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Lepsch IF, Buol SW, and Daniels RB (1977) Soil-landscape central and southern North Island, New Zealand: a
relationships in Occidental Plateau of Sao Paulo paleoenvironmental reconstruction using the Kawakawa
State, Brazil: I. Geomorphic surfaces and soil mapping Tephra Formation as a chronostratigraphic marker.
units. Soil Science Society of America Journal 41: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
104–109. 101: 283–304.
Lepsch IF, Buol SW, and Daniels RB (1977) Soil-landscape Ruhe RV and Olson CG (1980) Clay-mineralogy indicators
relationships in Occidental Plateau of Sao Paulo State, of glacial and non-glacial sources of Wisconsinan loesses
Brazil: II. Soil morphology, genesis, and classification. in southern Indiana. Geoderma 24: 283–297.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 41: 109–115. Soil Survey Staff (1975) Soil Taxonomy: A Basic System
McCracken RJ, Shanks RE, and Clebsch EEB (1962) Soil of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting
morphology and genesis at higher elevations of the Great Soil Surveys. Agriculture Handbook. United States De-
Smokey Mountains. Soil Society of America Proceedings partment of Agriculture. Washington: US Government
26: 384–388. Printing Office.
McFadgen BG (1980) Maori plaggen soils of New Zealand, Soil Survey Staff (1999) Soil Taxonomy: A Basic System of
their origin and properties. Journal of the Royal Society Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil
of New Zealand 10: 3–19. Surveys, 2nd ed. Agriculture Handbook 436. United
Molloy L (1998) Soils in the New Zealand Landscape: The States Department of Agriculture. Washington: US
Living Mantle. Lincoln: New Zealand Society of Soil Government Printing Office.
Science. Ugolini FC and Schlichte AK (1973) The effect of Holocene
Pape JC (1970) Plaggen soils in the Netherlands. Geoderma environmental changes on selected western Washington
4: 229–255. soils. Soil Science 116: 218–227.
Phillips DH, Foss JE, Stiles CA, Trettin CC, and Luxmoore Viereck LA, Dyrness CT, Cleve K, and van Foote MJ (1983)
RJ (2001) Soil–landscape relationships at the lower Vegetation, soils, and forest productivity in selected
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BV, and Berger G (1993) The last Glacial maximum in makes them different? Catena 28: 157–169.

Industrial Pollution See Pollution: Industrial

T P A Ferré and A W Warrick, University of Arizona, While the definition of infiltration is simple, it
Tucson, AZ, USA can involve all aspects of flow through a variably
ß 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. saturated porous medium, ranging in complexity
from steady-state, saturated flow in a homogeneous,
isotropic medium to transient, unstable, unsatur-
ated flow through an anisotropic, heterogeneous
Infiltration is defined as the flow of water from medium. The rate and pattern of infiltration vary
aboveground into the subsurface. The topic of infil- with the distribution and rate with which water
tration has received a great deal of attention because is supplied at the ground surface, the depth of
of its importance to topics as widely ranging as irriga- the water table, the hydraulic properties of the
tion, contaminant transport, groundwater recharge, subsurface materials, and the antecedent moisture
and ecosystem viability. More generally, a quantita- content distribution. The following discussion
tive understanding of this process is vital to our focuses on infiltration into a homogeneous, isotropic
ability to relate surface and subsurface processes in medium as a basis for understanding the infiltration
describing the hydrologic cycle. process.

Plug Flow time. The rate of advance of the wetting front in-
creases with an increase in the flux or the anteced-
Constant Infiltration at the Ground Surface ent water content and with a decrease in the water
content behind the wetting front.
In its simplest form, infiltration can be visualized as a
As a first approximation, infiltrating water is gen-
one-dimensional, downward displacement process.
erally assumed to displace the antecedent resident
Water application at the ground surface can be con-
pore water completely. For example, consider that
sidered in two general ways. The simplest ground-
the water that is present in the medium before infil-
surface boundary condition to envision, physically,
tration begins is dyed blue and that the infiltrating
is the application of water at a constant rate, such as
water is dyed red. There is a transition from a higher
infiltration during a constant-intensity rainfall. This
water content to a lower water content at a depth of
is known as a type II, Neumann boundary condition.
zf; but the water on either side of the wetting front is
A type I, Dirichlet boundary condition, describes
blue. At the same time, t, there is a transition from red
the application of water at a constant pressure head
water to blue water at a depth, z0f , that is equal to:
(or water content).
For simplicity, we begin by considering water sup- qt
plied at a constant rate at the ground surface (type II z0f ¼ ½3
ground-surface boundary condition). This rate can be
defined as a flux density, with units of length per time, The rate of advance of the applied water front, v0f , is:
and is equivalent to the flow of water (volume per q
time) over an area. If the rate of supply is greater than v0f ¼ ½4
the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the medium,
water will eventually pond at the ground surface and Notice that if the water content behind the wetting
flow overland. If the rate of water delivery is lower front is constant with depth and the applied flux is
than the saturated hydraulic conductivity, all of the constant in time, the velocity of the wetting front is
water will infiltrate. If the spatial area over which also constant with time. The rate of advance of the
water is supplied is relatively large, infiltration can applied water is independent of the antecedent water
be approximated as one-dimensional downward. The content. This simple representation of infiltration can
water content of the medium will increase until the be extended to consider flow through a layered sub-
hydraulic conductivity of the medium at that water surface in which each layer can have a different value
content is equal to the rate of water supply and infil- for i and wet.
tration will proceed under a unit gradient condition
(i.e., the magnitude of the hydraulic head gradient is Constant Pressure Head at the Ground Surface
1). As water is continually supplied, this wetted
Now we consider the advance of a wetting front in
region will advance downward. Assuming that the
response to a type I ground-surface boundary condi-
water velocity in front of the advancing water is
tion. As shown above, the velocity of the wetting
nearly zero, which is reasonable unless the antecedent
front can be expressed as:
water content is quite high, the added water will
advance as a sharp wetting front. The depth to the dzf q
wetting front, zf, after a time t, can be determined ¼ vf ¼ ½5
dt wet  i
from the antecedent volumetric water content, i, the
water content behind the wetting front, wet, and the To consider the case of the advance of the wetting
flux density, q, by a simple mass balance calculation: front in response to a constant pressure head applied
at the ground surface, 0, the pressure head at the
zf ¼ ½1 wetting front is defined as f. Then the flux across the
wet  i ground surface is:
The rate of advance of the wetting front, vf, can be   zf
f 0
determined as the derivative of zf with time: q ¼ Kwet ½6
vf ¼ ½2 where Kwet is the hydraulic conductivity of the
wet  i
medium behind the wetting front. Substituting for
Notice that if the initial water content and the water the flux gives:
content behind the wetting front are constant with
depth and, given that the applied flux is constant in dzf  0  zf
vf ¼ ¼ Kwet f ½7
time, the velocity of the wetting front is constant with dt zf ðwet  i Þ

Integrating this expression gives an expression for medium under the assumption of zero air resistance.
the time, t, for the wetting front to advance to a The equation and the accompanying constitutive re-
depth zf as: lationships can be written in many forms. For
   example, the mixed form describing one-dimensional
ðwet  i Þ zf downward water flow based on the water content,
t¼ zf þ ð f  0 Þln 1 þ ½8
Kwet 0 f , and pressure head, , is:
Green and Ampt derived a similar expression. For @ @ @
¼ KðÞ þ1 ½11
short times, gravity can be ignored and the results @t @z @z
simplify to:
In the preceding examples, the change in the volu-
  metric water content was abrupt, taking one of two
2ð 0  f ÞKwet 0:5 0:5
zf ¼ t ½9 values, wet or i. In reality, the water content can
wet  i
assume any value between the residual water content
The rate of advance of the wetting front at time t is and the porosity; the water content is a function of the
described as the derivative of zf with t: capillary pressure and the antecedent conditions (hys-
  teresis). If the water content varies smoothly across
2ð 0  f ÞKwet 0:5 0:5 the wetting front, then the hydraulic conductivity will
vf ¼ 0:5 t ½10
wet  i also take a continuous range of values. The nature of
the dependence of the hydraulic conductivity on the
Notice that, unlike the advance of a wetting front in water content controls the deviation of the shape of
response to a constant applied flux, the rate of ad- the wetting front from the idealized sharp boundary
vance of the wetting front in response to a type I assumed above.
ground-surface boundary condition changes with The following sections show examples of the infil-
time. The rate of advance of the wetting front is tration process calculated using HYDRUS-2D, one of
highest initially when the distance from the surface several available numerical models that solve the
to the wetting front is smallest, leading to the highest Richards equation for a range of boundary conditions
pressure-head gradient. This indicates that the rate of and soil properties. The hydraulic properties for silt
infiltration at the ground surface is highest at early and sand were taken from the soil catalogue available
times. At long times, gravity dominates infiltration through ROSETTA, which is included in HYDRUS-
and the infiltration rate at the ground surface de- 2D. These cases have been chosen to illustrate the
creases to a constant rate, q. As a result, at later influences of soil properties and water application
times, the rate of advance of the wetting front de- rates on infiltration.
creases to q/(wet  i). That is, for larger times the
wetting front in response to a type I ground-surface
The Advance of a Wetting Front
boundary condition advances at the same rate as
a wetting front in response to a type II boundary For one-dimensional infiltration into a soil profile
condition with an equivalent applied flux. overlying a deep water table in response to a constant
applied flux at the ground surface, the water content
Richards Equation – The Shape of the and the water pressure at the ground surface increase
from their initial values to constant, higher values.
Wetting Front
These values are equal to the water content and pres-
The preceding treatments are sufficient to provide sure head at which the hydraulic conductivity of the
simplified descriptions of the one-dimensional ad- soil equals the infiltration rate. The wetting front
vance of a wetting front into a homogeneous, drained remains sharp because the hydraulic conductivity of
soil under time-invariant boundary conditions. How- the relatively dry medium below the wetting front is
ever, both of these analyses are based on the assump- much lower than the hydraulic conductivity above the
tion of a step change in water content at the wetting wetting front (solid lines in Figure 1a). As a result,
front. A more complete, detailed description of the a large gradient is needed across the wetting front to
infiltration process requires solution of the flow equa- drive water into the soil. The pressure heads corre-
tion, including constitutive relationships describing spond, having the general shape of the solid lines in
the water content–pressure head relationship for the Figure 1b. The exact corresponding values of pressure
soils into which water is infiltrating. head and water contents will depend on the soil-water
In general, the Richards equation is a nonlinear, characteristic curve, i.e., the relationship of  to .
parabolic partial differential equation that describes For one-dimensional infiltration into a soil profile
water movement through a variably saturated overlying a deep water table in response to a constant,

increased pressure head at the ground surface, the condition. At late times, the wetting front advances at
water content and the water pressure at the ground- the same rate for both boundary conditions, leading
surface increase from their initial values to constant, to a constant distance between the solid and dashed
higher values. For comparison, consider a ground lines on Figure 1.
surface boundary condition that corresponds with
the constant infiltration rate applied in creating
The Effects of Infiltration Rate
Figure 1. As for a type II ground-surface boundary
condition, the wetting front remains sharp because For simplicity, the remaining examples will only con-
the hydraulic conductivity of the relatively dry sider infiltration in response to a constant applied
medium below the wetting front is much lower than flux. For these conditions, for a given soil, the water
the hydraulic conductivity above the wetting front content behind the wetting front increases with in-
(dashed lines in Figure 1a). As a result, a large gradi- creases in the rate of infiltration until full saturation is
ent is needed across the wetting front to drive water reached. The wetting front velocity has been shown
into the soil. The pressure heads correspond, having (above) to advance at a rate that is proportional to the
the general shape of the dashed lines in Figure 1b. The applied flux and inversely proportional to the water
exact corresponding values of pressure head and content behind the wetting front. The rate of advance
water contents depend on the soil-water characteris- of the wetting front increases with higher rates of
tic curve, i.e., the relationship of  to . Notice that water application. However, note that the difference
the wetting front has advanced to a greater depth at in water pressure at the surface (Figure 2b) is small
any given time for the constant pressure head ground- compared with the difference in water contents
surface boundary condition than for the correspond- (Figure 2a) for the range of water application rates
ing constant flux boundary condition. This is due to chosen.
an early high pressure head gradient, leading to
high initial fluxes under the constant-head boundary

Figure 1 (a) Water-content and (b) pressure-head profiles after

3.3, 6.7, 10, 13.3, and 16.7 h of infiltration into a drained sand
(100-cm pressure head throughout). Solid lines show the
response to a type II ground-surface boundary condition with a
constant applied flux of 0.0005 cm s1. Dashed lines show the Figure 2 (a) Water-content and (b) pressure-head profiles after
response to a type I ground-surface boundary condition with a 10 h of infiltration into a drained sand at rates of 0.001, 0.0005, or
constant applied pressure head of 8.08 cm. 0.0001 cm s1.

The Effects of the Antecedent

Water Content
As infiltration progresses, the downward-moving
water continually displaces preexisting pore water
and fills drained pores. For a sufficiently long profile
that has no flow across the bottom boundary, the
total volume of water added is equal to the total
change in water stored in the profile. If the antecedent
water content is high, the change in storage per unit
length is small (Figure 3). As a result, the wetting
front will progress deeper for a given total volume
of added water.

Figure 4 Water-content profiles after 10 h of infiltration at a rate

The Effects of the Saturated of 0.0005 cm s1 into a sand with a saturated hydraulic conductiv-
Hydraulic Conductivity ity of 0.00086, 0.0086, or 0.086 cm s1 and an initial pressure head
of 100 cm.
If one medium has a higher saturated hydraulic con-
ductivity than another and all other hydraulic proper-
ties are the same, then the first soil is able to transmit
a given flux at a lower water content than the second
soil (Figure 4). As a result, for a given rate of water
application, the water content behind the wetting
front is lower for the first, more conductive soil. To
accommodate the same total change in water storage
throughout the profile in response to a given volume
of applied water, the wetting front moves deeper in
the more conductive soil.

The Effects of Soil Texture

The texture of a soil strongly influences its hydraulic
properties. For example, at low pressure heads, a fine-
textured material tends to have a higher water Figure 5 Water-content profiles after 44.4 h of infiltration at a
rate of 0.000015 cm s1 into a sand, silt, or clay at an initial
content than a more coarse material. As a result, the
pressure head of 100 cm.
antecedent water content may be higher in a silt or
clay than in a sand. This can lead to a fine-textured
soil having a higher hydraulic conductivity and a lower storage capacity than a coarse-textured soil
for the same initial pressure head (Figure 5). At higher
water contents, a coarse soil has a higher hydraulic
conductivity than a fine soil. Therefore, at a given rate
of water application, the water content behind the
wetting front is lower for a sand than for a silt or
clay. The balance of these effects for a given rate of
water application and for given initial conditions de-
termines the relative rate of advance of a wetting
front through any two soils.

The Effects of Gravity

The preceding discussions have considered only
vertical infiltration. However, water can also move
Figure 3 Water-content profiles after 10 h of infiltration at a rate
horizontally across vertical soil surfaces (e.g., the
of 0.0005 cm s1 into a sand with an initial pressure head of 15, walls of a water-filled surface depression). All of the
25, or 100 cm. influences described above for vertical flow have

the same effect on horizontal advance in response to profiles beneath a point of constant infiltration
water applications controlled by the rate of applica- for both one-dimensional (solid lines) and two-
tion at a soil surface. Definite differences arise when dimensional (dashed lines) flow regimes. Regardless
water is applied at the soil surface at a constant of the soil texture, the wetting front moves deeper
pressure head (type I boundary condition). In that under one-dimensional flow conditions. This differ-
case, horizontal flow responds only to the pressure ence is more pronounced for the finer-textured soils,
gradients caused by the surface-water pressure head, because their relatively low hydraulic conductivities
while vertical flow responds to this gradient and to preclude rapid, downward flow. As a result, the
gravity. After a short time, when the pressure-head effects of gravity are minimized, and horizontal and
gradient is high across the surface, the rates of hori- vertical flow diverge less slowly. A measure of the
zontal and vertical flow are nearly equal. However, effects of horizontal flow on the downward advance
later the pressure-head gradient approaches zero of the wetting front can be determined from the total
while the gravitational gradient is always 1. As a change in water storage directly beneath the point of
result, horizontal flow decreases toward zero while water application for one- and two-dimensional simu-
vertical flow reaches a steady nonzero rate. This dif- lations. For the examples shown in Figure 6, the
ference in the horizontal and vertical flow in response change in storage directly beneath the point of water
to the same applied pressure-head is critical to an application for the sand undergoing two-dimensional
understanding of multidimensional infiltration. flow is 74% of that for the one-dimensional case; the
silt and clay show 51% and 32%, respectively. This
emphasizes the relatively large impact of horizontal
Two-Dimensional Infiltration
flow on finer-grained, less-permeable media.
The preceding discussions have focused on one- There is a further difference between one-
dimensional, vertical infiltration. While this simpli- dimensional and multidimensional flow. If flow is
fied representation is applicable to many common one-dimensional, the wetting front continues to ad-
conditions (e.g., rainfall or sprinkler irrigation over vance downward as long as water is applied at the
a flat field), other conditions require a consideration ground surface. Specifically, because the water con-
of multidimensional flow. Multidimensional flow can tent behind the wetting front is nearly constant, the
be understood as a balance between horizontal and flux across the wetting front is equal to the flux across
vertical flow. For instance, a wetting front will pro- the ground surface. The wetted region can be seen to
ceed farther downward if flow is one-dimensional advance due to this flux across the wetting front,
vertical, than if flow is multidimensional, because in which results in water filling pores that were previ-
the latter case the amount of water moving vertically ously filled with air. In contrast, under multidimen-
downward will be less as a result of water ‘lost’ to sional flow, the wetted region continues to expand
horizontal flow. Figure 6 shows the water-content in multiple directions. As a result, the surface area of
the wetted region continues to increase. The area
of the surface bounding the wetted region increases
in direct proportion to the flux across the boundary of
the wetted region. As a result, at long times, the area
of the boundary of the wetted region becomes so large
that the flux across the boundary approaches zero at
every location and the size of the wetted region be-
comes essentially constant in time. This gives the
unusual result that there can be a constant water
content distribution with both depth and time at
long times during multidimensional infiltration.

Further Considerations
The preceding discussions have been limited to in-
filtration into a homogeneous, isotropic porous
Figure 6 Water-content profiles after 44.4 h of infiltration at a medium overlying a deep water table. Infiltration
rate of 0.000 015 cm s1 into a sand, silt, or clay at an initial in the presence of a shallow water table obeys the
pressure head of 100 cm. Dashed lines show the response
calculated for one-dimensional flow. Solid lines show the re-
same general principles of Darcy’s law and the
sponse directly beneath the point of water application when Richards equation. When a shallow water table is
flow is two-dimensional. present, the moisture profiles (and pressure profiles)

must merge vertically with the saturated profile Jury WA, Gardner WR, and Gardner WH (1991) Soil
and capillary fringe. More complex aspects of infil- Physics, 5th edn. New York: John Wiley.
tration arise due to the effects of horizontal and sub- Philip JR (1969) Theory of infiltration. Advances in
horizontal layering, capillary barriers, preferential Hydroscience 5: 215–305.
Richards LA (1931) Capillary conduction of liquid through
flow, unstable finger-flow, anisotropy, dual porosity,
porous media. Physics 1: 318–333.
changes in hydraulic properties due to clogging
Schaap MG, Leij FJ, and van Genuchten MT (2001)
with time, and the effects of air resistance during ROSETTA: a computer program for estimating soil
infiltration. hydraulic parameters with hierarchical pedotransfer
functions. Journal of Hydrology 251: 163–176.
See also: Compaction; Crusts: Structural; Simunek J, Šejna M, and van Genuchten MT (1999) The
Hydrodynamics in Soils; Water Cycle HYDRUS-2D software package for simulating two-
dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple
solutes in variably saturated media. Version 2.0,
IGWMC-TPS-53. International Ground Water Modeling
Further Reading
Center. Golden, CO: Colorado School of Mines.
Green WH and Ampt GA (1911) Studies on soil physics. Smith RW (2002) Infiltration Theory for Hydrologic Appli-
I. Flow of air and water through soils. Journal of cations. Water Resources Monograph 15. Washington,
Agricultural Science 4: 1–24. DC: American Geophysical Union.
Hillel D (1998) Environmental Soil Physics. New York: Warrick AW (2003) Soil Water Dynamics. New York:
Academic Press. Oxford University Press.

Infrared Spectroscopy See Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

K Mengel and H Kosegarten, Justus Liebig availability to plant roots is the soil microbial activity
University, Giessen, Germany by which siderophores are produced which dissolve
ß 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. mineral Fe. Under anaerobic soil conditions, mineral
Fe(iii) is reduced and the Fe2þ produced is soluble and
may attain toxic concentrations under soil flooding.
Introduction Fe nutrition of crops may be insufficient in calcareous
Iron (Fe) is an indispensable element for all living and alkaline soils caused by an inhibition of Fe(iii)
organisms, in which it is present in many enzymes. reduction in the root apoplast. Iron deficiency affects
Some of the most important enzymic reactions depend crop growth and quality.
on changes between the divalent and trivalent Fe
forms to enable the transfer of electrons as occurs in
Iron in the Soil and its Acquisition
the respiratory and photosynthetic electron (e) trans-
by Plants
port chains. Fe taken up from the soil by plants is for
many animal species the exclusive nutritional source Of all the chemical elements composing the Earth’s
of Fe, and in vegetables and fruits it is also of high crust, Fe is present fourth-highest by weight, with
importance in the human diet. Apart from organic mean concentration of approximately 50 mg kg1.
soils containing virtually no inorganic soil matter, Fe The greatest part of soil Fe occurs in the crystal lattices
is present in soils in abundant quantities. Its availabil- of numerous primary soil minerals. In 2:1 phyllosili-
ity to plants, however, depends much on ecologic cates such as mica, smectite, and illite, it is located in
conditions. In aerobic soils its concentration in the the center of the octahedra in divalent and trivalent
soil solution is extremely low and decreases with an form, depending on the redox conditions of the soil.
increase in soil pH. Of a still higher importance for Fe Weathering of these primary Fe-containing minerals

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