2.07 Photosynthesis Alternate

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07 Photosynthesis Alternate Assessment

2.07 ASSESSMENT: The Reactants and Products of Photosynthesis (40pts)

1. (3 points) Which of the following chemical equations represents photosynthesis?

a) Carbon dioxide plus water yields glucose (sugar) and oxygen

b) Oxygen plus carbon dioxide yields water and glucose

c) Glucose plus oxygen yields carbon dioxide and water

d) Water plus glucose yields oxygen and carbon dioxide

( 1 point each) – highlight or underline your answer)

2. Plants need water, carbon dioxide, and light for photosynthesis. According to the diagram, how does the
plant absorb water for photosynthesis?

a) Through the leaves

b) Through the chlorophyll
2.07 Photosynthesis Alternate Assessment

c) Through the roots

d) From the sun

3. According to the diagram, how does the plant absorb carbon dioxide?
a) Through the leaves
b) Through the chlorophyll
c) Through the roots
d) From the sun

4. According to the diagram, where does the plant get the energy that powers photosynthesis?
a) Through the leaves
b) Through the chlorophyll
c) Through the roots
d) From the sun

5. According to the diagram, what absorbs the light energy for photosynthesis?
a) chlorophyll
b) roots
c) carbon dioxide
d) Sun

Use this tutorial to help you answer questions 6-12:


If that link does not work, try clicking on this .mp4 file:

Or…you can try this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z9W-


Watch and listen to the tutorial found in the link above. Fill in the following answers as you watch.
Stop and replay anything you don’t understand – this is a complicated topic!

(4 points each)

6. Plants use photosynthesis to make food for the plant.

7. What “ingredients” do plants need in order to perform photosynthesis?

There are 3 main things that are needed in order to perform photosynthesis. Light, Water and carbon
dioxide. The light can make food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide and water molecules.

8. How is the plant able to obtain each “ingredient?”

2.07 Photosynthesis Alternate Assessment

Plants get light from the sun or by heat lamps in a green house. They get Carbon dioxide by the air
around or by us humans. And lastly get water from rain your human watering resources.

9. Identify the plant cell organelle in which photosynthesis takes place.

The cell organelle where photosynthesis takes place is the chloroplasts. In this organelle there is
chlorophyll which is a pigment and it is one of the things the chloroplasts use to make food.

10. Summarize the process of photosynthesis. I’ll start you…. Water and carbon enter the chloroplast….

Energy from the sun is captured by chlorophyll in the chloroplasts. This energy creates a series of
chemical reactions. Using the three ingredients water, carbon and light the molecules break apart and
merge with other molecules to create glucose, which is a food for the plant then oxygen, which is
released into the air and the cycle goes on.

11.What happens to the oxygen that is produced as a result of photosynthesis?

It is released into the air around us and powers our body. When then takes the oxygen and exhale and it
becomes carbon dioxide and it does a cycle to help the plants.

12. Why is photosynthesis also important for people and animals?

Photosynthesis is very important because without of plants wouldn’t be able to create oxygen to lets us
breath. Also, plants benefit us in many ways because we use them in our everyday lives. Farmers need
crops to either sell to markets or feed to animals.

13. Let’s take it one step further! Use the graph below that shows Oxygen Production (photosynthesis)
on the left (y) axis and how it relates to Light Intensity on the bottom (x) axis to answer the following

a. (1 pt) At what light intensity units is the rate of photosynthesis the greatest?

Light intensity is the highest around 500-700 units.

2.07 Photosynthesis Alternate Assessment

b. (1 pt) Explain why you think photosynthesis happens at a slower rate when there is less light

The reason why photosynthesis happens at a slower rate when there is less light is because the more
light presented the more energy going into the plant. Photosynthesis needs energy as one of the
ingredients to make food for the plant. If there was less light it would definitely take longer into

c. (3 pts) Using fig. 5 above: Considering light intensity and temperature, explain why certain parts
of the world would have higher rates of photosynthetic activity.

The reason why certain parts of the world produce more photosynthetic activity is because certain parts
of the earth do get covered with as much sunlight than other parts. In these parts the less coverage. The
less energy getting put into photosynthesis.

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