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Learner Assessment Pack

Student Name Chinanun Chottipatnon

Student ID NBC 23731

Date 13/03/2019

Learner Assessment Pack

Provide Leadership Across

the Organisation

Learner Assessment Pack

Record of Assessment
Assessment Details


Course code BSB61015

Unit of Competency BSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisation



Assessment Activity Satisfactory Needs More

Assessment Result

Short answer questions □


The Learner is
Practical assessment – Case study
Workplace project

Not Yet Competent

Part I – Communicate
Assessor Commentsorganizational mission and goals □ □
Part II – Influence groups and individuals
□ □
Part III Build and support teams
□ □
Part IV – Demonstrate personal and professional
□ □
Details of further evidence required

After reassessment the Learner is
Not Yet Competent

Assessor Signature: Date:

Learner Assessment Pack

Learner Assessment Pack

Learner Information
Each Learner Assessment Pack is made up of three parts:
Assessment Delivery Assessment Recording

Learner Information Tasks Record of Assessment

Steps for Learners Context

Assessment Agreement Assessor Feedback

Before you commence your Assessment, ensure that you have good knowledge of the
subject, have thoroughly read your Learner Resource, and clearly understand the
Assessment requirements and the expectations of the Assessor.

You may be required to demonstrate knowledge and skills which may be difficult for the
Assessor to witness. If so, an Evidence Record is supplied which will allow the knowledge
or skill to be verified by at least one third party, and preferably two or more. These
witnesses would usually be current or recent supervisors or your Assessor.

Explanations are given for each Task. If you have any questions, consult with your

The assessment tasks must be answered using your business, the simulated business.

Records must be kept of all aspects of the Assessment in your Learner Pack.

The record of assessment is a legal document and must be signed, dated, and a copy
stored as required by your Registered Training Organization (RTO).

Steps for Learners

1. Receive your Learner Assessment P a c k and discuss with your Assessor the
expectations of this Assessment. You may also need to supply contact details of
one or two work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry. Discuss with
your Assessor if you intend to undertake the tasks based using the simulated
business, Bounce Fitness.

2. Your L e a r n e r Assessment P a c k i s where y o u w il l get the Task i n f o r m a t i o n .

Complete the Tasks as instructed, using either the simulated business, Bounce
Fitness, and include in the Learner Assessment Pack for your Assessor.

3. After you complete your Assessment, gather and return your evidence documents, as
detailed in the Task(s) in the timeframe agreed with your Assessor.

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Assessment Agreement
Have you signed off 

Delivery Method

Classroom 

Small Group One-on-One Online 

Other (please describe) 

Assessment Method

Simulated Business 

Assessment Method

The assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where

evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical
activities experienced in the management and leadership field of work
and include access to:

Relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes 

Workplace documentation and resources 

Case studies and, where possible, real situations 

Interaction with others. 

Assessors must satisfy the NVR/AQTF assessor requirements

I confirm that the activities and assessment completed as part of this unit are my own
work and comply with all relevant copyright and plagiarism rules. I understand that if
there is any doubt of the authenticity of any piece of my assessment I can be orally
examined and the signatory of evidence records may be contacted.

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Candidate’s name

Candidate’s signature Date

Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature Date

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

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Short Answer Questions

Question 1

In no more than 100 words, briefly explain the definition of business ethics.

Business ells are moral principles that guide how a business should behave.
They are basically the same principles that determine the way an individual should
same goes for business. Acting into an ethical way means that being able to distinguish
between right and wrong. It is relatively easy in the direction of identify unethical
business practices such as unclear refund policy, use of child labour, unclear purchase
or sale agreement / contract, etc.

Business ethics ere important or every company. They keep workers safe, help trade
and interactions between companies remain honest and fair and generally make for
better goods and services. Distinguishing what a company will and won't stand for is
not always the same for each organization, but knowing what guidelines needs to be
followed help keep a company honest and productive.

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Question 2

In the spaces provided below, outline three (3) leadership styles.

a) Authoritarian leadership

b) Participative leadersip

c) Delegative leadership

Question 3

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

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Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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i. Access and review your organisation’s mission, objectives, and goals. List these in the table
below. List at least two (2) of your organisation’s objectives and at least two (2) of your
organisation’s values.

Bounce Fitness

The Centres resolve serve the community with quality, comprehensive,

unique and distinctive health programs and services. The employee
team will expand upon the preventive services while improving the
Mission quality of life among participants through health and fitness services
utilizing state of the art equipment and practices. These programs will
reflect members’ needs and be financially viable for all stakeholders.

 Delivering wellness integrated services to meet our

customer needs and aspirations
 Building deeper customer relationships continuously

• Teamwork – We are committed to empowering our

internal teams and external members with the
appropriate resources to effectively achieve our
common vision.

• Quality – We are committed to continually leading
the fitness industry by providing the highest
standards of quality to our members, through
services, programs and community relations.

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

ii. Select two (2) leadership styles that support the mission, objectives, and values that you
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Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Question 4
II Select two (2) leadership styles that support the mission, objectives, and values that you
listed above. In no more than 150 words each, explain how each style supports the
mission, objectives, and values that you listed above.

Leadership Style How do these support my organisation’s mission/

objectives/ values?

a) Participative Participative leadership be also known as Democratic

leadership leadership. Participative leadership is the most effective
leadership that Bounce Fitness can adopt across its
organization. Participative leaders provide guidance to other
members but also participate in the group and allow other
members to give input or their opinions Participative leaders
encourage other members to participate but retain the final
say in the decision-making process. All stakeholders will feel
engaged in the process of supporting the mission, objectives
and values of Bounce Fitness. They resolve feel motivated,
creative and important part of the team, which will help
foster commitment to the goals of Bounce Fitness. In
comparison to the Authoritative Leadership where the
leaders clearly specify the expectations, how they have to
be done and when they have to be done , the Participative
leadership teaches the managers to back off to allow people
to tap their creativity and think independently using their
own initiative while still keeping enough control to guide the
overall performance of the team without imposing their
own decisions

b) Authoritative leadership Authoritarian leaders, also known as autocratic leaders,

provide clear expectations for what needs to be done when
it should be done, and how it should be done. This style of
leadership is strongly focused on both command by the
leader and control of the followers. Bounce Fitness may
need to adopt this Authoritarian leadership which is best
applied to situations where there is little time for group
decision-making or where the leader is the most
knowledgeable member of the group. The autocratic
approach can be a good one when the situation calls for
rapid decisions and decisive actions such as quick execution
to reduce lasses or implementation of a short project This
leadership style has become something of a relic in today’s
BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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business environment. The reason is that most employees

work better without the overbearing presence of their boss
around at all times. However, there are some who would
argue that the Autocratic methods are still as effective, only
if properly balanced with feedback and face time

Question 5

In no more than 200 words, explain how legislation affects how leadership is provided within
You can consider specific legislation in your response, and how it affects the leadership in the
organisation you belong to.

A positive leadership and management style can improve an organisation's WHS performance.
There is strong evidence that performance is improved when organisations address WHS risks
along with other important business risks Within Bounce Fitness, leaders promote positive
cultures by showing commitment to :
 systematic management of risks
 role clarity, worker involvement and workgroup cohesion
 consultation and clear two-way communication
 compliance with procedures
 organisational leaning
 appropriate training
 organisational justice and an environment of dignity and respect
 supervisor support
 a positive leadership and management style
Leaders have a vital role to play when it comes to managing safety. When workers know their
managers place high importance on working safely they are more likely to be motivated to
follow safety procedures and raise safety issues.

Good leadership promotes compliance with WHS laws. For example, an officer's duty of
diligence has elements of good leadership. such as knowing about WHS matters, having
resources to manage WHS risks. and monitoring and evaluating. There is strong evidence that
performance is improved when organisations address WHS risks along with other important
business risks

Leaders who set the example by shoving their commitment to WHS, being actively involved in
their business and encouraging and valuing workers participation, create organisations that
can be healthy and safe, and are also more likely to be innovative and productive

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Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

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Question 6
In the space provided below, explain the Change Management Process outlined by Prosci.
According to Prosaic, a "one-size-fits-all' approach is not effective intended for change
management. Change management strategies define the approach needed to manage change
given the unique situation of the project. Change management requires changed strategies to
successful as different changes call for different initiatives will impact people and how they do
their job. Each has risks associated with people not becoming engaged or resting change. In a
nutshell, change management strategy provides direction and purpose for all other change
management activities. Changes can be formalized projects. strategic initiatives or even small
adjustments to how the organization operates.
Prosci's change management process has three phases:
Phase 1 - Preparing for change
 Define the change management strategy
 Prepare your change management team
 Develop your sponsorship model
Phase 2 - Managing change
 Develop change management plans
 Take action and implement plans
Phase 3 Reinforcing change
 Collect and analyse feedback
 Diagnose gaps and manage resistance
 Implement corrective actions and celebrate successes

Question 7
Consider your organisation’s change process. In no more than 200 words, briefly explain your
organisation’s change process.

Bounce Fitness is considering to use IT in ways that can trigger major organizational changes.
Thus, it creates high-risk with potentially high-reward. The sole objective of this organizational
change is technology-driven organizational change, called Technochange. Technochange
differs from typical IT projects and from typical organizational change programs and therefore
requires a different approach.
One major risk in technochange that people will not use information technology and related
work practices is not thoroughly addressed by the discipline of IT project management, which
focuses on project cost, project schedule, and solution functionality. Organizational change
management approaches are also generally not effective on their own, because they take as a
given the IT "solutions" developed by a technical team. Consequently, the potential for the IT
solution" to be misaligned with important organizational characteristics, such as cullture or
BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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incentives, is great.
Merely combining IT project management and organizational change management
approaches does not produce the best results. for two reasons. First, the additive approach
does not effectively address the many failure-threatening problems that can arise over the
lengthy sequential process of the typical technochange lifecycle. Second, the additive
approach is not structured to produce the characteristics of a good technochange solution: a
complete intervention consisting of IT and complementary organizational changes, an
implementable solution with minimal misfits with the existing organization, and an
organization primed to appropriate the potential benefits of the technochange solution. With
hard work and care, the combined IT project management plus organizational change
approach can be made to work. However, an iterative, incremental approach to implementing
technochange can be a better strategy in man situations. The essential characteristic of the
technochange prototyping approach is that each phase involves both new IT functionality and
related organizational changes, such as redesigned business processes, new performance
metrics, and training.

Practical Assessment
Case Study
Case Study 1: Investigating incidents promptly

This Case Study will require you to complete and submit two (2) separate forms.
The link below will take you to a Google Form that will give you a scenario. Access the form only
when you are ready to complete the assessment. This Case Study will require you to complete a
second form within 48 hours.
Investigating Incidents Promptly
Once completed, the forms will send you a copy of your responses to the email address you
provide. Attach screenshots of these emails, including the dates and times you received them,

Case Study Investigating Incidents Promptly 1

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Case Study Investigating Incidents Promptly 2

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BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

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Workplace Project


This workplace project will require you to provide leadership across your organisation. The
project is divided into four (4) parts:
I. Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals
II. Influence Groups and Individuals
III. Build and Support Teams
IV. Demonstrate Personal and Professional Competence

Completing this Project in the Workplace

Where a current workplace is not available, you must conduct your project
assessment in an environment where conditions are typical of those
experienced in a workplace. The environment must provide you access to all
the resources outlined above. Bounce Fitness will be used a simulated

Part I. Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals


This part of the project will require you to communicate your organisation’s mission and goals:
 Clarify objectives, values and standards in accordance with organisation’s strategic
 Establish linkages between organisational objectives, values and standards and the
responsibilities of relevant groups and individuals
 Ensure media and language used is appropriate to individuals and group circumstances
 State clear expectations of internal groups and individuals and explain in a manner
which builds commitment to the organisation
 Address expectations of the organisation
 Investigate incidents promptly and communicate results clearly to relevant groups and
To complete this part of the project, you will need to complete Workplace Project Part 1
Observation Form and the Workplace Project Part 1 Reflective Journal.

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Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Workplace Project Part 1 Observation Form

1. Locate the Workplace Project Part 1 Observation Form in the following pages.

This form will be used to document your performance as you demonstrate the skill
requirements outlined above.
Review the requirements outlined in the Observation Form. You are required to
demonstrate all of the requirements outlined in this form.

2. Complete the form by:

a. Providing a specific description of how you completed or demonstrated each
requirement outlined in the Observation Form.
b. Providing other details relevant to your completion or demonstration of the
requirement, as required (e.g. strategies you used to communicate with and
influence your colleagues, etc.).
c. Having your assessor complete the Third-Party Report section of the form and
provide their specific written comments about your performance in each
requirement (e.g. areas you did good, areas you can improve, etc.).
d. Completing the Candidate Declaration section.

3. Save and submit the completed and signed Workplace Project Part 1 Observation Form
to your assessor.

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Observation Form

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Workplace Project Part I Observation Form

Skill Requirement 1

Describe your organisation’s objectives, plans, and strategies.

Describe your organisation's objectives, plans, and strategies.

 Bounce Fitness resolve continue to show an above-market return on investment
through excellence of facility, staff and operational management.
 Bounce Fitness resolve invest greater time in customer relationship management and
through continued provision of excellence in service and equipment in the Centres.

 Delivering wellness integrated services to convene our customer needs.
 Building deeper customer relationships continuously.

 Bounce Fitness will unlock a new Fitness Centre in Perth within 2 years
 Customer-centred service with a focus on meeting customers needs for a high quality
wellness programs.
 Strengthen skills of staff on the way to better support customers.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials ..............................

Supervisor's comments: Objectives, plans and strategies are well explained and nicely tied

Skill Requirement 2

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Explain your organisation’s mission, purpose, and values.

The Centres will serve the community with quality, comprehensive, unique and distinctive
health programs and services. the employee team will expand upon the preventive services
while improving the quality of life among participants through health and fitness services
utilizing state of the art equipment and practices. These programs will reflect members' needs
and be financially viable for all stakeholders.

Bounce Fitness is committed to be a premiere provider of wellness integrated services.

 Teamwork We are committed to empowering our internal teams and external
members with the appropriate resources to effectively achieve our common vision.
 Quality We are committed to continually leading the fitness industry by providing the
highest standards of quality to our members. through services, programs and
community relations.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ............................................

Supervisors comments: Mission, purpose and values are well explained and nicely tied

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New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Skill Requirement 3

Briefly outline your organisation’s objectives, values, and standards against the organisation’s
strategic direction.

Organise a conference with relevant personnel to clarify your organisation's objectives, values,
and standards against the organisation's strategic direction. Briefly outline the outcome of
your meeting in the space provided for you below.
The relevant personnel you meet with may be your co-worker/s, and other stakeholder/s (e.g
consultants, contractors, board of directors, etc.)
A meeting be held to discuss about the strategic direction including the central forces that
propel Bounce Fitness toward its intended objectives. Taking into account the objectives
values and standards of Bounce Fitness, this strategic direction is one of the most important
forces in Bounce Fitness business. It establishes the structure for internal responsibilities that
each department and worker takes on. A clear vision allows each worker to know the
company's purpose and objectives. Strategies and tactics allow each worker to understand the
part he plays in contributing to the achievement of the vision and objectives. the strategic
direction will provide the roadmap to generate 10 % increase in sales and increase market
penetration every quarter.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials:......................................................

Supervisor's comments: Meeting was very productive with high engagement of the attendees
to discuss the strategic direction.

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Skill Requirement 4

Consider your organisation’s objectives, values and standards against the responsibilities of at
least two (2) groups and two (2) individuals. For each response, include a brief description of how
each group and individual’s responsibilities link to the organisation’s objectives, values and
The groups and individuals you describe here and in Skill Requirement 1 must include clients, co-
workers, and other stakeholders (e.g. consultants, contractors, board of directors, etc.)

Group 1 - Customers

Group 1-customers The objectives, principles and standards of Bounce Fitness determine
the overall direction of the organisation, and, in particular, how the organisation will go
about delivering its service excellence. This is a high level plan that communicates to its
customers how Bounce Fitness will develop relationships with its customers, in order to
maximise customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and achieve business success.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ...............................................

Supervisor's comments: The means of communication with the customers to convey
the objectives, values and standards of Bounce Fitness have been explained clearly.

Group 2 - Management

Strategic management provides on the whole direction to an enterprise and involves

specifying the organization's objectives, developing policies and plans to achieve those
objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the plans. The management is
responsible for planning a directing an organization's strategic and long-range goals.
Conducting organizational reviews to identify strengths and weaknesses and to evaluate
operational effectiveness. Making recommendations based on emerging trends,
expansion opportunities, competitive threats ability of outside business partners, and
internal business process improvement.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 supervisor's initials: ........................................

Supervisor's comments: The responsibilities of management have been set up clearly.

Individual 1 – Centre Mangers

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

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The Centre Manager be responsible for the development with oversight of the Bounce
Fitness's corporate strategies in order to support growth objectives while strengthening
the business core to develop and maintain a competitive advantage.

Date observed: ................................... Supervisor's initials: ................................................

Supervisor's comments: The role of Centre Manager is clear in line with Bounce Fitness's
objectives, values and standards.

Individual 2 – Fitness Trainers

The Fitness trainers design, lead, instruct and motivate Bounce Fitness customers in
exercise activities to ensure that high quality exercise activities meet the customers’
needs and create customer satisfaction and trust in Bounce Fitness. Satisfied customers
will promote and bring more business to Bounce Fitness.

Date observed: ........................................ Supervisor's initials: ..........................................

Supervisor's comments: .....................................................................................................

Skill Requirement 5
BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

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Describe instances when you made sure to use the appropriate media and language to clearly
communicate the organisation’s objectives, values, standards, to two (2) groups and two (2)
individuals. For each response, include a brief description of the media used.
The media used can be in either audio, visual and/or written formats.

Group 1 - Customers

Bounce Fitness will utilize social media as a form of communication with its customers
combines . It characteristics of a little of the other forms of communication such as
written communication and two-way remote communication. It allows for real-time
feedback with a written record of what has been communicated. Social media is powerful
as it enables team collaboration. Examples of social media communication include instant
messaging. Facebook , Linkedln , wikis and Twitter.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ..............................................

Supervisor's comments: Communication medium with its customers have been
selectively chosen to support Bounce Fitness's objectives, values and standards as part of
its strategic direction.

Group 2

Face to-face communication is extremely powerful. Bounce Fitness resolve use a

PowerPoint presentation to communicate its objectives, values and standards verbally
with its management team. This also allows Bounce Fitness to get immediate feedback
from its management team to adjust how the message is best communicated, if

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ............................................

Supervisor's comments: Presentation was clear and point in discussion was concise and
communicated well.

Individual 1 – Centre Managers

Face-to face communication is very powerful. Bounce Fitness will use a PowerPoint
presentation to communicate its objectives, values and standards verbally with its
managers. This also allows Bounce Fitness to get immediate feedback from its managers
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New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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to adjust how the message is best communicated, if necessary

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ..................................................

Supervisor's comments: Presentation was clear and point in discussion was concise and
communicated well.

Individual 2 – Fitness Trainers

The objectives, values and standards will be communicated with Fitness Trainers by
written communication is any type of communication involving both formal and informal
communications. One of the major benefits of written communication is that it can be
used to document what has been said or agreed to. It also can be used to clarify ideas to
avoid misunderstandings. Fitness Trainers will receive letters, email, contracts, sms ,
reports and intranet content.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ..............................................

Supervisor's comments: Official written communication has been sent out clearly stating
out the objectives, values and standards of Bounce Fitness that all Fitness Trainers must
adhere to and feedback is welcome.

Skill Requirement 6

Describe instances when you set clear expectations for at least two (2) internal groups and two
(2) individuals. For each response, include a brief description of how you explained the
expectations in a way that encourages them to build their commitment to the organisation.
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Group 1 - Customers

Bounce Fitness will social media communication by way of its customers is SMART based
and KISS approach. This will assist the customers towards understand the goals of
Bounce Fitness and they can help Bounce Fitness achieve its success. The goals will make
it possible for Bounce Fitness customers to align their expectations with the goals of
Bounce Fitness. This will create mutual benefit that will go a long way.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials : .............................................

Supervisor's comments: Communication medium with its customers have been
selectively chosen to support Bounce Fitness's objectives, values and standards as part of
its strategic direction.

Group 2 - Mangement

Bounce Fitness strategic direction will guide its strategic management team step by step
how to proper Bounce Fitness business towards its goals. The expectations from the
strategic management team are clear. The management is expected to be responsible for
planning and directing an organization's strategic and long-range goals. Conducting
organizational effectiveness. Making recommendations based on emerging trends,
expansion opportunities, competitive threats, viability of outside business partners, and
internal business process improvement.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ...................................................

Supervisor's comments: Expectations are concise and communicated well

Individual 1 – Centre Managers

Bounce Fitness will communicate its expectations of its Centre Managers in writing to
they are documented for future reference and its strategic direction will be distributed to
all Centre Mangers to guide them in setting up their own Fitness Centre goals in line with
the overall objectives of Bounce Fitness to be the premier provider of wellness integrated

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Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's comments: .............................................

Expectations are clear and communicated well.

Individual 2 – Fitness Trainers

The Fitness trainers are expected design, lead, instruct and motivate Bounce Fitness
customers in exercise activities to ensure that high quality exercise activities meet the
customers' needs and create customer satisfaction and trust in Bounce Fitness. Satisfied
customers will promote and bring more business to Bounce Fitness.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ....................................................

Supervisor's comments: Expectations are clear.

Skill Requirement 7

Describe instances when you addressed the expectations of the organisation.

The expectations of the organisation can include: environmental management, work health and
safety, product safety, service, values and ethics, and other relevant factors.

Instance when you addressed an expectation of the organisation:

Bounce Fitness is expected to take reasonable care to protect its customers, employees,
contractors and others. Bounce Fitness has developed and implemented WHs systems
policies and procedures, to ensure that they do not put anyone at risk. Bounce Fitness
continuously assesses the workplace for hazards and develop safe work practices.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ...............................................

Supervisor's comments: WHS is made available to everybody.

Instance when you addressed an expectation of the organisation:

Providing good customer service, Bounce Fitness Trainers need to identify customers
needs and help set reasonable expectations. It is also necessary to only make promises
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for service and goal setting that can reasonably be kept. Treating all individuals equally
and with respect is critical to sustaining their participation while they work to achieve
their goals and maintain their new fitness habits.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ..................................................

Supervisor's comments:

Skill Requirement 8

Describe instances when you investigated incidents and communicated the results clearly to two
(2) groups and one (1) individual.
Incidents can include, but are not limited to emergency responses, environmental events (e.g.
emissions, noise, etc.), product failures and workplace accidents.

Group 1: Customers

Falls can result from a slip or trip, however the risk of slipping an wet flooring can be
reduced by:
 taking your time and paying attention to where you are going
 adjusting your stride to a pace that is suitable for the walking surface and the
tasks you are doing.
 walking with the feet pointed slightly outward.
 making wide turns at corners.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ....................................................

Supervisor's comments: Information and education sessions are implemented on a
regular basis.

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Group 2: Menagement

Hot water
Like fire, hot water from the hot water taps, steam and other hot substances can cause
serious burns to anyone. The outcomes from severe burns and scalds can be devastating
causing death or serious injury and extreme suffering which can result in scarring for life.
However, burns and scalds are preventable and the severity of burn related injuries can
be minimized by following some guidelines:
 Regulate the temperature of the hot water service.
 Keep hot drinks away from the edge of the table or bench.
 Carry plates to pots, not pots to plates.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ...............................................

Supervisor's comments: Information and education sessions are implemented on a
regular basis.

Individual: Trainer

Ladder hazards are the injuries related to the use of unsafe ladders. Implementing ladder
safety practices in the workplace can prevent ladder hazards. Selection of a ladder with
the proper duty-rating and use ladders in accordance with the manufacturer's
information on safe use.

Date observed: 27/02/2019 Supervisor's initials: ................................................

Supervisor's comments: Ladder hazards have been identified and preventive actions have
been communicated clearly to avoid accidents.

Third Party Report (For Assessor’s Use Only)

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1. The candidate evaluated information from written and/or printed sources.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments

Written sources were evaluated properly

2. The candidate participated in a variety of discussions with clients, co-workers, and

stakeholders (e.g. consultants, contractors, board of directors, etc.) using structure and
language that is appropriate to their audience.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments

Language structure is appropriate for the audience.

3. The candidate worked autonomously in making high-level decisions related to achievement

of organisational gals.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments

Candidate has exercised autonomous decision making to achieve the organisational


4. The candidate demonstrated sophisticated control over oral, visual, and/or written
formats, drawing on a range of communication practices to achieve goals.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has demonstrated a range of communication practices to ensure the message
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was clear.

5. The candidate recognised the importance of building rapport to build effective working
relationships, and inspire trust and confidence.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments

6. The candidate collaborated and cooperated with others and played an active role in leading
and facilitating effective group interaction and influencing direction.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments

Candidate was actively involved in group interaction and influenced direction.

7. The candidate facilitated a climate where creativity and innovation were accepted as an
integral part of achieving outcomes.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments

Learner has collaborated and cooperated with others and played an active role in
leading and facelifting effective group interaction and influencing direction.

Candidate Declaration

By signing this declaration, I confirm that I have completed and or demonstrated the
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requirements outlined in this Observation Form and that I have completed and or
demonstrated these requirements as I described above.
I further confirm that all of the responses I have provided above is true and accurate about
my performance in the workplace.

Candidate’s signature: Candidate’s signature

Candidate’s name: chinanun

Date signed: 27/02/2019

Supervisor / Observer Declaration

By signing this declaration, I confirm that I have completed and or demonstrated the
requirements outlined in this Observation Form and that I have completed and or
demonstrated these requirements as I described above.
I further confirm that all of the responses I have provided above is true and accurate about
my performance in the workplace.

Supervisor / Observer’s Supervisor / Observer’s signature


Supervisor / Observer’s chinanun


Date signed: 27/02/2019

Supervisor / Observer’s 0406933592

contact number

Supervisor / Observer’s

email address (required):

End of Workplace Project 1 Observation Form

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Part II. Influence Groups and Individuals


This part of the project will require you to influence groups and individuals in your organisation:
 Build trust, confidence and respect of diverse groups and individuals through positive
role modelling and effective communication and consultation.
 Embrace, resource, and effectively implement improvements to organisational and
workplace culture.
 Ensure actions convey flexibility and adaptability to change and accessibility.
 Ensure consultation and participation in decision making occurs with relevant groups
and individuals where appropriate.
 Ensure decision making takes into account needs and expectations of both internal and
external groups.
 Ensure decision making occurs in accordance with risk management plans for all
options, and within appropriate timeframes.
 Ensure that the organisation is represented positively in the media and community.
To complete this part of the project, you will need to complete Workplace Project Part 2
Observation Form and the Workplace Project Part 2 Reflective Journal.

Workplace Project Part 2 Observation Form

1. Locate the Workplace Project Part 2 Observation Form in the following pages.

This form will be used to document your performance as you demonstrate the skill
requirements outlined above.
Review the requirements outlined in the Observation Form. You are required to
demonstrate all of the requirements outlined in this form.

2. Complete the form by:

a. Providing a specific description of how you completed or demonstrated each
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requirement outlined in the Observation Form.

b. Providing other details relevant to your completion or demonstration of the
requirement, as required (e.g. strategies you used to communicate with and
influence your colleagues, etc.).
c. Having your assessor complete the Third-Party Report section of the form and
provide their specific written comments about your performance in each
requirement (e.g. areas you did good, areas you can improve, etc.).
d. Completing the Candidate Declaration section.
e. Having your assessor observer sign the assessor Declaration at the end of the
form. Save and submit the completed and signed Workplace Project Part 2
Observation Form to your assessor.
Observation Form

Workplace Project Part 2 Observation Form

Skill Requirement 1

Describe instances when you used positive role modelling to build trust, confidence, and respect
of at least two (2) diverse groups and at least two (2) diverse individuals. Include in your
responses short descriptions of each group and each individual.
Diversity in these groups and individuals may relate to but not limited their culture, language,
sex, race, department/position in the organisation (e.g. management level and entry level), level
of education, etc.
The groups and individuals you describe here and in Skill Requirement 2 must include clients, co-
workers, and other stakeholders (e.g. consultants, contractors, board of directors, etc.)

Group 1

In building and gaining trust, confidence and respect from customers from Asian
background and culture, Bounce Fitness staff must exercise active listening by
recognising, acknowledging and promoting cultural differences amongst their
customers. Bounce Fitness staff are advised to keep an open mind to new things that
Bounce Fitness customers may bring to the table.

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Learner demonstrates active listening towards these groups and

Group 2

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In dealing with different age groups, one way to build trust, confidence and respect is to
keep an open mind and accept ideas. The other great way to exercise mentorship
program to create a fair and balanced platform that can benefit everyone. This
mentorship program can also promote and nurture strong interpersonal relationship
between colleagues.

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Learner maintains a positive attitude and outlook towards work
even at times of stress.

Individual 1 - trainers

Demonstrating good work ethics such as being on time, discouraging workplace gossip.
Communicating visions, goals, and expectations clearly so others know where they are

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments:

Individual 2 - cleaners

Acknowledging, recognising, and rewarding successes and accomplishments of these

groups and individuals

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Learner has demonstrated acknowledging and appreciating

achievements of others.

Skill Requirement 2

Describe instances when you used communication and consultation to build trust, confidence,
and respect of at least two (2) diverse groups and at least two (2) diverse individuals. Include in
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your responses short descriptions of each group and each individual.

Diversity in these groups and individuals may relate to but not limited their culture, language,
sex, race, department/position in the organisation (e.g. management level and entry level), level
of education, etc.
The groups and individuals you describe here and in Skill Requirement 1 must include clients, co-
workers, and other stakeholders (e.g. consultants, contractors, board of directors, etc.)

Group 1 - customers with different cultural backgrounds

Demonstrating active listening towards these groups and individuals, e.g. when the
group or individual has raised their concerns, when the group or individual has sought
for advice.

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Learner demonstrates active listening towards these groups and

Group 2 - colleagues with different age gap

Going through appropriate consultation with these groups and individuals when
implementing changes in the organisation’s policies, procedures, and process.

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Leaner has demonstrated different communication approaches to

convey the message these groups and individuals.

Individual 1 - trainers

Demonstrating integrity in their words (e.g. fulfilling commitments towards these

groups and individuals).

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Learner has displayed integrity in his or her words.

Individual 2 - cleaners

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Demonstrating appropriate and positive non-verbal communication (e.g. proper

posture, appropriate tone and voice, etc.) when communicating and consulting with
these groups and individuals.

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Learner has displayed appropriate gesture, tone and voice when
communicating with these groups and individuals.

Skill Requirement 3

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Describe instances when you embraced, resourced, and effectively implemented improvements
to the organisational culture. For each of your response, include a brief description of the
improvement to the organisational culture.
Improvements to organisational culture may relate to but are not limited to processes contribute
to the social and psychological environment of your organisation, e.g. how the organisation
conducts its business, the organisation’s framework for decision making, reporting lines, the
organisation’s goals, vision, mission, etc.

Instance when you embraced improvements to the organisational culture:

Being open to changes and improvements made to the organisational culture, including:
 Supporting management to implement the changes/improvements
 Discussing changes/improvements positively with relevant personnel
Encouraging relevant personnel to view changes/improvements in a positive way.

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Instance you resourced improvements to the organisational culture:

Coordinating resources to implement improvements (e.g. assigning people responsible,
accessing resources to implement improvements).

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Instance when you effectively implemented improvements to the organisational culture:

Spearheading planning, implementing, and monitoring improvements to the

organisational culture.
Communicating improvements made to the organisation.

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


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Skill Requirement 4

Describe instances when you embraced, resourced, and effectively implemented improvements to
the workplace culture. For each of your response, include a brief description of the improvement
to the organisational culture.
Improvements to workplace culture may relate to but are not limited to group dynamics within
teams and department, e.g. diversity, inclusion, staff’s views and attitudes towards work,
workplace policies and procedures, team cohesiveness, etc.

Instance when you embraced improvements to the workplace culture:

Being open to changes and improvements made to the organisational culture, including:
 Supporting management to implement the changes/improvements
 Discussing changes/improvements positively with relevant personnel
Encouraging relevant personnel to view changes/improvements in a positive way.

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Instance you resourced improvements to the workplace culture:

Being open to changes and improvements made to the organisational culture, including:
 Supporting management to implement the changes/improvements
 Discussing changes/improvements positively with relevant personnel
Encouraging relevant personnel to view changes/improvements in a positive way.

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Instance when you effectively implemented improvements to the workplace culture:

Being open to changes and improvements made to the organisational culture, including:
 Supporting management to implement the changes/improvements
 Discussing changes/improvements positively with relevant personnel
Encouraging relevant personnel to view changes/improvements in a positive way.

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Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


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Skill Requirement 5

Describe instances when you ensured your actions demonstrated:

 flexibility and adaptability to changes
 accessibility.

Instance when you ensured your actions demonstrated flexibility and adaptability to

 Bending when their first suggestions or preferred solution does not work out or
does not go over well (e.g. acknowledging Plan A didn’t work out so going for
Plan B instead).
 Maintaining a positive attitude in times of organisational changes (e.g. moving to
a new office due to space constraints).
 Encouraging others to look at the positive side of things in times of organisational

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Instance when you ensured your actions demonstrated adaptability to change:

 Making time for employees and colleagues when they want to consult something
with the candidate.
 Letting employees and colleagues know and reassuring them that they can
approach the candidate anytime if they have problems or concerns.
 Demonstrating positive and appropriate non-verbal communication every time
an employee or colleague approaches them (e.g. proximity, posture, tone of
voice, etc.)

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Skill Requirement 6
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Describe instances when you ensured that two (2) groups and two (2) individuals were consulted
and were able to participate in relevant decision making activities in the workplace. One (1) group
and one (1) individual you consult must be external to your organisation.
For each of your response, include:
 short descriptions of the group/individual involved.
 how you influenced the group/individual to participate in the consultation and decision
making process.
 how you supported the group/individual to participate in the consultation and decision
making process.
 how you provided the group/individual with resources to participate in the consultation
and decision making process.
The groups and individuals you describe here must include clients, co-workers, and other
stakeholders (e.g. consultants, contractors, board of directors, etc.).

Internal Group 1

Influencing the group/individual to participate may relate to but is not limited to:
 Encouraging the groups/individuals to participate in the consultation and
decision making processes.

Supporting the group/individual to participate may relate to but is not limited to:
 Addressing any concerns, questions, or issues that the groups/individuals may
have about the consultation and decision making activities

Providing the group/individual with resources to participate may relate to but is not
limited to:
 Ensuring that policies and procedures are accessible for diverse personnel (e.g.
CALD clients and staff, people with disabilities, etc.)

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


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External Group 2
Communicating the benefits (i.e. what’s in it for them) from participating in these
consultation and decision making processes.

Supporting the group/individual to participate may relate to but is not limited to:
Taking action on any concerns received from groups and individuals and referring them
to the appropriate personnel (e.g. management, HR, etc.)

Providing the group/individual with resources to participate may relate to but is not
limited to:
 Providing the group/individual with access to workplace surveys, feedback

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Internal Individual 1

Influencing the group/individual to participate may relate to but is not limited to:
 Encouraging the groups/individuals to participate in the consultation and
decision making processes.

 Supporting the group/individual to participate may relate to but is not limited to:
Addressing any concerns, questions, or issues that the groups/individuals may
have about the consultation and decision making activities

Providing the group/individual with resources to participate may relate to but is not
limited to:
 Ensuring that policies and procedures are accessible for diverse personnel (e.g.
CALD clients and staff, people with disabilities, etc.)

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


External Individual 2

Communicating the benefits (i.e. what’s in it for them) from participating in these
consultation and decision making processes.

Supporting the group/individual to participate may relate to but is not limited to:

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Taking action on any concerns received from groups and individuals and referring them
to the appropriate personnel (e.g. management, HR, etc.)

Providing the group/individual with resources to participate may relate to but is not
limited to:
 Providing the group/individual with access to workplace surveys, feedback

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Skill Requirement 7

Describe two (2) instances when you ensured that decision making activities considered and
accounted for the needs and expectations of both internal groups and external groups. Each
instance must clearly demonstrated you considered and accounted for the needs and expectations
of one (1) internal group and one (1) external group.
For each of your response, identify the needs and expectations of these groups you considered and
accounted, and describe the groups involved.
Internal groups may be employees within organisation and external groups may include contractors
and clients, etc.
Internal groups may also include employees within your department while external groups may
include people outside this department.

Instance 1

Negotiating timeframes between team members and clients (e.g. setting realistic
timeframes for both)

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


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Instance 2
Clearly communicating to management and team members regarding the team’s KPIs,
ensuring that they will meets management’s expectations and that they are realistic for
the team to achieve.

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Skill Requirement 8

Describe two (2) instances when you ensured decision making occurred in accordance with risk
management plans for all available options. Each of your response must include a description of
how each decision making was completed within appropriate timeframes.
Appropriate timeframes may relate to client’s timeframes, project schedule, organisational
requirements/timeframes for decision making, etc.

Instance 1

Accessing risk registers and using information from these registers to inform decision
making processes.

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Instance 2
Reviewing documents from previous projects/operations/decisions made and reflecting
on their outcomes.
Conducting risk assessment for each option

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

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Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Skill Requirement 9

Describe two (2) instances when you ensured that the organisation is represented positively in the
media and the community.

Instance 1

 Talking positively about the organisation to stakeholders (e.g. media, clients, etc.)
 Implementing processes that ensures the organisation is doing its part in their
corporate social responsibility (CSR), e.g. environmental sustainability, recycling,

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Instance 2
 Attending press conferences, conventions and promoting the company through
these channels.
 Promoting the organisation in social media channels such as Facebook and

Date observed: 06/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________

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Third Party Report (For the Assessor’s Use Only)

1. The candidate evaluated and integrated facts and ideas from risk management plans to
inform decision making activities.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has taken into consideration the facts and ideas from risk management plans
to make decision

2. The candidate participated in a variety of discussions with clients, co-workers, and

stakeholders (e.g. consultants, contractors, board of directors, etc.) using structure and
language that is appropriate to their audience.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has used proper language structure which is appropriate for the target

3. The candidate worked autonomously in making high-level decisions related to achievement

of organisational gals.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has worked autonomously in making decision.

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4. The candidate demonstrated sophisticated control over oral, visual, and/or written
formats, drawing on a range of communication practices to achieve goals.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has demonstrated his ability to use a range of communication practices to
achieve goals.

5. The candidate collaborated and cooperated with others and played an active role in leading
and facilitating effective group interaction and influencing direction.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has facilitated good interaction with others

6. The candidate facilitated a working environment where people feel comfortable to

identify, explore, and build on a variety of perspectives in order to achieve shared

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has facilitated good working environment with others to achieve shared

Candidate Declaration

By signing this declaration, I confirm that I have completed and or demonstrated the
requirements outlined in this Observation Form and that I have completed and or
demonstrated these requirements as I described above.
I further confirm that all of the responses I have provided above is true and accurate about
my performance in the workplace.

Candidate’s signature: Candidate’s signature (must be handwritten)

Candidate’s name: chinanun

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Date signed: 06/03/2019

End of Workplace Project 2 Observation Form

Workplace Project Part 2 Reflective Journal

1. Locate the Workplace Project Part 2 Reflective Journal in the following pages.
Workplace Project Part 2 Reflective Journal is made up of the following journal entries:

 Journal Entry 1
 Journal Entry 2
 Journal Entry 3
 Journal Entry 4

2. Complete the journal entries. Use the Reflection Guide provided in each entry to assist

In completing the journal entry, always provide complete responses, as required by the
Reflection Guide.

For example, if the guide asks you to identify two (2) techniques you used to resolve
differences, then you must identify two (2) and not less than.

3. Have your assessor complete and sign the Assessor Declaration of each entry.

4. Save and submit the completed and signed Workplace Project Part 2 Reflective Journal
to your assessor.
Reflective Journal

Journal Entry 1

Reflection Guide
1. Consider and reflect on the global environment impacting your organisation’s work
activities. Describe the global environment and how it impacts your organisation’s work

The global environment may relate to but is not limited to legislation and regulations,
socio-political and economic climate, current events, etc. impacting your organisation’s
business and operational activities.

The global environment may relate to but is not limited to legislation and
regulations, socio-political and economic climate, current events, etc. impacting
their organisation’s business and operational activities such as:
 Existing laws that impact their organisation’s business and operational
activities (e.g. work health and safety, privacy, and laws specific to the
candidate’s industry)
 Changes to existing laws that will prompt organisational changes e.g.
changes/updates in their current policies and procedures, processes for

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delivering products and services, etc.

 Regulations and standards that the organisation must comply with.
Current events (e.g. elections, wars, human rights, Olympics, pop culture, etc.) that
directly and indirectly impact the organisation’s business and operational activities.
E.g. pop culture affecting what consumers’ preferences.

2. Consider new technologies impacting your organisation’s work activities. Describe two
(2) new technologies and how each impacts your organisation’s work activities.

Technology 1
 Revolution of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), smart home technology -
Eliminating emotional and physical factors by using machines will help to
improve the quality of work. Not only will this lead to fewer people working
in dangerous physical jobs
 Augmented reality and virtual reality
 Artificial intelligence - Its promise: less human error and more time for
creativity due to the elimination of mundane tasks and endless virtual

Technology 2
 Data mining is used to discover patterns and relationships in the data in
order to help make better business decisions.
 Technological advancements in health care and medicine

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Journal Entry 2

Reflection Guide
Consider three (3) personnel (including you) in your organisation. Identify each person’s role
and describe their responsibilities.
Explain how each person’s role contributes to the broader organisation’s goals as relevant to
influencing groups and individuals in the workplace.
Do not include their real names here.

Personnel 1 (You)

Your role

Centre Manager

Your responsibilities

Responsible for every aspect of the day-to-day management of centres related to sports,
leisure, health and fitness. They need to be well organised and able to lead and motivate
a team.

How your role contributes to the broader organisation’s goals as relevant to influencing
groups and individuals in the workplace.

The Centre Manager is responsible to ensure that the performance of the centre brings
financial benefit to the business as a whole. Centre Manager has to ensure that everyone
on board shares the same vision and mission and work progressively towards the goals.

Personnel 2




Responsible for exercise advice and personalized training for clients on a one-on-one

basis. The staff is responsible for developing a fitness program to meet the specific needs
of the client and for ensuring that equipment is used appropriately and for the desired

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How their role contributes to the broader organisation’s goals as relevant to influencing
groups and individuals in the workplace.

The Trainer is responsible to ensure the fitness programs offered are achievable and
customers are satisfied with them. In overall, ensuring customer satisfaction will enable
Bounce Fitness to retain and attract more clients.

Personnel 3


Customer Service


Interacts with a company's customers to provide them with information to address

inquiries regarding products and services.

How their role contributes to the broader organisation’s goals as relevant to influencing
groups and individuals in the workplace.

Customer Service as the first point of contact with the company, the Customer Service
has to build a good rapport with the customers and ensure that information given is

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

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Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Journal Entry 3

Reflection Guide
Identify two (2) strengths and two (2) limitations of your own interpersonal skills. Consider
what you can do to address each of these limitations.


 Easy going

 Helpful


 Impatient
 Get bored easily

What you can do to address this limitation

1. To learn how to manage my emotions
2. To learn to stay focussed

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

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Part III. Build and Support Teams


This part of the project will require you to build and support teams, including:
 Assign accountabilities and responsibilities to teams consistent with their competencies
and operational plans
 Ensure teams are resourced to allow them to achieve their objectives
 Empower teams and individuals through effective delegation and support for their
 Create and maintain a positive work environment
 Encourage teams and individuals to develop innovative approaches to the performance
of work
To complete this part of the project, you will need to complete Workplace Project Part 3
Observation Form and submit supplementary evidence.

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Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Workplace Project Part 3 Observation Form

1. Locate the Workplace Project Part 3 Observation Form in the following pages.

This form will be used to document your performance as you demonstrate the skill
requirements outlined above.
Review the requirements outlined in the Observation Form. You are required to
demonstrate all of the requirements outlined in this form.

Before proceeding, review the instructions here and the requirements outlined in
Observation Form with your assessor so you can prepare for this task.

2. Complete the form by:

a. Providing a specific description of how you completed or demonstrated each
requirement outlined in the Observation Form.
b. Providing other details relevant to your completion or demonstration of the
requirement, as required (e.g. strategies you used to communicate with and
influence your colleagues, etc.).
c. Completing the Candidate Declaration section.
d. Having your assessor sign the Assessor Declaration at the end of the form. Save
and submit the completed and signed Workplace Project Part 3 Observation
Form to your assessor.

Supplementary Evidence

Save and submit Workplace Project Part 3 Supplementary Evidence to your assessor.

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Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Observation Form

Workplace Project Part 3 Observation Form

Skill Requirement 1

Describe instances when you assigned accountabilities and responsibilities to the members of at
least two (2) teams. The accountabilities and responsibilities you assigned must be meet each
team’s competencies and operational plans. For each response, include a brief description of
how you considered your own responsibilities as you delegated tasks. These can include but are
not limited to ethical responsibilities, and work health and safety considerations.
The teams and individuals you describe here must include clients, co-workers, and other
stakeholders (e.g. consultants, contractors, board of directors, etc.)
Accountabilities refer to which team member is responsible for the decision-making or approval
of a task or action before it is executed. Responsibilities refer to the co-workers, and other
stakeholders, a team member or manager is responsible for.

Team 1

Assigning a team member with prior experience in project management to coordinate

team activities and manage timelines.
In order to build a good teamwork, steps are taken prior to ensure that team members
can work cohesively to meet deadlines. First step is to create leadership that foster trust
through honesty and transparency. Second step is setting up the ground rules for the
team. Third step is ensuring everybody’s role is clear. Last step is to monitor team
performance and provide support.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Team 2

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Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Delegating quality assurance responsibilities to a colleague who specialises in formatting

and editing checks.
Start by specifying the outcome I desire to the team I trust to deliver it.
Establish controls, identify limits to the work and provide sufficient support, but resist
upward delegation.
Keep up to date with progress, and focus on results rather than procedures.
Finally, when the work is completed, give recognition where it’s deserved.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


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Skill Requirement 2

Describe instances when you influenced, supported and provided sufficient resources to two (2)
teams and two (2) individuals to:
 participate in consultations and decision making processes
 contribute to innovation and improvements
 achieve their responsibilities and objectives
The groups and individuals you describe here must include clients, co-workers, and other
stakeholders (e.g. consultants, contractors, board of directors, etc.).

Team 1

How you facilitated and provided sufficient resources for the team’s participation in a
Instances to choose from:
 Approving budget requirements outlined in a Marketing, Management and
Events Plan.
 Prioritising tasks.
 Preparing a Project Plan outlining task allocations and distributing it to the team
 Implementing and contributing to WHS practices at the workplace

Consultation is a two-way process and can be seen as an opportunity to add value. In

order to ensure active participation then some steps must be taken to support it such
 Talking about the issues
 Listening to and raising concerns
 Understanding the role
 Seeking information and sharing views
Providing relevant resources such as office policies and procedures, relevant
legislations and requirements, training materials, research publications, etc.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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How you facilitated and provided sufficient resources for the team’s participation in a
decision making process

Six step process to improve decision making process:

1. Ensure leadership and commitment
2. Frame the problem
3. Develop evaluation models and formulate alternatives
4. Collect meaningful, reliable data
5. Evaluate alternatives and make decision
6. Develop an implementation plan

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the team to innovate
 Give employees a reason to care
 Empower your employees to make decisions and take action
 Don't make staff jump through hoops
 Do what you can to remove the red tape
 Rethink competition
 Calm the naysayers
 Ease up

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


you supported and provided
Provide Leadership sufficient resources for the team to contribute to
Across the Organisation

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Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the team to meet a
 Understand each member's contribution to the team, and learn what everyone
needs in order to be successful.
 Make clear the role and responsibility of each team member.
 Make the deadline clear and what needs to be done to support the completion of the

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the team to meet an
 Establish and ensure each other's commitment to clear mutual goals.
 Communicate ideas and feelings accurately and clearly (be willing to listen,
question, and speak).
 Encourage other members to actively participate, acknowledge others'

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


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New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Team 2

How you facilitated and provided sufficient resources for the team’s participation in a
Instances to choose from:
 Approving budget requirements outlined in a Marketing, Management and
Events Plan.
 Prioritising tasks.
 Preparing a Project Plan outlining task allocations and distributing it to the team
Implementing and contributing to WHS practices at the workplace

Consultation is a two-way process and can be seen as an opportunity to add value. In

order to ensure active participation then some steps must be taken to support it such
 Talking about the issues
 Listening to and raising concerns
 Understanding the role
 Seeking information and sharing views
Providing relevant resources such as office policies and procedures, relevant
legislations and requirements, training materials, research publications, etc.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you facilitated and provided sufficient resources for the team’s participation in a
decision making process
Six step process to improve decision making process:
1. Ensure leadership and commitment
2. Frame the problem
3. Develop evaluation models and formulate alternatives
4. Collect meaningful, reliable data
5. Evaluate alternatives and make decision
Develop an implementation plan

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the team to innovate
 Give employees a reason to care
 Empower your employees to make decisions and take action
 Don't make staff jump through hoops
 Do what you can to remove the red tape
 Rethink competition
 Calm the naysayers
 Ease up

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the team to contribute to
 Lead by example
 Build up trust and respect 
 Encourage socializing
 Cultivate open communication
 Clearly outline roles and responsibilities
 Organize team processes
 Set defined goals
 Recognize good work

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the team to meet a
 Understand each member's contribution to the team, and learn what everyone
needs in order to be successful.
 Make clear the role and responsibility of each team member.
 Make the deadline clear and what needs to be done to support the completion of the

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the team to meet an
 Establish and ensure each other's commitment to clear mutual goals.
 Communicate ideas and feelings accurately and clearly (be willing to listen,
question, and speak).
 Encourage other members to actively participate, acknowledge others'

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Individual 1

How you facilitated and provided sufficient resources for the individual’s participation
in a consultation
Instances to choose from:
 Approving budget requirements outlined in a Marketing, Management and
Events Plan.
 Prioritising tasks.
 Preparing a Project Plan outlining task allocations and distributing it to the team
 Implementing and contributing to WHS practices at the workplace

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New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Consultation is a two-way process and can be seen as an opportunity to add value. In

order to ensure active participation then some steps must be taken to support it such
 Talking about the issues
 Listening to and raising concerns
 Understanding the role
 Seeking information and sharing views
 Providing relevant resources such as office policies and procedures, relevant
legislations and requirements, training materials, research publications, etc.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you facilitated and provided sufficient resources for the team’s participation in a
decision making process
Six step process to improve decision making process:
1. Ensure leadership and commitment
2. Frame the problem
3. Develop evaluation models and formulate alternatives
4. Collect meaningful, reliable data
5. Evaluate alternatives and make decision
6. Develop an implementation plan

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the individual to innovate
 Give employees a reason to care
 Empower your employees to make decisions and take action
 Don't make staff jump through hoops
 Do what you can to remove the red tape
 Rethink competition
Calm the naysayers
Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the individual to contribute
to improvements
 Lead by example
 Build up trust and respect 
 Encourage socializing
 Cultivate open communication
 Clearly outline roles and responsibilities
 Organize team processes
 Set defined goals
 Recognize good work

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the individual to meet a
 Understand each member's contribution to the team, and learn what everyone
needs in order to be successful.
 Make clear the role and responsibility of each team member.
 Make the deadline clear and what needs to be done to support the completion of the

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

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New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the individual to meet an
 Establish and ensure each other's commitment to clear mutual goals.
 Communicate ideas and feelings accurately and clearly (be willing to listen,
question, and speak).
 Encourage other members to actively participate, acknowledge others'

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Individual 2

How you facilitated and provided sufficient resources for the individual’s participation
in a consultation
Instances to choose from:
 Approving budget requirements outlined in a Marketing, Management and
Events Plan.
 Prioritising tasks.
 Preparing a Project Plan outlining task allocations and distributing it to the team
 Implementing and contributing to WHS practices at the workplace

Consultation is a two-way process and can be seen as an opportunity to add value. In

order to ensure active participation then some steps must be taken to support it such
 Talking about the issues
 Listening to and raising concerns
 Understanding the role
 Seeking information and sharing views
 Providing relevant resources such as office policies and procedures, relevant
BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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legislations and requirements, training materials, research publications, etc.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you facilitated and provided sufficient resources for the team’s participation in a
decision making process
Six step process to improve decision making process:
1. Ensure leadership and commitment
2. Frame the problem
3. Develop evaluation models and formulate alternatives
4. Collect meaningful, reliable data
5. Evaluate alternatives and make decision
6. Develop an implementation plan

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the individual to innovate
 Give employees a reason to care
 Empower your employees to make decisions and take action
 Don't make staff jump through hoops
 Do what you can to remove the red tape
 Rethink competition
 Calm the naysayers
 Ease up

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the individual to contribute
to improvements
 Lead by example
 Build up trust and respect 
 Encourage socializing
 Cultivate open communication
 Clearly outline roles and responsibilities
 Organize team processes
 Set defined goals
 Recognize good work

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the individual to meet a
 Understand each member's contribution to the team, and learn what everyone
needs in order to be successful.
 Make clear the role and responsibility of each team member.
 Make the deadline clear and what needs to be done to support the completion of the

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


How you supported and provided sufficient resources for the individual to meet an
 Establish and ensure each other's commitment to clear mutual goals.
BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation
 Communicate ideas and feelings accurately and clearly (be willing to listen,
New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Skill Requirement 3

Describe instances when you made sure that two (2) teams and two (2) individuals were
empowered through effective delegation and support for their initiatives.
Team 1

 Providing teams or individuals with sufficient support by giving them access to

technical or administrative support.
 Developing and documenting processes.
 Consulting the team or other colleagues about improvements that can be made to

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Learner has demonstrated adequate knowledge and skills in

exercising empowerment through effective delegation and support for initiatives.

Team 2

Delegation and empowerment effectively involves giving responsibility to other people for
the successful delivery of a task, whilst maintaining some level of control over the process
and end result.
A simple but effective way of creating a good environment for providing empowerment is
to use the tried and trusted method of SMART.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Learner has demonstrated adequate knowledge and skills in

exercising empowerment through effective delegation and support for initiatives.

Individual 1

Transferring not only the responsibility for performing tasks, but also the authority,

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

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Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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resources, rewards, and knowledge necessary to perform them. Successful delegation

requires planning, careful introduction and training, commitment and effective follow-up.
Effective delegation always involves adequate communication. People accept
responsibility and act when they know what is expected of them.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Leaner has demonstrated adequate understanding of exercising

leadership to empower individuals to carry out and achieve the expected outcomes.

Individual 2

Give the individual the freedom to tackle delegated tasks in his/her own way to actually
empower him or her and give him or her a creative license. Individuals become driven to
succeed, not only for themselves and their own futures, but also for the future of their
employer. Keeping a tight rein will kill not only creativity but also independence.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Leaner has demonstrated adequate understanding of exercising

leadership to empower individuals to carry out and achieve the expected outcomes.

Skill Requirement 4

Describe instances when you created and maintained a positive work environment. For each
response, include a brief description of when you were able to:
 play an active role in leading and facilitating effective group interactions and influenced
 facilitate an environment where others felt comfortable to identify, explore and build on a
variety of perspective to achieve shared outcomes
A positive environment is where employees are able to identify with the organisation and its
purpose. It is an environment where communication is free-flowing, decisions are transparent, and
conflict is positive and constructive.
Instance 1

Providing teams or individuals with opportunities to participate in professional

Professional development may be geared toward improving an area “in need of
improvement” from a previous evaluation or related to an employee’s new responsibilities
or future career goals.

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In facilitating this professional development, the followings are the options for the
 Attending local, regional, national, and international meetings, conferences and
workshops sponsored by professional organizations
 Presenting papers at conferences and workshops
 Serving as an officer, board member, or committee member
 Coordinating events sponsored by the organization

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Learner has demonstrated sufficient knowledge in facilitating

positive work environment by promoting professional development to boost work

Instance 2

 Facilitating discussions that resolve conflict.

In a facilitated discussion, I prepare for and engage in a conversation around the issues that
are causing conflict. I will assist each party individually to:
 Identify the issues that are at stake;
 Clarify specific examples of the behaviour to be discussed;
 Understand more about their own emotions around and contributions to the issue;
 Clarify what is at stake if the issue cannot be resolved
 Prepare to have a conversation with the other person about the issues.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: Learner has demonstrated sufficient knowledge in facilitating

positive environment to resolve conflict.

Skill Requirement 5
BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

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Describe instances when you encouraged two (2) teams and two (2) individuals to develop
innovative approaches to the performance of work. For each response, include a brief discussion of
how you were able to:
 apply problem solving processes to identify risks, evaluate options and determine solutions
 facilitate an environment where creativity and innovation are seen as an important part of
achieving outcomes
 identify systems, devices and applications that had the potential to meet current or future
Group 1

Promoting cash incentives for team member/s who come up with the most innovative way
to reduce stress issues in the workplace.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Group 2

Facilitating a team meeting to discuss the distribution and implementation of a welfare

survey this will determine what changes need to be made to processes to improve
employee welfare.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Individual 1

Look for new ways of reinventing the workflow in light of our department’s changing needs.
Simplifies processes, learns what works, and finds creative ways of implementing new
technologies, systems, and processes.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

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Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Individual 2

Promoting online documentation for easy storage and fast transmission in the workplace.

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Third Party Report (Assessor’s Use Only)

1. The candidate participated in a variety of discussions with client, co-workers, and

stakeholders (e.g. consultants, contractors, board of directors, etc.) using structure and
language that is appropriate to their audience.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has demonstrated appropriate language and structure to target audience

2. The candidate worked autonomously in making high-level decisions related to achievement

of organisational goals.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has demonstrated ability to work autonomously to achieve organisational goals.

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3. The candidate reflected on the designation of roles and responsibilities and how everyone’s
roles contributed to broader organisational goals.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has shown good reflection on roles and responsibilities in line with contribution
to broader organisational goals.

4. The candidate appreciated the implications of ethical and other responsibilities as the
carried out their role.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has shown sound understanding of implications of ethical and other
responsibilities in his/her role.

5. The candidate demonstrated sophisticated control over oral, visual, and/or written
formats, drawing on a range of communication practices to achieve goals.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has shown good control over oral, visual and written formats.

6. The candidate collaborated and cooperated with others and played an active role in leading
and facilitating effective group interaction and influencing direction.
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 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has facilitated a good working environment to make people feel comfortable to
identify, explore and build on a variety of perspective in order to achieve shared

7. The candidate facilitated a working environment where people feel comfortable to

identify, explore, and build on a variety of perspectives in order to achieve shared

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has collaborated and cooperated with others and played an active role in leading
and facelifting effective group interaction and influencing direction.

8. The candidate applied problem solving processes when identify risks, evaluating options
and determining solutions.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has demonstrated good problem solving processes to identify risks, evaluate
options and determine solutions.

9. The candidate facilitated a climate in which creativity and innovation were accepted as an
integral part of achieving outcomes.

 YES  NO

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Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has imbued good climate for acceptance of creativity and innovation as an
integral part of achieving outcomes.

10. The candidate identified systems, devices, and applications that had potential to meet
current and/or future needs.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner was able to identify systems, devices and applications that were potention to
meet current and/or future needs.

Candidate Declaration

By signing this declaration, I confirm that I have completed and or demonstrated the
requirements outlined in this Observation Form and that I have completed and or
demonstrated these requirements as I described above.
I further confirm that all of the responses I have provided above is true and accurate about
my performance in the workplace.

Candidate’s signature: Supervisor/observer’s signature (must be handwritten)

Candidate’s name: Chinanun

Date signed: 07/03/2019

contact number 0406933592

email address (required):
End of Workplace Project 3 Observation Form
Supplementary Evidence

Supplementary Evidence 1

1. To confirm that you assigned accountabilities and responsibilities following the teams’
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operational plans, submit a copy of the operational plans as Workplace Project Part 3
Supplementary Evidence.

Where you cannot submit a copy of the relevant operational plans, describe how you
considered each team’s competencies and operational plans when you delegated tasks
and responsibilities. Your assessor must sign and date the section below for confirmation.

Team 1
The senior management team to support the operational plan as attached herewith

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Team 2
The Centre staff to implement operational plan as set out in the plan attached herewith

Date observed: 07/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Learner Assessment Pack

Part IV. Demonstrate Personal and Professional Competence


This part of the project will require you to personal and professional competence, including:
 Model ethical conduct in all areas of work and encourage others to adopt business
 Adapt appropriate interpersonal and leadership styles to meet particular circumstances
and situations
 Set and achieve personal objectives and work program outcomes
 Ensure self-performance and professional competence is continuously improved
through engagement in a range of professional development activities
 Participate regularly in industry/professional networks and groups
To complete this part of the project, you will need to complete Workplace Project Part 3
Observation Form, and submit supplementary evidence.

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New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Workplace Project Part 2 Observation Form

1. Locate the Workplace Project Part 4 Observation Form in the following pages.

This form will be used to document your performance as you demonstrate the skill
requirements outlined above.
Review the requirements outlined in the Observation Form. You are required to
demonstrate all of the requirements outlined in this form.

Before proceeding, review the instructions here and the requirements outlined in
Observation Form with your assessor so you can prepare for this task.

2. Complete the form by:

a. Providing a specific description of how you completed or demonstrated
each requirement outlined in the Observation Form.
b. Providing other details relevant to your completion or demonstration of
the requirement, as required (e.g. strategies you used to communicate
with and influence your colleagues, etc.).
c. Completing the Candidate Declaration section.
d. Having your assessor sign the Assessor Declaration at the end of the form.
e. Save and submit the completed and signed Workplace Project Part 4
Observation Form to your assessor.

Supplementary Evidence

Save and submit Workplace Project Part 4 Supplementary Evidence 1 and Workplace
Project Part 4 Supplementary Evidence 2 to your assessor.
Observation Form

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New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Workplace Project Part 4 Observation Form

Skill Requirement 1

Describe instances when you modelled ethical behaviour in all areas of work.

Instance 1

Following the company’s policies and procedures relevant to handling money.

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Instance 2

Making decisions following the organisation’s code of ethics.

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Skill Requirement 2
BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Describe instances when you encouraged others to adopt business ethics.

Instance 1

Providing training. The success of your business depends on your ability to train the
people who work in the business. These seven steps have been formulated to provide
training to staff:
 Identify Needs and Goals. Firstly, you need to identify the weaknesses in your
 Identify Staff. Talk with managers to identify staff members who are most in
need of skill development.
 Find Training Resources.
 Find a Trainer.
 Create a Training Schedule.
 Staff Induction.
 Training Follow Up.

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Instance 2

Making decisions following the organisation’s code of ethics to set an example for other
In general, the decision making process helps managers and other business professionals
solve problems by examining alternative choices and deciding on the best route to take.
Steps in deciding making to set an example for others to follow are:
1. Step 1: Identify the decision. You realize that you need to make a decision.
2. Step 2: Gather relevant information.
3. Step 3: Identify the alternatives.
4. Step 4: Weigh the evidence.
5. Step 5: Choose among alternatives.
6. Step 6: Take action.
7. Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences.

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New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Skill Requirement 3

Describe instances when you adapted appropriate interpersonal and leadership styles. For each
response, include a brief description of the specific circumstance and situation that required you to
adapt each.

Instance when you adapted your interpersonal style

Conflict Management
Whether I am a manager or an employee, I will likely need to resolve conflicts at some
point in my job. This might involve solving an issue between two staff members, between
myself and a colleague, or between a client and my company. I will need to be able to
listen fairly to both sides and use creative problem solving to arrive at a solution.

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Instance when you adapted your leadership style

Democratic leadership is exactly what it sounds like – I make decisions based on the input
of each team member. Although I make the final call, each individual has an equal say on
a project's direction.
I sometimes adapt this democratic leadership as it is one of the most effective leadership
styles because it allows lower-level employees to exercise authority they'll need to use
wisely in future positions they might hold. It also resembles how decisions can be made
in company board meetings.

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Learner Assessment Pack

Third Party Report (Assessor’s Use Only)

1. The candidate evaluated and integrated facts and ideas to construct meaning

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has demonstrated ability to evaluate and integrate facts and ideas to create

2. The candidate participated in a variety of spoken exchanges with clients, co-workers,

and/or other stakeholders using structure and language appropriate to context and

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has demonstrated appropriate structure and language to context and audience.

3. The candidate appreciated the implications of ethical and other organisational

responsibilities in carrying out their own role.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has shown appreciation for the implications of ethical and other organisational
responsibilities in carrying out the role.

4. The candidate recognised the importance of building rapport in order to establish effective
working relationships to inspire trust and confidence.

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
The learner has shown the importance of building rapport to establish effective working
relationships to inspire trust and confidence.

5. The candidate collaborated and cooperated with others, playing an active role in leading
and facilitating effective group interaction and influencing direction.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has shown collaboration with other and played an active role in leading and
facilitating effective group interaction and influencing direction.

6. The candidate facilitated a climate where others felt comfortable to identify, explore and
build on a variety of perspectives in order to achieve outcomes.

 YES  NO

Supervisor/observer’s comments
Learner has created a good climate to make everyone comfortable to identify, explore
and build of possible options for outcomes.

Candidate Declaration

By signing this declaration, I confirm that I have completed and or demonstrated the
requirements outlined in this Observation Form and that I have completed and or

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

| 85 | email:
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demonstrated these requirements as I described above.

I further confirm that all of the responses I have provided above is true and accurate about
my performance in the workplace.

Candidate’s signature: Candidate’s signature (must be handwritten)

Candidate’s name: Chinanun

Date signed: 11/03/19

Supervisor/Observer Declaration

By signing this declaration, I confirm that I have observed the candidate, whose name is
recorded above, demonstrate the skill requirements outlined in this form.
I confirm that the candidate has completed/demonstrated the requirements outlined in this
Observation Form.
I further confirm that all of the responses the candidate has provided above are true and
accurate about their performance in the workplace

Supervisor/observer’s signature (must be handwritten)


Date signed: 11/03/19

contact number 0406933592

email address (required):

End of Workplace Project 4 Observation Form

Professiona l Development Plan

Professional Development Plan 1

1. Access your Professional Development Plan.

Describe two (2) personal objectives and two (2) work program outcomes you set for
yourself, and how you achieved each.

Personal Objective 1

Improve communication skills

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Learner Assessment Pack

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Personal Objective 2

Improve word processing skills

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Work Program Outcome 1

In order to improve my communications skills, I have set up steps that I would take
to ensure that my communication skills are improving over time such as:
 Listen, listen, and listen.
 Who you are talking to matters.
 Body language matters.  
 Check your message before you hit send.
 Be brief, yet specific.
 Write things down.
 Sometimes it's better to pick up the phone.
 Think before you speak.

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Work Program Outcome 2

1. Gain some basic knowledge and skills of word processing
2. Take some typing lesson
3. Provide time and activities to practice
4. Ask questions

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Learner Assessment Pack

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Professional Development Plan 2

2. Ensure continuous improvement.

Describe how your engagement in professional development activities ensured self-

performance and professional competence.

Professional Development Activity

Communication skills

How it ensured self-performance

After attending the professional development, I will need to implement the
communication knowledge and skills gained at the workplace and monitor my

How it ensured professional competence

My performance appraisal will speak for itself. If my communication skills have
improved than the outcome of my performance appraisal will be all good and I
won’t have any issues communicating with my workmates.

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Professional Development Activity

Ms Word class

How it ensured self-performance

Implement the knowledge and skills at the workplace

How it ensured professional competence

Improvement on document layout and time spent to create a document.

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

| 88 | email:
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Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Professional Development Activity

Public speaking

How it ensured self-performance

Join toastmaster

How it ensured professional competence

Better presentation

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Learner Assessment Pack

Supplementary Evidence

Supplementary Evidence 1

1. To confirm that you completed the Professional Development Plan tasks, submit a
copy of your Professional Development Plan as Workplace Project Part 4
Supplementary Evidence 1.

You may submit sections of your Professional Development Plan, as long as it

contains the following information:

 at least two (2) personal objectives and two (2) work program outcomes
outlined in Professional Development Plan 1
 evidence of participation in at least three (3) professional development
activities outlined in Professional Development Plan 2

Supplementary Evidence 2

2. To confirm that you participate regularly in industry/professional networks and

groups, submit evidence of your participation as Workplace Project Part 4
Supplementary Evidence 2.

Your evidence of participation can be in the form of proof of membership (e.g.

certificate of membership, membership confirmation email, industry/professional
network identification card, etc.), and certificate of participation in
industry/professional network and group events.

You must submit at least two (2) evidence of participation in these networks and
groups within six (6) months of each other.

Professional Development Plan 1

3. Access your Professional Development Plan.

Describe two (2) personal objectives and two (2) work program outcomes you set for
yourself, and how you achieved each.

Your Professional Development Plan can be in the form of a formal Professional

Development Plan completed with your organisation, productivity tracking software
that records your tasks (e.g. Asana, MS Project, etc.), or a personal planner where you
keep track of your tasks and progress.

Personal Objective 1
Improve communication skills

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

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New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Personal Objective 2
Improve word processing skills

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


Work Program Outcome 1

In order to improve my communications skills, I have set up steps that I would take
to ensure that my communication skills are improving over time such as:
 Listen, listen, and listen.
 Who you are talking to matters.
 Body language matters.  
 Check your message before you hit send.
 Be brief, yet specific.
 Write things down.
 Sometimes it's better to pick up the phone.
 Think before you speak.

Date observed: 11/03/2019 Supervisor’s initials: ___________________

Supervisor’s comments: _______________________________________________________


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New South Wales Business College

Level 2, 38 College street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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