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There are lots of environmental

problems nowadays, mainly
because of pollution. It is the
contamination of air, water and soil
by different materials that interfere
with human health and quality of

Sometimes, air pollution is visible.

A person can see dark smoke pour
from the exhaust pipes of large
trucks or factories, for example.
More often, however, air pollution
is invisible.

 Answer the following

 Complete the sentences with
1. What is the biggest enemy of the Should/Shouldn’t do to save the Earth.
The biggest enemies of the
environment are the plastic and
the humans.
2. What are the causes of air
1. We shouldn’t burn trees.
2. We should walk or ride a bike to school.
The causes of air pollution are
3. We shouldn't leave the tap running when
factories and trucks
3. What’s wrong with aerosols? we’re brushing the teeth.
Aerosols damage the ozone layer. 4. We should turn off the lights and the
4. What is the function of the computer when we leave the room.
Ozone Layer? 5. We should recycle waste paper, bottles and
The role of the ozone layer is to cans.
protect the planet earth from the 6. We shouldn't use aerosols.
direct impacts of the sun's rays. 7. We should use low energy light bulbs.
5. Why is water suffering from 8. We shouldn't drop litter in the streets.
The water is polluted because human
beings dump garbage into the water.
6. Why do you think we should all
be environment friendly?
Because if we don't take care of it and continue
like this, in a few years we will no longer have a
way to survive.

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