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Student Sign: Supervisor:

(Dr. Nazir Haider Shah)

Chapter Title Page No.

1. Introduction................................................................................................................3

2. Literature Review.......................................................................................................5

2.1.1 Techers Performance.............................................................................................5

2.1.2 Performance Indicators.........................................................................................5

2.1.3 Role of Allama Iqbal Open University.................................................................6

3. Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................8

4. Objectives of the Study..............................................................................................8

5. Research Questions....................................................................................................8

6. Delimitations of the Study.........................................................................................8

7. Significance of the Study...........................................................................................8

8. Research Methodology...............................................................................................9

8.1 Population of the Study............................................................................................9

8.2 Sample of the Study.................................................................................................9

8.3 Research Instrument...............................................................................................10

8.3.1 Validity of Instrument.........................................................................................10

8.3.2 Pilot Testing........................................................................................................10

8.3.3 Reliability of Instrument.....................................................................................10

8.4 Data Collection.......................................................................................................10

8.5 Data Analysis.........................................................................................................10

1. Introduction

Teacher is one who teaches the students, online but at a distance and

asynchronously. These two approaches are not mutually exclusive and can be

combined to become a powerful medium for distance education. Integration of these

two approaches as the fourth-generation distance system that has no barriers of time

and place. Distance education in contrast to traditional classroom or campus-based

education is characterized by a clear separation in space and time of the majority of

teaching and learning activities [CITATION And091 \l 1033 ].

Teacher education is very important for overall education system of every

country; it provides knowledge and ability to the teachers that are very important for

the best performance of a teacher. The quality of education is directly related to the

quality of instruction in the classroom. Teacher is considered the most crucial factor

in the entire educational system being major implementer of all

educational reforms at the gross root level. Moreover, teacher education should also

be compatible with the ever changing values and norms of the society. And all the

modern teaching strategies, future requirements of the society and educational aims

and objectives of the society should be kept in mind while designing the infrastructure

of any teacher training program. Teacher education is the most important sub-sector

in the area of education. Keeping its importance in view, a special consideration and

stress has been given to teacher education in all the education policies announced by

the government of Pakistan [CITATION KIA09 \l 1033 ].

The teacher’s performances are the most significant contribution in

educational process that whatever policies may he lay down; eventually the teacher

has to interpret and implement these policies through teaching learning process. The

term is not only covering the effector conduct of instruction, like student achievement
or personal growth or also not teacher characteristics. Rather, teacher’s performance

is apprehensive, with progress variable rather than product variables. According to

Gibbs (2002) teachers need to be able to survive the demands, threats and challenges

within the diverse circumstances of teaching. An effective teacher needs the capacity

to be persistent, flexible, and innovative on new teaching approaches and be prepared

in the case of failure [ CITATION Teh15 \l 1033 ].

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is offering program which are unique

and diverse providing an opportunity to graduates to pursue their teachers‟ training

degree from AIOU which varies from basic level PTC degree to PhD in teacher

education. All teachers training programs are in line with the policy of HEC Pakistan.

The university now, has offered four years B. Ed Program for teachers training and

also introduced Associate Diploma in Education which are really very good

initiatives. In this way, AIOU has aided in increasing in literacy rate of Pakistan as a

whole [ CITATION Buz13 \l 1033 ].

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is playing a pivotal role in promoting

education in the country. At present more than 700,000 students in the country were

being benefited to get even higher education. The role of AIOU in different fields is

also admirable. The University is producing good researchers which are contributing

very effectively in the development of society. It has state of the art Science

laboratories which are heaven for the scientists. The university is providing research

based environment to all those who have quest to learn. No doubt AIOU is providing

best education to students in their home at their own base but one thing which needs

more improvement is its maximum dependency on print matter [CITATION Akr13 \l

1033 ].
The performance of teachers that are trained from Allama Iqbal Open

University is better than the other teachers. But sometime when the teachers know

that they are under observation, then there is no any significant difference between the

teachers trained from AIOU as well as from other University. Teachers under stress

can perform well. Their job satisfaction and motivation levels are very high and they

show wanted behaviors at work. In term of the teaching style and beginning of the

lesson the method of teachers trained from AIOU is better than the other university

(Khan, 2012).

Keeping in view the key role of the primary teachers and the difference in-

service training programme, this research was designed to find out the current

practices used by teachers and analyze teacher’s performance trained through AIOU.

2. Literature Review

2.1.1 Techers Performance

Teacher performance relates to how a teacher behaves in the process of

teaching. Performance in this case is measured in terms of the teacher’s subject

knowledge and their ability to plan the structure of the content. The quality of

education is increasingly judged by focusing on pupil performance, what pupils learn,

and how well they learn it; and the quality of teachers, particularly in the initial stages

of education when the pupils are at an early age is so crucial. The quality of education

is normally measured by student’s performance in tests, and pupil’s performance is

related to teacher competence and teacher performance in the classroom. Subject-

matter knowledge has been found to be a key factor in teacher effectiveness.

However, measures of pedagogical knowledge including knowledge learning,

teaching methods and curriculum have more often been found to influence teaching

performance, and frequently used[ CITATION Pet11 \l 1033 ].

2.1.2 Performance Indicators

The performance indicators in higher education systems that are supported by

large quantities of public money is a direct result of efforts by national governments

to increase universities' and colleges' accountability to their paymasters. The idea of

public accountability is, in its turn, the result of highly political pressures in many

countries towards linking higher education more closely to the goal of economic

growth. Attempts by governments to redirect higher education towards more public

types of evaluation, including the use of numerical measures of research and teaching

outputs and the performance appraisal of individual members of academic staff, have

been one of the most visible features of the higher education scene in Britain and

Australia during the past five years [ CITATION Ted12 \l 1033 ].

The idea of performance indicators derives from economic models of the

education system as a process within a wider economic system which converts inputs

into outputs. PIs in higher education for the purposes of this article may be described

as authoritative, quantitative measures of key attributes of the activities of institutions

and their component units. They entail the collection of data at different levels of

aggregation to aid managerial which may be made either within institutions, or at the

level of the higher education system as a whole. It seems generally agreed that PIs

should cover as many as possible of the important functions of institutions; that they

should be valid, reliable. Ramsdens unambiguous and not susceptible to manipulation;

that they shoofly be interpreted as groups, rather than taken singly; that changes over

time are more significant than comparisons at one particular time; and that process,

output and input measures all have a part to play [ CITATION For08 \l 1033 ].
2.1.3 Role of Allama Iqbal Open University

Role of AIOU in development of country is notable and distance education

seems to be a blessing especially for rural areas, married and job holder’s students.

The role of AIOU is dominant in providing teacher education to the students in

learning while earning in Pakistan. It has a largest amount of students as compare to

other universities of the country in pre-service teacher education programs. AIOU is

playing a very effective role in development of distance teacher education programs.

Grooming of a teacher to perform an effective role in the society depends on his

grooming of pre-service training while entering in the profession as a teacher.

Therefore, the role of training for perspective teacher is vital. A study of AIOU’s

teacher training program can improve the process for a better grooming of future

teachers as well as the next generation [ CITATION Iss13 \l 1033 ].

The university follows the rules set by the Ministry of Education and Higher

Education Commission. Curricula of University are also prepared under the

guidelines and instructions as laid by Ministry of Education and HEC Pakistan. Being

a non-formal and distance education university follows the non-formal method of

correspondence, radio and television broadcasts, special textbooks and reading

materials prepared on self-learning basis, part-time teachers (tutors) engaged nearest

to the student's residences. The university also has introduced the idea of study

centers for teaching programs like CT, PTC, B.Ed. and M.Ed. and more recently

program of Business Administration is also run through approved study centers

(Sultana, 2015).

Role of AIOU in the field of Humanities, Arts, Islamic Learning, Education

and Science is also commendable. The University is producing good researchers

which are contributing very effectively in the development of society. It has state of
the art Science laboratories which are heaven for the scientists. The university is

providing research based environment to all those who have quest to learn. No doubt

AIOU is providing best education to students in their home at their own base but one

thing which needs more improvement is its maximum dependency on print matter. In

order to meet the new challenges of the modern it must definitely make effective use

of best available ICT but keeping in the mind that this technology is made available to

its students as well (Ali, 2011).

3. Statement of the Problem

Teachers performance directly contributes to school efficiency by achieving

educational goals. There are many factors that influence teacher performance such as

attitude, subject master, relationship with students etc. It has become a common trend

for teachers to get training through AIOU. So, there is need to find out current

practices used by the teachers and to analyze the teachers’ performance trained

through AIOU. Therefore, this study will focus on analyzing the teacher performance

and finding current practices.

4. Objectives of the Study

Following will be the objectives of the study:

1. To find out the current practices used by teachers trained through AIOU.

2. To analyze the teachers performance trained through AIOU.

5. Research Questions

Following will be the research questions of the study:

1. What are the current practices used by teachers trained through AIOU?

2. What are the teacher’s performance trained through AIOU?

6. Delimitations of the Study

The study will be delimited to government girls primary school of Tehsil Kotli

Azad Jammu & Kashmir.

7. Significance of the Study

The study under examination will be helpful for students, administrators to

analyzes the teacher’s performance who are trained through AIOU. The study will

help the teachers to find out current practices used by teachers trained through AIOU.

The study will help the selection authorities of primary teachers to review the existing

system of primary teacher’s recruitment and selection according to educational

changes of this century and to overcome its persistent flaws. The study will also be

helpful to develop the training programs to build the potentials of primary teachers.

The study will help the policy maker of education to review the existing policies for

recruitment and selection of primary educators.

8. Research Methodology

This study will be descriptive in nature and survey method will be used to

analyze the teachers performance trained through AIOU in District Kotli AJ&K.

8.1 Population of the Study

All the teachers working in government primary schools of Tehsil Kotli Azad

Jammu and Kashmir will be the population of the study. There are 250 female

primary teachers working in the schools. The detail of population as under:

Table 1 Population of Study

S. No Tehsil Teachers
1 Kotli 250
8.2 Sample of the Study

Universal random sampling technique will be used for the selection of sample.

The researcher will select 250 primary school teachers for the selection of sample.

The detail of the sample as under:

Table 2 Sample of the Study

S. No Tehsil Teachers
1 Kotli 250

8.3 Research Instrument

A questionnaire will be used as a research instrument to collect data from the

teachers. The questionnaire will be consisted of 20 items which will be based on

performance indicators of teachers. Five point Likert scale will be used for obtaining

the response.

8.3.1 Validity of Instrument

After the development of questionnaire, it will be validated from two

educational experts of Department of Education University of Kotli AJ&K.

8.3.2 Pilot Testing

Researcher will conduct pilot testing in order to check the accuracy and

usability of instrument. Using a pilot study, the researcher will distribute

questionnaire among 15 female primary teachers. The researcher will incorporate at

the points raised by the participants of pilot testing.

8.3.3 Reliability of Instrument

The reliability of the instrument will be checked by Cronbach’s alpha

statistical technique.
8.4 Data Collection

Researcher will collect data personally from female teachers of primary school

in District Kotli AJ&K.

8.5 Data Analysis

Data will be analyzed by using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS).

The researcher will use simple mean, Standard Deviation and percentage for the

analysis of data.


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