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Assignment 1: Analyzing the Communication Process (10%)

Watch the two video clips (links below).

Video 1:

Video 2:

Answer the following questions for each video:

1. Where on the continuum of interpersonal and impersonal communication did the

conversation fall? Support your answer with specific examples from the videos.

2. Although the roles may change throughout the video, consider and identify the following:
a. Who was the source?
b. What was the message?
c. What was the channel?
d. What was the feedback?
e. Who was the receiver?
f. What kind of noise was there?

3. Do you feel as though the conversations demonstrated communication-rich channels,

communication lean channels, or somewhere in between? Why?

Answers must be written in your own words.

Grading Rubric (10%)

Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Points

Video 1: A clear and detailed discussion about how interpersonal or Yes Mostly Somewhat No
impersonal the communication was was included /3
3 2 1 0
Video 1: The source of the communication was correctly identified Yes Mostly Somewhat No
1 0.5 0
Video 1: The message was correctly identified Yes Mostly Somewhat No
1 0.5 0
Video 1: The channel was correctly identified Yes Mostly Somewhat No
1 0.5 0
Video 1: The feedback was correctly identified Yes Mostly Somewhat No
1 0.5 0
Video 1: The receiver of the communication was correctly identified Yes Mostly Somewhat No
1 0.5 0
Video 1: A clear and accurate discussion on the noise was included Yes Mostly Somewhat No
2 1.5 1 0
Video 1: A discussion on the richness of the communication was Yes Mostly Somewhat No
included /2
2 1.5 1 0
Video 2: A clear and detailed discussion about how interpersonal or Yes Mostly Somewhat No
impersonal the communication was was included /3
3 2 1 0
Video 2: The source of the communication was correctly identified Yes Mostly Somewhat No
1 0.5 0
Video 2: The message was correctly identified Yes Mostly Somewhat No
1 0.5 0
Video 2: The channel was correctly identified Yes Mostly Somewhat No
1 0.5 0
Video 2: The feedback was correctly identified Yes Mostly Somewhat No
1 0.5 0
Video 2: The receiver of the communication was correctly identified Yes Mostly Somewhat No
1 0.5 0
Video 2: A clear and accurate discussion on the noise was included Yes Mostly Somewhat No
2 1.5 1 0
Video 2: A discussion on the richness of the communication was Yes Mostly Somewhat No
included /2
2 1.5 1 0
Grammar and spelling were correct throughout Yes Mostly Somewhat No
2 1.5 1 0
Total: /26

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