Saraye Stringer Bio

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Saraye Stringer 

Fitness Fitness to me means being working hard to reach the best version of
Philosophy your physical self. I have grown up playing sports my whole life and
stopped due to a recurring injury. After physical therapy and having to
sit out for a while I was not happy with the recovery body that I had at
the time. My freshman year of college I began working out in a gym
instead of on a team. Lifting weights instead of shooting a ball or
passing off a baton was something completely new to me, but I fell in
love with it! I enjoyed the peace and progress that I saw physically that
came from my consistent routine. I have a growing passion for fitness
and wellness and am working toward achieving to be my best physical
self. Fitness is something that everyone can learn to enjoy and reap
the benefits of. We only get one body in this life and the least we can
do is take care of it! 
Areas of Expertise:
Expertise and  weight loss/gain 
Interest   core stability and strength 

Fitness Interests:
 Diet and Nutrition 
 Resistance training 
 Strength and Conditioning 

Education and
Certification(s) Indiana University 

 Major: Exercise Science, Minor: Fitness instruction 

 Amercian Red Cross CPR/AED Certified (July 2019)
 ACSM CPT (August 2019)

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