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Please remind players that the names of classes and aspects are NOT the same as in other games,

even if they sh

Houserules in general
You gotta try AT LEAST one classpect related thing per session once they get unlocked. This is not so much a req
Doing so may earn you something shiny. Not doing so may earn you... well, nothing but the DM's faint a
A nat 1 has the possibility of being a succeed/fail. Example: You roll a one to bluff, everyone believes you. You be
Houserules for character-specific things

In each round of combat, each player has 2 actions and a bonus action. Actions can be used to attack or to move.
exact boundary line between an action and a bonus action is up to the DM.
Boundary lines so far
Activating a fraymotif is an action.
Taking a healing item for yourself is a bonus action, force feeding it to someone else is an action
Switching weapons or armor is instantaneous.
Switching specibi is a bonus action.
After reaching Godtier, the player gains the ability to use their bonus action to make an attack if using a tier 10 w
Some weapons have special abilities. If it is a multi-attack bonus, then it still only takes one action.
No dual weilding is allowed. You can say you're doing it for Rule of Cool, but it doesn't give any bonuses.
IF a bleeding mechanic is added, it deals 1d10 damage per round if the creature hasn't healed since last taking d
Critical hits on the d20 double damage. Critical hit on extra dice do nothing. If both critical, then it's triple dama
Ranged weapons
The standard
Ranged range
weapons on disadvantage
have a ranged weapon is 60quarters
in close ft or 120unless
ft withthe
weapon is anbut this may be adjusted
instantaneous firing weab
but a bow would)
Melee weapons
Most melee weapons have to have the user right up against the target for use, but larger ones may reach
Special abilities
If a player has an optional special ability on a weapon, from a classpect, or from another source, they mu
making any rolls on that attack.
If a weapon has a multi-attack, it may only be used once per round, but it may still be used in conjunctio
A shield adds AC, but any weapon that requires two hands to use can't be used while holding a shield.
Death and
After Unconsciousness
reaching 0 HP, the character is unconscious. On each turn after that, they must make a death savin
or higher.
After 3 failures, a character is Dead. After 3 successes, the character regains 1 HP and comes to consciou
If a character crits on a death save, they gain 5 HP and are immediately conscious again.
If aa character
character crit
goesfails on a0 death
below save,
HP to the it is that
point considered a truenumber
the negative death. is more than a third of their max H
death save. Two thirds is considered 2 failed death saves. If it's equal to or greater than their max health
The God Tiertime
third character must is
a character beknocked
killed inunconscious
a Just or Heroic
in away to combat
single truly die.encounter, they will recieve some
Every encounter in question.
time a character is knocked unconscious, their death save DC increases by 1. Every 24 hours they
reduces it by 1 to a minimum of 10
certain classpects may have sneak attack, but this is at the DM's discretion. A sneak attack has adv
automatic crit and deals extra damage, which is added AFTER the doubling of the other dice.
Sneak attacks happen when:
the target is unaware of the attacker's presence
the target is distracted by one of the attacker's allies
Level Extra damage Godtier level Extra damage
0-10 3d4 0-10 3d6
11-20 3d6 11-20 3d8
21-30 3d8 21-30 3d10
31-35 3d10 31-35 3d12
The starting move speed for players is 30 feet a round, but this may be adjusted based on backstory and classpe
Flying +5 in ais
speed character's
double theDex bonus equals
creature's an extra
base speed 5 ft
if it's of movement
a biological source of flying (i.e; wings) and 60 feet a roun
adjusted at the DM's discretion for high powered items.
15 on rough terrain, 12 on flat terrain, 10 if they land on a curve or something they can break their fall on) halve
constitution modifier from damage taken, but not both.
Prone and standing up
againsta aprone
disadvantage unless they are in a position where the size of the t
prone position.
Standing up requires one action's worth of movement.

You can have up to 5+your level inventory slots with a maximum of 30 slots and a minimum of 10.
want to have happen. If you're a passive class, the DM may decide for you, or may ask what you want to happen
specific classpect combonation.
Activating a fraymotif is a bonus action.
Any major event involving 3 or more players is considered a ritual.
The DCisisa determined
collective DC.
byAdding up theofresults
the number of allstatements.
attempted the rolls must
Themeet that is
formula DC, but there
(number of is no minumum an ind
Something relatively simple has a difficulty level of 10 with a minimum DC of 30
something more complicated has a difficulty level of 13 with a minimum DC of 50
Dealing with incredibly difficult
eldrich beings hasaaDC
gives difficulty level of 16
of 2d(66d6)/2. with
Roll a minimum
66d6. DC ofdetermines
That number 70 the maximum nu
numbers and take the average.
Every statement must be justified. The quality of the justification determines what dice get rolled
A successful justification +1d20.
A partially successful justification gives +1d10.
A failed justification gives -1d10
A crit on a successful justification adds 25 to the total. A crit fail acts as a failed statement.
Strife Specibus
Noplayer may only
two players mayuse weapons
have thatstrife
the same fit their specibus,
specibus, but but
maymay make
have arguments
similar ones. Forasexample,
to why aone
weapon would
player may
'daggerkind', thus allowing some crossover, but they are not the same and therefore allowed in the same game.
No player may have more than three strife specibi, but extra slots must be earned through sidequests or an expe
Switching specibi is a bonus action.
Striking withweapons
a weapon that does not fit your active specibus deals no damage, but it may have other eff
and possibly a roll of the dice.

Misc. Rules

A naturalof20
a saveonly theagainst
(if it's IM system works.that
something Cameras work
reduces as well.reduces damage again by half. A na
prevents the entity from being possessed by the creature they saved
Long rest: Heal 1 HP per level up to a quarter of your current max healthagainst
(ex: for 2 rounds.
if you have 110 max health, y
short rest)
Schmoops are given in response to cool RP things and interesting classpect attempts (or otherwise
give them, so ask. Be aware that excessive asking may result in schmoops being taken away.
1 (and ONLY 1) schmoop may be added to any attack or save.
3 +1 schmoops may be traded in for a +2 schmoop
3 +2 schmoops may be traded for an item off the Table of Fun. For this, roll percentile dice to see w
Tokens from the Table of Fun CAN be traded, but they must be traded for another Token or 4 +2 sc

The combination of a player's Class and Aspect. It determines their abilities and is determined by their p
Classpect inversion
whispers, of their Inverted Classpect, fade in to inform them of their new class and aspect, but they only
If theThe point current
player's of inversion
higher thanby either
their Rule of
inverted Cool,
class or when
allows, theythey reach 10 inversion
immediately points
revert to that lev
and hit dice gained since that level. They must roll their hit dice equal to the number of levels lost
whispers, but they will always bear the scars of their inversion in the form of an occasional whisper from and s
levels. Those do not return after an inversion and must be re-earned.
Doomed Timeline
Any timeline in which one or more of the prerequisites for victory cannot be achieved. These parts are:
Black King's scepter retrieved
Black King's death
Bilious Slick is made
The Denizens are defeated in a way that will release the Grist Hordes
Ectobiology has been completed
Any timeline with time paradoxes not offset by a Sburban Reversal could also be considered Doomed.

Items in dungeons are found in scattered locations, often near where underlings have taken up residence.
roll a may either
d20+int beapre-set
with or rolled
DC of the item'soff a list(or
tier+8 of DC10
items if it's a non-tiered item). Rolling lower than that gives an e
The only way to get grist is by killing underlings, buying it, or selling items.
her games, even if they share names. Don't come into it with those

d. This is not so much a requirement but a please????

thing but the DM's faint annoyance
ryone believes you. You believe your own bluff.

used to attack or to move. Bonus actions are small actions, but the

e else is an action

n attack if using a tier 10 weapon or Ultimate Weapon

s one action.
give any bonuses.
t healed since last taking damage
tical, then it's triple damage.

but this may be adjusted

instantaneous based(ie:
firing weapon on athe specifics
gun wouldn'tof the

but larger ones may reach further at the DM's discretion.

m another source, they must declare that they are using it BEFORE

still be used in conjunction with other abilities.

d while holding a shield.
y must make a death saving throw, which is a d20. A success is a 10

HP and comes to consciousness.

ous again.
han a third of their max HP, it is considered an automatic failed
ater than their max health, it's an automatic death.
er, they will recieve some sort of lasting penalty or injury based on
by 1. Every 24 hours they go without being knocked unconscious

on. A sneak attack has advantage on an attack roll, and if it hits, is an

the other dice.

on backstory and classpect specifics.

wings) and 60 feet a round for mechanical means. These may be
n break their fall on) halves damage, OR they may subtract their

ion where the size of the target wouldn't be affected by the

minimum of 10.
what you want to happen. It depends on the situation and the

rere is no minumum an individual

of statements)*difficulty level ORdie
themust meet.
set minimum, whichever is

ermines the maximum number to plug into an RNG. Generate 2

e get rolled

as to why aone
r example, weapon would
player may fit
'bladekind' and another may have
llowed in the same game.
ough sidequests or an expensive purchase.

, but it may have other effects based on intent, the DM's discretion,

mage again by half. A natural 20 save against possession

have 110 max health, you can heal a maximum of 27 points in a

ct attempts (or otherwise amusing the DM). The DM may forget to

s being taken away.

l percentile dice to see what you get.

another Token or 4 +2 schmoops

nd is determined by their personality.

s and aspect, but they only state the counterpart of known

reach 10 inversion
mediately points.
revert to that level, losing all extra experience, skill points,
umber of levels lost and
an occasional whisper fromsubtract that from
the inverted their maximum
whispers, health.
and the lost

chieved. These parts are:

be considered Doomed.

taken up residence.
lower than that gives an estimate that's either far too high or far too
d100 Name
01 Bull's Eye
02 Twice as Nice
03 Shifty
04 Unmovable
05 Counterpunch
06 Nimble
07 Lucky
Don't 8#7the player, 8
08 the game
09 Relentless
10 Perfect 10
11 Check my doubles
12 Dirty Dozen
13 Unlucky #13
14 Quiet as a Mouse
15 Light as a Feather
16 Crazy Like a Fox
17 Strong as an
Some kind ofOx
18 Digitation
19 Standing Ovation
I know a guy who
20 knows a guy
21 uwu what's this?
22 Discount
Four Score Double Check
and Seven
23 Years
24 His Noodly
I wish Appendage
I could speak
25 whale
26 You Detect no Traps
27 Three Cubed
28 He's Bluffing
29 Tis but a scratch!
30 My way, or my way.
31 Cut me a break
32 32 flavors
33 Triple check
34 Rule 34
35 Mostly Dead
36 Herculean
37 Twitchy
38 Steadfast
39 Brilliant
40 Fascinating
41 Jack of All Trades
42 Hoopy
For Some Frood
Values of
43 "Fun"
Forewarned and Four-
44 armed
45 Pawn's Move
46 Knight's Move
47 Bishop's Move
48 Rook's Move
49 Queen's Move
50 King's Move
51 Hit 'em hard
52 Full Deck
53 Hungry
Summonfor more
54 Fish(stick)
55 Double Nickel
56 Bloodlust
57 Potent Potables
58 Berserker Rage
59 Solid Gold
60 Burn baby burn
61 Chill of the grave
62 Strange technique
63 Bell Ringer
64 Square-cube law
65 Speed limit
66 Daily Double
67 Psychic Sheild
68 Coffee Buzz
69 Blessed Fury
70 Harder, Better
71 Faster, Stronger
72 Static
73 Treasure Map
"What a strange
74 item..."
75 Unstoppable
76 Uncatchable
77 Double -Oh seven
78 Invulnerable
79 Inconcievable
80 It's raining schmoops!
81 Slot machine
82 Expert Hurdler
83 Wide Reciever
84 Carousel
85 Back to the Future
86 Inscrutable
87 Unforgettable
88 Double Jeopardy
89 Lucky Bounce
The Card Says
90 "Schmoops"
91 Loot!
92 Groot!
93 Newt!
94 Winner's Choice
95 Good Luck to You
96 for Large Values of Fun
97 Buffer Overflow
98 So Close yet So Far
99 Double Dragon
00 You Win at DND
You can throw a small object up to 100 ft with perfect accuracy. A weapon may not hit business end first or
damageto cause
for andamage,
attack youbutmay
it will
where yousmallest
(of the want it to.
size you are already rolling) to
the damage pool. This die must be rolled and cannot be automatically maximized by other effects.
As a bonus action, you may move up to five feet without provoking an opportunity attack.
As a may 'root'toyourself
reaction an attacktothat
resist any action
targets that forces
you, make youagainst
an attack to move,anincluding
adjacent falling.
target with an improvised
weapon (sword pommel, shield, a firm kick).
You may make one really cool acrobatic feat without having to roll.
Once, any roll of a 7 acts as a crit.
When you any dicea smaller
miss creaturethan
witha ad8 with attack,
melee a d8 forexpend
one roll.
this token: you have advantage on your next attack
against that creature until the end of your next turn.
For anyjust their
single type-throw
saving once, your charisma bonus
for a character you’rebecomes 10 with advantage and take either result. If you
playing, roll
roll doubles this token is not expended. If you roll double 11s, gain an additional copy of this token.
Once, on a crit,
As a reaction you may
(which willreplace
use theyour
actionroll with next
on your 12d12, butyou
turn), it will
may notimpose
double.disadvantage one
creature for the next 1d4 rounds, or 1d4 creatures for one round.
You get to be Sneaky As Hell in place of one stealth roll.
Your movement doubles for one round.
You can see everything.... Acts as a crit on perception
Acts as a crit on strength
Acts as either a dexterity crit or a deception crit
You get to give one really awesome preformance or convince 1 NPC that they kinda like you.
Acts as a crit on intelligence if it's used to make connections or otherwise on an NPC
rolling twofindor1d6
more lootboxes??
damage dice,Nice!
expend this token to treat any die showing “2” as the maximum
value of that die.
You get to randomly learn 1 piece of lore about where you are. You can give vague direction.
You get to ask 2 questions about dieties in the world.
For the space of a few seconds, you can understand another language of your choice.
You get advantage on 3 perception checks against inanimate objects
Expend this token to replace a single d20 with 3d6.
Once, you can tell if someone's lying
You can halve the damage taken on one hit.
Roll one charisma roll with advantage if it's used to scare people.
Once, you can get someone off your back about something. Anyone except the DM, of course.
On anyyourollmay
you to replace
would have your bonus for
advantage, a roll for
instead rollthe oned20
three youand
takehave if your
a result SP score
of your wasIf 32
choice. any
d20 shows a 3 retain the use of this token.
Any neutral or friendly NPC develops faintly amorous feelings for any PC or NPC of your choice. You must
have permission from the PC you're targeting and the DM can veto an NPC selection.
You can succeed on a death saving throw for free
For 5 minutes, you have advantage on strength checks and saves
For 5 minutes, you have advantage on dexterity checks and saves
For 5 minutes, you have advantage on constitution checks and saves
For 5 minutes, you have advantage on intelligence checks and saves
For 5 minutes, you have advantage on charisma checks and saves
One5of minutes, all saves
your towels gains have +2
a strange, magical property. You may request the property, but the DM can veto it.
As long as you are wearing the towel, it's in effect.
The DM will roll off the random effects list and give that to you.
As athis
the+4end toofinitiative
anotherrolls for 24 turn,
creature's hoursmove up to 5 feet, ignoring attacks of opportunity,
and attackyou
direction, anymay
takein anthe 8 surrounding
action; you may squares
then move up to half your speed perpendicular to the
direction of your initial move, ignoring
You may move 50% farther than your normal speed opportunity attacks,
as long andastake
it's ina asecond
line diagonally along
the grid of the battlemap (if the grid exists)
direction along the grid of the battlemap (if the grid exists). OR you may switch places with an ally
end of 30 thisfeet of you
move, you may make a melee attack with advantage against an adjacent enemy as a bonus
space of a single action, but each attack does half damage and at the end of the attacks, you must
your nexta DC 15 Constitution
successful attack doessavedouble
or be damage.
you crit, it doubles the already doubled damage and you
keep the schmoop
You recieve a deck of many things
everything one offered
use of aisspecial
made ability of your
with fish... choiceyou have advantage on constitution and intelligence rolls
for 8 hours after eating the feast and a non-refreshing
Instead of doubling the dice on a crit, you may set all dice 3d12 extratohit
rolled maxpoints.
(this must be selected before
The next time you do more than 20 damage in a single blow, you have advantage on the next 3 attacks.
another.the Andeffectiveness
another. and ofanother.
one consuable
Until you miss, the creature is reduced to 0 HP, you crit twice, or you
deal more than twice your max health in damage.
you earn 2d6^4 polychromite
You arean extra d12 to
resistant fireany
damage to anyattempts
possession attacks made
(+5 toinsaves)
a battle.
and deal 2d10 extra damage to undead
creatures for one battle.
If you use a weapon in an unconventional way, you deal double damage.
Your next attack stuns your opponent for 1d4 rounds. They have disadvantage on all saves and may not act.
One potion currently in your possession now has 4 uses, all of which are 1.5 times more effective
You may reduce one enemy's speed to 5 ft until they make a dc20 constitution save
You and one ally you can see have an extra action for one round
You are
haveresistant to any possession
+2 to initiative attempts
rolls, advantage andsaves,
on dex have advantage on any
and can assist mental
another PCsaves
on any orint
checks foruntil
checks 1 hour
next time you rest.
Some strange diety smiles on you. The (d12 to determine class) of Rage will assist you once.
You have +2 to AC. Each time an attack hits you, this is reduced by 1.
You can speed increases
freeze an enemy by 15. Each round
in place. you use
They must makethis, it's effectiveness
a dc15 strength save reduces by 5and,
to escape ft. on a success, they
take 6d6 lightning damage.
You uncover
gain a smalla section of a map.
item which, You pick
at some pointwhich
in themap andmay
future, which besquare
exchanged to unlock
for a favor. What exactly this
means is unclear.
for 1d6 hours, your strength bonus becomes 10 and any strength rolls or strength-based attacks have
For 1d6 hours,
a single your encounter,
combat dexterity bonus becomes
whenever your10dieand any
rolls dex
a 7, rolls
you mayordirect
the DMattacks have advantage.
or another character to
re-roll the die for you and your character has an extra bonus action in the next round
for 1d6 hours, your con bonus becomes 10 and any con rolls or con-based attacks have advantage
for 1d6 hours, your int bonus becomes 10 and any int rolls or int-based attacks have advantage
If thisspecial
slots, item is abilities,
rolled, it's immediately
etc) are restored. redeemed.
If none ofAnythemplayer in attendance
match, you also roll immediately
an effect offgains a +2 schmoop
the random effects
Until the next time you sleep or are knocked unconscious, you may spend 10 feet of movement to jump 20
feet up in
nearest the
5 ft (5air.
ft minimum), ignore attacks of opportunity within your first 10 feet of movement, and have
advantage to catch
When you recieve this anyitem,
itemsyouthrown to (notitat)
may trade you.other player for something they got off the Table of
to any
Fun. They
through can you
time, say no.
you recieve this item
with them in trade,
without checksyou roll
and a new
retain allitem off the of
memories list.
altered timelines.
If there is no time players in your session, you gain one use of the Double
For 1d6 hours, you become completely unreadable. No one can tell if you're lying or not Double Tap ability foryou
unless free.want
for 1d6to.hours, your charisma bonus becomes 10 and any charisma rolls or charisma-based attacks have
Roll twice on the Table of Fun and pick which one you want to keep. Any other player at the table may
spend 2 +2 schmoops
with advantage againsttoapurchase
different the discarded
target within 60result.
feet of the original target. If it hits, it crits. If it misses,
keep this token.
goes down to 2 +2 and 1 +1 for the rest of the session (or for next session if the current one is almost
over/at theaDM's
3- you find chestdiscretion)
of boonbucks! Double the ammount currently in your porkhollow.
4-you earn 3 +2 schmoops
A plant you find is sentient and you may ask it questions about the general area. It may not be too smart,
Are... are these made of candy? Yes, they are. And you have 4 of them? Each time you eat one, roll an effect
1d10random effects
and pick list. between 0 and 9. Pick one of these to be the tens place. That is the new
a number
number you select on
You earn three Flare points, the Table of Fun.
which may be redeemed to reroll any d20. If you are a light player, these are
dice. 50 or higher is everyone. You mayhave,
on top of the ones you naturally but are the
not disclose non-refreshable.
effects to any of the other players until you are
applying them.
One time,pick
You may when you
one rollfrom
item a 1 on a d20,
items expend
1-41 on thethis token
Table to treat
of Fun. TheitDMas athen
nat picks
20 one from items 42-74. You
keep both.
Roll two items off the Table of Fun and keep both. If it's a token you already have or roll the same item
twice, re-roll
You earn 2 +2 schmoops, 5 skill points to be distributed wherever you want, 20,000 polychromite, and roll
for 2 new tokens on the Table of Fun

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