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94 User's Guide
(ITINITI, version 1.0)

1. Configuration

1.1 Password Configuration

Valid days - Specify how long the password is valid (in days).
Minimum Length - Enter minimum password length.
Alpha-Numeric Combo - Select if you want to force the password to contain alpha
and numeric characters.
Failed Lock Count - Enter failed login attempts number after which user account will
be locked.
Old Password Re-use Allowed - Select if you want enable the user to reuse
his/her previous password.
1.2 Users Maintenance

Manage Applications - Application Access Management. Select if you want PassIT to

manage users application access.
Node Pre-load - Select if you want pre-load all nodes on Users' Maintenance Screen
making it easier to navigate. Note: this can take a while on long user lists.
Auto Expand - Select if you want to automatically expand all nodes on Users'
Maintenance Screen for better overview. Note: this can take a while on long user lists.

Rebuild Users' Tree - Click if you want to rebuild Users' Tree. You can do this after
switching on/off Application Access Management to add/remove APPS level to the tree
1.3 Supervisor Password

Password - Enter supervisor password. This password will be stored securely in the
Password Re-type - Re-type supervisor password.
Reset Supervisor Password - Select if you want to reset supervisor password.
Password will be blank.
2. Dictionaries

2.1 User Groups

Enter User Groups defined in eDev environment.

2.2 Applications

Enter Applications you want to manage in PassIT component.

2.3 Error Messages

Here you can translate internal error messages.

3. Users' Management

3.1 Tree View

+User - Create new user. See 3.2 Create User.

+Right - Create new right.
+Group - Add a group. Group must be first created in Dictionaries.
+App - Add an application. Application must be first created in Dictionaries.
Application Access Management in Configuration must be selected as well.
Edit/Remove - Edit User, Remove: Right, Group, Application.
Log - Show user's event log. See 3.3 Event Log.
Update User(s) - Creates user's definition in eDev environment with rights and
3.2 Create User

User Id - Enter user id = User(0).

User Name - Enter user name = User(1).
User Pass - Enter user password. Password validation rules don't apply here.
Pass Re-type - Re-type user password.
User must change password on next login - Select if you want to force user to
change the password on next login.
User Info - Enter user information = User(3).
User Locked - Select if you want to lock user's account. User won't be able to log in
any more.
Update eDev User Data - Create/update user definition in eDev environment. Note:
When you create an account it will be created without rights and groups.
Delete User - Remove user from the system. If you select Update eDev User Data
user will be deleted from eDev environment as well. Note: If you delete the users only
from PassIT component they won't be able to login into application any more.
3.3 Event Log

Event Log shows number of user activities, including: Create, Login, Logout, Password

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