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HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive with rebar ase mata covet “incon esiem wth high oeangeapachy 04d performance in dlamond = good perormance nwet oles lable or water sluratd conctte no sxpansion forces in base material small edge distance and anchor spacing “lean and easy handing HIT-RE 500 foil pack, mixer = Type BSt 500 according to DIN 488 (See also Euronorm 2-79) For dieing rebars,consut Bebeisedion ~ Foi pack: $90 ml, 600m! "FI + Junbo eariidge: 1100 |_—_ ; ( = 102000, 852000, P3000 F, M2500, P3600 F, Conse ante P5000 HY, HIT P-6000 D Conerta ——detanee—sadatance programe hon ne ie ‘cur EXSPIREEnP Ren eae ee nents es TOR TeEeTen All data on this section applies to For detailed method, see page 233- 238. + conorete: See table below. * correct setting (See setting operations page 232) * noedge distance, spacing and other influences coNc} + non-cracked concrete Rebar embedment depth [mm]: concrete = C20/25 [Reber diameter fmm] a0 | o2 | om | oe | 2 | om | oe | om | om | om [Nominal anch. depth eo | 90 | 110 | 125 | 125 [170 [210 | 270 [300 [300 | 960 Mean ultimate resistance, Ru» [kN]: concrete 20/25 Reberdametermm] | 98 | O10 | 012 | O14 | 016 | O20 | os | ors | os | O98 | oe “Tonsila, Concrete: Naya | 33.4| 46.9 | 688 | 91,3 | 1085 | 1773 | 2738 | seaa | 4072 | 4002 | 5167, “Tensio, Stoo: Na 200 | 467 | 672 | 014 | 110.4 | 1066 | 201.6 | 9658 | 477.7 | 6046 | 7454 ‘Shoat, Va 17.9 | 281 | 404 | 650 | 71.8 | 1123 | 1750 | 2102 | 2963 | 3645 | «47.9 Characteristic resistance Fx [kN]: concrete = C20/25 Reberdameterimn] | a8 | o10 | 02 | ota | O16 | on | ome Tensile, Concrete: Ne, | 25.1] 35.3 [51.8 | 687 | 765 | 1935 | 2082 Tensile, StestN, 25.1 | 393 | 665 | 7.0] 1005 | 157.1 | 245.4 ‘Shear, Ves 167 | 280 | 374] 809 | 065 | 1040 | 1620 os | 036 | 30 308.6-| 247.1] 399.1 “402.1 508.9 | 628.3 265.1 3560 | 414.6 230 HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive with rebar Following values according to the Conerete Capacity Method Design resistance, Ry [KN]: concrete, fccuve = 25 Nimm* Reber diameterimm] | o8 | 910 | O12 | ota | 018 | o20 | os [ ons | oa | O98 | oa “Tensile, N; 130 | 197 | 288 [362 | 437_| 742 | 1145 | 1430 | 1602 | 1928 [2161 ‘Shear, V; wii [i7s| 249 [339 | 443] 033 | 1080-[ 1353 | 176.7 | 297.3 | 2764 Recommended load, Lee [kN]: concrete, fuccute = 25 N/mm? Febardeneierinm] | 98 | ow | ow | ow | oi | om | om | om [om | om | om Tonsil, so | vai | oe [org [aia | s30 | e198 | toze [1209 | 4077 | toa Shear, Vs 7a—| aa [ire [eae [ais [aos [77s | wes [1262 | 605 | 1078 Tiree Rebar daneter Onn) a0 [ow lon loulow] on] om | on [ou lonlow & (nm) Dib danetr 1012 [1214] 1010] 1020] 2022] 2620 | eae | ser | o | @ | a [em _Hole opt ca | a | ais | 10 | 100 | 17s | ae | ars | cos | 20s | mee Teer im] Nowinal anchorage dent | 00 | oo | 110 | v26 | 125 | 170 | a1 | 270 | 200 | aw | 0 tox_tmmy Mi. Hisness Tease Tso | x20 | 140 | 170 | 170 | 220 | 270 | 40 | seo | ato | «so : a 3a | 40 [1020 | i725 [1028 | woes | eows | viease | vee | va7 | 200 Fang volume” voperpos | 1+ [re [ea [ss | cole |ew| wa | [a [a Recomended ding re [tcvena] ten] 16.98 [5.03 [6.08 65.70 | ee.70 | 65.r0_[ 66.76 [es.r0 [66.70 system Dianond a 0 EC-1,00 100 0 100, DD 120, 00 160 Toles at be Wed apo. 2 arpa ofthe [Wor ts Wh bar] Cog ie boorerebar an i” | canbe husrad and aque | be uy loaded nk Thea amin hours Somin ‘2 ours ioe Brows Brows os Shows Sohours 5 ious enous Tess tan 5 Takao ‘The foil pack temperature must be at least +5°C. eas appropriate drill bit (diamond core bit) dispenser (MD 2000, BD 2000, P3000 F, P5000 HY, HIT P-8000 D) blow-out pump cleaning brushes 230 HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive with rebar mene Yy, Wor. Gy; Yi Y, Vio {Dn GY Yr Dil hoe. Clean hole. & 7 - % Qa yd a Insert foil pack into holder. ‘Screw on the mixer. Put cartridge into dispenser. Sane a three IN™ Release dispenser. 4 eet Distant 4 rebar unt tan tesa only work with can be subjected has passed roar cancontnve.” __thededgn a. Base matra| Tie tenpeatre work /tgel tour, Int tour, full ° ae sce z= a = eo 0 Br om wwe To ah ih a are To i ts i ore [o ‘0 a te wc—fo ini zk i 232 HIT-RE 500 injec n adhesive with rebar Carine Tenens le anchorage depth ‘addtional tengh | according o application lobar B mm] oe [ow | ow] om | oe | ow] on | om | ou | owl ow 2 {mm) _Nominalveberdameer| @ | to | 1 | 1 | 16 | 20 | as | a | x | o6 | «0 ‘Ax_Immé]_Stressec cross-section | 608 | 705 | 1131 | 1599 | 201.1 | a1az | 4900 | 6160 | 6042 | 1017.0] 12568 Nominaltensie {4 (nn srengih kd ‘Wim Vet steonth 500 Detailed design method - Hilti CC (The Hilti CC method is a simplified version of ETAG Annex C.) Caution: _ In view of the high loads transferable with HIT-RE 500, it must be verified by the user that the load acting on the concrete structure, including the loads introduced by the anchor fastening, do not cause failure, e.g. cracking, of the concrete structure. TENSION The design tensile resistance of a single anchor is the lower of Naae : concrete cone/pull-out resistance Naas : steel resistance ieee Meese Naa =NRao “fr “fan “fan “fan *tremp -fwsat N°nact Concrete cone/pull-out resistance * concrete compressive strength, foxcube = 25 N/mm? Rebar 2 [mm] 8 | o10 | 12 | o14 | o16 | 020 | 025 | 028 | ose | 226 | 040 Nn KN]__Concrate 139 | 197 | 268 | 982 | 497 | 7a2 | 1145 | vas] 1602 | r02 | 2161 Teen [ram] Nominal anchorage depth] eo | 90 | 110 | 125 | 125 | 170 | 210 | 270 | 300 | sao | 960 “The design tensile resistance is Calculated from the characteristic tensile resistance, Nim, by N'naz= N'maJivcns where the paral safety factor, hex 8 1.8. 233 HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive with rebar fr: Influence of anchorage depth fon’ Influence of concrete strength imits to actual anchorage, Na Nom $ act $2.0 Haan Cencaeavongi | Cylinder compre | Cubs compressive esignaton rong ‘srength f (ENV 206) fesan [Nin] tease (NT fan a0 2 2 7 Ces 2 20 108 a0 30 a7 98 aes = a 190 agi 0 0 40] Limits ‘CASI55 45 55. 115 25 Nimm? < fazcase $60 N/mm? 5010 30 ra ue Cagntaoem | coneeta ube Diameter 15cr s vath 15 om Corer a spedinen geomet fan: Influence of anchor spacing ror rebar as eacra, oa [ora | or2 | or | o1e | oo | aas | oas | ome | ame | 000 ro as bee [088 sof eee [ose ssf oer {oss Loss so oes os? Lost ssf o7e- oss Loss| wae OnE soars [oss Lose ter ose , o5+_® sop ore Pore Lose te ose n= 05+ ‘90 | 078 | 075 |070 | 068 | 0.68 | 0.63 ory Too Posr o7e [07a Lo7eLoyo | ose 120_| 0.88 | 0.83 | 0.77 [0.74 | 0.74 | 0.68 | 0.64 Limits: Smin SS $ Scan taoPose| ose [oss Pore Love ort [oer [ose pee Oh too [100| ose [ose-Poae Toss | 076 [ 090 Loss | om seer 180 1.00 [0.91 [0.86 [ass [0.76 | 0.71 | 0.67 | 0.65 | 064 | 063 ™m 200 oss wso-| owe [ore Lore| wee [oer [oss [cer a Toop ese Pose] ose Love Toro oss Loer [oss 0 tao-teo- Por oa Torso] oss [oer 20 ast oss [ore Lore or] oan a0 ase| oer [ore Lore | 078 [072 20 1o0-Poso | wat [ore Lore are 30 ose oar [one [ose O77 a o0-Loss | was [ose [ore e sort ears Loar ‘so oe ose [ome [oss ao too--ose[ esr [ag 00 to0-[oss-| ear 0 feof ase 720 0 234 HIT-RE 500 i n adhesive with rebar jec' fan’ Influence of edge distance ive ra asance oe [oro | ar2 | ov | 016 | ono | as | o2s | oe | om | 000 a0 [054 a5 [ose [oa soos [ose ss —[ore-| ove | 088 eo [ose [076 [087 3 5 _[ oer wao [ort | 085 [05s ay =0.28+0.72 700.91 | 0.84 | 0.74 | 0.68 | 0.68 Nom, eo | 100-[ ase [oa0-[ore [ore 0 {00-[osr 080-| a0 [085 700, 0.93 | 086 | 0.86 | 0.70 Limits Cin $ © S Cer T so0-[ost[ ost [075 [056 r= 0.8 Pn 120 097 | 0.97 [0.79 [0.69 Ce,n= 1,0 nom 140 so-[ 100 [oer [076 [05 : 160" o0e foes port | 066 Note: If more than 3 edges: 180. 7.00 10900761071 107} oes] are smaller than c,n , consult 210 4.00 | 084 [0.78 | 0.741070] your Hilti technical advisory 240 0.92 [0.86 [0.80 [076 | service. 270 00} ase [087 [ose 200 *00-[ ase 0 30 o0-fast 30 100 fremp: Influence of base material temperature Anchor setting: The Hilti HIT-RE 500 bond strength reduces when the anchor is set, cures and in service in a base material temperature range from —5 to +5°C. Hilti HIT-RE 500 adhesive shows a post curing effect. When the adhesive warms up to above +5°C, the bond will reach its full performance. Service life: Base material temperatures above 50°C will lead to a decrease in Hilti HIT-RE 500 bond strength, Baaemateral | tes] temperature | anchor | {are |__| sotting | orice te | oo os 75 OG a8 i 5. 10 +0 300 : +9 20°C a 385 70° zi 082 20°C z os Note: In case of an anchor fastening, which is made in base material at a temperature below +5°C and in service at a temperature over 50°C, only one influencing factor of the lower value should be applied ‘twaat Influence of water saturated concrete Note: The reduction shall only be applied, if the anchor is setted into water-saturated concrete, e.g. concrete members in water, filled water tanks, predrilled holes filled with water for more than 3 days. The reduction does not apply, if the concrete is subjected te short term water influence, e.g. diamond-cored holes. 235 HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive with rebar Nau: Steel design tensile resistance Rebar mm) | 08 | O10 | O12 | O14 | ore | o20 | o2s | O28 | O32 | O26 | O40 Neos (KN) 209 | 327 | 471 | 641 | 030 | 1009 | 2045 | 2566 | 935.1 | 420.1 | 538 T The design tonal resistance Ie calculated from the charactelatio Tenslo resisiance, Niwa, By Nra= Ay Tafa where the pata safety actor, thax fr rebar sections, type BSt 500, is 1.92 Naa: System design tensile resistance Nac jower of Naae d Naae ‘Combined loading: Only if tensile load and shear load applied (See page 32 and section 4 “Examples') Detailed design method - Hilti CC (The Hilti CC method is a simplified version of ETAG Annex C.) SHEAR The design shear resistance of a single anchor is the lower of Vade : concrete edge resistance Note: I tho conditions for h and ore not met, Vaae : steel resistance ‘consult your Hii tachnical advisory servic Week cen ‘The lowest concrete edge design resistance must be calculated. All near edges must be checked (not only the edge in the direction of shear). The direction of shear load is accounted for by the factor fy Vaae = Vide fav fav “fav V°nde? Concrete edge design resistance * concrete compressive strength, focube = 25 Nimm? © at minimum edge distance Cmin Rebar @ {rm} oe | oro | or2 | ov | o16 | 020 | 025 | ove | os2 | ose | o40 Vira” (4 20 | 36 | so | 71 | 73 | 125 | 198 | a02 | a77 | 460 | 540 Irom] Min.edge distance | 40 | 45 | 55 | 65 | 65 | 65 | 105 | 105 | 150 | 165 | 100 ign shear resiatance le calculated from the characteiallc shear realatance, Wz, BY Wnac= Wmalvew where the partal safely factor, ey 181.5. 236 HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive with rebar fay: Influence of concrete strength Ganarale siengin | Cynder compressive | Cube compressive ‘designation strength, ‘strength, (ENV 208). foc Ne faa [Nin fav ‘20025 20 25 4 (625/50 25 30 3 ‘C3037 30. 37. 7 . C35/45, 35 45 1.34 Limits: “40/50 40 50. 141 25 Nimm? < fekcune S 60 N/mm? (645/55 45 55 a8 ‘050160 50, 60 155 Conarste finder | Concrete cube: Height 20em, side length 15 om Diameter 156m Concrete test specimen geometry fany: Influence of edge distance and spacing faay |e ee : +0 [te [14 [18 | 18 [20 22 oa eT oe SOP Tae Ta TSS TaD Srage-anchor wih sige tntusnos,” |1.00| 1.31 | 1.66 2.02 [241 | 268 | 326] 3721 419 460] 520] 5:72] 6.27) 600741] 800 ‘loan [10 [067 [ose |-05] 122] 1-49] ves] v98]2 12] 290 | 262] 280] 316[ 304 [973 [405] a55 45 Jors[oas| tte] 129] 154[177] 200] 225]250]276|903]931 [ae0 seo] «e450 20 oso] 102/122] 143 [1.65]4.80|2.19]295|263|200/3.18[346 [375] 405] 435] 467 25 [ose] 1.11 [192] 1.641 1.77 |[200|225|250]277 [a0 [aa2[s61 [seo] 421452 480 30] 10/1 20/142 164 [105|212|257]2e3]200[3 18/3463 76] 409] 90] 4581500 35] [120[ts2]1.75[190]226|250]2 76 [308 [ax2[ae1 [aor [ant as2[ oe] 5.17 40 tez]tae[2t0]236] 260] 2803171346] 375[ 405] 406] 408[s.00]530 a5 196 [221 [247 [274] a02[331] 360] 390] 420| 459 [404] 5.17 |550. 50 233|250|287]3 15] 34¢[3 74] 404] 425] 4671500 [839] 667 55 271[299|3201 3571380] 410[ 450] 407 [8.15 [549[ 6.05 60 283]9.11]3411 3711402] 493] 405] 496 [ 8315.65] 6.00 85 324[a5e[s9e]4 16] 447] 400] 5.19[547[ 502] 617 79 367] 399] 420] 4621495] 5201563] 5.96| 655 75 411/443] 476[3.10/54[ 5.70] 6.14] 650 8.0 {If these results are for a a57[as1]525[5501595[60| 667 B51 two-anchor fastening. S05/s<0/s7e160learl682 30 T} For fastenings with two or 820 {5.55 |590[625[6631 7.00 351] more anchors, use the 3691605] 642] 679] 7.17 3001 7H general formuiae for n 621/656] 695|7.35 G05] -]| Srcnore eral 732] 750 711.0 | [ieee 7267.67 718: 783 120 3.00 237 HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive with rebar fay: Influence of edge distance and spacing Formula for single-anchor fastening influenced only by 1 edge ; © [es aay Senin ‘min 1 spacing) only valor s < 3¢ Tan ac+s [oc 6 -Cmin VCmin General formula for n-anchor fastening (edge plus 3-048) +8)+ Hany = fav ances fy : Influence of loading direction |" tabulated ‘1 spacing) only vald when 8; and sy» are each < 3¢ and o> 1.66 Note: Itis assumed that only the row of anchors closest to the free concrete edge cartes the centric shear load. ‘Angle BC | ty Formula oto 58 4 ty = for 0° <8 < 55° 60. 4 hv 70 cry on for 55° < B< 90° 20 45 hy“ Gosn+ossin6 . . wee te yy 2 for 90° < B < 180° ~ Applied shear force wt \ Vaas_: Steel design shear resistance Rebar @immj | @8 | a10 | o12 | o14 | o16 025 | 228 | a32 240 ran] 114 | 173 | 240 | a3 | 443 108.0 | 135. [1767 297.3 276.4 ‘The stool design shear resistance is calculated for Vnas= (0.6.8, fa). The parlal safety factor, uy, for rebar sections, typo BSt 500, is 15. Vaa_: System design shear resistance Vra lower of Vaae and Vaz, Combined loading: Only i tensile load and shear load applied (See page 32 and section 4 “Examples”) 238

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