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Teacher: Reean Teelucksingh School: BNSS

Date: June 2021 Class: Form 5 Time: 50 minutes
Unit: Statistics (Mathematics) and Genetics and Variation (Biology)
Topic: Discrete and Continuous Variables (Mathematics), Discontinuous and Continuous
Variation (Biology)
Pre-knowledge: Raw Data, Quantitative and Qualitative Data, Types of Numbers (Rational
numbers), Operations with Rational Numbers, Tally Chart, Frequency Table.

OBJECTIVES: By the end of this session learners will: Classification

1. Define discrete variable. K
2. Define continuous variable. K
3. Distinguish between discrete and continuous variables. AT
4. Recognise the existence of discontinuous (discrete) and continuous Aff.
variation in the human population as related to physical characteristics.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of this session learners will: Associated

1. Recall the definition of discrete variable, using mathematical and 1
biological examples.
2. State in words the definition of continuous variable, using 2
mathematical and biological examples.
3. Identify discrete and continuous variables from given examples. 3
4. Recognise the existence of discontinuous (discrete) and continuous 4
variation in the human population as related to physical characteristics,
by naming genetic characteristics.

SET INDUCTION: (Time: 5 minutes) Resources

Teacher introduces a video about Variation in living organisms, particularly YouTube video
the human population. Students are asked to list all the characteristics link:
mentioned in the video. https://www.yo
Teacher asks students to name the characteristics mentioned that are affected ch?v=DjGZp_l
by genetic conditions. Students then lists how these features are expressed. U5EY
SECTION 1 (Time: 20 minutes)
Content: Concept of variable Associated Objective(s): 1,2,3,4
Teaching Points:
1. A variable can discrete which is countable in a finite amount of time.
2. A variable can be continuous which take on an unlimited number of values between the lowest
and highest points of measurement.
3. Variables (numerical) in mathematics are related to variation (differences in characteristics
among individuals of the same species) in Biology.
Teaching Strategy Student Activity/Task Resources
Experiential Learning – Students conduct an experiment by Measuring chart
Conducting Experiments collecting data about students in class (to obtain height)
Teacher gives instructions about and present in frequency tables:
collecting the following
information from students in 1. Rolling tongue ability – Discrete
class: variable gives discrete data (YES or
1. Ability to roll tongue (YES or NO)
NO) 2. Height in cm – Continuous variable
2. Height (using measuring chart) gives continuous data (Range of
Sectional Review (Assessment): (Time: 10 minutes) Associated Outcomes: 1, 2,3,4
Variables Discrete Continuous
Copy and complete the table.
CLOSURE: (Time: 5 minutes)
Flood the chat with answers to the questions:
What is a discrete variable? List some examples of discrete data.
What is a continuous variable? List some examples of continuous data.
What is discontinuous variation in Biology?
What is continuous variation in Biology?


Answer the following questions:
Define discrete variable? Define continuous variable? What is difference between discrete and
continuous variables, give examples. Give examples of characteristics in humans that show
discrete variation. Given examples of characteristics in humans that show continuous
Reasonable level of Achievement: Outcome(s)
90% - Recall the definition of discrete variable, using mathematical and 1
biological examples.
90% - State in words the definition of continuous variable, using 2
mathematical and biological examples.
85% - Identify discrete and continuous variables from given examples. 3
80% - Recognise the existence of discontinuous (discrete) and continuous 4
variation in the human population as related to physical characteristics, by
naming genetic characteristics.
Worksheet on Tally Chart and Frequency Table (see below)


Additional Resources

Continuous Evaluation
Google Meeting and Emails Between Biology Teacher and Myself
Biology Notes

(White, 2021) VARIATION

1. VARIATION refers to the differences that exist between individuals in a species and this is
because of a combination of environmental factors and genetic factors.

2. No two living organisms are exactly alike, not even identical twins.
Genetically identical twins, as they grow and develop, obtain small differences in their
physical appearance (phenotype). The differences occur because their environments are
different, even if they live in the same house.
For example:
a. Individual daily activities and interests are different.
b. Individual interactions with parents and other people are different.
c. They each may eat different foods at different times and in different amounts.

Identical twins have different fingerprints.

3. PHENOTYPE- observable characteristics of an individual, eg. brown eyes.

4. GENOTYPE- genetic combination of genes within the nucleus of cells of an individual.

5. The phenotype of an organism is determined by his/her genotype and the influence from
Phenotype = genotype +environmental factors


Genes cause genetic variation.
Therefore, genetic variation can be passed on from one generation to the next (inherited).
Three ways in which genetic variation arise are:
1. Sexual reproduction: During the process of fertilization any male gamete can fuse with
female gamete. Therefore, the process is RANDOM. Thus, each zygote that is formed will
have a different combination of genes.

2. Meiosis: Each male and female gamete made by meiosis has a different combination of
a. In metaphase 1, chromosomes arrange themselves around the equator of the spindle
b. In late prophase 1, crossover points between sections of chromatids are formed. Therefore
genes are exchanged.

3. Mutations: A mutation can be a result of a change:

a. In the structure of one gene.
b. A section of a chromosome which is made of several genes.
c. Number of chromosomes in a cell.

1. New characteristics occur in an organism because of mutations.
2. Mutations that occur in somatic cells (body cells) cannot be inherited by offspring.
3. However, mutations that occur in gametes or zygote can be inherited by offspring.
4. It should be noted that many mutations are harmful. However, some mutations produce
beneficial characteristics that aid in survival of the organism.

Examples of mutations are:

1. Antibiotic resistance. This can occur in some bacterial cells from a mutation that causes
to be resistant to certain antibiotics. These resistant bacterial cells are therefore more likely
survive and reproduce than the non-resistant ones, when exposed to the antibiotics.

2. Albinism: this is caused by a mutation in a gene controlling the production of melanin.

Individuals with albinism produce little to no melanin in their eyes, hair and skin.

3. Down’s syndrome. An individual with Down’s syndrome has an extra chromosome 21 in

of their cells. This is because the homologous pair 21 did not separate properly during
and both chromosomes passed into one gamete.
Individuals with Down’s syndrome have flattened facial features; small ears; slanted eyes; a
short wide neck; a bulging tongue; poor muscle tone; they are slow learners and short, stocky
arms and legs.


This is as a result of different factors in an individual’s environment. Environmental variation

is not caused by genes and cannot be passed down to offspring. Examples of environmental
factors that can cause variation in humans are:
1. Education the individual receives.
2. Upbringing and living conditions.
3. Climate the organism is exposed to, eg. Sunlight.
4. Drugs
5. Diseases the organisms suffer from.
6. Quantity and type of food the organism eats.
7. Amount of exercise the organism undertakes and his/her daily activities.


Within a species there are two basic types of variation:
1. Continuous
2. Discontinuous

Continuous Variation
Between two extremes, characteristics show a continuous gradation without a break.
Most organisms generally fall in the middle range with fewer organisms lying at the two
extremes. Therefore, characteristics display a normal distribution.

Examples of characteristics that show continuous variation are:

1. Intelligence
2. Height
3. Skin colour
4. Hand span
5. Weight
6. Foot size
7. Hair colour

These characteristics are controlled by many genes and can be affected by environmental

Discontinuous Variation
Individuals can be divided into specific categories. There are distinct differences in the
characteristics with no intermediates.
Examples of characteristics that show discontinuous variation are:
1. Can or cannot roll the tongue
2. Gender
3. Rhesus blood groups
4. ABO blood groups
These characteristics are controlled by one gene and environmental factors have little to
no effect on them.


Organisms within any species that have variations in their genotype, which make them best
suited to their environment, would have a better chance of survival than those who do not.

More of these organisms who have survived will then reproduce and pass down these genetic
variations for their beneficial characteristics to their offspring. This process is called

Over time, natural selection would allow species to remain well adapted to their environment
or to gradually change and improve by becoming better adapted. Therefore, this allows the
species to evolve.
For example:
1. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
2. Long necks in giraffes- possibly evolved when there was a food shortage and only the tallest
giraffes who could reach food survived. The ‘tall’ genes were then passed on to the next
generation. Therefore, the offspring were taller than their parental generation.
As selection for long necks continued, the giraffes that were the tallest produced the most
offspring. After many generations of selection, the long necked species of giraffe had
CXC – CSEC – Mathematics Syllabus

Section 5 - Statistics

CXC – CSEC – Biology Syllabus

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