Choose The Correct Answer !: Ujian Modul 4 Paket B Kelas 7 Bahasa Inggris TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021

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TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021


Text for number 1-5 .

Sumatera elephants live in Sumatera island. There is a conservation for elephants in

Way Kambas, Lampung. Sumatera elephant is bigger than Africa elephant. They have
five nails on their front feet and four nails in their back feet. They eat 150 kgs of food
and drink 180 liters of water a day.

1. Sumatera elephants mostly live in……..

a. Komodo island
b. Africa
c. Forest
d. Sumatra island

2. How many nails do Sumatra elephants have on their front feet?

a. Two
b. Five
c. Three
d. Six

3. How many nails do they have on their back feet?

a. One
b. Two
c. three
d. Four

4. They have five nails….. . “They” refers to………………

a. Sumatra elephants
b. Africa elephants
c. The conservation
d. Way Kambas
5. They eat 150 kgs of food and drink …………….. liters of water a day.
a. 100
b. 175
c. 180
d. 190

Text for number 6 to 10.

I live in a beautiful village. The village is located in the valley. There is a mosque in
the middle of the village. It is a magnificent mosque. A beautiful white mosque
surrounded by green view at the back yard. There are three white domes on the top of
the mosque.

6. Is the writer’s village beautiful?

a. Yes, it is
b. Yes, he is
c. No, it isn’t
d. No, he isn’t

7. Where is the writer’s village located?

a. Near the mosque
b. In the middle of the village
c. In the valley
d. At the back yard

8. What is there in the middle of the village?

a. A church
b. A temple
c. A mosque
d. A vihara

9. What is the colour of the mosque?

a. White
b. Yellow
c. Blue
d. Brown

10. How many white domes are there on the top of the mosque?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

Text for number 11 to 15.

My elder sister is Anna. She is so beautiful. She has long black thick hair. Her eyes
are big and brown. Her legs are skinny. Her hobby is shopping.

11. Anna is so beautiful. The word "beautiful" has the same meaning with……
a. Ugly
b. Handsome
c. Pretty
d. Bad

12. How is Anna’s hair like?

a. Long and blonde
b. Long and black
c. Thick and blonde
d. Short and thick

13. Anna’s hobby is…..

a. Fishing
b. Shopping
c. Diving
d. Singing

14. Anna’s eyes are

a. Blue
b. Brown
c. Small
d. Narrow

15. Anna’s legs are skinny. The word in bold type means
a. Thin
b. Big
c. Long
d. Fat

16. What does the writer have?

a. A grandmother
b. A grandfather
c. A grandson
d. A granddaughter
17. My grandmother is very wonderful. The word "wonderful" nearly has the same
meaning with….

a. Weak
b. Weird
c. Great
d. Clumsy

18. She is so healthy. “She” refers to….

a. My mother
b. The writer
c. The writer’s grandmother
d. My grandmother

19. Is the writer’s grandmother often sick?

a. Yes, she is
b. No, she isn’t
c. Yes, he is
d. No, he isn’t

20. What does the writer’s grandmother like to wear?

a. Dress and flat heel

b. Skirt and high heel
c. Long dress and high heel
d. Dress and high heel

21. The mosque has three domes. Domes mean

a. Antenna
b. Kubah
c. Jendela
d. Pintu

22. The glass is fragile. Fragile means….

a. Strong
b. Hard
c. Easily broken
d. Thick
23. Imelda has long hair. The opposite of the word long" is….

a. Small
b. Short
c. Large
d. Wide

24. Anna has long thick black hair. “Thick” means…

a. Tebal
b. Tipis
c. Besar
d. Kecil

25. It’s a small insect. It bites human skin and suck human blood. Its bite causes blood
fever.It is a .....................................................................................................

a. Ant
b. Bee
c. Fly
d. Mosquito


1. D `11. C 21. B
2. B 12. B 22. C
3. C 13. B 23. B
4. A 14. B 24. A
5. C 15. A 25. D
6. A 16. A
7. C 17. C
8. C 18. C
9. A 19. B
10. C 20. D

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