Academic Collocation List ACL

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Academic Collocation List (ACL) (video)

What is the ACL?

The Academic Collocation List (ACL) is a list containing 2,469 of the most frequent and useful collocations which occur in
written academic English. It can be seen as a collocational companion to the Academic Word List (AWL), consisting of
collocations (or word combinations) rather than single words.

The ACL was developed by Kirsten Ackermann and Yu-Hua Chen using the Pearson International Corpus of Academic
English (PICAE), with advice from English teaching experts to ensure the collocations chosen would be useful to students
of English. The ACL gives around 1.4% coverage of words in academic English (based on the source corpus used in the
study). In contrast, the same collocations give only 0.1% coverage for a general corpus, showing they are indeed much
more common in academic than general English.

Many of the words in the ACL are also contained in the AWL, e.g. alternative approach appears in the ACL, and both of
these words appear in the AWL. However, there are many word combinations which are very common in academic
writing which contain one word or no words from the AWL, such as generally agree (both of these words actually appear
in the GSL). Studying collocations is an important way to build up your academic vocabulary, and the Academic
Collocation List is one possible tool to help you do this.

ACL Lists

Online Collocation Dictionaries

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