Activity 19 20

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Activity 19.

Answer the following thoroughly and accurately, support your answers with the
theories/ concepts that you have learned.
1. You have learned that past events recalled as early as two years are those that had
personal significance. 
a. Does this apply even after age two? Support your answer.

b. How does this apply to your future teaching as a teacher?

2. Studies show that when parents, teachers and caregivers talk more to children and
ask any questions, they create more stimulating language environments for the
children. What recommendations can you give to parents for them to provide
stimulating language environment? You may do further research on this to complete
your answer.

 First recommendation is to allow parents or caregivers to read to their child.

Sometimes "reading" is simply describing the pictures in a book without following the
written words. Choose books that are sturdy and have large colorful pictures that are
not too detailed. Ask your child, "What's this?" and encourage naming and pointing to
familiar objects in the book. Second is to talk to them as you bathe, feed, and dress
your baby. Talk about what you are doing, where you are going, what you will do
when you arrive, and who and what you will see. Third is pause during some
predicable activity, like singing a favorite song. If your baby likes “The Wheels on the
bus” maybe one day sing, “The wheels on the bus go — ” and then pause,
encouraging the baby to fill in the blank. This encourages them to retrieve and use
new vocabulary words.

3. What are some of the applications of the theories/ concepts in child development are
most helpful in your future teaching? Explain your answer.
The application of Erickson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development is the most helpful for
me because it characterizes an individual advancing through the eight life stages as a
function of negotiating their biological and socio-cultural forces. At each stage we face a
crisis. By resolving the crisis, we develop psychological strengths or character traits that
help us become confident and healthy people.
4. Read the poem below by Dorothy L. Nolte, a trained Family Counselor:
a. Using your own experiences of development, explain how you have grown into
what you are now, and 
Having a strong and positive family relationship made a great impact to my
development. I feel secured and loved which gives me confidence to explore the
world, try new things and learn. Having enough support and encouragement from the
people around me despite of failures and hardships, help me to achieve my goals in
life. Being satisfied with everything that I have made me feel happier and enjoy life
b. Explain how the environment affects the development of a child.
 The environment plays a critical role in the development of children and it represents
the sum of physical and psychological stimulation the child receives. One of the first
and main environment of a child will experience is the one at home. Since her birth,
the emotional environment she sees and feels around her will shape her personality.
Environment affects the health and even their social relationship of a child. For
example, children who change neighborhoods frequently because their parents are
forced to move to find affordable housing may find it difficult to develop supportive
social relationships and are more likely to be absent from or under-perform at school. 

Activity 20.
1. Surf the internet and make a collection of gross motor and fine motor activities
for preschool children that the parents and the teachers can use to support
growth and development of preschool children. Explain how these activities aid
in the development.
a. Painting- help strengthen child’s hand-eye coordination and manual agility.
Finger painting gives kids an opportunity to use their hands—and to get
messy. Painting with a brush helps kids learn to hold a brush and gain greater
control using it as a tool.
2. Research on the recommended food guide for preschool children. Make a list of
this. Interview a parent with preschool child or children about what she feeds
them daily for one week. Make a comparison if the foods she gives to her
children match with the list you found. Write your reflection on the result of
your findings.

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