Parachute Assembly

The reserve parachute assembly consists of a seven-cell ram air canopy, identical to
the main canopy. The canopy is attached to the reserve risers and is packed in the
upper compartment of the pack/harness assembly (see Figure 3-7). The reserve
parachute assembly can be actuated by three methods:
 Manually using the reserve ripcord
 Automatically the reserve static line upon release of the main parachute after
pulling the cutaway handle
 Automatically by the Military CYPRES (2) Automatic Activation Device

Reserve Deployment System

The reserve pilot parachute (Figure 3-11) consists of a 5 3/4-inch diameter crown and a
19-inch spiral spring and is covered with a combination of nylon fabric and large-hole
nylon mesh fabric. A two-inch wide by 18-foot bridle is attached to the reserve pilot
parachute with a Lark‘s head knot, and the opposite end is sewn to the reserve
deployment bag. Bridle assistor pockets are sewn on bridle. The reserve deployment
bag, constructed of nylon fabric, measures 12 by 16 inches. The mouth of the bag has a
guide channel, safety stow loop, and grommets for locking the bag closed. The
suspension lines are stowed in the suspension line stowage pocket.
Figure 3-11 — Reserve deployment system.

Inspection Requirements
Inspection requirement for the MT-2XX/SL Ram Air Parachute Assembly shall be a 182-
Day Inspection.

182-Day Inspection
Open the parachute assembly and ensure service-life of components is in accordance
with Chapter 1, Section I. Note Canopy damage on canopy damage chart. Inspect
parachute components as detailed in the following sections.

Main and Reserve Canopy Assembly

To perform the canopy assembly inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 810205-
0B, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172).
2. Check the fabric areas for seam separation, loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears,
contamination, and deterioration of the upper surface, lower surface, inner buffer
tube, outer buffer tube, ribs, crossports, and suspension line attachment loops.

3. Inspect the suspension lines for fraying, ruptures, burns, contamination, and the
cascaded lines for proper attachment to alternate ribs at four chordwise
attachment points of each rib.
4. Check the steering lines for contamination, rust at points of contact with metal
parts, cuts, fading, wear, fraying, burns, abrasions, loose or broken stitching,
attachment to the trailing edge of parachute assembly, and main and reserve
finger trapped loops.
5. Check the bridle attachment point for loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears, or

Slider Assembly
To perform the slider assembly inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 810246-
0X, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172).
2. Check the fabric areas for seam separation, loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears,
contamination, and deterioration.
3. Check the grommets for security of attachment, cracks, corrosion, nicks, gouges,
and correct size (8) at each corner and the correct size (2) at the center.

Reserve Deployment System

To perform the reserve deployment system inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 810268-
0C, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172).
2. Check the pilot parachute and bridle fabric surfaces and seams for cuts, tears,
fraying, and loose or broken stitching. Inspect the spring assembly for distortion
and attachment. Check the bridle for cuts, fraying, loose or broken stitching, and
for proper attachment to deployment bag.
3. Inspect the deployment bag fabric areas for seam separation, loose or broken
stitching, cuts, tears, contamination, and deterioration. Check the grommets for
condition and security of attachment.
4. Verify the safety stow loop length is 8 1/2 ± 1/2 inch and is sewn with olive drab

Free Fall Deployment Bag

To perform the main free fall deployment bag inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 810217-
0A, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172).
2. Check the fabric areas for seam separation, loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears,
contamination, and deterioration.
3. Check the grommets for security of attachment, cracks, corrosion, nicks, gouges,
and correct size (5).

Main Pilot Parachute Assembly
To perform the main pilot parachute assembly inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 801200-
0E or 11-1-3522, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172
or 81337).
2. Check the fabric areas for seam separation, loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears,
contamination, and deterioration.
3. Inspect the spring assembly for distortion.
4. Check the bottom of the coil spring for attachment tapes to the mesh fabric.

To perform the bridle inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 811457-
0X or 11-1-3523, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172
or 81337).
2. Check the webbing for contamination, cuts, fading, wear, fraying, burns, and
loose or broken stitching.

Outer Deployment Bag

To perform the outer deployment bag inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 810241-
0B, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172).
2. Check the fabric areas for seam separation, loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears,
contamination, and deterioration.
3. Check the grommets for security of attachment, cracks, corrosion, nicks, gouges,
and correct size (8) at the center of the deployment bag and the correct size (5)
on the closing flaps.

Inner Deployment Bag

To perform the inner deployment bag inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 810242-
0B, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172).
2. Verify the safety stow loop length is 7 ± 1/2-inch) and is sewn with yellow thread.
3. Check the fabric areas for seam separation, loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears,
contamination, and deterioration.
4. Check the grommets for security of attachment, cracks, corrosion, nicks, gouges,
and correct size (8) at the center of deployment bag and the correct size (2) on
the closing flaps.

Drogue/Slider Control Line
To perform the drogue/slider control line inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 810243-
0X, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172).
2. Verify the webbing length is 22 feet 6 inches ± 3 inches. Check the webbing for
contamination, rust at points of contact with metal parts, cuts, twists, fading,
wear, fraying, burns, abrasions, and loose or broken stitching.
3. Check the connector link for corrosion, distortion, nicks, burrs, sharp edges, and
4. Check the bag stop for proper attachment (38 inches from loop).
5. Check the sleeve for proper attachment (40 inches from connector link end, 47
3/4 inches from bag stop).
6. Verify the reference mark is located correctly (40 inches as measured from the
connector link end).
7. Check the sleeve for proper attachment.

Drogue Parachute
To perform the drogue parachute inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 811845-
0B, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172).
2. Check the fabric areas for seam separation, loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears,
contamination, and deterioration.
3. Check the loop for cuts, twists, fading, wear, fraying, burns, abrasions, and loose
or broken stitching.
4. Check the centerline for cuts, tears, fraying, loose or broken stitching, and
security of attachment.
5. Check the grommets for security of attachment, cracks, corrosion, nicks, gouges,
and correct size (2).

Main Static Line

To perform the static line inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, and drawing/part number
2. Check the webbing for contamination, rust at points of contact with metal parts,
cuts, twists, fading, wear, fraying, burns, abrasions, and loose or broken
3. Check the snaphook for proper operation, corrosion, bends, dents, nicks, sharp
edges, and security of attachment.
4. Check the safety pin for corrosion, nicks, and sharp edges.
5. Check the safety pin lanyard for security of attachment.
6. Check the sleeve fabric areas for seam separation.
7. Check the static line pins for bends, dents, cracks, corrosion, and security of

Pack/Harness Assembly
To perform the pack/harness assembly inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number (810402-
1B, 810402-3A, or 810402-4X), contract number, date of manufacture, and
CAGE Code (57172).
2. Check the fabric areas for seam separation, loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears,
contamination, and deterioration.
3. Check the main ripcord pocket/reserve ripcord pocket fabric area, elastic, and
hook and pile fastener for contamination, cuts, tears, burns, fraying, and loose or
broken stitching.
4. Check the grommets and snaps for condition and security of attachment.
5. Inspect the stiffener pad for distortion.
6. Verify the main closing loop length is 1 ± 1/4 inch. Check the main closing loop
for fraying, and abrasion. Check the main closing loop washer for condition and
security of attachment.
7. Check the reserve closing loop for fraying, abrasion, broken stitching, and correct
type and length as follows:
a. Verify the Original Spectra closing loop length is between 23 inches and 23
1/2 inches).
b. Verify the Military CYPRES (2) is installed, is made from CYPRES closing
loop material, is properly coated with silicone, and is 24 1/2 ± 1/4 inches
8. Verify the bridle locking loop length is 1 ± 1/4 inch. Check the bridle locking loop
for fraying and abrasion. Check the bridle locking loop washer for condition and
security of attachment.
9. Check the main ripcord housing for corrosion, bends, dents, nicks, loose ferrules,
breaks, and cracks.
10. Check the reserve ripcord housing for corrosion, bends, dents, nicks, loose
ferrules, breaks, and cracks.
11. Check the cutaway housing for corrosion bends, dents, nicks, loose ferrules,
breaks, and cracks.
12. Check the reserve static line for fraying, abrasion, or broken stitching.
13. Check the reserve static line guide ring for corrosion, bends, dents, nicks, sharp
edges, and security of attachment.
14. Check the webbing for contamination, rust at points of contact with metal parts,
cuts, twists, fading, wear, fraying, burns, abrasions, and loose or broken
15. Check the hardware for corrosion, bends, dents, nicks, sharp edges, and security
of attachment.

Reserve Ripcord Assembly
To perform the reserve ripcord assembly inspection, proceed as follows:

Use of incorrect ripcord can cause inadvertent pin extraction
and accidental pilot chute deployment in the aircraft or
during free fall.

1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, and drawing/part number

2. Check the reserve ripcord cable for corrosion, bends, fraying, broken strands,
and security of swaged terminal balls.
3. Verify the reserve ripcord cable length is 28 ± 1/8 inches measuring from the
outer swaged ball end to the tip of the outer (second) ripcord pin.
4. Check the reserve ripcord pins for bends, dents, cracks, security of attachment to
cable, corrosion, and that the distance between the pins is 6 1/2 ± 1/16 inches
measuring from tip of pin to tip of pin.
5. Check the reserve ripcord grip for bends, dents, cracks, and corrosion.

Main Ripcord Assembly

To perform the main ripcord assembly inspection, proceed as follows:

Use of incorrect ripcord can cause inadvertent pin extraction
and accidental pilot chute deployment in the aircraft or
during free fall.

1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 811325-

0/-1 or part number 811732-0.
2. Check the main ripcord cable for corrosion, bends, fraying, broken strands, and
security of swaged terminal balls.
3. Verify the main ripcord length is correct by measuring from the outer swaged ball
end to the tip of the outer (second) ripcord pin (see Table 3-3).

Table 3-3 — Main ripcord cable lengths

Part Number Cable Length

811325-0/-1 42 ± 1/8 inches
811732-0 44 ± 1/8 inches

4. Check the main ripcord pins for bends, dents, cracks, security of attachment to
cable, corrosion, and that the distance between the pins is 5 1/2 ± 1/16 inches
measuring from tip of pin to tip of pin.
5. Check the main ripcord grip for bends, dents, cracks, and corrosion.

Cutaway Handle
To perform the cutaway handle inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 811522-
2A, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172).
2. Check the cutaway cables for corrosion, bends, fraying, broken strands, and
security of attachment.
3. Verify the cutaway cable length is 13 1/2 ± 1/2 inches for the short cable and 45
± 1/2 inches for the long cable.
4. Check the fabric surface for cuts, tears, fraying, and loose or broken stitching.
5. Check the hook and pile fastener for loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears, or

Main Riser Assembly

To perform the main riser assembly inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the markings for completeness, legibility, drawing/part number 810247-
0X, contract number, date of manufacture, and CAGE Code (57172).
2. Check the webbing for contamination, rust at points of contact with metal parts,
cuts, twists, fading, wear, fraying, burns, abrasions, and loose or broken
3. Check the fabric areas for seam separation, loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears,
contamination, and deterioration.
4. Check the grommets for security of attachment, cracks, corrosion, nicks, gouges,
and correct size (2).
5. Check the trim tabs for security of attachment.
6. Check the hook and pile fastener for loose or broken stitching, cuts, tears,
contamination, and deterioration.

Ring Release/Riser Inspection

To perform 3-ring release/riser inspection, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the cutaway handle from pocket and pull the handle. Completely
remove the cutaway cables from the housings.
2. Remove the main riser assembly from the pack/harness assembly (3-ring release
3. Lay out the main riser assembly with front riser facing down on a smooth flat
surface. Rotate the smallest ring (RW-3) up toward the top of the riser assembly
and hold down against riser strap. The inside diameter, at its minimum should
rest slightly above the lower inside of the grommet opening, and at its maximum
allowable should rest slightly below the grommet opening. The most desirable

location for the (RW-3) ring is to be located in the center of the grommet opening
(see Figure 3-12).

Figure 3-12 — Location of RW-3 ring and grommets.

4. Rotate the RW-3 ring back down toward the bottom of the riser assembly. Hold
down on the RW-3 ring and RW-2 ring. Check the range of the allowable location
of the RW-3 ring and RW-2 ring as shown in Figure 3-13.
5. Inspect the large ring (RW-1) for bends, dents, cracks, corrosion, security of
attachment, and ease of operation.
6. Inspect the riser assembly white locking loops to ensure they are not frayed. The
locking loops may discolor where they contact the metal ring or grommets. This
is permissible. Replace the riser if the white locking loop is frayed.

Figure 3-13 — Location of RW-3 and RW-2 ring.

7. Inspect the velcro on the cutaway handle and main ripcord pocket to ensure that
it adequately holds the handle.

8. Inspect the stitching that holds the RW-2 rings to the risers for fraying. Replace
the riser if frayed stitching is found.
9. Inspect the hand tacking that prevents the cutaway housings from sliding through
the cutaway housing keeper. Replace the tacking if loose or it fraying (Figure 3-

Figure 3-14 — Cutaway housing and tacking inspection.

10. Take each riser and vigorously twist and flex the webbing near where it passes
through each ring. This is to remove any set or deformation in the webbing.

Failure to remove any set or deformation in the webbing may
make the 3-ring release hesitate when activated in response
to a low-drag malfunction, such as a streamer.

11. Inspect the inside of the cutaway housings for dirt, gravel, debris, or other
obstructions. Use the cutaway cables to perform this function. Inspect the
cutaway housings for dents or other damage. Any dents are cause for immediate
grounding until a replacement cutaway housing is installed.
12. Wipe the cutaway cables with a dry, clean rag or paper towel. Do not lubricate
cutaway cables with oil.

13. After use, dents will appear in the cadmium plate of the RW rings. Periodically
rotate the rings to reduce the localized plating damage.
14. Inspect all hardware for rust. Any rust is cause for immediate grounding of the
system until the hardware is replaced.
15. Inspect all grommets. Grommets must not be bent, dented, loose or burred.
Inspect for frayed webbing around the large No. 2 grommet. If frayed webbing is
found, replace the riser.

When reassembling the 3-RingRelease System, ensure the
risers do not have any twists. This may result in a
malfunction of the canopy.

16. Rig the 3-Ring Release System in accordance with Chapter 3, Section II of the

Locking Loop Inspection

To perform the locking loop inspection, proceed as follows:
1. To inspect the riser assembly, use a helper or suspend it from a device or fixture.
The helper should grasp the riser assembly at midpoint and suspends the
pack/harness assembly.
2. Observe from the rear of the riser, and grasp the cutaway housing by the
terminal end fitting and slide the terminal end fitting to either side of the riser
assembly. The minimum and maximum acceptable location of the terminal end
fitting is shown in Figure 3-15.

Figure 3-15 — Locking loop inspection.


The MC-6 Static-line Parachute System is a two-part parachute system comprised of
both the MC-6 main parachute and the T-11 Reserve parachute. The MC-6 parachute
system weighs 42 pounds and is capable of supporting 400 pounds. In a typical
mission, aircrew can drop from as low as 500 feet Above Ground Level (AGL), and at
aircraft speeds between 130 to 150 Knots Indicated Airspeed (KIAS). The MC-6 system
includes a main canopy assembly, a reserve canopy assembly, pack trays, a harness
assembly, risers, a deployment bag, and a universal static line.

MC-6 Main Parachute

The MC-6 main parachute (Figure 3-16) is located on the back of the parachutist.
Depending on the jumper‘s total weight and drop altitude, its rate of decent is between
14.5 to 18.5 feet per second. The main parachute has a forward speed of 10 knots and
can complete a 360 degree turn in 5 seconds.

Main Canopy
The MC-6 main canopy has a 32-foot nominal diameter and is constructed of low
permeability nylon parachute cloth. The canopy consists of 28 gores consisting of four

panels per gore with the exception of the four extended gores, which consist of seven
horizontal and two vertical panels. The four extended gores are located on gores 4-5, 6-
7, 21-22, and 23-24. When the jumper pulls either the left or right control line toggle, it
closes the extended gores, which redirects the airflow through the opposite extended
gores to provide turning capability.
Six opening vents located on the front canopy gores 9,11,13,15,17, and 19 prevent the
front of the canopy from collapsing, improving the forward drive and stability of the
canopy. Three drive vents located on rear of the canopy with mesh netting sewn into
gores 2, 26, and 28 allow for positive airflow through the canopy, which provides the
canopy with its forward drive.
There are 28 suspension lines that are 21 feet in length, are made with nylon cord, and
are connected to the connector links from the suspension line attaching loops on the
anti-inversion netting.

Figure 3-16 — MC-6 main parachute.

Pack Tray Assembly
The pack tray assembly (20 x 14 x 14 inches) (Figure 3-17) is constructed of duck
textured nylon fabric and uses four pack closing flaps with each flap containing one

Figure 3-17 — Pack tray assembly.

Harness Assembly
The harness assembly (Figure 3-18) is made of nylon webbing and consists of right and
left upper main lift web assemblies and the lower saddle assembly.

Figure 3-18 — Harness assembly.

Riser Assembly
The MC-6 uses two riser assemblies (Figure 3-19) with a finished length of 30 inches
and a tensile strength of 5,500 pounds. The male fitting is permanently attached to the
riser assembly. When attached to the canopy, the riser assemblies provide four
individual risers.

Figure 3-19 — Riser assembly.

Deployment Bag
The MC-6 main parachute is packed in a deployment bag (Figure 3-20). The
deployment bag is constructed of 8.2 ounce sateen cloth.

Figure 3-20 — Deployment bag.

Universal Static Line (USL)
The main static line (Figure 3-21) is a modified 15-foot USL that contains a curved pin
inside a protective cover. The USL extension is 5 feet long. The USL snap hook is
attached to either the Universal Static Line Modified (with Curved Pin) or the USL
extension. The static line protective sleeve keeps the static line from getting damaged
during deployment.

Figure 3-21 — Universal static line.

T-11 Reserve Parachute

The T-11 reserve parachute (Figure 3-22) has been adapted for use with the MC-6
Static-line Parachute System. The T-11 shape is designed to resist malfunctions and to
open rapidly providing the benefit of minimum altitude loss.
The T-11 reserve parachute is a chest-mounted ripcord center-pull reserve parachute.
In an emergency situation, the T-11 Reserve parachute may be deployed with either
The T-11 reserve parachute provides a rate of decent of 14-18 feet per second. Since
the T-11 reserve deploys with its lower lateral band even with the hem of the main
parachute, the risk of air stealing by a malfunctioned main parachute is reduced. Tests
have proven to be highly successful with the reserve controlling the descent even with a
fully inflated main parachute.

The T-11 reserve parachute has a lightweight construction that allows the reserve to
align with the airflow at low speeds. In the case of a low speed malfunction, such as
some main canopy damage, the reserve will rise and inflate faster.

Figure 3-22 — T-11 reserve parachute.

Main Parachute Deployment Sequence
Activation begins with the static line connected to the aircraft and the jumper exiting.
The static line tightens as the jumper falls away from the aircraft, pulling the main
container closing pin from the container closing loop.
The static line is connected to the deployment bag, and as the jumper continues to fall
away from the aircraft, the deployment bag is held by the static line.
Two 0.25-inch cotton webbing break cords, one on each riser group holding the risers
and lines in place, break.
After the suspension lines elongate out of the line stow loops, the suspension lines pull
out of the deployment bag locking stow loops, opening the bag mouth.
The parachute skirt with its anti-inversion netting (AIN) is the first to emerge from the
deployment bag.
The remainder of the canopy continues to elongate out from the deployment bag as the
jumper falls away.
As the last bit of canopy (the apex) deploys from the bag, a final double 0.25-inch cotton
webbing tie breaks, freeing the parachute from the deployment bag.
As the parachute system reaches full elongation downstream, the canopy begins to
During the initial stages of inflation, control line movement is limited by the eight control
line limiters.
Once completely inflated, the control line limiters are slack, the extended gores are fully
inflated, and the control lines are free and clear.

Reserve Parachute Deployment Sequence

Upon activation by means of the ripcord assembly, the curved pins are extracted.
From this point on, the parachutist has nothing to do in order to ensure or enhance the
performance of the reserve system.
Following pin extraction, the ejection spring parts the flaps of the container launching a
protection cap from the solid flat base and places the top portion of the parachute with
its associated extraction and assistor system away from the parachutist and into clean
air flow.
Both the extractor parachute and the scoops inflate almost immediately and carry first
the ‗S‘ folded canopy and then the lines from the tray up and alongside the
malfunctioned main parachute (if present).
The T-11 Reserve parachute responds differently to different situations as follows:

At Low Speed
The combination of ejector spring and double deployment system apply a positive force
to the apex of the reserve canopy to expedite and control the deployment thus reducing
the risk of entanglement.
Tests have shown that the extractor parachute is too big when inflated and lacks
momentum (as there is no pilot chute spring mass) to get into the main parachute line
The scoops operate in a similar manner.
Once aligned, the open skirt is presented to the airflow.
By virtue of the skirt assist lines, the normal orifice for inflation is greatly enhanced,
allowing air to funnel into the parachute.

At High Speed
The high drag of the lightweight extractor parachute is not required after canopy
In this event, the securing ties break and release the extractor parachute to go free.
Moreover at line stretch, the skirt assist lines break, preventing the lower lateral band
from flaring prematurely and allowing the canopy to inflate in a conventional manner.

Parachute Repack Interval

The MC-6 Static-line Parachute System will be repacked at a scheduled interval to
ensure airworthiness. The MC-6 Personnel Parachute System main parachute will be
repacked IAW MIM , and the T-11 Reserve parachute will be repacked IAW MIM not to
exceed a 365-day interval.
When necessitated by climate, storage, or use condition, the MC-6 parachute may
require more frequent pack intervals. Rapid fluctuations of temperature, fluctuations
around 32 °F, sustained high or low temperatures, sustained high humidity, and a
heavily polluted atmosphere would be major concerns.
PMCS will be performed before equipment is packed for use, during modification, repair
after use, or at any time deemed necessary by the maintenance officer. PMCS
procedures are found in the NAVSEA SS400-A1-MMO-010 technical manual.


The G-12 cargo parachute is a heavy-capacity parachute designed for the delivery of
bulk-type platform loads. The G-12 cargo parachute assembly weights 128 pounds and
is capable of supporting 2,200 pounds. The G-12 cargo parachute was designed for
deceleration and stabilization of bulky-type platform loads and can be used for
delivering fragile items.
The canopy (Figure 3-23) consists of a 64-foot diameter flat-circular nylon canopy. It
consists of 64 gores with eight sections per gore and 64 suspension lines. The gores
and suspension lines are numbered clockwise when viewed from the canopy vent
(Figure 3-24).
Two riser assemblies, each composed of four suspension risers, terminate in two riser
attaching loops connected to a suspension clevis. Each of the eight suspension risers
are connected to eight suspension lines by connector links.
The deployment bag is of the locking-closure type. It measures 24 inches wide by 36
inches deep by 10 inches high and is used for packing the G-12 parachute.
The G-12 parachute uses a 15-foot-long static line, a 68-inch-diameter nylon pilot chute,
and a 111-inch-long deployment line.

Figure 3-23 — Parachute canopy assembly.

Figure 3-24 — Suspension line and gore panel arrangement and numbering.

Initial Receipt
When a G-12 parachute assembly is initially procured from a supply source and issued
to the using unit, the items will be unpacked from the shipping container and inspected
by a qualified parachute rigger. The inspection performed will be a technical rigger type.
Upon completion of the inspection, the items will be tagged. Serviceable equipment may
then be entered either into storage or into use as applicable.
Personnel other than parachute rigger personnel may assist in the unpacking process of
initially received parachutes, however, the maintenance officer will ensure that the entire
unpacking effort is conducted under the direct supervision of a qualified rigger.

Upon receipt of a used parachute, follow the same procedures for initial receipt, and
check each component for excessive wear and tear. If defects or damages are
discovered, process the parachute for maintenance at the appropriate maintenance
When a parachute is received at the maintenance activity following its use, it must be
given a shakeout and aired and, if necessary, cleaned before it can be returned to
service. If a parachute is issued but not used, it does not need to be given a shakeout.
However, it must be aired if it has been subjected to damp conditions.

3-1. Which of the following parachute assemblies is packed into a rigid metal

A. A/P28S-32
C. MC-6
D. G-12

3-2. The A/P28S-32 canopy consists of how many gores?

A. 7
B. 8
C. 20
D. 28

3-3. What is the maximum aircraft exit altitude for the MT-2XX/SL parachute

A. 2,500 feet AGL

B. 3,500 feet AGL
C. 25,000 feet MSL
D. 35,000 feet MSL

3-4. Which of the following is not a component of the deployment system of the MT-
2XX/SL parachute assembly configured for free-fall?

A. Bridle
B. Static line
C. Deployment bag
D. Pilot parachute assembly

3-5. Which of the following parachute assemblies uses seven dual-opening cells on
the leading edge of the canopy?

A. A/P28S-32
C. MC-6
D. G-12

3-6. What is the purpose of the crossports openings in the MT-2XX/SL canopy?

A. To reduce weight
B. To increase frame rigidity
C. To allow spanwise air flow
D. To provide steering capability

3-7. Which lines are attached to the trailing edge of the MT-2XX/SL canopy?

A. A suspension lines
B. B suspension lines
C. Static lines
D. Steering lines

3-8. The MT-2XX/SL reserve parachute is packed into which compartment of the
pack/harness assembly?

A. Lower compartment
B. Upper compartment
C. Inner deployment bag
D. Metal rigid container

3-9. The MT-2XX/SL reserve parachute uses what type of canopy?

A. 5-cell ram-air canopy

B. 7-cell ram-air canopy
C. 20-gore aero-conical
D. 20-gore aero-conical with a single drive vent

3-10. What is the minimum exit height for the MC-6 parachute assembly?

A. 500 feet AGL

B. 500 feet MSL
C. 2,500 feet AGL
D. 2,500 feet MSL

3-11. How fast can an MC-6 parachute assembly complete a 360-degree turn?

A. 5 seconds
B. 10 seconds
C. 15 seconds
D. 20 seconds

3-12. Which MC-6 canopy component allows positive airflow through providing forward

A. Crossports
B. Drive vents
C. Extended gores
D. Anti-inversion netting
3-13. Which of the following parachute assemblies was designed to decelerate and
stabilize bulky platform loads?

A. A/P28S-32
C. MC-6
D. G-12

Aircrew flight clothing plays an essential role in the safety and survival of Navy
aircrewmen. It protects them from the elements and provides necessary comfort for
efficient mission performance. Its primary function is to protect them against hazards
such as fire, heat, cold, and immersion in water. Different combinations of protective
clothing and equipment are used for various flight, emergency, and environmental
Naval aircrew protective equipment has also been designed to provide camouflage and
other escape and evasion design features. Because of the wide range of environmental
conditions in which aircraft must operate, a compromise between comfort and protection
has been necessary in some cases. Post-crash fire and emergency cold water
exposure are two critical areas where operational requirements are more important than
flight comfort. Emphasis has been placed on developing materials and clothing
assemblies that improve survival chances and minimize injuries and prevent loss of life
in case of an aircraft accident in either normal or hostile environments.
As an Aircrew Survival Equipmentman, some of your responsibilities are the care and
maintenance of protective equipment. You may be required to order, inspect, modify,
and repair this equipment.

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to recognize and describe aircrew
personal protective equipment.


Planned maintenance of protective flight clothing is performed at the level of
maintenance set forth in COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 (series). The levels of
maintenance are either organizational, intermediate, or depot. Mission, time, equipment,
facilities, trained personnel and operational needs are the basic considerations in
determining the level to be used.
Maintenance is divided into two categories—preventive and corrective. Preventive
maintenance is the care and servicing needed to maintain equipment and facilities in
satisfactory operating condition by providing for systematic inspection, detection, and
correction of failures either before they occur or before they develop into major defects.
Corrective maintenance is performed either as a result of failure of the part/equipment,
or to correct defects discovered during preventive maintenance.
Upon completion of any maintenance action (inspections, repairs, modifications, etc.),
you must make appropriate entries on the applicable maintenance documents. By
properly maintaining these documents, you provide a complete maintenance history of
the equipment throughout its service life.

The maintenance/material control officer, using the guidelines of
COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 (series), schedules the preventive maintenance of all
aircrew personal protective equipment for which he is responsible. Maintenance of this
equipment must always be thorough. No careless treatment or willful neglect of aircrew
personal protective equipment will go unnoted. The vital function of the equipment must
be foremost in the minds of all personnel concerned.

Maintenance Documents
Maintenance documents provide a systematic means of recording equipment history
and documenting all maintenance actions performed on the equipment.
These documents consist of the following:
 Aircrew Personal Equipment Record (OPNAV 4790/159)
 Aircrew Systems Record (OPNAV 4790/138)
 VFS TRACE Life support
 Shop Process Cards
 Maintenance Data Collection System Forms, which include the following:
1. VIDS/MAF, OPNAV Form 4790/60
2. Support Action Form, OPNAV Form 4790/42
3. DOD Single Line Item Requisition System Document
 Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.7(series)

All entries must be typewritten or printed clearly with blue or
black ball-point pen. Felt-tip pens or pencils are
unacceptable for maintenance document or history card
entry purposes. When you sign a maintenance document or
history card, your full signature is required. Be sure to
check the COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 (series) for the
most up-to-date form numbers.

Aircrew Personal Equipment Record

The Aircrew Personnel Equipment Record (OPNAV 4790/159) contains all information
pertinent to personal issued gear of an aircrewmember. All maintenance tasks
performed on the equipment (repairs, modifications, inspections) are recorded on the
history card. In addition, the record includes three sections as follows. Section I:
Inspection cycle, and DUE DATE (in YYMMDD format). Section II: NOMENCLATURE,
Defense Identification Code), SERIAL NUMBER, QUANTITY, CYCLE,
recording of Technical Directives which have the following blocks: EQUIPMENT TYPE,
and STATUS. Whenever a piece of equipment is transferred from one unit to another,
an updated history card is forwarded to the receiving unit, and transferred in
VFS/TRACE life support system. The card is placed in a suitable envelope and securely
attached to the item. If the receiving unit fails to receive the history card, a formal
request for the card must be sent to the forwarding unit.

History Card – Aircrew Systems Record

The Aircrew Systems Record (OPNAV 4790/138) contains all information pertinent to a
piece of equipment. All maintenance tasks performed on the equipment (repairs,
modifications, inspections) are recorded on the history card. The OPNAV 4790/138
Record is broken down into four sections. Section I contains the following: TYPE
number), and CONTRACT NUMBER. Section II contains (gear within the main
ORGANIZATION, DATE, and STATUS. Section IV contains: PACKED (Name),
INSPECTED (Name & QA Stamp), TEST CYCLE, ORG (who packed it), RFI DATE
(date pack complete), RFI SHF CYC (how long gear can sit on shelf), LATEST RFI (if
not issued out), CUSTODIAN ORG CODE (command receiving gear), DATE ISSUED
(date command received gear), INSP CYCL (how long the gear is RFI at the receiving
command), SCHD RMVL DATE (Date Issued + Insp Cycl = removal date). When a new
card is initiated for any reason, the old card must be retained and stapled to the back of
the new card. If the history card has been lost, initiate a new card using information from
the manufacturer's nameplate. The history card must accompany the equipment to all
maintenance activities. Whenever a piece of equipment is transferred from one unit to
another, an updated history card is forwarded to the receiving unit, and transferred in
VFS/TRACE. The card is placed in a suitable envelope and securely attached to the
item. If the piece of equipment is an aircraft inventory item, the history card is inserted in
the inventory logbook. If the receiving unit fails to receive the history card, a formal
request for the card must be sent to the forwarding unit.

Shop Process Cards

The Shop Process Cards (SPC) provide the maintenance man with a ready reference
for performing scheduled maintenance on a specific type of aircrew personal protective
equipment. Each SPC contains one or more detailed maintenance requirements.
Illustrations, clearances, tolerances, charts, and part numbers are included when re-
quired. The minimum requirements for the performance of all or part of any particular
periodic maintenance task (calendar or special inspection) are contained in a set of
these cards. The work plan (or order of performing the maintenance work requirements)
is prearranged and is issued by the work center supervisor for the type of aircrew
personal protective equipment being serviced.

Maintenance Data Collection System Forms

The following forms used in the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program are applicable to
the aircrew personal protective maintenance: VIDS/MAF Form, Support Action Form,
DOD Single Line Item Requisition System Documents, and Work Request Forms.
Proper completion is essential to the function of the program. Instructions on their use
can be found in the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, COMNAVAIRFORINST
4790.2 (series).

Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.7

When you are working with personal protective equipment, your best friend is the
Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment Manual(s), NAVAIR 13-1-6.7 (series). These
manuals contain comprehensive and authoritative information on configuration,
application, function, inspection, and maintenance of aircrew personal protective

Modifications of Flight Equipment

Perform only authorized modifications. Unauthorized modification and deviations from
the approved configuration of life support and survival equipment by individual crewmen
could create unknown and possibly dangerous conditions.
NAVAIRSYSCOM is the only authority for modifying life support equipment and survival
equipment. Such changes are usually accomplished by the Cognizant Field Activity
(CFA) via Aircrew System Changes (ACC) or a change to the equipment procurement
package. The NAVAIR 13-1-6.5 also permits an operating activity, with approval of the
controlling custodian, to conditionally modify ONE unit of equipment in service to correct
or overcome unsatisfactory conditions in that equipment item. Any other type of
deviation, peculiar configuration, or modification to life support and survival equipment is
not allowed at the operating level. The squadron riggers have no authority or
responsibility to perform them.
If there is a conflict between CFA documents and NATOPS requirements, or if there is a
need for clarification of equipment configuration or if equipment deficiencies are
discovered, the CFA should be notified. The field activity having cognizance of most of
the life support and survival equipment is the Naval Air Development Center
(NAVAIRDEVCEN) at Warminster, Pennsylvania. For parachutes and related hardware,
including torso harness, the CFA is the Naval Weapons Center (Code 6412), China
Lake, California, 93555.


The flight clothing covered in this chapter is designed to be worn by aircrew members
as outer garments while on flight operations in aircraft. As a squadron aircrew survival
equipmentman, you may be asked to sew on squadron patches, name tags, and rate
insignias. These items are authorized to be worn on flight clothing as directed by the
local command. However, the total surface area of all patches (name tag excluded) may
not exceed 50 square inches, and no one patch may be bigger than 4 inches in any
given direction.

Summer flyer’s Coverall CWU-27/P and Blue Flyer’s Coverall CWU-
The CWU-27/P summer flyer‘s coverall and the CWU-73/P blue flyer‘s coverall (Figure
4-1) are designed to be worn as an outer garment in warm-temperature zones, and they
provide protection in the event of an aircraft fire. They are designated for use by all
aircrew members.

The coveralls are one-piece, unlined garments that are made of aramid cloth, which is a
high-temperature resistant, inherently flame-retardant synthetic fabric with no hot-melt
point or drip characteristics (see Figure 4-1). This lightweight fabric does not support
combustion, but begins to char at 700° to 800°F. The fabric has abrasion resistance
similar to nylon, and like nylon, aramid is nonabsorbent. Because of this characteristic,
cotton underwear should be worn under the coverall for optimum comfort. The colors of
the CWU-27/P are sage green and Khaki, and the CWU-73/P is blue.

Figure 4-1 ─ Summer flyer’s coverall, CWU-27/P.

The CWU-27/P and CWU-73/P have a slide fastener (zipper) front closure, side pass-
through, biswing back, and hook and pile fastener size adjustments at the end of each
arm. Also included are two breast patch pockets, one combination cigarette and multiple
pencil compartments on the upper front left sleeve, and two thigh pockets. The CWU-
73/P has epaulets to allow attachment of shoulder boards. Except for the knife pocket
on the left thigh and the multiple pencil compartment pocket on the right lower leg, all
pockets and pass-throughs have butted, beaded, covered slide fasteners. If a hook
blade knife (shroud cutter) is carried, it should be tied to the pocket cord and stowed in
the knife pocket with the hook blade open for emergency use.

The coveralls are fitted to the aircrew member, and their size normally corresponds to
men‘s regular suit sizes. The coveralls are used with standard Navy personal equipment
and may be worn under the anti-g garment. The coverall sleeves should always be worn
down and closed at the wrist to ensure maximum fire protection.

The aircrew member‘s responsibility for maintaining the coverall is limited to cleaning.
The coveralls are inspected for general condition at intervals not to exceed 360 days.
Repairs performed at the organizational level are restricted to repairing open seams,
small holes or tears, replacing hook and pile fastener tape, and replacing slide
Only high-temperature resistant aramid cloth (MIL-C-81280) and high-temperature
resistant nylon thread (MIL-T-83193) should be used for repairs.
A new coverall should be laundered before use to soften the fabric and eliminate any
possible skin irritation that might occur due to original fabric harshness. After tumble
drying or during drip drying, the coverall should be hung on a wooden hanger. The
fabric is a drip-dry type that requires no special handling, and it may be washed as
frequently as needed. The coverall may be laundered by the aircrew member at home
or in a commercial-type washer and dryer. Laundering in water up to 140°F and tumble
drying up to 180°F does not damage or shrink the coveralls.
Using a commercial fabric softener in the rinse cycle removes body oils during the
laundering process. The fabric softeners also stop static cling. Ironing or pressing is
permissible. However, it is difficult to remove wrinkles or creases due to the high-
temperature resistant qualities of the material. Coveralls that are heavily soiled and/or
stained with oil or grease may be cleaned with solvents normally used in commercial
dry cleaning establishments. Dry cleaning or laundering does not compromise the
flame-retardant properties, and no renewable flame-retardant treatment is required.

EZ-P Optional Zipper Alteration

The CWU-27/P is altered with the horizontal relief zipper in lieu of the standard CWU-
27/P configuration.
The optional zipper alteration is a continuous zipper that was added just below the waist
adjustment tabs. The zipper starts at the right front waist area and extends to the left
front waist area. To protect the skin from the zipper, an internal section of fabric was
added. To provide snag resistance and conceal the zipper, an external flap of fabric
extends the length of the horizontal zipper.

Altered garments are not authorized to be worn with the
CBR Ensemble (A/P22P-14(V) with CMU-34/P and CMU-
35/P Chemical Protective underclothes). If the command
has a CBR posture at least one normal (unaltered) flight
suit must be available to be worn with the CBR Ensemble.

Testing revealed that flight suit fit is critical for effective use
of this alteration. There should be no less than 4 inches of
ease in the hip of the flight suit that is sent to the
manufacturer for alteration. Therefore, it may require
ordering a new size flight suit that is larger than the
standard issue suit.

The alteration must only be accomplished by Creative Apparel Associates, and Aircrew
Survival Equipmentmen are not authorized to install the alteration.

Fire-Resistant Flyer’s Gloves, GS/FRP-2

The fire-resistant flyer‘s glove (MIL-G-81188) is designated for use in warm-to-moderate
temperature zones and provides protection in the event of aircraft fire. They are used by
all aircrew members (see Figure 4-2).

Figure 4-2 — Fire-resistant flyer’s gloves, GS/FRP-2.

The gloves are snug fitting and designed to provide maximum dexterity and sense of
touch. If properly fitted they should not interfere with the operation of the aircraft and
use of survival equipment. The gloves are available in sizes 4 thru 12. Since the fabric
is stretchable, the sizes will accommodate any size hand. The gloves are constructed of
soft cabretta gray leather (palm and front portion of fingers) and a stretchable, sage
green/khaki, lightweight knit aramid fabric (entire back of hand). The cloth portion of the
gloves will not melt or drip, and it does not support combustion. The fabric does begin to
char at 700° to 800°F.

The fire-resistant flyer‘s glove normally corresponds to the aircrew member‘s glove size.
Determine the proper size glove on a trial fit basis. The glove must fit snugly.

It is the aircrew member‘s responsibility to clean the gloves. Repairs or other
maintenance actions are performed at the organizational level or above and are limited
to restitching seams.

Flyer’s Boot/Bellville/Air Safety Boot

The impact-resistant approved flyer‘s boots (Figure 4-3) are designed to protect the
aircrew member‘s foot against high-impact forces. The boot is water-resistant.

Figure 4-3 — Flyer’s boot/belville/air safety boot.

The upper boot is black in color and is constructed of high quality calfskin. The inner
liner is made with soft, full grain, glove leather. The boot is 8 inches high when fully
laced, and is available in sizes 4 narrow through 14 1/2 extra wide. The traction treads
outsoles and heels are made of nonslip, nonmarking, jet-fuel-resistant rubber. The steel
box toe is constructed of cold-rolled carbon steel to provide a safety margin through
greater compression resistance. The boot is designed for use by all aircrew members.

The boot is fitted to the aircrew member and normally corresponds to his regular shoe

The aircrew member is responsible for maintenance of the boot. Maintenance is limited
to cleaning and polishing. Polish used for everyday care of shoes is acceptable. There
are no authorized repairs, as the sole and heel should outwear the upper boot. Broken
or worn laces may be replaced.

The CMU Series survival vest provides maximum useful storage for survival equipment,
consistent with minimal bulk and weight. In addition, the survival vest provides for
integration of a life preserver, anti-g coveralls, and the chest-mounted oxygen regulator.
It does not interfere with use of either the regular or integrated-type parachute harness.
The CMU Series vest is the latest authorized configuration for this series of survival

CMU-33A Survival Vest

The CMU-33A (AIRSAVE) survival vest is used by aircrew flying in rotary wing as well
as most Fixed Wing Non-Ejection Seat (FWNES) aircraft. The CMU-33A is a three part
armor assembly which consists of the CMU-33A survival vest, the PRU-60A/P22P-15
soft armor insert and the PRU-61A/P22P-15 ballistic armor plate. When all three
components are worn together, the designation becomes CMU-33A/P22P-18(V).
It will contain the following when received from supply:
 Five general pockets (designed to stow Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE)
that can be woven onto the survival vest in various configurations to suit different
mission requirements)
 One radio pocket
 One sheath knife pocket
 Two life preserver restraint straps

 Two life preserver collar lobe straps
 One MX-991/U flashlight attachment strap
 One V-22 oxygen/CBR attachment strap
 Aircrew hoisting harness

All CMU-33A assemblies, survival item pockets, and
accessories will be manufactured in Coyote Brown until
further notice. Ordering information and part numbers have
been changed and can be found in NAVAIR 13-1.6.7-4
Table 3-3. Camo Green items are still authorized until
deemed to be unserviceable.

The CMU-33A survival vest shown in Figure 4-4 is constructed with Fire-Retardant (FR)
coated nylon mesh fabric with 1-inch wide FR coated nylon webbing that are sewn in
parallel horizontal strips, with 1-inch separation, over the exterior of the vest. The
horizontal strips of webbing are attached to the vest by vertical stitching along the
horizontal length of the strip. This provides the necessary loops for multiple
configurations of stowage pockets as well as individual sizing in the fitting process.
The radio pockets are designed to accommodate all current survival radios, but if the
AN/PRC-90-2 radio is authorized, then one of the general purpose pockets may be
used to stow the radio. If additional survival items are necessary, more general purpose
pockets may be obtained and installed to accommodate.
The vest has four additional pockets located on the inside of the vest for storage of
water bags and other survival items. These pockets should be used for items that are
not required during flight because they are difficult to reach.

Figure 4-4 — CMU-33A survival vest.

The CMU-33A replaced the original hoisting harness and is intended to be used with the
snap-in-harness. When SAR aircrewmen are conducting rescues over land, the hoisting
harness may be removed to allow the CMU-33A to integrate with the SAR rappelling
To allow for quick removal of the front hard plate in an emergency egress situation, the
fastener for the CMU-33A survival vest (with soft and hard armor worn underneath) is
zipped up no more than 2 inches from the bottom.

General Pocket Configuration

General pocket configurations are shown in Figure 4-5. These are typical configurations
and are not meant to dictate the pocket configuration. Pocket configurations will be at
the discretion of the aircrew.
The only stipulations are:
 Pockets can only be installed on the right and/or left front panels.

 They shall be ground checked in the aircraft (with aircrew either seated or
 Pockets shall not interfere with flight controls, aircrew functions, or access to
survival items or systems.

Figure 4-5 — CMU-33A survival vest configurations.

The CMU-33A vest is designed to be used in conjunction with the PRU-60A and the
PRU-61A aircrew armor assemblies. The central attachment point of the CMU-33A is
located on the top of the shoulder seam. The life preserver restrain straps are used to
restrain the vest during inflation by clipping the snap hooks to the D-rings on the
hoisting harness leg straps.

The CMU-33A comes in only one size that can be adjusted to fit individuals of various
sizes and structures. The vest has three adjustment areas: the center of the back and
under each arm. Primary adjustments should be made utilizing the center of the back
straps and refined the fitting by using the straps under the arms. Appropriate flight
equipment must be worn when fitted the survival vest.

CMU-36/P Survival Vest

The CMU-36/P (AIRSAVE) survival vest shown in Figure 4-6 is used in both ejection
seat equipped and Fixed-Wing Non-Ejection Seat (FWNES) aircrafts. The vest can be
worn with the USN/USMC LPU-23 series and LPU-36/P (LPFC) life preservers.
When the CMU-36/P vest is received from supply, the following items are provided:
 One CRU-103 oxygen regulator pocket
 Four general pockets
 One radio pocket
 One sheath knife pocket
 Two life preserver restraint straps
 Two life preserver collar lobe straps
 One MX-991/U flashlight attachment strap
 One V-22 oxygen/CBR attachment strap
The pockets are designed to store Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) that can be
installed to suit different mission requirements, different environments, and different
aircrew preferences.
All CMU-36/P assemblies and accessories will be manufactured in Coyote Brown until
further notice.
Ordering information and part numbers can be found in NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-4 Table 4-3.
Camo-green items are authorized until deemed to be unserviceable.

Figure 4-6 — CMU-36/P survival vest.

The CMU-36/P survival vest shown in Figure 4-6 is constructed with Fire-Retardant
(FR) coated nylon mesh fabric with 1-inch wide FR coated nylon webbing that are sewn
in parallel horizontal strips over the exterior of the vest. The horizontal strips of webbing
are attached to the vest by vertical stitching along the horizontal length of the strip. This
provides the necessary loops for multiple configurations of stowage pockets as well as
individual sizing in the fitting process. The radio pockets are designed to accommodate
all current survival radios, but if a small radio is being used, then one of the general
purpose pockets may be used to stow the radio and the large radio pocket can be used
to store optional survival items. The vest has four additional pockets located on the
inside of the vest for storage of water bags, gloves, hat, food, or an emergency blanket.
These pockets should be used for items that are not required during flight because they
are difficult to reach. The CMU-36/P is equipped with a metal one-way fastener for
increased wind-blast protection during seat ejection.

General Pocket Configuration

The CMU-36/P survival vest configuration called out in Figure 4-6 is only a typical
configuration and is not meant to dictate pocket configurations. Pocket configurations
for the survival vest are left to the aircrew‘s discretion.

The only stipulations are:
 Pockets can only be installed on the right and/or left front panels.
 They shall be ground checked in the aircraft (with aircrew either seated or
 Pockets shall not interfere with flight controls, aircrew functions, or access to
survival items or systems.
Additional general pockets may be used to store up to five pounds of additional survival
items. The items stored in the additional general pockets must be tied and secured to
the pocket securing loops in accordance with NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-4 manual.

The CMU-36/P survival vest is worn over the torso harness. The torso harness adapter
hardware (commonly called ―Koch Fittings‖) are inserted through the openings of the
CMU-36/P survival vest and attached to the parachute release fittings that are attached
to the parachute risers.

The CMU-36/P survival vest is not designed to be worn with aircrew body armor. The
vest, however, is designed to be used with the standard personal equipment and the
appropriate life preservers. The vest only comes in one size and can be adjusted to fit
various sizes and structures. The three areas where the adjustments can be made are
located in the center of the back and under each arm. The primary adjustment should
be made using the center adjustment, and then refined using the arm adjustment
fittings. Appropriate flight equipment must be worn by the aircrew member when fitting
the survival vest, and all adjustment points should be at their outermost limits prior to

Anti-exposure assemblies consist of several garments that protect the aircrew member
in the event of immersion. Constant wear assemblies provide additional protection from
cold weather. The constant wear assemblies consist of a waterproof outer garment
worn over a ventilation liner and/or cold weather underwear.
The quick-donning anti-exposure suit is carried in the aircraft, and donned only in case
of emergency. It consists of a waterproof outer garment equipped with permanently
attached boots and wrist and neck seals. An inflatable hood and anti-exposure mittens
are stowed in the pockets. In case of emergency, the assembly is donned over the
regular flight clothing.
Either continuous-wear or quick-donning anti-exposure suits are provided as
appropriate for flight personnel and passengers when there is a significant risk of
crashing in the water, or when any of the following conditions prevail:
1. The water temperature is 50°F or below
2. The Outside Air Temperature (OAT) is 32°F (wind chill factor corrected) or below

If the water temperature is between 50° and 60°F, the commanding officer of the unit
concerned considers the following search and rescue (SAR) factors:
1. The maximum probable rescue time. This should be a function of mission
distance, SAR equipment, and SAR location.
2. The lowest temperatures that will occur in the mission area during the time period
of the flight.
Then by using Table 4-1, he determines whether anti-exposure suits are required.

Table 4-1 ─ Anti-exposure suit requirements

When water temperature is below 60°F and anti-exposure suits are not required, the
flight equipment includes anti-exposure, high-temperature resistant undergarments.
Wearing double layers of these undergarments can significantly improve anti-exposure
protection. Please refer to OPNAVINST 3710.7U (pages 169-172) for water
temperature charts.

A/P22P-6(V)2 and A/P22P-6A(V)2 Anti-Exposure Assemblies

The A/P22P-6(V)2 and the A/P22P-6A(V)2 anti-exposure assemblies (Figure 4-7) are
continuous wear assemblies designed to keep the wearer dry. The complete
assemblies provide protection from the thermal effects of cold water immersion in the
event of emergency overwater bailout. The assemblies differ only in the type of liner that
is worn. The A/P22P-6(V)2 assembly uses the CWU-23/P liner, and the A/P22P-6A(V)2
assembly uses the CWU-72P liner. Table 4-2 lists the components that make up the
A/P22P-6(V)2 and the A/P22P-6A(V)2 anti-exposure assemblies.

Figure 4-7 — A/P22P-6(V)2 and A/P22P-6A(V)2 anti-exposure apparel assemblies,

constant wear.

Table 4-2 — A/P22P-6(V)2 and A/P22P-6A(V)2 anti-exposure apparel assemblies

Reference Assemblies
Component Nomenclature (Note 1)
(paragraph) 6B(V)2 6C(V)2 6D(V)2
CWU-43/P Drawers 3-328 X X X
CWU-44/P Undershirt 3-328 X X X
CWU-23/P Liner, anti-exposure 3-263 O O O
CWU-72/P Liner, anti-exposure 3-285 X X X
CWU-81/P Liner, anti-exposure (shirt, 3-307 X X X
women only)
CWU-82/P Liner, anti-exposure (drawers, 3-307 X X X
women only)
CWU-62B/P Anti-exposure coverall 5-15 - X -
CWU-62C/P Anti-exposure coverall 5-15 - - X
CWU-74/P Anti-exposure coverall 5-16 O O O
CWU-86/P Socks 5-15 - - -
CWU-75/P and CWU-86/P Anti-exposure 5-17 X X X
CWU-27/P Flyer‘s summer coverall or 5-18 X X X
HGU-32 Hood 3-799 X X X
HAU-12/P Mittens 3-762 X X X
Legend: X = required O = Optional – = Not applicable
Note: Multi Climate Protection System (MCPS) garments are authorized as
replacements for some of the items above. See MCPS section of Chapter 3 in
the NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-2 for guidance.

The A/P22P-6(V)2 or the A/P22P-6A(V)2 anti-exposure assembly should be worn by

aircrew members for flight operations in accordance with the climatic and operational
requirements established by the NATOPS General Flight and Operational Instructions
Manual, OPNAVINST 3710.7 series.
The A/P22P-6(V)2 and the A/P22P-6A(V)2 anti-exposure assemblies are intended to
provide the aircrew member with a lightweight coverall assembly that allows for the
performance of all required flight operations without restricting any body movements.
The coveralls are moisture/vapor permeable to prevent excessive buildup of body heat.
In the event of immersion in water, the suit fabrics will not allow water to enter, keeping
the wearer dry. All components of the assembly must be worn to achieve the greatest
level of exposure protection.
The A/P22P-6(V)2 and the A/P22P-6A(V)2 anti-exposure assemblies should be
properly sized to the aircrew member based on his height, weight, and chest
measurements. You determine the chest circumference by taking a tape measurement
at nipple height with the aircrew member wearing one cold weather undershirt. Refer to
the Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.7, for proper sizes.

The CWU-23/P liner (Figure 4-8) is a one-piece garment that is supplied in 12 sizes.
The liner is worn directly under the CWU-62/P anti-exposure coverall and over the
recommended underclothing. The liner provides an inner layer of 100% cotton and an
outer layer of polypropylene netting.

Figure 4-8 — CWU-23/P liner.

Each sleeve ending has a coated stretch fabric insert to permit easy insertion of the
hands and to reduce bulk. The leg endings are short enough to clear the tops of the
flight boots, again to reduce bulk. They are notched at the front to allow standard wool
or cotton socks to be pulled up over the liner legs and to hold the liner legs in place
when the CWU-62/P coverall is donned.
The CWU-72/P liner (Figure 4-9) is a one-piece garment and is supplied in nine sizes.
The liner is worn directly under the CWU-62/P coverall and over the recommended
underclothing. The liner provides a layer of thermal protection and is made of 100%
olefin microfiber thermal insulation sandwiched between two layers of high-temperature
resistant aramid fabric.

Figure 4-9 — CWU-72/P liner.

CWU-62/P Series Anti-Exposure Coverall

The CWU-62/P anti-exposure coverall (Figure 4-10) is a one-piece garment and is
supplied in 12 sizes. The coverall should not be worn in direct contact with the skin. It is
a lightweight coverall that prevents water from entering, but permits bodily produced
moisture vapor to pass out, thus minimizing heat and moisture buildup. Proper
maintenance is essential to the life and safety of this coverall, as well as proper sizing
and fitting. The neck seal and wrist seals are manufactured from rubber and are sealed
with a water- and pressure-sealing slide fastener.

Figure 4-10 — CWU-62/P series anti-exposure coverall.

To fit the CWU-62/P coverall, the neck and wrist seals may be trimmed at the initial
fitting, but the seals tend to adjust to the aircrew member after a short period of time. If
no excessive seal restriction exists, and if the seal fit is acceptable to the aircrew
member, the seals should be left as they are. Neck seals need to fit snugly and remain
in direct contact with the neck through all normal head movements. Wrist seals must fit
tightly enough to prevent water entry, but not so tight as to restrict blood flow.

The A/P22P-6 Series anti-exposure apparel assemblies shall be properly sized to the
aircrew-member based on the height, weight, and chest measurements shown in Table
4-3. In order to determine chest circumference for the CWU-62/P, aircrewmen must first
don a CWU-44/P cold weather undershirt and a liner (CWU-23/P, CWU-72/P, or CWU-
81/P as applicable) or two CWU-44/P cold weather undershirts and then take a tape
measurement at mid chest height. Anti-exposure sock sizes are governed by the size of
the boots being worn. In order to determine the correct size, the aircrew member should

don a pair of heavy wool socks and then don a pair of CWU-86/P socks or CWU-75/P
anti-exposure socks corresponding to normal boot size. Verify that the fit of the CWU-
86/P or CWU-75/P is correct and comfortable.

Table 4-3 — Sizing guide (CWU-62C/P anti-exposure coverall)

Height (inches) Hip Size (inches) NIIN Size

Less than 64.5 Less than 36 01-483-8563 Small/short
64.5 – 67.5 Less than 36 01-483-8564 Small/regular
More than 67.5 Less than 36 01-483-8565 Small/long
Less than 64.5 36 – 40 01-483-8567 Medium/short
64.5 – 67.5 36 – 40 01-483-8585 Medium/regular
More than 67.5 36 – 40 01-483-8572 Medium/long
Less than 64.5 More than 40 01-483-8573 Large/short
64.5 – 67.5 More than 40 01-483-8574 Large/regular
More than 67.5 More than 40 01-483-8577 Large/long
The CWU-62B/P can be worn by either men or women.
The CWU-62C/P anti-exposure suit is for women only.

Do not use a ball-point pen or lead pencil to mark the
coverall material. Use only tailor‘s chalk or a china marking

If neck and wrist seal trimming is necessary (see Figure 4-11), refer to the NAVAIR 13-
1-6.7-2 manual.

Figure 4-11 — CWU-86/P men’s flyer’s ruggedized flyer’s coverall.

Additional information on maintenance procedures, inspection cycles, and test

equipment for anti-exposure assemblies is covered in the Aircrew Personal Protective
Equipment Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.7.

Although there is no limit to the speed a human can endure in straight and level flight in
an aircraft, changing speed or direction can produce inertia to which the body has a
sharply limited tolerance. In the case of extreme stresses exerted by forces of the type
met in seat ejection, ditching, or parachute opening shock, the short duration of the
force restricts its effects. However, changing the direction of flight often produces stress
forces equal to several times the normal value of gravity for periods longer than a
second. These forces can have dangerous effects.
At 5 g‘s (five times the force of gravity), the pilot‘s body is exposed to a force that
increases its weight and that of its components five times. This increased weight has
many effects. The pilot is pushed down into his seat. His arms and legs feel like lead,
and manipulation of the controls becomes more difficult. In addition, the extra weight of
the internal organs causes abdominal and chest discomfort. Most important, however, is
the effect on the circulatory system.

At 5 g‘s the pressure exerted by the column of blood between the head and the heart
becomes just about equal to the blood pressure in the arteries. As a result, the pressure
supplied by the heart is not great enough to pump an adequate supply of blood to the
To counteract these effects, the pressure in the arteries must be increased above the
heart level. At the same time, distended vessels and tissue and fluid spaces in the
regions below the heart must be restored to normal. This is accomplished by the anti-g
With the anti-g system, compressed air is metered to the garment in proportion to the
gravitational force being exerted. The bladders of the garment inflate, compressing the
legs and abdomen of the wearer by an amount also proportional to the gravitational
force. Thus, the garment prevents blood collecting in the abdomen and lower
extremities and forces blood from the lower to the upper part of the body. This effect
increases blood flow to the heart and increases resistance to the shifting of blood to the
lower limbs. In addition, it raises the diaphragm, decreasing the distance between the
heart, the eyes, and the brain. Altogether, it increases the tolerance of the pilot an
average of about 2 g‘s.

Anti-g Garments Description

The anti-g garments are designed to provide protection against the effects of high g-
forces experienced by aircrew personnel assigned to high-performance aircraft.

The anti-g garments consists of a bladder system that is encased in a fire-resistant
outer shell. As gravitational forces increase, the system automatically inflates at
predetermined pressures. To lessen the effect of a blackout, the anti-g garment applies
pressure on the body to restrict the flow of blood to the aircrew member‘s waist and
The following garments fit from the waist down and are worn over the standard flight
 CSU-15/P
 CSU-13B/P
 CSU-20/P
The CSU-21/P Counter Pressure Vest, also discussed in this chapter, is worn on the
upper torso over the standard flight suit.

CSU-15/P, CSU-13B/P, and CSU-15A/P Anti-G Garments
The CSU-15/P anti-g garment and the CSU-13B/P anti-g garment seen in Figure 4-12
provide protection against the effects of g-forces experienced in high performance
aircraft. The CSU-15A/P anti-g garment is identical to the current CSU-13B/P in form,
fit, and function and will be used as an alternative to the CSU-13B/P anti-g garment for
Navy/Marine Corps only.

Figure 4-12 — CSU-13B/P anti-g garment.

CSU-13B/P garments will replace the CSU-15/P garments
on an attrition basis. The new CSU-15A/P‘s will be
manufactured without the shroud pocket and without the
velcro on the thigh pocket as they are not typically used or

The anti-g garments seen in Figure 4-13, are made of a fire-resistant aramid cloth outer
shell that houses a bladder. The garments are cut away at the buttock, groin, and knee
area for comfort and flexibility. The outer shell has waist and leg entrance fasteners,
adjustment lacing areas with lacing covers, and leg pockets with slide fastener closures
for refine adjustments and storage. The bladder is made of a polyurethane coated nylon
clothe that covers the abdomen, thighs, and calves. The bladder of the anti-g garment is
fitted with a hose that is connected directly to the aircrafts anti-g system. Sizing of the
anti-g garment can be seen in Table 4-1 of the NAVAIR 13-1-6.7 series manual.

Figure 4-13 — CSU-13B/P and CSU-15/P parts nomenclature.

The CSU-15A/P and CSU-13B/P anti-g garments are used in conjunction with standard
Navy personal equipment. The CSU-15A/P anti-g garment is identical to the current
CSU-13B/P and can be used as an alternative for Navy/Marine Corps only.
Maintenance actions for the CSU-13B/P are also utilized for the CSU-15A/P.

Before each flight the aircrew member performs a preflight inspection. The interval
between preflight inspections must not exceed 14 days. The calendar inspection is
made by an Aircrew Survival Equipmentman prior to placing the anti-g garment in
service and every 180 days after that, which coincides with every second life preserver
calendar inspection. The calendar inspection is also done whenever a discrepancy is
discovered during preflight inspection.

Repairs are performed at the lowest level of maintenance possible. They are limited to
repairing small holes and tears in the outer shell and replacing and adjusting lacings.
Since the hose is part of the bladder system, repairs to it are limited to tightening or
replacing the clamp and replacing quick-disconnect fittings.


Provide an integration of the aircrew‘s parachute harness, lap belt assembly, and
shoulder restraint harness. The harness webbings are weaved through the torso
garment to keep it in a position for donning or doffing.
The PCU-56/P serves as a parachute harness in case of ejection or bailout as well as
provides the restraint in the seat.
The PCU-56/P is constructed of nylon webbing that is encased in a nylon fabric channel
and is configured into a sleeveless, legless, torso garment that is available in four
standard stock sizes: small, medium, large, and X-large. In addition to the standard
stock sizes, a custom-fit harness is available for aircrew member that are not able to fit
the standard sizes.
Main sling webbing straps with canopy release adapters facilitate attachment of the
parachute riser. The lap belt adapter provides attachment to survival seat kit. Two lap
belt support straps are attached to the main sling on both sides of the harness near the
chest strap channel and extending down forming a loop around and secured to lap belt,
adjacent to the lap belt adapters. These straps provide support in carrying the weight of
the seat kit transmitted through the harness during parachute opening shock. Saddle
anti-rotation straps are installed on the front leg straps to ensure proper harness overall
fit while suspended. The PCU-56/P harness also incorporates two channels in the main
sling for the routing the chest strap for proper fitting. The garment is closed by a slide
fastener at the front. A dual chest strap adapter provides the final point of adjustment for
the harness. A gated D-ring is attached to right shoulder adjustable strap interweaved
with canopy release adapter. The gated D-ring is for attaching a helicopter hoist hook
during rescue.

Aircraft Application
For a list of authorized aircraft applications of each configuration, refer to the NAVAIR
13-1-6.2 series manual.

The PCU-26/P torso harness consists of three-quick adjustment, two secondary side
adjusters, two cinch straps, and two canopy release adjustment points. The torso
harness is made of a lightweight, flexible, nylon framework that is mounted on a nylon
vest and a sectional main sling. The HBU-18/A lap belt assembly consists of two
adjustable attachment straps and is made of medium weight, flexible, nylon webbing
sewn to metal hardware (see Figure 4-15).

Figure 4-15 — HBU-18/A aircraft safety lap belt assembly.

For proper required restraint and protection, the PCU-26/P and PCU-26A/P Torso
Harness Assemblies and BHU-18/A Lap Belt Assembly must fit properly. The aircrew
attaches the canopy release fittings on the parachute risers to the fittings on the
harness, fastens the lap belt hardware assembly, and then adjusts the adjustable strap

Wearing protective helmets while flying in Navy aircraft depends upon the designation
of the aircraft. You will find that aircraft such as fighters, attack planes, and helicopters
usually require aircrew members to wear a protective helmet during takeoff, in flight,
and during landing. Other aircraft may require that the helmet be worn only during
takeoff and landing.
The Navy headgear for an aircrew member is considered to be a pilot‘s protective
equipment. Maintenance and upkeep is the responsibility of the Aircrew Survival
There are a number of different types of headgear. Each has its own specific function.
As you work with the different types, you‘ll find that with very little effort, you can change
their basic configuration to meet requirements for all fixed-wing aircraft.

General Aircrew Helmet Assemblies for Rotary Wing Aircraft

The basic HGU-84/P helmet assembly seen in Figure 4-16 features a lightweight helmet
shell constructed of a multi-layer mixed composite of graphite fabric and ballistic nylon
fabric with the helmet edge trimmed for optimal peripheral vision. The helmets are
available in four sizes (medium, large, extra-large, and extra-large wide). An integrated
chin/nape strap and a thermoplastic comfort liner provide stability and comfort. The
HGU-84/P is compatible for use with the AN/AVS-9(R) Night Vision Image Intensifier
Set (NVIIS), the A/P22P-14(V) CBR protective mask, and the MBU-17(V)2/P oxygen
mask. The helmets also house the communications components: H-87B/U earphones,
radio frequency (communications) cable assembly, and a boom swivel mount for
installation of the M-87/AIC or M26542/2 series boom microphones. The visor
assemblies authorized for use with the HGU-84/P helmet assembly are the neutral,
clear, gradient, amber, and laser eye protective or neodymium. The visor assemblies
can be easily attached or removed via snap fasteners.

Figure 4-16 — HGU-84/P helmet assembly.

The basic HGU-84/P helmet does not come equipped with the communications
components and NVIIS interface accessories, which must be procured separately and
installed on the helmet to build up the configurations. Refer to NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-3
Table 3-1 in order to obtain the desired configuration for aircrew members assigned to
fly in certain aircraft.

Major Helmet Components

See Table 4-4 for major helmet descriptions and components.

Table 4-4 — Helmet configuration and application matrix

HH-46A, UH-46A, UH-46D, KC-130




SH-3D, SH-3H, VH-3A, CH-46D,


CH-53E, MH-53E, RH-53D




CH-46E, SH-60

UH-1N, TH-57









(Note 3, 7)
(Note 5)

(Note 3)
X X X X X X X X X – X
CABLES M22442/15-1
(CX4832A/AR) OR
X X X X X O O – – – –
M22442/19-1 (CX-
12972/AR) (Note 1)
(CX-1 3155/A) or
O O O O O O O – – – –
(CX-4708A/AIC) or
P/N 93C8485 (Note
M22442/57-1 (CX-
O O O – O O O O O – X
11441 OR 11441A – – – – – O – – – – –
EAR- H-87B/U and
O O O O O O O O O – O
(Note 5, 6)
BOOM M26542/2-01 (M-87
O O O O O O O O O – O
MICRO- W/13‖ CX-4434/U
HH-46A, UH-46A, UH-46D, KC-130



SH-3D, SH-3H, VH-3A, CH-46D,


CH-53E, MH-53E, RH-53D




CH-46E, SH-60

UH-1N, TH-57









(Note 3, 7)
(Note 5)

33A/AIC (M-87 W/6‖
CX-4434/U CABLE)
M26542/2-02 (M-87
W/16I CX-4434/U O O O O – – O – – – X
M26542/2-03 (M-87
W/28I CX-4434/U O – – – O O O – – – X
D6001618 OR
(TEMPEST) PART O – – – – – – X X X –
OF MK-1564/AIC
AMP M23595/1-2 (AM-
X – – – X X O – – – –
CBR A/P22P-14(V)
O2 MBU-23 or MBU-17
MASK masks. Receiver P/N: – – X – X – – O – – X
O O – O O O O O O – O
– – – – – – – – – – X
Legend: X = Required O = Optional – = Not Applicable
1. Optional for HGU-84/6P and HGU-84/7P.
2. Fully operational helmet requires a separately issued Aviator's Night Vision Image Intensifier Set and battery
3. See Table 3-2 for optional visors for use with the HGU-84/P series and HGU-67/P helmets.
4. Cable P/N 93C8485 is used in the SH-60F due to unique aural requirement of aircraft systems.




CH-53E, MH-53E, RH-53D

UH-1N, TH-57

6. H-87B/U is required; CEP is optional with the H-87B/U.
7. Optimized Top Owl Helmet procedures are in Chapter 9.

SH-3D, SH-3H, VH-3A, CH-46D,
HH-46A, UH-46A, UH-46D, KC-130
(Note 5)

CH-46E, SH-60
5. KC-130 aircrew are authorized to use the Oregon Aero Hushkit Combos (P/N 28034 and 28118).


(Note 3, 7)

Helmet Shell Assembly
The helmet shell assembly seen in Figure 4-17 is designed to provide impact protection.
This assembly consists of a helmet shell that is constructed of pressure-molded,
laminated graphite and ballistic nylon and a polystyrene energy-absorbing liner that
absorbs and reduces impact forces. The helmet assembly also includes a lens pad that
buffers the visor from the shell, snap fasteners that the visors are attached to, a boom
swivel assembly that supports the microphone assembly, and a helmet block for
mounting a Night Vision Image Intensifier Set (NVIIS) or a Helmet Sight Assembly
(HSA) (HGU-67/P). The helmet shell is equipped with pile fasteners that are attached to
the inside to facilitate positioning and retention of earcups. The edge of the helmet shell
is covered with a foam edgeroll encased in a black leather cover.

Figure 4-17 — Helmet shell assembly components.

PRU-52/P Thermoplastic Liner Assembly
The TPL assembly seen in Figure 4-18 is a lightweight inner liner that provides comfort
and a close fit and can consist of a five-layer preformed plastic assembly with a
removable washable cloth cover. The assembly can be fitted by removing layers of the
preformed plastic assembly or can be custom fitted by heating the TPL and forming it to
the aircrew members head.

Figure 4-18 — Thermoplastic liner assembly.

Earcup Assembly
The earcup assembly seen in Figure 4-19 provides sound attenuation and is compatible
with H-87B/U earphones. The assembly is attached to the inside of the helmet shell and
is held in place by hooks and pile fasteners. To ensure comfort and sound attenuation,
the earcup is designed with a raised-ring earseal. For optimum earcup fitting, earcup
pads (two thick and two thin pads) can be placed between the earcup and the helmet

Figure 4-19 — Earcup assembly.

Integrated Chin/Nape Assembly

The integrated chin/nape assembly seen in Figure 4-20 can be adjusted to provide a
snug, comfortable fit with maximum helmet stability and retention. Sliding clamps on the
nape straps allow the nape area to be adjusted without adding force to the chin strap.
The nape straps are made of nylon webbing with a leather-covered nape pad for added
comfort. To increase snugness, spacer pads, which vary in thicknesses and can be cut
to any size, can be added to the nape pad. A snap tab located on the left side of the
chin strap allows for quick fastening and unfastening without the need for repeated
lacing through the D-rings located on the right side. To help minimize slippage, the
assembly is equipped with a hook fastener tab that is sewn onto the free end of the chin
strap and is fastened to the pile tab.

Figure 4-20 — Integrated chin/nape assembly components.

Clear, Neutral, and Special Purpose Protective Visor Assemblies
The visor assembly seen in Figure 4-21 can be worn in either a single- or dual-visor
configuration as desired by the crewmember. The clear inner visor provides protection
during the night and the neutral density outer visor provides glare protection during
daylight flight operations. Each visor is attached via snap fasteners. To avoid the
unintentional release of both visors during operation, the outer visor features a pull-the-
dot fastener that releases in the opposite direction of the inner visor. To protect the
outer visor, a leather lens cover is used, and a lens pad that rests on the top of the
helmet protects the inner visor when not in use. The following four special purpose
visors are authorized but must be procured separately:
 Neodymium Laser Eye Protective Visor (LEP) – Standard configuration
 Optical Density (OD) 4.0/LEP OD 6.0 – Provides protection from laser targeting
and range finding devices during both day and night flight operations
 Amber Visor – Affords enhanced visual acuity during flights conducted in
overcast or haze (used during daylight flight operations only)
 Gradient Visor – Provides glare protection similar to the neutral visor, but the
clear area along the lower portion allows for un-obscured rapid scan of cockpit

Figure 4-21 — Visor assembly.

Communications System Components
Helmet communications system components must be procured separately. The helmet
communications system illustrated seen in Figure 4-22 represents components of a
typical system consisting of two earphones, a communications cable or radio frequency
cable, a boom microphone assembly, an audio amplifier, and an amplifier mounting
bracket kit.

Figure 4-22 — Communications system components (HGU-67/P).

NVIIS System Components

The NVIIS components seen in Figure 4-23 must be procured separately. System
components include the AN/AVS-9(R) Night Vision Image Intensifier Set (NVIIS),
Battery Compartment or Low Profile Battery Compartment, NVIIS Quick Don Mount
Assembly, and internal wiring harness. Using the quick don mount assembly, the
AN/AVS-9(R) NVIIS easily attaches to the mounting block installed on the brow of the
helmet. The terminal block end of the internal NVIIS wiring harness, which when
connected to the battery power compartment provides power to the NVIIS, contains
gold-plated electrical contacts and is secured to the left hand side of the helmet
mounting block by a retainer that prevents incorrect installation. The wiring harness is
routed through the inside of the helmet exiting at the rear of the helmet through a factory
drilled exit hole where it connects to the power cable of the battery compartment. The
battery compartment is secured to the rear of the helmet with a pile fastener tape
battery compartment securing patch, which must be fabricated.

Figure 4-23 — NVIIS components.

Helmet Sight Assembly Components (HGU-67/P)

The helmet sight assembly components seen in Figure 4-24 must be procured
separately. The HSA components include the quick-don helmet gunsight mount
assembly, gunsight wiring harness assembly with receptacle, and the receptacle
bracket assembly. The terminal block of the internal portion of the gunsight wiring
harness features gold-plated electrical contacts and is attached to the right hand side of
the installed helmet mounting block with a retainer that prevents incorrect installation.
The internal portion of the wiring harness is routed along the upper edge of the right
helmet shell cavity pile fastener tape, under the leather covering of the helmet nape
edgeroll across the rear of the helmet, exiting the interior at the left rear corner fold of
the helmet nape edgeroll. At the molded cable strain relief point, the cable splits with
one wire bundle routed to the A1P1 electrical connector and the other to the receptacle.
The receptacle is attached to a receptacle bracket that is attached to the helmet crown.
To allow for proper connection to the aircraft mounted portion of the gunsight system,
the receptacle bracket is positioned on the helmet shell exterior.

Figure 4-24 — Helmet sight assembly components (HGU-76/P).

CBR Receiver Components

The CBR receiver components include two snap fastener studs and two CBR adapter
strap assemblies with snaps. The studs are permanently secured to the sides of the
helmet. The adapter straps come attached to the A/P22P-14(V) mask and are used to
attach the mask to the helmet assembly. The attaching hardware is packaged together
as a helmet attachment kit. The A/P22P-14(V) mask is issued separately and must be
fitted to individual aircrew members when the studs and strap assemblies are installed.
Refer to NAVAIR 13-1-6.10 for fitting instructions.


The oxygen test set and the communications test set are presently the only authorized
test transmit and receive communications capabilities of the fixed-wing helmet and
oxygen mask assemblies and the helmet communications capabilities in AH-1W and
MH-60 rotary wing aircraft. However, if a test set is available in the supported rotary
wing activity and necessary adapters can be procured or locally manufactured, the test
set can be used to test the communications capabilities of other rotary wing helmets. If
the test set is not available, using the aircraft‘s system and/or any local procedures to
test communications is authorized.

Helmet Sight Alignment Set

The Helmet Sight Alignment Set is required to perform boresight testing and adjustment
on the HGU-67/P helmet sight system.

The concept of sizing refers to the basic methods to be followed by the Aircrew Survival
Equipmentman to determine and obtain the proper size helmet from supply. When the
basic helmet assembly size is received, buildup to the required configuration can begin.
Helmet size must be determined for each aircrew member as follows:

Sizing instructions are provided only as general guidance.
Because of the wide variation in head shapes likely to be
encountered, it is not possible to present detailed guidance.
The helmet should fit the head closely. For this reason,
aircrewmembers should be fitted with the smallest helmet
size that provides an acceptable fit.

1. If built-up helmet assemblies are available, the aircrew member should perform a
trial fitting to determine the correct size to be ordered. If helmet assemblies are
not available, measure the circumference of the aircrew member‘s head at the
hatband line using a tape measure. Refer to Table 4-5 as a guide for sizing.

Table 4-5 — Helmet sizing guide

Circumference (Inches) Size Part Number

21.0 – 22.5 Medium 89D7748-1
22.5 – 24.0 Medium/Large 89D7748-2
24.0 – 24.9 Extra-Large 89D7748-3
Greater than 24.9 Extra-Large Wide 89D7748-4

2. Once the correct size has been determined, requisition the helmet through the
normal supply channels.

TACAIR Helmet Assemblies for Fixed Wing Aircraft

TACAIR helmet assemblies for fixed-wing aircraft include the HGU-66(V)/P series,
HGU-68(V)/P series, and HGU-85(V)/P series helmet assemblies (see Figure 4-25).

Figure 4-25 — TACAIR helmet assemblies for fixed-wing aircraft.

Use of the HGU-33/P thru HGU-52/P series helmets and
HGU-55/P helmet assemblies has been extended
indefinitely. Refer to Section 4-7 (Maintenance of HGU-
33/P thru HGU-52/P and HGU-55/P Helmet Assemblies) for
the only authorized maintenance procedures applicable to
these helmets. The HGU-68(V)/P series aircrew protective
helmet assemblies feature a lightweight helmet shell
constructed of graphite and ballistic nylon trimmed for
optimum peripheral vision. The helmets are available in
three sizes (medium, large, and extra-large). They afford
enhanced stability through the use of an integrated
chin/nape strap assembly. The helmets are designed to
provide face, eye, aural, and head protection when properly
assembled and fitted to the aircrewmember. The helmet
assemblies also house the communications components,
allow for the use of the visor assembly or AN/AVS-9(V)
Night Vision Image Intensifier Set (NVIIS), and integrate
with the MBU-21/P CBR Mask.

The helmet assembly configuration is built from components. In order to obtain the
desired configuration for certain aircrew or aircraft applications, refer to Table 4-1 in the
NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-3.

Major Helmet Assemblies

The earcup and chin/nape strap assemblies are shown in Figure 4-26 and Figure 4-27
respectively. Refer to NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-3 Table 4-4 through Table 4-7 for the order of
assembly of the major helmet assemblies.

Figure 4-26 — Earcup assembly.

Figure 4-27 — PRU-53/P chin/nape strap assembly.

HGU-66(V) 1/P Helmet Assembly

The HGU-66(V)/P series helmets are interim night attack helmet assemblies
incorporating the Night Vision Image Intensifier Sets (NVIIS) and an oxygen mask. The
M22442/37-4708 (CX-4708A/AIC) cable assembly is used for communications. This
helmet was a limited quantity production of only 750 units. The HGU-66(V)/P series
featured chemically formed, custom fit, two-piece inner liners covered with gray leather,
foam-filled helmet shell edgeroll and the integrated chin/nape strap. The HGU-66(V) 1/P
is an HGU-66(V)/P configured with the AN/AVS-9(V) mounting plate for NVIIS aided
flights. Use the maintenance and repair/replacement procedures for the HGU-85(V)/P
series helmets to maintain the HGU-66(V)/P series helmet assemblies. See Figure 4-

Figure 4-28 — HGU-85(V)/P helmet assembly (sheet 1 of 2).

Figure 4-28 — HGU-85(V)/P helmet assembly (sheet 2 of 2).

HGU-68(V)/P Series Helmet Assembly

The HGU-68(V)/P series helmets are designed to replace the HGU-33/P series helmets
in all tactical fixed-wing aircraft applications. The assembly is delivered preconfigured
with the M22442/37-4708 (CX-4708A/AIC) cable assembly for communications; a 600
knot ejection capable, low profile, single-lens visor assembly with interchangeable clear
and neutral lenses; an integrated chin/nape strap; an energy absorbing polystyrene
impact liner; and the PRU-52/P Thermoplastic Liner (TPL) Assembly. See Table 4-6 for
helmet configuration and aircraft application.

Table 4-6 — Helmet configuration and application matrix

HGU-85(V)/P Series Helmet Assembly
The HGU-85(V)/P series helmets are night attack helmets incorporating NVIIS to
enhance aircrew night mission performance. The HGU-85(V)/P helmet is delivered
configured with the M22442/37-4708 (CX-4708A/AIC) cable assembly for
communications, attachable lightweight visors clear and neutral, an integrated
chin/nape strap, an energy absorbing polystyrene impact liner and the PRU-52/P TPL
Assembly. Included with, but not attached, are low profile oxygen mask jaw receivers.
The PRU-58/P helmet shell features three factory-fabricated slots in the brow area to
permit attachment of the MXU-810/U NVIIS helmet plate, which is no longer authorized
for use. The HGU-85(V) 1/P is an HGU-85(V)/P helmet configured with the AN/AVS-
9(V) mounting plate for NVIIS aided flights

The HGU-89/P22P-16 and HGU-87(V)/P22P-16 helmets
are HGU-68(V)/P helmets modified by ACC No. 642
incorporating the Navy Combat Edge KMU-561/P22P-16
inflatable helmet bladder assembly. This configuration is
not authorized and has been removed from this manual.

HGU-87(V)/P22P-16 Series Helmet Assembly

See Table 4-6 for helmet configuration and application. The HGU-87(V) 1/P22P-16
helmet is modified for use with the AN/AVS-9(V) NVIIS. The HGU-87(V) 1/P22P-16
helmet assemblies shall remain in service until it can no longer be economically
repaired at organizational level to meet performance requirements.

The HGU-89/P22P-16 and HGU-87(V)/P22P-16 helmets
are HGU-68(V)/P helmets modified by ACC No. 642
incorporating the Navy Combat Edge KMU-561/P22P-16
inflatable helmet bladder assembly. This configuration is
not authorized and has been removed from this manual.

HGU-89/P22P-16 Helmet Assembly

The HGU-89/P22P-16 helmet is an HGU-85(V)/P helmet modified by ACC No. 631
incorporating the AN/AVS-9(V) NVIIS.

PRU-55/P Helmet Shell Assembly

The PRU-55/P helmet shell assembly (see Figure 4-29) is intended to provide head
protection during in-flight buffeting and emergency situations such as ejection, bailout,
or crash landings. The helmet shell assembly is designed to resist projectile penetration
and to distribute impact forces over the entire head. The PRU-55/P helmet shell
assembly is the platform for other components such as the single lens visor assembly,
communication devices, and the oxygen mask. A chin/nape strap assembly and a
thermoplastic liner assembly are added to the helmet shell assembly to provide a better
fit and increased stability.

Figure 4-29 — PRU-55/P helmet shell assembly.

PRU-52/P Thermoplastic Liner Assembly

The TPL assembly comes in three sizes (medium, large, and extra-large) and is used
with a styrofoam liner that is installed in the helmet shell assembly and provides impact
energy absorption, helmet stability, and comfort. The TPL assembly consists of a pre-
formed TPL layer assembly and a TPL cover assembly.

Single Lens Visor Assembly

The single lens visor assembly provides face and eye protection from impact, projectile
penetration, sun-glare, dust, ultraviolet rays, windblast, and flash fire. Each assembly is
delivered with interchangeable clear and neutral lenses. Three optional special use
visors are authorized:
 Amber lens – Used in hazy/overcast conditions during daytime flight operations
 Gradient lens – Offers glare protection similar to the neutral lens, however the
lower portion of the lens is clear, allowing for un-obscured quick scan of cockpit
instruments (used for daylight operations only)
 Neodymium laser eye protective visor – Provides protection from laser targeting
and range finding devices during both day and night flight operations
These lenses are compatible with the MBU-12/P series oxygen mask. If using the MBU-
23 oxygen mask assembly, use the laser eye protective visor, amber visor, or gradient

Lightweight Visor Series

Lightweight visors provide face and eye protection from impact, projectile penetration,
sun glare, ultraviolet rays, laser radiation, and dust. Lightweight visors normally come in
clear and neutral, but the following optional special visors are compatible with the MBU-
12/P oxygen mask:
 Amber – Provides enhanced visibility in hazy/overcast conditions
 Gradient – Provides glare protection similar to the neutral visor, however the
lower portion of the lens is clear allowing for unobscured quick scan of cockpit
Both the amber and the gradient visors can only be used during daylight flight
operations. If using the MBU-23 oxygen mask assembly, use the amber visor or
gradient visor to provide proper visor/mask interface.

Safety Visor Series

The safety visors, Stepped In and Stepped Out, are clear components of the HGU-
85(V) 1/P helmet assembly. The safety visors are worn when utilizing the AN/AVS-9(V)
NVIIS and provide eye and facial windblast protection.

Reduced Profile Safety Visors

The clear neodymium OD 4.0 and neodymium OD 6.0 reduced profile safety visors are
worn when using the AN/AVS-9(V) NVIIS to provide the required facial and eye
protection during flight operations.

Communication Cable Assembly

Each helmet assembly is outfitted with the appropriate communication components for
operation with the aircraft.

M26542/2-01 Boom Microphone Assembly
The boom microphone assembly provides communication when the oxygen mask is not
in use.

Bayonet Receiver Assembly

The bayonet receiver assembly allows for the use of an oxygen mask.


TTU-489/E Oxygen Hose and Communications Test Set and TTU-609/E
Communications Test Set
The TTU-489/E test set and the TTU-609/E communications test set are used to test
the communications components of the helmet and oxygen mask. Refer to NAVAIR 17-
15BC-22 or NAVAIR 19-5-306, respectively. If the test set is not available, using the
aircraft‘s system and/or any local procedures to test communications is authorized.

TTU-551/E NCE Leakage Tester

The TTU-551/E leakage test set is required to perform leakage tests on the KMU-
561/P22P-16 bladder assembly of the HGU-87(V)/P22P-16 and HGU-89/P22P-16
helmet assemblies. The helmet bladder test adapter is an item of special support
equipment provided with the TTU-551/E test set. If the adapter should become lost or
broken, refer to NAVAIR 17-15GB-505 for fabrication instructions.

Flyer’s Helmet Bag (MIL-B-43290J)

The flyer‘s helmet bag (see Figure 4-30) is a nylon fabricated bag used for holding the
aircrew member‘s helmet and auxiliary equipment.

Figure 4-30 — Flyer’s helmet bag.

General Sizing
The concept of sizing refers to the basic methods to be followed by the Aircrew Survival
Equipmentman for requisitioning the proper size helmet shell from supply. Once the
basic helmet shell assembly size has been determined and requisitioned, the helmet
shell assembly is ready for helmet configuration buildup as per the NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-3
Section 4-3.
The helmet shell assembly required for each configuration is determined by the helmet
shell size and the type of visor assembly needed for the helmet configuration buildup.

Sizing the Basic PRU-55/P Helmet Shell Assembly

To select the proper size helmet shell assembly for the aircrew member, proceed as
 If TACAIR helmets are available, aircrew member should trial fit to determine
correct size to order.
 If TACAIR helmets are not available, measure the circumference of the head at
the hatband line with a tape measure. Refer to Table 4-7 as a guide for sizing.

Table 4-7 — Helmet shell assembly sizing guide

Circumference Comparable Hat Shell and Liner Part Number

(Inches) Size Size Required
21 – 22.5 7 or Less Medium 90A8045-1 (Note 1)
22.5 – 24 7 1/2 Large 90A8045-2 (Note 1)
24 – 24.9 7 7/8 or More Extra-Large 90A8045-3 (Note 1)

Note: The part numbers listed are for the PRU-55/P helmet shell assembly. Refer to
the IPB for part numbers of complete HGU-68/P helmet assembly.

As with all equipment that you work with and maintain, proper care of the fixed-wing
series helmet assemblies is essential to ensure optimum performance during
emergencies and routine flights. The aircrew member is responsible for cleaning and
properly handling the helmet. All repairs and modifications are done by the PR at the
organizational maintenance level or above.

There is one basic inspection that you must perform on the helmet: the calendar
inspection. In addition, the aircrew member is responsible for a preflight/postflight
inspection before and after each flight.

Calendar Inspection
The calendar inspection is conducted by organizational-level activities upon issue and
every 90 days thereafter. The 90-day inspection consists of a visual inspection,
functional check, and thorough cleaning.

Visual Inspection
To visually inspect the helmet, you must make a thorough sight inspection for broken
parts, security of attached parts, and loose or broken stitching, and you must also
inspect the earcups for sound attenuation and pliability.

The oxygen mask is the final link in conveying oxygen from the aircraft system to the
user. A satisfactory regulator and oxygen system or a full cylinder of oxygen is of little
value to a pilot if his oxygen mask is not operating properly in every respect.

The oxygen mask is the pilot‘s personal equipment; that is, after initial fitting, they are
retained by the individual. Fitting, adjustments, maintenance, cleaning, and
incorporating modifications are the responsibility of the PR.
The important factor to remember about identifying any oxygen mask is compatibility
with the oxygen system to which the mask is to be mated.

Pressure-Demand Oxygen Mask MBU-12/P23 Series

Oxygen mask assemblies are designed to be worn over the face, forming a seal to the
cheeks over the bridge of the nose and under the chin. The mask is designed for use
with a regulator, which provides breathing gas (100-percent oxygen or oxygen diluted
with air) upon demand at a pressure schedule dependent on the altitude. The mask can
also be used with continuous-flow bailout or walk-around oxygen sources. The mask
also provides facial protection from projectiles and fire, and it works at depths of 16 feet
underwater. A properly fitted oxygen mask is also essential to helmet retention in high-
speed ejections. The face piece permits utilization of the valsalva maneuver to clear
clogged sinuses by holding your nose with your mouth shut and trying to exhale. Then
open your mouth wider. This operation will clear most sinus clogging.
The MBU-12/P23 series pressure-demand 02 mask is the basic mask used to configure
any of the following oxygen mask assemblies:
 MBU-14(V) 1/P
 MBU -14 (V) 3 /P
 MBU 15/P
 MBU 16/P
 MBU 17(V) 1/P
 MBU17(V)2/P
Information on each assembly can be found in NAVAIR 13-1-6.7. Figure 4-31 shows a
MBU 12/P configured into a MBU 14(V) 1/P.

Figure 4-31 — MBU-14(V) 1/P oxygen mask assembly.

MBU-23 Series
The MBU-23 series was developed for non-positive pressure breathing for g
applications in aircraft.

MBU-23(V)/P Series Oxygen Mask

The MBU-23(V) 1/P Basic Oxygen Mask seen in Figure 4-32 is a low-profile pressure-
demand oxygen mask developed for Non-Positive-Pressure-Breathing for g (Non-PBG)
applications. The MBU-23(V) 1/P is an alternate mask to the MBU-12/P and the MBU-
5/P. The MBU-23(V) 1/P was developed for U.S. Navy and Marine Corps aircrew
personnel that fly high performance tactical jet and fixed-wing trainer aircrafts. It fits a
wider range of face and nose shapes and features a triangular shaped cover around the
nose and mouth that provides an excellent seal. It contains separate inhalation and
exhalation valves that present less breathing resistance than the single valve masks.

Figure 4-32 — MBU-23(V) 1/P oxygen mask assembly.

The MBU-23(V) 1/P oxygen mask consists of a silicone rubber face piece with
associated hard shell, inhalation and exhalation valves, flexible oxygen delivery hose,
and left and right bayonet connectors. The inhalation and exhalation valves are
interconnected by a compensation tube, and the design requires the oxygen to be offset
from the center of the mask. The compensation tube senses inhalation pressure and
directs a portion of the pressure to the underside of the exhalation valve plate in order to
keep the exhalation valve shut during inhalation. The MBU-23(V) 1/P can be configured
to the aircrew member or the aircraft depending on the application.
The MBU-12/P oxygen mask subassembly is a lightweight, low-profile, pressure-
demand type of oxygen mask. The mask features an integral face piece/hard shell. The
face piece is constructed of pliable silicone, and the hard shell is made of
polysulphonate. It also features a combination inhalation/exhalation valve, a flexible soft
silicone hose, and a MS27796 connector. An anti-stretch cord is secured to the valve at

the upper end and to the MS27796 connector at the lower end. The mask is outfitted
with a microphone receptacle and a microphone bracket for positioning the noise
canceling microphone.

Combination Inhalation/Exhalation Valve

The combination inhalation/exhalation valve used on the MBU-12/P series mask offers
the advantage of being miniature in size, but exhibits slightly higher exhalation
resistance. The valve is sensitive to dust and contamination. The valve is installed in the
mask‘s hard shell in a way that one side of the valve ―sees‖ mask pressure and the
other side ―sees‖ hose pressure (see Figure 4-33). Upon inhalation, the pressure within
the mask becomes less than the pressure within the oxygen hose; the flapper of the
valve opens and oxygen from the hose enters the oxygen mask (see Figure 4-34). Upon
exhalation, the pressure within the mask becomes greater than the pressure within the
hose; the flapper closes and the spring/diaphragm collapses so that exhalation is
exhausted (see Figure 4-35).

Figure 4-33 — Cross-sectional view of a combination inhalation/exhalation valve.

Figure 4-34 — Cross-sectional view of valve during inhalation.

Figure 4-35 — Cross-sectional view of valve during exhalation.

The MBU-12/P oxygen mask must be the correct size for the aircrew member in order
to operate properly. Once the correct size has been determined and requisitioned from
the supply system, the mask is ready for buildup to the ultimate configuration desired.

Attachment of Bayonet and Receiver Mechanism

Before you fit the mask to the helmet, you should check to see if the MBU-12/P23 series
has been configured to the correct assembly. For complete information on configuration
buildup, refer to Chapter 13 of NAVAIR 13-1-6.7. Once you have a complete assembly
of the right size, you‘re ready to fit the mask to the helmet.
The mask has four mask-retaining straps. You should thread the straps through the
slots in the offset bayonet fittings, as shown in Figure 4-36. Then insert each offset
bayonet fitting into a receiver mechanism to the second locking position. When the
bayonet is inserted in the receiver, the first click is caused by the entry of the bayonet
into the entrance of the receiver housing, but it is not a locking position. There are
normally three clicks when inserting the bayonet to the second locking position of the
receiver. When the bayonet is in the second locking position, the end of the bayonet will
be approximately even with the outer edge of the exit slot on the back of the receiver.
This proper positioning of the bayonet end can be checked either visually or by passing
a finger over the exit slot on the back of the receiver.

Figure 4-36 — Mask retaining straps.

Have aircrew members place the helmet on their heads and hold the oxygen mask in
proper position.
Inspect each receiver mechanism assembly to be sure that the rotating feature of the
device is locked in its central position. If the rotating feature is found not to be centered,
loosen the two locking screws on the nameplate of the receiver. Adjust the receiver until
the bayonet is at right angles to the receiver. Retighten the locking screws (Figure 4-

Figure 4-37 ─ Adjusting receiver assembly.

The receiver has a rotating feature that allows a 15-degree angle of freedom so that the
receiver can be adjusted slightly in either direction if this becomes necessary after
attachment to the helmet. Place the receiver on the helmet so that the upper and lower
straps have equal tension. The receiver should be positioned as close to the edgeroll as
possible to minimize bayonet/edgeroll interference.

The concept of fitting as it is used here refers to procedures required for necessary
component adjustment following oxygen mask assembly buildup. Fitting instructions are
provided only as a general guide. Because of the wide variation in facial shapes likely to
be encountered, it is not possible to present detailed guidance. A successful fit depends
largely on the skill and experience of the Aircrew Survival Equipmentman in selecting
and adjusting the oxygen mask assembly to the aircrew member‘s face. Improperly
fitted oxygen masks do not provide a positive face seal for pressure breathing and do
not protect the aircrew member in emergency situations.

Proper care and use of oxygen masks is essential to ensure optimum performance
during routine flight operations and emergencies. The aircrew member‘s responsibility
for maintaining the oxygen mask is limited to cleaning. Repairs or other required
maintenance actions are performed at the organizational level or above.


Multi-Climate Protection System (MCPS) is composed of 12 pieces that can be mixed
and matched to form 6 different individual layers. The MCPS is a modular garment
system that can be worn in conjunction with current flight suits and aviation flight
equipment in a broad range of climate conditions by adding or removing layers that
provide flame resistance, moisture management, thermal wind, and water protection.
Four different state of the art, flame resistant-textiles were developed exclusively for use
in the MCPS garments.

The MCPS consists of the components listed in Table 4-8 and are summarized below:

Table 4-8 — Platform compatibility recommendations

Rotary Non-
MCP Component Ejection
Wing Ejection
Silkweight Set (Replaces CWU-43 and Yes Yes Yes
Midweight Set (Replaces CWU-43 and Yes Yes Yes
Heavyweight Set (Replaces all anti- Yes No No
exposure coverall liners: CWU-23/P,
CWU-72/P, etc.)
Overall Yes Yes No
Fleece Jacket/Vest Yes Yes Yes
Outershell Jacket/Hood (Alone it Yes Yes Yes
replaces the CWU-36/P; when
combined with the fleece jacket or vest
it replaces the CWU-45/P)
Outershell Trousers (Replaces the Yes No No
CWU-18/P trousers)
Face Mask Yes No No
Note: All items of the MCPS are authorized for all aircraft platforms. However,
extensive fit/wear testing has revealed that the recommendations above reflect
the items of the system that each community will actually use. Our
recommendation is that activities do not buy the entire system for each
individual until they have determined if the items will be used.

1. The silkweight garment set seen in Figure 4-38 is a lightweight layer for times
when a warmer layer is not needed or for layering under a thicker layer. The
fabric is an aramid rashel knit that provides breathability, insulation, and flame
resistance. The shirt has a thumbhole in the cuff to allow the sleeve to be held in
place when donning other layers overtop. It can also be used to keep the hand
partially covered with the cuff for warmth. The shirt has an aramid mesh fabric on
the bottom to reduce bulk when tucking it in. The drawer has a front fly and
elastic waist. The elastic stirrup on the bottom of the leg is to aid in donning
layers overtop and can be cut off by aircrew members who do not like this

Figure 4-38 ─ Silkweight shirt and drawer.

2. The midweight garment set seen in Figure 4-39 is a medium-weight layer for use
alone or for layering over and under other layers of the MCPS. The set is
constructed of an aramid fleece engineered to provide flame protection in a
garment that wicks and provides a comfortable fit. The aramid fleece is worn on
the inside next to the skin and a polyester Lycra blend on the outside to provide a
closer fit. The shirt has an aramid mesh cloth on the bottom to reduce bulk when
tucking in. The drawer has a front fly and elastic waist. The elastic stirrup on the
bottom of the leg is to aid in donning layers overtop and can be cut off by aircrew
members who do not like this feature.

Figure 4-39 ─ Midweight shirt and drawer.

3. The heavyweight garment set seen in Figure 4-40 will provide the level of
protection required for in-water immersion when used with the anti-exposure
coverall. The zip neck shirt is made of an aramid double velour with is modeled
after the 200 weight polyester double velour available commercially. This layer
can be worn alone or with the silkweight and/or midweight layers under a flight
suit or an anti-exposure suit. Due to the knit structure of the fabric and its
compressibility, it increases comfort and mobility when compared to currently
fielded garments. The shirt has a Nomex mesh on the bottom to reduce bulk
when tucking in. The liner pant has a front fly and elastic waist.

Figure 4-40 ─ Heavyweight shirt and drawer.

4. The overall seen in Figure 4-41 was developed to be worn over the flight suit and
underneath the shell pant to provide insulation to aircrew on helicopters or in the
back of patrol and cargo fixed-wing aircraft who work in an environment with very
little, if any, capability to provide heat. The design enables the overall to be put
on while wearing boots and has a suspender that adjusts with Velcro in order to
avoid hardware that could press into the body and create a hot spot. Aircrews
that wear a torso harness will not use this item. The overall is made from the
same double-weight velour as the heavyweight garments.

Figure 4-41 ─ Overall.

5. The fleece jacket shown in Figure 4-42 and vest shown in Figure 4-43 are
designed to be worn over the silkweight, midweight, and/or heavyweight
garments, alone or under the shell outer jacket on cold/wet days. The garments
provide warmth without weight and block 95% of the wind while still providing
outstanding breathability. The garments are water-repellent, shed rain and snow,
and dry quickly. The vest provides warmth to the body core on moderately cold
days while still providing freedom of movement. The garments are constructed of
an aramid 300 weight double fleece engineered to provide flame protection in a
garment that wicks and provides comfort.

Figure 4-42 ─ Fleece jacket.

Inform aircrew that washing the Gortex outershell pieces
(jacket/hood and trousers) 3 or 4 times before wearing will
soften up the garments and make them more comfortable
to wear.

Figure 4-43 ─ Fleece vest.

6. The outershell jacket and trousers seen in Figure 4-44 are made of a waterproof,
windproof, and breathable flame-resistant Gortex Best Defense fabric, developed
and manufactured for the MCPS. The outershell jacket can be used alone or over
the other MCPS garments as layered protection. The jacket is designed to stay
on the hip, has waterproof zippers, a ―map‖ pocket on the upper left chest, hand
warmer pockets behind the large front patch pockets, and survival hood that can
be snapped onto the collar. The shell pant is made of the same fabric as the shell
jacket. The pant can be put on while wearing boots and comes with suspenders
to help keep them in place. The outershell trousers can be used alone or over the
other MCPS components as layered protection.

Figure 4-44 ─ Outershell jacket and trouser.

7. The face mask shown in Figure 4-45 is a unisex pullover style garment designed
for use in rotary wing aircraft only. The face mask is a semi-form fit, soft, warm,
wind-resistant, fire-resistant garment with minimum bulk. The face mask can be
worn under the helmet or as a stand-alone cold weather garment. The face mask
is constructed of aramid fleece, with a black stretch, velour panel insert at the
back to help facilitate donning and doffing. The ear inserts are made of a mesh
knit that provides a layer of protection while still allowing unimpeded hearing
through the aircrew member‘s helmet/cranial/headset without removing the face
mask. The left front has a slit in the fleece to facilitate the use of a boom
microphone. The face mask comes in two sizes (medium/large and extra-large)
and can be worn up, covering the face, nose, mouth, chin, ears and neck, or in
the down position covering the neck only. The face mask was designed to be
tucked under a shirt or jacket for full neck protection.

Figure 4-45 ─ Face mask.

MCPS is designed to provide aircrew with the ability to select the garments they require
based upon mission, aircraft, and environment. Table 4-8 identifies the various
components of the MCPS and the platform compatibility of the various pieces.

Currently, there are no modifications authorized for any of the MCPS garments.

The MCPS components shown in Table 4-9 shall be properly sized to the aircrew
member using Table 3-16 through Table 3-19 in the NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-2. When the
garments are received, ensure a good fit by referring to NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-2.

Table 4-9 — MCPS nomenclature and part number

Nomenclature Part Number

CWU-88/P shirt, men‘s silkweight 3832AS110-1 thru 15
CWU-89/P shirt, women‘s silkweight 3832AS210-1 thru 15
CWU-90/P drawers, men‘s silkweight 3832AS111-1 thru 15
CWU-91/P drawers, women‘s silkweight 3832AS211-1 thru 15
CWU-92/P shirt, men‘s midweight 3832AS120-1 thru 15
CWU-93/P shirt, women‘s, midweight 3832AS220-1 thru 15
CWU-94/P drawers, men‘s midweight 3832AS121-1 thru 15
CWU-95/P drawers, women‘s midweight 3832AS221-1 thru 15
CWU-96/P shirt, men‘s heavyweight 3832AS130-1 thru 15
CWU-97/P shirt, women‘s heavyweight 3832AS230-1 thru 15
CWU-98/P drawers, men‘s heavyweight 3832AS131-1 thru 15
CWU-99/P drawers, women‘s heavyweight 3832AS231-1 thru 15
CWU-100/P jacket, men‘s fleece 3832AS140-1 thru 15
CWU-101/P jacket, women‘s fleece 3832AS240-1 thru 15
CWU-102/P vest, men‘s fleece 3832AS150-1 thru 15
CWU-103/P vest, women‘s fleece 3832AS250-1 thru 15
CWU-104/P overalls, men‘s, cold weather, fleece 3832AS160-1 thru 15
CWU-105/P overalls, women‘s cold weather fleece 3832AS260-1 thru 15
CWU-106/P jacket, men‘s waterproof outershell 3832AS170-1 thru 15
CWU-107/P jacket, women‘s waterproof outershell 3832AS270-1 thru 15
CWU-108/P trousers, men‘s waterproof outershell 3832AS171-1 thru 15
CWU-109/P trousers, women‘s waterproof outershell 3832AS271-1 thru 15
CWU-110/P, mask, cold weather male & female 3832AS300-1 thru 2
Note: As they become available in the supply system, the NIINs will be published in
the QH-2 manual.

4-1. What is the primary function of flight clothing?

A. Appearance
B. Comfort
C. Protection
D. All of the above

4-2. What purpose is emphasized when designing materials used to manufacture

flight clothing?

A. Lengthen service life

B. Provide comfort
C. Improve survival chances
D. Provide a nice appearance

4.3. Flight clothing maintenance is divided into how many categories?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

4.4. Who schedules preventive maintenance for all aircrew personal protective
equipment within a squadron?

A. Maintenance/material control officer

B. Production control officer
C. Shop chief
D. Quality assurance

4.5. When signing a maintenance document, you are required to perform which of the
following actions?

A. Print your name

B. Use your initials only
C. Sign your full name
D. Any of the above

4.6. The Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment History Card is divided into how
many sections?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

4.7. Which of the following is the only authority that can authorize modification to
survival equipment?


4.8. The CWU-27/P and CWU-73/P summer flying coveralls are made from an
aramid cloth. This material will not support combustion, but will begin to char at
what temperature?

A. 300° to 400°F
B. 500° to 600°F
C. 700° to 800°F
D. 800° to 900°F

4.9. What are the available sizes for the GS/FRP-2 flyer‘s gloves?

A. 4 through 12
B. 6 through 12
C. 7 through 14
D. 8 through 14

4.10. The CMU series survival vest provides maximum storage for survival equipment.
In addition, it facilitates integration of which of the following items?

A. A life preserver
B. Anti-g coveralls
C. A chest-mounted oxygen regulator
D. All of the above

4.11. What air temperature requires that anti-exposure suits be worn?

A. 32°F or below
B. 40°F or below
C. 45°F or below
D. 50°F or below

4.12. What is the only difference between the A/P22P-6(V)2 and the A/P22P-6A(V)2
anti-exposure assemblies?

A. The type of coveralls

B. The type of material
C. The type of gloves
D. The type of liner

4.13. The CWU-23/P liner is supplied in how many sizes?

A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14

4.14. What magnitude of g-force causes the blood pressure between the head and the
heart to approximately equal the arterial blood pressure?

A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven

4.15. What is the primary system component of the anti-g garment that applies
pressure to the lower extremities during increased g-forces?

A. Bladder
B. Compressor
C. Eductor
D. Turbine

4.16. When are preflight inspections required for anti-g garments?

A. After every flight and not to exceed 14 days

B. After every flight and not to exceed 180 days
C. Before every flight and not to exceed 14 days
D. Before every flight and not to exceed 180 days

4.17. The PCU-26/P and PCU-26A/P torso harness assemblies are exclusively
designed for use by which of the following squadrons?

A. Amphibious assault squadron

B. Fleet air reconnaissance squadron
C. Flight demonstration squadron
D. Mine countermeasures squadron

4.18. What is the construction composition of the HGU-84/P helmet shell?

A. High-impact plastic molded over a flexible composite alloy frame

B. Interwoven Kevlar fabric laced with synthetic fiberglass
C. Multi-layer mixed composite of graphite fabric and ballistic nylon fabric
D. Teflon-coated krypton shell integrated with a carbon fiber skeleton

4.19. Which of the following is a lightweight inner helmet liner constructed of five
preformed plastic layers that can be custom fitted by heating the liner and
forming to the aircrew member‘s head?

A. Anti-exposure liner assembly

B. Helmet shell assembly
C. Integrated ear cup assembly
D. Thermoplastic liner assembly

4.20. Which of the following is a reason why a retainer is used to secure the terminal
end of the internal NVIIS wiring harness to the left side of the helmet mounting

A. Allows for voice activation of the NVIIS night vision system

B. Prevents incorrect connection of the wiring harness
C. Provides a stow position for the communications boom microphone
D. Provides a test port for performing NVIIS testing and diagnostics

4.21. Which of the following special use visors offers protection from laser devices?

A. Amber lens
B. Gradient lens
C. Neodymium lens
D. Radon lens

4.22. The MBU-12/P oxygen mask will continue to function at a depth of

A. 10 feet underwater
B. 12 feet underwater
C. 16 feet underwater
D. 20 feet underwater

4.23. Which of the following is the g-application oxygen mask that was specifically
developed for high-performance aircraft?

A. HGU-84
B. MBU-12
C. MBU-23
D. TTU-489

When an aircrewman has to leave their aircraft in a hostile environment, survival items
provide a means of sustaining life, attracting the attention of rescuers, and evading the
enemy. Survival items may be packed in life rafts, droppable kits, and kits intended to
be carried or worn by the aircrewman.
As an Aircrew Survival Equipmentman, your responsibility to the aircrewman is to
maintain these survival items. You need to know how they work and be able to pass
that information on to the aircrewman.
Many of the items that are frequently carried by the aircrewman are discussed in the
following text. The ones that are not covered in this chapter are described in the
NAVAIR 13-1-6.5 manual.

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to recognize, survival items and
rescue equipment.


The following items are used to attract the attention of a rescue team. With the proper
knowledge, ability, and caution, these items can provide invaluable assistance in a
survival situation.

Dye Marker
The dye marker shown in Figure 5-1 is an aniline dye powder in a sealed container.
When placed in the water, it produces a bright fluorescent green color. It is used to
attract the attention of rescue aircraft. The dye is exhausted from the package in 20 to
30 minutes and ceases to be a good target after 1 hour. The dye-exposed water area is
visible at an approximate distance of 10 miles from an altitude of 3,000 feet. If rapid
dispersion of the dye is desired, agitate the packet of dye vigorously in the water.

Figure 5-1 — Dye marker.

Signaling Mirror
The emergency signaling mirror is approximately 3 by 5 inches and consists of an
aluminized reflecting mirror and a sighting device (Figure 5-2). It is used by personnel in
rafts or on land to attract the attention of passing aircraft or ships by reflection, either in
sunlight or in hazy weather. The reflections of this shatterproof mirror can be seen at a
distance 3 to 5 times as great as those from which a raft can be sighted at sea. On a
clear sunny day, the mirror reflects the equivalent of 8 million candlepower. Flashes
from the mirror have been seen from a distance of 40 miles. A smaller mirror,
measuring 2 by 3 inches, is also used in some kits.

Figure 5-2 — Signaling mirror (front side).

Past experience indicates that personnel may have difficulty using the mirror in a
bobbing raft at sea. Signaling practice with the mirror should be encouraged as part of
the training program for flight crews. Such practice reduces the difficulty in case of
emergencies. Before using the mirror, read the instructions printed on its back (see
Figure 5-3).

Figure 5-3 — Signaling mirror (back side).

Mk 79, Mod 0 Illumination Signal Kit

The Mk 79 signal kit is supplied with one pencil-type launcher (Mk 31), seven Mk 80
screw-in cartridges, and a bandolier for storing the flares until use. Protective caps
should be used over the primers of the cartridges when not using the bandolier.
Each cartridge flare has a minimum duration of 4 1/2 seconds and can be propelled
upward to a height of 250 to 650 feet. When the launcher is stored in the survival vest, it
should be in the COCKED position and empty (see Figure 5-4).

Figure 5-4 — Mk 79 Mod 0 illumination signal kit.

Mk 124, Mod 0 Signal Flare

The Mk 124, Mod 0 signal flare is intended to attract the attention of SAR aircraft and
give them drift direction. To avoid being burned by sparks, the user must ignite the Mk
124, Mod 0 signal at arms length and no more than shoulder high. If the Mk 124, Mod 0
signal is being used at sea, hold it over the side of the life raft to prevent damage to the
life raft from hot residue. The Mk 124, Mod 0 signal may be put out by dousing in water
or snuffing in sand. Refer to NAVAIR 11-15-7 for precautions, handling, and storage
The Mk 124, Mod 0 consists of an aluminum cylinder approximately 5 inches long and 1
1/2 inches in diameter (see Figure 5-5).

Figure 5-5 — Mk 124 Mod 0 marine smoke and illumination signal.

The Mk 124 has a one-hand operable igniter. It consists of an arming lever that must be
extended to the armed position and then depressed to release the firing pin. One end
contains a red flare for nighttime use; the opposite end houses an orange smoke signal
for daytime use. Each end of the signal burns approximately 20 seconds. The nighttime
end of the flare has two raised rings that you can feel in the dark. On the outside of the
Mk 124, Mod 0 flares are operating instructions and a lot number. The lot number
should be checked each time the flare is inspected to ensure that the flare is still
serviceable. A list of lot numbers that are not serviceable can be found in current
aircrew equipment bulletins. Any flares manufactured before 1960 should also be
removed from service.

SDU-39/N Distress Light

The SDU-39/N light equips aircrew members and shipboard personnel with a high-
intensity visual distress signal. The infrared filter and blue flash guard are used in
conjunction with the SDU-39/N light for signaling purposes in combat areas (see Figure

Figure 5-6 — SDU-39/N distress light.

The SDU-39/N is commonly called a strobe light. It emits a high-intensity flashing light.
This light is visible for great distances at night.
The SDU-39/N strobe light is inspected IAW NAVAIR 13-1-6.5 manual. The aircrewman
should perform a daily inspection to ensure that the light is operative. The calendar
inspection consists of activating the light for 2 minutes. If the light does not operate at
50 flashes per minute (plus or minus 10 flashes) for the 2-minute duration, replace the
battery. Repeat the procedure; if the light still does not operate, remove the light from
You must perform this test both in total darkness and also in a lighted area.
You should store the batteries for the SDU-39/N light in a cold area or refrigerator to
prolong their service life and dependability.
To avoid accidental activation causing possible night blindness to the crewman, install
the SDU-39/N light in the survival vest with the dome down and a protective cap
installed over the switch.


Medical First Aid Kits provide first aid treatment of common injuries and illnesses
encountered in an aviation survival environment. They are intended for emergency use
only and not to supplant usual sources of routine medical care. Medical First Aid Kits

are intended for use when medical assistance is required as a result of injury or
There are two types of Medical First Aid Kits (see Figure 5-7):
 General Purpose: Aircraft Panel Mounted
 Rigid Case, for life rafts

Figure 5-7 — Medical first aid kits.

Inspections shall be performed prior to placing in service and at intervals to coincide
with the equipment or aircraft in which the Medical First Aid Kit is installed.

Inspections of Medical First Aid Kits and the replacement of
damaged, expired or deteriorated medical items shall be
the responsibility of the Organizational and/or Intermediate
level maintenance activities. Dated medical items, with the
exception of Combat Gauze, reaching their expiration date
while the assembly is packed, can remain in service until
the next inspection cycle of the equipment or aircraft in
which it is installed. Combat gauze, when installed, cannot
expire during a repack cycle. Medical items that have been
re-called by NAVMEDLOGCOM messages will only be
removed and replaced when directed by an Aircrew
Systems Bulletin (ACB).

Place-In-Service and Special Inspection for the Aircraft Panel-Mounted First Aid

Failure during any portion of a place-in-service inspection
renders the Medical First Aid Kit non-RFI and shall be
reported in accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST

1. Inspect the casing for rips, tears, contamination and for proper operation of the
slide fastener.
2. Inspect the contents for damaged, expired or deteriorated medical items. Record
the expiration dates of dated materials on the appropriate forms.
3. Vacuum packed Combat Gauze and Cinch Tight compression bandages shall be
inspected to ensure the vacuum seal is not broken. A broken seal renders the
item Non-RFI and it shall be replaced. Expiration (or use by) date for Combat
Gauze is stamped on the package. If no expiration date is visible or stamped on
package, the item is considered Non-RFI and it shall be replaced. To dispose of
Non-RFI Combat Gauze, tear open the package to prevent it being used and
discard in the trash.
4. Rearrangement of items in the panel mounted first aid kit will be necessary when
incorporating optional items. Remove bulky items from the back pouch and
relocate into the front pouch then place the optional items into the back pouch.
Combat Gauze, Cinch Tight and tourniquet shall be kept together for ease of use
when needed.
5. Close the slider fastener and place the slider tab over the locking ring. Secure
the slide fastener by installing an anti-pilferage seal.
6. If required locally, annotate the next special inspection due date on plastic tab of
seal or on a separate tag with indelible ink.

First Aid Kits which have broken seals or are suspected of
being pilfered shall be re-inspected and re-sealed.

7. Any medical items found to be over age or damaged shall be replaced. Medical
cases found to be damaged shall be repaired or replaced as required.

Place-In-Service and Special Inspection for the Rigid Case Medical First Aid Kit
for Life Rafts

Failure during any portion of a place-in-service inspection
renders the Medical First Aid Kit non-RFI and shall be
reported in accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST

1. Inspect the case for contamination, cracks and proper operation of the latches.
2. Inspect the contents for damaged, expired or deteriorated medical items. Record
the expiration dates of dated materials on the appropriate forms.
3. Open the lid and drill one relief hole in the lid of the case, one inch from any lid
edge using a #60 drill bit.
4. Using indelible ink mark the lid with the following: ―Suitable for use with
multiplace life rafts‖.
5. Replace any medical items as necessary.


The IFAK provides first aid treatment of common injuries and has the capability to treat
major injuries encountered in an aviation emergency survival environment. The IFAK is
used for emergency use only and does not replace usual sources of routine medical

Before installation in aircraft, aircrew personnel shall be
trained on the use of the IFAK trauma components by
qualified medical personnel and documented in NATOPS.
Training for Marine Corps aircrew personnel shall be in
accordance with USMC Training and Education Command

The IFAK is used to supplement the current panel mounted first aid kit, it is not a
replacement. It shall be mounted to the aircraft in accordance with applicable technical
directives. The IFAK (NIIN 01-539-2732) has two inserts:

1. A minor first aid kit (NIIN 01-539-2737) (see Figure 5-8), is a ziplock type bag
containing: 10 each bandage, adhesive; 1 each dressing, burn; 1 each
providone-iodine solution; 1 bottle water purification tablets; 2 each bandage,
gauze triangular; 5 each bandage adhesive (2x4).

Figure 5-8 — IFAK minor first aid kit.

Changes with the packaging and contents of the Individual
First Aid Kit (IFAK) have occurred. These changes are
acceptable and inspection of the IFAK shall remain in
accordance with this Section. New packaging for the
trauma items is a clear open plastic bag that contains the
individual vacuum sealed trauma items. If available,
recommend that trauma items be placed in a zip-lock bag
to avoid loss. Previous vacuum seal packaging on outer
container is still acceptable until loss of vacuum seal. When
new packaging or items appear, that is not identified in this
Section report these changes by submitting a Technical
Publications Deficiency Report (TPDR) so that they can be
reviewed and incorporated into this manual as necessary.

2. A trauma insert (NIIN 01-539-2740) is a vacuumed sealed pouch containing: 2

each bandage elastic (vacuumed sealed); 2 rolls bandage gauze (vacuumed
sealed); 1 each tourniquet, one-handed; 2 each Combat Gauze (rolled or Z-
3. The inserts are contained in a single tan colored pouch (NIIN 01-539-2734), (see
Figure 5-9).

Figure 5-9 — IFAK pouch.

IFAK‘s are authorized for both Navy/Marine Corps aircraft
that currently carry the panel mounted first aid kit and have
the approved platform specific technical directives for


A place-in-service inspection shall be performed prior to placing in service and a special

inspection shall be performed at intervals to coincide with the aircraft in which the IFAK
is installed.

Failure during any portion of the place-in-service inspection
renders the IFAK non-RFI and shall be reported in
accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2A. Refer to
insert package labels for individual item quantities.

Place-in-service inspection

Perform the place in-service inspection as follows:

1. Inspect IFAK case for rips, tears, contamination, corrosion and operation of
2. Inspect minor first aid kit insert contents as follows:
a. Burn dressing. Inspect for leaks, damage and expiration date located on
b. Water purification tablets. Inspect in accordance with paragraph 9-149, step
6. Lot numbers on bottles are read as follows: (example: lot number 100411
is interpreted as expiring OCT/04). Do not use the last two digits of lot
c. Iodine. Inspect for leaks and expiration date.
d. Triangular bandage. Inspect outer wrapping for damage, contamination and
corrosion to safety pins (if visible).
e. Bandage, adhesive. Inspect outer wrapping for damage and contamination.
Inspect the outer package for damage, contamination, legibility of label, verify
contents with label, and ensure package slide-ziplock is in working condition.
Verify that the expiration date on the outer package coincides with the earliest
expiration date of the three dated items.
3. Inspect trauma insert as follows:

a. Inspect outer package for vacuum seal integrity, legibility of label, date of
manufacture, and date of expiration.

Expiration (use by) date for Combat Gauze is stamped on
package. The other components of the trauma kit insert do
not have expiration dates.

4. Verify expiration dates.

5. Replace inserts in case and secure case latch.

Special inspection
Perform the special inspection at intervals to coincide with the aircraft in which the IFAK
is installed.

Dated medical items, with the exception of Combat Gauze,
reaching their expiration date while the assembly is packed,
can remain in-service until the next inspection cycle of the
aircraft in which it is installed. Combat Gauze cannot expire
during a repack cycle.

Replacement of damaged, expired or deteriorated medical
items shall be the responsibility of the organizational level
activities. Medical items recalled by NAVMEDLOGCOM
messages will only be removed and replaced when directed
by an Aircrew Systems Bulletin (ACB).

Refer to insert package labels for individual item quantities
and purchasing information. Earlier IFAK cases will have a
fictitious NSN on the external label (example 8105-09-000-
2725); do not use this NSN for ordering the complete IFAK,
use only the NIIN identified in paragraph 9-127.

1. Inspect IFAK case (NIIN 01-539-2734) for rips, tears, contamination, corrosion
and operation of hardware. Replace or repair as necessary. No more than four
separate repairs are authorized per case.
2. Inspect minor first aid kit insert contents as follows:
a. Burn dressing (NIIN 01-243-5894 or equivalent), inspect for leaks, damage
and expiration date located on crimp. Verify expiration date with history card.
Replace as necessary.
b. Water purification tablets. Refer to paragraph 9-149, step 6 for inspection.
c. Iodine (P/N NDC67618-0150-05) is a 1/2 oz bottle. Verify expiration date with
history card. Replace as necessary. The use of iodine pads, tubes or bottles
are acceptable alternatives. Leaking iodine shall be replaced.
d. Triangular bandage (P/N 04-1522); inspect outer wrapping for damage,
contamination and corrosion to safety pins (if visible). Replace as necessary.
e. Bandages, adhesive (NIIN 01-514-4581) and (NIIN 00-913-7909), inspect
outer wrapping for damage and contamination. Replace as necessary.
Bandages are contained in one bag.
f. Outer package, inspect for damage, contamination, legibility of label. Verify
contents with label. Ensure package slide/ziplock is in working condition.
Replace as necessary. Verify that the expiration date on the outer package
coincides with the earliest expiration date of the three dated items.
3. Inspect trauma insert as follows:
a. Inspect outer package for vacuum seal integrity, legibility of label, date of
manufacturer, and date of expiration. Verify expiration date with date on
history card.

Expiration (use by) date for Combat Gauze is stamped on
package. The other components of the trauma kit insert do
not have expiration dates.

1) If integrity of vacuum seal on trauma insert package is broken, open

package, neatly cut label off or transfer information to a piece of paper and
seal in a recloseable plastic bag.

Warning on label does not have to be transferred. It does
not apply.

2) Inspect Combat Gauze (NIIN 01-562-3325), Cinch-Tight (NIIN 01-503-

2109) and compressed gauze (NIIN 01-503-2117), for individual vacuum
seal. If vacuum seal is broken, the item must be replaced. These items are
considered sterile.

3) Verify expiration (use by) date of Combat Gauze. Update exterior package
label as necessary.
4) Inspect Tourniquet (NIIN 01-504-7030 or NIIN 01-521-7976) for signs of
damage. Replace as necessary. This item is considered RFI whether it is
vacuumed sealed or not.
4. Ensure all extra air is removed from minor first aid kit insert and place in front
pouch of IFAK case.
5. Place vacuumed sealed trauma insert in the back pouch of the IFAK case. If
storing individual components of the trauma insert, place the Combat Gauze and
packaged label towards the back, place each of the Cinch-Tights on either side,
place both compressed gauzes in the middle between the Cinch-Tights and
place the Tourni-Kwik in an open space so it is secure.
6. Verify expiration dates.
7. Close the IFAK. IFAK is now ready for issue.

IFAK‘s may be serialized in accordance with local


The complete SRU-31/P kit consists of two parts; the first packet contains medical items
that an aircrewman might need in an emergency situation. The local medical
department has responsibility for the medical items that are contained in packet number
Packet number two contains general survival items. They are also intended to be used
only in an emergency situation.
Packet one and packet two are contained in a carrying bag. Each packet can be
replaced individually. Each item within a packet is packed in a transparent bag that is
hermetically sealed and retained in place by means of hook-and-pile tape. Additional
adhesive-backed discs of hook-and-pile tape are contained in the spare pocket of each

Medical Packet
The following items are contained in the medical packet of the SRU-31/P kit:
 Soap – Non-perfumed, intended to avoid detection
 Instruction card – Provides general condensed instructions on use of survival
 Anti-diarrhea tablets – Dosage rates listed on instruction card (expiration date of
4 years)
 Pain killer (aspirin) – Expiration date listed on foil packet. Replace as required.
Dosage rate listed on instruction card.
 Surgical tape – Ensure the package is intact and its sterile seal is not damaged
 Eye ointment – Expiration date of 2 years
 Water purification tablets – Manufacturer‘s date and applicable instructions listed
on bottle
 Bandage (elastic) – Ensure package is intact and its sterile seal is not damaged
 Bandages (adhesive)
 Insect repellent

All medical supplies that expire during repack cycle can
remain in service until next inspection.

General Packet
The following items are contained in the General Packet of the SRU kit:
 Metal matches – These may cause spontaneous ignition through oxidation. The
match should remain in its original sealed container (foil wrapped) until ready for
use. All metal matches in polyethylene and open packets must be removed from
service and discarded in a fireproof container.
 Mirror – Signaling mirror described at the beginning of this chapter
 Water bag – One quart capacity (belt loops provided for convenient carrying)
 Signal panel – Silver/orange paulin, imprinted with the ground-to-air emergency
code (may also be used as a blanket for protection against unfavorable weather)
 Mosquito headnet and mittens – Provided for protection against insect bites
 Chiclets – Multi-flavored gum, designed to relieve tension
 Multi-flavored candy – Service shelf life is indefinite
The packet also contains surgical tape, a water receptacle, wrist compass, razor knife,
tweezers, and pins.

You should inspect all the items in the SRU-31/P survival kit during periodic equipment
inspections and replace them as necessary.

The rations carried by aircrew personnel are not intended for subsistence but as a
source of quick energy when no other food is available.
The food packet contains two packets of candy and gum, twine, and an instruction
When you inspect any item that contains these rations, you should remove and replace
any food packet that is older than 6 1/2 years (see Figure 5-10).

Figure 5-10 — Rations.

Bagged Drinking Water
Bagged drinking water shown in Figure 5-11 is intended for use in emergencies when
no other clean water is available. One bag of water supports a survivor for about 1 day.

Figure 5-11 — Bagged drinking water.

Bagged drinking water contains four ounces of drinking water and may be carried in this
ready-to-use state.
Bagged drinking water should be inspected upon issue and at intervals to coincide with
the inspection schedule of the kit or assembly.


Every Aircrew Survival Equipmentman should be familiar with the equipment used for
sea or land helicopter rescue. (Refer to Navy Search and Rescue Manual, NWP 19-1,
for procedures and techniques involving at-sea aircrew rescues.) The helicopter‘s ability
to land and takeoff in a small area and to hover over a spot lends itself very effectively
to rescue work.
There are three methods by which a helicopter may make a rescue. The first is by
hovering, the second by landing, and the third by making a low, slow pass with the
rescue device hanging near ground level. The latter is used mainly in hostile areas
when the helicopter pilot does not wish to present the aircraft or the survivor as a
stationary target for enemy gunners. The most common helicopter pickup by far is made
by hovering.

A static charge of electricity is built up in the helicopter and
must be dissipated by grounding. Do NOT touch the rescue
device until after it has contacted the ground or water to
permit the discharge of static electricity and prevent
electrical shock.

Research, development, testing, and evaluation of air rescue devices have been
continuous since the helicopter became the primary rescue vehicle. The various types
of rescue devices, their functions, and associated maintenance procedures are
discussed in the sections that follow.
All helicopter rescue devices must be scheduled into periodic maintenance under the
direction and control of the maintenance/material control officer to which the equipment
is assigned. Maintenance must be thorough at all times. No instance of careless
treatment or willful neglect of aircrew personal protective equipment will be tolerated.
The vital function of the equipment must be uppermost in the minds of all personnel
Individual paralofts normally store and maintain all helicopter rescue devices, and
checkout is on an individual basis. Because of the lack of individual identification of the
rescue devices, it is impossible to match the Aviation Crew Systems History Card to the
rescue device. All rescue devices should be locally serialized by individual paralofts to
ensure positive control of inspection cycles performed on helicopter rescue devices.

Rescue Strop
The rescue strop (also known as the ―horse collar‖ and rescue sling) is used to assist
personnel performing rescue work from a helicopter over water or land. It is constructed
with an international orange nylon casing, a retaining strap, stainless steel hardware,
and closed-cell foam (see Figure 5-12).

Figure 5-12 — Rescue strop.

The rescue sling is lowered on a hoist cable from a helicopter to the rescue swimmer
and survivor. The sling is designed to accommodate one survivor at a time.

The aircrewman‘s responsibility for maintaining the survivor‘s sling is limited to a
freshwater wash. Repairs and maintenance actions are performed by the
organizational-level PR, or above.
All survivors‘ slings are subject to a calendar inspection upon issue and at intervals not
to exceed 225 days. All survivors‘ slings are subject to a preflight inspection also. This
action is performed by the aircrewman before each flight and at least every 14 days.
This inspection consists of a visual inspection outlined in the calendar inspection

Rescue Seat
The rescue seat is a buoyant aluminum device consisting of a hollow flotation chamber
and a three-pronged seat with prongs 120 degrees apart (see Figure 5-13).

Figure 5-13 — Helicopter rescue seat.

Lead is inserted in the base of the assembly to minimize roll and to provide the proper
degree of submergence of the seat in the water. A safety strap is provided to assist the
survivor to remain in the seat during hoisting to the helicopter. The flotation chamber
and hoist bracket of the seat are bright orange. The lower seat assembly is yellow for
high visibility.
The helicopter rescue seat is intended for use in retrieving survivors and assisting the
rescue swimmer in performing rescue operations when it is difficult to make a helicopter
landing over land or water.
When conducting a rescue, the helicopter rescue seat is lowered on a hoist cable from
a helicopter to the rescue swimmer and survivor. The rescue seat is designed to
accommodate one person at a time.

The aircrewman‘s responsibility for maintaining the rescue seat is limited to a freshwater
wash after usage. Repairs and maintenance actions are performed by the
organizational-level PR, or above.
Rescue Net
The rescue net looks like a conically shaped birdcage with an opening on one side. The
net weighs approximately 20 pounds and is bright yellow for high visibility. To stabilize
the net during use, a sea anchor is provided. A 10-foot sea anchor retaining line with
two single snap hooks is also provided. One halyard snap hook permits complete
removal of the sea anchor from the net, while the other snap hook permits shortening of
the sea anchor to 5 feet to be used in moderate seas. During high seas, the 10-foot
retainer line is used. The rescue net has a snap lock lower frame and three upper
support ribs with sliding sleeves that form a rigid cage when the net is fully extended.
Foam plastic floats are provided on the rigid upper frame of the net. (See Figure 5-14.)
The rescue net is used to assist the rescue swimmer performing rescue work from a
helicopter over water or land. The rescue net may also be used to ferry or pick up

Figure 5-14 — Rescue net.

The sea anchor must not be used when hoisting personnel
out of the water.

The aircrewman‘s responsibility for maintenance of the rescue net is limited to a
freshwater wash after use. Repairs and maintenance actions are performed by the
organizational-level PR, or above.

TRISAR Harness Assembly

The TRISAR harness shown in Figure 5-15 provides a slightly reclined seated position
for rescuers that allow them total use of their hands. The flotation vest provides a
minimum of 35 pounds of buoyancy. The flotation vest accommodates all required
survival items and is available in five sizes.

Figure 5-15 — TRISAR harness assembly.

The aircrewman‘s responsibility for maintaining the harness is limited to freshwater
wash after usage. Repairs and maintenance actions are performed by the
organizational-level PR, or above.

Rescue Hook
The rescue hook consists of one large hook, an adjacent small hook, and a ring located
at the bottom of both-hooks. A bearing assembly is attached to the upper section
allowing the hook to rotate freely about its axis. The large hook supports 3,000 pounds
and is used to hoist personnel. The smaller hook supports 1,000 pounds and is used to
hoist equipment. The ring at the bottom supports 1,500 pounds and is also used to hoist
miscellaneous equipment. Both hooks have a spring-loaded latch to prevent inadvertent
release of personnel or equipment (see Figure 5-16).

Figure 5-16 — Rescue hook.

The rescue hook is attached to the hoist cable and is used to assist rescue personnel in
performing rescue operations from a helicopter. The rescue hook can hoist personnel
and/or equipment during both sea and land helicopter rescues.

The aircrewman‘s responsibility for maintaining the rescue hook is to inform
maintenance control if equipment has been immersed in salt water. Repairs and
maintenance actions are performed by the organizational-level PR, or above.

Hoist Quick-Splice Plate
The hoist quick-splice plate is made of 1/4-inch aluminum, 6 5/8 inches in length by 3
inches wide with the corners rounded off. The holes are grooved in places where the
hoist cable rests, the holes are beveled to prevent cable kink under load. A stainless
steel clip, 1/32 inches thick, is attached to the plate with two 5/32-inch steel rivets. A
rescue hook is attached to the plate with thimbles, swaging sleeve, and a length of hoist
cable. The distance between the rescue hook and the plate is 6 inches (see Figure 5-

Figure 5-17 — Hoist quick-splice plate.

The hoist quick-splice plate is used when the hoist cable is cut or broken during a
rescue operation. It is used when time is a factor and no other means are available for

The aircrewman‘s responsibility for maintaining the hoist quick-splice plate is limited to
giving it a freshwater wash. Repairs and maintenance actions are performed by the
organizational-level PR, or above.

Cable Grip
The cable grip (that opens and closes on the cable) and a shackle enable the cable grip
to be attached to the crewman‘s safety belt to take the weight off the hoist assembly
during a hoist failure. The cable grip is capable of supporting 1,000 pounds (see Figure

Figure 5-18 — Cable grip.

The cable grip is an emergency condition device used by personnel performing rescue
operations from a helicopter when the rescue hoist has a malfunction that renders the
hoist inoperable. The cable grip is used for quick temporary attachment to the hoist

The aircrewman‘s responsibility for maintaining the cable grip is limited to a freshwater
wash and to informing maintenance control that it has been used. Repairs and
maintenance actions are performed by the organizational-level PR, or above.

Pneumatic Rescue Hand Tool
The pneumatic rescue hand tool is a cartridge-operated device. A chamber within the
handle secures a 3,000 psi nitrogen gas cylinder that provides a very powerful force
against the cutting blade.
The case is made of nylon webbing, 12 1/2 inches long and 5 3/4 inches wide at the
top, tapering to 3 1/4 inches wide at the bottom. A 46-inch lanyard and baby swivel hook
attached to the upper grommet are designed to attach to the pneumatic rescue hand
tool (see Figure 5-19).

Figure 5-19 — Pneumatic rescue hand tool.

The pneumatic rescue hand tool is designed for helicopter rescue crewman to use
during air/sea rescue operations.
The pneumatic rescue hand tool gives the crewman a readily available cable cutter and
parachute harness webbing cutter. The tool can cut single strands of stainless steel
cable up to 7/32 inches in diameter, as well as harness webbing of thickness up to and
including 1/4 inch and widths up to 1 3/4 inch, in single cuts. The pneumatic rescue
hand tool, complete with case, should be readily available to the rescue crewman during
rescue operations.

The aircrewman‘s responsibility for maintaining the pneumatic rescue hand tool is
limited to a freshwater rinse. Repairs and maintenance actions are performed by the
organizational-level PR, or above.

Helicopter Rescue Equipment Bag

The Helicopter Rescue Equipment Bag (P/Ns 261 and 1682AS100-1) (Figure 5-20),
also referred to as ―SAR Bag or SAR Curtain‖, is made of heavy-duty lightweight
international orange denier nylon with labeled pockets for storage of rescue equipment.
It can be folded or hung vertically with the equipment installed.
When the rescue equipment is stowed in the SAR bag, it is used to assist the SAR
crewman in the performance of his/her duties during the SAR mission. Each item of
rescue equipment is stowed in a designated pocket of the SAR bag for easy access.

All SAR Bags shall be subjected to a Place-In-Service Inspection and a Special
Inspection every 180 days.
The Place-In-Service Inspection shall be performed in accordance with NAVAIR 13-1-
6.5. To perform the Special Inspection of the SAR Bag, proceed as follows:
1. Inspect the material fabric for cuts, tears and rips.
2. Inspect the stitching for broken, loose or fraying stitches.
3. Inspect snap hooks for proper operation and security of attachment.
4. Inspect the handles for security of attachment.
5. Inspect metal components for corrosion.
6. Inspect for contaminants such as oil, grease, fuel, salt-water residue, etc.
7. Inspect markings on the pockets for legibility.
8. Repair any SAR Bag defects in accordance with NAVAIR 13-1-6.5.
9. Clean the SAR Bag in accordance with NAVAIR 13-1-6.5.
10. Install inspected rescue equipment into the designated pockets as required by
NTTP 3-50.1.
There are no modifications for the SAR Bag that are required or authorized.

Figure 5-20 — Helicopter rescue equipment bag.

5-1. Which of the following manuals covers rescue and survival equipment?

A. NAVAIR 13-1-6.7
B. NAVAIR 13-1-6.5
C. NAVAIR 13-1-6.2
D. NAVAIR 13-1-6.1

5-2. The dye marker ceases to be a good target after __________.

A. 1 hour
B. 2 hours
C. 45 minutes
D. 30 minutes

5-3. On a bright sunny day, the flashes from a signal mirror can be seen from a
distance of __________ miles.

A. 10
B. 20
C. 40
D. 50

5-4. The minimum duration of the Mk 79 Mod 0 signal kit is __________ seconds.

A. 4
B. 4 1/2
C. 5
D. 5 1/2

5-5. Which of the following distress signals is commonly called a strobe light?

A. SL-5/E
B. LT-65
C. SLT-73/E
D. SDU-39/N

5-6. What person/activity is responsible for the medical items that are contained in
packet number one of the SRU-31/P?

A. Squadron supply officer

B. Local medical department
C. Squadron PR
D. Aircrew member

5-7. A bag of Emergency Drinking Water contains approximately __________ ounces
of drinking water.

A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10

5-8. A survivor should never touch a rescue device until it has touched the ground or
water for what reason?

A. The device must be stopped first

B. The device has to be grounded to prevent electrical shock
C. To ensure the device will not release unexpectedly
D. The survivor must be sure the helicopter is on the proper wind line

5-9. Rescue slings are subject to a calendar inspection upon issue and at intervals
not to exceed __________ days.

A. 60
B. 90
C. 120
D. 225

5-10. The TRISAR harness assembly provides a minimum of __________ pounds of


A. 25
B. 30
C. 35
D. 40

5-11. The cable grip is an emergency condition device that is capable of supporting
__________ pounds.

A. 1,000
B. 1,500
C. 2,000
D. 2,500

5-12. After cleaning the pneumatic rescue hand tool, you should lightly coat the cutting
edge of the blade with __________.

A. light weight oil

B. bearing grease
C. pneumatic grease
D. heavy weight oil

Since naval air operations are predominantly over water, the Navy has developed highly
reliable and versatile inflatable equipment designed to meet the needs of aircrew
personnel in water survival situations.
The versatility of current inflatable survival equipment meets the ever-increasing and
diverse needs of the fleet. For example, the life preserver provides more than enough
buoyancy to support a person with all survival gear donned without sacrificing comfort
or adversely restricting movement in the water. It does not interfere with the aircrew
member‘s ability to perform his/her duties aboard the aircraft. The life preserver is flame
resistant, lightweight, and has the capability to hold certain survival items. The life
preserver is reliable and will save a life when used properly.
Life rafts provide protection from the cold and hostile environment of the sea. For single-
and dual-seat aircraft, a one-man life raft adequately fulfills this function. However, for
large aircraft, the multi-place life rafts will be used. In addition to providing protection
from the environment, these rafts carry an adequate number of survival items for their
capacity but are still light enough to carry.
Naval aircraft making operational flights over water are required to carry rafts that will
accommodate all the assigned crew, plus passengers. These rafts are manufactured in
various sizes and configurations to meet the demands of all type of aircraft.
Pneumatic rafts are compact assemblies that can be stowed in a small area. They
should be stowed so they are readily accessible, preferably near an emergency exit.
Never stow a raft under other equipment or cargo or near batteries. Protect them from
heaters, engines, auxiliary power units, electronic tubes, and other sources of heat.
If the aircraft flight manual designates a storage place for rafts, this space will be used,
unless you are otherwise directed by competent authority. Whenever possible, stow
rafts in the same manner in all aircraft of the same model. This enables the crew to
become familiar with their location, and thus avoid confusion in the event of a ditching.
Rafts are constructed of polychloroprene-coated cloth; therefore, they are susceptible to
damage from maltreatment. However, when afloat at sea, they are surprisingly strong
and durable, and have a tenacious stability. It is your responsibility as a PR to inspect,
pack, and maintain all of the various types of rafts and related equipment carried in

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to recognize, inflatable survival

One-man life rafts are used with various soft and hard types of survival kits. They are
intended for use by aircrew members forced down at sea. They can also be used when
forced down over land for crossing rivers and streams, or as a shelter.

LRU-23/P Life Raft Assembly

The LRU-23/P life raft assembly (Figure 6-1) is intended for use by aircrew personnel
and is stowed in individual seat survival kits. The LRU-23/P is designed to
accommodate one person and provides insulation against low air and water
temperatures. The LRU-23/P is manufactured by RFD Ltd and is supplied by Martin-
Baker Ltd.
The three main components of the life raft are the flotation chamber, the double layer
floor, and the double layer canopy. The components are constructed of dark blue single-
ply polyurethane-coated nylon fabric and are assembled using radio frequency welding
techniques. This type of fabric and construction reduces the weight and bulk of the life
raft, enhancing its adaptability for use in seat survival kits.

Figure 6-1 — LRU-23/P life raft assembly.

LRU-29/P22P-20 Sealed Life Raft Assembly
The LRU-29/P22P-20 sealed life raft assembly (Figure 6-2) is a vacuum packaged LRU-
16/P one-person life raft. The LRU-16/P raft is re-designated after vacuum packaging by
the manufacturer of the A/P22P-20 crew backpack assembly. The life raft is constructed
of blue-colored polyurethane-coated nylon fabric that is assembled using radio
frequency welding techniques. The life raft comes with an inflatable floor and weather
shield for insulation from the elements. A FLU-10 zero-leak inflator is included.

Figure 6-2 — LRU-29/P22P-20 sealed life raft assembly.

Multiplace life rafts vary in size and in the quantity of equipment they carry.
The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has established survival equipment lists as
standards to be used by all concerned. These lists provide the equipment necessary for
effective 24-hour survival capability.

The body of the life raft consists of an encircling buoyant tube and a fabric bottom. The
fabric sections used in the inflatable buoyant tube are incorporated in such a manner
that the warp threads of the straight fabric run in a circumferential direction around the
tube, and the warp threads of the bias cloth run in the opposite direction in the adjoining
The fabric bottom of the raft is applied without tension across the enclosure formed by
the flotation tube, and it is attached securely to the underside.
Seam Tapes and Patches
All raft seams and patches are secured with self-curing cement, applicable to the
specifications listed in the Inflatable Survival Equipment Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.1.
No sewing or stitches are used in the seams or through the fabric of any compartment.
However, sewing is permitted in the construction of patches, oarlocks, disks, flap seats,
cylinder carriers, lifeline supports, handles, and pockets.
Seam repair is done only if a flotation tube does not leak; that is, if only the outer seam
tape is loose or if the seam does not seal a flotation tube. If the seam tape is present
and undamaged, re-cement the tape to the raft. If the tape is missing, measure and fit a
replacement tape to the area and cement it in place. Overlap the seam tape on other
seams a minimum of 1 inch.
If the tape is damaged, peel the tape from the raft. Apply toluene only as needed to
loosen the tape. Avoid excessive application of toluene on the seams, and remove any
spilled or excess toluene immediately.

Do not use toluene near open flame, heat, or electrical
sparks. Avoid prolonging contact with the skin or breathing
the fumes. Use toluene only in well ventilated areas.

Do not touch the cleaned raft areas when handling. Clean both the pieces to be
cemented with four applications of toluene. Apply the toluene with back-and-forth
strokes on the first and third applications and one-way strokes on the second and
fourth. Allow the areas to dry between applications.
Prepare the cement and accelerator mixture. Prepare only enough mixture to last for 8
hours, as this is the effective active period for the mixture. Dispose of any remaining
mixture after 8 hours.
Using a disposable brush, apply cement to completely cover the surfaces being
Apply two coats of cement to both pieces, allowing the first coat to dry for approximately
10 minutes.
When the second coat of cement becomes tacky, place the pieces together. If the
cemented area is a cut or tear, cut the edges of the damaged area before applying a
patch. Roll out the bubbles using a wooden roller.
Allow the cemented area to dry for at least 48 hours, and then dust the area with talcum
If the seam tape is only damaged, trim the old tape and replace it with new tape.
Overlap the other seam tape a minimum of 1 inch. Apply all tapes and patches to the
life raft without tension. Apply the tape so that an equal amount of tape width is on each
side of the seam‘s edge.
To patch a damaged area on a life raft, select the applicable color and type of raft cloth,
depending on the type of raft to be repaired. Cut a rounded patch 1 inch larger than the
damaged area on all sides. Scallop the edges of the patch if it is larger than 5 inches in
If the damaged area in the floor is larger than 1 inch, patches must be applied to both
sides. Intermediate maintenance activities have the prerogative to declare rafts beyond
the capability of maintenance if internal patching is required.
Center the patch over the damaged area and trace an outline of the patch on the raft
Cement the patch to the damaged area in accordance with the instructions previously
discussed in this section. After all repairs have been made, perform a leakage test on
the raft and dust the repaired area with talcum powder.

The flotation tube is separated into two compartments by internal vertical bulkheads.
Bulkheads are constructed of laminated cloth and are of a six-gore hemispherical
design. The bulkheads are installed amidships, equidistant from the bow and stern so
that the volume of the two compartments is equal. A 4-inch-diameter patch of laminated
cloth is securely cemented to each side of the bulkhead, at the manifold, to protect the
bulkhead against abrasion from the manifold diffusers when the raft is packed in the
carrying case.

Inflatable Seats
An inflatable seat is installed in certain multiplace life rafts such as the LRU-12/A series.
These seats are circular and are made of laminated cloth. The ends of the seats are
tailored to fit the curvature of the flotation tube. The inflatable seat is an independent air
chamber and is manually inflated through the topping-off valve using the hand pump
provided. It is attached to the bottom of the raft with Y-shaped hinge tapes made of
laminated cloth. This method of attachment allows for expansion and prevents undue
stresses between the bottom of the raft and the seat.

Supply Pocket
Each LRU-12/A series life raft contains a supply pocket that measures approximately 8
x 8 x 2 inches. The pocket is attached to the starboard side of the flotation tube surface
inside the raft by stitching the pocket to a patch and cementing the patch to the tube.
Using black wash-proof ink, ensure that each pocket is clearly marked SUPPLY
POCKET in 1/2-inch letters on the raft.
In addition to the starboard supply pocket, some rafts have a port supply pocket. This
pocket is attached to the raft in the same manner as previously discussed.

Combination Supply Pocket and Bailer

Each life raft contains one detachable combination supply pocket and bailer. The pocket
is closed by means of a slide fastener across the top, which is sealed with tape after the

equipment is packed. A loop of spring wire is contained in the seam around the slide
fastener so that the pocket may be fashioned into a bailing container. One end of a 5-
foot length of type III nylon suspension line is secured to the slide fastener wire stirrup
pull; the other end is attached to the nearest lifeline patch loop.
The words SUPPLIES AND BAILER are stenciled in 1/2-inch letters on the pocket.
Below this, stenciled in 1/4-inch letters, are the pocket contents.

A lifeline of natural color nylon rope, 1/4-inch in diameter, encircles the outboard
perimeter of the raft. The lifeline is attached to each lifeline patch loop with an overhand
knot tied on the inner side of each patch loop so as to prevent the line from running free
through the loops. Four inches of slack is allowed in the line between the lifeline patch
loops. Each completed lifeline patch can withstand a 250-pound pull exerted in a
direction perpendicular to the base of the patch. The lifeline provides a means for
securing the accessory containers to the life raft with a 10-foot length of nylon cord.

Righting Handles
Righting handles are provided on all life rafts. These handles provide a means of
righting a capsized raft.

Topping-off Valves
Topping-off valves are installed on each flotation tube, inflatable seat, each section of
inflatable floors, and each side of the floor supports. The required number of topping-off
valves and their locations on the rafts may vary depending on the type of raft
Topping-off valves are used for manual inflation purposes in conjunction with the hand
pump. The valve also serves as a means for relieving high internal tube pressure that
may possibly build up during hot, sunny days.
Two topping-off valves are installed on the same side of the raft‘s main flotation tube—
one on each side of the internal bulkhead—above the inside horizontal centerline of the
tube, 4 inches from the point of attachment of the vertical internal bulkhead.
Stenciled instructions relative to topping-off and deflating the raft are applied on the raft
flotation tube adjacent to the topping-off valves. Appearing in 1/4-inch, wash-proof black
ink letters, the instructions are stenciled on a white rubber patch as follows:
 TO INFLATE COMPARTMENTS MANUALLY: Attach hand pump to valve cap,
unscrew cap 1-1/2 turns to the right and then pump to inflate. When desired
pressure is attained, retighten valve cap and remove pump.
 TO DECREASE PRESSURE: Open valve 1-1/2 turns to the right and bleed.

Inflation System
The valve of the CO2 cylinder is threaded into the coupling nut of the manifold. Since
multiplace life rafts are constructed with internal bulkheads, the purpose of the manifold
is to provide a common means of directing and diffusing the flow of carbon dioxide
entering the raft‘s inflatable tube chamber. The manifold outlets must bridge the internal
bulkhead over which they are mounted. Figure 6-3 illustrates the operation of the raft‘s
CO2 inflation system manifold.
All of the exposed metal surfaces of the inflation system that might chafe the raft fabric
while packed must be covered with several layers of rubber-coated cloth and secured
with cloth-based, pressure-sensitive tape.
Because of space limitation, this chapter cannot possibly contain all of the available
information concerning life rafts. Reference the Inflatable Survival Equipment Manual,
NAVAIR 13-1-6.1, for more detailed information.

Figure 6-3 — Multiplace raft CO2 inflation system manifold operation.

LRU-12/A Life Raft Assembly
The LRU-12/A life raft assembly (Figure 6-4) consists of an inflation assembly (carbon
dioxide cylinder and inflation valve) and a four-man raft. Two types of carbon dioxide
cylinders and four types of inflation valves are approved for service use. The life raft is
made up of a two-compartment main tube; an inflatable seat attached to the main tube;
a non-inflatable floor attached to the bottom of the main tube and inflatable seat; and a
sea anchor, which is used to retard drifting. A lifeline, a righting line, a supply pocket,
and a combination supply pocket and bailer are attached to the main tube.
Boarding and righting handles are attached to the main tube and the floor. Emergency
survival equipment and raft accessories, stowed in accessory containers, are provided
for the safety and survival of the aircrewmen. The lifeline also provides a means for
securing the accessory containers to the life raft. Topping-off valves are located on the
main tube and inflatable seat.

To package a complete life raft assembly with accessories
and survival items, all required components not supplied
with the raft assembly must be individually requisitioned.

The LRU-12/A life raft assembly is inflated by pulling the inflation assembly actuating
handle, located under the carrying case end flap. The LRU-12/A life raft assembly (raft
compartment installation) is automatically inflated and ejected after the raft
compartment door has been released. After boarding, the inflatable seat should be
inflated through the topping-off valves with the hand pump provided in the accessory
The LRU-12/A life raft assembly can either be dropped to survivors or used by
aircrewmen in the event of an aircraft ditching emergency. The raft is stowed in a readily
accessible area inside the aircraft fuselage on applicable aircraft.
Prior to packing any life raft, you must update the assembly by comparing the
configuration of the assembly with the modifications listed in the applicable chapter in
NAVAIR 13-1-6.1.

Figure 6-4 — LRU-12/A life raft assembly.

Survival items are intended to provide a means for sustaining life, aiding escape and
evasion, and for suitable detection capability. Survival items may be packed in life rafts,
droppable kits, and kits intended to be carried or worn by the aircrewmen, or they may
be individually carried.
The equipment and survival items carried in the LRU-12/A life raft assembly differ from
that carried in other rafts basically in the quantity carried, with a few minor exceptions.
See table in NAVAIR 13-1-6.1-1 for the list of required survival items and the applicable
item storage containers and pockets for LRU-12/A life rafts.

Multiplace Life Rafts (MPLR), LRU-30A/A (8-Man), LRU-31A/A (12-
Man), AND LRU-32A/A (20-Man)

The MPLR are multiplace life rafts intended for use by aircrewmembers and passengers
forced down at sea (Figure 6-5).

Figure 6-5 — Multiplace life raft.

The newly configured MPLR LRU-30A/A (8-man), LRU-31A/A (12-man), and LRU-
32A/A (20-man) consist of the life raft in a polymer tub with a cover, and webbing straps
with frangible links. The tub cover has a clear window for verifying the carbon dioxide
bottle charge. The frangible links are designed to break at 180 pounds of force as the
life raft expands when actuated. The tub assembly is stowed in a container that
incorporates protective skids on the bottom for horizontal storage and at the end
opposite of the inflation pull handle for vertical stowage. The container is custom fitted
to the tub, streamlining the overall package. This new configuration functions exactly as
the old vacuum bagged version. Only the packaging of the life raft and container has
changed, and the life rafts themselves are unchanged.
Multiplace life rafts are authorized for all rotary and fixed-wing transport aircraft.
Selection shall be based on mission, available storage space, and total number of crew
and passengers carried. Additional consideration shall be made for the life raft
inspection cycle.
The LRU-30A/A, LRU-31A/A, and LRU-32A/A are inflated by pulling the inflation pull
handle attached to the actuation/mooring line. The actuation/mooring line has a snap-
hook attached to the bitter end for attachment to the aircraft or the person(s) launching
the life raft. The newly configured MPLR has a shortened stroke to actuate the life raft.
Pulling the inflation pull handle will fully inflate the life raft, boarding ramps, and canopy.
The survival equipment container is tethered to the life raft and should be retrieved after
entering the life raft.

The LRU-30A/A, LRU-31A/A, and LRU-32A/A are not
designed to be air dropped. The search and rescue model
manager will develop procedures for dropping the MPLR in
emergency situations. These procedures will be published in
NATOPS when completed.


All inflatable survival equipment will be subjected to periodic maintenance under the
direction and control of the maintenance/material control officer of the activity to which
the equipment is assigned. Maintenance must be thorough at all times. No instance of
careless treatment or willful neglect of inflatable survival equipment will be allowed to go
unnoticed. The vital function of this equipment must be uppermost in the minds of all
personnel concerned. The periodic inspection cycles should coincide with the specific
aircraft inspection cycles specified in COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2, or personal issue
equipment cycle, as applicable.

There are different types of life rafts used in naval aviation.

 LRU-18/U, LRU-23/P, and LRU-29/P22P-20 are one-man rafts.
 LRU-12/A is a four-man raft.
 LRU-30A/A is an eight man raft.
 LRU-31A/A is a 12-man raft.
 LRU-32A/A, LRU-33/A, and LRU-34/A are 20-man rafts.
You may be required to work on only one, or you may work on all of them. All require
the same three inspections—preflight, special, and calendar/phase. MPLRs have
acceptance, place in service, daily/preflight, 448-day, and five-year inspections.
Perform the preflight inspection on fuselage-installed life rafts before the first flight of the
day. This inspection is done by line personnel (plane captain or delegated aircrewman)
who have been designated by the line division officer, instructed, and found qualified by
the aviator‘s equipment branch.
Perform the special inspection on fuselage-installed life rafts every 30 days. This
inspection is made at the organizational level of maintenance by personnel assigned to
the aviator‘s equipment branch. Upon completion of the inspection, the date of
inspection and inspector‘s signature are entered in the inspections section of the
Aviation Crew Systems History Card.
To perform a preflight/special inspection, visually inspect the following:
1. Fabric for cuts, tears, deterioration, and abrasion
2. Seams for proper adhesion or stitching
3. Straps and handles for security and wear
4. Any other parts for wear, damage, and security
5. All hardware for corrosion, damage, wear, security of attachment, and if
necessary, ease of operation
6. Life raft retaining line for proper stowage

Do not open raft access doors, RSSK kits, or any sealed or
safety-wired portion of the life raft for this inspection.

Subject each life raft to the calendar/phase inspection before you place it in service, or if
it is an aircraft inventory item at the time of the aircraft acceptance inspection.
Thereafter, the calendar/phase inspection interval coincides with the aircraft inspection
cycle in which it is installed. See the applicable Planned Maintenance System (PMS)
publications for specific intervals. In no case will the interval exceed 231 days. Unless
operational requirements demand otherwise, the life raft calendar/phase inspection is
performed at the intermediate level of maintenance or above.
The acceptance/calendar/phase inspection consists of the following major tasks (to be
performed in the order listed):
1. Inspect the container/case
2. Conduct functional test (if required)
3. Conduct pull cable proof load test (if required)
4. Visually inspect the life raft
5. Inspect the inflation assembly
6. Test for leakage
7. Update records
8. Repack
Perform a functional test and a pull cable proof load test prior to placing a raft in service
or during an aircraft acceptance inspection, and perform such test each fourth
inspection cycle thereafter. You must perform a leakage test at each inspection cycle. If
the inspection indicates any damage beyond capability of maintenance, you must
forward the entire assembly to supply. Details are listed in NAVAIR 13-1-6.1.
Determining Repairability
Life rafts are considered beyond repair for any of the following reasons:
1. Porous fabric areas on tubes
2. Split or open tube seams
3. Leakage test failure resulting from other than a cut, tear, or puncture
4. Damaged or malfunctioning inlet valve, manifold, or oral inflation tube
5. Damaged or malfunctioning topping-off valve that cannot be corrected by
replacing the topping-off valve opening insert
6. Multiplace rafts (leaky bulkheads)

Functional Test
Before functionally testing a life raft, you should make sure you have enough area to
inflate the life raft. Remember to take into consideration the inflated size of the raft; an
LRU-32AA will take 20 times the area that an LRU-23/P requires.
To begin the test, open the carrying case and unfold the life raft. All life rafts have an
inflation assembly that will automatically inflate the raft with CO2 when you pull the
actuating cable.
When you inflate the raft, the raft should inflate to design shape, without evidence of
restriction, in less than one minute. This is a CDI inspection point, so have a CDI
inspector watching before you pull the cable. Once the raft is inflated, examine it for
obvious defects such as cuts, tears, ruptured seams, and a damaged manifold.

Pull Cable Proof Load Test for Multiplace Rafts

The pull cable proof load test for multiplace rafts is done in conjunction with the
functional test. Also, the test must be performed prior to placing an inflation assembly
into service. First, remove the inflation valve cover plate and remove the pull cable from
the valve. Then, apply a 50-pound pull force between the cable ball and the snap hook
to determine if the cable is strong enough for the system.
Examine the pull cable for broken strands of wire, a deformed snap hook, security of
snap hook spring latch attachment, and loose or cracked swage fittings. If any damage
is found, discard the pull cable and replace it with a new cable. Also test the new cable.
If the snap hook spring latch is loose, it may be repaired in accordance with instructions
contained in NAVAIR 13-1-6.1.
If the pull cable passes this test, reinstall the cable. Refer to NAVAIR 13-1-6.1 for details
of installation.

Leakage Testing
The only way that you can be sure that a life raft does not have a leak is to perform a
leakage test. To test a life raft with a vented Y-manifold for leakage, you must ensure
that either the manifold inlet is capped or an empty cylinder is installed and the manifold
inlet is in the CLOSED position. Install an equalizer tube clamp. These procedures are
necessary for this raft due to its design. The LRU-32AA has two flotation tubes; one is
on top of the other. The equalizer tube allows CO2 or air pressure to enter both tubes at
the same time. If you fail to cap the inlet, you will not be able to hold the pressure within
the flotation tube. If you do not use an equalizer clamp, you will blow up both flotation
tubes and be unable to test bulkhead leakage.

Flotation tubes must be tested separately to determine
internal vertical bulkhead leakage.

All multiplace life rafts fill with air pressure through the topping-off valves. The one-man
life rafts are inflated through an oral inflation tube.
After you have reached the test pressure, shut off the air supply and wait 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes, adjust the air pressure if necessary. At this time, you must record the
temperature and barometric pressure, because any drop or rise in temperature or
pressure affects the pressure within the flotation tube. Allow the raft to remain
undisturbed for a minimum of 4 hours. At the end of 4 hours, check and record the test
pressure and again record the temperature and barometric pressure. See Table 6-1 for
an example. Using the conversion charts in Tables 6-2 and 6-3, you can determine the
correct reading for your raft. If your test pressure is within limits, you are ready to deflate
the raft and repack the assembly. If the raft should fail this test, you must determine the
cause of the failure. Information on testing for leaks can be found in chapter 2 of
NAVAIR 13-1-6.1.

Table 6-1 — Example of temperature and barometric pressure check


START 75°F 29.90 IN. Hg
END 70°F 29.70 IN Hg
DIFFERENCE -5°F -00.20 IN Hg
CORRECTION +0.155 -0.098

Table 6-2 — Temperature conversion chart

Temperature Difference (°F) Correction (PSI)

1 0.031
2 0.062
3 0.093
4 0.124
5 0.155
6 0.186
7 0.217
8 0.248
9 0.279
10 0.310
Rise in temperature: subtract from gauge reading
Fall in temperature: add to gauge reading

Table 6-3 — Barometric Pressure Conversion Chart

Press. Corr. Press. Corr. Press. Corr. Press. Corr. Press. Corr.
Diff. (PSI) Diff. (PSI) Diff. (PSI) Diff. (PSI) Diff. (PSI)
(in Hg) (in Hg) (in Hg) (in Hg) (in Hg)
0.01 0.005 0.16 0.078 0.31 0.152 0.46 0.225 0.61 0.299
0.02 0.010 0.17 0.083 0.32 0.157 0.47 0.230 0.62 0.304
0.03 0.015 0.18 0.088 0.33 0.162 0.48 0.235 0.63 0.309
0.04 0.020 0.19 0.093 0.34 0.167 0.49 0.240 0.64 0.314
0.05 0.025 0.20 0.098 0.35 0.172 0.50 0.245 0.65 0.319
0.06 0.030 0.21 0.103 0.36 0.176 0.51 0.250 0.66 0.323
0.07 0.035 0.22 0.108 0.37 0.181 0.52 0.254 0.67 0.328
0.08 0.040 0.23 0.113 0.38 0.186 0.53 0.260 0.68 0.333
0.09 0.045 0.24 0.118 0.39 0.191 0.54 0.265 0.69 0.338
0.10 0.049 0.25 0.123 0.40 0.196 0.55 0.270 0.70 0.343
0.11 0.054 0.26 0.127 0.41 0.201 0.56 0.275 0.71 0.348
0.12 0.060 0.27 0.132 0.42 0.206 0.57 0.279 0.72 0.353
0.13 0.064 0.28 0.137 0.43 0.211 0.58 0.284 0.73 0.358
0.14 0.069 0.29 0.142 0.44 0.216 0.59 0.289 0.74 0.363
0.15 0.073 0.30 0.147 0.45 0.221 0.60 0.294 0.75 0.368
Rise in pressure: add to gauge reading
Fall in pressure: subtract from gauge reading

As you work on survival equipment, you will find that cleanliness is very important. It
gives the equipment a longer service life, and it reassures the aircrewman that he is
using an operational piece of equipment. If he sees a dirty life raft, he may think it is old
and that it might leak. To clean life rafts, prepare a solution of cleaning compound (MIL-
C-25769) consisting of one part compound and three parts water. Apply the cleaning
solution to soiled area with a spray or sponge. Allow the solution to remain on the
surface for several minutes, then rub with a soft brush or rag. Rinse the surface
thoroughly with water and wipe with a cloth or sponge. Repeat this application until the
surface is free from all solution. Dry the raft with a lint-free cloth, and apply a light
coating of talcum powder.

Hydrostatic Test of CO2 Cylinders
Every 5 years, you must hydrostatically test the carbon dioxide cylinders used on
multiplace life rafts. However, fully charged cylinders are considered serviceable
regardless of the last hydrostatic test date. If a cylinder is both due for a test and
discharged, disconnect it from the raft. Obtain a new cylinder from supply as a
replacement. Forward the old cylinder to supply. (Cylinders must be empty before
forwarding to supply.) Before installing the new cylinder, perform the following tasks:
1. Gently tap the inverted cylinder with a small piece of wood. If any rust or other
contamination falls from the cylinder, do not use it. Draw another from supply and
repeat the contamination check.
2. Ensure that a siphon tube is installed on all multiplace life raft cylinders.
3. Replace the stem in the inflation assembly valve.
4. Install a new sealing washer. Refer to NAVAIR 13-1-6.1.
5. Thread the inflation valve onto the cylinder and tighten it to a torque value of 600
± 60 inch-pounds for multiplace life raft cylinders. The hydrostatic test does not
apply to the one-man life raft cylinders due to size.


Many ditching and water crashes occur in a rough sea or at night. Only complete
familiarization with the use of survival equipment will give the aircrewman a chance of
surviving under such adverse conditions. Therefore, intensive drills in the use of rafts
and their associated equipment are essential for safety.
The survival officer must be concerned with survival techniques and should see that a
survival training program is set up in the parachute loft. In most cases, the chief in
charge of the loft has the responsibility of setting up this training. As a PR you will have
many occasions to participate in this training and, in many instances, may be
completely responsible for the carrying out of the program. Regardless of who is in
charge and must shoulder the complete responsibility, it is the duty of every PR to be
completely familiar with all phases of survival training and to be able to demonstrate the
use of survival equipment.
The multiplace egress trainer is a very effective system of training in water survival
techniques. It is used to simulate an actual aircraft ditching and to teach the best
escape procedure with full equipment.
Although such complete courses of training cannot be conducted in certain localities
because of the lack of specialized equipment, the PR should make every attempt to
give aircrewmen frequent practice in the actual use of the equipment. Discussions,
demonstrations, and shop lectures are all helpful, but working with the actual raft
equipment is the only way to acquire the knowledge essential to survival.
In demonstrating the rafts use, the most important thing to stress is that the retainer
lanyard snap must be firmly attached to the ring on the life vest before inflating the raft.
Inflate the raft as soon as possible so that personnel can get out of the water. The raft is
inflated by pulling on the short length cable attached to the CO2 cylinder valve. After
several hours, the CO2 cylinder may be removed from the side of the raft. It tends to
chafe the side of the compartment and acts as an anchor, causing the raft to orbit
around it. Sometimes it is possible to back off the coupling between the cylinder and the

manifold so that the cylinder releases from the mount. Once the cylinder has been
removed, it is no longer useful in any way and should be thrown over the side. This, of
course, is under actual emergency conditions; in a training demonstration, the cylinder
should be saved and recharged for further use on the training equipment.
In demonstrating their use, also give instructions on manual inflation of rafts. If nothing
happens after the CO2 cable has been pulled, the carrying case should be pulled off
and the raft unfolded so that the hand pump will be accessible. After the pump is
removed, the first compartment to be inflated should be the seat. This will help keep the
raft afloat so that the remaining compartment can be inflated with the pump. In attaching
the pump, you must take care not to screw the pump too tightly into the valve. If it is too
tight, it may freeze and become impossible to loosen without some type of wrench or

Boarding the Raft

The best method for boarding the multiplace life raft is to use a boarding stirrup. This
stirrup will allow the aircrewman to board the raft from the stern; boarding from the stern
will lessen the possibility of capsizing the raft (Figure 6-6).
If the raft should capsize, it is best to approach it from the side on which the CO2
cylinder is installed. The survivor must reach across the raft and grasp the righting
handle farthest from the cylinder. Then, by sliding back into the water and pulling on the
righting handle at the same time, the survivor will turn the raft right side up. Using this
method, there will be no chance of the CO2 cylinder hitting the survivor when he rights
the raft (Figure 6-7).
Another important point to remember in righting the raft is to note the wind and take
advantage of it. It is very hard to right a raft against the wind.

Safety Precautions in Boarding Rafts

Extreme care should be taken when boarding rafts or assisting personnel into the raft
from the water. This is particularly so if these persons are wearing parachute harnesses
or life vests. Once in the raft, all personnel should seat themselves on the floor and
remain in that position if at all possible. Movement within the raft should be restricted as
much as possible to keep friction at a minimum. All sharp objects should be collected
and stored, especially jeweled rings, wristwatches, etc. All loose articles of equipment
should be properly packaged to protect the raft fabric.

Figure 6-6 — Boarding one-man life rafts.

Figure 6-7 — Righting a capsized raft.

Life preservers are worn by aircrew members on overwater flights. Their function is to
keep survivors afloat until a raft can be reached or until a rescue team arrives. Proper
inspection, maintenance, and handling of life preservers are necessary to prevent any
possible malfunction that could result in the loss of life.

Life preservers should never be worn under any garment
and should always be outermost garment when flying.
Wearing a life preserver under any item of clothing or
equipment may cause serious injury or death.

LPU-32/P Life Preserver Assembly


The LPU-32/P life preserver is not suitable for use by small
children in Naval aircraft.

The LPU-32/P life preserver assembly (Figure 6-8) is authorized for use by passengers
and troops in helicopter or transport type aircraft for sea survival situations. It is
designed such that one size fits all.
The LPU-32/P Life Preserver Assembly consists of a Life Preserver Yoke Assembly and
additional survival items, each of which must be ordered separately to make up the
complete system. The LPU-32/P Life Preserver Assembly weighs approximately 4
pounds and provides a minimum of 40 pounds of buoyancy. It consists of flotation
assembly, two inflators, and a casing cover assembly, which includes the belt assembly
and the survival items pouch. Donning or doffing does not require removing personal
effects such as helmets, eyeglasses, etc.
The dual-cell, yoke-type flotation assembly is constructed of a heat-sealed
polyurethane-coated nylon cloth. A fire-retardant, aramid cloth casing protects the
bladder. It is equipped with an oral inflation tube, a check valve, and a manifold stem
The waist belt assembly consists of an adjustable belt made of nylon webbing, a nylon
slide (loop-loc), a tri-glide, and side release. A 12-inch locally manufactured extension
belt is authorized for use with winter garments, battle dressed troops, or larger
The LPU-32/P Life Preserver inflation assembly consists of two Type II 16 gram CO2
cylinders and inflators. Each inflator is connected and secured to the valve stem on the
flotation assembly with a cap nut; gaskets prevent leaking between valve stem, inflator,
CO2 cylinder, and cap nut. The manifold stem is equipped with a check valve to prevent
The survival items pouch consists of fire-retardant aramid cloth same as the casing, two
pull slide fasteners, and two grommets for securing survival items. The survival items
include a sea-dye marker, a whistle, and a chemical light with attached lanyard.
The LPU-32/P is the preferred passenger life preserver on Naval fixed-wing and rotary-
wing aircraft.
The LPU-32/P is manually inflated by pulling both of the beaded handles down. Survival
items shall only be used as required by an emergency. In an emergency situation, the
oral inflation tube should be used to top-off an inflated preserver, maintain inflation of a
leaky preserver, or to inflate a preserver when the CO2 actuated inflator malfunctions or
fails. The oral inflation tube is also used to inflate a preserver with air during an
inspection test, to deflate a preserver in preparation for packing, or to relieve excess

Figure 6-8 — LPU-32/P life preserver assembly.

To don the LPU-32/P life preserver, proceed as follows:

Donning does not require removing helmet or other personal
effects. The LPU-32/P is designed to be worn either way;
there is no front or back.

1. Unfasten LPU-32/P all the way and place over head.

2. Fasten buckle and adjust belt. Passengers in winter garments, battle dressed
troops, or larger passengers may require the use of a locally manufactured
extension belt.
3. For passengers issued the LPU-32/P incorporated with a vertical adjustment
strap for use with Outer Tactical Vest (OTV) or Modular Tactical Vest (MTV),
adjust the vertical waist belt strap so the waist belt is below the OTV or MTV. For
passengers not wearing the OTV or MTV, the vertical adjustment strap should be
adjusted so the waist belt sits at the waist.
4. Fasten all the way up.
5. Inflate the preserver by pulling both beaded handles down or by using oral
inflation valves.

Either slide fastener on survival items pouch may be used to
remove survival items, as required.

LPU-32/P Life Preservers used by SAR and stored in the Rescue Equipment Bag,
BGU-8/N, P/N 1682AS100-1 shall be inspected at 180-Day Special Inspection cycles to
coincide with inspection of articles contained in the Rescue Equipment Bag. LPU-32/P
Life Preservers used on P-3 series aircraft shall be subjected to Daily, Special, and 365-
Day Special Inspections.
The Daily Inspection shall be performed on life preservers installed in aircraft prior to
each flight by assigned aircrewmembers.
The Special Inspection shall be performed on all aircraft installed life preservers at 28
day intervals +/- two days. The inspection shall be performed at the organizational level
of maintenance by personnel assigned to the Aviator‘s Equipment Branch.
Upon completion of the inspection, make necessary entries on appropriate form in
accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2. The 28-Day Special Inspection may
be recorded on a separate history card from the history card recording 224-Day Special
Inspections, functional checks, and modifications.
The 224-Day Special Inspection shall be performed on all life preservers prior to placing
them in service. The Inspection cycle thereafter shall be as follows. Personal issue life
preservers shall be inspected once every 90 days. Aircraft-installed life preserver
inspection shall coincide with the inspection cycle of the aircraft in which installed. (See
applicable Planned Maintenance System (PMS) publications for specific intervals.) In no
case shall the interval exceed 231 days. Unless operational requirements demand
otherwise, the life preserver 224-Day Special Inspection shall be performed by the
intermediate level of maintenance or above. The functional test shall be performed prior
to placing in service, every fourth inspection cycle thereafter, and whenever an inflation
assembly is replaced. The leakage test shall be performed during every inspection
cycle. If an inspection indicates damage, complete the appropriate forms in accordance
with COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2, and forward entire assembly to supply.
The 365-Day Special Inspection shall be performed on LPU-32/P Life Preservers
installed on P-3 Series aircraft, not to exceed the standard deviation allowed in
accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2A. The 365-Day Special Inspection
shall include the same requirements as the 224-Day Special Inspection.

LPU-34/P Low-Profile Flotation Collar

The LPU-34/P Low Profile Flotation Collar (LPFC) Life Preserver, shown in Figure 6-9,
is equipped with two manually operated inflation devices. The LPU-34/P is designed as
a constant wear item for use with compatible flight clothing and other crew equipment. It
weighs 3-1/4 pounds and provides a minimum of 65 pounds of buoyancy.
The LPU-34/P consists of an exterior cover assembly, inflation shell assembly, and a
flotation assembly. The flotation assembly consists of two independent inflatable
bladders each of which is equipped with a manual inflation device and an oral inflation
valve. The bladders are packed in a black cloth inflation shell assembly. Four straps on
the inflation shell assembly pass through grommets on the exterior cover assembly to
attach the LPU-34/P to the survival vest. A beaded handle that connects to an inflation
device by lanyard is mounted on each side of the exterior cover to initiate inflation of the
life preserver. Two additional straps adjust a plastic buckle which snaps across the
wearer‘s chest to help keep the LPU-34/P in position when worn.
The black cloth inflation shell assembly contains the two inflatable bladders. The design
of the shell assembly provides the shape for the flotation collar. There are openings in
the shell assembly through which the inflation valve stem and oral inflation tube of each
bladder extend. A manual inflation device is secured to each valve stem by a cap nut
which also serves as a cap for the valve stem. When installed, each inflation device and
its CO2 cylinder are wrapped in a protective cover. The oral inflation valve tubes, which
are provided as backup to CO2 cylinder inflation, are retained by inserting the top of
each tube in retainer loops attached to the inflation shell assembly.
The LPU-34/P LPFC is designated for use by aircrew personnel operating aircraft that
are not equipped with ejection seat systems. It is designed for constant wear when
wearing compatible flight clothing and equipment. See NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-1 for
authorized use/configurations.
The LPU-34/P is inflated by pulling the beaded handles in a natural downward motion.
Each beaded handle is connected by a lanyard to the actuating lever of an inflation
device. Pulling the handles initiates slide fastener separation on the exterior cover and
causes the CO2 cylinder to be punctured, inflating the bladders. The slide fastener on
the exterior cover continues to separate as the bladders inflate to provide head-out-of-
water buoyancy.
Figure 6-9 — LPU-34/P life preserver assembly.

The exterior cover must be manually opened prior to
attempting to inflate the bladders with the oral inflation tubes.

In an emergency situation, the oral inflation tubes may be used to top off the inflated
bladders, maintain inflation in a leaky bladder, or inflate a bladder if an inflation device
malfunctions. The oral inflation tube may also be used to inflate the bladders during an
inspection test or to evacuate air to perform packing.

The inspection requirements for the LPU-34/P Life Preserver shall include
Preflight/Postflight, 360-Day Special, and Place-In-Service inspections.
The Preflight/Postflight Inspection shall be performed prior to and after each flight by the
aircrewmember to whom the life preserver is assigned.
The 360-Day Special Inspection shall be performed once every 360 days after the LPU-
34/P has been placed in service. The 360-Day Special Inspection shall be performed by
qualified personnel at the Intermediate level of maintenance. The Functional Test shall
be performed during every 360-Day Special Inspection.
The Place-In-Service Inspection shall be performed on all life preservers prior to placing
in service. The Place-In-Service Inspection shall be performed by qualified personnel at
the intermediate level of maintenance. If inspection indicates that required repairs are
beyond the capability of maintenance, complete appropriate forms in accordance with
COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 and forward the entire assembly to supply.

LPU-36/P Low-Profile Flotation Collar Life Preserver

The LPU-36/P Life Preserver contains an automatic inflation
device and is configured for use only in aircraft with ejection
seat systems.

The LPU-36/P Low Profile Flotation Collar (LPFC) Life Preserver, shown in Figure 6-10,
is designed as a constant wear item for use with survival vests and other aircrew
equipment. The LPU-36/P weighs 3-1/4 pounds and provides a minimum of 65 pounds
of buoyancy. There are no survival items attached to the life preserver, and it does not
interfere with removal of a non-integrated parachute harness.

Figure 6-10 — LPU-36/P life preserver assembly.

The LPU-36/P consists of multiple components compactly packed into an exterior cover
assembly. The flotation assembly consists of two independent inflatable bladders, each
with an FLU-8 (series) automatic/manual inflator and an oral inflation valve. The
bladders are packed inside a black cloth inflation shell assembly. Four straps on the
inflation shell assembly pass through grommets on the exterior cover assembly to
attach the LPU-36/P to the modified torso harness or survival vest. Two additional
straps adjust a plastic buckle that snaps across the wearer‘s chest to keep the LPU-
36/P in position when worn.
The primary method of initiating inflation is the manual mode; pulling both beaded
handles in a natural downward motion. Each beaded handle is connected by a lanyard
to the actuating lever of the inflator. Pulling the handles initiates slide fastener
separation on the exterior cover and causes the CO2 cylinders to be punctured, inflating
the bladders. The slide fastener securing the exterior cover continues to separate as the
bladders inflate.
The FLU-8 (series) inflator is a sealed, cartridge-actuated automatic inflation device.
The device consists of a sensor housing and a body assembly into which a charged
CO2 cylinder (with an o-ring) is threaded. The sensor housing contains an electronic
circuit which, when immersed in fresh or salt water, initiates automatic inflation of the life
preserver. Automatic inflation is a one-time function for the automatic inflation device
FLU-8 (series). After each activation in the automatic mode, the inflator must be
replaced with a new one.

The FLU-8 (series) automatic inflation device may be
operated in the manual mode an unlimited number of times
without affecting its one-time automatic capability. After each
manual inflation, the spent CO2 cylinders must be replaced
and the CO2 cylinder piercing pin inspected to ensure

Oral inflation valve tubes are provided as backups to CO2 cylinder inflation. In an
emergency situation, the oral inflation tubes may be used to top off the inflated
bladders, maintain inflation of a leaky bladder, or inflate a bladder if an inflator
malfunctions. The oral inflation tubes may also be used to inflate the bladders with air
during an inspection test or to evacuate air during packing.

The exterior cover must be manually opened prior to
attempting to inflate the bladders using the oral inflation

The LPU-36/P (LPFC) has a warning label on the side facing the wearer to indicate that
the LPU-36/P is not for use in aircraft that do not have an ejection seat system. The
slide fastener in the LPU-36/P is black in color to distinguish it from the LPU-34B/P,
which does not contain the FLU-8 (series) inflator. The LPU-34B/P, which is designed
for use in non-ejection seat aircraft, has a slide fastener the same color as the exterior
cover, and contains a manual inflator only.

The inspection requirements for the LPU-36/P Life Preserver shall include Place-In-
Service, Preflight/Postflight, and 360-Day Special Inspections.
The Place-In-Service Inspection shall be performed by qualified personnel at the
intermediate level of maintenance. If inspection indicates that required repairs are
beyond the capability of maintenance, complete appropriate forms in accordance with
COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 and forward the entire assembly to supply.
The Preflight/Postflight Inspection shall be performed prior to and after each flight by the
aircrewmember to whom the life preserver is assigned.
The 360-Day Special Inspection shall be performed once every 360 days after the LPU-
36/P has been placed in service. The 360-Day Special Inspection shall be performed by
qualified personnel at the Intermediate level of maintenance.

LPU-37/P Low-Profile Flotation Collar Life Preserver

The LPU-37/P Low Profile Flotation Collar (LPFC) Life Preserver, shown in Figure 6-11,
is equipped with two manually operated inflation devices. The LPU-37/P is designed as
a constant wear item for use with compatible flight clothing and other crew equipment. It
weighs 3 1/4 pounds and provides a minimum of 65 pounds of buoyancy. There are no
survival items attached to the life preserver, and it does not interfere with removal of a
non-integrated parachute harness.
The LPU-37A/P will replace the LPU-34B/P in all applications where the LPU-34B/P is
authorized, and in all applications authorized for the LPU-37/P.
The LPU-37/P consists of an exterior cover assembly, inflation shell assembly, and a
flotation assembly.
The flotation assembly consists of two independent inflatable bladders, each of which is
equipped with a manual inflation device and an oral inflation valve. The bladders are
packed in a black cloth inflation shell assembly. The design of the shell assembly
provides the shape for the flotation collar.
Four straps on the inflation shell assembly pass through grommets on the exterior cover
assembly to attach the LPU-37/P to the survival vest. Two additional straps adjust a
plastic buckle that snaps across the wearer‘s chest to help keep the LPU-37/P in
position when worn.
A beaded handle that connects by lanyard to an inflation device is mounted on each
side of the exterior cover to initiate inflation of the life preserver. The LPU-37/P is
inflated by pulling the beaded handles in a natural downward motion, initiating slide
fastener separation on the exterior cover and causing the CO2 cylinder to be punctured,
inflating the bladders. The slide fastener on the exterior cover continues to separate as
the bladders inflate to provide head-out-of-water buoyancy.
Figure 6-11 — LPU-37/P life preserver assembly.

The oral inflation valve tubes, which are provided as backup to CO2 cylinder inflation,
are retained by inserting the top of each tube in retainer loops attached to the inflation
shell assembly. In an emergency situation, the oral inflation tubes may be used to top
off the inflated bladders, maintain inflation in a leaky bladder, or inflate a bladder if an
inflation device malfunctions. The oral inflation tube may also be used to inflate the
bladders during an inspection test or to evacuate air to perform packing.

The exterior cover must be manually opened prior to
attempting to inflate the bladders with the oral inflation tubes.

The inspection requirements for the LPU-37/P Life Preserver shall include Preflight,
360-Day Special, and Place-In-Service inspections.
The Preflight Inspection shall be performed prior to each flight by the aircrewmember to
whom the life preserver is assigned.
The 360-Day Special Inspection shall be performed once every 360 days after the LPU-
37/P has been placed in service. The 360-Day Special Inspection shall be performed by
qualified personnel at the intermediate level of maintenance. The Functional Test shall
be performed during every 360-Day Special Inspection.
The Place-In-Service Inspection shall be performed by qualified personnel at the
intermediate level of maintenance. If inspection indicates that required repairs are
beyond the capability of maintenance, complete appropriate forms in accordance with
COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 and forward the entire assembly to supply.

LPU-41/P Life Preserver Assembly (Helicopter Egress System for


The LPU-41/P life preserver is not suitable for use by small

The LPU-41/P (Figure 6-12) with SEA LV 2 installed shall only be used by passengers
who have received proper training in accordance with General NATOPS 3710 Series.
Passengers who have not received the appropriate training may only use the LPU-41/P
if the SEA LV 2 is removed.
The Helicopter Egress System for Passengers (HESP) was designed specifically for
Marine Troop passengers being transported in air vehicles while dressed in full battle
gear. The LPU-41/P life preserver assembly is authorized for use by passengers and
troops in helicopter or transport type aircraft for water survival situations. It is designed
such that one size fits all.

Figure 6-12 — LPU-41/P life preserver assembly.

The HESP consists of a life preserver assembly, a survival items pouch, and an
Emergency Air Supply (EAS) SEA LV 2 holster. The HESP assembly weighs
approximately 3 pounds without additional survival items and provides a minimum of 65
pounds of buoyancy. The survival items kit includes sea dye marker, whistle, and
chemical light stored in the pouch. The Sea LV2 Emergency Air Supply bottle and
survival items must be requisitioned separately.

The dual-cell, yoke-type flotation assembly is constructed of a heat-sealed,
polyurethane-coated nylon cloth. A fire-retardant aramid cloth casing protects the
bladders. Each bladder assembly is equipped with an oral inflation tube, a carbon
dioxide cylinder, and an inflator. Each inflator is equipped with a check valve to prevent
The LPU-41/P is manually inflated by pulling both of the beaded handles down. In an
emergency situation, the oral inflation tubes should be used to top-off under-inflated
bladders or to reduce pressure built up by direct sunlight when inflated. The oral tubes
are also used to inflate the life preserver in the event of a malfunction of the manual
carbon dioxide inflators.

Life preservers should never be inflated inside aircraft in a
water ditching. Passengers should wait until exiting the
aircraft to inflate the LPU-41/P.

To don the LPU-41/P life preserver, refer to Figure 6-12 and proceed as follows:

Donning does not require removing tactical vests, helmets,
or other personal effects.

1. Unfasten all the way and place yoke over head

2. Adjust waist belt with vertical adjustment webbing so that waist belt sits on or
near the waist
3. Fasten waist belt buckle and adjust webbing so belt is snug around waist.
4. Fasten up slide fastener
5. Inflate preserver by pulling both beaded handles down or by using oral inflation

The LPU-41/P Life Preserver shall be subjected to Daily and 224-Day Special
The Daily Inspection of life preservers installed in the aircraft shall be performed by
assigned aircrew members prior to flight.
The 224-Day Special Inspection shall be performed on aircraft installed life preservers
prior to placing in service. The inspection cycle thereafter shall coincide with the
inspection cycle of the aircraft in which it is installed. In no case shall the interval exceed
231 Days. Unless operational requirements demand otherwise the life preserver 224-
Day Special Inspection shall be performed by the intermediate level of maintenance or
above. The functional test shall be performed prior to placing in service, every fourth
inspection cycle thereafter, and whenever an inflation assembly is replaced. The
leakage test shall be performed during every inspection cycle. If an inspection indicates
damage, complete appropriate forms in accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2
and forward the entire assembly to supply.

TRI-SAR Harness Assembly Flotation Vest, P/N 487VB, for Search and
Rescue Operations
The TRI-SAR Harness Assembly Flotation Vest, P/N 487VB, is a removable component
of the TRI-SAR Harness Assembly, P/N 487 (see Figure 6-13).

Figure 6-13— TRI-SAR harness assembly.

The TRI-SAR Harness Assembly Flotation Vest is subject to Place-In-Service, Preflight,
and 90-Day Special Inspections.
A Place-In-Service Inspection shall be performed on the Flotation Vest prior to placing
in service, and a Special Inspection shall be performed once every 90 days. A
Functional Test shall be performed prior to placing in service and then every fourth
inspection cycle thereafter, and whenever an inflation assembly is replaced. A Leakage
Test shall be performed during every inspection cycle. Upon completion of inspection,
make necessary entries on appropriate forms in accordance with
A Place-In-Service Inspection shall be performed prior to placing in service. The Place-
In-Service Inspection consists of the following:

Ensure there is no CO2 bottle installed prior to operating the
inflation lever. The LPU will inflate if a bottle is installed
during the operational check.

Failure of the Flotation Vest during any portion of the Place-
In-Service Inspection renders the vest non-RFI and must be
reported in accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2.

1. Inspect inflation assembly for corrosion, damaged threads, and ease of

operation. Operate lever several times to ensure it moves freely.
2. Inspect pull toggle and lanyard for damage.

Bladder is entirely encased and cannot be inspected or
removed. Inspection is limited to a visual inspection and an
inflation test. A 1-inch bar tacking is located at the bottom of
each lobe. This is to prevent excessive loading of internal
bladder during over-inflation, which in time could cause
bladder leakage. Bar tacking may become loose or have
broken stitches. Inspect bar tacking.

3. Inspect Flotation Vest casing for cuts, tears, deterioration, abrasion, stains, and
general cleanliness.
4. Perform a functional test.


All life preservers need to have Preflight, Special, and Calendar/Phase inspections.
The preflight inspection is performed before each flight by the aircrewman to whom the
life preserver is assigned. A preflight inspection is also performed by assigned
aircrewmen on life preservers installed in aircraft.
The special inspection is done on all aircraft-installed life preservers at intervals not to
exceed 30 days. The inspection is performed at the organizational level of maintenance
by personnel assigned to the aviator‘s equipment branch.
When the special inspection is completed and the life preserver is found satisfactory,
the inspection date and inspector‘s signature are written in the inspection section of the
Aviation Crew Systems History Card. The 30-day special inspection may be recorded
on a separate history card from the history card recording calendar/phase inspections,
functional checks, and modifications.

The calendar/phase inspection must be performed on all life preservers prior to placing
them in service. After that, the inspection cycle is as follows: personal issue life
preservers are inspected once every 90 days. Aircraft-installed life preserver inspection
should coincide with the inspection cycle of the aircraft in which they are installed. In no
case should the interval exceed 231 days. Unless operational requirements demand
otherwise, the life preserver calendar/phase inspection is performed by the intermediate
level of maintenance or above. As part of inspecting the preserver, the functional test is
performed prior to placing it in service, every fourth inspection cycle thereafter, and
whenever an inflation assembly is replaced. The leakage test shall also be performed
during every inspection cycle.

Functional Testing
Before you attempt to perform a functional test, you should ensure that the work area
surrounding the preserver is free of all foreign objects. This prevents any accidental
damage to the life preserver. When you perform a functional check, you need to ensure
that the system operates as if the aircrew member were using it in an emergency.
Therefore, your first step is to pull the actuation toggle.
The preserver should fully inflate to its design shape without any evidence of restriction
in less than 30 seconds. If the preserver does not meet this requirement, you will have
to determine the reason and correct it. To do this, first look at your stem and valve.
Sometimes, dirt or foreign matter can cause a slow inflation. If you make any
corrections, functionally test the preserver again.
Deflate the preserver using a vacuum pump and a 3/8- or 1/2-inch inside diameter
rubber hose. Attach one end of the rubber hose to the vacuum pump and the other end
will go to the oral inflation valve or to the carbon dioxide cylinder valve, depending on
which type you are using. After the preserver has been completely deflated, release the
oral inflation valve, or put the CO2 cylinder back into the valve.
The functional check is only performed when the preserver is placed into service and
every fourth calendar check after that.

Leakage Test
All life preservers are subjected to a leakage test each calendar/phase inspection. This
test is performed each time the preserver comes in to be checked, even when a
functional test is required. A special test fixture is needed to perform this test.

Test Fixture
A test fixture, consisting of a three-way valve, pressure gauge, and adapters for
compartments being tested, is shown in Figure 6-14. The fixture must be fabricated to
meet the requirements of the schematic shown in Figure 6-15.

Figure 6-14 — Leakage test fixture on a life preserver.

Figure 6-15 — Test rig schematic.

Test Procedure
To test life preservers, proceed as follows:
1. Ensure all carbon dioxide has been removed from any preserver that has been
functionally tested.
2. To test the life preserver, insert a 3/4-inch O.D. rubber hose into the oral inflation
hose mouthpiece. Maintain pressure between the rubber hose and the oral
inflation hose mouthpiece to ensure a good seal. Depress the valve on the oral
inflation hose and alternately position the leakage test fixture valve between the
measuring device, vent, and air supply until the overpressure relief valve opens
(2.5 psig ± .5 psig). Rotate the leakage test fixture valve to the measuring device
position to ensure that the life preserver is inflated to the proper pressure.
Release the valve on the oral inflation hose. Inspect for proper operation of the
relief valve.
3. To test all preserver chambers, unlock the oral inflation valve and insert it into the
rubber hose. Rotate the valve to the air supply position and inflate the chamber.
Alternately position the valve between the measuring device, vent, and the air
supply until the proper pressure is attained.
4. Turn off the air supply, and after a minimum of 15 minutes, readjust the pressure
to the original pressure, if necessary.
5. Disconnect the air supply and check test fixture for leaks. Ensure all valves are
6. Record temperature and barometric pressure.
7. Four hours after the adjustment period in step 4, record the test pressure.
8. Record temperature and barometric pressure, and correct the test pressure for
any changes in temperature and barometric pressure. Refer to Table 6-3 for an
example of how you would record this information.

Do not submerge life preservers in water to check for leaks.

After four hours, if the pressure of the chamber is below 1.60 psig, inflate to the leakage
test pressure, and then coat the preserver with a soap solution to locate any leaks. Mark
any leak area you find. Rinse the preserver with fresh water, air dry it, and repair it in
accordance with NAVAIR 13-1-6.1.
If the preserver has held the required pressure, deflate it. Ensure that the inflation valve
lever is cocked. Install a carbon dioxide cylinder.
This completes the procedure for testing for leaks within the flotation assembly. To
complete the calendar inspection, you will have to inspect the remaining components of
the life preserver.

Visual Inspection
The visual inspection is performed along with each calendar inspection. Each time, it is
performed before the leakage test. To perform a visual inspection, inflate the preserver
to one psi and examine it closely. Look for any fabric cuts, tears, deterioration, or
abrasion. Any of these defects can cause leakage. Check the valve stem for security,
and ensure that the silver indicator is not visible in the firing check port (indicator hole),
shown in Figure 6-16. If the silver indicator is visible, the inflator is spent and the
automatic feature of the inflator is negated. A new inflator should be installed on the life
preserver to replace the previously spent inflator. Refer to NAVAIR 13-1-6.1.

Figure 6-16 — Checking for silver indicator.

The service life of each FLU-8 (series) automatic inflator is 66 months from the date of
manufacture. If service life expires prior to the next scheduled calendar inspection,
replace the inflator.

See NAVAIR 11-100-1.1, NAVAIR 13-1-6.1-2, and latest
technical directive for any changes on expiration dates on
all FLU-8 (series) and batteries.

Battery Visual Inspection

To inspect the batteries installed in the FLU-8 (series) inflator, proceed as follows:

No objects should be inserted in sensor plug side ports for
any reason.

With the aid of a standard 17/32-inch socket, remove the sensor plug cap. Remove the
battery and check it for leakage and corrosion. Check the sensor plug cap for cracks.
The battery has a two-letter code stamped on it that corresponds with the month and
year of manufacture. The date of manufacture for the battery, PN 849AS 160, is
displayed in the lot number stamped on the battery case. The battery has a total life of 3
years from the date of manufacture. Replace any battery if the total life of the battery
expires prior to the next calendar inspection. Check this date of manufacture on each
battery. Also check the date of installation recorded on the Aviation Crew Systems
History Card.
Reinstall or replace battery if needed. Ensure that the date of installation and date of
manufacture are recorded on the Aviation Crew Systems History Card. See Figure 6-17
for battery arrangement.

Figure 6-17 — Battery arrangement.

Battery Voltage Testing

Before installing any battery, you must ensure that it has enough energy to operate the
FLU-8 (series) inflator. You must use a digital reading voltage multimeter for this test.
Do not use a needle voltage multimeter. The test leads of the multimeter should be
provided with a standard test probe (+) and a banana type test plug (–). When using the
multimeter, you should ensure that it is set in the voltage-measuring mode and NOT the
resistance-measuring mode. A resistance measurement will trigger the squib and fire
the inflator.
Insert the negative (–) test probe into the end port of the sensor plug and remove your
hand. If the body becomes an electrical pathway between the sensor pin and any
conductive part of the inflator assembly, meter readings may be faulty or the squib may
fire. Then, using the pointed positive (+) probe, touch and maintain contact with one of
the screw heads near the lever end of the inflator.
Wait 15 seconds for the FLU-8 (series) circuit to stabilize after connecting the test leads
before taking the voltage reading. The voltage reading should begin at a high value and
then gradually shift downward before final stabilization. If no downward shift in meter
reading occurs, the FLU-8 (series) inflator will be rejected.
A reading of +12 volts or more indicates the battery is at full power and installed
correctly. A reading of -12 volts or more indicates the battery is installed backwards.
The battery must be reversed. A reading of zero volts indicates that the battery contact
is faulty or that the battery is not installed properly. Inspect and correct if necessary. If a
correct battery voltage reading cannot be obtained with a battery of verified full charge
properly installed, the inflator is defective. Reject and report for an engineering
investigation according to COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2.

Inflation Assembly Inspection

Inspect life preserver inflation assemblies as follows:
 Remove the carbon dioxide cylinder from the valve assembly.
 Examine the inflation device, actuating lever and lanyard, and locking pins for
fraying, corrosion, stripped threads, and other damage.
 If required, remove any sharp edges from the valve with a fine, round file.
 Operate the toggle three or four times. Ensure that the lever moves freely and
that the piercing pin moves properly inside valve body.
 On life preservers with beaded inflation handles, operate the beaded inflation
handle three or four times. Ensure that the lever moves freely and the piercing
pin moves properly inside valve body.
 Ensure that the packaging cord loop is not pinched between the piercing pin and
the actuating lever. If there is free play in the actuating lever when it is in its
cocked position, the packaging cord loop is pinched. If necessary, reinstall the
 If any discrepancy noted in the inflation device is not repairable, remove the
assembly and install a new inflation device.

Each time the inflation assembly gaskets or the inflation
assembly is removed and replaced for any reason, a
functional test must be conducted. Use new gaskets when
you replace the device.

Inflation Lanyard Pull Test

Use a 0- to 50-pound pull scale (part number DPP-50 or equivalent) to perform the
inflation lanyard pull test.
To perform the inflation lanyard pull test, proceed as follows:
1. Ensure that the carbon dioxide cylinders have been removed. Actuate the
inflation assembly. This tests the lanyard itself. It is not designed to test the pull
of the inflation assembly.
2. On life preservers with beaded inflation handles, attach a pull scale to the top
end (end opposite inflation lanyard) of beaded inflation handle.
3. Exert a 25-pound straight pull on the inflation lanyard. Remove scale.
4. Examine the inflation lanyard for frays, ruptures, thin spots, split casing, and the
security of knots.
5. Replace any unsatisfactory inflation lanyards.

Installing of Cylinders
Prior to installing any CO2 cylinder, the cylinder must be weighed and its threads
cleaned. Using the cylinder thread chaser die, turn the thread chaser to the full extent of
the threads on the CO2 cylinder to cut free any excessive cadmium plating covering the
Weigh the charged cylinder and compare the stamped minimum weight with the scale
weight. Discard and replace the cylinder if the scale weight is two grams less than
stamped minimum weight. Loosen the inflator setscrew if it is installed, and ensure that
the inflator lever is in the cocked position. To assure a firm cylinder seat, conduct a
cylinder thread count. The threaded portion of the cylinder neck must contain a
minimum of seven full threads to assure a firm cylinder seat within the valve body. Any
cylinder found with less than seven full threads must be discarded.

Steel threads on carbon dioxide cylinders can cause
damage to aluminum threads on inflators if the cylinder is
not carefully threaded. If binding occurs during threading,
replace the cylinder.

After performing a functional test, insert a new o-ring. At intermediate inspection

intervals, inspect the condition of the o-ring and replace it if necessary. Install the CO2
cylinder into the inflator as far as hand twisting will permit. Tighten the setscrews, if
installed. See Figure 6-18.

When you replace the CO2 cylinder to the inflator, ensure
that the CO2 cylinder passes through the holding patch
loop. For all other life preservers, a missing setscrew does
not warrant removal of the preserver from service until a
replacement setscrew can be obtained. Safety-wire the
inflator as required.

Figure 6-18 — Inserting new o-ring and CO2 cylinder.

Battery Replacement
To replace batteries, proceed as follows:
 Remove the sensor plug cap with a standard box wrench.

Batteries may explode if recharged or if they are disposed
of in a fire.

 Remove the old batteries and discard them.

Never replace one battery; always replace the pair.

 Remember to record the date of manufacture and the date of installation of new
batteries on the Aviation Crew Systems History Card.

Batteries have a total life of 3 years from the date of
manufacture. Do not install batteries if their total life will
expire prior to the next scheduled calendar inspection.

 Install batteries in accordance with Figure 6-17.

Ensure that the sensor plug cap is torqued to the correct

 On FLU-8 (series) only, torque the sensor plug cap to 5 in-lb using 17/32-inch
socket and torque wrench.

6-1. When performing a leakage test on a life raft, you must wait a minimum of how
many hours to check and record the test pressure again?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 24

6-2. How often are CO2 cylinders for multiplace life rafts required to be hydrostatically

A. Yearly
B. Every 2 years
C. Every 3 years
D. Every 5 years

6-3. The CNO has established that life rafts will carry enough equipment for an
aircrew member to be capable of surviving for how long?

A. 12 hours
B. 24 hours
C. 72 hours
D. 96 hours

6-4. When applying cement to a patch for a life raft, approximately how long should
you wait between the first and the second coat?

A. 10 minutes
B. 15 minutes
C. 20 minutes
D. 25 minutes

6-5. You must scallop the edge of a patch that is larger than what maximum size?

A. 2 inches
B. 3 inches
C. 5 inches
D. 6 inches

6-6. What is the buoyancy rating of a properly inflated LPU-34/P series life preserver?

A. 40 pounds
B. 60 pounds
C. 65 pounds
D. 70 pounds

6-7. Which of the following is the primary means of inflating an LPU-36/P series life

A. Firing the SEAWARS system

B. Pulling the beaded handles
C. Actuating the explosives primer
D. FLU-8 automatic inflation water sensor

6-8. Which of the following is the preferred life preserver to be used by a passenger
on a Naval aircraft?

A. LPU-32/P
B. LPU-34/P
C. LPU-36/P
D. LPU-37/P

6-9. What size CO2 cylinders are used with the LPU-32/P life preserver?

A. 12 gram
B. 16 gram
C. 33 gram
D. 38 gram

6-10. How long should you wait for the FLU-8 circuit to stabilize before you take the
voltage readings?

A. 10 seconds
B. 15 seconds
C. 20 seconds
D. 25 seconds

6-11. How many times should you operate the beaded inflation handles to ensure the
piercing pin moves properly?

A. Two or three
B. Three or four
C. Five or six
D. Eight

6-12. What shall you use to clean the threads on a life preserver‘s CO2 inflation

A. A wire brush
B. A thread chaser die
C. A jeweler‘s file
D. A soft cloth

6-13. When replacing a CO2 cylinder in a FLU-8 inflation device, you must ensure that
the CO2 cylinder weighs no less than how many grams of its minimum stamped

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Ejection from high-performance aircraft requires carefully designed emergency egress
systems to provide the best possible circumstances for aircrew survival. The seat
survival kit was designed to address multiple events to improve survivability during and
following an ejection sequence.

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to identify the components of the seat
survival kit.


The SKU-10/A Seat Survival Kit is designed for use with ejection seats and functions as
a seat cushion for the aircrewman as well as a container for an emergency oxygen
system, a radio beacon, an inflatable life raft, and survival gear (Figure 7-1). There are
two manufacturers of these kits: Martin-Baker Aircraft Company Ltd. and East/West
Industries, Inc.

Figure 7-1 — SKU-10/A seat survival kit and components.

The SKU-10/A Seat Survival Kit assembly is designed for use with the SJU-17(V)1/A,
SJU-17(V)2/A, and SJU-17(V)9/A Ejection Seats installed in F/A-18C, F/A-18D, F/A-
18E, and F/A-18F aircraft.

Seat Lid Kit Assembly

The seat lid kit assembly (Figure 7-2) consists of a molded fiberglass seat lid, a seat
cushion, a radio beacon, an emergency oxygen system, and a rucksack assembly. The
seat lid assembly is the primary structure and serves as a seat for the aircrewman as
well as a mounting platform for the emergency oxygen system and the rucksack
assembly. The seat cushion is positioned on top of the lid assembly. A radio beacon is
mounted on the top side of the lid assembly beneath the left thigh pad of the seat
A flexible oxygen and communications hose is installed on the aft left side of the seat lid
assembly and connects the aircrewman to the on-board aircraft communications and
oxygen systems.

Figure 7-2 — SKU-10/A seat survival kit.

Emergency Oxygen System

The emergency oxygen system is mounted on the underside of the seat lid assembly
(Figure 7-3). The system consists of a 100-cubic-inch, 1,800-psi cylinder, a gauge, a
pressure reducer assembly, and two actuation devices. In the event of an aircraft
oxygen system failure or a high altitude ejection, the emergency oxygen system will
deliver over 10 minutes of breathing oxygen to the aircrewman.
The seat survival kit contains an inflatable life raft, survival gear, and a radio beacon
and furnishes emergency oxygen to the aviator when ejecting at altitudes where there is
not enough oxygen to maintain consciousness.

Figure 7-3 — Emergency oxygen cylinder.

Oxygen from the kit flows to the aircrewman through the emergency oxygen system
reducer in the kit (Figure 7-4). A check valve in the oxygen line prevents emergency
oxygen from flowing into the aircraft system or overboard from the kit. When the
aircrewman ejects, the reducer is automatically operated by a lanyard connected
between the actuator and aircraft.

Figure 7-4 — Emergency oxygen schematic.

Rucksack Container
The rucksack container is divided into two compartments. The rear larger compartment
houses a life raft. The front smaller compartment contains basic survival items and is
closed by a zipper. The rucksack is mounted on the underside of the lid assembly and is
retained by five straps. The five strap assemblies are secured by a manual deployment
handle assembly. The manual handle assembly consists of two release pins attached
by a cable to two yellow handles.

Basic Operation
When sitting in the aircraft, the aircrewman connects the kit quick-release fittings to his
retaining straps on his torso harness. He also connects his oxygen mask and
communication hose to the seat pan quick-disconnect fitting. The aircrewman can
quickly disconnect this hose by pulling sharply on the hose assembly.
When the aircrewman ejects from the aircraft, the following events occur:

The automatic actuation lanyard for the emergency oxygen system actuates the reducer
assembly upon seat ejection. The aircrewman then receives emergency oxygen for
descent. If automatic actuation of the emergency oxygen system fails, the emergency
oxygen system may be actuated by the aircrewman by means of the manual oxygen
release (green handle). The same actuation lanyard also activates the radio beacon.
The beacon provides a continuous signal during descent.
At a safe altitude, the aircrewman pulls the kit deployment handle. Doing so unlocks the
container and allows the rucksack to fall away, though still attached by the dropline
assembly. The life raft, attached to the dropline, automatically inflates upon contact with
the water surface.

Your concern with this unit is mainly inspecting it at scheduled intervals or when
damage is suspected. There are three types of inspections made at routine intervals:
the turnaround/daily/preflight/postflight/transfer, special inspections, and the more
detailed acceptance/phased/SDLM inspections. In addition, conditional inspections are
unscheduled inspections required as the result of specific situations or sets of
conditions, such as hard-landing inspections or any inspection directed by higher
authority that is not ordered in a technical directive.

Turnaround/Daily/Preflight/Postflight Inspections
The turnaround/daily/preflight/postflight or transfer inspections consist of visual-type
inspections performed in conjunction with the aircraft inspection requirements for the
aircraft in which the survival kit is installed. Line personnel (plane captains) or delegated
aircrewman who have been instructed and found qualified by the aviator‘s equipment
branch perform these inspections.

Special Inspections
The special (7/14 day, etc.) inspections are performed on in-service survival kits
installed in aircraft or in ready room issue. These inspections are done at the
organizational level of maintenance by personnel assigned to the aviator‘s equipment
branch. The date of these inspections and the inspector‘s signature are recorded in the
inspection section of the Aviation Crew Systems History Card.
If any parts must be replaced, note that similar parts from kits made by different
manufacturers are not interchangeable. Attempts to substitute one manufacturer‘s part
for another may cause the kit to malfunction. Ensure that parts and assembly lists
match the kit under inspection, or else order replacement components for it.
If you find or suspect discrepancies, you must notify maintenance control.
Survival kit assemblies that do not pass inspection and cannot be repaired in the aircraft
must be removed and replaced by Ready for Issue (RFI) survival kits. Non-RFI survival
kits are forwarded to the nearest maintenance activity that has repair capability.

Acceptance/Phased/SDLM Inspections
The acceptance inspection is performed when the survival kit is placed into service.
When a survival kit is an aircraft inventory item, the acceptance inventory inspection
and packing serves as the acceptance inspection. In this case, the records concerning
the SKU-10/A must be examined. The phased/SDLM inspection cycle of a survival kit
corresponds to the aircraft phased/SDLM maintenance inspection cycle as scheduled
by the Planned Maintenance System. In no case should the phased interval exceed 24

Purging and Charging Emergency Oxygen System

If the survival kit assembly has not been removed from the aircraft, remove the
personnel parachute and survival kit in accordance with the applicable maintenance
Remove the oxygen filler valve cap and connect a filling adapter to the filler valve
(Figure 7-5). If the emergency oxygen system is contaminated or the cylinder has
remained empty for more than 2 hours, purging is required. If an emergency oxygen
cylinder does not warrant the purging process, proceed to the charging sequence. If it is
necessary to release pressure in the oxygen bottle before purging/filling, pull the
emergency oxygen handle to release the pressure through the pressure reducer. DO
NOT release pressure through the filler valve or adapter. Releasing high-pressure
oxygen through the restriction of the filler valve causes heat, and a fire or an explosion
may result.

Figure 7-5 — Emergency oxygen filler plug, filler valve cap, and gauge.

Charge the emergency oxygen system in stages in accordance with Table 7-1 until the
pressure gauge indicates correct pressure for existing ambient temperature, as
indicated in Table 7-2.
Carefully observe the scheduled filling stages, since rapid application of oxygen
pressure creates heat that may result in fire or explosion. Allow no less than 3 minutes
for each filling stage and 2-minute intervals for cooling between stages. If the kit is to be
stored or shipped, fill it to 200 psi (when needle on gauge bisects E of REFILL).

Table 7-1 — Charging stages

Stage PSI
1 500
2 1,000
3 1,500
4 1,800
5 2,000

Table 7-2 — Ambient air temperature vs. charging pressures

Ambient Air Temperature Charging Pressure

°Fahrenheit °Celsius PSI
0 -18 1,550 – 1,750
10 -12 1,600 – 1,775
20 -7 1,625 – 1,800
30 -1 1,675 – 1,850
40 5 1,700 – 1,875
50 10 1,725 – 1,925
60 16 1,775 – 1,975
70 21 1,800 – 2,000
80 27 1,825 – 2,050
90 32 1,875 – 2,075
100 38 1,900 – 2,125
110 43 1,925 – 2,150
120 49 1,975 – 2,200
130 54 2,000 – 2,225

As you know, there are a variety of seat kits available. Although the basic principles of
operation are similar, seat survival kits differ in accordance with the aircraft in which
they are issued, their contents, and the type of ejection seat in the aircraft. Additional
information concerning updating, modifying, inspecting, and maintaining seat survival
kits can be obtained from the NAVAIR 13-1-6.3 series Aviation Crew Systems Seat
Survival Kits technical manuals.

7-1. The two yellow manual deployment handles used to release the rucksack are
located where on the SKU-10 seat survival kit assembly?

A. Rear of the assembly

B. Front of the assembly
C. Left side of the assembly
D. Bottom of the assembly

7-2. What component prevents oxygen from the emergency oxygen system from
flowing into the aircraft O2 system?

A. Aircraft O2 pressure
B. Poppet valve
C. Check valve in the O2 mask
D. Check valve in the O2 line

7-3. A hard landing would warrant which of the following inspections on a seat kit?

A. Conditional
C. Turnaround
D. Postflight

7-4. When charging an O2 system, each filling stage should take at least

A. 5 minutes
B. 2 minutes
C. 3 minutes
D. 4 minutes

7-5. How long of a cooling period is required between each filling stage?

A. 1 minute
B. 2 minutes
C. 3 minutes
D. 4 minutes

7-6. When recharging an SKU-10 seat kit, what should the oxygen gauge display
after stage 3?

A. 1,000
B. 1,500
C. 1,800
D. 2,000

Carbon dioxide is a heavy, colorless gas. The chemical symbol for carbon dioxide is
CO2. You will find that most people use this symbol when referring to carbon dioxide. As
parachute riggers you must understand the importance as well as the equipment used
to store and transfer CO2.

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to describe the characteristics of
carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide cylinders, transfer units, and the safety precautions for
charging in accordance with NA 13-1-6.1-1, NA 06-20-2, and SC-5 manufacturer

Always wear a face shield and heavy, leather glove (welder‘s gloves).
Ensure dust covers are installed on supply cylinders not in use.
Ensure that the area is well ventilated.
Open all valves slowly and ensure that the fittings point away from personnel and other

CO2 doesn‘t burn and does not support combustion; therefore, it makes a fine fire-
fighting agent. It is strongly recommended for use on electrical fires. Servicing fire-
fighting equipment is not part of the PR rate, so this text does not cover fire
As a PR, you deal with life raft and life preserver CO2 cylinders, which you weigh,
recharge, and repair.
Carbon dioxide is ordinarily procured from local commercial sources. It is stored in
standard supply cylinders that contain 50 pounds of carbon dioxide when full.
Before learning how to recharge CO2 cylinders, you should be familiar with the following
In its gas form, carbon dioxide is 1.53 times heavier than air. CO2 gas can be converted
into a liquid by applying pressure to the gas. With as little as 600 psi at a temperature
below 88°F, the CO2 gas can be converted into a liquid and stored in that state until it is
subjected to the outside atmosphere. By opening the cylinder valve and letting the
carbon dioxide escape into the atmosphere, you cause a rapid drop in pressure. As the
CO2 escapes through the small opening, it forms carbon dioxide snow. This snow,
when compressed into blocks or cubes, is known as dry ice. At atmospheric pressure,
dry ice will remain at – 110°F, directly evaporating into CO2 gas. CO2 exists as a liquid
only when under pressure.
Whenever you are working with CO2 in any of its three stages—gas, liquid, or dry ice—
you should be aware that small percentages of CO2 in the air causes tiredness and
perhaps headaches. Experiments have shown that a 3 percent concentration in the air
doubles your breathing effort, 5 percent causes panting, 8 percent causes marked
distress, and 10 percent causes unconsciousness very quickly.
Treatment of exposed personnel includes removing them from the CO2-laden
atmosphere, artificial resuscitation, administering oxygen, and keeping the patient

The SC-5 is designed for 3,500 psi working pressure with a single-cylinder,
reciprocating-type pump driven by a one-horsepower electric motor.
The pump head has a frangible safety disc designed to rupture if pumping pressures
exceed 2,650 to 3,000 psi.
The recharge pump is only capable of transferring 80% of the liquid CO2 from the main
supply bottle.
The recharge unit will pump CO2 ONLY in the liquid state.


Several different models of CO2 pumps are used. Follow the maintenance manuals for
the applicable pump.
Carbon dioxide recharge equipment is manufactured for the Navy by several different
companies. The most widely used units are those manufactured by the Hydro-Test
Products, stow MA.
A typical recharge unit is shown in Figure 8-1 and consists of a supply cylinder
containing 50 pounds of CO2, a tilting rack for inverting the supply cylinder, a motor-
driven pump, a scale for determining the weight of the cylinder being recharged (not
shown), and the necessary high-pressure hoses, control valves, adapters, etc. required
to properly hook up the equipment.

Figure 8-1 — SC-5 Hydro-product recharge or transfer unit (supply cylinder
without a siphon tube).

Before learning the operation of any specific type of recharge equipment, you should be
familiar with the following general information, which applies to all units.
Carbon dioxide recharge equipment pumps CO2 in its liquid state only, and the amount
of liquid CO2 a cylinder contains varies with the temperature and pressure. For
example, a standard 50-pound supply cylinder contains approximately 38 pounds of
liquid CO2 and 12 pounds of gaseous CO2 at a temperature of 70°F. It follows, then,
that the cooler the supply cylinder and cylinder being recharged, the more efficient the
operation of the transfer equipment. For this same reason, the time required to recharge
an empty cylinder increases with the temperature of the cylinders.
When recharging a cylinder, it remains cooler and may be filled faster if inverted, rather
than left in an upright position. Large cylinders that are impractical to invert may be
placed in a horizontal position for charging.
Standard commercial supply cylinders in 50-pound sizes are obtained with or without a
siphon tube. When transferring from a cylinder without a siphon tube, the cylinder must
be inverted. Supply cylinders with siphon tubes should be maintained in an upright
position, not more than 60 degrees from vertical.

Figure 8-2 illustrates the standard supply cylinder used universally in recharging various
types of CO2 cylinders. A cutaway view of the cylinder valve is also shown. Table 8-1
lists some of the most pertinent data concerning supply cylinders.

Figure 8-2 — CO2 supply cylinder.

Table 8-1 — Specifications on supply cylinders

Description Specification
Capacity at normal pressure and
50 pounds
Working pressure Minimum 1,800 psi
ICC specification ICC3A 3AA
Dimensions (approx.) Diameter, 8 1/2 inches; Length, 51 inches
Weight, empty 110-115 pounds
Outlet connection 3/4 inch
* Temperature of 68° - 70°F and atmospheric pressure


Cylinders, including some of those of new manufacture, continue to bear ICC markings
and, until amendment to Department of Transportation (DoT) regulations, such
markings will remain in use.
Compressed gas cylinders, including CO2 cylinders, must not be refilled if the
hydrostatic test date has expired. This date, expressed by month-year, e.g., 8-70, is
stamped on the shoulder of the cylinder each time the cylinder is retested.
The hydrostatic test date is considered as having expired if the latest date stamped on
the cylinder precedes the current date by more than 5 years.
Cylinders that do not exceed 2 inches in outside diameter and that are less than 2 feet
long are exempt from the hydrostatic retest.
The hydrostatic retest dates apply to multi-place life raft cylinders; if the cylinder is due
for a test, discharge and disconnect the cylinder. Obtain a new cylinder from supply as a
replacement, and forward the old cylinder to an activity capable of conducting a
hydrostatic test.
Many nonshatterable cylinders are identified by the words NONSHATTERABLE,
NONSHAT, or SHATTERPROOF stamped (not stenciled) on the shoulder or side of the
cylinder. Substitution of a ―shatterable‖ for a ―nonshatterable‖ cylinder is not authorized.
Personnel who handle compressed gas cylinders must be familiar with the color coding
of cylinders. Color coding is provided as a hazard warning and should not be used by
itself to identify the contents of a cylinder. In the event of conflict with other markings, or
doubt as to the contents, the cylinder should be returned to the local supply activity
All rechargeable life raft carbon dioxide cylinders must be painted gray, and markings
must be in black letters 1/4-inch high. The information must include gross weight, tare
weight, weight of carbon dioxide, and date of latest recharge. Paint and stencil the
cylinder as required, and ensure that all markings are included as necessary.

Ensure that all carbon dioxide cylinders used for life raft inflation assemblies received
from supply—except those used on the one-man rafts—have siphon tubes installed.
Gently tap the inverted cylinder with a small piece of wood. If any rust or other
contamination falls from the cylinder, reject that cylinder and draw another cylinder from
supply; repeat the contamination check. Replace the stem in the inflation assembly
valve, install a new sealing washer, and thread the inflation assembly valve onto the
cylinder and tighten.
Inspection for deterioration of the cylinder will consist of a visual examination for the
defects listed below.
Cylinders with defects that approximate the physical dimensions indicated in the
following list will be condemned and returned to supply.
 Corrosion pits in a general corrosion area that exceed a depth of 1/32-inch, or
isolated pits not in a general corrosion area that exceed a depth of 5/64-inch
 Dents that exceed a depth of 1/16-inch or whose major diameter is more than 32
times the depth
 Cuts or gouges more than 1/16-inch or whose major diameter is more than 32
times the depth
 Visible arc or torch burns
 Evidence that the cylinder has been in a fire
 Discernible bulges
Now that you have inspected the CO2 cylinder, you are ready to recharge the bottle.
Figure 8-3 shows a recharging setup.

Figure 8-3 — CO2 recharging schematic.

Notice in the figure that you need a scale, a recharge pump, a supply cylinder, and the
necessary lines and valves.
Proceed as follows:
1. Place the CO2 cylinder on the scale.

An accurate scale with a capacity of 100 pounds is
necessary. Use a digital scale or one that has 1/100 pound

2. Weigh and record tare weight (empty weight of cylinder, valve, and cable
assembly) of the inflation assembly.
3. Install proper charging adapter on the inflation assembly.
4. Secure the inflation assembly to the weighing pan located on the scale before
applying any pressure to the cylinder being recharged.
5. Open the supply cylinder valve; fill line valve and relief valve. This is done to
purge (get the air out of) the complete line. Once the line is purged, close the fill
line valve and the relief valve. You must be careful when purging the line; you are
dealing with a high pressure. If you do not secure the fill line before you apply
pressure, the line may start a whipping action and damage anything or anyone
that it hits.
6. After purging the line, connect the fill line to the inflation assembly. Ensure that
the line is free from contact with any objects along the entire distance from the
compressor to the charging adapter. If the line does not hang free, accurate
weight reading cannot be obtained. At this time, you must zero your scale. By
zeroing the scale, you will be able to recharge the exact amount of CO 2 into the
inflation assembly. See Table 8-2 for carbon dioxide charges.

Table 8-2 — Carbon Dioxide Charge


LR-1 0.49 to 0.51
LRU-7/P 0.49 to 0.51
LRU-23/P 0.49 to 0.51
LRU-12/A 3.21 to 3.29
LRU-13/A 4.64 to 4.76
LRU-14/A 4.74 to 4.86
LRU-15/A 9.14 to 9.26

7. Ensure that the inflation assembly valve is open. If it is closed, you cannot
recharge the assembly.
8. Open the fill line valve slowly until you hear CO2 flowing through the line and into
the inflation assembly and the scale‘s indicator shows the recharging cylinder is
gaining weight.
9. Allow carbon dioxide to cascade (flow freely) from the supply cylinder until the
scale indicates that the cylinder being recharged isn‘t receiving anymore CO 2. If
you have not reached the gross weight required (tare weight plus weight of
charge), start the compressor and complete charging. Stop the compressor upon
reaching the proper gross weight. You have now completed the recharging
process, and you must secure the equipment.
10. To shut the equipment down, start by securing the inflation assembly valve, and
shut off the compressor. Then secure the fill line valve. Open the relief valve; this
will relieve any pressure you may have in the line between the fill line valve and
the inflation assembly. Disconnect the fill line from the inflation assembly and
remove the charging adapter. To secure the rest of the system, all you have to
do is close the supply cylinder valve and bleed the system by opening the fill line

If, during the recharging process, the cylinder being charged ceases to gain in weight,
one of two things may be wrong:
1. The supply cylinder may contain less than 10 pounds of carbon dioxide. In this
case, a fully charged supply cylinder should be used, and the partially charged
cylinder reserved to start the recharging of an empty cylinder.
2. The connecting lines may have become stopped up with carbon dioxide snow.
This may be caused by water in the supply cylinder or too small a valve passage
(less than 1/8 in) in the supply cylinders. In this case, the disc assembly (disc-
type valve) or the cylinder valve (seat-type valve) should be securely seated and
the pump shut off. The connections should be broken and cleared of the carbon
dioxide snow. The line will actually clear itself if allowed to stand for some length
of time, but this can be hastened by applying a flame or torch to the tubing. The
line should then be blown out with air to clear it of water or foreign matter.


Once every month, inspect the level of the oil in the crankcase and see that it is within
the limits specified.
Once every 6 months, lubricate the idler shaft with two or three applications of light cup
grease; also, lubricate the gear teeth with a thin coating of the same grease. With a
small brush, apply a light coating of Vaseline to the piston rod. To do this, dip the brush
in Vaseline and hold the brush against the piston rod while rotating the gears manually
until the piston rod has been coated completely. If necessary, tighten the packing at the
piston stem. A special wrench is needed for this operation. Do not tighten excessively.
Because of the design of the packing, it is necessary to make only a snug adjustment to
have it hold tightly.
Keep the commutator or the motor clean. Under normal operating conditions, the
commutator will require only occasional cleaning with a dry piece of nonlinting cloth.
Never lubricate the commutator.
Drain and refill the crankcase at least once a year. The bearing housings of the motor,
which also need attention at this time, should be cleaned and regressed by a qualified
electrician. Use Table 8-3 for servicing intervals.

Table 8-3 — SC-5 Unit Servicing Intervals


1 6 24
Crankcase oil level X
Idler shaft X
Gear teeth X
Piston rod X
Piston stem packing X
Motor commutator X
Drain and refill crankcase X
Motor bearing housings X

8-1. What color is CO2?

A. Pale gray
B. Dark gray
C. Pale blue
D. Colorless

8-2. In its gaseous form, CO2 is how many times heavier than air?

A. 1.50
B. 1 .53
C. 1.60
D. 1.63

8-3. In its dry ice form, CO2 has what temperature?

A. -32°F
B. -40°F
C. -90°F
D. -110°F

8-4. A CO2 recharge unit will pump CO2 in which of the following forms?

A. Liquid or gas
B. Liquid only
C. Gas only
D. Liquid, gas, or solid

8-5. All CO2 inflation cylinders must be painted _________.

A. gray
B. green
C. red
D. yellow

The Aircrew Survival Equipmentman (PR) is called upon to perform an enormous
amount of repair work on parachutes and survival equipment in all types of maintenance
This chapter explains the rotary-hook (Consew 206RB) sewing machine and the
oscillating-shuttle (Singer 31-15) sewing machine. With the information available, you
can repair any of these types of machines the Navy uses. We know it is very difficult to
find information on sewing machine repair; therefore, you should use this chapter as a
reference when working on the alternating-presser-foot sewing machine and the simple
oscillating-shuttle sewing machine.
Your shop may have the Consew Model 206RB or the Singer Model 31-15 sewing
The Singer 31-15 is an oscillating shuttle machine. The descriptive term oscillating
shuttle refers to the action of the sewing hook (the way it makes a stitch in unison with
the needle). The 31-15 is used for sewing lightweight fabrics and is ideally suited for use
in maintaining aviation survival equipment. Although the physical size of other
oscillating-shuttle sewing machines may be quite different from the 31-15, such as the
large Class 7 machines, their operation and maintenance are very similar.


The Consew 206RB sewing machine is a single-needle, compound-feed sewing
machine with alternating presser feet. This sewing machine makes the standard US 301
lockstitch and sews medium-heavy fabrics. It is equipped with a vertical-axis rotating
hook. This sewing machine is classified as a rotary-type sewing machine and is also
equipped with two presser feet; one is a vibrating presser foot and the other one is a
lifting presser foot. The front (vibrating) presser foot, the needle, and the feed dogs
move in unison. Together, they move the cloth away from the operator with each
completed stitch. The rear (lifting) presser foot holds the fabric in place while the
vibrating presser foot rises and moves forward to start the feeding action for another
stitch. This sewing machine is capable of operating at a speed of 3500 stitches per
minute (SPM). The stitch regulator provides a range of 3 1/2 to 32 stitches per inch
The Consew 206RB alternating presser feet give it a more positive feeding action than
previous models. The Consew 206RB is an ideal sewing machine to use on medium-
heavy fabrics such as vinyl and canvas.

Preventive Maintenance
If the sewing machine becomes sluggish, an accumulation of dust and lint or a loose
power belt may be the cause. To prevent the buildup of dust and lint, you should cover
the sewing machine when it is not in use.

Cleaning and Oiling
Before you attempt to oil or operate a new sewing machine, clean it with diesel fuel. The
diesel fuel removes any corrosion-protective lubricants that may have been placed on
the sewing machine at the factory. During normal maintenance, you may use any
approved cleaning solvent to clean the sewing machine.
After you use a sewing machine, clean and oil it. A clean and well-oiled sewing machine
gives you many hours of trouble-free operation. You may clean hard-to-reach places
with a soft-bristle brush or with air pressure. Clean the outside of the sewing machine
head, the oil pan, the machine stand, and the motor casing with a clean dust cloth or air
pressure. Never use air pressure above 25 psi for this purpose.

At least once a year, the machine should be thoroughly
cleaned and oiled. Figures 9-1 through 9-3 show the oiling
points on the Consew 206RB sewing machine. Do not use
too much oil; usually 1 drop of oil at each oiling point is
sufficient. An excessive amount of oil will soil the project
being sewn. We recommend a 10W mineral-base oil. (Use of
castor-base oil is no longer required.) If this type of oil is not
available through normal supply channels, use the mineral
oil or Singer Type B or D.

Figure 9-1 — Front view of Model 206RB sewing machine showing oiling points.

Figure 9-2 — Rear view of Model 206RB machine showing oiling points.

Figure 9-3 — Side view of Model 206RB machine showing oiling points.

How to Attach the Needle
CONSEW 206RB is set up to use a needle of class and variety 135 x 17. The size of
the needle should be determined by the size of the thread, which must pass freely
through the eye of the needle.
1. Turn the machine pulley over toward you until the needle bar (1, Figure 9-4)
moves up to its highest point.
2. Loosen the needle set screws (2, Figure 9-4) and put the needle (3, Figure 9-4)
up into the needle bar as deeply as it will go, with the long groove of the needle
facing the left.
3. Tighten the needle screw securely.

Figure 9-4 — Needle Housing.

Though you should always use left twisted thread for upper (needle) thread, you can
use right or left twisted thread for lower (bobbin) thread.

Winding the Lower Thread on the Bobbin

1. Push a bobbin on the bobbin winder spindle (3, Figure 9-5) as far as it will go.
2. Pass the thread from the thread stand downward through the eye (1, Figure 9-5)
in the tension bracket, then between and around the back of the tension disc (2,
Figure 9-5).
3. Bring the thread forward toward the bobbin. Wind clockwise several times around
the bobbin from below.
4. Push the lever (4, Figure 9-5) toward the other side so that the pulley and V belt
will engage, and then start the machine.
5. The pulley will automatically be free from the belt and will stop when the bobbin
is filled with thread.
Uneven Winding
If the thread does not wind evenly on the bobbin, loosen the screw (5, Figure 9-5) in the
tension bracket, move the bracket to the right or to the left as required, and then tighten
the screws (5, Figure 9-5)
Amount of Wound Thread
The adjustment screw (6, Figure 9-5) can be turned in or out to increase or to decrease
the amount of thread wound on the bobbin.
Winding Strength
The strength of the winding can be adjusted with the nut (7, Figure 9-5).

Figure 9-5 — Bobbin Housing.

Removing and Inserting the Bobbin
1. Lift the needle bar to its highest point, place the feed dog in its travel, turn the
machine pulley, and open the slide plate (A, Figure 9-1).
2. Pass left hand under table into opening on drip pan. With left thumb and index
finger, open the hinged latch (C, Figure 9-3) and pull bobbin case and bobbin
from rotary hook. While the latch is open, retain the bobbin in the bobbin case.
Releasing the latch and turning the open side of the bobbin case downward will
cause the bobbin to drop out.
3. Hold the bobbin between the thumb and forefinger of your right hand and pull out
a length of about 5 cm of thread. Holding the bobbin case in your left hand, turn
the open side up and place the threaded bobbin into it.
4. With the right hand, guide the thread into the slot in the edge of the bobbin case.
Then, pull the thread to the left under the tension spring and into the delivery eye.
(1, Figure 9-6) In order to keep the bobbin from dropping out of the case when it
is turned with the open side down, always keep the hinged latch (C, Figure 9-3)
at the front of the bobbin case open.
5. Take the threaded bobbin case by the latch (C, Figure 9-3), place it on the center
stud of the bobbin case holder release latch, and press the bobbin case onto
center stud until the latch catches the undercut with a click. Permit about 5 cm of
bobbin thread to hang down freely. Be sure to push the slide plate to the right
before beginning to sew.

Figure 9-6 — Bobbin Tension Spring.

Threading the Machine

Raise the needle bar to its highest point and lead the thread from the thread stand in the
following order:
1. From the thread stand, lead the thread from back to front through the lower guide
hole in the pin (1, Figure 9-7) on the top of the machine arm, then again from the
right to left through the upper guide hole in this pin.
2. Pass thread in weaving fashion through the three holes in guide (2, Figure 9-7)
and from right to left over and between the tension discs (3, Figure 9-7).

3. Pull thread downward and from right to left beneath and around thread controller
(4, Figure 9-7). Continue to pull thread upward against the pressure of the wire
spring into the fork (5, Figure 9-7) in the thread controller.
4. Guide upward through the point of controller discs (6, Figure 9-7) and thread
guide (7, Figure 9-7) and from right to left through the eye of the take-up lever (8,
Figure 9-7), down through the upper thread guide (7, Figure 9-7), through the
middle thread guide (9, Figure 9-7), through the lower thread guide (10, Figure 9-
7), from right to left into the thread guide felt (11, Figure 9-7), and then from left
to right through the eye of the needle.
5. After threading, hold the end of thread with your left hand and turn the machine
pulley with your right hand so that bobbin thread may be picked up by needle
thread. Put the ends of thread back through under the presser foot for starting

Figure 9-7 — Threading the Machine.

Removing Your Work
Raise the needle bar to its highest point, lift the presser foot, and draw the fabric back
and to the left. Cut the ends of the thread a few centimeters from fabric.

Regulating the Thread Tensions

For ordinary stitching, the tension of the upper and lower threads should be equal so as
to lock both threads in the center of the material

Figure 9-8 — Correct Thread Tension.

If the tension on either thread is stronger than on the other, imperfect stitching will be
the result. If the tension on the upper thread is greater than the lower thread, it will lie
straight along the upper surface of the material.

Figure 9-8.1 — Tight Thread Tension.

If the tension on the lower thread is greater than the upper thread, the lower thread will
lie straight along the underside of the material.

Figure 9-8.2 — Loose Thread Tension.

Tension of the Upper (Needle) Thread
Before adjusting the tension of the upper (needle) thread, be certain that the presser
foot is let down and not in a lifted position. To adjust tension, turn the serrated nut (3,
Figure 9-7) on tension devise to the right to increase tension and to the left to decrease

Tension of the Lower (Bobbin) Thread

The lower (Bobbin) thread tension is controlled by the larger screw near the end of the
spring at the outside of the bobbin case. Turning the screw to the right (clockwise) will
increase the thread tension, while turning it to the left (counter-clockwise) will decrease

Adjusting the Pressure on the Material

Adjust the presser feed by turning the screws (D, Figure 9-2) with a screw driver. Turn
the screw to the right to increase pressure and to the left to decrease pressure.

Adjustments and Timing for the Consew 206RB Machine
Adjustments and timing are the most important steps when working on any machine.
1. Stitch Length Setting
While pressing the stopper (2, Figure 9-9), turn stitch length dial (1, Figure 9-9) to the
left or right to align the stitch length number with the reference line on the stopper. The
larger the number, the longer the stitch length will be.

When turning the stitch length dial from a larger setting to a
smaller setting, it will be easier to turn the dial if the reverse
stitching lever (3, Figure 9-9) is pushed to the halfway-down

To reverse stitching, press down on the reverse stitching lever.

Figure 9-9 — Stitch Length Adjustment.

2. Bobbin Thread Tension Adjustment
Adjust the bobbin thread tension by turning the screw clockwise to increase
tension or counterclockwise to decrease it (Figure 9-10).

Figure 9-10 — Bobbin Adjusting Screw.

3. Needle Thread Tension Adjustment

Adjust the needle thread tension by turning the serrated nut right or left on the
tension adjustment assembly (3, Figure 9-7).

4. Feed Dog Height Adjustment
Proper feed dog height is necessary to obtain proper feeding action. To set the
feed dog:
a. Turn the balance wheel toward the operator until the feed dog reaches its
highest point (Figure 9-11), and observe the relationship of the feed dog and
the throat plate. If the valley between the teeth is level with the top of the
throat plate, the feed dog height is correct.

Figure 9-11 — Feed Dog Height.

b. If the valley is not level, loosen the bell crank screw (1, Figure 9-12), adjust
the height of the feeder (Figure 9-12) up or down as necessary to obtain the
proper feed dog height, and tighten the screw.

Figure 9-12 — Bell Crank and Set Screws.

5. Needle Bar Height Adjustment
Loosen screw 1 and raise or lower the needle bar as required, tightening the
screw when finished (Figure 9-13).

Figure 9-13 — Needle Bar Adjustment Screw.

6. Hook and Needle Timing
For this sequence, we will consider that the machine has no timing marks on the
needle bar. After adjusting your needle bar height, set the stitch length to zero.
Turn the balance wheel toward you until the needle bar reaches its lowest point.
a. Remove the throat plate, the feed dog, and the presser feet.
b. Turn the balance wheel toward the operator until the needle is raised two
millimeters from its lowest point.
The point of the sewing hook should be at the center of the needle scarf, and the
measurement between the hook point and the upper end of the needle eye
should be 2.4 mm. The clearance between the hook point and the needle hollow
should be about .05 to .1 mm for the hook and needle bar to be considered to be
in time. If not, proceed to the following steps:
1) Loosen the three setscrews (2, Figure 9-12), and turn the hook shaft to
align the hook point with the center of the needle.
2) Re-tighten the three screws and check timing of the sewing hook.
3) Hook point and needle hollow adjustment can be made by loosening two
screws (1, Figure 9-14) and moving hook to the right or the left as needed.
Re-tighten when done.

One of the two screws is on the ―V‖ ditch of the hook shaft
and must remain there during adjustment.

Figure 9-14 — Hook Point and Needle Hollow.

7. Presser-Feet Height Adjustment
The thickness of the material sewn should control the height of the lift of the
alternating presser feet. The lift should be just enough for clearance of the
a. Presser Bar Lifter: Loosen the screw shown in position 1 of Figure 9-15, raise
the presser bar lifter, and loosen the screw shown in position 2 of Figure 9-15.
Move the lift presser foot (1, Figure 9-16) up or down for correct height and
retighten screws.

Figure 9-15 — Presser Bar Screw.

b. Alternating Presser Foot

If the height of the lifting presser foot changes the vibrating
presser foot must be adjusted.

Lower the presser bar lifter. While holding the vibrating presser foot (2, Figure
9-16), loosen the hexagon screw (2, Figure 9-15) and move the presser foot
up or down as needed. Re-tighten all screws.

Figure 9-16 — Lifting Presser Foot.

8. Vibrating Presser Foot Timing

Set the lift of the alternating presser feet to equal and then loosen two screws (4,
Figure 9-15) and adjust the rotating position of the cam (5, Figure 9-15) faster or
slower as needed. Re-tighten all screws.
9. Adjusting the Bobbin Case Opener
The bobbin case opener facilitates the passage of the needle thread loop by
slightly nudging the bobbin case holder creating a slight rotating movement of the
same. This movement at that very instant opens a clearance gap between the
notch on the bobbin case holder and the tab of the hood retainer, thus permitting
the needle thread loop to be drawn easily through the gap.

Figure 9-17 — Bottom of Consew 206RB.

Figure 9-18 — Bobbin Case Area 7-33.

Adjust the bobbin case opener as follows:
a. Clearance between the opener and the projection hook:(Figures 9-17 and 9-
1) Loosen the screw (2, Figure 9-17).
2) Adjust the clearance between the projection of hook and the opener by
moving thread and releasing shaft bushing (3, Figure 9-17) to the right or
left as required. The standard clearance between two parts is 0.8 mm.
3) Tighten the screw securely (2, Figure 9-17).
b. Position of the opener cam:
Place one of the screws (4, Figure 9-17), which is indicated by ―S‖ on V ditch of
the hook shaft.
c. Adjusting operation:
1) Turn the machine pulley until the opener (1, Figure 9-18) presses the
projection of the hook (2, Figure 9-18) extremely on its travel.
2) Press the opener to the projection of the hook, and make the right side
clearance between the notch on the bobbin case holder and the tab of the
hook retainer (3, Figure 9-18) 0.2 mm as shown in Figure 9-18.
3) Perform this adjustment by loosening the screw (5, Figure 9-17).
10. Adjustment of the Clearance between Feed Forked Connection and the Feed
Fork Collar

Figure 9-19 — Top with Cover Removed.

Incorrect clearance between the fork (4, Figure 9-19) of the feed forked
connection and feed fork collar (5, Figure 9-19) will bring irregular stitch length,
overheating, or other issues. To adjust the clearance, open the cover plate (1,
Figure 9-19).
a. To increase the clearance, loosen the screw (7, Figure 9-19) and turn the
screw (6, Figure 9-19) to the left or counterclockwise.
b. To decrease the clearance, loosen the screw (6, Figure 9-19) and turn the
screw (7, Figure 9-19) to the right or clockwise.
Make this adjustment while turning the machine pulley toward you to ensure
correct clearance. Re-tighten screws when complete.
11. Adjusting the Thread Controller Spring
The thread controller spring (1, Figure 9-20) should hold the slack of the upper
thread until the needle reaches to the goods, and it should pause while raising
the needle and passing the upper thread through the bobbin case.
a. For more controller action on the thread, loosen the stop screw (2, Figure 9-
20) and move the stop (3, Figure 9-20) to the right. For less action, move it to
the left. Tighten the screw.
b. To adjust the tension of the spring, loosen the serrated nut (4, Figure 9-20)
and the screw (5, Figure 9-20). Turn the tension stud (6, Figure 9-20) slightly
to the left to strengthen the tension (to lighten the tension turn to the right)
with a screw driver. Tighten the screw and nut when complete.

Figure 9-20 — Thread Controller Spring.

Adjusting the Spring Tension of Safety Clutch
The sewing hook and its mechanism are protected by a safety clutch. If you need to
adjust the spring tension, use the following procedure.
1. Depress the button (E, Figure 9-1) in the bed plate of the machine with your left
hand. At the same time, turn the machine pulley strongly so that the safety clutch
2. Lay down the machine head toward the other side. Hold the safety clutch (left) (1,
Figure 9-21) and turn the safety clutch (right) (1, Figure 9-21) until you see the
screw (1, Figure 9-21) through the hole (1, Figure 9-21).
3. To strengthen the tension of the spring (1, Figure 9-21), turn the screw (1, Figure
9-21) to the right. To loosen, turn to the left.
4. When done adjusting, depress the button (1, Figure 9-21). At the same time, turn
the machine pulley until the safety clutch re-engages.

Figure 9-21 — Spring Tension of Safety Clutch.

This completes all the necessary timing and adjusting on the Consew 206RB sewing
machine. If you still have a problem, refer to the troubleshooting portion of this chapter.

While making adjustments or timing the sewing machine, you may overlook a step or a
faulty part. The troubleshooting chart (Table 9-1) will help you locate and correct most
If the sewing machine is binding (hard to turn), you can locate the problem easily. First,
check the feeding action, and then set the machine on zero feed and remove the throat
plate. Turn the machine by hand. If the bind is still present, remove the arm shaft
connection belt. If the bind is located in the hook-driving shaft, the machine will turn
freely. Turn the balance wheel by hand. If the bind is located in the arm shaft, the bind
will still be present.

Table 9-1 — Troubleshooting Chart.

Fault Probable Cause Remedy

1. Stitching Problems
Skipped stitches or Needle improperly installed Remove and install correctly
failure to stitch Needle threaded from wrong Thread needle left to right
Damaged or wrong variety Replace with proper needle
(length) needle
Needle bar out of time Time the needle bar
Hookguard out of adjustment Adjust hookguard
Hook tip damaged Grind or replace hook
Hook out of time Time hook
Needle bar bent Straighten or replace needle
Needle wandering to and Tighten needle bar vibrator
from operator frame hinge and guide
Goods not held to throat plate Set presser bar properly
on up stroke needle and/or increase pressure on
presser foot
Stitches not locking in Improper needle thread Adjust needle thread
center of goods tension tension
Improper bobbin thread Adjust bobbin thread
tension tension
Upper thread not in tension Run upper thread through
disc tension disc
Improper release lever Adjust releasing lever
Thread jamming Upper thread has insufficient Place thread in tension disc
tension or is out of disc and test tension
Tail threads loose Hold tail thread while
starting operation
Bobbin case position finger Adjust bobbin case position
too tight Finger
Bobbin case position finger Engage finger with bobbing
not engaged in case Case
Hook out of time Time the hook and needle
Thread breakage Needle piercing its own Adjust thread controller
Hook piercing thread Time needle bar, check
needle for damage, and/or
time hook

Fault Probable Cause Remedy
Excessive upper and lower Adjust both tensions
thread tensions
Thread rubbing against burr Remove burr with abrasive
Back lash in bobbin Use back lash eliminator
Thread breakage occurs Adjust or repair thread
when goods are removed tension release unit or lifting
from machine bracket
2. Feeding Problems
Feeding less than Feed driving eccentric out of Time feed driving eccentric
indicated or time
Will not feed Stitch length set at minimum Set stitch length
Feed driving rock shaft crank Tighten pinch screw
Presser bar out of adjustment Adjust presser bar
Feed dogs too low Adjust feed dogs
Goods moving Improper vibrating timer Time vibrator
3. Miscellaneous
Thread Jamming Operating machine without Unthread when running
material without fabric
Failure to hold free ends of Maintain pressure
thread for first stitches.
Bobbin-case opener Readjust opener
incorrectly set
Needle thread not between Thread discs
tension discs
Hook too high Lower hook
Turning balance wheel Remove jam
backwards with needle
Thread, dirt, lint under bobbin Remove, clean, and replace
case case
Sluggish Improper oil or accumulation Clean with recommended
of foreign matter solvent and lubricant


The Singer Sewing Machine 31-15 is an oscillating-type sewing machine that has a
maximum speed of 2,200 stitches per minute. These sewing machines also make the
standard lockstitch and are commonly called tailoring machines. As with the Consew
206RB alternating-pressure-foot sewing machine, we will use the 31-15 sewing
machine as a model for these three sewing machines. The 31-15 sewing machine is
intended for sewing clothing such as flight suits and is excellent for sewing lightweight
canvas up to 8 ounces.

The 31-15 sewing machine has a stitch range of 7 to 32 SPI, a clearance of five-
sixteenths of an inch under the presser foot, and uses a drop-feeding action. The major
components of the Singer Sewing Machine 31-15 are shown in Figure 9-22.

Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance for the Singer Sewing Machine 31-15 is the same as that for
the Consew 206RB sewing machine. Although the preventive maintenance is the same,
the oiling points differ because of the design of the machine. In Figures 9-22 through 9-
24, the orange arrows show the different oiling points for the 31-15 sewing machine.
When you oil this machine, remember that 1 drop of a 10W mineral oil at each oiling
point is sufficient. Too much oil may soil the project being sewn.

Timing and Adjustments

The 31-15 sewing machine is the simplest sewing machine in the parachute loft. As with
all oscillating-shuttle machines, the main timing point is the needle bar. Once the needle
bar is properly set, only minor adjustments are necessary to have a smooth-running
sewing machine. Remember that you should always refer to the troubleshooting chart
before making any adjustment.

Figure 9-22 — Front view of the model 31-15 sewing machine.

Timing the Needle with the Shuttle

When the needle and shuttle are correctly timed, the point of the shuttle on its forward
stroke must pass across the center of the diameter of the needle at a point one-
sixteenth of an inch above the eye of the needle when the needle is on its upstroke.
To time the machine so the needle and shuttle operate properly, you must proceed as
follows. Be sure that the needle is a class 16 and a variety 87 (16 x 87). Place the
needle into the needle bar as far as it will go.

Figure 9-23 — Rear view of oiling points on the model 31-15 sewing machine.

Figure 9-24 — Bottom view of oiling points on the model 31-15 sewing machine.

Figure 9-25 — Setting needle bar.

Be sure the long thread groove faces the left and the eye of the needle is in line with the
shuttle point. Remove the faceplate and loosen the needle bar connecting stud pinch
screw (A, Figure 9-25). Turn the balance wheel toward the operator until the needle bar
is on its upstroke and the point of the shuttle is in the center of the eye of the needle.
Adjust the needle bar so that the eye of the needle is one-sixteenth of an inch below the
shuttle point (B, Figure 9-25). Then, retighten the needle bar connecting stud pinch
screw (A, Figure 9-25).

The main timing point for the 31-15 sewing machine is the
needle bar.

Adjusting the Feed Dog Height
For average weight material, a full tooth should be visible when the feed dogs are at
their highest point. To adjust the feed dog height, you must loosen the feed lifting crank
pinch screw (A, Figure 9-26) in the feed lifting crank and move the feed bar (B, Figure 9-
26) up or down as required. Then, you must retighten the feed lifting crank pinch screw.

Figure 9-26 — Adjusting feed dogs.

Centering the Feeding Action

Set the sewing machine to its maximum stitch length. Loosen the feed-driving rockshaft
crank pinch screw (A, Figure 9-27). Rotate the feed-driving rockshaft (D, Figure 9-17) so
that the feed dog‘s movement is an equal distance from the front and rear of the throat
plate slots. Then, retighten the feed-driving rockshaft crank pinch screw.

Setting Side Play of Feed Dogs
Loosen the adjusting screw locknuts (B, Figure 9-27). Adjust the feed-driving rockshaft
(D, Figure 9-27) to center the side play of the feed dogs by turning the adjusting screws
(C, Figure 9-27) left or right as needed; then, retighten the adjusting screw locknuts. Be
sure the adjusting screw locknuts hold the feed-driving rockshaft snugly in place without

Figure 9-27 — Centering feeding action.

Timing the Feed-Driving Eccentric

Use the following procedure to time the feed-driving eccentric.
1. Set the stitch regulator to its lowest point. This gives the operator maximum stitch
length of 7 SPI.
2. Rotate the balance wheel toward the operator until the feed dogs complete their
movement aft and before they begin to drop. At this point, the needle must be
entering the material being sewn. If this does not occur, the following trial-and-
error sequence must be made:
a. Open the cover located on the rear of the up rise. Rotate the balance wheel
until the feed-driving eccentric setscrew becomes visible (A, Figure 9-28).
Loosen the screw. Now place your finger or a screwdriver on the feed-driving
eccentric to hold the eccentric in place, and rotate the balance wheel a short
distance. Retighten the feed-driving eccentric setscrew. Continue this
procedure until the sewing machine complies with step 2.

Figure 9-28 — Feed-driving eccentric.

Setting the Presser Bar

Turn the balance wheel until the feed dogs are just below the top of the throat plate.
Loosen the presser bar guide lever setscrew (C, Figure 9-25). Push the presser firmly
against the throat plate, aligning the slot between the toes of the presser foot with the
hole in the throat plate. Tighten the presser bar guide lever setscrew.
This completes the timing and adjustment procedures for the 31-15 sewing machine.

9-1. The single-needle, compound-feed sewing machine makes which of the following
federal standard stitches?

A. 103
B. 200
C. 301
D. 400

9-2. The Consew 206RB sewing machine may be operated to what maximum number
of stitches per minute (SPM)?

A. 2200
B. 2800
C. 3500
D. 4000

9-3. What is the proper measurement between the hook point and the upper end of
the needle eye?

A. 2.5 mm
B. 2.4 mm
C. 4.2 mm
D. 1.2 mm

9-4. Where on the needle scarf should the sewing hook be located?

A. Top
B. Center
C. Bottom
D. Tip

9-5. The Consew 206RB is equipped with how many different presser feet?

A. Two
B. Four
C. One
D. Three

9-6. The size of the needle to be used should be determined by the size of the thread,
which passes freely through the eye of the needle. CONSEW 206RB is set up to
use which standard style needle?

A. DPx17
B. DPx15
C. DPx12
D. DPx13

9-7. New sewing machines should be cleaned to remove corrosion preventive

substances that were applied at the factory. What substance is used to remove
corrosion preventive substances?

A. Stoddard solvent
B. Freon 113
C. Diesel fuel
D. JP-5

9-8. What is the maximum psi of compressed air that can be used to clean a sewing

A. 25
B. 20
C. 22
D. 20.5

9-9. Hard to reach places on the sewing machine may be cleaned with _________.

A. a medium soft bristle brush only

B. low-pressure air only
C. a medium soft bristle brush and low-pressure air
D. a hard bristle bush only

9-10. A clean dust cloth should be used to clean all sewing machine parts EXCEPT the

A. head
B. oil pan
C. motor casing
D. arm shaft

9-11. If the thread does not wind evenly on the bobbin, the first step to take is to

A. move the tension bracket to the right

B. move the tension bracket to the left
C. loosen the tension bracket screws
D. tighten the tension bracket screws

9-12. After threading the machine, what is the purpose of holding the end of thread
with your left hand and turning the machine pulley with your right hand?

A. Allows the needle thread to pick up the bobbin thread.

B. The presser foot will begin to operate.
C. The bobbin will wind correctly.
D. The tension bracket will set correctly.

9-13. To time the sewing hook and the needle bar on the sewing machine, you should
remove which of the following parts?

A. Throat plate
B. Feed dogs
C. Presser feet
D. All of the above

9-14. What should determine the height of the lift of the alternating presser feet?

A. Presser foot
B. Lifting cam
C. Material thickness
D. Stitch type

9-15. If you cannot properly adjust the thread tension with the upper thread tension
thumbnut, what action should you take?

A. Change the size of thread.

B. Change the needle size.
C. Adjust the bobbin tension.
D. Adjust the presser foot tension.

9-16. The 31-15 sewing machine will sew canvas up to how many ounces?

A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10

9-17. What is the clearance between the presser foot and the throat plate on the 31-15
sewing machine?

A. One-fourth inch
B. One-eighth inch
C. Seven-sixteenths inch
D. Five-sixteenths inch

9-18. When you set the needle bar on the 31-15 and it starts its upstroke, what is the
distance of the hook in relation to the eye of the needle?

A. One-sixteenth inch above

B. One-sixteenth inch below
C. One-eighth inch above
D. One-eighth inch below

9-19. To set the feed-driving eccentric, the set regulator must be set to _________.

A. center point
B. highest point
C. lowest point
D. stopping point

As an Aircrew Survival Equipmentman, you need to know what materials are best suited
for the job at hand if you are to be considered a master craftsman of your trade.
Therefore, to lay the groundwork to aid you in becoming a skilled PR, this chapter
discusses the textile materials, tapes, webbing, thread, cords, knots, and seams you will
Many of the repairs you will be required to make can be accomplished by replacing
missing or worn hardware. There are occasions when minor repairs require hand
sewing because machine sewing is impractical or impossible. For instance, it might be
advisable to make minor repairs to aircraft upholstery by hand sewing the repair in the
aircraft rather than by bringing the item to the shop. On the other hand, you will use
sewing machines for most sewing. Seams created with a sewing machine are often
sewn more quickly and are usually more durable than seams sewn by hand. The
sewing machine also gives the seam a better appearance. To do your job correctly, you
must be able to identify and craft the various types of handmade and machine-made

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to identify and understand the tools,
equipment, and procedures used to cut, layout, and fabricate specified projects.


When PRs talk about warp, they do not mean that something‘s out of shape; and when
they talk about filling, they aren‘t referring to teeth. These are terms that textile
manufacturers use—terms that are standard throughout the textile industry. The Navy
uses these standardized textile terms to identify and classify materials on Navy stock
lists. Aircrew Survival Equipment Changes and Bulletins also contain some of these
terms, and to comply with these repair instructions, you must first understand the terms
used in them.

Fiber and Filament

Fiber is the basic unit used in the fabrication of textile yarns and fabrics. Vegetable,
animal, and mineral fibers are natural fibers; nylon, dacron, and rayon are synthetic
fibers, usually referred to as filaments. A filament is an individual strand of material and
can be any length. Fibers and filaments are the smallest unit in any type of cloth. An
example is a silk fiber, which may vary in length from 300 to 1,000 yards. Synthetic
filaments may be several miles long.

The staple is the smallest unit within a naturally occurring fiber, or a synthetic filament
cut in short lengths to be combined with other fibers in manufacturing a variety of
materials. When used in reference to the naturally occurring fibers, it denotes quality or
fineness, such as ―long staple‖ cotton.

Yarn is a continuous strand of textile fiber or filament in a form suitable for
manufacturing textile materials. The strength of the yarn is influenced by fiber strength,
size, and length; the size of the yarn; and the tightness of twist. The strength of textile
fabrics is determined by yarn strength and weight. The following processes are used to
create yarn: a number of fibers twisted together, a number of filaments twisted together,
or a number of filaments laid together without twisting. Yarns formed by twisting a
number of filaments together are referred to as multifilament yarns. Ply yarn consists of
two or more single yarns twisted together.

Selvage and Raw Edges

The selvage edges of material, as shown in Figure 10-1 below, are the edges of cloth,
tape, or webbing that are woven to prevent raveling. When the material is cut, the
resulting edge at the cut is referred to as a raw edge.

Figure 10-1 — Textile terms.

Warp describes threads that run lengthwise of the cloth parallel to the selvage edge. If
there is a difference in the strength of the warp and filling threads, the warp threads are
usually stronger, because they form the framework for the material and support most of
the strain during the weaving process. Figure 10-1 shows both warp and filling threads.

Filling is also referred to as a woof, weft, or pick and describes threads that run
crosswise to the cloth as it comes from the loom. This term is not to be confused with
filling in the sense of sizing, which means the addition of substances that give body or
decrease porosity of the material. Warp and filling threads must be determined in
pattern layout, because patterns (unless otherwise stated) are always cut with the warp
and filling.

The weave is an interlacing of two sets of threads (warp and filling) to form a specific
pattern. The manner in which the material is woven or constructed affects many of the
cloth‘s properties, such as tensile strength, air permeability, and elongation.

A bias is a diagonal line of a cut, fold, or seam across a piece of textile material at an
angle of 45 degrees to the direction of the filling threads in the material. Bias
construction is used to save material, prevent tearing between sections, and provide
elasticity (when elasticity is required for the article‘s satisfactory performance). The bias
direction of the fabric has a greater stretching quality than the straight direction. A bias
cut is shown in Figure 10-1.

Tensile Strength
Tensile strength is the amount of force a material can withstand without breaking. The
tensile strength of a fabric is stated in pounds-per-inch width for both warp and filling.
The tensile strength of webbings and tapes is stated for the full width.

Cloth Weight
The cloth weight is the weight of a cloth, or fabric, in ounces per square yard. All fabrics
have a designated cloth weight. For instance, a square yard of cotton duck may weigh 8
ounces; therefore, it is called 8-ounce duck.

Construction Features and Uses of Various Textile Materials
When repairing an item, it makes sense that the replacement should be composed of a
like material. After all, you wouldn‘t repair a hole in a life raft with a patch of tweed
fabric. The same can be said for textile repairs; if a canopy needs repair, you won‘t use
7.25-ounce nylon duck.
There was a time when we were limited to natural fibers as a source for our fabrics and
associated materials, but today, improvements in synthetic filaments provide plenty of
choices of fabric. Of course, both natural and synthetic fibers have their respective
advantages and disadvantages. Because you cannot use synthetic or natural fiber
materials exclusively, you must decide which one best serves your purpose. There are
many, many different types of fabrics and cloth (cloth meaning any textile material over
12 inches wide from selvage to selvage).
The construction of cloth is determined by many factors, such as tightness of yarn twist,
number of threads per inch, porosity of the yarns, and the type of weave used in its
formation. The weave is one of the most important factors. The two basic weaves are
plain and twill (see Figure 10-2). The plain weave is the simplest method of weaving
and gives the smoothest surface of the fabric. It consists of the filling threads passing
over one warp thread and under the next warp thread. The twill weave is a more
complicated weave in which the filling threads pass over and under more than one warp
thread, thereby producing a surface on the fabric that is generally recognized as a
diagonal pattern.

Figure 10-2 — Basic weaves.

Cotton is a natural plant fiber, usually white. The fibers or ―staples‖ are between 3/8 and
2 inches in length. Chemically, it is almost pure cellulose. Cotton fabrics, webbing, and
tapes readily absorb water unless treated. They dry more slowly than the synthetic
fabrics and are more susceptible to mildew and fungus growth. One should never ignore
the presence of mildew because it seriously affects the tensile strength of cotton and
other fabrics. Heat is less damaging to cotton than to the synthetics. Insect damage
should, however, always be considered because cotton is a food for certain cellulose-

eating insects, and cotton makes good nesting or cocoon-spinning material for rodents
and insects.

Nylon is an extremely tough and elastic synthetic fiber. It absorbs very little water, dries
quickly, is mildewproof, mothproof, and is not affected by most ordinary oils, greases, or
cleaning fluids. However, it is sensitive to some chemical fumes, excessive heat, and
direct rays of sunlight. Nylon melts and drips when subjected to fire. This characteristic
requires that precautions be taken when nylon is worn where there is a risk of fire.
Melted nylon on the skin can cause extremely serious burns.

NOMEX Fabric
A trade name for a fabric that is used in the construction of flight suits, NOMEX is a
high-temperature-resistant and inherently flame-retardant synthetic fabric. This fabric
has no melt point or drip characteristics when subjected to fire. NOMEX material is
lightweight, does not support combustion, but begins to char at 700° to 800 °F. The
fabric, similar to nylon, is abrasion resistant and also nonabsorbent.

Duck is a comparatively firm, coarse, plain-weave cotton fabric with weight per square
yard from 6 to 50 ounces. It is frequently called canvas, and it is primarily used to
construct protective covers because of its durability and wearing characteristics.

Rubber and rubberized fabrics are used to manufacture exposure suits and flotation
equipment because they are watertight. Rubberized materials are susceptible to
deterioration if subjected to heat and mildew. Foam rubber is thick and resilient and is
used for padding in upholstery and aircraft crash pads.

Cowhide or horsehide may be used for reinforcing patches where heavy wear occurs. It
is used for reinforcing patches for grommets and chafing strips on seat belts. Artificial
leather has replaced the natural product and is used to a large extent for seat pad,
crash pad, and upholstery coverings.

Vinyl is a plastic material with several uses in the fabric shop. Vinyl is available in
various thicknesses, depending on its intended use. It may be used for seat covers or
ventilating clothing. The type used for ventilating clothing consists of two layers of
flexible vinyl film. Vinyl is vaportight and has a smooth surface. Soap and water can be
used to clean it. Do not use ammonia detergents for cleaning, because these will bleach
the vinyl.

Webbings and Tapes

You already know that cloth is fabric wider than 12 inches. Any fabric with less than 12
inches between each selvage edge is called webbing or tape. The dividing line between
webbing and tape is determined by weight.

The heavier of the two is webbing. Webbing weighs over 15 ounces per square yard
and is less than 12 inches wide. As you would expect, webbings are used for the
toughest holding and reinforcing jobs. Slings, harnesses, safety belts, and reinforcing
and securing straps are made of nylon webbing and are available in a wide variety of
tensile strengths. The personnel parachute harness has a tensile strength range of
6,000 to 8,700 pounds. Some nylon webbings are of tubular construction, which makes
them very strong. Tubular webbings are between 1/2 and 1 inch wide, with tensile
strengths ranging from 1,000 to 4,000 pounds.

In addition to webbings, there are the lightweight tapes of a twill weave construction.
You can use tapes for reinforcing many types of fabric covers. Tapes can weigh up to
15 ounces per square yard and are woven in the same manner as fabric. Some are bias
in order to help bind curved edges where stretching qualities are desired. These bias
tapes are sometimes referred to as binding tapes.
Velcro tape is commonly used in many shops as a fastening or closing device. Velcro
tape consists of two parts: the hook and the pile. The hook tape is made of nylon and
consists of a series of small hooks. The nylon pile, or loop tape, has many small loops.
When the two parts of the tape are joined, the hooks engage with the loops and hold the
two tapes together.

Threads and Cords

The following paragraphs explain the differences between threads and cords.

Filaments (nylon) or staples (cotton) are twisted together to form yarn. Since the yarn is
too small for practical use, two or more yarns are twisted together to form thread or ply
yarn. The strength of a thread depends upon the size and number of yarns used to
make up the thread. The thread numbers on spools indicate the size of the yarn and the
number of yarns that are piled (or twisted) together to give the necessary strength to the
thread. For example, a 16-4 thread indicates that the thread was made from a single
size of yarn, 16, and that four of these single yarns were twisted together to make a
thread. The finer the yarn used, the higher its size number. Silk and nylon thread sizes,
however, are indicated by letters; A is finer than B, and the farther down the alphabet,
the coarser the thread.
Thread is twisted to the left or twisted to the right, depending on its use. Left-twist thread
is always used in the sewing machine because the action of the stitch-forming
mechanism tends to ravel or break right-twist thread. Left- or right-twist thread may be
used for hand sewing. The terms that designate left-twist threads are machine, machine
twist, left twist, and Z twist. A cord or thread has left (or Z) twist if, when held in a
vertical position, the twist of the yarn follows the slope of the central portion of the letter
Z. Right (or S) twist, on the other hand, follows the slope of the central portion of the
letter S, as shown in Figure 10-3.

Figure 10-3 — Thread twist.

The following paragraphs explain braided and unbraided cords.

Unbraided cords – Unbraided cord is twisted together in the same manner as thread,
as shown in Figure 10-3. The difference between threads and cords is that cords are
stronger and larger in diameter than threads.
Nylon cords play an important role in repairing life support items. To identify nylon cord,
you must remember that the larger the number, the larger and stronger the cord.

Braided cords – A braid is three or more strands of material entwined together. Cords
also come braided, and in two types: a solid woven cord or a cord with a hollow channel
center, as shown in Figure 10-4. Solid woven cords are flat. Hollow channel cords
sometimes contain several straight, individual threads, known as the core. This core
increases the strength of the cord and keeps the outer braided cover round. Parachute
suspension lines are made from this type of cord.

Figure 10-4 — Braided cords.

Storage of Textile Materials

You must know the general principles of caring for and storing various materials,
because many differ greatly in their resistance to damage such as moisture, heat,
mildew, fungus, insects, and rodents. There are certain insects, however, that will eat
almost anything, mice that will build nests in almost any kind of stored fabric material,
and there are hundreds of fungus growths that thrive under moist tropical atmospheric
conditions. Conditions in various parts of the world vary widely in regard to humidity,
heat, cold, and the presence of insects. Such conditions must be taken into account
when you are storing and protecting materials. The following ideal storage conditions
should be attained as nearly as possible: a dry room with a temperature of 70°F,
absence of direct sunlight, protection against insects and mice, wooden shelves for
storage, and air conditioning or some other method of humidity control.

The following are some of the characteristics of materials that you should know if you
are to be responsible for keeping them in storage. Nylon absorbs very little water, dries
quickly, is mildewproof, and is not affected by most ordinary oils, greases, or cleaning
fluids. It is mothproof, and, because it is not an animal fiber like wool or silk, does not
offer food to hungry insects. However, if insect larvae develop from eggs laid inside the
folds of stored fabrics, they may eat their way out. Soiled or greasy spots in a fabric
attract insects.
Soot and certain chemical fumes are highly injurious to nylon, and direct heat and
exposure to the sun‘s rays seriously weaken it.
Rayon has many of the characteristics of nylon. It is more easily damaged by direct heat
or the sun‘s rays and is more combustible than nylon. Rayon fabrics ―take a set‖ (form a
crease) more easily than other fabrics, and if left stored in folds for too long, they will
form permanent creases.
Cotton fabrics, webbings, and tapes readily absorb water unless treated. They dry more
slowly than synthetic fabrics and are more susceptible to mildew and fungus growth.
Mildew should never be ignored because it seriously weakens cotton or other fabrics.
Heat is less damaging to cotton than to synthetics. Bugs or their larvae will eat cotton or
use it to make cocoons or nests.
In all cases, fire is a constant threat to fabrics. Smoking should not be permitted where
fabrics are handled or stored. Rayon fabrics are almost explosive when set afire. Nylon,
although harder to ignite, will burn, but does not explode in the process. You should be
careful to learn the storage problems peculiar to any specific locality or climatic
conditions to ensure safe storage of these materials.
Understanding the construction and characteristics of various fabric products will enable
you to intelligently use and storage of these materials.

Engineering Requirements for Fabrics

For a parachute to serve its purpose, it must be reliable. To be reliable, parachutes
must meet certain engineering requirements.
Though you are responsible for servicing parachutes rather than designing them, the
difference between a parachute packer and a capable parachute rigger is the
knowledge of why the system works the way it does. Almost anyone can learn to pack a
parachute, but when you have learned the engineering and aerodynamic principles that
affect parachute reliability, you will know why it is so important to be a conscientious
and precise worker. And, you will see to it that those who work for you do their job
exactly right. First, the engineering requirements for parachutes are listed and explained
below. After reviewing them, you will learn why nylon is the textile most often used in
parachute construction.

Air Permeability
The term air permeability refers to the measured volume of air in cubic feet that flows
through 1 square foot of cloth in 1 minute at a given pressure. If a material gets wet and
shrinks, it has less air permeability, because the weave draws together and less air gets
through. This is the reason for a very important rule: DO NOT, FOR ANY REASON,
PACK A WET PARACHUTE. Wet parachute assemblies have reduced air permeability
and can also freeze at high altitudes. Air permeability affects the reliability, opening
time, opening force, canopy drag, and stability of the parachute assembly.
The proper ratio of air entering a parachute canopy to air passing over the canopy gives
a parachute good performance. The greater the airflow through a canopy, the slower
the opening time. This is why canopy designs differ. A quick opening time is required for
personnel parachutes, but a slower opening time is desired for deceleration and cargo
parachutes. The braking force in deceleration and cargo parachutes is built up over a
longer period of time, which enables the parachute assembly to withstand and
decelerate greater loads.

The term strength refers to a fabric‘s ability to resist strain or rupture caused by external
forces. Strength is expressed as tensile strength and is measured in pounds per square
inch. The strength of the fabric determines the strength of the parachute and as such is
a very important requirement for a safe, reliable parachute. Refer to Table 10-1 for
tensile strengths of fabrics, webbings, and tapes.

Table 10-1 — Tensile Strengths (Nylon)

Type Measurement Tensile Strength (lbs)

Threads A 2.75
B 5.50
E 8.50
F 11.00
FF 16.00
Cords 3 24
6 50
Tubular Webbing 1/2 inch 1000
9/16 inch 1500
3/4 inch 2300
1 inch 4000
Webbing I 9/16 inch 525
II 1 inch 600
III 1 1/4 inch 800
IV 3 inch 1800
V 5 inch 3000
VI 1 3/4 inch 1800
Type Measurement Tensile Strength (lbs)
VIII 1 3/4 inch 3600
X 1 3/4 inch 8700
XII 1 3/4 inch 1200
XIII 1 3/4 inch 6000
XIX 1 3/4 inch 10000
Tapes II 3/8 inch 18
II 1 inch 900
II 2 inch 1700
III 3/8 inch 200
III 1/2 inch 250
III 3/4 inch 400
III 1 inch 525
Tapes (continued) IV 1 inch 1000
IV 1 1/8 inch 1100
IV 1 1/2 inch 1500
VI 3/4 inch 425
Shroud Line I 100
III 550

The term elongation describes deformation, lengthening, or stretching caused by a
tensile force, like stretching a rubber band. The ability to elongate gives stretch to a
fabric. Elongation is expressed as the percentage of stretch over the original length. For
instance, if a tape has 10 percent elongation, a 10-inch piece will stretch to 11 inches
before it breaks. Parachute specifications call for 20-25 percent elongation.

Elasticity (or Elastic Recovery)

The term elasticity describes the ability of a fabric to elongate (or stretch) when tension
is applied, and to recover its original shape when the tension is released, again like
stretching a rubber band that comes back to its original size when released. To test the
elasticity of a material, stretch it 4 percent, and then measure to see how closely it
returns to its original length. A fabric that returns to within 75 to 95 percent of its original
length after being stretched is said to have satisfactory elasticity. A parachute made
from fabric with good elasticity is stronger and gives less opening shock.

Lightweight fabric is an absolute necessity for all parachute canopies. A canopy of
lightweight material opens faster. Can you imagine a pilot walking around wearing
anything as heavy as a canvas beach umbrella? Lightweight cargo and deceleration
parachutes also enable the aircraft to carry more weight in cargo and fuel.

Resistance to Abrasion
This term refers to a fabric‘s ability to withstand wear and rubbing. In its lifetime, a
parachute is subjected to a great deal of abrasion. Deceleration parachutes, for
example, slide along the runway. For this reason, deceleration parachute riser webbings
and personnel parachute harnesses and risers are treated with Merlon to make them
more resistant to abrasion damage.

Resistance to Mildew and Insects

Moths and other insects love to feast on fabrics; mildew and other fungi thrive on them
in warm, damp climates. Parachutes damaged by mildew or insects are unsuitable for
Navy use. Therefore, it is necessary that parachute fabric be as resistant as possible to
this type of damage.

Moisture Regain
This term refers to the percentage of moisture that a bone-dry fiber absorbs from the air
under standard conditions of temperature and humidity (65 percent relative humidity
and 70°F). Less than 5 percent moisture regain means that the fibers build up static
electric charges when rubbed. If static electricity builds up, the parachute assembly is
more difficult to service. Static electricity also adversely affects the opening time of a
parachute assembly.
The ability to take on dye (color) is another important consideration when selecting
parachute fabrics. The percentage of moisture regain possible in a fabric determines
whether it can be successfully dyed. Dying gives the fabric color, which is important for
a parachute canopy. Rescue teams can easily spot multicolored canopies from the air.
Pickup crews can quickly identify colored deceleration canopies on runways. Also,
yellow dye in a canopy makes it more resistant to ultraviolet damage from sunlight,
which relates to the next engineering requirement on this list.

Resistance to Sunlight
Ultraviolet light, which is found in sunlight and is responsible for painful sunburns,
reduces the strength of fabrics. All parachutes are exposed to some sunlight. Military
specifications for parachute materials state that fabrics should not lose more than 25
percent of their original strength after 50 hours exposure to sunlight. Investigations into
causes of deceleration parachute failures have shown strength loss of more than 50
percent after 50 hours of exposure to sunlight.

Resistance to Heat
In addition to sunlight, heat and friction are natural enemies of a parachute. In case of
fire on an aircraft, personnel and deceleration parachutes may be exposed to great
amounts of heat. Friction and heat are also generated when the deceleration parachute
comes in contact with the runway. Line-overs are another cause of friction and burn
holes in parachute canopies. Line-overs occur when an improperly stowed suspension
line is drawn over the canopy during deployment.

Resistance to Chemicals
Because parachute assemblies are exposed to various chemicals, it is important to
know which chemicals are harmful and which are not. Most damaging are mineral-type
acids, such as the type used in batteries.

As stated above, nylon is the most widely used fabric in the parachute shop. In the
following paragraphs, we examine the good and bad characteristics of nylon in
parachute construction.
There is no fabric known to man that measures up perfectly to all the engineering
requirements for parachute construction. But nylon comes closer, by far, than any other
fabric. Nylon, when properly handled by the parachute rigger, has more good than poor
qualities. The following are the good characteristics of nylon:
1. Strength – Nylon is one of the strongest synthetics made.
2. Elongation – Nylon stretches from 18 to 40 percent, which is well above military
specifications of 20 to 25 percent.
3. Elasticity – Nylon returns to 100 percent of its original length.
4. Weight – Because nylon fibers are very strong for their weight, nylon fabrics can
are much lighter than many other fabrics of comparable strength.
5. Resistance to abrasion – No fabrics can last forever, but nylon still tests better in
this category than any other material tested for parachute use.
6. Resistance to mildew and insects – Nylon has no food value. This makes it
unappetizing to moths and other insects. It cannot support the growth of mildew.
However, poorly maintained nylon fabric that is soiled with food particles will lose
this benefit, so it is crucial that the fabric remain clean.
Despite these benefits and the fact that the quality of nylon is always improving, you
must keep the following limitations in mind when handling nylon:
1. Moisture regain – As stated above, if the percentage of moisture a fiber absorbs
from the air is less than 5 percent, the fiber is difficult to dye and builds up static
electricity when rubbed. The moisture regain of nylon is only 4.2 percent, so you
can expect static electricity to develop as you service the assembly.
2. Resistance to sunlight – Nylon is susceptible to damage from direct sunlight.
Yellow dye improves resistance to ultraviolet light damage, which is why it is
added to deceleration canopy material. In addition, a chemical known as
Chemstrand ―R‖ has been developed that is added to nylon yarn during
manufacture to make the nylon more resistant to ultraviolet light.

3. Heat resistance – Nylon has a relatively low melting point, 482°F, which makes it
very susceptible to damage from heat. This is why it is so important that
suspension lines are stowed properly. In the rapid deployment sequence, lines
crossing each other will break from the friction heat generated.
In short, all types of parachute textiles and components have natural enemies including
sunlight, abrasion, heat, chemicals, insects, and fungi. If you keep these in mind, you
will easily see which elements to avoid when you store parachute fabrics.


When working in the fabric shop, you will find that you need tools that are not commonly
stocked in the average tool room. Therefore, we must discuss some of the specific tools
used in the fabric shop. The tools used for fabric and rubber maintenance are not highly
complicated, but they are designed for a specific purpose. In your hands, these tools
can help produce a quality product.

As shown in Figure 10-5, a pair of shears consists of two cutting edges hinged so that
when closed, the cutting edges cross each other in close contact. This shearing action
is used for cutting fabrics. The large loop in the handle is for two or three fingers, and
the small loop is for the thumb. The blades are not straight, but are slightly curved
toward each other so that when closing, the spring action of the blades holds the two
cutting edges firmly together.

Figure 10-5 — Shears.

Always keep the shears sharp. If the shears are not sharp enough to effectively cut the
material, they must be sharpened. A more effective job can be done by disassembling
the shears and sharpening one shear at a time. The bottom shear has a blunter angle
than the upper, so exercise care in the cutback or angle of sharpening. Also in
sharpening, start at the point or toe of the shear and move toward the heel of the shear.
This drives the heat, generated in grinding, to the heel of the shear where there is more
metal to radiate the heat. Grinding toward the toe or point drives the heat to the lesser
metal and can result in burning the metal and drawing the temper out. After grinding the
shear, reassemble it loosely at first so that on the first closing, the wire edge resulting
from the grinding is removed.
Pinking shears are another type of shears that you will use. This tool is used for cutting
a series of Vs along fabric edges to prevent fraying. If pinking shears become dull, they
should be returned to the manufacturer for sharpening.
Remember, always keep the shears sharp. DO NOT drop your shears, as this springs
the blades and reduces their cutting ability. DO NOT use them to puncture metal objects
or to pry things open. DO NOT use shears as knives to remove stitching; you may injure
yourself or damage the stitches you are cutting. (For this job, use an upholsterer‘s knife
or a stitch cutting tool.) When shears are beyond shop maintenance capabilities, return
them to supply for a replacement.

Table-Mounted Snap Fastener Press

The snap press, shown in Figure 10-6, allows you to install snap fasteners by mass
production. The key parts of this press are the chuck and die. For each type and size of
snap fastener, there is a corresponding chuck and die. The chuck is the upper tool, and
the die is the lower tool. Use the adjustment screw to prevent pressure damage to the
chuck and die. When set correctly, this adjustment screw will set the clearance of the
chuck and die to 1/32 inch, about the thickness of bond typing paper, which is adequate
for most snap fasteners.

Figure 10-6 — Table-mounted snap fastener press.

Hand Press
If you need a portable glove fastener installation tool, you can use the hand press. The
Durable Fastener hand press mates the socket and button and the stud and eyelet. You
will use this often as you replace Durable Fasteners on soundproofing, cushions, or
other related items where a portable installations tool is required.

A knife, because of its familiarity, can be one of the most abused tools. At its best, a
knife has a well-sharpened blade and a secure handle. DO NOT use any knife as a
screwdriver, a punch, or a pry to open can lids. Always cut away from you, and keep
your hands out of the way of the blade.
To sharpen a knife, use an oilstone and apply the same basic principle as that used for
sharpening shears. DO NOT sharpen a knife blade on a grinding wheel, because the
metal is too thin. Too much heat is generated for the thickness of the metal. To sharpen
a knife, clean the oilstone of all gum and dirt accumulation. Put two or three drops of
medium-light oil on the stone. Lay the knife on the stone with the back of the knife
slightly raised. Draw the knife toward you with a diagonal stroke from heal to toe with
the cutting edge advancing. Turn the knife over and move the blade away from you,
cutting edge advancing, moving from heel to toe. Repeat these steps several times. The
edge is sharp if you feel a decided drag when passing it lightly over a wet thumbnail. No
drag indicates the edge is not sharp.

Measuring Devices
The ruler, tape measure, and carpenter‘s square, as shown in Figure 10-7, are used
often to repair fabric and rubber articles. These may become special tools by adding
special marks to show a commonly used scale or measurement. To comply with
technical directive specifications, be sure to exactly measure items such as the patch
overlaps, length of lines on life rafts, and every other job you do that requires special

Figure 10-7 — Measuring devices.

The 12-inch, plain steel rule is used for laying out and measuring small work. One side
of the rule, shown in view A of figure 10-7, has one edge graduated in sixteenths of an
inch and the other edge graduated in eighths of an inch. This is indicated on the rule by
the numbers 16 and 8, which are stamped into the metal. The opposite side of the same
rule may have one edge graduated in sixty-fourths of an inch and the other edge
graduated in thirty-seconds of an inch, as shown in view B of Figure 10-7.
The carpenter‘s square is a steel tool in the form of a right angle. One arm is 24 inches
long, and the other is 18 inches long. It is used by the carpenters to lay out the
framework of buildings and to square off wood materials. The fabrication and parachute
worker uses it for layout work and measuring.
The tape measure is a convenient tool. It is used to measure large objects, yet it is
portable and can be carried in a pocket. The tape measure is flexible and allows you to
measure curved objects. These measuring devices (ruler, tape measure, and
carpenter‘s square) are used to achieve accurate and professional results.
Sailmaker’s Palm
The sailmaker‘s palm has a small metal disk insert set in rawhide and stitched into a
leather glove-type device. It is designed to be worn in the palm of the hand, and it is
used to aid in pushing a sail needle through the material being sewn or tacked (Figure

Figure 10-8 — Sailmaker’s palm.

The awl is another instrument used as an aid in sewing heavy material where pushing
the sail or hand sewing needle through the material becomes difficult. It is a sharp-
pointed instrument with a handle attached and is used for punching holes in a heavy
fabric or material prior to inserting the needle. Never use a hot needle or iron as a
substitute for the awl.

Star Punch
The star punch or leather punch is a very useful tool for punching holes through material
to be fastened with snap fasteners or speedy rivets.

Looking back through the first two sections of this chapter, you see that we have
discussed textile materials and tools. This section is also concerned with a different type
of material often used in the fabric shop. We call it hardware. Grommets, glove
fasteners, and interlocking fasteners are pieces of hardware you use during your daily
work. You must install pieces of hardware to covers, bags, and clothing to strengthen or
to secure these items. Not only do you have to be able to identify this hardware, you
also have to know how to install it properly.

Use grommets whenever it is necessary to reinforce holes for lacings in covers, bags,
panels, and upholstery. There are two parts to grommets: the grommet (or collar) and
the washer. The two types of grommets you will use are plain and spur grommets, as
shown in Figure 10-9.
The plain grommet uses a plain washer, whereas the spur grommet uses a toothed
washer that bites into the material to form a grip. The spur grommet, because of its
strength, is used where the pull will be particularly strong, or it may be used in large
covers. Leather is sometimes used at corners to reinforce the area where grommets are
to be installed. Grommets are made of aluminum, brass, or chrome-plated brass. They
are available in several sizes (00, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.); the smaller the number, the smaller
the size of the grommet.

Figure 10-9 — Plain and spur grommets.

To install grommets, you must proceed through a series of operations. Locate and mark
where a grommet installation is needed. Be sure you set the grommet far enough from
the edge of material to prevent it from tearing. Select the correct punch by matching its
size to the size of the grommet collar, as shown in Figure 10-10.

Figure 10-10 — Inside diameter measurements.

After you have used the leather cutting punch to cut a hole in the fabric, you must mate
the parts of the grommet. Place the grommet on the finished side of the material and the
washer underneath. Determine the correct size chuck and die. Assemble the grommet,
washer, punch, and die, as illustrated in Figure 10-11. Now you are ready to flatten the
collar. This operation can be accomplished in a variety of ways, depending upon the
availability of tools.

Figure 10-11 — Grommet collar, cloth, and washer in grommet set.

Grommet Press Installation

You may have a table-mounted grommet press or a hand press as mentioned above.
To use either type of press, you need an assortment of chucks and dies. Install the die
in the bottom of the press and the chuck in the top of the press. Set the press and check
for a clearance of the thickness of heavy paper between the chuck and die. This
prevents damage from striking the chuck and die together. Pulling the handle securely
flattens the grommet.

Grommet Set Installation
A grommet set, consisting of a punch and die, is used to install grommets in material.
Figure 10-11 illustrates a grommet set. The grommet set has to be the same size as the
grommet for a proper grommet installation. Use a rawhide mallet to strike the punch.
This action flattens the grommet. The grommet set installation is useful because of its
simplicity and portability.

Glove Fasteners
The most common type of fastener used on clothing and other items made of fabric and
rubber is the glove fastener. In many instances, the glove fastener has replaced the
conventional button. Glove fasteners are dependable and are used for their holding and
firm gripping ability. Figure 10-12 shows the types of glove fasteners most commonly
used. The main difference between the fasteners is size. The Segma Dot is the
smallest; the Durable Dot is the largest type of glove fastener. Each fastener is made of
four parts: button, socket, stud, and eyelet, as illustrated in Figure 10-12. The socket
and button are matched to form the snap. The stud and eyelet form the part to which the
socket and button snap.

Figure 10-12 — Glove fasteners.

Press Installation
Cut a hole the size of the collar of the button and insert the button in the material. Place
the correct chuck and die into the press shown in Figure 6. The die is the lower and the
chuck is the upper tool, and both are shown in Figure 10-13. Fit the socket to the chuck.
Lay the button in the die and complete the attachment by depressing the handle or foot
pedal. Cut the proper size hole in the material to receive the eyelet. Place the correct
chuck and die in the press. Insert the collar of the eyelets through the hole from the

back of the material. Fit the stud into the chuck. Lay the eyelet on the die and complete
the attachment.

Hand Installation
Cut a hole the proper size for the collar of the glove fastener button. Insert the button in
the material and place the socket over the collar of the button. Make an indentation in a
wooden block for holding the head of the button. Flatten the collar of the button with a
solid drive pin punch. Assemble and install the stud and eyelet on the other pieces of
material so the base of the eyelet is on the backside of the material. Flare and flatten
the collar of the eyelet in a manner similar to the installation of the button and socket.

Figure 10-13 — Durable dot fastener installation.

Three-Way Locking Fasteners

There are times when you need to use a snap fastener that has extra security. When
you must have this type of fastener, you should use either the three-way locking snap or
the curtain fastener.

Three-Way Locking Snaps
The three-way locking snap is stocked in one size only—regular. It is used on flight
clothing, parachute containers, and back pads. (See Figure 10-14). This fastener opens
only when lifted from the side, with the dot located on the top of the button. When
installing this snap fastener, ensure that you install the three-way locking snap in the
position that you want to be opened. This type of snap should never be used where any
quick-opening devices or quick-releasing action is required.

Figure 10-14 — Three-way locking snap-type fastener.

Curtain Fastener
The curtain type fastener (lift-the-dot) is stocked in two sizes—large and small. These
fasteners have many uses, especially for truck and boat covers. The small lift-the-dot is
the same as the large one, and designed on a smaller scale for use on lighter work
where the bulkiness and weight of the large lift-the-dot are not desired.

Interlocking Slide Fasteners

Tasks are accomplished more easily and quickly through the use of interlocking
fasteners. For example, they save precious seconds for aircrewmen when they don
their flight clothing or exposure suits. These fasteners also provide the repairman with
easy access to items that require inspections.
Figure 10-15 shows the types of interlocking slide fasteners (zippers) used on flight
clothing and other items of aviation equipment. Figure 10-16 shows the parts of an
interlocking fastener.

Figure 10-15 — Slide fasteners.

Interlocking Slide Fastener Construction

An interlocking slide fastener consists of two chains of teeth (hollow cones or scoops)
facing each other. When brought together at the proper angle, each tooth fits within the
scoop of the tooth opposite it.
When closed, the interlocking slide fastener teeth cannot be parted except through the
use of the slider, which, when moved, displaces teeth at the proper angle for meshing
and unmeshing. The small clips (stops) at the top and bottom of the interlocking slide
fastener are designed to prevent the slider from running off the track. Separating-type
slide fasteners do not have a bottom stop, but are equipped with a pin on one side and
retainer arrangement on the other to allow the two parts of the slide fastener to

Figure 10-16 — Slide fastener parts.

Interlocking Slide Fastener Operation

When operating an interlocking slide fastener installed in a garment of soft, nappy
material or that is lined with wool or fur, do so with care to prevent the nap or wool from
jamming the slider.
Very often, grease or oil deposits lodge between the tiny hollow parts of the teeth and
accumulate dirt and lint. This causes stiff operation of the slider. A dirty or gummed
chain should be cleaned with an old toothbrush or a pipe cleaner saturated with
Stoddard solvent or other similarly approved cleaning solvent. After each cleaning, the
chain should be lubricated by applying one drop of oil or a small amount of graphite

between your thumb and forefinger and running the chain up and down between your
fingers several times.
A brief inspection will determine whether a slider (or pull tab) is the locking or non-
locking type. Always be certain that the pull tab is lifted at right angles to the slider
before attempting to remove the locking type.

Figure 10-17 — Slide fastener pull tabs.

Interlocking Slide Fastener Tools

In addition to common tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, awls, knives, scissors, and
needles, a well-equipped slide fastener kit should be included in the parachute loft
The interlocking slide fastener kit (zipper repair kit) contains all the parts necessary to
repair any size or type of interlocking slide fastener, plus the following special tools: end
cutters, or nippers, used for removing stops and teeth; stop-closing pliers, specially
designed to span over the slider and clamp the stops in position; and pull-up pliers,
designed to close the slider without a pull tab. Another handy tool in slide fastener repair
is an awl with a bent tip. This tool maybe used to close the chain by hand.

Repairing the Interlocking Slide Fastener

A torn or ripped interlocking slide fastener bead cannot be repaired, and the slide
fastener should be completely replaced. If the bead is damaged near the top or bottom
of the interlocking slide fastener, and if the damaged ends can be cut off to shorten the
interlocking slide fastener without hampering the usefulness of the garment, an effective
repair can be made.
Loose or missing teeth and stops can cause trouble. If teeth or stops are not tightened,
they will eventually be lost and tear the bead. In repairing such damage, see that the
loose stop is in position (almost touching teeth), and then set tightly with stop-closing
pliers. Set any loose teeth parallel with the other teeth in the chain, and then apply
pressure with the stop-closing pliers. Set any loose teeth parallel with the other teeth in
the chain and apply pressure with the stop-closing pliers. If a replacement stop is not
available in the repair kit, a soft wire or heavy thread may be used as a temporary stop.
You may run into trouble moving the slider on the chain. This may be caused by either
the jaws of the slider being too tight or because of a dirty chain. To loosen the slider,
insert a screwdriver between the jaws, and very gently pry them apart until they operate
Should the slider become jammed with fur, wool, or other material, carefully remove
such matter with a pin or needle while gently pulling the slider until it is released. If it is
so badly jammed that it resists all efforts, remove the slider by carefully bending the
jaws apart and returning the jaws to their original position. Then replace the slider on
the chain (described later).
Most pull tabs have two small projections fitting into slots on each side of the slider. To
remove the pull tab, use two pairs of pliers, one on each side, and twist in opposite
directions. Reverse this procedure when replacing pull tabs. Pull tabs furnished as
replacements need only to be squeezed onto the slider.
To repair a damaged slider, you must first remove it. The following paragraphs explain
the proper procedure for removing and replacing a slider on the chain following repairs:
To remove the slider from the regular type interlocking slide fastener (non-separating),
carefully rip the stitches from the BOTTOM of the interlocking slide fastener to expose
the ends of the tape. Then, remove the bottom stop and slip the slider off the bottom of
the chain and entirely off the beads and tape, as shown in Figure 10-18.

Figure 10-18 — Removing the slider.

To replace the slider on a regular-type interlocking slide fastener, thread the two bottom
beads into the wide end of the slider. Hold the tape so that the bottom teeth are
correctly matched; then, draw the slider upward until the teeth mesh for several inches.
Without allowing the teeth to separate, clamp the bottom stop close to the teeth and
over both beads. Replace the tape ends and ripped stitches by hand or by machine.
To remove a damaged slider on a separating type slide fastener, carefully rip the
stitches at the TOP of the slide fastener, on the retainer side only, thus exposing the
end of the tape. Remove the top stop, slip the slider off the top of the chain, and
completely remove it from the bead and tape. Repair or replace the slider.
To replace the slider on a separating type interlocking slide fastener, thread the bead on
the retainer side into the narrow end of the slider, and allow the slider to slip down the
chain. Replace the tape end and ripped stitches by hand or machine.
To replace the slider on the top of a regular, non-separating type interlocking slide
fastener with the aid of pull-up pliers, slip the tool over the bottom stop, clamp together,
and pull upward. Close the entire chain in this manner. Thread the two top beads into
the narrow end of the slider, holding the teeth meshed until they enter the slider.
Replace the top stops, tape ends, and ripped stitches.

Shortening an Interlocking Slide Fastener

To shorten an interlocking slide fastener, first determine the length required. The chain
should be about 1/2 inch shorter than the opening in the material or garment. Mark the
desired length, measuring from the bottom stop upward.
Open the chain to any point below this mark and cut directly across the tape about 1
inch above the mark. Cut the excess teeth from the marking point to the end of the tape
and replace the two stops, crimping them firmly.

Installing an Interlocking Slide Fastener

The installation of an interlocking slide fastener varies with the type of job. Some are
curved, some have rounded comers, and some are hidden. The following paragraphs
explain the installation of a straight slide fastener.

Slide Fastener Presser Foot

To install a slide fastener neatly and easily, you should use a slide fastener presser foot
on the sewing machine. The slide fastener presser foot serves not only as a guide for a
neat row of stitches, but also prevents the foot from riding up on the chain.
The sewing machine manufacturer can supply a regular slide fastener presser foot (right
or left) for any sewing machine, or one can be made locally. File or grind the left side of
an old presser foot to permit sewing to within 1/8 inch of the chain.

When sewing, always stretch the slide fastener and not the materials; this will keep your
work flatter and neater.
When making a bag or cover with two closed ends, lay the piece of material right side
down, and place the slide fastener right side down on top of the material where the
opening is to be located. Sew a row of stitches completely around the outer edge of the
tape, as shown in Figure 10-19.

Figure 10-19 — Installing a slide fastener. Step 1.

Turn the material over. Using shears to feel for the points, cut the material directly down
the center of the chain and cut a V at each end, as shown in Figure 10-20.

Figure 10-20 — Installing a slide fastener. Step 2.

Turn the edges of the material under, thus exposing the chain. Allow sufficient space
between the chain and the folded edge of the material to prevent the slider from rubbing
the edge of the hems. Cutting the V at each end of the chain allows you to sew neat,
square corners (see Figure 10-21).

Figure 10-21 — Installing a slide fastener. Step 3.

Procuring Slide Fasteners

There are two types of slide fasteners: separating and non-separating. A non-separating
slide fastener, type A, is used where only a small area needs to be opened; for
example, the opening in a parachute bag. A separating slide fastener, type B, is used
where it is necessary to spread the opening for easy access, such as on a jacket or the
legs and waist of an anti-g coverall.

To determine the size or service weight of a slide fastener to be installed on a fabric
assembly, consider the weight of the material and the stress that will be applied. The
size range and services of slide fasteners are as follows:
1. Size 0 – light service
2. Size 1 – light to medium service
3. Size 2 – medium service
4. Size 3 – medium to heavy service
5. Size 4 – heavy service
Materials used in slide fastener construction vary from plastic and nylon to cotton,
rubber, and metal. There are two common grades of slide fastener chains. Grade I is of
brass construction, and Grade II is made of other metal alloys or synthetic materials.
A closely woven cotton fabric is commonly used for the tape of a slide fastener; match
the color of this tape to the main fabric color when installing a slide fastener.
On certain items of survival equipment using slide fasteners, it is mandatory that the
slider remain stationary where it is positioned on the chain. An equipment container or
item of flight clothing accidentally opening in flight could cause a lot of trouble for the
aircrewman. Use a locking style L slider to prevent the unintentional opening of a slide
fastener that requires positive security.
Two common types of locking style L sliders are the pin type and the cam type. The pin
type is designed to lock when the pull tab is pressed flat onto the chain, thereby
inserting its pin between two teeth on one side of the chain. The cam type is also
designed to lock when the pull tab is pressed flat onto the chain, causing friction
between the chain and the cam to prevent the slider from moving.
Slide fasteners installed where the movement of the slider is not critical may be
equipped with a style S standard non-locking slider. The style S slider is normally used
on slide fasteners where accidental openings do not create a problem.
The length of a slide fastener is determined by the amount of closure required. When
ordering slide fasteners from class 5325 of the Federal Stock Catalog, you need to refer
to the dimension column, which lists both the length of the chain and the width of the
tape. The size of a slide fastener is referred to as its service weight.
Activities should specify the brand of chain for which stops and sliders are required
(Talon, Crown, or any other make).
Slide fasteners in stock are supplied in the nearest length ordered. When you receive
them, you can cut the chain to the desired length; stops can be salvaged and reused on
the cut chain.


The following paragraphs present a variety of seams and knots.

Hand-Sewn Seams
By now, you have seen that sewing is perhaps the most useful skill that a fabrication
and parachute specialist should develop. Few fabric maintenance jobs are performed
without some kind of sewing. While most sewing is done with a sewing machine, there
are occasions when using machines is impractical or impossible. In fact, sometimes
sewing by hand is not only more efficient but even specified by technical order.
Some of the hand stitches you will use are the basting stitch, running stitch, hidden
stitch, overthrow stitch, and baseball stitch. You should use the one that best suits the
particular job. To use these stitches properly, you should first become acquainted with
their applicable definitions and general procedures.
A stitch is a unit of thread formation. A seam consists of a series of stitches (hand- or
machine-sewn) joining two or more pieces of material. All seams should possess
strength, elasticity, durability, and a good appearance. The strength of a seam depends
upon the type of stitch used, type of thread used, number of stitches per inch, tightness
of seam, construction of seam, and size and type of needle used. The appearance of a
seam depends on how the seam is made. Even though you desire a good appearance,
your first considerations should be elasticity, durability, and strength.
The elasticity required in a seam is determined by the material being sewn. If the
material possesses an elastic quality, the seam should also possess this same quality.
If the seam does not possess the same elastic quality as the material, the stitches may
break when stress is applied. A seam should be as durable as the material it joins.
Tightly woven fabrics are more durable and have a smoother finish; therefore, they tend
to slide on one another. To reduce wear due to sliding, set the stitches tight and deep
enough into the material to reduce wear caused by rubbing on other surfaces.
When hand sewing cloth, turn under 1/2 inch of the material as reinforcement and insert
the needle through both plies. When hand sewing thick materials, such as leather and
felt, do not turn the edges under.
To hand sew any seam, you must know how to prepare for the job. Select the proper
needle and thread. Choose a thread that matches the thread of the material as nearly
as possible. Use the smallest size needle that allows the thread to pass easily through
the eye of the needle. To thread the needle, pass one end of the thread through the eye
and continue to pull it through until the ends meet. The resulting double thread should
be no longer than an arm‘s length. Tie a binder‘s knot at the end of the doubled thread.
For sewing seams that require only one thread, pull only about 6 inches of thread
through the eye, and then tie an overhand knot in the other end of the thread. Again,
use no more than an arm‘s length of thread.
The overhand knot is the simplest knot made. It is important because it forms a part of
the many other knots. To practice making this knot, get a short piece of cord and make
a loop in it. Then pass the end through the loop and pull the loop tight. If two pieces of
thread side by side are formed in a loop, the resulting knot is called a binder‘s knot. This
knot is identical to the overhand knot except that two threads are used.
Most permanent hand-sewn seams in fabrics should be locked with two half hitches at
intervals of 6 inches. These half hitches prevent any break in the seam from going past
an interval. Lock all seams at the end with two half hitches, a square knot, or a
surgeon‘s knot. A half hitch is simply an overhand knot whose loop passes around
another item, such as a thread or an edge of material. To tie the square knot, tie a
simple overhand knot. You then tie another overhand knot in the opposite direction,
locking the first knot. The surgeon‘s knot is a modified form of the square knot. It is the
same as the square knot with the exception of the first overhand knot, which is a double
turn. This double turn keeps the cord from slipping while the last overhand knot is made.
Yellow beeswax is applied to hand sewing thread to prevent fraying and untwisting. Use
only pure beeswax, since the impurities in other waxes may cause oil or grease spots,
which deteriorate the thread. Beeswax is also crucial because it preserves cotton
Other wax used in the survival equipment shop is made up of one part beeswax and
one part paraffin blended in a wax melting pot. If you must wax an entire spool of
thread, place the wax pot on a wide, level surface. Place the electric cord of the wax pot
so that you, or other personnel in your section, will not walk into it. Gently lower the
thread into the hot, molten wax; don‘t let the thread rest on the bottom of the pot. The
time the thread should spend in the wax is determined by the size and type of thread
you are using. Follow these directions carefully to prevent the thread from burning or
weakening because of overcooking.
When sewing, hold the needle between your thumb, index, and middle fingers. Push it
forward with the thimble on your fourth finger. Keep your fourth finger about two-thirds
bent. Three fingers are needed to guide the needle accurately and swiftly from right to
left. Hold the material in such a manner that will prevent you from tiring easily; crossing
your legs and resting the material on them is helpful. Never point the needle outward at
arm‘s length, because you may injure a passerby.

Purposes and Characteristics of the Basting Stitch
The basting stitch is used only for holding plies of material together temporarily before
machine sewing. This stitch is particularly helpful when you install a patch to a flight suit
or a cover. Basting stitches are removed after making the machine seam.
Two types of needles can be used for basting: straight or creed. Use the curved needle
for hard-to-reach areas, such as basting a patch on a cover; otherwise, the job can be
done with a straight needle. To make the basting stitch, thread the needle with a
sufficient length of 16-4 thread, single or waxed. Tie an overhand knot in the end of the
single thread. Turn under the material edge 1/2 inch, unless specified otherwise in the
technical order. Make each stitch 1/4 inch in length and 1/8 inch from the folded edge of
the material. At the end of the row of basting stitches, lock the last stitch with two half
hitches. Cut the thread one-fourth inch from the knot. Figure 10-22 illustrates the
basting stitch.

Figure 10-22 — Basting stitch.

Hand Sewing the Running Stitch
You can use a running stitch as a substitute for a machine-sewn seam. It is designed to
be a permanent stitch when a sewing machine is not available. Use a straight needle
threaded with single- or doubled-waxed cord or thread. Tie a knot at the end of the cord.
The material should be turned under 1/2 inch. Insert the needle inside the 1/2-inch fold
of one ply and push it through the three remaining plies so the starting knot will be
hidden. Continue sewing the pieces together by using the basting stitch. When you
come to the end of the row, turn the material around and go back in the opposite
direction, filling in the empty spaces as you sew, as shown in Figure 10-23. These two
rows together become the running stitch. Use four stitches per inch (each stitch one-
fourth inch long) and one-eighth inch from the folded edge. Lock the seam every 6

Figure 10-23 — Running stitch.

Keep enough tension on the thread to form firm, well-set stitches. When you make the
last stitch, insert the needle through two plies and bring it out in the center of the plies.

Make two half hitches around the stitch extending from the second layer to the third
layer of material.

Hand-sewn Overthrow Stitch

Use the overthrow stitch to attach metal parts, such as cones and eyelet. For this type
of attachment, a sewing machine is not practical. The overthrow stitch is also used for
harness tackings. Use a curved needle when the stitch can only be sewn from one side
of the fabric. Fold the material under 1/2 inch for reinforcement. Insert the needle in
such a manner that the knot will be between the two pieces of material. Form the
overthrow stitch by inserting the needle 1/8 inch from the folded edge as shown in
Figure 10-24. Make each stitch by inserting the needle from the same side as the
previous stitch. For best results, make six stitches per inch. At the end of the row, tie off
the thread with two half hitches.

Figure 10-24 — Overthrow stitch.

Sewing the Baseball Stitch
The baseball stitch is a useful, permanent stitch that is very flexible and very elastic. It
pulls the edges of material (cloth or leather) evenly together to form a flat surface, and it
is used for repairing or closing an opening. The thread lies on both the top and bottom
edges of the material. Like lacing, it can be pulled as tightly as desired. Usually, a
curved needle is best for sewing the baseball stitch.
Thread the needle with the required type of cord, waxed and tied with a knot at the end.
If sewing fabric rather than leather, turn the edges under 1/2 inch. Insert the needle
through the fold of one ply of material to hide the knot, as shown in Figure 10-25. Insert
the needle from the outside of the lower ply and bring it out the center of the plies,
forming a straight overthrow stitch at the beginning of the seam, also shown in Figure
Start the baseball stitch by inserting the needle in the center of the plies toward the
outside of the opposite piece of material. Proceed with the baseball stitch along the
folded edges of the fabric (or the edges of the leather). Insert the needle from the inside
of the folded edges, only 1/6 inch from the folded edge. Keep enough tension on the
thread to remove all loops and slack the thread. Do not apply too much tension because
doing so tends to pucker or draw the seam out of line. Every time you sew 6 inches of
the baseball stitch, make a lock knot. After the last two stitches of the baseball stitch,
finish with a straight overthrow stitch and two half hitches.

Figure 10-25— Baseball stitch (top view).

Using the Hand-sewn Hidden Stitch

The hidden stitch is usually used to make repairs on upholstery and on clothing where
good appearance is important. To make this stitch, select a 2 1/2-inch curved needle
and a length of suitable thread. Thread the needle to sew with a single thread and tie a
knot in the long end. Fold under 1/2 inch of material and place it on the other piece of
material, as shown in Figure 10-26. Start the stitch by pushing the needle through the
back of the fold, about one-eighth inch from the end. Pull the needle through the bottom
material at a point directly below where the needle came out of the fold. Guide the
needle so that the point comes out again about 1/4 inch along the line of the seam. The
point should come out directly below the creased edge, as shown in view A of Figure
10-26. Pull the needle and thread out to draw the stitch tight. Push the needle into the
front edge of the fold directly above the point where the needle came out of the bottom
material. Guide the needle point along the inside of the fold so that it again comes out
the creased edge about 1/4 inch from where it entered, as shown in view B of Figure
10-26. Pull the stitch tight and repeat the previous steps until the end is reached. Finish
the seam off by coming back one stitch (through the opposite material) so that the
needle reappears alongside the exposed thread of the next-to-the-last stitch. Tie two
half hitches around the exposed thread.

Figure 10-26 — Hidden stitch.

Advantages and Characteristics of a Machine-Sewn Seam

Machine seams or stitchings have the following advantages over hand-sewn seams:
speed, appearance, and uniform tension. Their desirable characteristics are as follows:
Strength – The strength of a seam of stitching depends on the type of thread, stitch
type, number of stitches per inch, the construction and tightness of the seam, and the
size and type of needle point used. The strength of the seam should equal that of the
material it joins. Use only the material specified for the assembly in the applicable
technical order.
Elasticity and flexibility – Elasticity and flexibility depend on the stretching qualities of
the material used, the quality and tension of the thread, the length of the stitch, and type
of seam or stitch used.
Durability – Durability is determined by the wearing qualities of the material, the quality
of the thread used, and the use of proper tension to set stitches well into the material to
reduce abrasions. The relationship between the elasticity of the seam and the elasticity
of the material is very important in determining durability.
Security – The security of a seam or stitching depends chiefly on the stitch type and its
ability to resist unraveling. The stitch must be well set in the material to prevent
snagging, which can cause thread breakage and unravel some types of stitches. Seam
―run offs‖ weaken a seam. All seam ends should be backstitched or anchored
(backstitched and overstitched) to prevent the seams from unraveling, as illustrated in
Figure 10-27.
Appearance – The appearance of a seam is controlled by its construction and neatness
of workmanship; however, appearance is of less importance than any of the four factors
explained previously—strength, elasticity, durability, and security. Size and type of
thread as well as the length of stitch may also affect appearance.

Figure 10-27 — Properly anchored machine seam.

Meanings and Symbols of Machine-Sewn Basic Stitches

The meanings and symbols of basic machine-sewn stitches are discussed in the
following paragraphs.
Stitch – A stitch is one unit of thread formation resulting from passing a thread through
material at uniformly spaced intervals. The class of stitch is indicated by a specification
number; for example, 301 specifies a United States Standard Lockstitch (one lock knot
for each stitch). The class 31 and 111 sewing machines sew a United States Standard
Lockstitch 301.
Seam – A seam is a joint where a sequence of stitches unites two or more pieces of
Stitching – A stitching is a sequence of stitches for finishing an edge and/or ornamental
purposes when preparing parts for assembly.
Seam or stitch formation is indicated by a symbol consisting of three parts:
1. The first part denotes the class and consists of two uppercase letters, for
example, SS.

2. The second part denotes the type or the class of the seam or stitch formation and
consists of one or more lowercase letters, for example, a.
3. The third part denotes the number of rows of stitches used and consists of one or
more Arabic numerals preceded by a dash, for example, –1.

The three parts follow the three-digit number showing the
type of stitch the machine makes.

The complete seam specification for the examples given so far becomes 301-SSa-1
(remember that the ―‘301‖ is the machine class of stitch referenced above).
Some seams will be better than others. Experience shows that each seam best serves
a certain purpose. Therefore, seams have been standardized so that people who sew
can produce congruent work. Standardization also facilitates the use of drawings and
blueprints that can specify a desired seam. In this way, finished articles turn out strong
and durable regardless of who produced them.

Varying Classes of Machine-sewn Seams and Stitchings

The following paragraphs cover the different classes of machine-sewn seams and
stitchings as well as their practical applications. The three classes of seams are SS
(superimposed seams), LS (lapped seams), and BS (bound seams).

Class SS, Superimposed Seams — These seams are formed by placing one ply of
material above another with the edges together and the seam along one side.
Superimposed seams are usually made with two plies of material, although more than
two plies can be used for special projects. The edges may be folded under, but they
never overlapped when the stitching is made. The two types of superimposed seams
are SSa-1 and SSc-2, as shown in Figure 10-28.
1. The SSa-1 seam is the simplest method of joining two or more pieces of material.
It is also used as the first step in the formation of other seams, such as the LSak-
2 seam.
2. The SSc-2 seam is used for making many different types of covers. The seam is
also used to make channels for sash cord when making handles on carrying
bags and cases.

Figure 10-28 — Superimposed seam.

Class LS, Lapped Seams — Form the class LS seam by overlapping the material a
sufficient distance and stitching with one or more rows of sewing, as shown in Figure
10-29. The types of lapped seams are LSc-2, LSc-4, LSd-1, and LSak-2.
1. The LSc-2 seam is used for the sectional seams, and the LSc-4 is for the
channel seams of the parachute canopy. The interlocking folds makes the LSc
seams the strongest of the seam formations.
2. The LSd-1 seam is used in sewing pockets or patches. Also, use the seam to
patch small holes.
3. The LSak-2 seam is used for finishing seams of covers for shop equipment.

Figure 10-29 — Lapped seam.

Class BS, Bound Seams — BSa-2 seams are made by folding binding strips or tapes
over the edges of the material to reinforce and finish the edges. The BSa-2 seam, as
shown in Figure 10-30, is used to bind the edges of tool aprons, reinforcement panels,
etc. Most soundproofing is bound with 3/4-inch tape using the BSa-2 seam.

Figure 10-30— Bound seam.

Form class EF (edge finishing) stitching by using the edge of a single ply of material to
make the hem. The EFb-4 stitching, as shown in Figure 10-31, is made by folding the
edge back twice, thus turning the cut edge inside the second fold to prevent fraying and
to reinforce the hem. The hem may also include a piece of reinforcing tape, plain or
tubular webbing for adding strength.

Figure 10-31 — Edge finishing stitching.

All seams and stitches pictured are used in the survival equipment shop for
modification and repair work on the parachute canopy, pack, seat, and back pads or for
making covers and bags for aircraft, shop equipment, and tools.

Appropriately Spacing Machine-sewn Seams

The following rules will help you to space correctly more than one line of stitching and to
place a seam the correct distance from the edge:
1. Sew regular binding tape 1/16 of an inch from the selvage edge of the tape.
2. Sew heavier tapes from 1/16 to 1/8 inch from the edge. Sew the raw ends of the
tapes 1/4 inch from the raw edge.
3. Sew horsehide and thin leathers 1/8 inch from the edge in patching, trimming,
4. Sew the raw edges of 8- to 15-ounce duck 1/2 inch from the edge.
5. Fold the material no less than 1/2 inch for reinforcement.
6. Sew the folded edges of 8- to 15-ounce duck 1/8 inch from the folded edge.
7. Make the second and succeeding rows of stitches 1/4 inch apart. In heavier
material, it is sometimes desirable to separate the rows as much as 3/8 inch.
8. Heavy duck, heavy fabric, or the heavier leathers may be sewn approximately
1/4 inch from folded edges for best results, while the raw edges of such heavy
fabrics need at least 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch seams for security.
9. Sew light nylon or aircraft fabric 1/16 inch from the folded edge. Raw edges of
these light materials are seldom sewn together, except as the first step of
another seam.
10. When you are sewing a row of stitches and the thread breaks, start sewing again
1/2 inch behind the break, and sew on top of the existing stitches. This is called
The stitches that form the various classes of seams should be tight, even, and well-set
into the material. Understanding how the machine functions to form the stitch and feed
the material is the basis for sewing high-quality seams consistently.

Knots serve a vital role in servicing parachutes. Think of knots as the treads on your
automobile tires. The tire can perform its basic function without treads, but treads are
necessary for the tire to achieve optimum grip and to stop the automobile in the shortest
time and distance possible. Just as treads on tire are small details that optimize a
vehicle‘s performance, so are knots crucial to the performance of rigging.
Make sure that all knots and tackings are changed as often as possible to prevent
deterioration and loosening. Parachutes are designed to perform under the most
unpredictable situations, at remarkable speeds and configurations. One poorly made
knot and tacking could cause burned suspension lines, excessive opening shock, or
oscillation—all of which could result in the failure of the parachute. Remember, no
matter how small the task, treat each area of the parachute with the greatest care and

The type of knot used in assembling component parts of parachutes depends on the
purpose for which the knot is intended, the strength required, and the kind of thread,
rope, or cord that is to be used. Remember that knots, hitches, and turns decrease the
tensile strength of rope, cord, or thread, as shown in Figure 10-32.

Figure 10-32 — Tensile strength decreased by knot.

Some knots are tied for the purpose of breaking during parachute deployment, and
other knots are tied so as not to break. This is why it is so important that only the
specified knots be used for a particular job. The following text discusses the knots you
will have to tie as you go about your job servicing parachute assemblies.

Overhand Knot
The overhand knot, shown in Figure 10-33, is the simplest knot. It is very important,
however, since it forms a part of many other knots. You will also use the overhand knot
at the end of a single thread when you are hand sewing.

Figure 10-33 — Overhand knot.

Binder’s Knot
The binder‘s knot, shown in Figure 10-34, is the simplest method of joining two cords or
threads together. You will also use it at the end of a double cord when hand sewing to
prevent the cord from pulling through the material as you sew.

Figure 10-34 — Binder’s knot.

Square Knot
The square knot, shown in Figure 10-35, is the most common knot for joining two ropes
or cords. It can be easily tied and untied, and it is secure and reliable when made with
ropes and cords of the same size.

Figure 10-35 — Square knot.

Surgeon’s Knot
The surgeon‘s knot, shown in Figures 10-36 and 10-37), is a modified form of the
square knot. In fact, it is the same as the square knot except that the first overhand knot
is a double turn. This double turn keeps the cord from slipping while the last overhand
knot is tied.

Figure 10-36 — Surgeon’s knot.

Figure 10-37 — Surgeon’s and lock knot.

The bowline is used to connect the reserve parachute pilot chute bridle line to the
canopy vent lines (Figure 10-38).

Figure 10-38 — Bowline.

Half Hitch
The half hitch, shown in Figure 10-39 is used to form the tie for the safety ties on ripcord
pins on the various types of personnel, cargo, and deceleration parachutes. Normally,
three half hitches in a series are used for the safety tie.

Figure 10-39 — Round knot and two half hitches.

Clove Hitch
The clove hitch, shown in Figure 10-40, is used to secure the suspension lines to the
connector links on many parachute assemblies.

Figure 10-40 — Tying a clove hitch.

These knots listed above are the most common in parachute rigging, but for even
greater security, these knots can be modified to form several other knots. The lock knot,
for example, is an overhand knot tied adjacent to many other knots. To prevent the
square and lock knot or the surgeon‘s and lock knot from slipping, you may tie overhand
knots at each end of the thread or cord. Also, the overhand knot can be tied in a series,
as can the surgeon‘s knot.
The binder‘s knot leaves a loose end to form a slip knot, which is used to temporarily tie
an excess amount of cord. The AS28A deployment bag uses this type of knot. Also,
when you secure the automatic ripcord release‘s arming knot guide on the automatic
seat style parachute, you will use a slip knot tied off with a lock knot. The specific knots
you use are determined by the engineers who design, test, and establish criteria for the
operation and function of parachute assemblies.

10-1. What term describes the edge of a fabric that has a woven finish to prevent

A. Material edge
B. Manufactured edge
C. Finished edge
D. Selvage edge

10-2. Which of the following terms are alternative names for filling thread?

A. Woof
B. Pick
C. Weft
D. All of the above

10-3. What is the purpose of a bias cut?

A. Save material
B. Prevent tearing between two sections
C. Provide elasticity
D. All of the above

10-4. The term ―cloth‖ describes any material that is more than _________ inches from
one selvage edge to the other.

A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 18

10-5. The ideal area for storing textile material would be dry, out of direct sunlight, and

A. 50°F
B. 60°F
C. 70°F
D. 80°F

10-6. Military specifications for parachute assemblies require that after 50 hours of
exposure to sunlight, parachute fabrics must have retained _________ of their
original strength.

A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 60%

10-7. Nylon has a melting point of _________.

A. 382°F
B. 482°F
C. 540° F
D. 600° F

10-8. If the bead on the slide fastener is torn, you should _________.

A. repair the bead

B. replace the bead
C. replace the entire fastener
D. replace only the broken side

10-9. Why should you use yellow beeswax on hand sewing thread?

A. Contains no oil
B. Prevents fraying and untwisting
C. Strengthens thread
D. Both A and B

10-10. Which of the following knots is used to secure the parachute suspension lines to
the connector links?

A. Clove hitch
B. Sheepshank
C. Bowline
D. Binder‘s

The PRs perform an enormous amount of testing on oxygen components. Although
junior personnel perform much of this work, the responsibility for maintaining liquid
oxygen converter test stands in top running condition is that of the senior PR. Knowing
the functions, daily inspections, and adjustments required to maintain such equipment is
essential for all PRs.

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to identify and recall the purpose of the
oxygen components test stands and subsystems of the oxygen test stands.

No one can live without sufficient quantities of food, water, and oxygen. Of the three,
oxygen is by far the most urgently needed. If necessary, a well-nourished individual can
go without food for many days or weeks living on energy stored in the body. The need
for water is more immediate, but still the need does not become critical for several days.
The amount of oxygen in the body is limited at best to a few minutes supply. When that
supply is exhausted, death is prompt and inevitable.
Oxygen starvation affects a pilot or aircrewman in much the same way that it affects an
aircraft engine; neither can function without it. The engine requires oxygen for burning
the fuel that keeps it going. An engine designed for low-altitude operation loses power
and performs poorly at high altitudes. High-altitude operation demands a means of
supplying air at higher pressure to give the engine enough oxygen for the combustion of
its fuel. The supercharger or compressor performs this function.
As an aircraft climbs, the amount of oxygen per unit of volume of air decreases;
therefore, the aviator‘s oxygen intake is reduced. Unless they breathe additional
oxygen, the eyes, brain, and muscles begin to fail. The body is designed for low-altitude
operation and will not give satisfactory performance unless it receives the full amount of
oxygen that it requires. Like the engine, the body requires a means of having this
oxygen supplied to it in greater amounts or under greater pressure. This need is
satisfied by the supplemental oxygen supplied directly to the respiratory system through
an oxygen mask and by pressurizing the aircraft to an atmospheric pressure equivalent
to that of safe breathing altitudes, or by combining the two.
For illustrative purposes, an aviator‘s lungs may be compared to a bottle of air. If an
open bottle is placed in an aircraft at sea level, air escapes from it continuously as the
aircraft ascends. The air pressure at 18,000 feet is only half the amount as that at sea
level; therefore, at 18,000 feet, the bottle is subjected to only half the atmospheric
pressure it was subjected to at sea level. For this reason, it will contain only half the
oxygen molecules it had when on the ground.

Similarly, an aviator‘s lungs contain less and less air as they ascend, and
correspondingly less oxygen. Thus, the use of supplemental oxygen is an absolute
necessity on high-altitude flights.
Up to about 35,000 feet, aviators keep a sufficient concentration of oxygen in their lungs
to permit normal activity by using demand oxygen equipment, which supplies oxygen
upon demand (inhalation). The oxygen received by the body on each inhalation is
diluted with decreasing amounts of air up to about 30,000 feet. Above this altitude up to
about 35,000 feet, this equipment provides 100 percent oxygen. At about 35,000 feet,
inhalation alone will not provide enough oxygen with this equipment.
Above 35,000 feet, normal activity is possible up to about 43,000 feet through the use of
positive pressure equipment. This equipment delivers oxygen to the mask under a
pressure slightly higher than that of the surrounding atmosphere. Upon inhalation, the
oxygen is forced into the lungs by the system pressure. Upon exhalation, the oxygen
flow is shut off automatically so that carbon dioxide can be expelled from the mask.
Normal activity is possible to 50,000 feet with the use of a pressurized breathing oxygen
regulator. Above 50,000 feet, the only adequate provision for the safety of the aviator is
pressurization of the entire body.

Effects of Hypoxia
A decrease in the amount of oxygen per unit volume of air results in an insufficient
amount of oxygen entering the bloodstream. The body reacts to this condition rapidly.
This deficit in oxygen is called HYPOXIA. A complete lack of oxygen, which causes
death, is called ANOXIA. One may recover from hypoxia if provided its normal oxygen
supply, but there is no recovery from anoxia.
Many people are not aware of the enormous increase in their need for oxygen caused
by an increase in physical activity. Strenuous calisthenics or a cross-country run result
in deep and rapid breathing. Even mild exercise like getting up and walking around a
room may double the required air intake. In the case of the aviator, a leaking oxygen
mask that may go completely unnoticed while the wearer is at rest may lead to collapse
and unconsciousness when the aviator attempts to move about from one station to
another in the aircraft. A walk-around (portable) oxygen bottle sufficient for 24 minutes
of quiet breathing may be emptied in 17 minutes when the user is moving about the
People differ in their reactions to hunger, thirst, and other sensations. Even a single
individual‘s reactions vary from time to time under different circumstances. Illness, pain,
fear, excessive heat or cold, and many other factors govern what the response will be in
each particular case. The same thing is true of individual reactions to oxygen starvation.
The effects of a certain degree of hypoxia on a given person cannot be accurately
predicted. For instance, an individual may be relatively resistant on one day, but highly
susceptible the next.
Hypoxia is difficult to detect, because its victims are seldom able to judge how seriously
they are affected or often do not realize that they are affected at all. The unpleasant
sensations experienced in suffocation are absent in the case of hypoxia. Blurred vision,
slight shortness of breath, a vague weak feeling, and a little dizziness are the only
warnings. However, even these may be absent or be so slight that they are
While still conscious, aviators may lose all sense of time and spend their last moments
of consciousness in some apparently meaningless activity. In such a condition, aviators
are menaces to the crew as well as to themselves. Aviators must understand that
reduced air pressure at higher altitudes determines the effects upon the body, and they
need to depend upon the altimeter rather than sensations or judgment to tell them when
oxygen is needed.

Characteristics of Oxygen
Oxygen, in its natural state, is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. Oxygen is
considered to be the most necessary element for survival. It forms about 21 percent of
the atmosphere by volume and about 23 percent by weight. Oxygen makes up nearly
one-half of the earth‘s crust and approximately one-fifth of the air we breathe.
Oxygen combines with most of the other elements. The combining of an element with
oxygen is called oxidation. Combustion is simply rapid oxidation. In almost all
oxidations, heat is given off. In combustion, the heat is given off so rapidly that it does
not have time to be carried away; the temperature rises extremely high, and a flame
Some examples of slow oxidation are the rusting of iron, drying of paints, and the
changing of alcohol into vinegar. Even fuels in storage are slowly oxidized, the heat
usually being carried away fast enough; however, when the heat cannot easily escape,
the temperature may rise dangerously and a fire will break out. This is called
spontaneous combustion.
Oxygen does not burn, but does support combustion. Nitrogen neither burns nor
supports combustion. Therefore, combustible materials burn more readily and more
vigorously in pure oxygen than in air, since air is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen
by volume and only about 21 percent oxygen.
In addition to existing as a gas, oxygen can exist as a liquid and as a solid. Liquid
oxygen is pale blue in color. It flows like water and weighs 9.54 pounds per gallon.
Liquid oxygen, commonly referred to as LOX, is normally obtained by a combined
cooling and pressurization process. When the temperature of gaseous oxygen is
lowered to -182°F and pressurized to about 750 psi, it will begin to change to a liquid
state. When the temperature is lowered to -297°F, it will remain a liquid under normal
atmospheric pressure.
Once converted to a liquid, oxygen will remain in its liquid state as long as the
temperature is maintained below -297°F. The liquid oxygen has an expansion ratio of
862 to 1, which means that one volume of liquid oxygen will expand 862 times when
converted to a gas at atmospheric pressure. Thus, one liter of liquid oxygen produces
862 liters of gaseous oxygen.
Initially, all oxygen carried in naval aircraft was in the gaseous state. As requirements
for flight duration increased, it was found that the weight and space problems involved
with carrying increasing amounts of gaseous oxygen were becoming intolerable. LOX
has proven the answer to these problems. In its liquid state, oxygen can be ―packed‖
into containers small and light enough to be carried even in fighter-type aircraft without
the weight and space penalty.

In the aircraft, oxygen in the liquid state is carried in a container called a converter. This
is a double-walled, vacuum-insulated container similar to the common Thermos bottle.
The converter is equipped with the necessary valves and tubing for vaporizing the liquid
and warming the gas to cockpit temperatures.

Types of Oxygen
Aviators breathing oxygen (MIL-O-27210C) is supplied in two types. Type I is gaseous
oxygen, and Type II is LOX. Oxygen procured under this specification is required to be
99.5 percent pure. The water vapor content must not be more than 0.02 milligrams per
liter when tested at 70°F and at sea level pressure. This is practically bone dry.
Technical oxygen, both gaseous and liquid, is procured under specification BB-0-925.
The moisture content of technical oxygen is not as rigidly controlled as that of breathing
oxygen; therefore, the technical grade should never be used in aircraft oxygen systems.
The extremely low moisture content that breathing oxygen requires is not a means of
avoiding physical injury to the body, but ensures proper operation of the oxygen system.
Air containing a high percentage of moisture can be breathed indefinitely without any
serious ill effects. However, the moisture will affect the aircraft oxygen system in the
small orifices and passages in the regulators. Freezing temperatures can clog the
system with ice and prevent oxygen from reaching the user. Therefore, extreme
precautions must be taken to safeguard against the hazards of water vapor in oxygen


The TTU-511/E test stand (Figure 11-1) is designed to test all liquid oxygen converters
and seat survival kit (SKU) components used-in today‘s naval aircraft. All instruments,
mechanisms, and equipment of the test stand are designed to meet certain criteria,
even when subjected to the normal pitch and roll of a ship.
The test stand is comprised of a differential pressure gauge; three pressure gauges;
four linear flow elements; a liquid oxygen quantity gauge capacitor-type tester; a
flowmeter indicator; a bell jar; a heat exchanger; and the necessary integral piping,
wiring, hoses, and valves needed to properly test oxygen components. See Table 11-1
for component identification.
The TTU-511/E test stand tests liquid oxygen converters and SKU components for
leaks, flow settings, and quantity gauging to make sure they work properly. The test
stand is also used to perform periodic preventive maintenance, tests, and adjustments
on oxygen components.

Figure 11-1 — Liquid oxygen converter test stand.

Table 11-1 — Test stand components.

Item Component Item Component

1 Correction Card Holder PG-3 0-3000 PSIG Supply Pressure
Gauge (not shown)
BF-1 Special Bulkhead Fitting (not PG-4 0-15 PSIG Low Pressure Test
shown) Gauge
C-1 Bell Jar Base Coupling R-1 0-160 PSIG Oxygen Pressure
Regulator (not shown)
C-2 Bell Jar Top Coupling V-1 Flowmeter Selector Valve
DF-1 0-100-inch H2O Differential V-2 Test Pressure Gauge to Bell
Pressure Gauge Jar Valve
NIP-1 0-0.25 LPM Flowmeter RV-4 0-500 PSI Relief Valve (Set at
Connection 180 PSI) (not shown)
NIP-2 0-1 LPM Flowmeter Connection RV-3 5-15 PSI Relief Valve (Set at 5
NIP-3 0-50 LPM Flowmeter V-5 System Bleed Valve

Item Component Item Component
NIP-4 0-150 LPM Flowmeter V-6 Oxygen Supply Valve
NIP-5 Converter Supply Outlet V-7 Differential Pressure Bleed
Connection Valve
NIP-6 Supply to Converter V-8 Differential Pressure Shut-Off
Connection Valve
NIP-7 Differential Pressure Gauge V-9 Converter Supply Flow Control
Connection Valve
PG-1 0-160 PSIG Test Pressure V-10 Test Pressure Gauge Build-Up
Gauge and Flow Valve
PG-2 Flowmeter Indicator Gauge RV-11 100-120 PSI Relief Valve (Set
at 110 PSI)

Preparation for Use

Preparing the test stand for use involves five separate tasks to be done by the PR or by
the on-site metrology calibration team (CAL TEAM). The five tasks and the personnel
responsible for them are as follows:

1. Installation – PR
2. Visual Inspection – PR
3. Correction card preparation – CAL TEAM
4. Leakage testing – PR
5. Calibration – CAL TEAM
Procedures for installing, visually inspecting, and leakage testing the TTU-511/E shall
be in accordance with NAVAIR 13-1-6.4 series. Procedures for leakage testing are
discussed in this chapter; however, procedures listed here are not to be used in place of
those in NAVAIR technical manuals.

Periodic Inspections
One of the keys to a trouble-free test stand is performing periodic inspections on the
test stand. By performing the periodic inspections on time, you find potentially
troublesome areas before they become problems.
Table 11-2 provides the periodic inspections to be performed to facilitate operation,
listed by calendar and operating time.

A clean test stand not only looks good but also gives better service. A clean stand is
essential if leaks are to be located in a timely manner. All external parts of the test stand
must be cleaned with oxygen systems cleaning compound MIL-C-81302, Type 1.
When you clean the test stand, be sure that the test adapters and connection hoses
stored in the accessory tray are also cleaned.
If the front panel of the test stand must be removed for any reason, you must ensure
that all gauge tester surfaces are free from dust and any other foreign matter. The best
way to clean these surfaces is to use clean, low-pressure dry air (about 10 psi is
recommended). To clean the interconnecting piping, hoses, and fittings on the test
stand, you should use clean, dry air pressure not to exceed 160 psi.
Type 1 Freon is recommended for cleaning the terminals of the Liquid Oxygen Quantity
Gauge Tester (capacitor type) test stand.
The bell jar on the TTU-511/E test stand has a sealing o-ring. This o-ring must be
cleaned with distilled water and lubricated with a light coat of lubricant MIL-G-27617.

Table 11-2 — Periodic inspection chart.

Inspection Daily or 8 Weekly or Monthly Every 6

hr. 50 hr. or 250 hr. months
Leak Test X X
Test Pressure Gauge (PG-1) X X X
Low Pressure Test Gauge (PG- X X X
4) Zero (TTU-511/E only)
Differential Pressure Gauge X X X
(DF-1) Zero
Pressure Regulator Valve (R-1) X X
Bell Jar Pressure Relief Valve X
(RV-3) Setting
Accessory Section Pressure X
Relief Valve (RV-4) Setting
Converter Section Pressure X
Relief Valve (RV-11) Setting
Test Pressure Gauge (PG-1) X
Low Pressure Test Gauge (PG- X
4) Adjustment (TTU-511/E

Inspection Daily or 8 Weekly or Monthly Every 6
hr. 50 hr. or 250 hr. months
Differential Pressure Gauge X
(DF-1) Adjustment
Flowmeter Indicator (PG-2) X X X
Linear Flow Element (FLM-1, 2, X
3, 4) Calibration
Flowmeter Calibration Kit X
Pressure Gauge Calibration Kit X
Liquid Oxygen Quantity Gauge X
(Capacitor-Type) Tester

Never apply any oil, grease, or any other material not
approved for use in the presence of gaseous and liquid
oxygen systems.

Correction Card Preparation and Calibration

An on-site CAL TEAM must prepare the correction cards and calibrate the TTU-511/E
test stand. However, because of the operational commitments of today‘s Navy, you may
find yourself with a test stand that needs calibration and updated correction cards when
CAL TEAM services are not available. This chapter covers the procedures outlined in
the NAVAIR 17-15BC-23 for test set calibration and preparing correction cards.

This RTM does not authorize you to calibrate the test stand,
nor does it authorize you to make updates to correction
cards. These tasks must be authorized by higher authority.

Correction Cards
Before you operate the TTU-511/E test stand, individual correction cards for the
following components must be prepared: DF-1, PG-1, PG-4, FLM-1, FLM-2, FLM-3, and
FLM-4. These correction cards must be prepared prior to calibrating the TTU-511/E test
To perform calibration and to prepare correction cards, you will need the Flowmeter
Calibration Kit and the four graphs that are supplied with the kit for that particular test
stand. Each kit will be serialized with the same number as the serial number of the test

To prepare the cards, convert the actual liter-per-minute (lpm) flows to indicate
millimeter (mm) flows on cards 4, 5, 6, and 7. Refer to Figure 11-2 in the following
1. Using the applicable graph for the flowmeter selected, locate the desired lpm at
the bottom of the graph.
2. Trace the selected lpm lineup to where it intersects the graph line.
3. Trace the line from point of intersection to the left-hand edge of the graph to
determine mm. Enter this figure in the appropriate column of the correction card.

Figure 11-2 — Conversion example.

4. Using applicable graphs, repeat steps 1 through 3 for all actual flows given on
correction cards 4 through 7.
5. Indicated flows (in. H2O) are entered on the cards when you calibrate the test

Differential Pressure Gauge (DF-1)

To prepare the differential pressure gauge (DF-1) correction card, perform the following
1. Close system bleed valve V-5, and open the oxygen supply cylinder valve.
Connect the precision 0-to-100-inch H2O low-pressure gauge 6 to the bell jar
bottom coupling C-1. Open the differential pressure shutoff valve V-8.

Correction cards will be completed at this time.

2. Slowly open oxygen supply valve V-6 until the precision 0-to-100-inch H2O low-
pressure gauge indicates 100 inches H2O.
Compare the gauge with the reading displayed on differential pressure gauge DF-1.
3. Enter the difference (if any) in the indicated inches H2O column of correction
card number 1.
4. Slowly open system bleed valve V-5 to reduce the pressure indication on the
precision 0-to-100-inch H2O low-pressure gauge. Reduce pressure in 20-inch
H2O increments. Enter the corrective differential (if any) at each interval on the
correction card.
5. When all entries have been made on the correction card, close oxygen supply
valve V-6 and differential pressure shutoff valve V-8.
6. Open system bleed valve V-5 and bleed the system. Disconnect the precision 0-
to-100-inch H2O low-pressure gauge.

Test Pressure Gauge (PG-1)

To prepare the test pressure gauge (PG-1) correction card, proceed as follows:
1. Connect precision 0-to-200-psig pressure gauge 4 to the bell jar bottom coupling
C-1. Close system bleed valve V-5, and open the test pressure gauge to bell jar
valve V-2.
2. Open oxygen supply valve V-6 until 160 psig registers on the precision 0-to-200-
psig pressure gauge; then, close valve V-6.
3. Compare the precision 0-to-200-psig pressure gauge reading with pressure
registered on test pressure gauge PG-1. Enter the corrective differential (if any)
in the indicated psig column of test stand correction card number 2.
4. Slowly open system bleed valve V-5 to reduce the pressure registered on the
precision 0-to-200-psig pressure gauge. Enter the corrective differential (if any) at
each specified pressure on the test stand correction card.
5. After all correction card entries have been completed, close system bleed valve
V-5 and oxygen supply valve V-6.

Low-Pressure Test Gauge (PG-4)

To prepare a low-pressure test gauge (PG-4) correction card, proceed as follows:
1. With precision 0-to-200-psig test gauge 4 still attached to the bell jar bottom
coupling C-1, open oxygen supply valve V-6 until 7.5 psig is indicated on the
precision 0- to-200-psig test gauge. The pointer of low-pressure test gauge PG-4
should be at midscale. If the pointer is not at midscale, adjust by turning the
adjustment screw on the back of the gauge.

2. Slowly open oxygen supply valve V-6 until 14 psig registers on the precision 0-to-
200- psig test gauge; then, close oxygen supply valve V-6. Compare the reading
with the indication on the low-pressure test gauge PG-4. Enter the corrective
differential (if any) in the indicated psig column of test stand correction card
number 3.
3. Slowly open system bleed valve V-5 and reduce the pressure indicated on the
precision 0-to-200-psig pressure test gauge in 2-psig increments. At each
increment, enter the corrective differential (if any) on the test stand correction
4. After all correction card entries have been completed, ensure that oxygen supply
valve V-6 is closed; then, open system bleed valve V-5 and close test-pressure-
gauge-to-bell-jar valve V-2. Remove the precision 0-to-200-psig test gauge from
the bell jar base coupling C-1.

Linear Flow Elements (FLM-4), (FLM-3), (FLM-2), and (FLM-1)

To prepare the linear flow element correction cards, place the Flowmeter Calibration Kit
on the test stand counter top; then, beginning with the 0-to-150-lpm flow element (FLM-
4), proceed as follows:
1. Connect hose assembly 3 to the top connection of flowmeter 9 (500-to-750-mm
calibration kit) and to the test stand flow element connection NIP-4. Connect
hose assembly 6 to the bottom connection of the calibration kit flowmeter and to
the bell jar base coupling C-1.
2. Set flowmeter selector valve V-1 to the 0-to-150-lpm position and ensure that
system bleed valve V-5 is closed.

Flows used shall be taken from the mm column of the
calibration correction cards. This previously completed
column contains flows in millimeters (mm) equivalent to
corresponding lpm flows.

3. Adjust oxygen supply valve V-6 to set the flow equivalent to 150 lpm (from
correction card number 4) on the 500-to-750-mm calibration kit flow element. The
flow (in inches H2O) will be displayed on flowmeter indicator PG-2. Enter this
reading in the indicated inches H2O column of correction card number 4 opposite
the actual mm flow being drawn.
4. Reduce the flow to the next millimeter reading by adjusting oxygen supply valve
V-6. Repeat step 3. Continue in this manner until all flows on correction card
number 4 have been completed.
5. Close oxygen supply valve V-6, and disconnect the hose and the calibration kit
flowmeter from the test stand.

Hose assembly 3 and hose assembly 6 are used in
calibrating all linear flow elements.

6. Connect the top connection of the 250-to-500-mm calibration kit flowmeter to the
test stand flow element connection NIP-3, and then connect the bottom
connection to bell jar base coupling C-1. Rotate flowmeter selector valve V-1 to
the 0-to-50-lpm position. Ensure that system bleed valve V-5 is closed.
7. Repeat the procedures outlined in steps 3 through 5, using the flows given on
correction card number 5.
8. Connect the top connection of the 125-to-250-mm calibration kit flowmeter to the
test stand flow element connection NIP-2, and then connect the bottom
connection to bell jar coupling C-1. Rotate flowmeter selector valve V-1 to the 0-
to-1.0-lpm position. Ensure that system bleed valve V-5 is closed.
9. Repeat the procedures outlined in steps 3 through 5, using the flows given on
correction card number 6.
10. Connect the top connection of the 0-to-125-mm calibration kit flowmeter to the
test stand flow element connection NIP-1, and then connect the bottom
connection to bell jar base coupling C-1. Rotate flowmeter selector valve V-1 to
the 0.0-to-0.25-lpm position. Ensure that system bleed valve V-5 is closed.
11. Repeat the procedures outlined in steps 3 through 5, using flows given on
correction card number 7.
12. Disconnect hoses 3 and 6 from the calibration kit and test stand. Close oxygen
supply cylinder valve V-6, and then open system bleed valve V-5 to bleed the
test stand. Secure all the test stand valves.

Repairing and Replacing Parts

Anytime you have a defective or damaged part, it must be repaired or replaced.
Information on part numbers can be found in the NAVAIR 17-15BC-23 technical
manual. You may on occasion find you have a defective piece of tubing. To replace any
tubing installed on this test stand (TTU-511/E), remember that you are dealing with
high-pressure oxygen. Therefore, you must use tubing with a minimum wall thickness of
0.049 inches to replace any defective tubing. This tubing may be cut to length and flared
to replace any defective portion of tubing.

When you work with oxygen systems, never use any parts
that have been in contact with oil, grease, or any other
material that is not approved for use in the presence of high-
pressure oxygen. Fire or explosion may result when even
the slightest trace of combustible material comes in contact
with pressurized oxygen.

Heat Exchanger Panel
If the heat exchanger panel is defective, it may be replaced. You may replace the panel
by disconnecting its connections and removing its seven retaining screws. If you use a
new heat exchanger, you may drill or punch holes not exceeding 11/32 inch in diameter
in the perimeter, beyond the outer seam welds, for use in mounting. When the holes are
drilled upon installation, you should be careful to prevent the drill from puncturing the
seam welds.


The A/E26T-4 Portable Oxygen Regulator Test Set (PORTS) shown in Figure 11-3 is
used to perform acceptance testing on a wide variety of aviator oxygen system
components including breathing regulators of all types, manifold and check valve
assemblies, aneroid actuated devices and other altitude controlled devices, oxygen
connectors and shut-off valves, pressure reducer devices, oxygen hoses (leak testing),
and other oxygen components and devices.
The test set is comprised of three major components: the test stand, the vacuum pump
assembly, and the accessories kit. The test stand is housed in a rugged fiberglass
container with carrying handles and tie-down provisions. A removable lid is provided to
protect the unit during transport and storage. The vacuum pump assembly is housed in
a separate container consisting of a vacuum pump base and lid. The accessories kit
houses special connections for components to be tested and test stand connection
material, including the computer. See Table 11-3 for descriptions of the test stand
controls and indicators.
Functional capabilities are as follows:
1. Automatically compensates flow rates for temperature and pressure altitude.
Computer-commanded controllers automatically set flow rates while
simultaneously maintaining altitude and inlet pressure.
2. Automatically calculates oxygen flow and percent oxygen added using nitrogen
as the test gas
3. Controls inlet pressure, outlet flow, altitude, and anti-g pressure
4. Measures and records inlet pressure, outlet flow, altitude, anti-g pressure,
auxiliary flow and pressure, inward/outward leak flow, and bleed/overall leak flow
5. Facilitates hard copy or electronic data storage. Test result data can be stored on
site or uploaded to a central location for troubleshooting or for archiving historical
6. Produces test data sheets list unit, serial number, operator, and supervisor ID
7. Utilizes Laminar Flow Elements (LFE) along with electronic pressure transducers
to measure flow and leakage rates and altitudes
8. Dampens flutter damper
9. Remotely controls vacuum pump
10. Runs all tests on all diluter, positive pressure, combat edge, and constant flow
11. Runs tests on a variety of oxygen hoses, connectors, check valves, shut off
valves, manifolds, and other devices including aneroid actuated initiators

New test sequence files and menu files can be added as additional regulators or other
oxygen components are introduced expanding the PORTS capability.
A ruggedized laptop computer is loaded with all the necessary software to run
component acceptance tests. The software contains the control logic and USB
communication drivers needed to communicate with the test set. It reads pressures,
temperature, and flow, and it calculates the proper output to the controllers. LFEs and
electronic pressure transducers are used to measure flow/leakage rates, altitude, and
regulator inlet, outlet; and anti-g pressures as applicable. For diluter regulators, percent
oxygen added is computed and displayed.
The environmentally hardened computer contains the program, test sequences, and
calibration constants used to operate the test set. Test results may be stored on the
hard drive or printed. Test sequences are stored in separate files on the hard drive.
They may be updated without recompiling the program.
To test a component, the operator simply selects from on-screen menus, and detailed
step-by-step instructions guide the operator through the test sequence. The operator is
prompted to configure the test set for the Unit-Under-Test (UUT). Thereafter, computer
commanded controllers automatically set flow rates while simultaneously maintaining
the specified altitude and inlet pressures. Leak tests are also performed automatically.
The percentage of oxygen added is automatically calculated using the outlet/make-up
air flow ratio. At each test step, the program determines if the UUT has passed or failed.
At the end of the test, a test report indicates whether the UUT is acceptable or if it has
failed. The test report may be stored electronically and/or printed.

Figure 11-3 — Portable oxygen regulator test set (sheet 1 of 2).

Figure 11-3 — PORTS altitude chamber (sheet 2 of 2).

Table 11-3 — Control and indicator descriptions.


1 Source Pressure Gauge Indicates nitrogen bottle pressure
2 Chamber Bleed Normally capped. Allows air into the altitude
/Reference Port chamber if the Test Set is stuck with the chamber at
altitude. Also used to attach a reference standard
for calibration
3 High Pressure Select In the ON position, permits a flow of high pressure
Valve Nitrogen to the High Pressure Port. In the VENT
position, vents Test Set pressure

4 High Pressure Adjust Mechanically operated. Supplies regulated high-
Regulator pressure to the Test Set High Pressure Port
5 Leakage Select Valve In the LEAK position, permits leakage flows through
the Inward/Outward flowmeter and the UUT. In the
RELIEF position, permits vent (reverse) flow
through the Output flowmeter to the UUT
6 Vacuum Pump Control Turns the Vacuum Pump ON/OFF
7 Test Set Pressure Valve Allows low-pressure nitrogen to the Test Set
8 Pressure Select Valve In the MAIN position, permits flow of low-pressure
nitrogen to the Test Set low-pressure port. In the
LEAK position, provides nitrogen to the low-
pressure port via the bleed flowmeter
9 USB Port Connects the computer to the Test Set
10 Electrical Receptacle Connects the power cord to the Test Set
11 Power Switch Turns Test Set electrical power ON/OFF
12 Fuse Holder Holds the fuse that protects the electrical system
from power overload
13 Power Light Indicates Test Set electrical power is ON
14 Damper Valve Used to damper fluttering outlet flow and to stabilize
bouncing outlet pressure
15 Flow Select Valve In the BOOST position, increases outlet flow range.
In the AMBIENT position, outlet flow path is open to
16 Auxiliary Flow Control Used to control auxiliary flow through the Output
Valve flowmeter (reverse direction)
17 Altitude Chamber Used to test components at altitudes
18 Makeup Port Allows flow into/out of chamber in order to control
19 Outlet Pressure Sensing Used to measure component outlet pressure
20 Altitude Sensing Port Port to altitude transducer
21 Low Pressure Port Provides controlled 0-170 psia nitrogen to the UUT.
Both #4 and #6 Flare fittings are provided.
22 Anti-G Port Provides -1 to +15 psi for g-compensated regulators
23 Auxiliary Port Provides connection for testing various components
24 High Pressure Port Provides connection for high-pressure (>180 psi)

25 Outlet Flow Hose Connection for UUT outlet flow and outlet pressure
26 Outlet Pressure Sensing Measures UUT Outlet pressure and collects
Line/ Piezometer pressure inside the tube through a series of holes in
the outer ring
27 Vacuum Port Connection port for the vacuum source
28 Nitrogen Port Connection port for the nitrogen source

PORTS Systems
The PORTS test set is divided into different systems. Some systems are interconnected
and used simultaneously.

Laminar flow is the smooth, well-ordered flow of gas passing through a pipe (the
opposite of laminar flow is turbulent flow). LFE are designed with multiple tiny flow
paths. The flowing gas cannot become turbulent, but remains in a laminar state. For
laminar gas flow, the pressure drop through the LFE is directly proportional to the
volumetric gas flow. For instance, a 10% increase in the differential pressure across the
LFE indicates a 10% increase in the volumetric flow. Using the differential pressure, the
gas temperature, and the absolute gas pressure, the standard rate flow can be

Vacuum System
This system supplies vacuum for the test set. When the START button on the pump
control box is pressed, the vacuum pump starts. It runs continuously until the STOP
button is pressed. A normally open solenoid valve on the pump inlet relieves the
vacuum in the line, easing startup. The vacuum system decreases pressure in the

Supply Nitrogen System

This system supplies a constant source of nitrogen for pressure systems in the test set.
When the nitrogen supply cylinder valve is opened, nitrogen flows to the high-pressure
adjust regulator and to the step down regulator. Supply pressure is indicated on the
source pressure gauge. To vent the supply line, the valve is closed, the high-pressure
adjust regulator is opened a few turns, and the high-pressure select valve is turned to
the VENT position.

High Pressure System
This system is used to supply high pressure to the UUT. High pressure nitrogen flows
from the high-pressure adjust regulator through the high-pressure select valve (when in
the ON position) and on to the high-pressure port in the altitude chamber. System
pressure is indicated on the computer screen at the appropriate test step. The system
has an operating range of 200 to 2,500 psig, measured by means of the high-pressure

Step Down Pressure System

The step-down pressure system reduces the nitrogen source pressure to approximately
250 psig (preset at the factory). From the step down regulator, nitrogen flows to the test
set pressure valve and from there (when the test set pressure valve is in the ON
position) to the following:
1. Low-Pressure Control System
2. Bleed Flow System
3. Relief Flow System
4. 20 psi Pilot System

Low-Pressure Control System

The low-pressure control system is used to supply low pressure (0-170 psi) to the UUT.
The low-pressure controller regulates pressure through the pressure select valve (when
in the MAIN position) and on to the low-pressure port in the altitude chamber. Pressure
(referenced to the altitude chamber pressure), as measured by means of the low
pressure transducer, is indicated on the computer screen at the appropriate test step.

Pressure Leak Control System

The pressure leak control system is used for overall leak and bleed flow testing. The
pressure leak regulator (fixed at 55 psi) provides nitrogen to and through the pressure
leak LFE, on through the pressure select valve (when in the LEAK position), and on to
the low-pressure port in the altitude chamber. System pressure (55 psi) and flow are
indicated on the computer screen at the appropriate test step. The system has a flow
range of 0 to 1,000 standard cubic centimeters per minute.

Relief Flow System

The relief flow system is used for testing relief flow. The relief booster, controlled by the
anti-g controller, supplies regulated nitrogen through the leakage select valve (when in
the RELIEF position), through the output LFE to the outlet flow hose, and on to the
UUT. The system has a flow range of 0 to 100 lpm and an outlet pressure range of +45
inches H2O. The anti-g controller ramps the system pressure up until the specified
outlet pressure is reached or until the specified relief flow is achieved—whichever
occurs first. Outlet pressure and relief flow are indicated on the computer screen at the
appropriate test step.

The shutoff valve is closed during vent flow testing.

Leak Flow System

The leak flow system is used for inward and outward leak flow testing. The leakage
select valve is turned to the LEAK position, the anti-g controller ramps the system
pressure up until the specified outlet pressure is reached, and inward or outward flow
(as required) is measured through the in/out leak LFE. The system has a flow range of 0
to 600 cubic centimeters per minute (ccm) in the outward direction and 300 ccm in the
inward direction. The system outlet pressure range is -15 to +45 inches H2O. Outlet
pressure and inward/outward leak flow are indicated on the computer screen at the
appropriate test step.
The leak shutoff valve seals the leak and relief flow system from the vacuum system.
The pressure leak regulator supplies pressure to the leak pilot valve. At the appropriate
time during a test sequence, the computer commands the leak pilot valve to actuate,
which closes the (normally open) shutoff valve.

20 PSI Pilot Pressure System

The 20 psi regulator supplies pressure (fixed at 20 psig) to the anti-g controller and to
the altitude controller.

Anti-G System
The anti-g system is used to send an anti-g pressure signal to the UUT. The anti-g
controller regulates pressure to the anti-g port in the altitude chamber. Anti-g pressure is
indicated on the computer screen at the appropriate test step. The system has an
operating range of -1 to 15 psi.

Altitude Control/Makeup Flow System

The altitude control system is used to set the desired altitude/chamber pressure
transducer. The system has an operating range of ground level to 50,000 feet, as
measured on the altitude transducer at the chamber reference port.
The makeup flow system is only used during dilution regulator testing. During dilution
regulator testing, the UUT is withdrawing nitrogen from the altitude chamber. The
altitude controller maintains a constant chamber altitude by "making up" for the gas that
the UUT is removing from the chamber. The makeup LFE is used to measure this flow,
which is used to calculate the percent oxygen added. The computer software calculates
the oxygen ratio by comparing the total (output) flow and the makeup flow:
1. (Total flow- Makeup flow)/Total flow X 100 = % oxygen added
A chamber bleed/reference port is provided to allow a reference standard to be
connected to the chamber. This port may also be used to manually return the altitude
chamber to ground level in the event of an altitude controller malfunction.
Auxiliary Flow System
The auxiliary flow system is used to test components that have output pressures that
cannot be handled with the outlet flow system.
Typically, the UUT is connected to the auxiliary port in the chamber. The auxiliary flow
control valve is used to adjust the UUT outlet flow. This auxiliary flow passes through
the outlet LFE (in the reverse direction) and out the outlet flow hose. (The shutoff valve
is closed during auxiliary flow tests.) The system has a flow range of 0 to 150 lpm.
The auxiliary pressure transducer measures the UUT outlet pressure, which is indicated
on the computer screen at the appropriate test step. It has a range of -15 to +150 psig,
displayed relative to the chamber pressure.
The auxiliary flow system is also used for some leak tests. In this instance, the outlet
flow hose is plugged, the leakage valve is turned to the LEAK position, the leak valve is
closed, and the anti-g port is open to AMBIENT. Flow is measured through the in/out
leak LFE in the inward direction (flowing out of the UUT). The system has a flow range
of 300 ccm.

Outlet Flow System

The outlet flow system is used to set and measure UUT outlet flow, as well as the UUT
outlet pressure. The outlet flow control valve adjusts flow to the desired set point, as
measured by the output LFE. (The shutoff valve is open during flow tests.) The outlet
flow control valve has a control resolution of less than one lpm, but it does not have high
flow capacity.
For higher flows (>180 lpm), the flow select valve is used in parallel with the outlet flow
control valve. When in the BOOST position, the flow select valve provides additional
flow capacity, up to 240 lpm. A restrictor in the boost line limits the boost flow so that the
outlet flow control valve is operating in its optimum range.
The system has a flow range of 0 to 240 lpm.
When in the AMBIENT position, the flow select valve opens the outlet flow path to
ambient, which is useful for dampening the regulator flutter that is present during some
testing. The damper valve/reservoir system is used to dampen outlet flow and outlet
pressure flutter.
The outlet pressure transducer measures the outlet pressure, which is indicated on the
computer screen at the appropriate test step. It has a range of -15 to +45 inches H2O.

Electrical System

The computer is loaded with the application software and all
the calibration information for the transducers and LFE for a
particular test set. For this reason, computers cannot be
exchanged from one test set to another. Components of the
electrical system include a hardened laptop computer, USB
cable, power entry module/fuse, power indicating light,
power supply, and power cord.

This test set uses a power supply that converts a wide range of AC voltages to 15 volts
DC. All components of the test set (other than the computer and the vacuum pump)
operate from the DC supply. This test set contains several computer operated
controllers, several transducers, a temperature probe, and a shut off valve. These
components all connect directly to a PC board housed within the test set. This board
also makes it possible to communicate via USB communications to and from the
computer. The computer simultaneously uses signals from the test set sensors and
sends commands to the controllers, all via USB communications. No direct connection
is made to the vacuum pump; however, a control box is provided for convenience to the
Several pressure readings are required for the operations of this test set. Eight solid
state transducers are mounted below the PC board box, plus two additional transducers
are mounted in other locations in the test set. These transducers connect via various
tubes and hoses with flowmeters and other pressure pick-up points within the test set.
The transducers send their measured values to the PC board where they are sent via
USB communication to the computer. These measurements are used to evaluate the
UUT and to assist in the automatic operation of the test set. The computer sends
command signals to the solid state transducers for control. These 0 – 5 volt signals are
conditioned by the circuit board to be 0 – 10 volts and transferred to the controllers.
The pump is powered by a 120 VAC 20-amp source. The pump is controlled by a
start/stop push button station that mounts on the front panel. A normally open START
button provides power to pull in the mechanical relay. The mechanical relay then
supplies current to its own coil and that of the solid state relay through the normally
closed STOP button. So after the START button is pressed, the relay remains
energized until the STOP button interrupts the power to the mechanical relay coil. This
relay provides power to turn on a solid state relay that provides power to the pump
motor and the normally open relief valve. When the pump starts, the valve closes.
A circuit board provides for communication between the computer and the test set
components. A 100-ohm four wire platinum temperature probe with cable measures the
flowing gas temperature (temperature is used to calculate the gas flow rate).


Exceeding 2500 psi source pressure may result in personal
injury and/or damage to the test set. Do not over-pressurize
any of the test set components. The test set software has
built-in warnings in case any of the transducers is out of
range. If it becomes apparent that a variable is going out of
range, abort the test and determine the cause of the over
range before continuing. Failure to comply may result in
damage to equipment and personal injury.

If the pressures and flows are not at zero during start up, the
test set will give incorrect results.

Perform a preoperational check in accordance with the NAVAIR 17-600-768-6-1

technical manual.
The operating procedures are as follows:
1. Ensure that all test set flow, vacuum, and pressure valves are set to OFF.

The next step is to ensure pressure is zero in the test set.

2. Remove the caps from the high, low, and auxiliary pressure ports in the chamber.
3. Turn the test set ON by switching the POWER switch.

When the computer boots up, the test set will automatically
be zeroed.

4. Turn ON the computer, slide the power switch to the right, and hold it for
approximately one second until the power light comes on. If it is held for more
than four seconds, the computer will be forced OFF. The Setup/Teardown/Test
Components popup will appear. If Setup or Teardown is chosen, follow the
onscreen instructions. If Test Components is chosen, follow the onscreen popup
instructions. A title screen will appear with information about the particular test
5. A caution screen appears.
6. A selection screen appears.
a. Replace the caps on the high- and low-pressure ports in the chamber.
The presence of three asterisks (***) denotes a drop-down
option with more available tests to select.

b. The OPERATIONAL CHECK button is used to do an operational check of the

test set. Most of the test set hardware is exercised with this check.
c. The SUPERVISORY button is used to access the maintenance screen.
d. The EXIT PROGRAM button is used to exit the program and prepare the unit
for shut down.
e. The DISPLAY SETUP button is used to show instructions to setup and
prepare the unit for testing.
f. The REVIEW SAVED TESTS button is used to review previously run and
completed tests.
7. Select a component to be tested from the drop-down menu by double clicking on
the item on the menu. The chamber door must be open at this point.
8. Confirm the Test Operate screen popup by clicking OK.
a. The Test Setup screen, low-pressure, high-pressure, outlet flow, and altitude
are displayed. When the pressures and outlet flow are zero and ground level
altitude is displayed, the caution displays are green and it is safe to proceed.
b. Enter the UUT serial number, the operator ID, and the supervisor/Collateral
Duty Inspector (CDI).
c. Click the TEST button to start the test. The Test Run screen appears with
appropriate prompts/instructions on how to test the UUT.

If a prolonged amount of time has passed with no activity,
click FAIL/ABORT and ensure that the unit is ON and all
connections are made and secure.

1) The test title displays at the top of the screen.

2) When appropriate, instructions display.
3) Test set points and actual values display for flow, altitude, pressure, etc.
4) Acceptance criteria may be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
5) Stable lights indicate when a parameter has settled and is not oscillating.
6) The ready light indicates when all parameters required for the test have
settled within limits of their set points and are stable.
7) The passed light indicates parameters are within the acceptance criteria.
8) Use the FAIL/ABORT button to stop the test.
9) Use the NEXT STEP button to continue (when instructed to do so).
d. Follow the on-screen prompts and instructions to complete the test.

If you want to stop the test, or are unsure about what to do,
click the FAIL/ABORT button to return to the test setup

e. When the test is completed the test results screen appears. If the test results
are more than one page long, you can view other pages by clicking the
PREVIOUS/NEXT buttons. Click the SAVE button to save the data

If not done at test set start, you will be prompted to enter the
UUT serial number, the operator ID, and the supervisor/CDI.

f. Click the EXIT RESULTS button to exit the test results screen. If you have not
saved the test data, a popup will ask you if you want to save the data. Click
YES or NO, and the continue popup will appear.

Shut Down
To shut down the system, click the EXIT PROGRAM button on the selection screen and
follow the onscreen shutdown instructions. Following the initial instructions, the
Shutdown/Teardown Display popup will appear. To continue shutdown, click
SHUTDOWN and follow the instructions displayed. For teardown instructions, click
TEARDOWN and follow the instructions displayed.

The TTU-518 oxygen concentrator test set (Figure 11-6) is a portable, self-contained
testing unit providing the required hoses, cables, filter assembly, and exhaust muffler
assembly needed for functional testing and adjustment of the GGU-7/A and GGU-12/A
oxygen concentrators. The GGU-7/A is used on the AV-8B and T-45 aircraft. The GGU-
12/A is used on F/A-18C/D aircraft.
The function of the test set is to route a compressed air supply through the test set to
the oxygen concentrator being tested, then to monitor the oxygen-enriched air from the
concentrator for oxygen content. The test set displays the percentage of oxygen output
from the concentrator at various input pressures and output flow rates.
Scheduled maintenance of the concentrator test set consists of performing pre-
operational checks and inspecting the following test set components:
 Combination case and test set
 Muffler assembly
 Inlet filter assembly
 Lamp assemblies

Figure 11-6 — TTU-518 oxygen concentrator test set.

Demand oxygen regulators are designed to regulate oxygen on demand to the aircrew
member during flight. Refer to NA 13-1-6.4 series manuals for maintenance, inspection,
and repair information. The regulator is a chest-mounted, positive pressure, g-
modulated regulator that provides demand oxygen flow to the aircrew member,
Pressure Breathing for Altitude (PBA), and Pressure Breathing for g‘s (PBG).
The safety pressure feature of the CRU-103A/P regulator (Figure 11-4) automatically
maintains a positive pressure of 0.5 to 1.8 inches of water (inH2O) in the mask at all
altitudes up to approximately 34,000 feet. The pressure-breathing feature maintains a
positive pressure of up to 20.0 in H2O in the mask at altitudes between 34,000 and
50,000 feet, with the positive pressure increasing in proportion to the altitude. Oxygen
demand regulators can be used routinely up to 43,000 feet and up to 50,000 feet for
short periods in case of an emergency.
Demand oxygen regulators are designed for use with the MBU-20P series oxygen mask
as part of the oxygen system in aircraft with Liquid Oxygen Systems (LOX) or On-Board
Oxygen Generating Systems (OBOGS).

Figure 11-4 — CRU-103A/P demand oxygen regulator.

Pressurized oxygen in the range of 5-120 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) is
supplied to the regulator at the breathing gas inlet. This gas is provided by the aircraft
LOX system or the OBOGS. A pressure balanced demand valve is used to minimize the
effects of differing inlet pressures. The demand valve is actuated by a bell crank
mechanism with force from a safety pressure spring and the differential pressure across
breathing diaphragm. In the pressure demand mode, the aircrew member inhales,
thereby lowering the pressure at the regulator outlet. This pulls the breathing diaphragm

down (due to the pressure difference) and opens the demand valve to provide oxygen
flow to noise attenuator and mask outlet.
To provide PBA, positive pressure that is controlled by PBA aneroid assembly is applied
to the top of the breathing diaphragm by the PBA subsystem. The PBA subsystem
consists of the PBA aneroid assembly, ambient vent, lapped metal to metal valve, and a
spring. A constant bleed through the breathing diaphragm bleed orifice provides a slow
flow of oxygen through the PBG and PBA subsystems to an ambient vent. As altitude
increases, the PBA aneroid assembly expands and restricts the bleed flow through the
ambient vent, thereby increasing pressure above the breathing diaphragm and opening
the demand valve to provide positive oxygen flow to the aircrew member through the
noise attenuator and mask outlet.
To provide PBG, the PBG bellows assembly is pressurized by an externally provided
anti-g reference pressure that is supplied to the regulator at the anti-g ref pressure inlet.
The PBG bellows assembly controls positive pressure applied to the top of the
breathing diaphragm. The PBG subsystem includes the PBG bellows assembly, lapped
metal-to-metal valve, diaphragm, and spring. A constant bleed through the breathing
diaphragm bleed orifice provides a slow flow of oxygen through the PBG and PBA
subsystems to an ambient vent. As the anti-g reference pressure increases, the PBG
bellows assembly expands and restricts the bleed flow through the ambient vent,
thereby increasing pressure above the breathing diaphragm and opening the demand
valve to provide positive oxygen flow to the aircrew member. Diaphragm pressure
balances the valve so that PBA pressure does not affect PBG. The higher of the desired
PBA or PBG pressure is provided by the regulator.
In the event of an explosive decompression or failed anti-g valve, the relief valve limits
the internal g signal to approximately 11.5 psig regardless of the applied g signal value.
The regulator has two outlets that provide breathing gas at the appropriate pressure.
The mask outlet connects to the breathing hose of the MBU-20/P mask and tensioning
bladder. The vest outlet connects to the vest hose of the CSU-17/P counter-pressure
vest. The vest outlet includes a check valve and a vest relief valve. When the vest is not
connected, the vest relief valve limits the breathing pressure to a value between 20 and
24 inches of H2O.
The main relief valve is designed to open and vent to ambient at a minimum of 30
inches H2O and reseat at approximately 30 inches H2O. In addition, the main relief valve
can be opened by outlet pressure in excess of the required PBA or PBG schedule. This
venting is caused by the breathing diaphragm moving upward, rotating the bell crank
counterclockwise and pushing the main relief valve open to allow excess pressure to
escape to ambient.
The bell crank mechanism that pulls the demand valve open on demand is linked to the
breathing diaphragm. It allows the tension shaft to slide through one crank arm so that
an opposite arm can push open the main relief valve and vent excess pressure sensed
by the breathing diaphragm. The longer arm on the bell crank is connected to the
breathing diaphragm. The compression spring, positioned between the bell crank and
the demand valve, increases the closing force to the demand valve during overpressure
venting but does not increase the opening force for the demand valve in the demand

Panel-mounted regulators installed in aircraft are designed to provide a continuous flow
of oxygen to the aircrew member during flight. Refer to the NA 13-1-6.4 series manuals
for maintenance, inspection, and repair information.
Type CRU-121(V)/A aircraft panel-mounted oxygen regulators (Figure 11-5) are
manufactured by Carleton Technology Inc. These regulators can be configured into one
of three variations when a parts kit is added to an oxygen regulator base. The three
configurations are as follows:
 Low pressure (10 to 500 psig operating pressure range)
 High pressure (10 to 2000 psig operating pressure range)
 Night Vision Goggle (NVG) capability (10 to 500 psig operating pressure range)
The regulator incorporates a pressure reducer that reduces inlet pressures down to 50
to 100 psig, giving the regulator the flexibility to change from low pressure to high
pressure or from normal to NVG capability by simply changing face plates, light bulbs,
pressure gauges, or a combination of all three.
All controls and indicators necessary for operating the regulator and monitoring
performance are located on an illuminated panel with the regulating components
attached to the mounting plate and controls assembly.
The regulators are panel mounted or are mounted as portable emergency oxygen
systems. The regulators are automatic safety pressure type regulators and are used in
conjunction with a pressure breathing type oxygen mask or full face smoke mask
equipped with a pressure compensating exhalation valve with a safety relief. The
regulator supplies 100 percent oxygen and delivers an automatic safety pressure of 0.0
to 2.5 inches H2O outlet pressure to the user when placed in the NORMAL position from
sea level to 40,000 feet. When placed in the Emergency Mode, the regulator will deliver
a positive pressure of 3.0 to 5.0 inches H2O outlet pressure to the user from sea level to
40,000 feet. Unlike older panel mount regulators, the CRU-121 does not incorporate an
air dilution feature or automatic pressure breathing feature.

Figure 11-5 — CRU-121(V)/A aircraft panel-mounted oxygen regulator.

11-1. What type of equipment are aviators required to utilized above 43,000 feet?

A. Positive pressure
B. Demand regulator
C. Negative pressure
D. Fixed pressure

11-2. At what temperature is liquid oxygen (LOX) maintained?

A. 182 F
B. -182 F
C. 297 F
D. -297 F

11-3. How many linear flow elements can be found on the TTU-511/E test stand?

E. Three
F. Four
G. Five
H. Six

11-4. Weekly inspections are performed on the TTU-511/E test stand. These
inspections may be broken down into operating hours. What total number of
operating hours is considered a week?

A. 35 hr
B. 40 hr
C. 50 hr
D. 100 hr

11-5. Which of the following cleaning agents is used to clean external parts of the TTU-
511/E test stand?

A. MIL-C-81302, Type 1
B. MIL-C-6903A, Type 1
C. MIL-C-8939
D. MIL-C-2613

11-6. What is the maximum pressure when using air for cleaning the TTU-511/E test
stand interconnecting pipes, hoses, and fittings?

A. 50 psi
B. 160 psi
C. 400 psi
D. 500 psi

11-7. Who is responsible for calibrating the TTU-511/E test stand?

A. PRs, E-6, or above

B. On-site meteorology calibration team
C. Martin-Baker technical representative
D. Personnel assigned to depot level maintenance

11-8. Which of the following items should be used to lubricate the TTU-511/E test
stand bell jar o-ring after it has been cleaned?

A. MIL-G-2489
B. MIL-G-2873
C. MIL-G-6903
D. MIL-G-27617

11-9. Which of the following TTU-511/E test stand components does NOT require a
correction card?

A. PG-1
B. PG-2
C. FLM-1
D. FLM-2

11-10. When are flow conversion entries made on the TTU-511/E test stand correction

A. During the leakage test

B. During the daily test
C. During test stand calibration
D. During the test of an oxygen converter

11-11. When preparing the TTU-511/E test stand differential pressure gauge correction
card, you must connect the precision 0-to-100 inch H2O low-pressure gauge to
which of the following components?

A. Relief valve
B. Flowmeter 125-250 mm
C. Bell jar bottom coupling
D. Pressure gauge calibration kit

11-12. To complete the TTU-511/E test stand differential pressure gauge correction card
after making the correction for 100 inches H2O, you must drop the pressure in
what increments?

A. 5 inches H2O
B. 10 inches H2O
C. 20 inches H2O
D. 25 inches H2O

11-13. The pointer of the TTU-511/E test stand low-pressure test gauge can be adjusted
through which of the following methods?

A. Turning the adjustment screw on the back of the gauge

B. Turning the adjustment screw on the front of the gauge
C. Opening the oxygen supply valve
D. Closing the oxygen supply valve

11-14. When preparing the correction card for the TTU-511/E test stand low-pressure
gauge, you make your first correction reading at 14 psig. How many other
readings are required?

A. Two
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six

11-15. When preparing the TTU-511/E test stand linear flow elements correction card 4,
oxygen supply valve V-6 is adjusted to the value for 150 lpm. Where do you
observe the flow reading that is to be recorded on correction card 4?

A. PG-1
B. PG-2
C. PG-3
D. PG-4

11-16. You should adjust TTU-511/E test stand relief valve V-11 to what value?

A. 50 psi
B. 90 psi
C. 110 psi
D. 120 psi

11-17. Where is the computer connected to the PORTS test stand?

A. USB port
B. Makeup port
C. Connector J1
D. Output pressure sensing line

11-18. Which of the following ports allows flow into and out of the chamber in order to
control altitude on the PORTS test set?

A. Anti-g
B. Makeup
C. High pressure
D. Altitude sensing

11-19. The PORTS step down pressure system reduces the nitrogen source to
approximately what pressure?

A. 25 psig
B. 50 psig
C. 125 psig
D. 250 psig

11-20. The PORTS pressure leak regulator is fixed at what pressure?

A. 45 psi
B. 55 psi
C. 65 psi
D. 75 psi

11-21. The PORTS makeup flow system is used during which of the following tests?

A. Relief flow tests

B. UUT outlet flow test
C. Dilution regulator tests
D. Inward and outward leak flow tests

11-22. In what position are the flow, vacuum, and pressure valves placed when starting
to use the PORTS?


11-23. Who manufactures the CRU-103 regulator?

A. RTD Ltd.
B. Martin-Baker Ltd.
C. East/West Industries Inc.
D. Carleton Technologies Inc.

11-24.Up to what altitude does the CRU-103 regulator maintain a positive mask
pressure between 0.5 and 1.8 inches H2O?

A. 34,000 feet
B. 43,000 feet
C. 45,000 feet
D. 50,000 feet

11-25. What type of regulator is the CRU-121(V)/A?

A. Mini
B. Demand
C. Panel-mounted
D. Forced breathing

Today‘s rescue procedures are based on early detection and fast recovery of the
surviving aircrewman. Once an aircrewman has been placed into a survival situation, it
is essential they are located as soon as possible, and the key items for accomplishing
that goal are the survival radios and emergency beacons.
Navy aircrewmen carry survival radios as part of their personal survival equipment. The
survival radio provides two-way communication between the aircrewman and the
Search and Rescue (SAR) forces. You must check each aircrewman‘s radio when you
perform the 90-day calendar inspection on aircrew survival equipment.
Emergency beacons are transmitters that have no receive capability. SAR forces
equipped with a Direction-Finding (DF) receiver can determine the bearing to the
broadcasting beacon. Beacons incorporating technological advances have the ability to
transmit digital data containing positional coordinates and other information to improve
the probability of a successful recovery.
This chapter describes the operation and inspection of the PRC-149 non-combat radio,
the PRQ-7 combat radio, and the URT-140 emergency beacon.

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to identify and describe survival radios
and beacons.


The AN/PRC-149 radio set (Figure 12-1) is a non-combat radio that combines a voice
transceiver at selectable frequencies of 121.5 MHz, 243.0 MHz, and 282.8 MHz with a
multi-mode personal locator beacon that simultaneously transmits the older 121.5 MHz
and 243.0 MHz beacon frequencies with the newer digital 406.025 MHz beacon
frequency. An embedded GPS receiver provides positional data within a 300-foot
accuracy that is coded into the digital beacon transmissions. Global Positioning System
(GPS) initial acquisition time takes less than 130 seconds.
The radio set can also used by rescue swimmers when configured with a C-
12631/PRC-149 Swimmer Control Unit (SCU).

The AN/PRC-149 radio set is capable of operating at the following frequencies:
 121.5 MHz civilian emergency frequency
 243.0 MHz military emergency frequency
 282.8 MHz international emergency voice transceiver frequency
 406.025 MHz international emergency message frequency
Figure 12-1 — PRC-149 radio set.

The radio set weighs 34 ounces (excluding the batteries) and measures 8.25 inches
long, 4 inches wide, and 2 inches thick.

Main Electronics Housing

The main electronics housing accommodates the radio controls, LED indicators,
speaker, microphone, and GPS antenna.

Blade Antenna Assembly

The radio is each fitted with a stowable blade antenna used for transmitting beacon
signals and for receiving and transmitting voice signals.

The batteries can be replaced without the use of special tools and while the user is
wearing gloves. The radio set is designed to prevent damage either to the batteries or
the radio should the batteries be installed incorrectly.

Wrist Strap and Storage Pouch
The radio set includes a wrist strap to prevent inadvertent loss. A nylon storage pouch
for a radio headset is attached to the wrist strap.

Swimmer Control Unit (SCU)

The SCU consists of a radio control cable with a radio set connector as well as a radio
control box incorporating a speaker/microphone, headset contacts, volume up and
down switches, and a push-to-talk switch. The SCU includes its own integral antenna.
The radio set and the SCU are intended to be used in an LPU-28 Aircrew Life
Preserver. In the swimmer radio configuration, an SCU is connected to the radio set in
place of blade antenna assembly by the SCU‘s integral cable. The radio set is stored in
the pocket on the front of the life preserver. The back of the SCU control box is firmly
attached to the LPU-28 Aircrew Life Preserver via hook material (Velcro).

The PRC-149 is meant to be held in the right hand, three to five inches from the
operator‘s face. Speech should be directly into microphone with the antenna pointed
generally vertical and perpendicular to the line of sight to the SAR aircraft. The
directions are located on the operating instructions label attached to the radio set (see
Figure 12-1).
The mode selector switch (Figure 12-2) selects the radio set operating mode. The mode
selector switch is a push-and-turn type switch to prevent inadvertent activation of the
radio or switching from one mode to another. The radio set operates in six operating
 AM transceiver
 Triple-frequency beacon
 406 MHz beacon
The push-to-talk (PTT) and VOLUME UP/DOWN switches are mainly used to control
the voice communication traffic when operating in the AM transceiver mode.

Figure 12-2 — PRC-149 radio set controls.

The radio set has two types of built-in-tests (BIT).

A power-up BIT is initiated each time the mode selector switch is rotated from the OFF
position to any operating mode position. This test verifies that the processor can read
and write from its memory and that basic processor communication with its peripherals
is working. This test takes less than two seconds, during which time all four LEDs
(Figure 12-3) are ON. If the BIT passes, all four LEDs are turned OFF for approximately
two seconds before the selected mode of operation begins, at which time the LEDs
function accordingly for the mode of operation. If the BIT fails, all four LEDs remain ON
A maintenance BIT tests the radio set and verifies that:
 Battery voltage is above threshold under full load, ensuring four hours of
 Output power of all beacons is within tolerance limits
 All synthesizers are locked
 The AM transmitter output power is within tolerance limits for all channels
 The AM receiver is operating on all channels

The operator can initiate a maintenance-BIT by placing the mode selector switch to
GPS and then starting the test by pressing the VOLUME UP and DOWN buttons
simultaneously for approximately 10 seconds or until the BCN LED lights. The BCN
LED remains ON continuously until the test is complete. When the test is complete, the
BCN LED indicates the results as described on the operating instructions label.

Figure 12-3 — PRC-149 radio set LED display.


Removing the housing cover invalidates the warranty and
might affect radio beacon set‘s integrity.

The radio set does not require scheduled maintenance beyond cleaning exterior
surfaces, scheduled actuation of the BITs, and battery replacement.
Local repair of the unit is limited to replacing batteries, the battery holder assembly, the
blade antenna assembly, and the mode selector switch knob in the event of damage.

Do not ship batteries with the unit. Always remove batteries
before shipping.

Ship all accessories including mode selector switch locking
clip and battery holder assembly but without batteries
together with the radio set. Do not ship the SCU with radio
set. Radio sets returned for repair should be placed in POOL
status in JSETS.

For the latest inspection requirements, see NAVAIR 16-30PRC149-1.

Preflight/Postflight inspections include a visual inspection of the PRC-149 and cleaning
if needed. The preflight also requires a power-up BIT.
Every 90 days, a maintenance BIT will be performed on the PRC-149.
Every 180 days, perform a GPS acquisition check on the PRC-149 and inspect the
batteries and holder.
Every 3 years, replace the batteries in the PRC-149 radio.


Combat Survivor/Evader Location (CSEL) System

The CSEL system is composed of three segments:
 Over-the-Horizon (OTH) segment
 Ground segment
 User segment

The AN/PRQ-7 radio set is part of the CSEL System User segment as shown in Figure
12-4. The CSEL system uses GPS, other national and international satellite systems,
and national assets to provide geo-position and radio communication. The primary use
of the CSEL system is for search and rescue.

OTH Segment
The Over-The-Horizon (OTH) Segment operates over the following Satellite
Communication (SATCOM) systems:
 Ultra High Frequency (UHF) SATCOM
 Cosmicheskaya Systyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov - Search & Rescue Satellite
Assisted Tracking (COSPAS-SARSAT)
The UHF SATCOM mode supports two-way secure messaging/geo-position between
an AN/GRC-242 Radio Set Base Station and the AN/PRQ-7 Radio Set through a UHF
SATCOM channel. The Low Probability of Exploitation (LPE) mode supports one-way
secure messaging/geo-position from the radio using national assets. LPE radio
transmissions are acknowledged by the Joint Search and Rescue Center (JSRC) via
the base station and UHF SATCOM satellite. The SARSAT mode operates over the
international COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system providing non-secure data and beacon
transmissions and is intended for emergency coverage at latitudes above 70° where
UHF SATCOM coverage is usually not available, as well as backup coverage through
the civil Search and Rescue (SAR) system.

Ground Segment
The Ground Segment is composed of CSEL workstations and the global Ground
Distribution Network (GDN) (Secret Internet Protocol Router Network [SIPRNET]) that
interconnects with a base station. A CSEL workstation is a stand alone or existing
workstation that supports the Defense Information Infrastructure (DII) Common
Operating Environment (COE) and is running the CSEL JSRC application segment
software. The CSEL JSRC software can operate simultaneously with other mission
applications. The GDN provides a highly reliable and timely global connection between
all CSEL ground elements by utilizing the existing Defense Information System Network
(DISN) with DII COE compatible communications protocols.

Figure 12-4— CSEL system architecture.

User Segment
The User Segment equipment consists of the AN/PRQ-7 radio, J-6431/PRQ-7 Radio
Set Adapter (RSA) (also referred to as the loader), CSEL Planning Computer (CPC),
and CPC Control Program software. The radio provides data communication, geo-
positioning, voice, and beacons. The RSA provides the physical interface between the
CPC and two operational radios. One radio serves as the reference in the RSA to
acquire and store GPS almanac, ephemeris, and time for transfer to the other (target)
radio. The CPC hosts the CPC Control Program software and with the RSA is used to
load the radios. A Windows operating environment is used to load a target radio with
mission specific data (communications frequencies and channels, datums and
waypoints, an optional user password, etc.), transfer GPS data from the reference to the
target radio, and control GPS key loading. Loading current almanac and ephemeris data
speeds the satellite acquisition process in the GPS receiver. Transferring current GPS
data accelerates the calculation of user position.

The PRQ-7 radio set consists of the radio with a main battery (Figure 12-5), an
earphone, a strap, and a pouch attached to the rear of the radio.
The PRQ-7 radio can withstand conditions associated with aircrew emergency egress,
such as shock, vibration, and g-forces. The radio will withstand salt-water immersion at
one meter for twelve hours and at ten meters for five minutes. It will operate at the
temperature range of -20 °C to +55 °C, withstand the g-forces associated with ejection,
withstand rapid decompression, and operate after four-foot drops onto concrete. The
radio will operate after field biological and chemical decontamination with a water and
chlorine bleach solution.
The radio is powered by a main battery providing approximately 96 hours of operation.
The radio may be powered from a non-rechargeable Lithium/Manganese battery or a
rechargeable Lithium Ion battery. The non-chargeable battery indicates its remaining
battery life and alerts the user when battery energy is getting low. Non-rechargeable
battery indications are displayed on the radio. The rechargeable battery has a state-of
charge indicator on the face of the battery consisting of a five-segment Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD) bar graph readout.
Frequencies, waypoints, crypto keys, and messages are maintained in a volatile
memory using power from the main battery pack. During battery pack changes, a
capacitor maintains volatile memory. A fully charged capacitor is able to maintain
volatile memory for 10 to 20 minutes. The capacitor is charged when the main battery is
A unique, non-changeable handheld radio identification (HHRID) number set at the
factory identifies each radio. Transmissions are automatically tagged with this
identification number and encrypted using traffic encryption keys (TEK) unique to each
radio. This allows each radio to be individually tracked at the JSRC.
The radio incorporates National Security Agency (NSA) approved communications
security (COMSEC) techniques to prevent crypto keys from being extracted. An NSA-
approved encryption algorithm is used to protect UHF SATCOM and LPE
transmissions. A zeroize feature is included to permit the user to purge volatile memory.
The radio includes a password feature to control its use. Password entry is required
each time the radio is turned ON. Three password entry attempts are allowed each time
the radio is turned ON. After three (3) failed password entry attempts, the radio zeroizes
and powers down.

Figure 12-5 — PRQ-7 radio set.
In UHF SATCOM mode, the system provides location data to the CSEL Workstation
once the radio user‘s initial message has been received by the base station. To provide
initial alert and position information to a recovery unit, a user must deploy the antenna,
turn ON the radio, orient the radio, and depress the Immediate (IMM) Transmit key. On
the first IMM key depression, the radio enters into a sequence that steps the user
through a series of actions. The sequence is known as the Immediate-Fix-Immediate
(IFI) Auto-sequence. The IFI establishes the user into the CSEL network, provides initial
user authentication, and reports GPS position to the CSEL Workstation. The CSEL
system delivers a message from a radio to a CSEL Workstation and returns within
approximately ten minutes. The user is notified within twelve seconds that the base
station has received the transmission.
The radio GPS receiver obtains geo-positioning information that is included in every
data transmission. Data transmissions are received at the base station and transmitted
to theater command centers and search and rescue coordination centers via existing
DOD GDN. User positions are graphically displayed on maps, and message text
displays at workstations in rescue centers that have compatible hardware and software.
The radio also provides Line-of-Sight (LOS) non-secure amplitude modulated (AM)
voice and beacon communications in addition to the following three modes of digital
messaging transmission:
The radio set incorporates an integral omni-directional antenna for UHF/VHF LOS
voice, beacon, UHF SATCOM communications, and LPE data. An omni-directional GPS
antenna is built into the top of the radio.

The power key (PWR) shown in Figure 12-6 is used to control power to the radio and
backlight. The power key controls the following functions:
 Turns radio ON – Pressing and holding the PWR key places the radio in the user
mode and momentarily displays an Introduction screen, followed by the
Password screen (if the password function is enabled) or to the Main Menu
screen if the password function is disabled.
 Backlight – Each PWR key press toggles the backlight ON and OFF.
 Placing radio in sleep mode – pressing and holding the PWR key takes the user
to the Confirm Sleep screen.
Pressing any three keys on the keypad AND the push-to-talk or volume keys will turn
the radio OFF.

Figure 12-6 — PRQ-7 radio set keypad.

The first time the IMM key is pressed, the radio will perform the IMM-Fix-IMM Auto-
sequence that is a series of pre-programmed steps. Following the IMM-Fix-IMM Auto-
sequence, the IMM key is used to send a radio transmission. With power ON, press and
release the IMM key to transmit user ID, position, and previously queued text message.
The transmission modes of the IMM key operations are programmable at the time the
radio is configured and can be changed by the user.
The cursor control keys allow the operator to navigate within the menu screens.
Protrusions on the radio key face aid the operator in locating the desired cursor
direction keys.
The MAIN key is used to access the Main Menu screen (Figure 12-7), which displays
the following:
 Current date and ZULU time
 Time remaining until the next transmission
 Messages, Navigation, and Radio Status menu links
 Unread messages icon
 GPS keys loaded icon
 Non-rechargeable battery status icon

Figure 12-7 — PRQ-7 main menu screen.

The BACK key is used to return to a previous screen, except on data entry screens
where it functions as a backspace key.
The ENTER key is used to accept current edited data or to advance to another screen.
The HELP key is used to access available help information. Pressing the key takes the
user to the Help screen.
The Push-To-Talk (PTT) button (Figure 12-8) is used to transmit in LOS voice mode.
The PTT button may be programmed to turn the voice mode on automatically.
The volume (VOL) control buttons perform the following functions:
 A single press of VOL+ disables mute; succeeding presses increases volume.
 A single press of VOL- decreases volume. The volume level is displayed
graphically on the screen.
 Holding VOL- mutes voice communications. Mute ON displays in volume bar.

The volume control button is active only when the voice
function is enabled.

An earphone connector provides an audio output capability, when an external earphone

is connected the speaker is muted.
The radio display screen (Figure 12-7) consists of five rows of information. The Main
screen area is used to display radio information and active screen areas. Active screen
areas are identified by underlined text, which may be links to other screens or may
activate a selection list, accept an action, or allow freeform text and numeric entries.
The cursor keys are used to select the active area, which then displays the text in a
flashing box. Pressing ENTER activates the highlighted screen area. As each screen
displays, the cursor highlights the first active screen area. Moving the cursor advances
to the next active area in a continuous loop. Icons are used to identify unread
messages, GPS keys, and battery status. The battery status icon only appears if a non-
rechargeable battery is installed on the radio.

To turn the radio ON, press and hold the PWR key. An introduction screen will appear
followed by initialization screens and then the Contact JSRC screen, the Main Menu
Screen, or if the password option has been enabled, the Password screen.

Password Entry
Password entry is an optional requirement loaded into the radio at the time of
configuration. The password function cannot be disabled once the radio is deployed,
and the user cannot change the password if the password option was loaded.
Three unsuccessful password entry attempts will cause a zeroization to be performed
and the radio to be powered-down. Subsequent successful password entries allow the
user access to limited radio functions.
If the password option has been enabled, then after the radio power-ON sequence, the
Password screen will appear with the backlight ON. The radio display will go blank and
the radio will turn OFF if there is no keypad activity for more than one minute. The
password uses numerical values between one (1) and nine (9).
A password is entered using the cursor control key as a series of up-arrows or down-
arrows for each digit. The first digit of the password uses the up-arrow, the second digit
uses the down-arrow, the third digit uses the up-arrow, and so forth until all password
digits (up to 10) are entered. Display feedback is provided for the previous digit with the
first key press of the subsequent digit. Perform the following steps to enter a password:
1. With the cursor control key, press the up-arrow the number of times signifying the
first digit of the password.
2. With the cursor control key, press the down-arrow the number of times signifying
the second digit of the password. The first digit of the password will be displayed.
3. With the cursor control key, press the up-arrow the number of times signifying the
third digit of the password. The second digit of the password will be displayed.
4. Repeat steps (2) and (3) until the password is displayed. The last digit is not
5. If an improper entry has been made, press the BACK key to clear the entered
digits and reenter the password starting with the first digit.
6. Press ENTER key to accept password.
The Main Menu Screen now displays.

Figure 12-8 — PRQ-7 push-to-talk button and volume control.
For the latest inspection requirements, see the following manuals: NAVAIR 16-30PRQ7-
1, NAVAIR 16-30PRQ7-2, NAVAIR 16-35CSEL-CPE-1-SS-4, and NAVAIR 16-35CSEL-


The AN/URT-140 radio beacon set (Figure 12-9) is a compact, lightweight emergency
radio beacon transmitter designed for aeronautical emergencies, particularly when a
pilot ejects from an aircraft. In such a situation, the pilot can use the radio beacon to
transmit distress signals on three internationally-recognized search and rescue (SAR)
121.5 MHz (Civilian Emergency Frequency)
243.0 MHz (Military Emergency Frequency)
406.025 MHz (International Emergency Message Frequency)
The radio beacon uses advanced multi-mode waveforms to transmit distress signals at
121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz. Multi-mode waveforms allow signal transmission to occur at
the two frequencies simultaneously, thus increasing the opportunity for detection by
SAR aircraft and ground forces.
The radio beacon also transmits digitally-coded distress messages at 406.025 MHz for
detection by the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system. These digital messages provide
initial SAR forces with accurate information as to the lost pilot‘s location.

Figure 12-9 — AN/URT-140 radio beacon.

The URT-140 beacon is waterproof at depths of 2 feet for up to 24 hours and at depths
of 50 feet for up to 15 minutes. The beacon (including knob and stowed antenna)
measures 4.9 inches long, 2.58 inches wide, and 1.35 inches high and weighs 16
ounces including the two C-size batteries.
The radio beacon set includes the following main parts:
 Power Supply/Batteries
 Battery Holder Assembly
 Primary (stowable) Antenna (Blade Antenna Assembly)
 Auxiliary Antenna (Wire Antenna Assembly)
 Lanyard with securing device
 Activation Equipment Interfaces (Mechanical Actuator Assembly Interface,
Remote Control Cable Interface, and Magnetic Actuator Plug Interface).

One end of the lanyard attaches to the radio beacon while the other end is attached to a
non-corroding securing device. The lanyard is normally used when the aeronautical
emergency occurs in water.

Battery Holder Assembly

The Battery Holder Assembly holds two C-size batteries. It is designed to prevent the
incorrect installation of batteries, thus eliminating the possibility of damage caused by
reversed polarity. The Battery Holder Assembly does not require the use of special tools
for installing or changing batteries. The radio beacon uses two C-size Lithium Thionyl
Chloride (LiSOCl2) batteries.

Battery Shelf and Service Lives

The shelf and service lives of batteries are measured from the date of manufacture and
the date placed in service, respectively. Battery shelf life is defined as the length of time
from the date of manufacture until the battery must be discarded. Battery service life is
defined as the length of time from the date of installation until the battery must be
discarded. Service life begins when a battery is first installed. When a battery reaches
the end of its shelf life or service life, whichever occurs first (expiration date), it must be
discarded. When a battery is installed, affix a vinyl adhesive label to the battery, and
mark the serial number of the unit in which it is being installed on the label. (This
facilitates matching the battery to the unit should the battery be removed.) Mark the date
of manufacture, date of installation (start of service), and expiration date in MM/YY
format (converted from battery manufacturer‘s date code) on the label in indelible ink.
Then, enter the same dates in the Aircrew Systems Record (OPNAV 4790/138) or
Aircrew Personal Equipment Record (OPNAV 4790/159), as appropriate. If an in-
service battery lacks legible installation and expiration dates and the installation or
expiration date cannot be determined from the Record, measure the service life from
the date of manufacture to determine the expiration date. If an in-service battery lacks
any legible date and the date of manufacture, installation, or expiration cannot be
determined from the record, consider the battery to be non-ready for issue (non-RFI),
and discard it. A battery being considered for installation must have enough shelf life
and service life remaining to reach the next scheduled inspection.

Blade Antenna Assembly

The blade antenna assembly attaches to the front of the radio beacon, and is the unit‘s
primary antenna. When not in use, the blade antenna assembly is rotated along the
front of the unit into its stowable position.

Wire Antenna Assembly

The wire antenna assembly consists of a flexible wire antenna and an auxiliary antenna
connector plug. The plug mates with the radio beacon‘s auxiliary connector jack. The
wire antenna is a 12-inch, insulated, flexible wire antenna with a 20-inch insulation
extension for compatibility with seat kits. One end of the wire antenna has a right-angle,
low-profile connector with strain relief for connection to the radio beacon auxiliary
antenna connector. The other end is inserted into the seat cushion sleeve or coiled on
or within the seat kit upon installation of the radio beacon set. When stretched to its full
length, the wire antenna has an optimal range equivalent to the blade antenna.

Magnetic Plug Actuator Interface

The magnetic actuator interface is designed to accommodate a magnetic plug actuator
used for the purpose of automatically activating the radio beacon.

Mechanical Actuator Interface

The mechanical actuator interface accommodates long- or short-style actuator indicator
assembly used for automatically activating the radio beacon.

Operating guidance for the radio beacon is provided on the operating instructions label
(Figure 12-10) attached to the unit. The radio beacon functions best when the antenna
is in a vertical position. The radio beacon has controls that provide visual indicators that
are visible to the unaided eye in all light levels, from bright sunlight to total darkness.
The controls and visual indicators are optimized for operational ease, especially during
times of personal stress or injury.

Figure 12-10 — AN/URT-140 radio beacon operating instructions label.

Mode Control Switch Knob

The Mode control switch knob controls a rotary switch assembly that sets the radio
beacon‘s operational mode. The mode control switch knob, recessed and accessible
without special tools, can be set to one of four positions (see Table 12-1).

Table 12-1 — AN/URT-140 mode control settings.

Position Function
TIMED TRIPLE 10-minute transmission at three frequencies (121.5, 243.0,
and 406.025 MHz, simultaneously)
TIMED 406 10-minute transmission at 406.025 MHz only
UNTIMED TRIPLE Continuous transmission at three frequencies (121.5, 243.0
and 406.025 MHz, simultaneously)
UNTIMED 406 Continuous transmission at 406.025 MHz only

LED Indicator
The operational status of the radio beacon is indicated by the LED‘s blink patterns. As
shown on the LED indicator label (Figure 12-11), the indication is based on the unit‘s
mode of operation. During maintenance BIT mode, blink patterns indicate the progress
and result of the test.

Figure 12-11 — AN/URT-140 radio beacon LED indicator label.

Mechanical/Magnetic Activation
The radio beacon set is designed for automatic activation by a mechanical actuator
device or when a magnetic plug actuator is removed. The automatic activation state
means the unit is ready for operation and will be activated once the actuator is deployed
or the plug is removed.

Power-up BIT
A power-up BIT is initiated each time the ON/OFF switch is slid from OFF to ON. This
test verifies that the processor can read and write from its memory and that basic
processor communications with its peripherals is working. This test takes less than two
seconds, during which time the LED indicator is ON. If the BIT passes, the LED
indicator turns OFF for approximately one second before the selected mode of
operation begins. If the BIT fails, the LED indicator remains ON.

Maintenance BIT
The maintenance BIT verifies the following three conditions:
1. That battery voltage is above threshold under full load
2. That output power of all three beacons is within tolerance limits
3. All synthesizers are locked
During the maintenance BIT, a special test message is transmitted once on the
COSPAS-SARSAT channel 406.025 MHz. This message is recognized by the
COSPAS-SARSAT system as a test message and therefore is not responded to by any
SAR forces. A COSPAS-SARSAT Beacon Tester can be used to detect the message.
Because COSPAS-SARSAT international regulations require that test messages be
transmitted 50 seconds after the unit is placed in the maintenance BIT mode, this test
lasts approximately 51 seconds.

For the latest inspection requirements, see NAVAIR 16-30URT140-1.

12-1. Which of the following frequencies is designated for voice transmissions of
military emergencies?

A. 121.5 MHz
B. 243.0 MHz
C. 282.8 MHz
D. 406.0 MHz

12-2. What is the rated initial acquisition time of the PRC-149 radio's embedded GPS

A. Less than 45 seconds

B. Greater than 45 seconds
C. Less than 130 seconds
D. Greater than 130 seconds

12-3. What is the optimal distance for the PRC-149 microphone to be held from the
user's face?

A. 1 to 3 inches
B. 3 to 5 inches
C. 6 to 12 inches
D. 6 to 18 inches

12-4. What two types of built-in tests are used by the PRC-149 radio?

A. Power-up and Continuous BIT

B. Power-up and Maintenance BIT
C. Periodic and Continuous BIT
D. Periodic and Maintenance BIT

12-5. What is the status of the PRC-149 radio LEDs during power-up BIT?

A. All four LEDs are illuminated

B. All four LEDs are extinguished
C. The GPS and BCN LEDs illuminate alternately
D. The LEDs illuminate sequentially from GPS to BCN

12-6. What indicates that a PRC-149 power-up BIT has failed?

A. All four LEDs are extinguished

B. All four LEDs remain illuminated continuously
C. The GPS and BCN LEDs illuminate alternately
D. The LEDs illuminate sequentially from GPS to BCN
12-7. Which of the following is NOT a designated CSEL segment?

A. User
B. Ground
C. Airborne
D. Over-The-Horizon

12-8. What PRQ-7 component maintains the volatile memory during PRQ-7 battery
pack changes?

A. Inductor
B. Resistor
C. Capacitor
D. Transistor

12-9. What PRQ-7 radio feature permits the user to purge the memory of crypto keys?

A. Zeroize
B. Traffic Encryption Key
C. Immediate Auto-Sequence
D. Low Probability of Exploitation

12-10. How does a user turn OFF the PRQ-7 radio?

A. Pressing and holding down the power key

B. Pressing the power and IMM keys simultaneously
C. Pressing any three keys on the keypad and the PTT key
D. From the main menu, using the cursor keys to navigate to the power down

12-11. How many unsuccessful password entries will cause the PRQ-7 radio to perform
a zeroization?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

12-12. How often is the PRQ-7 radio required to have a link quality check performed?

A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Annually

12-13. The URT-140 beacon functions best when its antenna is positioned in what

A. Inverted
B. Vertically
C. Horizontally
D. Pointed in the direction of transmission

ABRASION—A fuzzy spot or area on cloth, usually caused by rubbing against an

ACC—Abbreviation for Aircrew Systems Change.

ACCORDIAN-FOLDS—Folds in a canopy that produce S-shaped layers of

predetermined size. Accordion folding produces a packaged parachute assembly in the
desired finished shape.

ACID—A fundamental chemical class distinguished by reactive hydrogen radicals (pH

below 7.0). Acids can be extremely corrosive to metal and damaging to fabric.

AIN—Abbreviation for Anti-Inversion Netting.

AIRCREW MEMBER—An aircraft crew member. Passengers are not considered

aircrew members.

ALKALINE—A substance (a base) that is opposite to an acid. Also, any substance that
has the properties of an alkali (metallic hydroxide).

ANEROID—A corrugated metal capsule used during the automatic parachute ripcord
release for sensing atmospheric pressure. The aneroid will initiate operation of an
actuator at a preset altitude.

ANOXIA—A complete lack of oxygen in the bloodstream.

ANTI-SEIZE TAPE—A tape of any of several thin plastic-film materials (such as

tetrafluoroethylene) characterized by a waxy, oily texture and used to prevent binding
between mating surfaces of threaded parts when applied to the male threaded portion.

ANTI-SQUID LINE—A line attaching two suspension line connector links to canopy vent
lines on some parachute assemblies. The anti-squid lines are shorter than suspension
lines and prevent the main canopy from squidding by bearing the load of the drogue
parachute until the main canopy is fully opened.

APPROX—Abbreviation for approximately.

APRR—Abbreviation for Automatic Parachute Ripcord Release.

ASSEMBLY—A grouping of parts fitted together to form a complete unit.

ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE—Pressure at sea level, expressed as 14.70 pounds per

square inch or 29.92 inches of mercury.

AUTOMATIC PARACHUTE RIPCORD RELEASE—A barometrically controlled device
that mechanically or by explosive force actuates the parachute ripcord assembly and
causing the parachute container to open at a preset altitude.


attached to the ejection seat, lap belt, or other designated point, and arms the automatic
parachute ripcord release at seat/man separation.


parachute ripcord release that houses the cartridge and piston or spring and piston.


by a housing, which transmits the force from the automatic ripcord release assembly to
the ripcord cable.


of the cartridge-actuated automatic ripcord release that houses the aneroid, sear, and


parachute ripcord release that engages the ball on the power cable. This socket is
attached to the piston by a rivet.

AWL—A pointed tool for piercing small holes in cloth, leather, wood, and other soft

BACK PAD—A pad attached to the inside of the parachute harness to provide comfort.

BACKSTITCH—A stitch made by inserting the needle a stitch length to the right and
bringing it up an equal distance to the left. Also, sewing back over a row of stitches.

BACK-TYPE PARACHUTE—A parachute that is worn on the back to allow the wearer
freedom of movement.

BALLISTIC SPREADING GUN—A device attached to suspension lines just below the
skirt hem on the parachute assembly. Just before full suspension line stretch, the gun
discharges and spreads the skirt of the canopy with explosive force.

BARTACK—A concentrated series of zigzag stitches used to reinforce points of stress.

A bar tack should have 28 stitches per half inch.

BASEBALL STITCH—A stitch used in repairing and patching fabrics.

BASTING STITCH—A long, loose stitch made with single or double thread. Used to
temporarily hold two or more pieces of material.

BEESWAX—A wax, generally with paraffin, that is applied cold or melted to thread to
prevent raveling or unknotting and to make thread easier to sew.

BIAS CONSTRUCTION—A type of canopy construction in which the canopy cloth is cut
and sewn so that the centerline of each gore runs at a 45-degree angle to the warp and
filling thread of the canopy cloth.

BINDER KNOT—The simplest method of joining two threads or lines. The two ends are
placed side by side, and a simple overhand knot is then tied in both lines
simultaneously. It will not slip when drawn tightly. Also called a thumb knot.

BINDING—A piece of tape or fabric folded over and stitched to a raw edge of cloth to
prevent raveling or fraying.

BIT—Abbreviation for Built-In-Tests.

BODKIN—A large-eyed, blunt needle instrument for inserting thread, tape, ribbon, or
line through a loop, hem, or channel. Used to feed suspension lines through canopy
radial seams or to stow suspension line bights in certain parachute container

BOLT—A package or roll of cloth of varying widths. Also, a measuring term for 40 yards
of material.

BOWLINE KNOT—A knot formed by making a small overhand loop a desired distance
from the end of the line. The end of the line is then passed through the loop from the
underside of the main part of the line and back through the small loop. When this knot is
drawn tight, it will not slip but still can be easily untied.

BOX STITCH—Rectangular stitch used to attach and reinforce.

BRAID—A narrow band of interlaced strands.

BREATHING—The pulsating action of the parachute canopy when fully inflated.

BROKEN SELVAGE—Cut, broken, or torn selvage edge.

BUNCHED STITCHING—Stitches are too close, or there are more stitches per inch
than required.

BURL—A knot or lump in thread or cloth.

BUTTONHOLE STITCH—A reinforced stitch made on the edge of a slit or hole. Each
individual stitch forms a half-hitch. The distance from the edge and the spacing of the
stitches are determined by the type of material used.

C—Abbreviation for Celsius.

CABLE RETAINING BALL—A steel ball that is swaged to the ripcord cable and secures
the ripcord handle to the cable.

CAL TEAM—Abbreviation for Calibration Team.

CANOPY—The main supporting surface of a parachute that, when opened, reduces the
rate of descent. It is usually made of nylon and includes a framework of cords, called
suspension lines, from which the load is suspended.

CANOPY CHANNEL—The space or opening formed by overlapping cloth when making

radial seams. The suspension lines pass through the channels and are retained in
position. The channels aid in transmitting load from the lines to the cloth.

CANOPY CLOTH—The cloth used in parachute canopies. It is woven to withstand the

impact of air pressure when the parachute opens. The canopy cloth is woven from nylon
yarns, usually in a ripstop weave.

CANOPY QUICK-RELEASE FITTING—A device that connects the canopy and risers to
the harness, permitting the aircrewman to disengage himself, on instant response, from
the canopy.

CANOPY SKIRT—The lower edge of a canopy.

CANVAS—A heavy, closely-woven cloth of linen, cotton, or synthetic fiber.

CARBON DIOXIDE—A heavy, colorless gas. The chemical symbol for carbon dioxide is

CARGO PARACHUTE—A parachute used to air drop materials such as food, water,
explosives, clothing, weapons, and supplies.

CASING (SLEEVE)—The outer woven cover of the suspension line.

CAUTION—Indicates danger to equipment. The caution precedes the step or item to

which it refers.

CCM—Abbreviation for cubic centimeters per minute.

CDI—Abbreviation for Collateral Duty Inspector.

CHEST STRAP—The harness webbing that is secured across the chest with a snap
and a V-ring to prevent the wearer from falling out of the harness.

CHEST-TYPE HARNESS—A harness assembly used with attachable, chest-type


CHEST-TYPE PARACHUTE—A parachute that is attached to D-rings on the chest-type

harness. It may be detached to permit more freedom of movement.

CHUTE—Abbreviated slang form of parachute.

CLEVIS—A U-shaped metal fitting with a hole in each end to receive a pin or bolt.

CLIP—A device that fastens, holds together, or retains: for example, the clip that is
tacked to a riser and holds the ripcord housing in place.

CLOSING CORDS—Used as an aid in the closing of the parachute container. They are
made of type I nylon cord approximately 18 inches in length.

CLOTH DAMAGE HOLE—Three or more warp and/or filling threads broken at the same

CLOVE-HITCH KNOT—A knot formed by making one turn around a post, bringing the
end across the line, continuing around the post a second time, and passing the end
under the second loop. Used to tie suspension lines to connector links.

CLOVERLEAF HANDLE—A ripcord handle that is used on chest- and integrated back-
type parachutes. It is shaped in the form of a cloverleaf.

CO2—Abbreviation for carbon dioxide.

COE—Abbreviation for Common Operating Environment.

COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL/SUBSTANCE—Any material or substance capable of

burning in the presence of oxygen. See also EXPLOSIVE MIXTURE, FLAMMABLE

COML—Abbreviation for commercial. Refers to parts that are commercially available.

COMPONENT—Any item of equipment that makes up part of an assembly; for

example, a ripcord housing is a component part of a ripcord assembly.

CONFIGURATION—The makeup, size, shape, and relative location of parts of an item

of equipment and its accessories. This includes the composition of the materials as well
as marking details. The configuration of all equipment is specified by Government
drawings, military specifications and modification instructions.

CONFLUENCE POINT—A coming or running together of two or more lines.

CONICAL CANOPY—A canopy constructed in the shape of a cone.

CONNECTOR LINE—A small, releasable, rectangular metal fitting used to connect the
lift webs and suspension lines.

CONTAINER—An assembly that encloses and protects the canopy, suspension lines,
and risers until the parachute is opened. Sometimes called the pack assembly.

CONTAINER OPENING BAND SPRING—Stretchable bands composed of a series of

springs installed in a cloth case with a hook at each end. They are installed under
tension on the pack in order to pull apart the end and side flaps after the ripcord is
pulled. Also called pack opening band or bungee.

CONTAINER STAND—A rigid stand used to hold some parachute containers—such as
the Martin-Baker horseshoe container—during part of the packing procedure.

CONTAINER STIFFENER—A piece of metal or fiber glass or phenolic fiber placed in

the container to stiffen the flaps. These strips are also used for stiffening and shaping
the bottoms of several back-type containers.

CONTRASTING COLOR—A color that stands out from its background.

CONTROLLER DROGUE—A small parachute that is used to extract the stabilizer

drogue parachute.

CONVOLUTION—Used in this manual as the protruding side or portion of a diaphragm.

CORE OVERLAP—During suspension line manufacture, the insertion of an incoming

core yarn that runs parallel to a running out yarn, resulting in two core yarn ends
protruding through the casing a distance of about 2 to 6 inches. These ends are
normally cut off during final phase of parachute suspension line manufacture.

CORNER FLAP—One of the small, rectangular cloth tabs that are part of the container
side flaps and protects and reinforces the container corners when the parachute is

COSPAS-SARSAT—Abbreviation for Cosmicheskaya Systyema Poiska Avariynich

Sudov - Search & Rescue Satellite Assisted Tracking

CROSS BOX—A sewing pattern.

CROSS CONNECTOR STRAP—A short length of webbing sewn across the lift web
assembly or attached between suspension line connector links. It prevents streaming of
a canopy in the event one riser was not properly attached to the harness.

CROWN—A cloth panel used to cover the peak of a vane-type pilot parachute. Also, the
portion of the main canopy surface near the peak.

CRU—Abbreviation for Crew Regulator Unit.

CRU-103A/P CREW REGULATOR UNIT—A demand oxygen regulator designed to

regulate oxygen to the aircrew member during flight. The regulator is a chest-mounted,
positive pressure, g-modulated regulator that provides demand oxygen flow to the
aircrew member, Pressure Breathing for Altitude (PBA), and Pressure Breathing for g‘s

CSEL—Abbreviation for Combat Survivor/Evader Location.

CYPRES—Abbreviation for Cybernetic Parachute Release System.

D-RING—A metal fitting shaped in the form of the letter D; for example, a D-ring on a
harness connects to a chest-type parachute assembly by means of snap fittings. Also, a
slang term for the ripcord handle.
DART—A short, tapered seam.

DATA CARD POCKET—Small patch pocket sewn to specified parachute containers for
record data card. (Record card used for drogue parachute assemblies only.)

DEFLATION POCKETS—Pockets sewn to the canopy at the skirt hem. After landing in
water, they serve to anchor the canopy, causing the canopy to deflate. This prevents
the canopy from dragging the parachutist through water.

DELAYED RELEASE JUMP—A parachute jump in which the wearer purposely does
not open the parachute immediately upon safely clearing the aircraft.

DEPLOYMENT BAG—A canvas enclosure for the canopy and suspension lines. In use,
the deployment bag controls release of suspension lines and canopy, ensuring orderly

DF—Abbreviation for Direction-Finding

DIAGONAL SEAM—A French-fell seam of the canopy that joins two sections of a gore.
Diagonal seams meet the centerline of the gore at angles of 45 and 135 degrees.

DIAMETER—The greatest straight distance across a circle. Specifically, the greatest

distance across a flat canopy, from skirt to skirt, measured when the canopy is lying flat.
Used to designate the size of a flat canopy.

DII—Abbreviation for Defense Information Infrastructure.

DIP—A line or group of lines passing through a group of lines. Also, a group of
suspension lines not in proper continuity. See also TWIST.

DIRECTIONAL FASTENER—A snap fastener that can be engaged or released only in

one direction.

DISN—Abbreviation for Defense Information System Network.

DISPOSITION—Instructions on what is to be done with or to an item.

DOUBLE-W—A sewing pattern.

DROGUE PARACHUTE—An auxiliary parachute used with any system that requires
some method of deceleration or stabilization: for example, an ejection seat.

DROP TEST—The release of a parachute assembly with a dummy load from an

airplane, tower, or ejection seat for testing purposes.

DRY LOCKER—A tower or compartment of suitable height that will satisfactorily air fully
suspended parachutes.

DUAL HOUSING CLAMP—A metal clamp located on the outside of the end flap of
back-and seat-type parachutes. The clamp secures the ripcord and power cable to the
container end flap.

DYE MARKER—An aniline dye powder in a sealed container. When placed in the
water, it produces a bright fluorescent green color. It is used to attract the attention of
rescue aircraft.

EJECTION SEAT—An emergency escape seat for propelling an occupant out and away
from the aircraft by means of an explosive charge or rocket motor.

EJECTOR BOARD—A small, rectangular board with rounded edges and a grommet in
one end used on MBEU parachutes. It serves as a firm place for the pilot parachute to
spring from during opening.

ELASTIC WEBBING—Webbing with elastic threads to give it greater elasticity than

regular webbing. It is used in the fabrication of elastic ripcord pockets.

ELASTOMER—Any of various elastic substances resembling rubber.

EMERGENCY KIT—A standard soft pack, high-speed soft pack, special kit or rigid
seat survival kit containing a raft and survival equipment needed by an aircrewman
in case of emergency.

END FLAP—A cloth extension on the short sides of the container base that folds over to
enclose the canopy. One of the end flaps is usually designed as the ripcord end flap.

END OUT (MISSING END)—A warp yarn missing for a portion or an entire length of

END SCOOP PANEL—A scoop-shaped cloth pocket attached to the bottom of the LW-
3B parachute assembly in place of an end flap.

END TAB—An oval metal fitting secured to each flap of seat-type, Martin-Baker, and
chest-type parachute containers. The end tabs fit over the cones and secure the end
flaps in a closed position until the locking pins are pulled.

ENGLISH-FELL SEAM—A seam in which one piece of cloth is folded back upon itself,
and the other piece is a plain overlap.

EXPLOSIVE MIXTURE—Any mixture of a combustible material or substance and

oxygen capable of violent burning (detonation) either spontaneously or with the
external application of heat.

EXTENDED SKIRT CANOPY—A canopy that has a flat circular center or disk when
spread out.

EXTENSIBLE RIPCORD HOUSING—A ripcord and housing that can be extended

approximately 4 inches to accommodate the addition of a raft kit to the seat-type
parachute assembly.
EYE—A small, steel-wire loop—like the for example, the loops attached to the
parachute container—into which a hook on a container spring opening band is

EYELET—A small metal reinforcement for a hole in cloth, similar to a grommet,

except thinner and smaller and having no washer. The eyelet is used to reinforce
lacing holes in small covers, etc.

F—Abbreviation for Fahrenheit.

FAKE—To fold a line, rope, cord, or hawser in a back-and-forth fashion.

FALSE BOTTOM—A piece of cloth sewn to the inside of a pack to retain the frame. It
also serves as a base for attaching suspension line hesitator loops.

FELT—A cloth made from wool, fur, hair, synthetic fiber, or a mixture of these with
cotton. It is made by matting the fibers together under pressure and heat.

FERRULE—A cap or ring used to finish the end of a housing: for example, the finished
ends of a ripcord housing.

FIBER—A natural or synthetic filament (as of wool, cotton, rayon, etc.) capable of being
spun into yarn.

FID—A small, flat hand tool of metal or wood used during the packing process to
straighten end flaps and to insert corner flaps into a finished pack.

FILAMENT TAPE—An adhesive tape with fiber cords in the backing. The cords are
usually fiber glass, nylon, linen, or other high-strength material. This tape has high
tensile strength along the lengthwise direction.

FILLING—Threads that are perpendicular to selvage edges and extend across the
width of cloth.

FIRST AID KIT—Provides first aid treatment of common injuries and illnesses
encountered in an aviation survival environment. They are intended for emergency use

FLAMMABLE MATERIAL—Any material capable of being easily ignited and of burning

with extreme rapidity.

FLARING—The process of opening or widening: for example, the method of splitting,

taping, and stitching the ends of webbing in order to widen and prevent it from slipping
through an adapter.

FLAT CIRCULAR CANOPY—A canopy that has the shape of a flat circle or disk when
spread out.

FLYER‘S HELMET BAG—A nylon fabricated bag used for holding the aircrew
member‘s helmet and auxiliary equipment.
FLYER‘S KIT BAG—A container made of canvas or nylon and reinforced with webbing,
usually with a slide fastener opening. It is used to carry the parachute and its

FOLDER—A device used as an attachment to a sewing machine to guide and fold


FOUR-NEEDLE FOUR-STITCH SEAM—A method of stitching that can be performed in

one operation by a four-needle sewing machine.

FR—Abbreviation for Fire-Retardant.

FRAYED (SUSPENSION LINE)—A fuzzy condition in which short lengths or pieces of

thread or yarn protrude from surface of the suspension line.

FREE-TYPE PARACHUTE—A parachute assembly that is opened manually or

automatically by pulling a ripcord. No static line is used with this type of parachute

FREEZING POINT—Temperature at which a given liquid substance will solidify or

freeze upon removal of heat. Freezing point of water is 32°F (0°C).

FRENCH-FELL SEAM—A seam in which the cloth is folded back upon itself and

FRICTION BURN—A hard spot on the suspension line caused by two lines rubbing
together at high speeds, generally off-color and brittle.

FULL—In reference to oxygen cylinders, a full oxygen cylinder is a cylinder that is

pressurized to its rated pressure. With respect to a high-pressure oxygen cylinder, 1800
psig is considered full.

FUNCTIONAL TEST—A test that puts an item to use to determine if it operates


GAPL—Abbreviation for Group Assembly Parts List. The GAPL, a section of the
Illustrated Parts Breakdown, shows how major assemblies are dissembled into
assemblies and detail parts.

GDN—Abbreviation for Ground Distribution Network.

GORE—The portions of the canopy located between adjacent radial seams and the
vent and skirt hem. It consists of cloth sections sewn together.

GPS—Abbreviation for global positioning system.

GROMMET—A metal eye and washer used to reinforce a hole in material: for example,
grommets on container side flaps.

GUIDE SURFACE CANOPY—A mushroom-shaped canopy in which alternate roof
panels are extended to provide guide surfaces.

GUIDE TUBE—A narrow tube used to guide the vane-type pilot parachute grommet
over its locking cone.

H2O—Abbreviation for water.

HALF-HITCH KNOT—A knot formed by passing a cord or line around an object, then
passing the free end around the main part of the cord and bringing the free end up
through the loop thus formed. It is used to finish the tying of the suspension lines to the
connector link and in forming safety ties.

HARDSHELL CONTAINER—A container that has a rigid plastic or fiber body with cloth
end and side flaps, designed to withstand high wind-blast conditions.

HARNESS—An arrangement of webbing straps used to attach a parachute to the

aircrewman. The harness serves as a sling to support the aircrewman during descent.

HARNESS ADAPTER—A rectangular metal fitting with a fixed crossbar used primarily
as an anchoring point.

HARNESS SNAP—A plain hook-shaped, spring-actuated guard that snaps over a V-

ring to secure two parts of the harness together.

HEAT EXCHANGER—Apparatus in which heat is exchanged from one fluid to another.

HEAVY BAR OR PLACE—An area on cloth where pick count varies from normal count.

HEM—A border or reinforced edge formed by folding cloth back and securing it, usually
by sewing: for example, vent and skirt hem of a parachute canopy.

HEM-RIGGED CANOPY—A canopy where the suspension lines are attached to the
skirt hem and do not pass over the drag-producing surface: for example, the 26-foot
conical canopy.

Hg—Abbreviation for mercury.

HESITATOR LOOP—One of a series of webbing or tape loops that holds suspension

lines in an orderly position in the container when the parachute is packed and that pays
the lines out in sequence for orderly deployment of the canopy assembly.

HOOK TAPE—Strip of nylon tape with small nylon hooks on one side. Hook tape is
used with pile tape as a fastener.

HORIZONTAL BACK STRAP—An adjustable part of harness webbing extending across

the small of the wearer‘s back.

HYPOXIA—A decrease in the amount of oxygen per unit volume of air resulting in an
insufficient amount of oxygen entering the bloodstream.
IFI—Abbreviation for Immediate-Fix-Immediate.

IN—Abbreviation for inches.

IND—Abbreviation for indicated.

IN. H2O—Abbreviation for inches of water column (27.68 in. H20 equals 1.0 psi equals
2.036 in. Hg).

IN. Hg—Abbreviation for inches of mercury column. (0.07349 in. Hg equals 1.0 in.

INNER CORE—Five to nine internal yarns (with number depending on type) for
suspension lines that are covered by a woven sleeve or casing.

INSPECTION—A close examination for damage, wear, and dirt. Also, regularly
scheduled examination of parachute assemblies. See also SERVICING PARACHUTES.

JSRC—Abbreviation for Joint Search and Rescue Center.

KEEPER—Small strip of tape or loop used to retain an object: for example, riser and
back pad keepers.

KIAS—Abbreviation for Knots Indicated Air Speed.

LAP RESTRAINT STRAP—A strap attached to the integrated torso harness suit to
retain the rigid seat survival kit to the wearer. Prior to ejection, it serves as safety
restraint for the aircrewman.

LARK‘S HEAD KNOT—A knot formed around an attachment ring or bar by passing the
free ends of the line around the bar or though the ring and then through a loop or bight
in the line. This knot is used to attach pilot parachute connector straps.

LATERAL BAND—Webbing inserted into the canopy skirt and vent hems to reinforce
edges and distribute load.

LB—Abbreviation for pounds.

LEG STRAP—That part of the harness webbing that encircles the wearer‘s leg. The leg
straps are adjustable.

LFE—Abbreviation for Laminar Flow Elements.

LIFT WEBS—The parts of the parachute harness webbing or riser that extends from the
connector links to the shoulder adapters, D-rings, or quick-release fitting.

LiSOCl2—Abbreviation for Lithium Thionyl Chloride.

LOCKING LOOP—A loop sewn to the deployment bag or canopy to allow full extension
of suspension lines before opening the canopy.
LOCKING PINS PLATE—A temporary locking pin attached to a thin, flat, rectangular
metal plate. The pin-plate arrangement is used to temporarily lock the pilot parachute
while the side flaps are being closed.

LOCKSTITCH—A common sewing-machine stitch formed when the thread in the

needle goes through the material and connects with the bobbin thread. The needle and
bobbin thread should lock in the center of the material thickness.

LONG BAR—A long metallic or wooden bar used in parachute packing and used as an
aid in closing a parachute container.

LOOP—A warp or filling thread pulled out to form a loop on a cloth surface.

LOOSE STITCHES—Thread that does not lie smoothly on the surface of the cloth.

LOS—Abbreviation for Line-of-Sight.

LOX—Abbreviation for liquid oxygen.

LPE—Abbreviation for Low Probability of Exploitation.

LPM—Abbreviation for liters per minute.

LUMP—An internal imperfection of a suspension line that feels hard to the touch. It is
usually caused by internal knots in core yams or casings, or by slippage or
displacement of one or more inner core yams near an overlap.

MAIN SLING HARNESS—The main load-carrying member of the harness. Formed by

two lengths of webbing, it is routed from the shoulder adapters or D-rings down across
the seat, up the side and ending at the opposite adapters or D-rings.

MAJOR REPAIRS—Repairs requiring special equipment, personnel, or materials

normally not available at intermediate or local levels of maintenance.


ripcord housing at the top end flap when the parachute is at full suspension line stretch.

MANUFACTURERS‘ CODES—Identification codes for every manufacturer listed as a

procurement source in accordance with cataloging handbooks H4-1 and H4-2, Federal
Supply Codes for Manufacturers.

MARGIN—The space from the outer row of stitching to the edge of the fold of cloth.

MCPS—Abbreviation for Multi-Climate Protection System.

MILDEW—A damaging fungus or mold that forms on cloth and leather. It is caused by
dampness and the absence of fresh air and sunlight.

state electronic automatic activation device that is designed to cut the reserve pilot
parachute closing loop with a remote electrically fired cutter when the CYPRES (2)
senses specific parameters.

MINOR REPAIRS—Repairs that can be effected at intermediate or local levels of


MISSING STITCHES—A space between stitches in the same row in which there is no

MM—Abbreviation for millimeters.

MRC—Abbreviation for Maintenance Requirement Card.


composed of 12 pieces that can be mixed and matched to form 6 different individual
layers. The garment system can be worn in conjunction with flight suits and aviation
flight equipment in a broad range of climate conditions by adding or removing layers
that provide flame resistance, moisture management, thermal wind, and water

MULTIPLE FLOAT—A place in cloth where a series of floats extend 3/16 inch or more.

NAMEPLATE—A label attached to equipment that gives data regarding type, model
number, date of manufacture, date placed in service, etc. The stenciled gore on a
canopy is called the nameplate gore.

NAMP—Abbreviation for the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program.

NAVAL PARACHUTIST—A person who has successfully completed a prescribed

course in parachute jump training.

NEEDLE DAMAGE—Where needle penetration has damaged threads in the cloth.

NVIIS—Abbreviation for Night Vision Image Intensifier Set.

NOMINAL DIAMETER—The diameter of a circle that has the same surface area as a
given parachute canopy. This measurement is used to allow comparison of all shapes
(conical, spherical, etc.) of parachute canopies.

NONDIRECTIONAL FASTENER—A snap fastener that can be engaged or released by

applying pressure or pull from any angle.

NOTE—An informative item. The note may precede or follow the step or item to which it

NYLON RIPSTOP CLOTH—A type of nylon cloth used in canopy manufacture. The
weave pattern of the nylon cloth consists of reinforced ribs, in both the warp and the
filling, forming a uniform pattern of squares. The cloth is designed to keep hole damage
to a minimum when rips or tears develop in the canopy.

OAT—Abbreviation for Outside Air Temperature.

OBOGS—Abbreviation for On-Board Oxygen Generating Systems.

OSCILLATING SHUTTLE—The action of the sewing hook as it makes a stitch in unison

with the needle.

OTH—Abbreviation for over-the-horizon.

OVEREDGE—Stitching around the outer edge of cloth to prevent the edges from
raveling or fraying.

OVERFOLD—An excess of material causing the edge of the inner fold to double,
wrinkle, or pleat.

OVERHAND KNOT—A simple knot tied in the end of a line by forming a loop and
passing the end over and down through the loop.

OVERLAP—To extend over and cover a piece of cloth.

OVERLAP SEAM—A seam in which the two pieces of cloth are joined by overlapping
enough to accommodate one or more rows of stitching.

OVERTHROW STITCH—A stitch used to repair weakened seams, to reinforce slide

fasteners, and to join two pieces of material together.

PACK—To put together compactly; to store neatly; for example, the act of packing a
parachute consists of stowing suspension lines and canopy in the container assembly in
such a way as to ensure safe storage and proper opening of the parachute assembly.

PACK ASSEMBLY—A rigged and packed parachute. See also CONTAINER.

PACKING BOARD—A tool used to tension suspension lines with the anti-squid lines
attached to the connector links. Basically, it consists of a board and two large spools.

PACKING HOOK—A special hook used to draw suspension lines into place in hesitator

PALM, SEWING—A hand protector that is used when sewing.

PARACHUTE—A device that offers resistance to the air, thereby decreasing the
velocity of a descending body to permit landing at a suitable rate of descent.

PARACHUTE ASSEMBLY—A complete parachute, including the canopy assembly,

container assembly, harness assembly, and riser/lift web assembly.
PARACHUTE SEAT-TYPE—A free-type parachute suspended at the rear of the wearer
between the hips and knees. It has an attached seat pad, together with the container,
that serves as a cushion when the entire assembly is in place in the seat.

PARAFFIN—Wax generally used with 50-percent beeswax as a hot dip to prevent the
fraying of cut ends of webbing, cord, and tape. See also BEESWAX.

PARARAFT—An emergency, one-man life raft packed in a container along with survival
equipment. The pararaft is secured to the parachute pack or seat pan.

PARATROOPER—A soldier trained and equipped to parachute into combat.

PBA—Abbreviation for Pressure Breathing for Altitude.

PBG—Abbreviation for Pressure Breathing for g‘s.

PEAK—The top center of the parachute canopy, the point at which all vent lines cross.
Also called apex or crown.

PERMEABILITY—The measured amount, in cubic feet, of the flow of air through a

square foot of cloth in 1 minute under a specified pressure.

pH VALUE—An indication of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. A reading of pH may

be taken using test strips.

PICK—A cloth filling thread, taken as a unit of fineness of cloth.

PILE TAPE—A strip of nylon tape with small nylon loops on one side. Pile tape is used
with hook tape as a fastener.

PILOT PARACHUTE—A small, spring-operated, cloth-covered auxiliary parachute that

is usually constructed on a steel wire frame and attached to the peak of the canopy. It
accelerates the withdrawal of the canopy from the container. The pilot parachute is
packed under tension and immediately opens when released from the container.

PILOT PARACHUTE CONNECTOR STRAP—Tubular nylon webbing that joins the

main parachute and the pilot parachute.

PILOT PARACHUTE FRAME—Wire frame or spring used in a type of pilot parachute to

initiate opening action of a parachute upon release from the container.

PINKING SHEARS—Shears with a saw-toothed inner edge on the blades for making
zigzag cut.

PLEAT—A fold sewn in cloth.

PMCS—Abbreviation for preventive maintenance checks and services.

POCKET BAND—A piece of tape or line that is attached at the skirt hem and across the
radial seam and causes the gores to be pulled outward at inflation, thus improving the
opening characteristics of the canopy.

POROSITY OF A FABRIC—The measured amount, in cubic feet, of the flow of air

through a square foot of fabric in 1 minute under specified pressure. Also known as


acceptable testing on a variety of aviator oxygen system components.

PORTS—Abbreviation for Portable Oxygen Regulator Test Set.

PREMATURE OPENING—Any accidental opening of a parachute that occurs prior to

intended deployment.
PRESSURE—The force exerted by liquid or gas per unit of area on the walls of a
container. See also PSIG, PSIA, and ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE.

PRESSURE DROP—Loss in pressure, as from one end of a distribution line to the

other, due to friction and other factors.

PRESSURE EXPLOSION—Explosion caused by rapid conversion of liquid oxygen to

gaseous oxygen in a confined space due to evaporation and warming.

PROJECTED DIAMETER—The greatest distance between opposite points on the skirt

hem when the canopy is inflated. The projected diameter is approximately two-thirds the
diameter of a flat canopy.

PROTRUDING YARN (Core Casing or Tread)—A condition in which either the inner
core yarns extend through the casing or where the yarns or threads of the casing
extend beyond the surface of the casing itself.

PSI—Abbreviation for pounds per square inch. See also PSIA and PSIG.

PSIA—Abbreviation for pounds per square inch, absolute. Absolute pressure is

measured from absolute zero (100-percent vacuum) rather than from normal, or
atmospheric, pressure. It equals gauge pressure plus 14,696 pounds per square inch.

PSIG—Abbreviation for pounds per square inch, gauge. Indicates pressure above
ambient pressure, as indicated on a pressure gauge vented to the atmosphere. See
also PSI and PSIA.

PTT—Abbreviation for push-to-talk.

PULL UP CORDS—Nylon cords of varying lengths used to pull up the sides and ends
of the container flaps over the container cover and to pull the cones through the
grommets. They are also used to pull the suspension lines into place in some types of

PUSHPIN—A straight pin used to temporarily secure material while sewing.

PYRO BOX—The container used to store pyrotechnic devices such as flares and
cartridges while they are removed from the ammunition storage area.

PYROTECHNIC CUTTER—A device, such as a static line cutter, that is operated by an

explosive charge and is used to cut line or webbing, etc.

PYROTECHNIC DEVICE—Any device that either burns, explodes, or uses burning or

exploding to operate a system. Examples of pyrotechnic devices are static line cutters,
ballistic spreading guns, and automatic actuators.

QA—Abbreviation for quality assurance.

QUALIFIED PERSONNEL—Qualified personnel are defined as personnel who have

satisfactorily completed a prescribed course at a Navy training school, Fleet Readiness
Aviation Maintenance Personnel Training Program (FRAMP), Interservice/factory
training, or formal or informal in-service training. In addition, a practical demonstration of
the skills acquired in any of the aforementioned training situations, to the satisfaction of
the work center supervisor/division officer, is required before the designation ―qualified‖
can be assigned.

QUICK-CONNECTOR SNAP—A large, hook-shaped, spring-loaded snap used to

attach the chest-type parachute to the two D-rings on the harness.

QUICK-EJECTOR SNAP—A harness snap that attaches to the V-ring to secure two
parts of the harness together. The ejector arm releases the V-ring when the finger-grip
lever is pulled out ward.

QUICK-RELEASE FITTING—A device used to connect and release on instant


R—Abbreviation for radius.

RADIAL SEAM—A seam that joins two gores and extends radially from the vent to the
skirt hem.

RATE OF DESCENT—The speed that a parachute descends through the air. The rate
varies according to atmospheric pressure, weight of load, movement of air (updraft and
down draft), and the size, design, and condition of canopy.

RAVEL (UNRAVEL)—To separate, untwist, or unwind in a way that leaves a frayed or

ragged edge. Ravel is the preferred word to describe such a condition.

REF—Abbreviation for reference.

REFILL (in reference to oxygen cylinders)—To recharge a cylinder, regardless of the

residual pressure remaining within the cylinder.

REINFORCEMENT—Any strengthening measure that enhances the basic integrity of a
structure, joint or assembly: for example, the tape or webbing used to strengthen parts
of a canopy, container, harness, etc. in a parachute assembly. See also WEBBING.

REINFORCEMENT WEBBING—Short lengths of webbing sewn to the skirt hem at the

junction points of the suspension lines and the canopy.

RESCUE NET— Resembles a conically shaped birdcage with an opening on one side.
The net weighs approximately 20 pounds and is bright yellow for high visibility.

RESCUE SEAT—A buoyant aluminum device consisting of a hollow flotation chamber

and a three-pronged seat with prongs 120 degrees apart.

RESCUE STROP—Used to assist personnel performing rescue work from a helicopter

over water or land. Also known as the ―horse collar‖ and rescue sling.

RESERVE PARACHUTE—A chest-type parachute attached to the harness of a training

or test parachute in addition to the back type. It has no pilot parachute. It is used in case
the main parachute fails to open properly or sustains damage that will cause an unsafe
rate of descent.

RETAINING BAND—A rubber band used to hold folded suspension lines in a container
or to hold faked lines together.

RETAINING LOOP—Webbing or tape loop used to hold folded lines or excess webbing
in position.

RETAINING SLEEVE—A series of stowage tunnels.

RFI—Abbreviation for ready for issue.

RIBBON CANOPY—A canopy composed of concentric cloth ribbons, supported by

radial ribbons and tapes.

RIB POCKET—A pocket made by sewing lengths of tape to a type of pilot parachute
canopy to contain the four frame ribs.

RIG—To assemble and adjust; to equip. For example, the act of rigging a parachute
assembly consists of assembling all component parts in preparation for packing.

RINGSAIL CANOPY—A canopy composed of concentric rings installed on a spherical

surface. The slots that are contained in the gores and form crescents.

RING SLOT CANOPY—A canopy composed of concentric cloth strips with intervening
air slots. The number of slots will vary with the diameter of the canopy.

RIPCORD—A locking device that secures the folded parachute within the container and
that effects the release of the parachute. The ripcord consists basically of locking pins, a
flexible cable and a handle.

RIPCORD CABLE—A flexible cable joining the locking pins and ripcord handle.

RIPCORD HANDLE—The handle secured to the ripcord cable and retained in a pocket
located on the harness or container. Pulling the handle begins the process of parachute
opening. Often referred to as hand-pull or grip.

RIPCORD HANDLE POCKET—A small pocket of cloth or elastic webbing sewn to the
harness (or container assembly). It holds the ripcord handle in position.

RIPCORD HOUSING—A flexible steel tube that encases the ripcord cable and protects
against accidental release of damage and serves as a cable guide. Integrated ripcord
assembly housings are constructed of vinyl-coated flexible tubing.

RIPCORD LOCKING PIN—A small steel pin attached to a ripcord and passed through a
locking cone to hold a container in a closed position.

RIPCORD PIN LOCK—The ripcord pin lock is used in conjunction with the ripcord pin
pull test. The lock is designed in such a manner as to allow initial movement of the
ripcord pins, without permitting them to totally disengage.

RIPCORD PIN RETAINING TIE—A low-strength thread or cord used specifically to

prevent ripcord pins from creeping and possibly causing inadvertent opening.

RIPCORD PIN RETENTION TIE—A thread of a predetermined value that is usually

secured to a lead ripcord pin of a packed parachute. Its function is to retain a ripcord pin
in its cone and prevent premature disengagement of the pin from the cone. USE ONLY

RISER—The webbing that connects an integrated torso suit or harness to the canopy
assembly on parachutes. The riser is composed of two lift webs, and there are two
risers on each parachute assembly.

RUNOFF—Sewing that is not on a seam or cloth.

RUPTURE—When one or more yarns of suspension line casing is cut or severed,

sometimes exposing the inner core. Occasionally, tears, cuts, or other forms of damage
to the canopy are defined as a rupture when caused by dynamic load conditions.

SADDLE—That part of the main lift web of the harness that provides a seat or sling for
the wearer.

SAFETY TIE—A low-strength thread that serves to indicate that an assembly has not
been damaged, tampered with, or opened since the last regular inspection.

SAR—Abbreviation for search and rescue.

SATCOM—Abbreviation for Satellite Communication.

SCRAP—To discard, with proper authorization, items, parts or materials that are
obsolete or no longer usable.
SCU—Abbreviation for Swimmer Control Unit.

SDLM—Abbreviation for Standard depot-level maintenance. Provides for a

comprehensive inspection of selected aircraft structures and materials, critical defect
correction, preventive maintenance as required, and modification and technical directive
compliance. The goals are to ensure reliability and operational availability of the aircraft
at minimum cost for the established operating service period and to provide
intermediate support during the total service life.

SDLM/CONVERSION—Standard depot-level rework concurrent with special rework, the

accomplishment of which alters the basic characteristics of the aircraft to such an extent
as to effect a change in any part of the model designation.

SDLM/CRASH DAMAGE—In addition to accomplishing SDLM, includes repairing and

restoring to a serviceable condition any part of an aircraft that has sustained damage
resulting from an accident or an incident.

SDLM/MODIFICATION—Accomplishment of standard depot-level rework concurrent

with a modification that causes major work effort resulting from the installation of these
technical directives. NAVAIR approval required.

SEAM—A series of stitches joining two or more pieces of cloth. For Government work,
the type of seam is indicated by a symbol that gives the class of seam, the number of
stitching, and the number of rows of stitching.

SEAR—To melt or seal with heat; for example, to sear the end of nylon webbing, one
heats the end until the nylon melts and fuses. This prevents raveling. Also describes the
catch that holds the hammer of a firing mechanism cocked. The sear in an automatic
parachute ripcord release is attached to the aneroid in the receiver assembly.

SEAT CUSHION—A square, cloth-covered pad designed to provide comfort and

equipped with a slot to provide passage for the harness leg straps.

SEAT PAN—A sponge-rubber-covered metal seat that is contoured for user comfort. A
seat pan is used with seat-type parachutes and back-type parachutes when a packaged
life raft assembly is used. A high-speed seat pan has sections for support under the
pilot‘s thighs during ejection. This reduces leg strain caused by high acceleration loads.

SECTION—Each major part of a gore. Sections are bordered by radial seams, diagonal
seams, or vent or skirt hems. In the 28-foot, flat canopy, four sections are used in each
gore (previously known as panels).

SECURITY—A measure of an item‘s firm, positive, and safe attachment in an

authorized manner.

SELVAGE—An edge of a woven fabric so formed as to prevent raveling (as compared

to a cut edge, which will ravel).

SEPARATION THREAD—A bunching of threads in cloth that leaves a hole or
separation in the cloth. A thread separation can run either with the warp or filling of a

SERVICE LIFE—The time period during which the item can be maintained in service
without replacement.

SERVICING PARACHUTES—Inspecting, cleaning, repairing, and repacking parachutes

at periodic (calendar) intervals. Periodic intervals for parachutes should correspond
either to the aircraft calendar inspection or to the phased maintenance inspection cycle
program, as directed by applicable MRC or Special Inspection Card Deck.

SERVING—A method of wrapping or binding the ends of a cord or a line so it will not
ravel. Sometimes referred to as ―whipping.‖

SEWING MACHINE—A machine with a power-driven needle, used for sewing and

SHORT ANTI-SQUID LINE—A Martin-Baker patent-improved anti-squid line, also called

a pull down vent line.
SHOT BAG—A bag filled with lead shot used to hold the canopy in place during

SHOULDER STRAP—The part of the harness webbing that crosses the wearer‘s back
at the shoulder blades.

SHROUD LINE—Slang for suspension line.

SIDE FLAP—Cloth extensions on each of the long sides of the container base, that fold
over and enclose the canopy. Each side flap is designated according to the fittings it
carries: for example, locking cone side flaps or grommet side flap.

SIGNALING MIRROR—A 3-by-5 inch aluminized reflecting mirror used by personnel in

rafts or on land to attract the attention of passing aircraft or ships by reflection both in
sunlight or in hazy weather.

SINGLE FLOAT—A place in cloth where a filling or warp yarn extends unbound over
the pick(s) with which it should be interlaced.

SKIPPED STITCHES—Threads that are not interlocked.

SKU—Abbreviation for seat survival kit.

SLIDE FASTENER—A type of fastener made of two lengths of tape with a series of
metal or plastic scoops fastened to one side of each. A metal slide causes the
scoops to mesh or lock in place as the fastener is closed or to separate as the
fastener is opened. Colloquial usage ZIPPER.

SLMIP—Abbreviation for suspension line mandatory inspection point.

SLUB—An abruptly thickened place in cloth caused by manufacturer‘s defect.

SM&R CODES—Abbreviation for Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability codes.

Comprised of three parts: a two-position source code, a two-position maintenance code,
and a one-position recoverability code.

SMASH—Abrasion damage that causes broken warp and filling threads and weave

SPC—Abbreviation for Shop Process Cards.

SPECIFIC GRAVITY—Density of fluid compared to density of water.

SPEED LINK—Slang for connector link.

SPLICE—The joining of two strands for core ends with an interweaving or mechanical

SPREADER BAR—A type of tension hook used to hold connector links in position
during parts of the packing procedure.

SQUARE KNOT—A knot formed bypassing the end of the cord in the left hand over and
under the end in the right hand, and then reversing the process by passing the end in
the right hand over and under the one in the left hand.

SQUIDDING—A state of incomplete canopy inflation in which the canopy has a squid-
or pear-like shape.

STATIC LINE—A line used to open a parachute assembly without the need to pull a
ripcord manually. A static line is attached to the ripcord manually. A static line is
attached to the ripcord and the aircraft or ejection seat. When the line becomes taut, it
withdraws the ripcord locking pins or deployment bag. The parachute then opens.

STATIC LINE CUTTER—A device used to cut the static line to free the parachutist and
prevent entanglement.

STITCHES PER INCH—The number of needle penetrations where threads are

interlaced, per linear inch.

STRINGY OR LOOPY SELVAGE—Irregular stringy or loopy selvage edge.

STRIP BACK—Broken thread filament(s) wrapped around the remaining thread to form
an enlarged area on cloth.

STOWING—The act of putting away in a neat, orderly way. Stowing suspension lines
involves inserting the lines into the hesitator loops or stowage channels in such a way
as to ensure proper paying out of lines when the parachute is opened. Stowing the
canopy involves folding and inserting the canopy into the container in such a way as to
ensure proper opening of the canopy when the parachute is used.

SURGEON‘S KNOT—The surgeon‘s knot is similar to the square knot, except that the
first overhand tie is wrapped twice around the cord or line.

SURGICAL TAPE—A white linen or cotton tape with adhesive on one side. Commonly
called adhesive tape.

SURVEY—A formal process by which a parachute or other accountable equipment is

withdrawn from service or removed from records.

SUSPENSION LINE—Nylon cords that connect the canopy of the parachute to the
harness assembly.

SUSPENSION LINE SEPARATOR—A tool used to aid in keeping suspension lines and
canopy skirt in order while packing a parachute.

SWAGE—To attach a device to a cable by means of pressure. A swaging machine

compresses a fitting, causing it to grip tightly to the cable to which it is being attached.

SWAGE FITTING—A connection, adapter, or pin that is fastened to a cable by

pressure. It is applied by means of a machine that compresses the fitting, causing it to
tightly grip the cable or wire to which it is being attached.

T-HANDLE—A handle in the shape of the letter T.

TACK (HAND TACK)—To attach something temporarily prior to final sewing and to tie
temporarily as an aid in positioning. Also, to permanently secure portions of a parachute
together: for example, the attachment of a seat cushion to a parachute container

TAPE—A narrow woven ribbon of cotton, linen, nylon, or other material.

TEAR STRENGTH—The average force, expressed pounds, required to continue a tear

either across the filling or warp of cloth.

TEMPLATE—A pattern or gauge commonly in the form of a thin plate of cardboard,

wood, or metal. It is used as a guide in the layout or cutting of flat work.

TEMPORARY LOCKING PIN—A metal pin inserted through the eye of the locking
cones to hold the side flaps in place until the ripcord pin is inserted.

TENSILE STRENGTH—The greatest stress a cloth can withstand along its length
without rupturing, expressed as a number of pounds per square inch (of cross section).

TENSION HOOK—Hooks used to retain the connector links during parts of the packing

TENSION STRAP—A strap that attaches to the peak of a canopy to keep the canopy
and suspension lines taut during parts of the packing procedures.

TERMINAL END FITTING—The end of the automatic parachute ripcord release arming
cable that connects to the ejection seat, lap belt, or other designated point. See also

THIN SPOT (Suspension Line)—A condition whereby the diameter of the suspension
line as seen visually is less than other portions of the suspension line. This condition is
normally caused by broken inner cord yarn(s) or an improper overlap.

TIGHT STITCHES—Thread under excess tension, causing one sewing thread to lie on
the surface of the cloth or causing puckering of the cloth.

TOGGLE LINE—One or more parachute lines that run from a slot or orifice in a
steerable canopy to the harness, providing steerability. When such lines are under
tension during parachute opening or descent, they are classified as suspension lines.

TORSO HARNESS SUIT—A combination of webbing and a torso suit that includes the
parachute harness, lap belt, shoulder belt, and life vest attachment fittings. See also

TORQUE—A force or combination of forces that tends to produce a rotating or twisting

motion. Torque is often expressed in inch-pounds or foot-pounds. A torque wrench is
used to apply a measured torque.

TOTAL LIFE—Total life is the period of time commencing with the date of manufacture
that an item may be retained in a packaged, out-of-service condition and remain
acceptable for service.

TPL—Abbreviation for thermoplastic liner.

TRAINING PARACHUTE—A combination of two parachute assemblies. A main, back-

type parachute and reserve, chest-type parachute with training harness assemblies
designed to accommodate both parachutes. Its use is mandatory on all premeditated
student training jumps.

TRISAR HARNESS—Provides a slightly reclined seated position for rescuers that allow
them total use of their hands. The flotation vest provides a minimum of 35 pounds of

TROOP PARACHUTE—A parachute used by a paratrooper for a premeditated jump

over a designated area.

TUBULAR WEBBING—Strong synthetic or natural fiber webbing woven in the form of a


TWIST—Rotation of the suspension line casing induced generally during final assembly
of the canopy, suspension lines, and connector links.

TWIST OF THREAD OR CORD—The direction (right or left) in which the strands of
thread or cord are wound around one another. If the thread unwinds when turning it to
the left, it is right twist; if it tightens, it is left twist. Right twist is also known as Z-twist.
Left twist is also known as S-twist.

TWO-NEEDLE TWO-STITCH SEAM—A seam in one operation by a two-needle sewing

machine: for example, a diagonal seam.

TYP—Abbreviation for typical.

UHF—Abbreviation for Ultra High Frequency.

UNDERFOLD—Insufficient cloth folded inside a seam. The raw edges of cloth will show
when underfold is excessive.

UNEVEN STITCHING—Stitching is wavy, or the number of stitches varies.

UNTACK—To remove a tacking.

UUT—Abbreviation for Unit Under Test.

V-RING—A metal fitting shaped in the form of a closed letter V. For example, V-rings,
used with quick-ejector snap fittings, secure a harness assembly on a wearer.

V-TAB—Webbing reinforcement at the point where the suspension line enters the

VENT—The circular opening at the peak or top of the canopy. As the parachute opens
and descends, some of the air in the canopy escapes through this vent, thus reducing
the strain on the canopy and steadying descent. It is about 18 inches in diameter for
personnel parachutes.

VENT COLLAR—A strip of nylon cloth. One edge is sewn to the vent hem of the canopy
so that a collar or cylinder forms above the top of the parachute. The other edge is
hemmed to form a channel for inserting a molded rubber ring.

VENT LINE—Nylon cord that crosses the vent opening of a canopy.

VENT RING—A molded rubber ring in the vent collar. It stretches when the air rushes
into the canopy as the parachute begins to inflate.

WARNING—Indicates danger to personnel. The warning precedes the step or item to

which it refers.

WARNING FLAG—A tag attached to an assembly to indicate that the assembly is not
operational. Often the flag is attached to safety-pins on pyrotechnic devices to indicate
necessity of removal before operation. Also, it is used to flag defective or incomplete
equipment to preclude use.

WARP—The threads that run parallel to the selvage edge of cloth crossed by the filling

WEAVE—To manufacture a web or cloth on a loom by interlacing the warp and filling
yarns. Also, the particular pattern employed in weaving cloth. The cloths for parachute
use are one up and one down (plain weave), two up and one down (twill weave), or

WEAVE SEPARATION—Looseness of weave caused by strain or poor weaving.

WEB (WEBBING)—A strong, narrow, closely-woven tape of synthetic, cotton, or linen

fiber designed for bearing weight. For example, it is used in the manufacture of the
parachute harness.

WET LOCKER—A tower or compartment maintained for hanging parachutes that are
damp or have been immersed in water.

WHIPSTITCH—A stitch used to join two pieces of webbing and to reinforce weak

WHISKER—A thread filament protruding from cloth.

WITHDRAWAL LINE CONNECTOR LINK—Nylon webbing with loops sewn in both

ends. The withdrawal line connector link attaches the withdrawal line to the apex of the
canopy and large loop in shortened anti-squid line.

YARN—A continuous strand of textile fiber or filament in a form suitable for

manufacturing textile materials.

YOKE AND PLATE ASSEMBLY—The removable end of connector link.

ZIGZAG STITCH—A stitch made by a sewing machine that stitches alternately on two
or more parallel lines. For example, it is used to reinforce and anchor the suspension
lines to the canopy. The number of stitches per inch is determined by counting the
number of points on one side per linear inch.


Although the following references were current when this
NRTC was published, their continued currency cannot be
assured. When consulting these references, keep in mind
that they may have been revised to reflect new technology
or revised methods, practices, or procedures. Therefore,
you need to ensure that you are studying the latest

Emergency Personnel and Drouge Parachute Systems Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.2,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 September 2010.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2A,
Commander, Naval Air Force, San Diego, CA, 10 November 2009.

Cartridges and Cartridge Actuated Devices for Aircraft and Associated Equipment,
NAVAIR 11-100-1.1, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD,
January 1984.
Emergency Personnel and Drouge Parachute Systems Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.2,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 September 2010.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2A,
Commander, Naval Air Force, San Diego, CA, 10 November 2009.

Emergency Personnel and Drouge Parachute Systems Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.2,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 September 2010.
MC-6 Static-line Parachute System, NAVSEA SS400-A1-MMO-010, Commander, Naval
Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 15 January 2009.
RAM Air Parachute Assembly, NAVSEA SS400-AX-MMO-010 Rev 1, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 31 March 2009.
Unit and Intermediate Direct Support Maintenance Manual for Cargo Parachute,
NAVAIR 13-1-32, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 31
August 2005.

Emergency Personnel and Drouge Parachute Systems Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.2,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 September 2010.
Helmets and Masks, Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-
3, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 September
NATOPS General Flight and Operational Instructions Manual, OPNAVINST 3710.7U,
Chief of Naval Operations, 23 November 2009.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2A,
Commander, Naval Air Force, San Diego, CA, 10 November 2009.
Survival Vest and Aircrew Protective Armor Assemblies, Aircrew Personal Protective
Equipment Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-4, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Patuxent River, MD, 01 September 2010.

Rescue and Survival Equipment Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.5, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 September 2010.

Life Preservers, lnflatable Survival Equipment Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.1-2,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 September 2010.
Life Rafts. lnflatable Survival Equipment Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.1-1, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 September 2010.

SKU-Series Seat Kits, Aviation Crew Systems Seat Survival Kits Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-
6.3-2, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 April 2007.

Gas Cylinders, Use, Handling, and Maintenance, NAVAIR 06-20-2, Commander, Naval
Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 15 May 1998.
Life Rafts. lnflatable Survival Equipment Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.1-1, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 September 2010.

Industrial Sewing Equipment Manual, NAVAIR A6-215PC-MEB-000, Naval Air Systems
Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 September 2006.

Aircrew Survival Equipmentman 2, NAVEDTRA 14218, Naval Education and Training
Professional Development and Technology Center, Pensacola, FL, March 1990.

Aviation Crew Systems, Oxygen Equipment (Regulators) Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.4-2,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 August 2011.
Aviation Crew Systems, Oxygen Equipment (Concentrators) Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.4-
3, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 August 2011.
Aviation Crew Systems, Oxygen Equipment (Converters) Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.4-4,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 April 2001.
Aviation Crew Systems, Oxygen Systems (Aircraft Equipment, Masks, and Other
Systems) Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.4-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Patuxent River, MD, 01 August 2011.
Oxygen Concentrator Test Set Manual, AG-500SL-MME-000, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 November 2008.
Portable Oxygen Regulator Test Set, NAVAIR 17-15-535, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 March 2010.

Operation and Maintenance Instructions, Radio Beacon Sets AN/URT-140 and
AN/URT-140-T1, NAVAIR 16-30URT140-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Patuxent River, MD, 01 August 2010.
Operation and Maintenance Instructions, Radio Sets AN/PRC149, AN/PRC149A,
AN/PRC149-T1, and AN/PRC149A-T1, NAVAIR 16-30PRC149-1, Commander, Naval
Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 July 2011.
Operation and Maintenance Manual, CSEL Planning Equipment, NAVAIR 16-35CSEL-
CPE-1, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 01 June 2008.
Operational and Maintenance Procedures, CSEL Battery Charger, NAVAIR 16-
30PRQ7-2, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 18 August
Operator’s Maintenance Manual, Radio Set AN/PRQ-7, NAVAIR 16-30PRQ7-1,
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, 04 February 2010.


Answers to End of Chapter Questions

Chapter 1 – Parachute Familiarization

1-1. C. 1-5. B. 1-9. A.

1-2. D. 1-6. C. 1-10. B.
1-3. B. 1-7. C.
1-4. A. 1-8. D

Chapter 2 – Automatic Opening Devices

2-1. D. 2-5. C. 2-9. B.

2-2. A. 2-6. B. 2-10. C.
2-3. D. 2-7. A.
2-4. D. 2-8. D.

Chapter 3 – Parachute Systems

3-1. A. 3-6. C. 3-11. A.

3-2. C. 3-7. D. 3-12. B.
3-3. C. 3-8. B. 3-13. D.
3-4. B. 3-9. B.
3-5. B. 3-10. A.

Chapter 4 – Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment

4-1. C. 4-9. A. 4-17. C.

4-2. C. 4-10. D. 4-18. C.
4-3. B. 4-11. A. 4-19. D.
4-4. A. 4-12. D. 4-20. B.
4-5. C. 4-13. C. 4-21. C.
4-6. C. 4-14. B. 4-22. C.
4-7. D. 4-15. A. 4-23. C.
4-8. C. 4-16. C.

Chapter 5 – Rescue and Survival Equipment

5-1. B. 5-5. D. 5-9. D.

5-2. A. 5-6. B. 5-10. C.
5-3. C. 5-7. A. 5-11. A.
5-4. B. 5-8. B. 5-12. C.

Chapter 6 – Inflatable Survival Equipment

6-1. B. 6-6. C. 6-11. B.

6-2. D. 6-7. B. 6-12. B.
6-3. B. 6-8. A. 6-13. B.
6-4. A. 6-9. B.
6-5. C. 6-10. B.

Chapter 7 – Seat Survival Kit

7-1. A. 7-3. A. 7-5. B.

7-2. D. 7-4. C. 7-6. B.

Chapter 8 – Carbon Dioxide

8-1. D. 8-3. D. 8-5. A.

8-2. B. 8-4. B.

Chapter 9 – Sewing Machines

9-1. C. 9-8. A. 9-15. C.

9-2. C. 9-9. C. 9-16. C.
9-3. B. 9-10. D. 9-17. D.
9-4. B. 9-11. C. 9-18. A.
9-5. A. 9-12. A. 9-19. C.
9-6. A. 9-13. D.
9-7. C. 9-14. C.

Chapter 10 – Fabrication and Manufacture

10-1. D. 10-5. C. 10-9. D.

10-2. D. 10-6. C. 10-10. A.
10-3. D. 10-7. B.
10-4. B. 10-8. C.

Chapter 11 – Oxygen Components Test Stands

11-1. A. 11-10. C. 11-19. D.

11-2. D. 11-11. C. 11-20. B.
11-3. B. 11-12. C. 11-21. C.
11-4. C. 11-13. A. 11-22. B.
11-5. A. 11-14. D. 11-23. D.
11-6. B. 11-15. B. 11-24. A.
11-7. B. 11-16. C. 11-25. C.
11-8. D. 11-17. A.
11-9. B. 11-18. B.

Chapter 12 – Survival Radios and Beacons

12-1. B. 12-6. B. 12-11. C.

12-2. C. 12-7. C. 12-12. D.
12-3. B. 12-8. C. 12-13. B.
12-4. B. 12-9. A.
12-5. A. 12-10. C.

A/E26T-4 PORTABLE OXYGEN REGULATOR TEST SET ................................................ 11-13
Description ...................................................................................................................... 11-13
Operation ........................................................................................................................ 11-23
PORTS Systems ............................................................................................................. 11-18
Shut Down ....................................................................................................................... 11-25
A/P28S-32 PERSONNEL PARACHUTE ................................................................................. 3-1
Description .......................................................................................................................... 3-2
AN/PRC-149 RADIO SET ..................................................................................................... 12-1
Description ........................................................................................................................ 12-1
Inspection .......................................................................................................................... 12-6
Operation .......................................................................................................................... 12-3
AN/PRQ-7 RADIO SET ......................................................................................................... 12-6
Combat Survivor/Evader Location (CSEL) System ............................................................ 12-6
Description ........................................................................................................................ 12-9
Inspections ...................................................................................................................... 12-16
Operation ........................................................................................................................ 12-11
AN/URT-140 RADIO BEACON SET ................................................................................... 12-16
Description ...................................................................................................................... 12-18
Inspections ...................................................................................................................... 12-22
Operation ........................................................................................................................ 12-19
ANTI-EXPOSURE ASSEMBLIES ......................................................................................... 4-16
A/P22P-6(V)2 and A/P22P-6A(V)2 Anti-Exposure Assemblies .......................................... 4-17
CWU-62/P Series Anti-Exposure Coverall ......................................................................... 4-21
ANTI-G GARMENTS............................................................................................................. 4-24
Anti-g Garments Description.............................................................................................. 4-25
CSU-15/P, CSU-13B/P, and CSU-15A/P Anti-G Garments ............................................... 4-26
AUTOMATIC PARACHUTE ACTUATOR................................................................................ 2-1
Automatic Parachute Ripcord Release Subassembly .......................................................... 2-3
Automatic Parachute Ripcord Release Test Set .................................................................. 2-6
Military Cybernetic Parachute Release System (2) .............................................................. 2-7
Preparation for Use ............................................................................................................. 2-9
CARBON DIOXIDE ................................................................................................................. 8-1
Characteristics..................................................................................................................... 8-1
Safety .................................................................................................................................. 8-1
CMU VEST ........................................................................................................................... 4-10
CMU-33A Survival Vest ..................................................................................................... 4-10
CMU-36/P Survival Vest .................................................................................................... 4-14
CO2 RECHARGE EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................. 8-2
CO2 SUPPLY CYLINDERS ..................................................................................................... 8-4
COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT DIRECTIVES .................................................................... 1-42
COMPONENTS OF PARACHUTES ....................................................................................... 1-6
Canopies ............................................................................................................................. 1-8
Parachute Containers ........................................................................................................ 1-14
Parachute Harness ............................................................................................................ 1-14
Pilot Chute ........................................................................................................................... 1-7
Ripcord .............................................................................................................................. 1-14
Suspension Lines .............................................................................................................. 1-12
CONSEW 206RB SEWING MACHINE ................................................................................... 9-1
Adjusting the Pressure on the Material .............................................................................. 9-11
Adjustments and Timing for the Consew 206RB Machine ................................................. 9-12
Cleaning and Oiling ............................................................................................................. 9-2
How to Attach the Needle .................................................................................................... 9-5
Preventive Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 9-1
Regulating the Thread Tensions ........................................................................................ 9-10
Removing and Inserting the Bobbin ..................................................................................... 9-7
Removing Your Work ........................................................................................................ 9-10
Thread ................................................................................................................................. 9-6
Threading the Machine ........................................................................................................ 9-8
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................. 9-23
Winding the Lower Thread on the Bobbin ............................................................................ 9-6
CRU-103A/P CREW REGULATOR UNIT ........................................................................... 11-27
CRU-121(V)/A AIRCRAFT PANEL-MOUNTED OXYGEN REGULATOR............................ 11-29
DEMONSTRATING THE USE OF RAFTS ............................................................................ 6-17
Boarding the Raft .............................................................................................................. 6-18
Safety Precautions in Boarding Rafts ................................................................................ 6-18
G-12 CARGO PARACHUTE ................................................................................................. 3-37
Description ........................................................................................................................ 3-37
Initial Receipt ..................................................................................................................... 3-39
GENERAL PURPOSE MEDICAL FIRST AID KITS ................................................................. 5-6
Description .......................................................................................................................... 5-6
Inspections .......................................................................................................................... 5-7
GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................... 4-53
TTU-489/E Oxygen Hose and Communications Test Set and TTU-609/E Communications
Test Set ......................................................................................................................... 4-53
TTU-551/E NCE Leakage Tester ....................................................................................... 4-53
HARDWARE ....................................................................................................................... 10-19
Curtain Fastener.............................................................................................................. 10-25
Glove Fasteners .............................................................................................................. 10-23
Grommets ....................................................................................................................... 10-20
Interlocking Slide Fasteners ............................................................................................ 10-25
Three-Way Locking Fasteners ......................................................................................... 10-24
Three-Way Locking Snaps .............................................................................................. 10-25
HARNESS HARDWARE ....................................................................................................... 1-14
Adapters ............................................................................................................................ 1-16
Connector Links ................................................................................................................ 1-17
Koch Release Adapters ..................................................................................................... 1-17
Snaps ................................................................................................................................ 1-17
HELICOPTER RESCUE DEVICES ....................................................................................... 5-18
Cable Grip ......................................................................................................................... 5-26
Helicopter Rescue Equipment Bag .................................................................................... 5-28
Hoist Quick-Splice Plate .................................................................................................... 5-25
Pneumatic Rescue Hand Tool ........................................................................................... 5-27
Rescue Hook ..................................................................................................................... 5-24
Rescue Net ....................................................................................................................... 5-22
Rescue Seat ...................................................................................................................... 5-21
Rescue Strop..................................................................................................................... 5-20
TRISAR Harness Assembly............................................................................................... 5-23
HELMETS ............................................................................................................................. 4-31
Bayonet Receiver Assembly .............................................................................................. 4-53
CBR Receiver Components............................................................................................... 4-41
Clear, Neutral, and Special Purpose Protective Visor Assemblies ..................................... 4-38
Communications Cable Assembly ..................................................................................... 4-52
Communications System Components .............................................................................. 4-39
Earcup Assembly .............................................................................................................. 4-36
Flyer‘s Helmet Bag (MIL-B-43290J)................................................................................... 4-53
General Aircrew Helmet Assemblies for Rotary Wing Aircraft ............................................ 4-32
Helmet Shell Assembly ...................................................................................................... 4-35
Helmet Sight Alignment Set ............................................................................................... 4-41
Helmet Sight Assembly Components (HGU-67/P) ............................................................. 4-40
HGU-66(V) 1/P Helmet Assembly...................................................................................... 4-45
HGU-68(V)/P Series Helmet Assembly.............................................................................. 4-47
HGU-85(V)/P Series Helmet Assembly.............................................................................. 4-50
HGU-87(V)/P22P-16 Series Helmet Assembly .................................................................. 4-50
HGU-89/P22P-16 Helmet Assembly .................................................................................. 4-50
Integrated Chin/Nape Assembly ........................................................................................ 4-37
Lightweight Visor Series .................................................................................................... 4-52
M26542/2-01 Boom Microphone Assembly ....................................................................... 4-53
Major Helmet Assemblies .................................................................................................. 4-44
NVIIS System Components ............................................................................................... 4-39
PRU-52/P Thermoplastic Liner Assembly ................................................................. 4-36, 4-51
PRU-55/P Helmet Shell Assembly ..................................................................................... 4-50
Reduced Profile Safety Visors ........................................................................................... 4-52
Safety Visor Series ............................................................................................................ 4-52
Single Lens Visor Assembly .............................................................................................. 4-51
TACAIR Helmet Assemblies for Fixed Wing Aircraft .......................................................... 4-42
HISTORY ................................................................................................................................ 1-1
INDIVIDUAL AIRCREWMAN‘S SURVIVAL KIT (SRU-31/P) ................................................. 5-15
Bagged Drinking Water ..................................................................................................... 5-18
General Packet.................................................................................................................. 5-16
Medical Packet .................................................................................................................. 5-15
Rations .............................................................................................................................. 5-17
INDIVIDUAL FIRST AID KIT (IFAK) ........................................................................................ 5-9
Inspections ........................................................................................................................ 5-12
INSPECTING CO2 CYLINDERS and RECHARGING ............................................................. 8-5
INSPECTIONS............................................................................................................... 1-30, 7-6
Acceptance (Original Issue)/Calendar/Phased/Conditional Inspections ............................. 1-31
Acceptance/Phased/SDLM Inspections ............................................................................... 7-7
Daily Inspection ................................................................................................................. 1-30
Purging and Charging Emergency Oxygen System ............................................................. 7-7
Special Inspection ............................................................................................................. 1-30
Special Inspections.............................................................................................................. 7-6
Turnaround/Daily/Preflight/Postflight Inspections ................................................................. 7-6
LIFE PRESERVER INSPECTIONS ...................................................................................... 6-34
Functional Testing ............................................................................................................. 6-35
Inflation Assembly Inspection ............................................................................................ 6-41
Leakage Test..................................................................................................................... 6-35
Visual Inspection ............................................................................................................... 6-39
LIFE PRESERVERS ............................................................................................................. 6-19
LPU-32/P Life Preserver Assembly ................................................................................... 6-19
LPU-34/P Low-Profile Flotation Collar ............................................................................... 6-23
LPU-36/P Low-Profile Flotation Collar Life Preserver ........................................................ 6-25
LPU-37/P Low-Profile Flotation Collar Life Preserver ........................................................ 6-28
LPU-41/P Life Preserver Assembly (Helicopter Egress System for Passengers) ............... 6-30
TRI-SAR Harness Assembly Flotation Vest ....................................................................... 6-33
LIFE RAFT INSPECTIONS ................................................................................................... 6-11
Cleaning ............................................................................................................................ 6-16
Determining Repairability................................................................................................... 6-13
Functional Test .................................................................................................................. 6-13
Hydrostatic Test of CO2 Cylinders ..................................................................................... 6-17
Leakage Testing ................................................................................................................ 6-13
Pull Cable Proof Load Test for Multiplace Rafts ................................................................. 6-13
MAINTENANCE FOR THE SC-5 TRANSFER UNIT ............................................................... 8-9
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING AND RECORDS ................................................................... 4-1
Maintenance Documents ..................................................................................................... 4-2
Modifications of Flight Equipment ........................................................................................ 4-4
MC-6 PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ........................................................................ 3-26
Description ........................................................................................................................ 3-26
Main Parachute Deployment Sequence............................................................................. 3-35
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Introduction ................................. 3-36
Reserve Parachute Deployment Sequence ....................................................................... 3-35
MT-2XX/SL RAM AIR PARACHUTE ....................................................................................... 3-4
Description .......................................................................................................................... 3-4
Inspection Requirements ................................................................................................... 3-16
MULTI-CLIMATE PROTECTION SYSTEM ........................................................................... 4-63
MULTIPLACE RAFTS ............................................................................................................. 6-3
Components ........................................................................................................................ 6-3
LRU-12/A Life Raft Assembly .............................................................................................. 6-8
LRU-30A/A (8-Man), LRU-31A/A (12-Man), AND LRU-32A/A (20-Man) ............................ 6-10
ONE-MAN LIFE RAFTS .......................................................................................................... 6-2
LRU-23/P Life Raft Assembly .............................................................................................. 6-2
LRU-29/P22P-20 Sealed Life Raft Assembly ....................................................................... 6-3
OXYGEN .............................................................................................................................. 11-1
Characteristics of Oxygen.................................................................................................. 11-3
Effects of Hypoxia ............................................................................................................. 11-2
Types of Oxygen ............................................................................................................... 11-4
OXYGEN MASKS ................................................................................................................. 4-55
Attachment of Bayonet and Receiver Mechanism ............................................................. 4-61
Combination Inhalation/Exhalation Valve ........................................................................... 4-59
MBU-23 Series .................................................................................................................. 4-57
MBU-23(V)/P Series Oxygen Mask ................................................................................... 4-57
Pressure-Demand Oxygen Mask MBU-12/P23 Series ....................................................... 4-56
PARACHUTE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS ........................................... 1-23
Canopy Damage Charts .................................................................................................... 1-28
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program Forms ..................................................................... 1-29
Parachute Configuration Inspection and History Record (OPNAV 4790/101) .................... 1-25
Preflight/Daily/Turnaround/Postflight Maintenance Record (OPNAV 4790/38)................... 1-23
Recording Modifications .................................................................................................... 1-29
PCU-56/P SERIES PARACHUTE RESTRAINT HARNESS ASSEMBLY .............................. 4-28
Aircraft Application............................................................................................................. 4-29
BHU-18/A Lap Belt Assembly ............................................................................................ 4-29
PCU-26/P and PCU-26A/P Torso Harness Assemblies ..................................................... 4-29
PERSONNEL PARACHUTE ................................................................................................... 3-1
PERSONNEL PARACHUTE INSPECTIONS ........................................................................ 1-21
Inspection Schedules ........................................................................................................ 1-22
Parachute Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 1-22
Reasons for Inspecting Parachutes ................................................................................... 1-21
Specifications .................................................................................................................... 1-23
PROCEDURES FOR PRELIMINARY TESTS AND INSPECTIONS...................................... 1-32
Ballistic Spreading Gun Inspection .................................................................................... 1-40
Canopy Inspection ............................................................................................................. 1-35
Connector Link Inspection ................................................................................................. 1-39
Container Assembly Inspection ......................................................................................... 1-42
Contamination Inspection .................................................................................................. 1-34
Harness/Riser Assembly Inspection .................................................................................. 1-40
Inspecting for Wear and Physical Defects ......................................................................... 1-35
Pilot Parachute Inspection ................................................................................................. 1-35
Replacing Parachute Assemblies and Subassemblies ...................................................... 1-33
Ripcord Assembly Inspection ............................................................................................ 1-41
Ripcord Pull Test ............................................................................................................... 1-33
Service Life Checks ........................................................................................................... 1-33
Suspension and Vent Line Inspection ................................................................................ 1-36
SC-5 CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................................................... 8-2
SEAMS AND KNOTS.......................................................................................................... 10-33
Hand-Sewn Seams.......................................................................................................... 10-34
Knots ............................................................................................................................... 10-46
SIGNALING EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES ............................................................................. 5-1
Dye Marker .......................................................................................................................... 5-1
Mk 124, Mod 0 Signal Flare ................................................................................................. 5-4
Mk 79, Mod 0 Illumination Signal Kit .................................................................................... 5-3
SDU-39/N Distress Light ..................................................................................................... 5-5
Signaling Mirror ................................................................................................................... 5-2
SINGER SEWING MACHINES 31-15 ................................................................................... 9-25
Preventive Maintenance .................................................................................................... 9-26
Timing and Adjustments .................................................................................................... 9-26
SKU-10/A SERIES SEAT SURVIVAL KIT ............................................................................... 7-1
Basic Operation ................................................................................................................... 7-5
Emergency Oxygen System ................................................................................................ 7-3
Rucksack Container ............................................................................................................ 7-5
Seat Lid Kit Assembly.......................................................................................................... 7-2
SPECIAL HAND TOOLS..................................................................................................... 10-14
Awl .................................................................................................................................. 10-19
Hand Press ..................................................................................................................... 10-16
Knives ............................................................................................................................. 10-17
Measuring Devices .......................................................................................................... 10-17
Sailmaker‘s Palm ............................................................................................................. 10-19
Shears ............................................................................................................................. 10-14
Star Punch ...................................................................................................................... 10-19
Table-Mounted Snap Fastener Press .............................................................................. 10-15
SET ................................................................................................................................... 4-41
TEXTILE MATERIALS, TERMS, AND MEANINGS ............................................................... 10-1
Construction Features and Uses of Various Textile Materials ............................................ 10-4
Engineering Requirements for Fabrics............................................................................... 10-9
Fiber and Filament............................................................................................................. 10-1
Storage of Textile Materials ............................................................................................... 10-8
Threads and Cords ............................................................................................................ 10-6
Webbings and Tapes......................................................................................................... 10-6
TRANSPORTING PARACHUTES ........................................................................................ 1-18
Shipping Containers .......................................................................................................... 1-19
Storing ............................................................................................................................... 1-21
TTU-511/E TEST STAND ..................................................................................................... 11-4
Cleaning ............................................................................................................................ 11-7
Correction Card Preparation and Calibration ..................................................................... 11-8
Periodic Inspections .......................................................................................................... 11-6
Preparation for Use ........................................................................................................... 11-6
Repairing and Replacing Parts ........................................................................................ 11-12
TTU-518A/E OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR TEST SET ....................................................... 11-26
TYPES OF FLIGHT CLOTHING ............................................................................................. 4-4
Fire-Resistant Flyer‘s Gloves, GS/FRP-2 ............................................................................ 4-7
Flyer‘s Boot/Belville/Air Safety Boot ..................................................................................... 4-9
Summer flyer‘s Coverall CWU-27/P and Blue Flyer‘s Coverall CWU-73/P........................... 4-4

1-1. Who was the first person credited for successfully jumping from an aircraft using
a parachute?

A. Jodaki Kuparento
B. Albert Berry
C. Arnold Appleby
D. Andre-Jacques Garnerin

1-2. When did it become mandatory for all Army and Navy aircrew to wear the
standard back-type parachute while in flight?

A. 1919
B. 1924
C. 1922
D. 1918

1-3. Where can the date of manufacture be found on a 28-foot canopy?

A. Section D of gore 28
B. Section C of gore 28
C. Section A of gore 28
D. Section B of gore 28

1-4. What part of a parachute prevents rupture to the canopy during opening shock?

A. Vent hem
B. Skirt hem
C. Vent
D. Gore

1-5. All machine stitching on a parachute canopy (except zigzag) should conform to
(a) what type and (b) what federal standard?

A. (a) 301 (b) 750

B. (a) 301 (b) 751
C. (a) 302 (b) 750
D. (a) 302 (b) 751

1-6. Personnel parachute harness webbing has a T/S of __________.

A. 4,000 to 5,000 pounds

B. 6,000 to 7,800 pounds
C. 6,000 to 8,700 pounds
D. 4,000 to 5,800 pounds
1-7. Ripcord pins are swaged in placed and tested at __________.

A. 100 pounds
B. 200 pounds
C. 300 pounds
D. 400 pounds

1-8. After a parachute is used in an emergency situation, __________.

A. it is shipped to the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA

B. it is shipped to the Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, PA
C. it is shipped to the Naval Safety Center, Norfolk, VA
D. it is disposed of locally

1-9. Who is responsible for initiating the Parachute Configuration Inspection and
History Record?

A. Manufacturer
B. Controlling custodians
C. IMA placing the parachute into service
D. Squadron PR

1-10. Whenever a canopy is inspected and needs repairs, what form is initiated?

A. Parachute Configuration Inspection and History Record

B. Canopy Damage Chart
C. Multi-copy MAF
D. NAVAIR-2650

1-11. What is the maximum pull force on a ripcord pull test?

A. 22 pounds
B. 25 pounds
C. 27 pounds
D. 36 pounds

1-12. When testing for acid and/or alkaline contamination, what is the safe zone on pH
test paper?

A. 0 to 5.0
B. 5.0 to 9.0
C. 9.0 to 14.0
D. 14.0 to 20.0

1-13. When inspecting suspension lines during an original issue inspection, how much
tension is applied to the lines?

A. 5 pounds
B. 10 pounds
C. 15 pounds
D. 20 pounds

1-14. How many stitches per inch are used to sew a parachute harness?

A. 12 to 14
B. 10 to 12
C. 6 to 8
D. 4 to 6

1-15. When are local modifications permitted on a parachute assembly?

A. When directed by maintenance control

B. When directed by the maintenance officer
C. When directed by the squadron CO
D. When approved by proper authority

2-1. The Model 7000 APRR is available in two different altitude settings. What are the
two settings?

A. 8,000 and 12,000 feet

B. 10,000 and 12,000 feet
C. 10,000 and 14,000 feet
D. 12,000 and 14,000 feet

2-2. Before the APRR preset altitude has been reached, which component(s) of the
release assembly prevent the firing mechanism from firing?

A. Actuator stop
B. Firing safety lock
C. Gear assembly lock
D. Aneroid and sear mechanism

2-3. During APRR operation, what action results from the forward movement of the
piston and its attached power cable?

A. Aneroid sear releases the firing mechanism

B. Main powder charge in the cartridge explodes
C. Arming cable is pulled below the preset altitude
D. Locking pins are pulled and the parachute opening sequence begins

2-4. If any defect is found while inspecting the APRR ripcord release assembly, what
action should you take?

A. Affix a tag to the assembly denoting "NOT FOR USE"

B. Remove and scrap the entire assembly
C. Return the assembly to its manufacturer
D. Salvage any workable parts from the assembly

2-5. What manual gives you information on the APRR cartridge service life/total life?

A. NAVAIR 11-10-100
B. NAVAIR 11-100-1.1
C. NAVAIR 11 13-1-6.9
D. NAVAIR 11-3710

2-6. To perform maintenance on the APRR assembly, you must follow the procedures
outlined in __________.

A. NAVAIR 11-10-100
B. NAVAIR 11-100-1.1
C. NAVAIR-13-1-6.2
D. NAVAIR 13-1-6.9

2-7. Before using the test set, what must the test chamber altimeter barometric
pressure read?

A. 29.29 inches
B. 29.87 inches
C. 29.90 Inches
D. 29.92 inches

2-8. The CYPRES (2) unit is waterproof for up to 24 hours to a depth of __________

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20

2-9. After __________ hours have passed, the CYPRES (2) unit will switch itself off
automatically, regardless of whether jumper is in freefall.

A. 12
B. 14
C. 18
D. 24

2-10. On the CYPRES (2) unit, what number is initially displayed when the unit goes on

A. 0
B. 5
C. 10
D. 15

2-11. General maintenance on the CYPRES (2) is outlined in the __________.

A. AG-500AO-MME-000
B. AG-500SL-MRC-100
C. NAVAIR 13-1-32
D. NAVSEA SS400-AX-MMO-010 Rev 1

3-1. How many variants are there of the A/P28S-32 parachute?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

3-2. Which of the following parachute assemblies uses a rocket motor attached to the
withdrawal line?

A. A/P28S-32
C. MC-6
D. G-12

3-3. Which of the following parachute assemblies is a seven-cell ram-air design?

A. A/P28S-32
C. MC-6
D. G-12

3-4. What is the maximum total all-up weight for the MT-2XX/SL parachute

A. 320 pounds
B. 360 pounds
C. 400 pounds
D. 440 pounds

3-5. What function does the slider provide on the MT-2XX/SL parachute?

A. Hauling
B. Reaching
C. Reefing
D. Steering

3-6. Which of the following parachute assemblies uses a wing-shaped canopy?

A. A/P28S-32
C. MC-6
D. G-12

3-7. How many crossports are in the center ribs of the MT-2XX/SL canopy?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

3-8. Which of the suspension lines on the MT-2XX/SL is one continuous line running
from the canopy attachment point to the connector link and then back to the

A. Lines 1C and 1D
B. Lines 5A and 5B
C. Cascaded steering lines
D. Drogue/slider control line

3-9. Which lines are attached to the leading edge of the MT-2XX/SL canopy?

A. A suspension lines
B. B suspension lines
C. Static lines
D. Steering lines

3-10. The MC-6 parachute system is capable of supporting how many pounds?

A. 320
B. 360
C. 400
D. 440

3-11. What is the descent rate of the MC-6 parachute assembly?

A. 10.5 to 14.5 feet per second

B. 12.0 to 16.0 feet per second
C. 14.5 to 18.5 feet per second
D. 15.5 to 20.5 feet per second

3-12. Where are the drive vents located on the MC-6 canopy?

A. On the canopy hem

B. On gores 2, 26, and 28
C. On gores 4, 5, 6, and 7
D. On gores 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19

3-13. Which of the following parachute assemblies is capable of supporting 2,200

A. A/P28S-32
C. MC-6
D. G-12

3-14. How much does the G-12 parachute assembly weigh?

A. 12 pounds
B. 24 pounds
C. 42 pounds
D. 128 pounds

4-1. What factor decides the difference between protection and comfort?

A. Aircraft design
B. Operational requirements
C. Size of the aircrew member
D. Type of material

4.2. Planned maintenance for flight clothing is performed at what level of


A. O-level
B. I-level
C. Depot level
D. The level set forth in the COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2

4.3. When you clean a helmet, what type of maintenance are you performing?

A. Calendar
B. Corrective
C. Phase
D. Preventive

4.4. Which of the following may be used to make entries on a maintenance


A. A blue pen
B. A black pen
C. A typewriter
D. Any of the above

4.5. What document is used to record personal protective equipment that has been
issued to an aircrew member?

A. DD 1348
B. Aircrew Personal Protective History Card
C. NAVAIR 1348
D. Form 4790/2E

4.6. When you are working with personal protective equipment, which of the following
NAVAIR manuals is most helpful?

A. 13-1-6.7
B. 1-1-6.5
C. 17-1-6.4
D. 13-1-6.2

4.7. What field activity has cognizance over most life support and survival equipment?

A. NWC, China Lake, Ca

C. NAEC, Lakehurst, NJ
D. NAEC, San Diego, CA

4.8. If you are requested to sew a group of patches on a flight jacket, you would be
allowed to sew up to how many square inches of patches?

A. 150 square inches

B. 100 square inches
C. 50 square inches
D. There is no limit.

4.9. The CWU-27/P and CWU-73/P coveralls can be washed and dried in up to which
of the following temperatures before damage or shrinkage occurs?

A. 100°F water and 120°F drying temperature

B. 120°F water and 160°F drying temperature
C. 110°F water and 140°F drying temperature
D. 140°F water and 180°F drying temperature

4.10. Flyers‘ boots come in which of the following size ranges?

A. 4 narrow through 14 1/2 extra wide

B. 5 1/2 wide through 13 regular
C. 5 1/2 narrow through 15 1/2 narrow
D. 6 regular through 16 wide

4.11. Anti-exposure suits must be worn in what maximum water temperature?

A. 32°F or below
B. 40°F or below
C. 50°F or below
D. 65°F or below

4.12. Which of the following are design characteristics of the A/P22P series anti-
exposure assemblies?

A. Continuous wear type

B. Quick-donning type
C. Both A and B above
D. None of the above

4.13. What size criteria should be used to fit anti-exposure assemblies to aircrew

A. Suit size
B. Height, weight, and chest measurements
C. Chest and height measurements
D. Torso measurement

4.14. The CWU-62/P anti-exposure coverall is supplied in how many sizes?

A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12

4.15. What type of garment provides protection from the effects of high g-forces
experienced by aircrew assigned to high performance aircraft?

A. Anti-exposure
B. Anti-g
C. Survival vest
D. Torso harness

4.16. Which technical manual provides the fitting guidelines for the CSU-13B/P anti-g

A. NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-2
B. NAVSEA SS400-A1-MMO-010
C. OPNAV 5510.34A
D. SECNAV 1000.10A

4.17. Where is the gated D-ring attached to the PCU-56 harness?

A. Left and right shoulders

B. Right shoulder
C. Left shoulder
D. Cross-connector strap

4.18. Which manual would you use to find authorized aircraft applications for the PCU-
26 harness?

A. NAVAIR 13-1-6.2
B. NAVAIR 13-1-6.3
C. NAVAIR 13-1-6.5
D. NAVAIR 13-1-6.7

4.19. In which of the following technical manuals would you find the helmet
configuration and application matrix?

A. NAVAIR 00-25-100
B. NAVAIR 00-35QH-2
C. NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-3
D. NAVAIR A6-215PC-MEB-000

4.20. Which of the following visor assemblies affords enhanced visual acuity during
flights conducted in overcast or hazy conditions?

A. Amber visor
B. Gradient visor
C. Neodymium visor
D. Optical density visor

4.21. Which of the following helmet assembly series was designed to replace the
HGU-33/P series helmet?

A. HGU-52/P
B. HGU-55/P
C. HGU-68(V)/P
D. HGU-89/P22P-16

4.22. Before and after each mission, who is responsible for performing the preflight
and postflight inspections on the helmet assembly?

A. The plane captain

B. The aircrew member
C. The maintenance control chief
D. The aircrew survival equipmentman

4.23. Which of the following manuals provides complete information on MBU-12/P

oxygen mask configuration buildups?

A. NAVAIR 13-1-6.1
B. NAVAIR 13-1-6.4
C. NAVAIR 13-1-6.7-3
D. NAVAIR 00-80T-101

4.24. When fitting the mask to an aviator, how far are the bayonet fittings inserted into
the receiver assembly?

A. Until it is snug
B. To the first locking position
C. To the third locking position
D. To the second locking position

5-1. Rescue and survival items may be carried in which of the following places?

A. Life rafts
B. Droppable kits
C. On aircrewmen
D. All of the above

5-2. How long does it take to exhaust a dye marker?

A. 1 hour
B. 10 to 15 minutes
C. 20 to 30 minutes
D. 30 to 50 minutes

5-3. How far can the dye marker be seen from an altitude of 3,000 feet?

A. 3 miles
B. 5 miles
C. 8 miles
D. 10 miles

5-4. The signaling mirror can produce a light equivalent to __________ candlepower.

A. 6,000,000
B. 8,000,000
C. 10,000,000
D. 11,000,000

5-5. How many Mk 80 cartridges are in a Mk 79 Mod 0 signal kit?

A. 7
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12

5-6. How many feet can the Mk 80 signal flare travel when propelled upward?

A. 100
B. 150
C. 200
D. 250

5-7. Each end of the Mk 124 Mod 0 signal flare will burn for approximately
__________ seconds.

A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40

5-8. The SDU-39/N distress light should be inspected __________.

A. annually
B. semi-annually
C. each time the aircrewman‘s flight gear is inspected
D. every 120 days

5-9. How many times per minute for each 2-minute duration is the SDU-39/N required
to flash?

A. 50 plus or minus 10
B. 40 plus or minus 5
C. 30 plus or minus 10
D. 20 plus or minus 5

5-10. The eye ointment of the SRU-31/P survival kit has an expiration date of
__________ years.

A. 7
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5

5-11. What is the purpose of the rations carried by aircrew personnel?

A. To provide subsistence
B. To alleviate thirst
C. To provide nourishment
D. To provide quick energy only

5-12. The service/shelf life of bagged drinking water is __________ years from the
date of manufacture.

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8

5-13. What publication would you refer to for information on search and rescue
procedures at sea?

B. NAVAIR 80T-101
C. NWP 19-1
D. OPNAV 3710.7

5-14. The rescue strop is a buoyant device consisting of a __________ filling.

A. closed-cell foam
B. styrofoam
C. foam rubber
D. polyurethane

5-15. The rescue strop is identified by what color(s)?

A. Red
B. Orange
C. Yellow
D. Red and white

5-16. The rescue sling is designed to accommodate __________ survivor(s) at a time.

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1

5-17. What is inserted in the base of the rescue seat to minimize roll and provide the
proper degree of submergence in the water?

A. Sand
B. Lead
C. Copper
D. Stainless steel

5-18. How much weight does the large rescue hook support?

A. 1,000 pounds
B. 1,500 pounds
C. 3,000 pounds
D. 4,000 pounds

5-19. How much weight does the small rescue hook support?

A. 500 pounds
B. 600 pounds
C. 800 pounds
D. 1,000 pounds
5-20. The ring at the bottom of the rescue hook supports __________ pounds.

A. 1,000
B. 1,500
C. 2,000
D. 3,000

5-21. What is the distance between the rescue hook and the hoist quick-splice plate?

A. 4 inches
B. 6 inches
C. 8 inches
D. 12 inches

5-22. The pneumatic rescue hand tool operates on a nitrogen gas cylinder with a
pressure of __________ psi.

A. 1,000
B. 1,500
C. 2,000
D. 3,000

5-23. What is the maximum diameter of stainless steel cable that the pneumatic rescue
hand tool can cut?

A. 1/8 inch
B. 1/4 inch
C. 5/8 inch
D. 7/32 inch

6-1. To clean a life raft you would use a cleaning compound mixed with water. This
mixture should consist of one part of compound to how many parts of water?

A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six

6-2. When installing an inflation valve onto a CO2 cylinder that will be used on a
multiplace life raft, you would torque it to how many inch-pounds?

A. 400 ± 40
B. 600 ± 60
C. 800 ± 80
D. 900 ± 90

6-3. When repairing a loose or missing seam tape on a life raft, you must overlap the
seam tape on other seams at least how many inches?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

6-4. How many coats of cement are applied to the life raft when you make a repair?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

6-5. How long must you wait before applying talcum powder to the patch area?

A. 12 hours
B. 24 hours
C. 36 hours
D. 48 hours

6-6. How much does the LPU-34/P series life preserver weigh?

A. 3.00 pounds
B. 3.25 pounds
C. 4.00 pounds
D. 4.50 pounds
6-7. The LPU-34/P series life preserver has how many inflatable bladders?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

6-8. How many times can the FLU-8 automatic inflator be used before it must be

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

6-9. What is the buoyancy rating of a properly inflated LPU-32/P life preserver?

A. 32 pounds
B. 40 pounds
C. 50 pounds
D. 65 pounds

6-10. Which of the following test equipment is required to perform a battery voltage test
on a life preserver inflation device?

A. Analog Multimeter
B. Continuity Tester
C. Digital Multimeter
D. Non-contact Voltage Tester

6-11. What would a multimeter reading of -12V indicate when performing a battery
voltage test on a FLU-8 inflation device?

A. The battery is fully charged

B. The battery charge is depleted
C. The battery is installed backwards
D. The multimeter is on the wrong setting

6-12. How much force is applied to an actuating lanyard of a life preserver when
performing an inflation lanyard pull test?

A. 10 pounds
B. 15 pounds
C. 20 pounds
D. 25 pounds

6-13. To ensure a firm seat in the FLU-8 valve body, the CO2 cylinder must have a
minimum of how many threads?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

6-14. How much torque is applied to install the sensor plug cap on an FLU-8?

A. 5 inch-pounds
B. 6 inch-pounds
C. 7 inch-pounds
D. 8 inch-pounds

7-1. The emergency oxygen cylinder is mounted to which component of the SKU-10
seat survival kit assembly?

A. Seat cushion
B. Seat lid assembly
C. Survival kit unit
D. Lower container

7-2. If the automatic actuation lanyard fails to activate the emergency oxygen system,
what component should the aircrew member pull to manually operate the

A. Yellow ―O‖ ring

B. Green knob
C. Green handle
D. Yellow release handle

7-3. Which of the following work centers is responsible for doing a 7- or 14-day
inspection on a survival kit installed in an aircraft?

A. QA division
B. Aircraft division
C. Aviator‘s equipment branch
D. Plane captain branch

7-4. What is the maximum time that can elapse between phase inspections on a seat

A. 28 days
B. 91 days
C. 12 months
D. 24 months

7-5. You must purge the emergency O2 system when the system meets which of the
following criteria?

A. Falls below 5 psi

B. Falls below 15 psi
C. Has remained empty for less than 2 hours
D. Has remained empty for more than 2 hours

7-6. What component is used to release pressure in the oxygen bottle before

A. Filler valve
B. Manual emergency oxygen operating handle
C. Beacon/emergency oxygen lanyard
D. Oxygen hose assembly

7-7. If a seat kit is to be stored, __________ psi should remain in the O 2 system.

A. 200
B. 500
C. 900
D. 1,200

8-1. A standard supply cylinder will contain how many pounds of CO2 gas?

A. 10
B. 40
C. 50
D. 80

8-2. At a temperature of 88°F, CO2 gas can be converted into a liquid by applying a
pressure of how many psi?

A. 400
B. 500
C. 600
D. 700

8-3. Depending on temperature and pressure, CO2 can take on how many different

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

8-4. What effect does 3 percent of CO2 in the atmosphere have on the human body?

A. It causes distorted vision

B. It causes panting
C. It causes unconsciousness
D. It doubles a person‘s breathing effort

8-5. If a person breathes air that has 10 percent CO2, what is the effect on the human

A. It would cause blurred vision

B. It would cause panting
C. It would cause unconsciousness
D. It would cause marked distress

8-6. A standard CO2 supply cylinder will contain approximately how many pounds of
liquid CO2 at a temperature of 70°F?

A. 12
B. 28
C. 38
D. 50

8-7. Why is it a recommended procedure to invert the CO2 supply cylinder when

A. It will prevent the hose fitting from freezing shut.

B. The cylinder will remain cooler, allowing it to be filled faster.
C. It allows the siphon tube to accept the gas.
D. It allows the siphon tube to accept the liquid.

8-8. What should you do with a CO2 cylinder with a discernible bulge?

A. Monitor carefully when filling

B. Check the hydrostatic test date to ensure it has not expired before filling
C. Fill only if approved by your supervisor
D. Do not fill. Return to supply

8-9. The hydrostatic test date is expired if it precedes the current date by how many

A. More than 5
B. Less than 6
C. More than 3
D. Less than 4

8-10. What does the term ―tare weight‖ mean?

A. The weight of a completely filled cylinder

B. The weight of the empty cylinder before preparing for filling
C. The weight of the empty cylinder and the value and cable assembly
D. The weight of a partially filled cylinder before refilling

9-1. The feeding action of the Consew 206BR sewing machine allows which
components to move in unison?

A. The lifting presser foot, the pinion gear, and the feed dogs
B. The vibrating presser, the needle, and the feed dogs
C. The lifting presser, the needle bar, and the feed dogs
D. The vibrating presser, the lifting presser, the needle, and the feed dogs

9-2. The Consew 206BRsewing machine has a stitch per inch (SPI) range of

A. 3 1/2 to 30
B. 5 to 32
C. 3 1/2 to 32
D. 5 to 30

9-3. What is the proper clearance between the hoot point and the needle hollow for
the hook and needle bar to be considered in time?

A. .05 to .1mm
B. .1 to .15mm
C. .05 to 2mm
D. .02 to .25mm

9.4. The Consew 206BR sewing machine is classified as what type of sewing

A. Swing-type
B. Rotar-type
C. Oscillating-type
D. Serger-type

9.5. The Singer 31-15 is an oscillating shuttle machine. The descriptive term
oscillating shuttle refers to _________.

A. the action of the sewing hook

B. the way it makes a stitch in uneven with the needle
C. the established route of the shuttle
D. the action of the needle bar

9-6. An accumulation of dust and lint will cause the same sluggish operation problem
as which other part?

A. Loose power belt

B. Loose stitch regulator
C. Loose rotating hook
D. Loose bobbin wind

9-7. After using a sewing machine, you should always _________.

A. clean and oil the machine

B. empty the oil pan
C. change the machine stand
D. change the belt

9-8. An excessive amount of oil on the working parts of any sewing machine will
probably result in which of the following conditions?

A. The oil will dry out and cause grease to form on friction surfaces
B. The oil will drip on materials being sewn and soil the project
C. The oil will accumulate in the drip pan and overflow on the drive motor
D. The oil will cause condensation that will drip into the drive motor

9-9. At what minimum interval should sewing machines be given a thorough cleaning
and oiling?

A. Every 3 mo
B. Every 6 mo
C. Every 12 mo
D. Every 18 mo

9-10. If unable to obtain the recommended types of oil required by the manufacturer,
what oil substitute can be used?

A. Cod oil
B. Turbine oil
C. Mineral oil
D. STP oil treatment

9-11. When removing and inserting the bobbin, what step must be done to keep the
bobbin from dropping out of the case when it is turned with the open side down?

A. Keep the hinged latch at the back of the bobbin case open
B. Keep the hinged latch at the front of the bobbin case open
C. Keep the tension spring at the back of the bobbin case open
D. Keep the tension spring at the front of the bobbin case open

9-12. Which of the following actions allows you to adjust the movement of the feed

A. Loosen the feed dog fork

B. Loosen the feed driving crank pinch screw
C. Remove the throat plate
D. Remove the feed driving cam

9-13. Which of the following parts control the feeding motion provided by the
alternating pressers?

A. Lifting (rear) presser foot

B. Feed driving rock shaft
C. Vibrating (front) presser foot
D. Feed driving cam

9-14. What is the purpose of the thread controller spring?

A. It prevents the bobbin thread from breaking

B. It prevents the upper thread from breaking
C. It prevents the sewing hook from piercing the thread
D. It prevents the needle from piercing the thread

9-15. If your machine is hard to turn after you time and adjust it, which of the following
actions must be performed first?

A. Check the feeding action

B. Remove the arm shaft connection belt
C. Remove the throat plate and set the stitches to zero
D. Turn the balance wheel

9-16. What is the stitch range on the 31-15?

A. 5 to 30 SPI
B. 7 to 32 SPI
C. 5 to 27 SPI
D. 7 to 27 SPI

9-17. Which of the following is the main timing point on a 31-15 sewing machine?

A. Hook drive gear

B. Hook pinion gear
C. Needle bar
D. Balance wheel

9-18. To set the feeding action on a 31-15 sewing machine, you must loosen which of
the following screws?

A. Feed dogs setscrew

B. Feed dog cam fork setscrew
C. Feed-driving rock shaft crank pinch screw
D. Feed-driving rock shaft connection pinch screw

9-19. The first step in setting the press bar is to turn the balance wheel until the feed
dogs are just below the top of the _________.

A. throat plate
B. press bar guide
C. feed-driving rockshaft
D. guide lever

10-1. What is the basic unit used in the fabrication of textile yarns and fabrics?

A. Staple
B. Fiber
C. Filler
D. Warp

10-2. Which threads in a fabric run lengthwise and are parallel to the selvage edge?

A. Warp
B. Filling
C. Locking
D. Basic

10-3. Bias cuts are made at a _________-degree angle to the filling threads.

A. 180
B. 45
C. 90
D. 15

10-4. Which term describes the amount of force a material can withstand without

A. Breaking strength
B. Warp strength
C. Tensile strength
D. Filler strength

10-5. The term ―webbing‖ describes any material that that is less than _________
inches from one selvage edge to the other and weighs more than 15 ounces per
square yard.

A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12

10-6. NOMEX fabric will begin to _________ at approximately 700°F.

A. burn
B. char
C. melt
D. disintegrate
10-7. Which of the following is most detrimental to nylon fabric?

A. Mildew
B. Direct sunlight
C. Salt water
D. Insects

10-8. Air permeability directly affects which of the following attributes of parachute

A. Opening time
B. Opening force
C. Stability
D. All of the above

10-9. Which of the following describes the term ―moisture regain‖?

A. A measure of static electricity

B. The percentage of moisture a fabric absorbs from the air
C. The degree to which a fabric repels water
D. The water permeability of a fabric

10-10. What is the percentage of elasticity in nylon?

A. 50%
B. 75%
C. 90%
D. 100%

10-11. Nylon has what percent moisture regain?

A. 2.5%
B. 3.2%
C. 4.2%
D. 5.5%

10-12. When installing the chuck and die into a snap fastener press, the chuck is the
_________ tool and the die is the _________.

A. forward / rear
B. rear / forward
C. lower / upper
D. upper / lower

10-13. Which of the following grommet sizes is the smallest?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
10-14. Which of the following methods is used to clean grease and dirt from a slide

B. Toluene
C. Soap and water
D. Stoddard solvent

10-15. After cleaning a slide fastener, it should be lubricated with _________.

A. oil
B. graphite
C. oil or graphite, depending on the fabric
D. silicone gel

10-16. When shortening an interlocking slide fastener, the chain should be how much
shorter than the opening in the material?

A. 1/4 inch
B. 1/2 inch
C. 3/4 inch
D. 1 inch

10-17. Slide fasteners are supplied in how many sizes?

A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven

10-18. Which of the following stitches is used to hold plies together temporarily before
machine sewing?

A. Basting
B. Baseball
C. Running
D. Overthrow

10-19. Which of the following stitches is used to sew an eyelet onto a parachute‘s

A. Baseball
B. Overthrow
C. Running
D. Lock 301

10-20. Which hand stitch should you use when a neat appearance is required?

A. Baseball
B. Running
C. Lock 301
D. Hidden

10-21. Sewing a hidden stitch requires a _________.

A. 1 1/2-inch curved needle

B. 2-inch straight needle
C. 1 1/2-inch straight needle
D. 2 1/2-inch curved needle

10-22. Which of the following are advantages of machine-sewn seams over hand-sewn

A. Uniform tension
B. Fast completion
C. Neat appearance
D. All of the above

10-23. How many classes of seams are there?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

10-24. What is the simplest knot for joining two cords or threads together?

A. Binder‘s knot
B. Overhand knot
C. Square knot
D. Bowline knot

10-25. What knot should you use for a safety tie on ripcord pins?

A. Overhand
B. Square
C. Half hitch
D. Bowline

11-1. At what minimum altitude is it necessary to use a positive pressure breathing

A. 18,000 ft
B. 20,000 ft
C. 25,000 ft
D. 35,000 ft

11-2. A demand (inhalation) regulator CANNOT supply enough oxygen for the user
above what maximum altitude?

A. 32,000 ft
B. 33,000 ft
C. 35,000 ft
D. 43,000 ft

11-3. What term is used to describe the condition when the body receives an
insufficient amount of oxygen to function properly?

A. Anoxia
B. Asphyxia
C. Hypoxia
D. Suffocation

11-4. Which of the following terms refers to a complete lack of oxygen to the body?

A. Anoxia
B. Asphyxia
C. Hypoxia
D. Suffocation

11-5. The atmosphere contains about what percentage of oxygen by volume?

A. 10%
B. 21%
C. 33%
D. 23%

11-6. Combustion is a form of rapid oxidation. Which of the following examples
represents slow oxidation?

A. Rusting iron
B. Paint turning brittle
C. Alcohol turning into vinegar
D. All of the above

11-7. The atmosphere contains about what percentage of nitrogen by volume?

A. 21%
B. 23%
C. 33%
D. 78%

11-8. What is the weight of 2 gallons of liquid oxygen?

A. 17.00 lb
B. 19.08 lb
C. 21.00 lb
D. 21.08 lb

11-9. What is the expansion ratio when LOX is converted to gaseous state at
atmospheric pressure?

A. 520 to 1
B. 682 to 1
C. 862 to 1
D. 986 to 1

11-10. With an applied pressure of 750 psi, at what temperature will oxygen begin to
take on its liquid form?

A. -147°F
B. -182°F
C. -280°F
D. -297°F

11-11. Oxygen procured by the Navy and tested at a temperature of 70°F must have a
purity of 99.5% and a water content of no more than how many milligrams per

A. 0.01
B. 0.02
C. 0.03
D. 0.04

11-12. A deficit in oxygen is referred to as _________.

A. altitude sickness
B. hypoxia
C. oxygen saturation
D. anoxia

11-13. Preparing the TTU-511/E test stand for use is divided into five separate tasks.
Which of the following tasks is NOT accomplished by the PR?

A. Installation
B. Visual inspection
C. Calibration
D. Leakage testing

11-14. What is the inspection interval for the TTU-511/E test stand bell jar pressure
relief valve?

A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Every 6 months

11-15. After removing the front panel on the TTU-511/E test stand, what maximum air
pressure is used to remove dust and any foreign matter from the surfaces of the
gauge tester?

A. 10 psi
B. 15 psi
C. 25 psi
D. 50 psi

11-16. Which of the following chemicals is used to clean the terminals of the liquid
oxygen quantity gauge tester on the TTU-511/E test stand?

A. Type I Freon
B. Type II Freon
C. Type I dry cleaning solvent
D. Type II dry cleaning solvent

11-17. What should you use to clean the o-ring installed in the TTU-511/E test stand bell

A. Distilled water
B. Natured alcohol
C. Denatured alcohol
D. Mild soap and water

11-18. Which of the following manuals provides procedures for correction card
preparation and for calibrating the TTU-511/E test stand?

A. NAVAIR 13-1-6.4
B. NAVAIR 13-1-6.5
C. NAVAIR 17-15BC-23
D. NAVAIR 17-17CAL-2

11-19. What unit of measure is actual liter-per-minute converted to when preparing TTU-
511/E test stand correction cards?

A. Indicated millimeters
B. psig
C. Inches of water
D. Inches of mercury

11-20. How many graphs are supplied with the calibration kit for the TTU-511/E test

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

11-21. When preparing the TTU-511/E test stand differential pressure gauge correction
card, what initial pressure is used to compare the readings on the 0-to-100-inch
H2O low-pressure gauge and the differential pressure gauge?

A. 25 inches H2O
B. 50 inches H2O
C. 75 inches H2O
D. 100 inches H2O

11-22. To prepare the TTU-511/E test stand test pressure gauge correction card, you
must connect the bell jar bottom coupling to which of the following?

A. 0 to 100 psig pressure gauge

B. 0 to 200 psig pressure gauge
C. 0 to 500 psig pressure gauge
D. Differential pressure gauge

11-23. When preparing the correction card for the TTU-511/E test stand low-pressure
test gauge, you must use the bleed valve to reduce the pressure indicated on the
precision 0-200-psig pressure test gauge. What maximum increments are used
to reduce the indicated pressure?

A. 2 psig
B. 5 psig
C. 25 psig
D. 50 psig
11-24. When preparing the TTU-511/E test stand linear flow element correction cards,
you should start with which of the following lpm flow elements?

A. 0 to 50
B. 0 to 100
C. 0 to 150
D. 0 to 200

11-25. Which of the following manuals contains parts information on the TTU-511/E test

A. NAVAIR 13-5-501
B. NAVAIR 17-15BC-23
C. NAVAIR 17-18BC-30

11-26. Which of the following is not a major component of the PORTS?

A. Test stand
B. Unit under test
C. Accessories kit
D. Vacuum pump assembly

11-27. Which PORTS valve is used to stabilize bouncing output pressure?

A. Damper valve
B. Flow select valve
C. Pressure select valve
D. Auxiliary flow control valve

11-28. What is the operating range of the PORTS high-pressure system?

A. 100 to 1,500 psig

B. 200 to 2,500 psig
C. 300 to 3,500 psig
D. 400 to 4,500 psig

11-29. Which PORTS system provides the overall leak and bleed flow test?

A. Vacuum
B. Relief flow
C. Step-down pressure
D. Pressure leak and control

11-30. What is the operating range of the PORTS altitude control/makeup flow system?

A. Sea level to 45,000 feet

B. Sea level to 75,000 feet
C. Ground level to 30,000 feet
D. Ground level to 50,000 feet
11-31. What is the resolution rating of the PORTS outlet flow control valve?

A. < 0.5 lpm

B. < 1.0 lpm
C. > 3.0 lpm
D. > 5.0 lpm

11-32. When is PORTS automatically zeroed?

A. When the computer boots up

B. When the UUT is connected
C. When the vacuum pump is turned ON
D. When the test stand power switch is switched to ON

11-33. The TTU-518A/E test set is capable of testing which of the following oxygen
system components?

A. Masks
B. Regulators
C. Convertors
D. Concentrators

11-34. Where is the CRU-103 regulator mounted?

A. On the user‘s chest

B. On the user‘s oxygen mask
C. On the aircraft oxygen panel
D. On the aircraft oxygen convertor

12-1. The PRC-149 radio transmits digital messages on which of the following

A. 121.500 MHz
B. 243.000 MHz
C. 282.800 MHz
D. 406.025 MHz

12-2. What is the positional accuracy of the PRC-149 radio's embedded GPS receiver?

A. 3 feet
B. 50 feet
C. 100 feet
D. 300 feet

12-3. How should the PRC-149 antenna generally be pointed?

A. Vertically and perpendicular to the LOS of the SAR aircraft

B. Any position acceptable due to antenna reception characteristics
C. Horizontally and perpendicular to the OTH receiving component bearing
D. With the long axis of the antenna centerline toward the SAR aircraft

12-4. What is the approximate duration of the PRC-19 radio Power-up BIT?

A. 2 seconds
B. 20 seconds
C. 1 minute
D. 2 minutes

12-5. How does a user initiate a maintenance BIT on the PRC-149 radio?

A. Connecting the radio to the GEOSAR system

B. Placing the mode selector switch to BIT
C. Sending the radio to an intermediate- or depot-level maintenance activity
D. Placing the mode selector to GPS and pressing the volume UP and
DOWN buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds

12-6. How long is the PRQ-7 radio rated to withstand salt water immersion at depth of
one meter?

A. 12 hours
B. 24 hours
C. 96 hours
D. Indefinitely
12-7. What data is automatically tagged to transmissions that identify a specific PRQ-7

C. IFI Auto-sequence

12-8. Which of the following is NOT a function of the PRQ-7 radio power key?

A. Turns radio ON
B. Turns the radio OFF
C. Places radio in sleep mode
D. Toggles display backlighting ON and OFF

12-9. Which of the following is NOT displayed on the PRQ-7 main menu screen?

A. Battery status
B. Date and ZULU time
C. GPS keys loaded icon
D. Satellite signal strength

12-10. How are password numerical digits selected on the PRQ-7 radio?

A. Using the volume up and down keys

B. Using the up and down cursor keys
C. Using the left and right cursor keys
D. Using the main menu key to access an on-screen keypad

12-11. The URT-140 beacon is rated to be waterproof at depth of two feet for how long?

A. 12 hours
B. 24 hours
C. 96 hours
D. Indefinitely

12-12. At what setting is the URT-140 mode control switch knob placed for continuous
transmission on only the 406.025 MHz frequency?

B. TIMED 406

12-13. What is the status of the LED indicator if the URT-140 beacon fails the power-up

A. LED remains ON
B. LED remains OFF
C. LED flashes rapidly
D. LED will turn ON for two seconds and OFF for four seconds


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