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Welcome to

Ethics class!
Human Acts vs.
Acts of Man
Why do we have to
talk about it?

Why human beings

Only human beings
can be ethical.
Only human beings are rational, autonomous,
and self-conscious.

• The qualities of rationality, autonomy, and self-

consciousness are believed to confer a full and equal
moral status to those that possess them as these beings
are only ones capable of achieving certain values and
Only human beings can act morally or

• Only beings that can act morally can be required to

sacrifice their interests for the sake of others.
Only human beings are part of the moral

• Only human beings can possess or practice values such

as love, honor, social relationship, forgiveness,
compassion and altruism.
Can our actions
define us?
Why human
Why human acts?

Human acts are acts that are proper

for man as man. They proceed from
rational nature of man.

Human beings are capable of

morality because our actions have
ethical values.
Acts that proceed from man’s
vegetative nature like growth and
nutrition or from his sentient nature
such as perception and locomotion
are in themselves not human acts
but rather, mere acts of man.
of Human Acts
Classification of Human Acts

• Moral acts are acts done by human beings in

accordance to goodness. These moral acts include among
others: telling the truth, helping others, returning a lost item, taking
care of other, self-control (non-action).
• Moral acts done by man are right conduct.
• Immoral acts are acts done by human beings in
accordance with evil. Examples: lying, killing, stealing.
• Immoral acts done by man are wrong conduct.
Classification of Human Acts

• Amoral acts are acts that are neither good or

bad. Examples are eating, sleeping, walking.
• Amoral acts are not human acts, rather, they
are acts of man. They are not conduct, but only
Image source:
The classification of acts as human act or acts
of man is not an absolute one. It depends on
particular circumstances, the intent of the
moral agent, and the manner of doing the said
Source: Co et al. Logic and Ethics, Libro Filipino, 2015
- proceed from a deliberate
- a man is fully responsible
with the consequences of his
of Human
- An act is done knowingly, when the doer is conscious (all
senses are active, sensory-perception is functional) and
aware of the reason and the consequences on his actions.
- It refers to the rational awareness by the person of his
own acts.
- An act is done when the doer acts by his own initiative
and choice without being forced to do so by another person
or situation.
- Freewill refers to the absence in a person of
determination in the performance of his acts.
- It makes the father of his acts and thus, the doer is
responsible for those acts.
- To be free means, the person is the one who chooses
whether to do the act in whatever manner he can or not do
it all. He claims ownership of the act.
- An act is done willfully when the doer consents to the
acts, accepting it as his own, and assumes accountability
for its consequences.
are done …

are done …

without men being master of them

throughout his intellect and will
•Absence of any of these three
constituents/ elements shall
render an act not a human act
at all.

• These factors diminish one’s

culpability to his actions.
Factors affecting
the essential
attributes of
Human Acts

: lack
or absence of knowledge in a person capable of
knowing a certain thing or things.
Causes of invincible ignorance:
–No way of suspecting that he is ignorant (nondisclosure
of a fact)
–Morally impossible to obtain the knowledge.

:a mental agitation of disturbance brought about

by the apprehension of some present or
imminent danger. The danger may be real or
Types of Fear:
–Grave Fear: aroused by the presence of a danger
–Slight Fear: aroused by a danger

:a movement of the sensitive appetite which is

produced by good or evil as apprehended by the mind.
–Passion is good when ordered by the will to help man
practice the virtue. Example: fear of being caught cheating.
–Passion is bad or evil when ordered by the will to
accomplish evil acts. Example: courage to steal.

: an external force applied by someone on another in

order to compel him to perform an action against his
*If one resist the violence, the evil act to which one is
forced is not culpable. Example: a snatcher to weaken his victim uses
force and violence but the victim, unknown to the snatcher, knows some self-
defense techniques.
According to Aristotle, knowledge is not
enough for I may know something good
and yet would not do it; or I may know
something bad yet do it. There is always
an inner struggle between reason and
Only voluntary act can be held
because it consists of both knowledge
approval of the moral agent.
How to analyze
human acts?
Ethical analysis of human acts involve the act
itself and the end of the act.
What was the act?

Who committed the act?—the moral agent or the person who does the act

To whom the act is intended?—the recipient of the act; the one who benefited from
the action.
Where was the act done?—the place where the act is committed.

When?— the time the act was committed, and

How?—the manner of performing the act.

End?— the objective/purpose of the act.

Short Activity / Attendance

*Comment your answers on this thread only.

A.In 3-5 sentences, summarize what you have learned
from this topic.
B.How’s your experience with Ethics class from the
start? Did it help you? If yes, how?
C.Do you have any suggestions to improve our learning
experience? What are the things that need change or
improvement? You may also reflect on things which
can help your instructor.

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