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1. In which type of jobs is there a risk of exposure to harmful substances?

Working in the engine room
Tank cleaning
Corrosion protection
Cargo handling

2. How can you best protect yourself against the most common injury, sprains
or cuts in hands, arms or fingers?
By using gloves when practical, and being observant of the risk

3. Protection and Environment work consists of which four elements?

Following up Reports
Protective Equipment
Information / Training

4. Which accidents or injuries are the most common connected to maintenance

injuries from falling
injuries from using chemical
injuries from abrasive blasting
foreign bodies in eyes

5. Which are the most common injuries in general on board?

Sprain or cuts in legs, feet or toes
Foreign body in eyes from welding, dust etc.
Sprain, cuts or twisting of arms, hands or fingers

6. Which types of work require permits or check list?(Check all correct answers)

Dismantling a pump
Welding on the poop deck
Chipping down in the ballast tan
Painting the mast with help of a bosun's chair
7. Are you allowed to smoke marijuana when outside U.S water? Up to date charts showing intended track and any areas of danger or any
Ans. hazards.
No, any use of drugs onboard is strictly prohibited.
4. Once a voyage plan is formulated who should sign it to confirm
8. Combine the correct hazard sources signs and name. acknowledgement that it is acceptable?
☒ Vibration Ans.
☒ Chemicals All bridge team personnel.
☒ Heating
☒ Noise 5. Which of the following elements are considered necessary for safe and
effective voyage planning? Select all of the correct options.
☒ Liquid
☒ Gases
Continuous monitoring of the plan with regular review of voyage progress
9. Why is it important that you become familiar with the vessel, the equipment
and conditions.
and your own duties on board as soon as possible?
Executing the plan.
Planning the voyage from berth to berth in full detail.
In an emergency situation you need to know what to do and the position and
Full appraisal of all information and conditions.
use of different safety and fire fighting equipment.
6. Which of the following activities is classed as condition monitoring in respect
10. What is the intention of the Safety Meeting?
to engine room operations? Select all of the correct options.
The intention of this meeting is to inform and train the crew in safety matters
Used oil analysis
and to get the crew to participate in discussions and make their own
Vibration analysis.
suggestions for improvements.
7. Why is there a greater risk of serious fire hazard in the engine room than
anywhere else on the ship? Select all correct options.
1. How has the incidence of collision and grounding in congested waterways
Fuel and other combustible material generally present.
been significantly reduced?
Multiple potential heat and ignition sources.
Introduction of traffic separation schemes.
8. Which personnel should be familiar with the emergency electrical power
supply arrangements and change over procedures?
2. The GMDSS equipment is considered essential to the ship’s general safety.
Which of the given options either individually or in combination, is
All engine room personnel.
considered an acceptable arrangement under SOLAS requirements for
maintenance of the equipment? Select all of the correct options.
9. Which components are considered to be part of the main propulsion system
Ans .
for a vessel with conventional diesel propulsion? Select all correct options.
The ship must have a shorebased maintenance contract.
There must be duplication of the equipment necessary for emergency and
Shafting, bearings and propeller.
distress signals.
Main engine and gearbox.
There must be a trained maintainer on board.
10. Which design feature of modern tankers and bulk carriers has resulted in
3. Which of the following should be included in a voyage plan? Select all of the
reduced vessel risk factors as well as improved environmental protection?
correct options.
Ans .
The methods to be used for position fixing. Ans.
Any course alteration points. Double hull construction.
Indication of safe speed and any speed changes that may be necessary. 11. Which publication contains the requirements for testing of ship’s steering
SOLAS Chapter V

12. Where is information regarding vessel structural standards likely to be

found? Select all of the correct options.
Classification Society rules.

13. An experienced officer is signing on a new vessel. Immediately upon arrival,

he is ordered to take the watch on the bridge without completing a
familiarisation programme. Should this be considered acceptable?
No, an officer should always go through an appropriate familiarisation
programme before he takes over as the Officer of the Watch.

14. Which vessel types are subject to enhanced survey requirements as part of
an Enhanced Survey Programme?
Bulk Carriers and oil tankers.

15. How can machinery risk factors which contribute to the vessel risk profile as
defined in this module be limited or eliminated? Select all of the correct
By ensuring that all engineroom personnel are adequately trained.
Operating all machinery within manufacturer’s limits.
Correct and timely maintenance procedures.

16. What would be the result of loading a vessel without a properly formulated
loading plan, particularly at a high loading rate terminal? Select all of the
correct options.
It may result in excessive local stresses due to uneven distribution of cargo.
Excessive stresses may result due to unusual and unacceptable still water
17. Which factors should be considered when putting together a vessel risk
profile as described in this module?
All factors which put the vessel’s general safety at risk.

18. When considering machinery risk factors, in the context of the vessel risk
profile as defined in this module, which machinery or systems may be
considered to be the most critical?
Any piece of machinery or system which would result in loss of control of the
vessel in the event of it failing.

19. The vessel structure is subject to stresses due to various internal and external
forces acting upon it. Select, from the options given, the conditions which will
result in additional stress due to external forces.
Vessel movement in a seaway.
Action of rough seas.

20. How do structural corrosion and structural damage affect the risk to the
general safety of a vessel? Select all of the correct options.
Increases the risk since the defects may act as stress raisers.
Increases the risk because the structure is weakened.

21. The overhaul of an auxiliary engine is to be carried out by an experienced

engineer assisted by an inexperienced junior engineer. Is it important to
follow the instructions given in the Planned Maintenance System manual
when work is carried out by an experienced person?
Yes, it is important in order to follow the proper routines and avoid the risk of
overlooking some relevant information.

22. How should ‘significant defects’, identified during an enhanced survey

inspection, be dealt with?
By prompt and thorough repair before the vessel can continue trading.

23. Who is ultimately responsible for the general condition and maintaining the
structural strength of a vessel?
Only the owner

24. What information should be contained in the 'Vessel Enhanced Survey File?'
Select all correct options.
a complete record of the condition of the hull and fittings including details of
any previous repairs.
the survey programme of the critical areas of the hull structure, access
possibilities and minimum thickness records.
the status of the hull structure based on previous records of surveys and
25. Select the correct statement: High specific gravity cargo piling up on the tank 9. The Safety Management System requires that the shipping company
top may affect the structure of - develops and implements?
Ans. Ans.
the double bottom, the side shell and the transverse bulkheads. A system to report, analyse and follow up non-conformities, accidents and
hazardous situations
26. What is the meaning of the term ‘Vessel Risk Factors’ as described in this
module? 10. Who can contact the Designated Person?
Ans. Ans.
All factors which represent a risk to the general safety of a ship. All Officers and Crew

Cd005 11. What does SMS mean?

1. Where can you find information about your duties in the event of an Safety Management System
Ans. 12. The ISM Code is part of?
In the Muster List Ans.
2. Which of the people onboard should have a job description? SOLAS
All Onboard 13. Why is the ISM-Code mandatory?
3. How many hours of rest is the minimum required in a normal day? To improve safety
10 Hours 14. For whom is the ISM-Code mandatory?
4. When are you allowed to throw plastic garbage overboard? Ans.
Ans. All vessels 500 grt and above
5. Drag the correct work permit to the work situation where you need it. Cd00006

Sa final edit 1. What can the Captain Of The Port request?

6. Who can suggest changes to the SMS? Unannounced drills at any time
All Officers and Crew 2. Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least?
7. Why should you report accidents to the DP (Designated Person)? Once a month
To prevent it from happening again 3. What is the top priority if an incident occurs in US waters?
8. Mark the 4 occasions when you should send a report to the DP (Designated The safety of the ship and the crew
Person). 4. What is the main purpose of the Oil Transfer Procedure Safety Meeting?
You fall and break your arm in the mess room after Ans.
You find a better way to do your job, than the way described in your job To co-ordinate operation, safety and emergency routines
You can not complete the pre-Departure checklist 5. What is the OPPT?
There is an overflow in the bunker tank Ans.
An emergency team that is drilled in pollution prevention tasks
Yes, transit passage through U.S. waters to a non U.S. port
6. Which of the following considerations have to be observed regarding public
information? 16. What is correct?
Ans. Ans.
Co-ordination of spill activities with media, environmental groups and COTP zones may have specific rules and regulations in addition to OPA9O
Prepare and clear within the Uniformed Incident, Command Team press 17. What is a VRP?
releases, and planed press conferences in co-operation with the media. Ans.
Assessing public reaction and continuously evaluate procedures to keep the Vessel Response Plan
public informed.
18. What types of vessels must carry an approved Vessel Response Plan
7. What are the master's main responsibilities in connection with spill Ans.
management? Any tank vessel
Safety of the vessel and crew 19. For which type of vessel is OPA9O applicable?
8. What is the function of an Incident Commander or Spill Manager? All types of vessels
He is the Company Spill Manager 20. How far from the shore extends the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)?
9. Do you always have to notify the National Response Centre? 200 Nautical Miles
Yes, within thirty minutes 21. Select all the reasons that can lead to "Unlimited liability"?
10. OPA-9O is referring to a Qualified Individual (QI). What is correct? Violation of the federal safety and notification requirements
Ans. Gross negligence
The QI is an authorised individual, located in the US, and contracted by the Wilful misconduct
owner or operator of the vessel
22. What may be the consequences of unlimited liability?
11. Notification logging procedures. What is correct? Ans.
Ans. The insurances will only cover the limits of liability for that type of vessel and
Every report and message must be logged including time and date additional expenses will be charged the owner or operator, if necessary by
taking legal steps to bring in the funds
12. Who must notify the cleaning-up contractors?
Ans. 23. What make the US Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA-90) different from other
The Qualified Individual international recognised laws?
13. When must reports be made? The possibility of unlimited liability
Always if vessel, navigation or cargo handling safety is affected Cd0026

14. OPA-9O notification requirements. What is correct? 1. When should the Officer of the Watch be able to hand over the watch to his
Ans. relief?
Notify as soon as you have knowledge of a spill, or threat of a spill Ans.
When the relief understands the present situation, is fully capable and all
15. Are there any exceptions from OPA-90? existing manoeuvres have been completed
2. What is an effective way to continually monitor coastal progress within the Ans.
voyage plan The Master is still responsible, but the pilot aids the navigation with local
Ans. knowledge
By Parallel Indexing on the radar
13. When should parallel indexing be used on the passage?
3. What is the accepted international definition of Piracy? Ans.
Ans. When ever there is suitable headlands or marks to provide referencing
An illegal act committed on the high seas
14. How can you reduce ship’s downwind progress in deep water when the main
4. Which of the following items would NOT be included in the Radio Log Book? engine is incapacitated?
Ans. By lowering the anchor to about 4 shackles
Reception of weather forecasts
15. How can a ship be kept “head up” into the weather, with the rudder jammed
5. What items should be checked when approaching the destination port after a in hard over position?
long sea passage? Ans.
Ans. Careful ahead manoeuvring of the main engine
All navigational, propulsion, communication and mooring equipment
16. In which geographical waters are piracy attacks most frequent? Ans.
6. Which of the following items would probably NOT be included in the Passage Indonesian waters
Ans. 17. Do most piracy attacks take place in territorial or international waters?
Occurrence of a TRS
7. What can good voyage planning provide? Most attacks take place in territorial waters
A reduction of stress, improved voyage efficiency and additional safety 18. What unexpected weather occurrence should always affect the existing
voyage plan?
8. What documentation and charts should be used for a voyage? Ans.
Ans. A TRS
Only up-to-date charts and publications fully corrected
19. What is the shortest distance between two points?
9. What should a shipping or management company provide for the bridge Ans.
team to successfully complete the voyage? Great circle
Clearly defined bridge procedures for planning and execution of voyage plan 20. How should effective bridge communications be conducted?
10. What is the fundamental purpose of Voyage Planning? In clear and precise messages delivered in standard maritime English
To provide adequate preparation and support to the bridge team for the 21. Ship to ship communication during SAR should be executed by?
intended voyage Ans.
VHF and MF
11. Should all on-board activities be planned and any risks assessed?
Ans. 22. In coastal waters GPS positions should be checked by?
Yes, always Ans.
By Visual, radar and any other available means
12. When the pilot is on board, is he/she in charge of the vessel?
23. What is important to check when transferring a position from GPS to a chart? The volume of sediment inside the ballast tanks has to be monitored at
regular intervals and cleaned when necessary
Make sure that the chart and the GPS use the same datum or make any 4. Which one of the following options best describes how the IMO has
necessary corrections to the GPS readout addressed safety concerns about the use of “active substances” as part of a
ballast water treatment system?
24. If the Officer of the watch must deviate from the voyage plan, he should? Ans.
The risks to the crew and the marine environment from active substances
must be assessed before they are approved for use
Inform the Master
5. Which one of the following options best describes how ballast water can be
25. When steering by autopilot at sea, how often should manual steering be
deoxygenated within a ballast water treatment system?
By creating a vacuum above the water or by adding an inert gas with a low
At least once a watch
oxygen level
26. When should operational checks on navigation equipment be done?
6. Which one of the following options best describes the main way or ways that
cavitation is created within a ballast water treatment system?
Regularly and when preparing for sea and entering port
It is produced by injecting gas into the water or by using ultrasonic waves
27. Can the Officer of the watch be the sole lookout?
7. Which one of the following options best describes the basic principle used in
Only during day light hours when visibility is good and traffic etc. make it safe
advanced oxidation technology as a ballast water treatment?
to do so
It works by light producing free radicals, which destroy the cell membranes of
28. What are the main purposes of VTS?
the living organisms
To provide detailed navigational and safety information for ships in the area
8. Which one of the following options best describes the basic principle of using
ultra violet (UV) light as a ballast water treatment?
It works by damaging the DNA of the living organisms as they pass by the
1. Which one of the following options best describes one of the aspects of
light, so that cells cannot reproduce or regenerate
training required for officers and crew engaged in ballast water exchange,
according to the Ballast Water Management Convention?
9. Which one of the following options best describes the main advantage
claimed for using electrochemical activated water as a ballast water
The method of ensuring that sounding pipes are clear, and that air pipes and
their non-return devices are in good order
Low electrical demand and no need to supply or handle dangerous chemicals
2. Which one of the following options best describes who onboard a ship needs
to have knowledge of the ship’s Ballast Water Management Plan, according
10. Which one of the following options best describes the main action of non-
to the Ballast Water Management Convention?
oxidising biocides when used in a ballast water treatment system?
All personnel involved in ballast handling, appropriate to their duties
Non-oxidizing biocides kill by disrupting the metabolic or reproductive
3. Which one of the following options best describes how the Ballast Water
processes of organisms
Management Convention aims to prevent harmful organisms and pathogens
building up within sediment inside ballast tanks?
11. Which one of the following options best describes the main advantage of
using oxidising biocides as a ballast water treatment?
Ans. The flag State and port State must be contacted before the water is pumped
Treatment systems using oxidising biocides are comparatively simple and out
require little electrical power
19. Which one of the following best describes the Ballast Water Management
12. Which one of the following options best describes the basic principle of Convention requirements for ships which intend to carry out ballast water
“flocculation”, as used in some ballast water treatment systems? exchange?
Ans. Ans.
Flocculants are added to the ballast water to increase the size or density of Exchange should be performed in water at least 200 metres deep and
the particles so they are easier to separate whenever possible at least 200 miles from land

13. Which one of the following options best describes the basic principle of a 20. Which one of the following best describes the Ballast Water Management
“hydrocyclone”, as used in some ballast water treatment systems? Convention requirements for ships which only trade within a limited area?
Water flow is used to create a vortex in which clean water flows around and Ans.
upwards with the denser particles falling downwards Ships which only load and discharge ballast water within a common
ecosystem can be exempted from the requirement to fit a ballast treatment
14. Which one of the following best describes the main reason why ships system
normally use another treatment technology in their ballast water treatment
system in addition to static filtration? 21. Which one of the following best describes the Ballast Water Management
Ans. Convention requirements for the control systems of approved ballast
Static filtration is unlikely to remove pathogens from the ballast so a second treatment systems?
treatment technology is needed Ans.
The control system must record critical data for the last 2 years in a form that
15. Which one of the following best describes the main reason why ships fitted can be displayed or printed for inspectors to see
with static filters as part of their ballast water treatment system use them
when loading ballast but often bypass them while discharging ballast? 22. Which one of the following describes the best way to find out if a ship with
an International Ballast Water Management Certificate has been granted any
Ans. exemptions?
The organisms filtered out during discharge need to be collected and Ans.
disposed of properly Any exemptions must be recorded in the Ballast Water Record Book

16. Which one of the following is a technology used in ballast water treatment 23. Which one of the following describes the Ballast Water Management
systems to separate liquids and solids? Convention requirements for keeping ballast water records?
Ans. Ans.
Coagulation Two years records must be available on board, with records for the preceding
3 years being kept under the control of the company
17. Which one of the following best describes the Ballast Water Management
Convention requirements for ships which do not have treatment systems and 24. Which one of the following describes the best way to find out how to take on
are on routes between ports where they are never far enough from land to ballast on a ship which complies with the Ballast Water Management
conduct ballast exchange? Convention?
Ans. Ans.
Ships can carry out exchanges within designated coastal exchange areas Read the Ballast Water Management Plan
which do not meet the normal Convention requirements, if provided
18. Which one of the following best describes the Ballast Water Management 25. Which one of the following best describes the main function of the Ballast
Convention requirements for ships which take water into a ballast tank as a Water Management Plan required by the Ballast Water Management
result of a grounding? Convention?
Ans. Ans.
To ensure that ballast treatment is carried out effectively and safely
☒ Sulphuric acids, oxidation acids.
26. Which one of the following options best describes the main aim of the Ballast
Water Management Convention? ☒ Oxidation, insolubles build-up.
To prevent the movement of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens 5. What is typical BN level for a trunk piston engine operating on residual fuel
27. Previously, the main way of dealing with organisms and pathogens in ballast Ans.
was by exchanging the water during the voyage. Which one of the following BN 30 - BN 40
best explains why the Ballast Water Management Convention requires ships
to install ballast treatment systems? 6. What is the "NLGI" number of a grease indicating?
Ans. Ans.
The technology is now available to treat ballast to a higher standard than How fluid or non-fluid the grease is
obtained by exchange
7. What is mixed lubrication?
28. Which one of the following options best describes the precaution that all Ans.
ships, whether they are using ballast exchange or treatment, can take to try When formation of a fluid film is partly established
and minimise the chances of transporting an alien species to an area where it
may be invasive? 8. This is an example of ........................
Ans. Ans.
Try to take on ballast where the number of organisms in the water is low Elastohydrodynamic lubrication

Cd0030 9. Match the following

☒ Solid lubricants when in extreme conditions of operation.
1. Solvent extraction is a:
Ans. ☒ Lubrication in which a considerable degree of contact occurs between the
physical process removing aromatics mating surfaces

2. Lubricant base oils generally exhibit boiling points above:

☒ Liquid lubricants reduce friction by completely separating the moving
300 degrees C.
10. Synthetic hydrocarbons are:
3. Match the following
☒ Good fire-resistant lubricants with natural anti-wear properties. polyolefins, hydrocracked mineral oils and alkylates

☒ Inert fluids with excellent chemical stability, low volatility and high 11. Synthetic oils are manufactured by
autoignition temperatures. Ans.
Synthesised by chemical processes using a variety of raw materials.
☒ Possess extremely high viscosity indices, excellent low temperature Polymerisation of selected monomers
12. The main advantages of Synthetic oil over mineral oil are
☒ copolymers of ethylene- and propylene oxides Ans.
Longer Oil life
4. Match the following The properties required by the equipments can be accurately met
☒ Fuel Contamination
13. What is EP (Extreme Pressure) oil?
☒ Combustion, coolant leaks. Ans.
Additive forming a protective chemical surface film 3. How is a time weighted average reading obtained from a diffusion type
detector tube that has been used over a working period of eight hours?
14. Marine lube oil extracted from Naphthenic Base oil is suitable as
Ans. Ans.
Industrial process oils Divide the total reading on the tube by 8.
Refrigerator oils
4. How is the correct volume of the sample controlled when using short term
15. Name the two properties of Marine Lube oil extracted from paraffin base oil? gas detector tubes with a manually operated hand pump?
Ans. By using the indicated number of complete pump strokes for that particular
Low volatility/evaporation loss tube.
High viscosity index
5. What is the most likely reason for the presence of high levels of NOx and SOx
16. The refined lubricant base oil properties are greatly influenced by: gases in the atmosphere of a cargo tank on an oil tanker?
Ans. Ans.
crude oil composition or origin Inert gas from the combustion of fuel oil has been used to inert the tank.

17. Name the properties that are exhibited by Aromatic hydrocarbons? 6. What would be the most common source of hydrogen sulphide gas being
Ans. present in onboard spaces of a ship?
Poor chemical stability Ans.
Sour crude or petroleum products from sour crude in tanks.
18. Mineral oils are generally complex mixture of Hydrocarbons. What is the
range of presence of carbon atoms in one molecule of hydrocarbon in a 7. What would be the likely outcome if the combustion control of an
Lubricant base oils? independent inert gas generator, supplying inert gas to a cargo tank system,
Ans. was incorrectly set resulting in poor combustion?
20 -50 Ans.
Increased level of carbon monoxide in the inert gas.
19. What type of refining process will greatly reduce the influence Crude oil
Origin? 8. Which of the following toxicity threshold limit exposure terms would
Ans. normally have the lowest numerical value?
Severely hydroprocessed Ans.
9. What is the time period that is normally used when stating threshold limit
1. Metal oxide semiconductor type sensors are increasingly being used in values for the time weighted average for exposure, TLV – TWA, for toxic
personal gas monitors. What is the operating principle of this type of sensor? gases?
Ans. 8 hours
Change of electrical resistance as oxide adsorbs the target gas.
10. What is the time period that is normally used when stating threshold limit
2. What is the main advantage of using a personal gas monitor rather than a values for the short term exposure limit, TLV – STEL, for toxic gases?
long term gas detector tube when working in a potentially hazardous space? Ans.
15 minutes
11. Which term is normally used to describe the property of a gas that has a long
The personal monitor will give an alarm if the exposure limits are exceeded.
term harmful effect on a living organism as a result of repeated or long term
exposure to even low concentrations of the gas?
Ans. The reading would be unreliable.
Chronic toxicity
20. What reading will be obtained if a explosimeter, with a range of 0 – 100%
12. What is meant by the term ‘bump test’ in relation to gas detecting LEL, is used to check the hydrocarbon gas content in an atmosphere
instruments? containing a concentration of hydrocarbon gas which is three times the LEL.
Checking the reading of the instrument against a known concentration of test Ans.
gas. The meter needle will move to full scale deflection and then fall close to zero.

13. What should be used when checking the span during calibration of a 21. Which two of the following gases are likely to result in poisoning of the
combustible gas or hydrocarbon gas detector? sensor element in a catalytic filament type combustible gas detector?
A known concentration of butane in nitrogen.
Carbon monoxide
14. Which material is normally used to remove dirt and moisture from a gas
Hydrogen sulphide
sample prior to entry into a combustible gas indicator?
22. Which type of hydrocarbon gas detecting instrument uses thermal
Cotton wool
conductivity of the gas as the means of measuring gas content in a sample?
15. When carrying out a span check of a combustible or hydrocarbon gas
detector the sample gas should normally be taken from a gas bag rather than Ans.
direct from the gas canister? Why should this procedure be followed? Non-catalytic heated filament type

23. Which two types of combustible/hydrocarbon gas detectors rely on

resistance change with temperature for their operation?
To avoid excess pressure or flow in the instrument.
Non-catalytic heated filament type
16. What should be used as the reference gas when carrying out the zero setting
Catalytic filament type
of a combustible or hydrocarbon gas detecting instrument?
24. What might indicate that a galvanic cell type oxygen measuring instrument
Fresh air
requires a replacement sensor cell?
17. Which material is recommended for the removal of carbon dioxide from a
Unstable readings during calibration
gas sample when measuring the hydrocarbon gas content of an inerted cargo
tank atmosphere with a refractive index or infrared absorption type
25. What simple test can be carried out to check for leaks in a bulb type aspirator
pump for a gas detecting instrument?
Nip the inlet line after squeezing the bulb to see if it stays deflated
18. Which gas would be most likely to affect the reading from a refractive index
26. What precautions should be taken prior to use when using an oxygen
type hydrocarbon gas measuring instrument?
analyser that has automatic calibration?
Carbon dioxide
The analyser should be switched on in fresh air
19. What would be the effect, if any, on the meter reading of a catalytic filament
27. What should be used for the span adjustment of a galvanic cell type oxygen
type combustible gas indicator if the oxygen content of the sample was less
analyser which is to be used for checking low concentrations of oxygen?
than 11%?
Ans. Ans.
A test gas with 2% oxygen and 98% nitrogen One long followed by two short blasts on the whistle every two minutes.

28. What facility is normally provided for making a zero adjustment to a 8. Which fog signal should a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, sound
paramagnetic oxygen analyser? in reduced visibility?
Ans. Ans.
Alter relative position of optical system. One long followed by two short blasts on the whistle every two minutes.

Cd00053 NGANO WALA:::: 9. Which fog signal should a vessel not under command, sound in reduced
CD0058 Ans.
One long followed by two short blasts on the whistle every two minutes.
1. What is the fog signal for a power driven vessel engaged in pushing another
vessel ahead, but not as a composite unit? 10. Which fog signal should a vessel engaged in fishing, sound in reduced
Ans. visibility?
One long blast followed by two short blasts every two minutes. Ans.
One long followed by two short blasts on the whistle every two minutes.
2. What is the fog signal for a power driven vessel engaged in towing another
vessel? 11. Which fog signal should a power driven vessel constrained by her draught,
Ans. sound in reduced visibility?
One long blast followed by two short blasts every two minutes. Ans.
One long followed by two short blasts on the whistle every two minutes.
3. You are Officer of the Watch and see another vessel displaying two cones
points together and a cone point up on one side, this vessel is sighted dead 12. Which fog signal should a power driven pilot vessel under way and making
ahead and the bearing is not altering. What actions should be taken? way through the water on pilotage duty, sound in reduced visibility?
Ans. Ans.
Take early and substantial action to keep well clear of the other vessel. One long blast on the whistle every two minutes and may sound an identy
signal of four short blasts.
4. What is the fog signal to be sounded by a 150 metre long power driven vessel
when aground in reduced visibility? 13. What fog signal should be sounded by a power driven vessel underway but
Ans. stopped and making no way through the water, when in reduced visibility?
Every minute a ringing of the bell for about 5 seconds and in addition three
distinct strokes before and after the ringing of the bell and at the after end of Ans.
the vessel immediately after the bell, a gong for about 5 seconds. Two long blasts on the whistle every two minutes.

5. What is the fog signal for a 150 metre long power driven vessel when at 14. What fog signal should be sounded by a power driven vessel underway and
anchor in reduced visibility? making way through the water, when in reduced visibility?
Ans. Ans.
Sound the bell for about 5 seconds and in the after end of the vessel One long blast on the whistle every two minutes.
immediately after the bell, a gong for about 5 seconds every minute.
15. You are Officer of the Watch proceeding in fog and hear one long blast every
6. Which fog signal should a sailing vessel sound in reduced visibility? two minutes coming from ahead by a vessel approaching, which you have
Ans. been tracking on your ARPA and know that there a risk of a close quarter
One long blast followed by two short blasts on the whistle every two minutes situation. What would be considered the best action to take?
7. Which fog signal should a vessel engaged in towing or pushing another You should take avoiding action in ample time avoiding an alteration to port.
vessel, sound in reduced visibility?
16. You are Officer of the Watch proceeding on your voyage in bad visibility; you 23. You are Officer of the Watch and you are approaching a bend in a narrow
have plotted a target on the radar screen and see that it is a ship on a channel, where you can not see round the bend. What action should you
collision course. What are the recommended actions to be taken in this take?
situation? Ans.
Ans. You should give one long blast on the whistle.
All of the suggested answers
24. As Officer of the watch of a power driven vessel, what should you take into
17. Which of the following statements is correct within the Rules? consideration when entering a narrow channel?
Ans. Ans.
You should join a traffic separation system at as small angle to the general Proceed at a safe speed, keeping to the starboard side of the fairway
direction of traffic flow as practicable.
25. The visibility is about one mile and as Officer of the Watch you visually see a
18. You are officer of the watch of a power driven vessel proceeding in a narrow vessel dead ahead on a reciprocal course coming out of the fog towards you.
channel and hear two long blasts followed by one short blast coming from What should be the action to take?
astern of your vessel. What should you give in response to this signal, if you Ans.
feel doubtful of the safety of their intended manoeuvre? Give one short blast and make a substatial alteration of course to starboard
At least five short and rapid blasts. 26. You are Officer of the Watch of a power driven vessel and your vessel is
proceeding in fog, when you hear the fog signal of another power driven
19. You are officer of the watch of a power driven vessel proceeding in a narrow somewhere ahead of you. The signals seem to be getting closer, but nothing
channel and hear two long blasts followed by one short blast coming from is detected on the radar. How should you proceed within the meaning of
astern of your vessel. What should you give in response to this signal? these rules?
Ans. Reduce the speed to lowest manoeuvring speed and if necessary take all the
If in agreement to being overtaken - one long, one short, one long and one way off and proceed with extreme caution.
short blast and take the appropriate action to allow passing.
27. You are Officer of the Watch of a power driven vessel when your vessel
20. You are officer of the watch of a power driven vessel proceeding in a narrow encounters fog during your watch, what are the important initial actions that
channel and hear two long blasts followed by one short blast coming from should be taken under these Rules?
astern of your vessel. What is the meaning of this signal? Ans.
Ans. All of the suggested answers
It is a ship that is intending to pass you on your starboard side where you
need to take some action to allow this manoeuvre. 28. Which vessels are allowed to use an inshore traffic lane of a Traffic
Separation Scheme?
21. Are there any particular rules for sailing vessels and vessels less than 20 Ans.
metres in length, when they are proceeding in a narrow channel? All of the suggested options
They should not impede the passage of a vessel that can only safely navigate Cd0060
within a narrow channel of fairway.
1. Anchoring in ice covered waters are?
22. You are officer of the watch and you are approaching a bend in a narrow Ans.
channel, where you can not see round the bend and you sound one long Not recommended
blast on the whistle. What action would you expect an approaching vessel on
the other side of the bend to answer to your signal? 2. When will towing normally be provided by the icebreaker?
Ans. Ans.
It should answer with one long blast on the whistle. In an emergency
3. When an icebreaker is breaking a track through large heavy floes at slow Very low
speed, the track can be expected to be how wide?
Ans. 14. What is the effect of low temperature on steel?
30 – 40 % wider than the icebreaker beam Ans.
Increase brittleness
4. In connection with icebreaker operations, what does code letter “E” mean?
15. The accuracy of charts in the Arctic can be expected to be?
Ans. Ans.
I am altering course to starboard Poor
16. What type of chart projection is not suitable for use in high latitudes?
5. In connection with icebreaker operations, what does code letter “A” mean?
Ans. Mercator
Go ahead
17. When can the tactics for execution of a voyage start?
6. When a ship is expected to enter areas with very cold air, what should be Ans.
done with tanks and lines? Once the planning of the passage is completed
Stripping all lines and tanks for water 18. If the speed of the ship is increased from 8 to 12 knots, the force of impact
7. How many primary groups of steel is used in ship construction? Ans.
Ans. More than doubled
19. Which type of glacial ice is most difficult to detect?
8. The stern design of an icebreaker is mainly controlled by? Ans.
Ans. Growlers
The number of propellers
20. Ice bergs normally move with the:
9. In low temperature, what is important to do when hot fluid is loaded? Ans.
21. Detection of low icebergs on radar should include?
Start with very low loading rate
Observation of a radar shadow behind the target
10. If possible, an iceberg should be passed?
22. Close range hazard detection should be done?
On the windward side
Visually and by radar
11. Under some atmospheric conditions white lights may take on
23. Berthing in ice covered water is normally?
A reddish hue
A long process
12. In regards to radar imaging, ice is defined as:
24. How can you reduce the risk of hull damage when executing “ramming”?
A poor radar target

13. When entering ice, the speed should be? Ans.

Ans. Use minimum speed
5. Which statements are true concerning the added weight method Select all
25. Backing in ice? applicable answers)
Ans. Ans.
Is a dangerous manoeuvre The free surface effect from the water in the damaged compartment has
influence on residual stability even though the damage is symmetrical.
26. When operating in ice, course changes should be executed when? It is a suitable damage stability calculation method for manual calculations.
If possible, in open water 6. What is usually the effect on G when the ship is damaged?
27. The first principle of successful navigation in ice is? It is unchanged
Avoid stopping 7. Drag and drop the different terms to their corresponding boxes:
☒ Margin line
28. When in ice, one important basic rule is? ☒ Residual stability
☒ Progressive flooding
29. ☒ Work against the ice movement
☒ Subdivision load line
☒ Weathertight
31. ☒ Use high speed
32. Walay answer
8. Which of the following statements are true, with respect to change of
stability parameters for a damaged ship?
Cd0061 M moves, B moves and GM increases or decreases.

1. Click on the different watertight compartments and analyse the triangles. 9. Which statement is true about the metacentric radius?
How many damaged compartments does the following ship survive? Ans.
Ans. The distance between B and metacentre, depending on the displacement and
2 compartments the moment of inertia of the waterplane area.

2. What is the minimum required righting lever for a damaged passenger ship 10. Which statements are true concerning the loss of Buoyancy method Select all
at intermediate state of flooding? applicable answers)
Ans. Ans.
0.05 metres The method is suitable for computer programming.
The damaged compartment is considered non-existing.
3. Which of the following statement (s) are true?
Ans. 11. In the added weight method, the free communication effect in damaged
A damage control plan shows the boundaries of watertight compartments condition:
and openings therein. Ans.
Cross flooding arrangements reduce the heeling angle in damaged condition. Reduces the GM and decreases the dynamic stability by sinus correction of
the GZ curve
4. Drag and drop the correct description of the situation on the images below:
12. A ship has VCG = 9,80 m above keel. The metacentre position above keel
5_13_3.jpg varies according to the hydrostatic table shown here. What is the maximum
5_13_2.jpg permissible draught for the ship to fulfil the stability requirements?
5_13_1.jpg Ans.
5_13.jpg 7,0 m
13. Which statement is true about volume permeability? (Select all applicable 5. If one strand on the 8-strand fibre rope is broken, how much strength
answers) remains in the fibre rope?
Ans. Ans.
If the volume permeability is 100%, the damaged compartment below the 80%
waterline will be completely filled with water in case of damage.
If the volume permeability is 0%, no water will enter the compartment in case 6. Which of the following statements are correct?
of damage. Ans.
Exposure of sunlight can damage the rope.
14. What is the minimum required residual dynamic stability for a damaged Avoid placing wire and synthetic rope on the same bollard.
passenger ship at equilibrium? Do not drag the rope over sharp edges.
1.15 tre-radians 7. To identify a fibre material rope you can check if it floats. Which of the
following ropes float if you put it into water?
15. What is the minimum required GM for a ship with the following GM(min) Ans.
curve and draught 6.3 meters? Polyethylene and Polypropylene
1.7m 8. How is the anchor cable length marked?
16. What is the minimum required righting lever for a damaged passenger ship White paint
at final state of flooding?
Ans. 9. What will happen if you have more than one layer of wire on the tension
0.10 metres drum on a split-drum winch?
Cd0063 It will decrease the brake holding capacity and the pulling power

1. Combine the maintenance intervals with the correct text. 10. What should the operator of an undivided drum be aware of?
☒ Once a year Ans.
☒ Once every 3 months The difficulty to spool and stow the wire drum satisfactory
☒ During Operation
☒ Once a week 11. Automatic winches may be used on all winch lines at the same time.
2. Choose the statements you think are correct in connection with oil sampling False
contamination control
Ans. 12. According to which criteria are the cable lifter units designed?
Take at least two samples from each sampling place in the system Ans.
Oil is extracted through fully open ball valves from high pressure line The brake force and cable diameter
Allow a quantity of oil to flush before collecting a sample
13. Does the angle between the line and the horizontal have anything to do with
3. What is the purpose of the brake test? the number of ropes to be used?
Ans. Ans.
It is to find the correct tightening torque Yes, smaller angle means less rope to be used

4. What kind of damage is this? 14. Which of the ships have the greatest current force acting on them?
Ans. Ans.
Bend Vessel D

15. Who is in charge of the mooring operation?

Ans. To change the direction of lead of a mooring line
23. What does STS mean?
16. What is the operating parameter for the mooring drums brakes? Ans.
Ans. Two ships moored alongside each other for the purpose of cargo transfer
60% of the MBL
17. How many complete rope turns are recommended around the warping
Ans. 1. A cargo of coal appears to be self heating on voyage. What action should the
3-4 ship’s Master take in such circumstances?
18. Choose the statements you think are correct according to safe mooring Follow guidance in IMO Bulk Cargo Code and measure carbon monoxide
practice. levels
Two or more lines leading in the same direction should always be of the same 2. Which one of the following procedures should be followed when a bulk cargo
material. of coal is being carried at sea?
Wear goggles if you operate the windlass. Ans.
Rope should never be used as a stopper on wires. All hot work and smoking prohibited otherwise normal deck procedures.

19. If we have different types of mooring lines leading in the same direction, 3. A bulk carrier has badly maintained hatch cover seals which allow seawater
which type of rope, mentioned below, will take most of the load? to leak into the cargo space in bad weather. What is the main danger of this
Ans. situation when considering a non liquefying cargo?
Steel wire rope Ans.
The cargo space will fill with water and reserve buoyancy will be lost
20. Snapback is a serious danger when we are handling…?
Ans. 4. Which one of the bulk cargo types given in the options is more likely to have
Synthetic ropes a liquefaction risk?
21. Combine the correct parts to the figure. Heavy metal ores
☒ Windlass
5. A bulk cargo may shift within the cargo hold and cause the vessel to list.
☒ Breast Line Under what circumstances is this most likely to happen?
☒ Emergency towing system The moisture content of the cargo is the same or higher than the flow
moisture point of the cargo.
☒ Pedestal Roller
6. How should a bulk cargo generally be loaded to reduce the likelihood of the
cargo shifting when the ship is rolling heavily in bad weather?
☒ Mooring winch
Trimmed and levelled near to the horizontal
☒ Mooring Bollard
7. Which one of the procedures given in the options should be followed before
☒ Fairlead any entry into an enclosed space such as cargo space is made?
22. What is the purpose of a Pedestal Roller?
A risk assessment and permit to work completed
8. A number of deaths have occurred in cargo spaces used for cargoes such as 16. A vessel is to load 100,000 tonnes of coal. The stowage factor (S.F) is 1.50
grain and steel scrap (swarf). This is thought to be caused by the cargo m³/t. What volumetric cargo space will be required to loading this cargo,
absorbing which of the gases given in the options? measured in cubic metres, m³?
Ans. Ans.
Oxygen from the cargo space atmosphere 150,000 m³

9. For which of the groups of gases given in the options should the atmosphere 17. Which of the procedures given in the options must a vessel carrying a coal
of enclosed spaces, such as cargo holds, be checked? cargo observe when at sea? There may be more than one correct option.
Toxic gases, oxygen and flammable gas Ans.
No hot work to be carried out and no smoking where gases from cargo holds
10. Before entry into any enclosed space, such as a cargo hold, what should the may be present.
minimum oxygen content be? Normal work to be carried out on deck.
21% 18. What is a bulk carrier carrying a coal cargo advised to monitor?
11. A cargo of crushed coal, particle size 1mm , is about to be loaded. The flow Temperatures, Carbon monoxide and Methane levels
moisture point of the coal is 20 and the moisture content of the coal is 17.
There has been heavy rain at the port and the cargo is not covered on the 19. What will be the effect on a bulk carrier of being loaded with a high-density
quayside. The moisture content was established 12 days ago. Which action, cargo such as iron ore?
from the options given, should the Master of the vessel take? Ans.
Ans. The vessel will have a high GM and fast roll period
Request a new test certificate for the moisture content as it should not be
more than 7 days old and then decided whether to load. 20. What is likely to be the resulting condition of a bulk carrier that is heavily
loaded in the mid section of the vessel and lightly loaded at the ends?
12. A cargo has a low angle of repose of 32°. Which one of the following
statements is true?
The cargo pile may easily shift
21. What are the main gases that may be produced by a coal cargo?
13. A cargo has a high angle of repose of 45°. Which one of the following
statements is true?
Carbon monoxide and Methane
The cargo pile will be stable.
22. What should be considered as the main danger to a bulk carrier associated
with seawater leakage into a cargo space?
14. A vessel is to load 100,000 tonnes of iron ore at stowage factor (SF) 0.50
m³/t. Which of the given options is the required stowage volume?
The cargo is more likely to liquefy.
50,000 m³
23. A bulk cargo which is classified as a Class 5.1 dangerous good must be
separated from a bulk cargo classified as a Class 6.2 by at least 3 metres if
15. A vessel is to load 20,000 tonnes of iron ore at a stowage factor of 0.30
segregation category 3 is applicable to them. Is this true or false?
m³/t .The vessel has four cargo holds each with a volume of 6,000 m³ and a
maximum allowed loading of 7,000 tonnes in each hold. Which of the
following statements is correct?
24. Group C contains a list of materials which are neither liable to liquefy nor to
All four holds will be approximately 25% full by volume
possess chemical hazards. Is this true or false?
True High levels of sodium
High levels of alcohol
25. What is the main reason why bulk cargo should be trimmed level, or nearly
level? 2. In terms of food temperature, what is the “danger zone”?
Ans. Ans.
To avoid the dangers associated with cargo shifting. Between 5°C and 63°C.

26. Which one of the bulk cargoes given in the options is most likely to be 3. Under Annex V of MARPOL 73/78, at what distance from shore may a vessel
subject to liquefaction? inside a Special Area dispose of inert ash, comminuted (slurry) into the sea?
Ore concentrates Ans.
Disposal to sea is prohibited.
27. How should bulk cargoes which may be subject to liquefying be dealt with?
4. In order to meet the definition of “comminuted waste” under Annex V to
Ans. MARPOL 73/78, what size of mesh must the particles be able to pass
Only be loaded and carried if the transposable moisture limit is less than 90% through?
of the flow moisture point Ans.
25 mm.
28. What can be the result of moisture migration in a bulk cargo?
Ans. 5. Under Annex V of MARPOL 73/78, at what distance from shore may a vessel
A flow state existing on the cargo’s surface inside a Special Area dispose of paper, rags and glass bottles that have been
ground down or comminuted into the sea?
29. A bulk cargo with low angle of repose has a high likelihood of shifting. Is this Ans.
true or false? Disposal to sea is prohibited.
True 6. According to regulation 9 to Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 for every ship of 12
metres or more in length placards must be displayed notifying passengers
30. A cargo of coal appears to be self heating on voyage. What action should the and crew of the disposal requirements for garbage. In what language, or
ship’s Master take in such circumstances? languages, must these placards be written?
Ans. Ans.
Follow guidance in IMO Bulk Cargo Code and measure carbon monoxide In the official language of the ship's Flag State and also in English or French
levels. for ships travelling to ports or offshore terminals of other nations.

31. Which one of the following procedures should be followed when a bulk cargo 7. What are the three principles on which many Garbage Management Plans
of coal is being carried at sea? are based?
Ans. Ans.
All hot work and smoking prohibited otherwise normal deck procedures. Disposal.
Cd070 Reduction at source.

8. How long must a Garbage Record Book be kept on board?

1. Which of the following food or food constituents are considered to be Ans.
unhealthy when consumed on a regular basis? Two years from the date of the last entry.
Fatty acids 9. Which of the following are designated as “Special Areas” under Annex V of
Saturated fats MARPOL 73/78?
Cholesterol Ans.
The Antarctic Area. 17. Which of the following conditions must be applied to left-over cooked meat
The wider Caribbean Region. from an evening meal if it is to be re-used in a pie dish for the following mid-
The North Sea. day meal? (Select all applicable answers).
The Gulfs area. Ans.
The Baltic Sea area. The pie containing the re-used meat must only be heated once.
The Mediterranean Sea. The previously cooked meat must not be mixed with newly prepared raw
10. Which of the following food or food constituents are considered to be The cooked meat must be finely chopped or minced to allow reheating to at
healthy when consumed on a regular basis? least 70°C as quickly as possible.
Fat-free or low-fat produce 18. In most colour coding systems for kitchen knives, which colour is used to
Low levels of sugar indicate that the knife is to be used only for the preparation of raw meat?
Fruit Ans.
11. How many portions of fruit and vegetables are recommended per day for the
average adult? 19. What is a “butcher’s steel”?
Ans. Ans.
5 A hardened-steel tool, with closely packed grooves providing an abrasive
surface and used for sharpening knives.
12. What is the estimated average required daily calorie intake for an active
male? 20. At what recommended temperature should frozen fish be stored?
Ans. Ans.
2900 20°C.

13. You have just made up a batch of chocolate éclairs, containing fresh cream. 21. The cook on this ship had been under pressure from the Catering
At what temperature must they be stored until required for service? Superintendent and the Captain regarding the amount of food wasted over
Ans. the month and the overtime hours of the catering department. In order to
5°-7°C. save both time and food, he decided to cook a large portion of rice, keep it
warm for service during the evening meal, then refrigerate the leftover rice
14. You are taking stores in port. A ship’s officer and a port official approach and and reheat the next day for the lunchtime meal. Is what he did acceptable?
say they wish to look inside some of the packages. Under which Code are (Select the most correct answer).
they required to carry out such inspections? Ans.
Ans. No, what he did is extremely dangerous and could have led to food poisoning
The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. throughout the crew.

15. How should wooden cutting boards be arranged after washing? CD 87

They should be stacked in such a way that air circulates over all surfaces 1. Is there any First Aid kit onboard the lifeboat?
during drying. Ans.
16. Which are the two recommended methods of cooling stock after
preparation? 2. In the lifeboat you have some detection equipment already on board, what is
Ans. it you have to bring with you from the bridge?
By standing deep pots in a sink of cold water. Ans.
By transferring to wide, shallow pans. SART and portable VHF radios
3. Experience has shown that certain vital actions must be taken as soon as
possible to maximise the chances of survival. In what order do we have these 13. Where do you find your lifejacket on board?
four key words? Ans.
Ans. In boxes near the mustering station
Marshal – Stream – Close – Maintain In your cabin or the bridge
4. There is oil burning on the sea at the ships side. You are the lifeboat
commander and what is the first thing you do? 14. The EPIRB is usually located on the bridge deck.
Ans. Ans.
You check directions to a safe area Correct

5. If you have to abandon the ship. How do you know what to do with the 15. There are at least three portable VHF radios on board your ship. Why do you
lifeboat? have them, and where are they located?
Ans. Ans.
You have participated in both familiarization tour and drill They are for emergency use and are located on the bridge, but can be used
for work operations if there are separate batteries for emergency use and
6. It is not necessary to use the seat belt in the lifeboat if there is no wind and work operations located on the bridge.
the sea is calm
Ans. 16. Hand flares can reach an altitude of about 300 meters and burn for more
Wrong than 40 seconds
7. There are only three litres of drinking water on board the lifeboat so you Wrong
must not use any of it for at least one or two days.
Ans. 17. Where do we find the pyrotechnic equipment?
Wrong Ans.
In the lifeboat, life raft and in a locker on the bridge
8. A seasick person may lose heat rapidly if he is inactive.
Ans. 18. What is a “man over board” buoy?
Correct Ans.
A lifebuoy with a distress light and a smoke signal
9. Why should you let the guideline touch the sea or the ship before you grab
the line? 19. You witness a person fall over board. What do you do?
Ans. Ans.
You could be electrocuted You yell “man over board”, throw a buoyant article and then alert the bridge

10. What is the most important quality when you should stay alive in distress? 20. Why do we have muster and embarkation stations?
Ans. So you have a place to meet if there is a potential hazard on board the ship
Hope and staying power combined with training in emergency procedures So you can meet at a place that is good for preparing yourself and the
equipment for handling a potential hazard on board the ship
11. The three main causes of death among people in distress are? So you know where to meet if an alarm is sounding.
Exposure to cold, dehydration and drinking sea water 21. When you have to board a life raft, it is better to jump in the water, instead
of jumping into the raft.
12. What do we not find in a lifeboat? Ans.
Ans. Correct
Life jackets
22. You should not abandon the ship until ordered to do so.
Ans. 8. Do you need to measure oxygen levels before entering an enclosed space?
23. When abandoning the ship, what is the first thing you do? Yes, always
You put on warm clothes, immersion suits, lifejacket and go to your muster 9. Which of the following are enclosed spaces?
station. Ans.
Fuel tank
24. What is the meaning of this symbol? Cofferdam
Ans. Cargo tanks
Radar transceiver
10. What kind of ships are regulated by OPA 90?
CD 88 Ans.
All kinds of ships
1. In addition to a common language, what else is important for good
communication in reference to human relations? 11. Which of the 5 annexes includes regulation about garbage handling onboard
Ans. ships?
The use of body language, posture and tone of voice Ans.
Annex V
2. Are you allowed to use any drugs if you are outside Coastal waters?
Ans. 12. What is the connection between the quantity of oil transported at sea and
No, any use of drugs are strictly prohibited the amount of oil spilled the last years?
3. All crew are required to: The quantity of oil transported has increased and the amount of oil spilled
Ans. has decreased.
Be able to communicate in an emergency language
13. What is OPA an abbreviation for?
4. Emergency communications should be: Ans.
Ans. Oil Pollution Act
Short, accurate and in an easy to understand language
14. What is the first thing you must do if you see a person fall over board?
5. What should you avoid when receiving work orders?
Ans. Ans.
Misunderstandings Throw any floating device overboard

6. Why is it important that everyone onboard can understand and be 15. What must you do if you detect a fire?
understood in English?
Activate the alarm signal, and try to extinguish the fire.
It is important for safety and is the standard language for communication of
safety matters at sea
16. Where can you find information about the various kinds of safety equipment
you have onboard?
7. Do you need to report near accidents?
Ans. Instruction manuals
Yes, it is your duty to report near accidents Safety Plan
17. What kind of information does the Fire Plan contain?
Ans. 7. Which one of the following is a kind of environmental damage caused by air
The location of all fire-fighting appliances and equipment on board pollutants regulated by MARPOL Annex VI?
18. Which are the 4 most commonly occurring types of accidents? Acid rain
Personal injury 8. Which one of the following best describes the main goal of MARPOL Annex
Fire/Explosion VI?
Grounding Ans.
Collision To reduce the harm to the environment from air pollution from ships.

CD 92 9. Which one of the following best describes the purpose of the placards
required on some ships by MARPOL Annex V?
1. Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL Ans.
Annex VI intended to minimise operational emissions of CO2? They show the garbage disposal requirements.
All ships are required to have a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan. 10. Which one of the following kinds of garbage does MARPOL Annex V allow to
be discharged overboard while the ship is inside a special area?
2. Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL Ans.
Annex VI intended to minimise accidental emissions from incinerators? Food

Ans. 11. Which one of the following best describes the requirements of MARPOL
The operator is to be trained and have an operating manual. Annex V for plastic garbage?
3. Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL It must be discharged ashore, even after incineration
Annex VI intended to minimise accidental emissions of Sulphur Oxides (SOx)
inside Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs)? 12. Which one of the following best describes the purpose of the garbage
Ans. management plan that MARPOL Annex V requires some ships to carry?
Requiring a written fuel changeover procedure
4. Which one of the following best describes how MARPOL Annex VI is intended It gives instructions for the collection, processing and storage of garbage
to reduce leakages of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)? before its disposal
By requiring an ozone depleting substance record book. 13. Which one of the following most closely matches the definition of ‘garbage’
in MARPOL Annex V?
5. Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL Ans.
Annex VI intended to minimise operational emissions of Sulphur Oxides All kinds of food, domestic and operational waste
Ans. 14. Which one of the following best describes the main goal of MARPOL Annex
The sulphur content of fuel is limited. V?
6. Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL To reduce the harm to the environment from garbage from ships.
Annex VI intended to minimise operational emissions of Ozone Depleting
Substances (ODS)? 15. Which one of the following best describes the means required by MARPOL
Ans. Annex IV to reduce accidental discharges of sewage?
Emissions during maintenance are banned and gases must be recaptured for Ans.
Holding tanks must have a means to indicate visually the amount of its 24. Which one of the following best describes the main goal of MARPOL Annex
contents. III?
16. A ship has sewage stored in a tank. Which one of the following best describes To reduce the harm to the environment from harmful substances in packaged
the MARPOL Annex IV requirements that must be met before the ship is form.
allowed to discharge the tank contents overboard?
Ans. 25. Which one of the following documents is required by MARPOL Annex II in
The ship must be away from land and pump the sewage at a controlled rate order to minimise the harm caused by an accidental discharge of noxious
17. Which one of the following best describes the way that sewage can damage Ans.
the marine environment? A Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan
It can contain bacteria, parasites and viruses 26. Which one of the following best describes the records of noxious liquid
operations that ships have to maintain to satisfy MARPOL Annex II?
18. Which one of the following most closely matches the definition of ‘sewage’ in Ans.
MARPOL Annex IV? A cargo record book must be completed after any transfer of cargo or
Ans. ballasting of cargo tanks
Drainage from animals, medical premises, toilets and urinals
27. Which one of the following best describes what MARPOL Annex II requires to
19. Which one of the following best describes the main goal of MARPOL Annex minimise the amount of noxious liquids when cleaning cargo tanks?
IV? Ans.
Ans. Tanks have to be stripped down to small volumes of cargo
To reduce the harm to the environment from sewage from ships.
28. Which one of the following is the most likely way in which a noxious liquid
20. Which one of the following best describes how coastal states can find out if a substance could harm marine plants?
sinking ship is carrying MARPOL Annex III cargo? Ans.
Ans. By blocking the sunlight
A manifest listing the harmful substances must be left ashore.
CD 115
21. Which one of the following best describes how MARPOL Annex III attempts
to reduce accidental loss of harmful substances in packaged form into the 1. What percentage of the ship’s stores are required to be inspected at Security
sea? Level 3?
Ans. Ans.
Packages are required to be properly stowed and secured. 100% of the ship’s stores are required to be inspected at Security Level 3.
2. What percentage of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level
22. Under MARPOL Annex III what operational discharges of harmful substances 1?
in packaged form are allowed? Ans.
Ans. The percentage is not specified.
Discharge of leakages might be allowed by the flag state
3. When is a visitor onboard required to present an ID?
23. Which one of the following describes the most common way that the Ans.
substances regulated by MARPOL Annex III cause harm to the marine On SECURITY Level 1. 2 & 3
Ans. 4. From the list below, which is among the recommended actions for a vessel to
They are poisonous. take, on entering an area known for pirate activity?
To transit with maximum safe speed
5. During a bomb search, which of the following is an important principle to A record of the vessel's history
Ans. 14. Which Security Levels requires the highest security alert
Do not touch any suspicious packages Ans.
Security Level 3
6. Which of following are security duties? (Review all answers)
Ans. 15. Who is responsible for issuing an ISPS certificate?
Checking ID of visitors onboard Ans.
Calibration of security equipment The Flag State
Monitoring of restricted areas

7. Which two persons check the Declaration of Security?

16. Which of these conventions is The International Ship and Port Facility
Security (ISPS) Code a part of?
The Ship Security Officer
The Port Facility Security Officer Ans.
8. Who is responsible for the development of the Ship Security Plan?
CD 123
The Company Security Officer
1. What should you do before performing any job onboard?
9. Who is responsible for the regular security inspections of the ship? Ans.
Follow procedures and apply informal risk management.
The Ship Security Officer
2. Check which of the following actions that can be used to reduce the risk in a
10. What is a Declaration of Security?
Identify better tools to do the job
A checklist jointly completed by the ship and shore security representatives.
Wear personal protective equipment
Change the frequency of performing the job
11. Check the items that can be a possible threat
Modify the job procedure
Change the physical conditions
Figure out a different way to do the job
cargo tampering
3. If a risk is not acceptable you can
Reduce the likelihood and/or consequence
4. What do you do with a “Risk Profile Matrix”?
12. Which of the following areas may be possible restricted areas? (Review all Ans.
answers) Check if a risk is acceptable
5. What is a definition of “consequence”?
The Cargo control room
The Engine control room Ans.
The Bridge The outcome of an accident

13. What is a Continuous Synopsis Record ? 6. What is a definition of “ likelihood”?

How often a risk can lead to an accident 3. You are the Responsible Officer for a tank entry operation, where the
seamen working inside are being supplied with air from a compressor in the
7. Risk estimation is? machinery space. Who will you advise of this arrangement and why?
Ans. Ans.
Rating likelihood and consequence 1. So that those in charge of the equipment understand its current purpose
and do not shut the compressor down until the work is completed.
8. What is the first step in a risk assessment? 2. The Engineer on Watch.
Risk identification 4. Drag and drop the phrases below, re-arranging them to complete safety
training bullet points used in lessons relating to enclosed space entry.
9. Check the boxes on the factors that can be categorized as human errors
☒ check and check again
“It won’t happen to me” attitude ☒ poor performance.
Task vs. safety focus
Recklessness ☒ when you will need it.
Lack of understanding or skill in how to work safely around hazards ☒ is from its atmosphere.
Ignorance to the hazards of a job
☒ stay out!
10. How many percent of all accidents can be related to human error?
Ans. 5. What are the employer’s legal obligations in respect of the provision of
80% training on entry into dangerous enclosed or confined spaces?
CD 127 He must provide the necessary training, instruction and information to
employees, in order to ensure that the regulations pertaining to entry into
dangerous enclosed and confined spaces are complied with.

1. You are the Master of a vessel which normally has a minimum safe 6. You are the watchman at the entrance hatch to a tank where three men,
complement of four personal oxygen monitors. Two are to be sent ashore for wearing self-contained breathing apparatus, are working inside. You hear the
service in the next port but there is a programme of ballast tank inspections low level audible alarm whistle from one of the sets. What are you going to
scheduled in that port. What could you do to ensure that the ship’s do?
personnel continue to be work under safe conditions? (Select all applicable Ans.
answers) Look for the user moving immediately towards the exit and assist him once
Ans. he emerges.
I could reduce the schedule of entry operations, so that any personnel going
inside have the use of the remaining monitors. 7. You are assisting outside an enclosed space. A maintenance crew are inside
I could arrange temporary replacements until the ship’s monitors are and are using air-line breathing apparatus, supplied from a compressor
returned. located on deck close to the manhole cover access. The compressor has an
emergency supply in a cylinder connected via a manifold. The compressor
2. Breathing apparatus should be inspected and tested periodically, as per the suddenly stops. You switch over to the emergency supply straight away, but
company maintenance schedule. When else should it be tested for correct what should the team inside the space do?
operation? Ans.
Ans. They should immediately stop work and exit the space.
Before and after use.
8. If the atmosphere in a compartment is considered to be suspect or unsafe,
then it should only be entered for which of the following purposes? (Select 13. You are the designated watchman at the top of a tank. Three crew members
all applicable answers) are inside overhauling a faulty pump. You see one man collapse and hear the
Ans. other two shouting. What are you going to do?
1. For the work of the ship under controlled conditions. Ans.
2. For the safety of life, or of the ship. I will sound the alarm immediately, report the situation to the Responsible
3. If it is essential for testing purposes, that being not possible from a Officer and assist the rescue team once they have arrived.
remote location.
14. crew member doing some cleaning in the bottom a cargo tank reports
9. You are to assist in “securing” a cargo tank after a cleaning squad have been smelling fumes. What should now happen? (Select all applicable answers)
inside. All personnel and small gear are accounted for and the space is not to
be re-entered. Another crew member is returning the safety and working Ans.
equipment to storage and the Responsible Officer is taking care of 1. Any additional controls deemed necessary by the Responsible Officer
notifications, documentation and the removal of isolation-tags and notices in should be put in place before work resumes.
the control room. What should you do at or near the tank itself? (Select all 2. Permits should be withdrawn and only re-issued with any appropriate
applicable answers) revisions.
Ans. 3. The safety of the situation should be re-assessed.
1. Close the lids 4. The work should be stopped and everyone should leave the space
2. Withdraw lines and hoses, etc immediately.
3. Stop the ventilation fan
4. Remove green “safe to enter” tag 15. You are to enter an enclosed space as part of a small team to undertake
some cleaning. How will you ensure that the operation continues in a safe
10. Place the following steps in the correct sequence, to indicate how a risk manner?
assessment is carried out. Drag and drop the steps onto the numbers: Ans.
All of us entering the space, as well as the watchman at the entrance, must
☒ Monitor and adjust remain alert and watch for any changes in circumstances that may render
the space unsafe.
☒ Document the findings
16. You are to be part of a two-man team to enter an enclosed lower deck in the
☒ Apply controls forecastle head. You are to wear self-contained breathing apparatus and the
Responsible officer has decided that a lifeline is to be used. What must you
☒ Assess the risks ensure you can do with that lifeline?
☒ Identify the hazards That I can easily detach it, if it becomes tangled on the steps or other fittings
in the forecastle.
11. You are the Responsible Officer for a cleaning job in a cargo tank. Why must
you check around inside the space once cleaning is completed? 17. You are assigned as the watchman at the entrance to 3 starboard double
Ans. bottom ballast tank, inside which the Chief Officer and Cadet are carrying out
To check that no rags, flashlights, lines, clothing or other equipment has been an inspection. What do you understand you are permitted to do?
left inside, where it could later be drawn into a pump or valve and damage or Ans.
block it with serious consequences. I cannot be assigned to other duties while I am watchman and must remain
at the entrance to the space while it is occupied.
12. You are the watchman at the entrance to an enclosed cargo hold. Why must
you “tally”, or check the crew off as they exit the space after finishing their 18. You are the Responsible Officer for a maintenance inspection in a ship’s side
work inside? ballast tank. The after access manhole has been removed but the
Ans. compartment is still very dark. How might you safely improve the situation?
To see if anyone is missing and therefore still inside the space. (Select all applicable answers)
Ans. CD 144
1. Issue flashlights.
2. Install temporary lighting. 1. What is the command to set the Margins of a document?
3. Remove additional manhole covers and lids. Ans.
File > Page Setup
19. A small cleaning and repair job is to be done in the after peak tank. The tank
is heavily framed, of an awkward shape, with several distinct sections and 2. You can set the Paper Size by Clicking File > Page Setup to open the dialog
built over and around a number of other storage tanks. Access lids and box.
ventilation pipes are all at the forward end of the tank. You have been Ans.
appointed to make the risk assessment and be responsible for the True
subsequent entry and repair. How will you ensure the conditions in the area
of the repair are fully checked? 3. What is the correct option to Print a particular page from the active
Ans. worksheet?
I would assess and plan for an initial entry, carry out further assessment Ans.
within the space and then plan the entry for the repair on the basis of the Select ‘Pages’
additional information obtained.
4. What is the correct sequence of commands to add a Page Header or Page
20. Whose overall duty is it, to ensure that the plan for entry into an enclosed or Footer?
confined space is followed? Ans.
Ans. View > Header and Footer
The Responsible Officer.
21. You are to test the atmosphere in a tank prior to entry for cleaning and 5. What is the default orientation for the printed page?
maintenance purposes. Where will you take the readings? Ans.
Ans. Portrait
At multiple levels and in different sections of the space, through the various
lids and vents, to increase the possibility of detecting pockets of gas that 6. Workspace can be defined as:
might remain in less well ventilated areas. Ans.
A group of workbooks, which can be opened together
22. You are to test the atmosphere in a tank prior to entry. If at all, how will you
adjust the ventilation? 7. In Microsoft Excel, Page breaks depend on the paper size, margin settings,
Ans. and scaling options.
I will stop it about 10 minutes before testing and not re-start it until testing is Ans.
complete. True

23. Cargo tank 3 centre has been cleaned and is scheduled for inspection and 8. In MS Excel, Tiled, Cascade, Horizontal are options for which command?
mopping. You are the Responsible Officer. When will you test the (Check all correct answers)
atmosphere in the tank? (Select all applicable answers) Ans.
Ans. Arrange Window
1. At regular and frequent intervals whilst entry continues. Freeze Panes
2. Before anyone enters the space.
9. The Formula in Cell C3 when pasted in C4 will be?
24. Who is permitted to test the atmosphere in an enclosed or confined space Ans.
for the purposes of authorising entry? $A$3+B4
Only a person trained in the use of the equipment and listed as an Approved 10. The Formula in Cell C3 when pasted in C4 will be?
Operator. Ans.
11. What is the short cut command for this icon? 21. In MS Excel, which command gives you the option to paste the formatting
Ans. style of a cell to another cell?
Start the chart wizard Ans.
Format Painter
12. To arrange rows in alphabetical order based on column A, you need to use
which command ? 22. You can use the AutoCorrect feature in an Excel sheet to:(Check all correct
Ans. answers)
Data > Sort Ans.
Capitalise names of days
13. Which of these are the Trigonometric functions that can be used in MS Excel? Correct two initial capitals
(Check all correct answers)
Ans. 23. To add two cells (A1 and A2) together you use the following formula:
Log Ans.
Tan A1+A2

14. The feature in Excel that allows you to quickly fill cells with repetitive or 24. Match the Data types with respective example by dragging and dropping the
sequential data is called: Data types on the examples.
Ans. ☒ Date
☒ Number
15. A quick way to find and work with a subset of data in a list is:
Ans. ☒ Text
25. Match the Keyboard shortcuts with their Functions by dragging and dropping
16. What are the two types of reference styles?(Check all correct answers) the shortcut commands on the functions.
☒ Copy
A1 ☒ Undo

17. The Formating of cells such as wrap text or merge cells can be done using ☒ Cut
which command?
Ans. ☒ Paste
Format > Cell > Alignment tab
26. How will you access Help in the MS Excel program? (Several alternatives may
18. The Find command is located in which menu? be correct)
Ans. Ans.
Edit > Find… Click Help > About Microsoft Excel
Click File > Properties
19. What are the font formatting characteristics like bold, italics, and underline
are called? 27. To view or compare two sections of a large spreadsheet, you can
Ans. Ans.
font styles Split the screen into two panes

20. A cell that containing a comment is represented by 28. In the working area of the Excel program, the whole collection or group of
Ans. sheets is called the:
A small red triangle in the upper right corner Ans.
5. The Chief Officer has been appointed to investigate an incident in the engine
29. True or False: room workshop. He is planning to interview a number of crewmembers.
Ans. Which two of the following should he do, prior to commencing the
To view the hidden commands, you can click the double-headed arrow at the interviews? (Select all applicable answers)
bottom of the Menu List. Ans.
1. Identify evidence still to be secured
30. You can use the Save As command to (Several alternatives may be correct): 2. Analyse the evidence already secured

Ans. 6. Which two of the following will commonly be amongst an investigator’s aims
1. Change the formatting of the file when planning a series of interviews as part of the inquiry procedure?
2. Save a file in another folder
1. To establish and confirm the sequence of events
3. Rename a document as a back up copy
2. To understand how the witness was involved in the incident

CD 149 7. Which of the following is the definition of an “impartial” witness, within the
context of this program?
1. Following an accident onboard, there is an enquiry from a lawyer on the
ship’s satellite telephone, whilst at anchor awaiting port entry. Who should
One who has no personal interest and nothing to gain, or lose
the Duty Officer direct the call to?
Ans. 8. The Superintendent is going on board to conduct an investigation into an
The Master accident in which a crewmember was seriously injured during the stowage of
an accommodation ladder. Which four of the following individuals or groups
2. Which of the following best describes the form that the narrative section of should he particularly try to interview?
an Incident Investigation Report should follow?
Ans. 1. Any person who can provide additional evidence, relevant to the
A simple, orderly description of the events leading up to the accident, incident investigation
or near miss, the circumstances of the accident, incident or near miss itself, 2. Any person who can contribute to the understanding of the events
the consequences and the post-incident actions, written in a neutral way, leading up to, and the prevailing conditions at the time of, the accident
without opinion or judgment. 3. Any eye witnesses
4. The person in charge of the operation at the time of the accident
3. Which three of the following are common interview techniques, as explained
in this program? 9. If an officer is instructed to investigate an incident which involved a broken
Ans. wire on a mooring winch and he is supporting his inquiry with photographs,
1. Conversational approach how should he try to photograph the wire?
2. Free recall Ans.
3. Question and answer In place, still on the winch drum

4. The ship’s Safety Officer is conducting an on-board investigation into a minor 10. Which three of the following may be an indication that entries in an engine-
incident involving a fall on a lifeboat access platform. A Seaman who was room log-book have been added, or amended, at a later stage?
working nearby at the time is being interviewed and is having difficulty in
remembering some of the details. Which two techniques might the Safety
1. An entry made by someone who was not on watch at the time
Officer use to help him remember?
2. An entry between others using a different pen
Ans. 3. An entry between others in a different handwriting style
1. He might work through a list of potentially relevant items, asking the
Seaman to include or reject them 11. Which of the following is the definition of “circumstantial evidence”, as
2. He might talk through the incident with the Seaman understood by this module?
Ans. 19. Which of the following may be categorized under inadequate tools?
Something that may reasonably be said to be relevant to an incident Ans.
1. Inadequate updating or refresher training
12. Which of the following best explains the purpose of an investigation into an 2. Lack of experience
accident, incident or near miss on board ship? 3. Inadequate orientation or briefing
The establishment of facts and the determination of corrective action, aimed 20. Which of the following may be categorized under lack of knowledge?
at the prevention of a recurrence of the incident. It is not to determine the
allocation of blame Ans.
1. Inadequate updating or refresher training
13. Which three of the following are examples of post-contact controls? 2. Lack of experience
Ans. 3. Inadequate orientation or briefing
1. Search and Rescue operations
2. First Aid 21. Immediate causes are generally divided into which two of the following
3. Emergency evacuation plans categories?
14. Inadequate compliance is normally identified by which two of the following 1. Substandard conditions
circumstances? 2. Substandard acts
1. Evidence that there was inadequate knowledge or understanding of a 22. Basic causes are generally divided into which two of the following
standard which resulted in it not being observed. categories?
2. Evidence that there was knowledge of a declared standard and that it Ans.
was wilfully disregarded 1. Job factors
2. Personal factors
15. If control is assessed as inadequate, which two of the following factors may
be representative of inadequate performance standards? 23. Which two of the following are examples of abnormal behaviour?
Ans. Ans.
1. They are assessed as not high or demanding enough 1. Operating a manifold crane on which no training and familiarization has
2. They are not specific enough been delivered
2. Commencing the overhaul of a ballast valve, without first checking that
16. Which two of the following factors may be evidence of a failing loss control it has been properly isolated and the appropriate warning notices put in
element in a Safety Management System? place in the control room
1. Inaccurate and out-of-date activities are observed 24. Which two of the following are examples of substandard conditions?
2. There are too few system activities Ans.
1. Inadequate or defective warning systems
17. What are the three common reasons for lack of control? 2. Congested or restricted work area
1. Inadequate compliance with standards 25. Which two of the following are examples of substandard practises?
2. Inadequate standards Ans.
3. An inadequate system 1. Failure to use personal protective equipment
2. Over-riding or bypassing safety devices
18. What is it that starts the process of cause and effect and ultimately results in
the “loss” evidenced in the incident? CD 156
Lack of control
1. International law recognises that “piracy” takes place on the high seas. What 35. ☒ Continue to defend the ship until the pirates are beaten off.
term is generally applied to similar aggressive acts that take place within 36.
territorial waters? 37. ☑ Obey instructions.
Ans. 38.
1. Armed robbery. 39. ☑ Be cooperate.
2. Your ship was taken by pirates and the ship’s crew have been confined to the 41. ☑ Stay calm.
messroom. The ship has broken down in international waters and 42.
surrounded by a naval task force. Suddenly, you realise that a rescue mission 43. 5 CD0156 3507 The International Maritime Organization is very
is being attempted. Which of the following will you do? (Select all applicable clear in its recommended policy on firearms being used to defend merchant
answers) ships and their crews against attacks by pirates. What does it recommend?
3. ☒ Run out on deck at the first opportunity.
44. ☒ That it is the right of each individual seafarer to defend himself as he sees
5. ☒ Stand up and wave out of the windows to show where the crew are best, including, if he so chooses, the use of firearms.
located. 45.
46. ☒ That the Master of every vessel must consider the use of firearms as an
7. ☒ Take photographs on my mobile phone for evidence. option.
8. 47.
9. ☑ Stay away from the windows and doors. 48. ☒ That individual shipping companies must decide and rule on the use of
10. firearms.
11. ☑ Answer questions. 49.
12. 50. ☒ That firearms are always used.
13. ☑ Follow instructions from the task force personnel. 51.
14. 52. ☑ That firearms are not used.
15. ☑ Keep my hands empty and visible at all times. 53.
16. 54. 6 CD0156 3506 You are sailing through an area where a naval
17. ☑ Lie down and cover my head with my hands. task force operates. Your Ship Security Plan includes the use of the steering
18. gear as a “citadel”. How can this help you if pirates gain access to your ship?
19. 3 CD0156 3509 What is the role of a “negotiator”?
20. ☒ He is there to take care of the ship’s needs, such as engaging a ship
55. ☒ The Captain will be able to communicate directly with the task force
chandler, looking after any medical requirements, handling mail, etc.
commander from the citadel and get advice.
22. ☒ He acts as the banker for the pirates.
57. ☒ The Captain will be able to coordinate and control all defence measures
against the pirates from this one location.
24. ☒ He is there to represent the United Nations. 58.
59. ☒ With all ship’s personnel in the citadel, the pirates will not be able to sail
26. ☒ He is the pirates’ leader. the ship or control the engines and will give up and leave.
27. 60.
28. ☑ He acts as the “middle man” between the owners and the pirates. 61. ☑ It can buy time for the naval task force to reach the ship.
29. 62.
30. 4 CD0156 3508 How should you behave if pirates seize control 63. 7 CD0156 3505 You are the Captain of a ship that has been
of your ship? (Select all applicable answers). boarded by pirates. Despite your crew’s best efforts, they manage to reach
31. ☒ Be aggressive, even if the pirates are armed. the bridge and have gained entry. They have the cook with them and are
32. holding a knife to his neck. What will you do?
33. ☒ Argue with the pirates and bargain for everything.
64. ☒ Advise the pirates that they must release the cook before you will have 99. 11 CD0156 3501 How is it recommended that deck lighting is
anything to do with them. Ignore any instructions they give while they still used when transiting an area of known piracy activity?
hold the cook. 100. ☒ It should be switched on if a small vessel is detected within 0.75 mile of
65. the vessel.
66. ☒ Offer them money and hope that they will leave quickly. 101.
67. 102. ☒ It should be used to illuminate all areas of the deck from dusk until dawn
68. ☒ Continue to resist the pirates and attempt to expel them from the bridge. and during periods of restricted visibility.
69. 103.
70. ☑ Cease any further resistance and attempt to calm the situation. 104. ☒ It should not be used under any circumstances in an area of known piracy
71. activity.
72. 8 CD0156 3504 What kind of signal does the SSAS send? 105.
106. ☑ It should be provided only as required for safety and otherwise kept
73. ☒ A coded “piracy alert” message, being a combination of two and three switched off.
letter groups, in the IMB message format. 107.
74. 108. 12 CD0156 3500 What particular piece of bridge equipment,
75. ☒ An open speech, pre-recorded verbal message announcing the pirate normally used to communicate details of vessels between each other and
attack. with shore stations, might be switched off in or near a known piracy area?
77. ☒ A pre-configured message on Digital Selective Calling frequencies, 109. ☒ The SART.
indicating the ship’s name, her position and the nature of the emergency. 110.
78. 111. ☒ The VHF radio.
79. ☒ A loud, pre-arranged tannoy signal, which is duplicated on the ship’s 112.
whistle. 113. ☒ The Aldis signaling light.
80. 114.
81. ☑ A covert, silent ship-to-shore signal, alerting the Company, the Flag State 115. ☒ The ARPA.
authorities and closest national authorities. 116.
82. 117. ☒ The ECDIS.
83. 9 CD0156 3503 If a pirate attack is underway, what kind of 118.
message should be broadcast over the VHF? 119. ☑ The AIS.
84. ☒ Securite 120.
85. 121. 13 CD0156 3499 Which of the following organisations
86. ☒ Pan Pan broadcasts regular “live” piracy alerts and bulletins?
87. 122. ☒ The United Nations News Agency.
88. ☑ Mayday 123.
89. 124. ☒ INTERBULK.
90. 10 CD0156 3502 If a small craft is acting suspiciously close to the 125.
ship and it is suspected that an attack might take place, what kind of alert 126. ☒ The International Maritime Organization.
message should be broadcast over the VHF? 127.
91. ☒ Piracy Alert 128. ☑ The International Maritime Bureau Piracy Reporting Centre.
92. 129.
93. ☒ Securite 130. 14 CD0156 3498 Which of the following are examples of
94. navigational procedures that have been implemented in known piracy areas
95. ☒ Mayday to better protect merchant ships? (Select all applicable answers)
96. 131. ☒ The monitoring of the movement of small boats by helicopters.
97. ☑ Pan Pan 132.
98. 133. ☒ The use of special light signals to be displayed by merchant ships.
134. 171.
135. ☒ The total ban on all radio communications between merchant ships. 172. 18 CD0156 3494 Pirates generally observe a potential target
136. before attacking. Which of the following will they typically look for on a
137. ☑ “Group Transit” merchant ship convoys. merchant ship as signs of weakness? (Select all applicable answers).
138. 173. ☒ Signs of panic.
139. ☑ The creation of “safety corridors”. 174.
140. 175. ☒ Deep draft.
141. 15 CD0156 3497 Who is responsible for establishing and 176.
monitoring the general fleet-wide anti-piracy procedures? 177. ☒ Faulty radio and radar equipment.
142. ☒ The Company Personnel Manager. 178.
143. 179. ☑ Slow response.
144. ☒ The Port Security Officer at the departure port. 180.
145. 181. ☑ Lack of alertness.
146. ☒ Shipping companies do not have fleet-wide policies; each ship is 182.
responsible for establishing its own procedures. 183. ☑ Lack of preparation.
147. 184.
148. ☒ The Captain. 185. ☑ Low freeboard.
149. 186.
150. ☑ The Company Security Officer. 187. ☑ Slow speed.
151. 188.
152. 16 CD0156 3496 Why can the Captain and Watchkeeping 189. 19 CD0156 3493 Pirates sometimes use larger vessels to tow
Officers not rely on radar to alert them to the approach of pirates in small smaller boats far out into the ocean, to enable them to attack ships far away
boats? (Select all applicable answers) from the coast. What name is generally given to these larger vessels?
153. ☒ Because the pirate boats will move too fast for the radar to track them.
154. 190. ☒ Assault ships.
155. ☒ Because pirate boats are fitted with devices that interfere with the radar 191.
picture. 192. ☒ Father ships.
156. 193.
157. ☒ Because the Captain and Officers cannot watch the radar screens all the 194. ☒ Logistic Support Vessels.
time. 195.
158. 196. ☑ Mother ships.
159. ☑ There may be blind spots in the radar coverage. 197.
160. 198. 20 CD0156 3492 Pirate boats sometimes broadcast false distress
161. ☑ Because the boats are often made of wood and present poor radar signals. Why do they do this?
targets. 199. ☒ Because they do not know how to operate VHF equipment.
162. 200.
163. 17 CD0156 3495 The primary information on preparing the ship 201. ☒ To block out messages from a merchant ship being attacked.
against attacks by pirates is located in which of the following sources? 202.
203. ☒ As a coded message to other pirates.
164. ☒ Alerts from the Piracy reporting Centre. 204.
165. 205. ☑ To try to get a merchant ship to reduce speed in response.
166. ☒ The ISPS Code. 206.
167. 207. 21 CD0156 3491 Pirates sometimes disguise their craft, so that
168. ☒ NAVTEX broadcasts. passing merchant ships are not suspicious. What type of craft do they
169. commonly attempt to appear as?
170. ☑ The Ship Security Plan. 208. ☒ Pilot boats, or other harbour authority craft.
209. ☒ 9 minutes.
210. ☒ Naval patrol boats.
211. ☒ 8 minutes.
212. ☒ Pleasure yachts.
213. ☑ 15 minutes.
214. ☑ Local fishing boats.
215. ☒ 20 minutes.
216. 22 CD0156 3490 The term “Piracy” has a legal definition. Where
does it say that this activity takes place? 3 CD0160 3620 What type of fire detectors is the first to go of in case of a
217. ☒ In specifically identified areas, such as the Caribbean, South China Sea and fire?
the Straits of Malacca. ☒ Gas detector.
219. ☒ Outside the 200 mile Economic Exclusion Zone of a coastal state. ☒ Heat detector.
221. ☒ Any sea area, including territorial waters, rivers and ports. ☒ Flame detector.
223. ☑ On the high seas and outside the jurisdiction of any State. ☑ Smoke detectors.
225. 23 CD0156 3489 Within the region listed as the North Indian 4 CD0160 3619 It is important to get familiarised with the emergency
Ocean / Arabian Sea / East Africa, which sea area is considered the most exits on board the vessel, at what time should this be done?
dangerous for piracy activity? ☒ When you have some extra time.
226. ☒ The area 200 miles north and east of the coast of Madagascar.
227. ☒ Before boarding.
228. ☒ The Gulf of Suez.
229. ☑ Immediately after boarding.
230. ☒ The coast of Kenya.
231. ☒ Within a week.
232. ☑ The waters off the Horn of Africa.
233. 5 CD0160 3618 What information can you find on the fire control plan?
☒ Where the Master can be reached in case of emergency.

☒ How to respond in case of fire.

CD 160 ☒ How to use the fire-fighting appliances correctly.

1 CD0160 3622 According to SOLAS the breathing air apparatus that must
be onboard shall have sufficient capacity for how many minutes of operation? ☑ The location of the fire-fighting appliances.
☒ 25 minutes.
6 CD0160 3617 What do you do if you detect a fire?
☒ 45 minutes. ☒ Report to bridge.

☑ 30 minutes. ☒ First try to extinguish the fire and then activate the alarm.

☒ 20 minutes. ☑ Activate the alarm and then try to extinguish the fire.

2 CD0160 3621 Emergency compressed air breathing escape sets ☒ Immediate muster at your fire station.
onboard, shall have a duration of service no less then:
7 CD0160 3616 What kind of work is hot work?
☒ Cooking. ☒ Nitrogen

☑ Grinding. 12 CD0160 3611 A sprinkler system is normally used to protect

the ...................
☒ Chipping. ☒ Tanks on a chemical tanker.

☒ Dismantling a pump. ☒ Galley ducts.

8 CD0160 3615 Which team/squad has the following duties? Stop ☑ Accommodation area.
requested ventilation, close fire flaps and start emergency fire pump if ordered.
☑ Technical squad. ☒ Engine room.

☒ Bridge team. 13 CD0160 3610 Is this statement true or false? "Always attempt to
extinguish a fire before sounding the alarm".
☒ Fire squad 3. ☒ True

☒ Fire squad 1. ☑ False

9 CD0160 3614 Who is in charge of the operation if there is a fire in 14 CD0160 3609 A CO2 system extinguishes a fire in a protected space
accommodation? by...
☒ Fire Squad 1. ☒ Blow out the flames.

☑ Chief Officer. ☑ Depriving the fire of oxygen.

☒ Chief Engineer. ☒ Reacting chemically with the fire.

☒ Master. ☒ Cooling down the fire.

10 CD0160 3613 Where do you always find operation and maintenance 15 CD0160 3608 Which fire extinguisher's could you use to put out
instructions for the extinguishers? burning oil?
☒ In STCW. ☒ Water (applied by spray).

☒ Displayed in the cabin. ☒ Water (applied by jet).

☑ On the label of the extinguisher. ☑ Dry Powder.

☒ On the Muster list and Emergency Instructions. ☑ C02.

11 CD0160 3612 ............ is listed as a CFC gas, as of January 1st 16 CD0160 3607 CO2 is especially suitable for fighting one or more of the
1994 .......... system is not installed onboard new ships. fire categories, which category?
☒ Propane ☒ Class D, Metal.

☒ CO2 ☑ Class C, Gasses.

☑ Halon ☑ Class B, Oil and other flammable liquids.

☒ Class A, Ordinary combustible materials. ☒ 15%.

17 CD0160 3606 What does heat radiation mean? ☑ 12%.

☒ A process in which heat waves starts a fire where the waves meet.
☒ 10%.
☑ A process of emitting heat waves.
23 CD0160 3600 In order for there to be a fire, there has to be an
☒ A process in which warm or heated molecules start moving. unbroken chain reaction between three components. One of the components is the
combustible material. What do you think are the two other components that have to
☒ A process in which the heat is spread from one molecule to another molecule. be present in order to start a fire?
☑ Heat
18 CD0160 3605 Which of these materials has the best heat conduction?
☒ Wood. ☒ Wood

☑ Metal. ☒ Halon

☒ Liquid. ☒ CO2

☒ Gas. ☑ Oxygen

19 CD0160 - 24 CD0160 3599 Does the Muster list and the Emergency Instructions
☒ contain information relevant only to the deck officers?
☒ No, only the crew.
20 CD0160 3603 The temperature at which a product will give sufficient
vapour that can be ignited is known as the ……………. point of the material. ☑ No, all crew members and other personnel onboard.
☒ Vapour.
☒ No, relevant to all officers.
☑ Ignition.
☒ Yes.
☒ Flammable.
25 CD0160 3598 Can National Maritime Authorities and Classification
☒ Gas. Societies require additions to the SOLAS requirements?
☒ No.
21 CD0160 3602 How do we normally remove the heat from a class A fire?
☒ Powder or CO2. ☑ Yes.

☒ Halon or powder. ☒ No, only the Classification Society.

☒ Use of CO2 or foam. ☒ No, only National Maritime Authorities.

☑ Use of water or foam. 26 CD0160 3597 What fire extinguisher is most suitable for putting out
fires in metal?
22 CD0160 3601 For most products the fire will die out when the oxygen ☑ Special powder.
content is reduced to?
☒ 21%. ☒ CO2.
☒ Powder. ☒ It is needed for insurance claims.

☒ Water. 3 CD0161 3642 In the event of a fire investigation what should the crew
27 CD0160 3596 Does there have to be oxygen present to light a ☒ Make sure that any problem that could have caused the fire is already fixed.
flammable gas?
☒ Only with special fluids. ☒ Clean away debris from the site.

☒ Only with special gasses. ☒ Make sure all equipment that was used is put back in the proper place.

☑ Yes. ☑ Aid in the collection of evidence.

☒ No. 4 CD0161 3641 What kind of fires should be reported?

☑ All types of fires.
28 CD0160 3595 Do we call it "suffocating the fire" when we remove the
oxygen from the fire? ☒ Large fires requiring aid from local authorities.
☒ No.
☒ Any fires involving death or injury.
☑ Yes.
☒ Any fire involving damage to equipment.
29 CD0160 3594 Where can you find an overview of where the powder
extinguishers are located? 5 CD0161 3640 What is the most common cause of engine room fires?
☒ The emergency plan. ☑ Oil leaks and hot surfaces.

☑ The fire control and safety plan. ☒ Faulty electrical equipment.

☒ IMO. ☒ Cigarettes coming in contact with flammable waste.

☒ In SOLAS. ☒ Overload on the engine.

CD 161 6 CD0161 3639 What should fire-fighters always be equipped with?

1 CD0161 3644 When writing a report, which one of the following ☒ GMDSS
questions should be asked when interviewing witnesses?
☑ Was the area well maintained. ☒ Axes

☑ Was equipment working properly. ☒ Reflective metallic suits

☑ Were proper routines followed. ☑ Communications equipment

2 CD0161 3643 Why is it important to report fires? 7 CD0161 3638 One litre of water equals approximately how many litres
☒ Local fire authorities involved in the operation require it. of steam or mist?
☒ 1900
☑ To prevent future fires.
☑ 1700
☒ It is required by the IMO.
☒ 1400 ☒ Informing the media.

☒ 1200 ☒ Contacting the company's main office.

8 CD0161 3637 What is the safest and most effective way to apply water ☑ Requisitioning the necessary resources.
in a fire fighting operation onboard a vessel?
☒ Flooding 13 CD0161 3632 Which of the following must smoke divers be equipped
☒ Sprinkle ☒ Infra-red viewing equipment

☒ Direct spray ☒ Heat measuring monitors

☑ Fog ☑ UHF radio

9 CD0161 3636 Who will usually carry out statutory surveys and ☒ First Aid kit
☑ The ship's classification society. 14 CD0161 3631 Dry distillation can cause which of the following?
☑ Fire gases
☒ The IMO.
☒ Breathing equipment failure
☒ The ships home port authorities.
☒ Flash burns
☒ The ships company inspectors.
☒ Structural failure
10 CD0161 3635 If someone does not report to their mustering station
during a fire what should be done? 15 CD0161 3630 When discovering an injured person what is the first
☒ Find someone to take over their duties at that station. thing you should check for?
☒ For broken bones
☒ Use the PA system to ask them to report to their mustering station.
☒ Their breathing
☒ Advise the fire fighting teams to keep an eye out for them but continue
extinguishing operations. ☒ Their pulse

☑ Conduct a search. ☑ Hazards

11 CD0161 3634 What is the first phase of onboard fire fighting tactics? 16 CD0161 3629 Which extinguishing agent must you absolutely not use in
☑ Alert the event of a fire involving magnesium?
☑ Water
☒ Rescue
☒ CO2
☒ Evaluate
☒ Halon
☒ Extinguish
☒ Powder
12 CD0161 3633 Which of the following will the local authorities take care
17 CD0161 3628 In the event of a fire involving dangerous goods onboard,
where can you find information on the chemical reactions taking place? ☒ A fire locker containing protective clothing.
☑ On its data card.
22 CD0161 3623 Who bares the overall responsibility for a fire fighting
☒ In the hazardous materials catalogue. operation onboard a vessel until help arrives?
☒ The Local Harbour Master
☒ In the cargo manifest.
☑ The Master
☒ On stickers placed on the cargo's container.
☒ The First Officer
18 CD0161 3627 What is the first thing that should be done upon
detecting a fire? ☒ The Chief Engineer
☒ Initiate the fixed fire fighting systems.
CD 186
☑ Notify the bridge. 1 CD0186 4295 How many violations of the Vessel General Permit (VGP)
is a ship guilty of if paint chips have been allowed to wash off the deck into permit
☒ Meet up at your muster station. waters for 8 consecutive days?
☒ 16
☒ Send a distress call.
19 CD0161 3626 It is important that messages to smoke divers are made:
☑ short and precise. ☒1

☒ on VHF ch. 06. ☑8

☒ before they enter the fire zone. 2 CD0186 4294 Which of the following is the maximum time normally
allowed for corrective action if a violation of the Vessel General Permit (VGP) is found
☒ through hand signals in noisy environments. to have resulted in a need for replacement parts?
☒ 1 month
20 CD0161 3625 Which of the following should not be done when fighting
a fire? ☒ 2 weeks
☒ Shutting down electrical power.
☒ 3 weeks
☒ Removing gas bottles from the area.
☑ 3 months
☑ Opening the ventilation.
3 CD0186 4293 Which of the following best describes the action to be
☒ Cooling down bulkheads. taken if a violation of the Vessel General Permit (VGP) discharge conditions is
discovered by a crew member?
21 CD0161 3624 Which of the following should be installed in areas with a ☒ The EPA must be requested to approve the preferred option for eliminating the
high risk of fire? problem
☒ A fire pump.
☒ The US Coast Guard must be requested to assess the nature, cause, and potential
☑ A fixed extinguishing installation. options for eliminating the problem

☒ A PA system.
☒ The EPA must be requested to assess the nature, cause, and potential options for ☑ Comprehensive records, including tank capacities, filling and emptying, ballast
eliminating the problem treatment and sediment discharges

☑ An assessment must be carried out by the ship into the nature, cause, and potential 8 CD0186 4288 Which of the following best describes the form of record
options for eliminating the problem keeping required by the Vessel General Permit (VGP)?
☒ Records must be uploaded to the EPA website, or otherwise sent to the EPA
4 CD0186 4292 Which of the following would be considered as a violation
of the Vessel General Permit (VGP)? ☒ Computer records must be kept, in such form as suit the EPA
☒ Failure to be inspected by the EPA at least once per year
☒ Written records must be kept at a place within the US
☒ Any shipboard procedure that was designed to minimise pollutant discharges
☑ Written records must be kept, in any form that suits the operator
☒ Failure to be inspected by the US Coast Guard at least once per year
9 CD0186 4287 Which of the following is required as part of the dry dock
☑ Failure to meet any requirement of the permit inspections required by the Vessel General Permit (VGP)?
☒ Anchor chains must be ranged for inspection
5 CD0186 4291 Apart from the EPA who else is empowered to inspect
ships to ensure that the Vessel General Permit (VGP) is complied with? ☒ Oil lubricated shaft seals must be opened up for inspection
☒ Pilots in the US
☒ The antifouling paint must be renewed
☒ Port authorities in the US
☑ Cathodic protection anodes be cleaned and/or replaced to reduce flaking
☒ Certain classification societies
10 CD0186 4286 Part of the annual inspection required by the Vessel
☑ The US Coast Guard General Permit (VGP) is a check on underwater oil seals. If this cannot be done during
the year what should be done?
6 CD0186 4290 How often is a report of non-compliances required to be ☒ The item can be deferred until next dry dock
submitted to the EPA on behalf of each ship using the Vessel General Permit (VGP)?
☒ Every time a ship goes to dry dock ☒ The annual inspection report must state that the item is still considered satisfactory

☒ Every time a dry dock inspection is completed ☒ An inspection by EPA certified divers must be arranged

☒ Every time an inspection is completed ☑ The annual inspection report must state that the item has not been inspected and
has been scheduled for inspection at dry dock
☑ Every year
11 CD0186 4285 Which of the following is required as part of the annual
7 CD0186 4289 Which one of the following best describes the ballast inspections required by the Vessel General Permit (VGP)?
records required by the Vessel General Permit (VGP) to be kept? ☒ Checking ballast pipework is not leaking
☒ Details of ballast to be discharged into permit waters or to a US shore facility only
☒ Checking all ballast pumps still meet original pumping rate
☒ Details of ballast to be discharged into permit waters only
☒ Checking a sample of ballast tanks for sediment and flaking anodes
☒ Copies of ballast water reporting forms sent to the National Ballast Information
Clearinghouse only ☑ Checking all ballast tanks for sediment and flaking anodes
12 CD0186 4284 Which of the following best describes the nature of the
annual inspections required by the Vessel General Permit (VGP)? ☑ All types of scheduled inspections required by the VGP must be up to date
☒ An inspection by the Designated Person Ashore (DPA) covering all areas of the vessel
16 CD0186 4280 Which of the following best describes the action required
☒ An inspection by the chief officer covering all safely accessible areas of the vessel by the ship’s watch ratings to keep the ship compliant with the Vessel General Permit
☒ A comprehensive inspection by qualified persons covering all safely accessible areas ☒ Careful greasing of winches and windlasses
of the vessel
☒ Mopping up rain water on deck
☑ A comprehensive inspection by qualified persons covering all affected areas of the
vessel ☒ Blocking up the deck scuppers

13 CD0186 4283 While a general cargo ship is regulated by the Vessel ☑ Regular visual monitoring of the water around the ship
General Permit (VGP) how often would you expect the quality of grey water from an
underwater discharge be visually checked? 17 CD0186 4279 To which of the following types of ships does the Vessel
☒ Every year General Permit (VGP) apply special requirements?
☒ Tugs
☒ Every week
☒ Offshore Support Vessels
☒ Every month
☒ Chemical and gas tankers
☑ Every 3 months
☑ Oil and petroleum tankers
14 CD0186 4282 Which one of the following best describes the weekly
inspections required by the Vessel General Permit (VGP)? 18 CD0186 4278 Which one of the following best describes the Vessel
☒ An inspection of safely accessible deck and cargo areas including testing of water on General Permit (VGP) requirements for discharge of swimming pool water from a
deck or in bilges for oil cruise ship?
☒ It can be discharged in permit waters if it contains chlorine
☒ A visual inspection of all deck and cargo areas and areas where chemicals, oils, dry
cargo or other materials are stored, mixed, and used ☒ It can be discharged in permit waters if the ship is anchored

☒ A visual inspection of all deck and engine room areas ☒ It must not be discharged in permit waters

☑ A visual inspection of safely accessible deck and cargo areas and areas where ☑ It must not be discharged in protected/conservation areas
chemicals, oils, dry cargo or other materials are stored, mixed, and used
19 CD0186 4277 Which of the following best describes the requirements
15 CD0186 4281 Which of the following best describes the action required of the Vessel General Permit (VGP) for sewage discharge?
by the ship to ensure compliance with the Vessel General Permit (VGP) when it returns ☒ The discharge must contain no metals
to the US from voyages outside permit waters?
☒ Entries for any inspections not carried out while the ship was outside permit waters ☒ It is not allowed to be mixed with grey water
must be signed for in the VGP record book
☒ It is not regulated by the VGP if mixed with grey water
☒ A new schedule of inspections required by the VGP must be drawn up
☑ It is regulated, but outside the VGP
☒ All types of scheduled inspections not carried out while the ship was outside permit
waters must be re-started
20 CD0186 4276 Which of the following best describes the requirements 24 CD0186 4272 Which of the following best describes the Vessel General
of the Vessel General Permit (VGP) for cleaning of hull underwater areas? Permit (VGP) requirements for condensate discharges from refrigeration and air
☒ In-water cleaning is not allowed within the first year after painting unless there is a conditioning plant?
significant visible hull fouling ☒ Condensate must be treated with biocide before discharge

☒ In-water cleaning is allowed only if conducted by EPA approved contractors ☒ Condensate must be stored and discharged outside permit waters

☒ In-water cleaning is not allowed ☒ Condensate must be retained on board

☑ In-water cleaning must minimise discharges of fouling organisms and antifouling ☑ Oils and toxic materials must be excluded from condensate discharges
25 CD0186 4271 Which of the following best describes the specific
21 CD0186 4275 Which of the following best describes one of the specific requirements of the Vessel General Permit (VGP) for non-oily machinery waste water
requirements of the Vessel General Permit (VGP) for lifeboat engine wet exhausts? discharges into permit waters?
☒ Engines must not be run ☒ It must not be discharged within 1 mile of the coast

☒ Engines must be run only for drills and in case of emergency ☒ It must be passed through an oily water separator

☒ Engines must be run only in case of emergency ☒ It must be used to dilute oily machinery waste water

☑ Engines must be maintained in good order ☑ It must be free from toxic or bioaccumulative additives

22 CD0186 4274 Which of the following best describes the Vessel General 26 CD0186 4270 Which of the following best describes one of the Vessel
Permit (VGP) requirements for handling fouling organisms within ship’s seawater General Permit (VGP) requirements for grey water?
piping? ☒ Discharge of grey water while in port is not allowed
☒ Fouling organisms must be prevented by continually using biocide
☒ Discharge of grey water while in permit waters is not allowed
☒ Fouling organisms must not be disturbed
☒ Discharge of grey water while in permit waters must be minimised
☒ Fouling organisms must not be removed using biocide while in permit waters
☑ Discharge of grey water while in port must be minimised
☑ Fouling organisms must be removed regularly and, if discharged overboard, be done
outside permit waters 27 CD0186 4269 Which one of the following best describes the specific
requirements of the Vessel General Permit (VGP) for fire main discharges while in
23 CD0186 4273 Which of the following best describes why the Vessel conservation areas?
General Permit (VGP) regulates seawater cooling discharges? ☒ Only allowed for drills, in case of emergency or for anchor wash downs
☒ Seawater coolant is not regulated by the VGP
☒ Only allowed in case of emergency
☒ Seawater coolant flows can cause seabed mud to be disturbed
☒ Only allowed for anchor wash downs
☒ Seawater coolant is hot and allows alien species to grow on the outside of the hull
☑ Only allowed in case of emergency or for anchor wash downs
☑ Seawater coolant is hot and contains dissolved materials from the system
28 CD0186 4268 Which one of the following best describes the
requirements of the Vessel General Permit (VGP) for liquids collected in elevator shaft
☒ No discharges are allowed in permit waters
☑ 6 months
☑ In permit waters it must be discharged overboard through an oily water separator
5 CD0191 4406 For how long is a Maritime Labour Certificate, issued for
CD 191 compliance with the MLC 2006, normally valid?
1 CD0191 4410 When Port State Control Officers carry out ship ☒ 1 year
inspections according to the requirements of the MLC 2006 they must do so with the
regard to the ‘no more favourable treatment’ clause. Which ships is this clause meant ☒ 3 years
to prevent from having more favourable treatment?
☒ Ships built or delivered before the entry into force date of the Convention. ☒ 2 years

☒ Foreign flag ships flying the flag of a ratifying Member State. ☑ 5 years

☒ Ships flying the flag of the Member State visiting a home port. 6 CD0191 4405 Who would normally complete part 2 of the DMLC?
☒ A Recognised Organisation.
☑ Foreign flag ships flying the flag of a non-ratifying State.
☒ The Competent Authority.
2 CD0191 4409 How many areas of compliance are to be addressed on
each part of a DMLC? ☒ The ship Master.
☒ 10
☑ The ship Owner.
7 CD0191 4404 Under which of the following circumstances might an
☒5 Interim Maritime Labour Certificate be issued?
☒ When the DMLC is incomplete.
☑ 14
☒ Following corrective action for a non-compliance under MLC 2006
3 CD0191 4408 In order for a Maritime Labour Certificate, issued for
compliance with the MLC 2006, to remain valid it is necessary that an intermediate ☒ Following a successful intermediate inspection.
inspection is carried out on behalf of the Competent Authority. When should this
inspection be carried out? ☑ When a ship is newly built and delivered.
☒ Between the 1st and 2nd anniversary of issue of the certificate.
8 CD0191 4403 What does the abbreviation DMLC stand for?
☒ 6 months after issue of the certificate. ☒ Dispensation from Maritime Labour Certificate.

☒ After the 3rd anniversary of issue of the certificate. ☒ Detailed Maritime Labour Certificate.

☑ Between the 2nd and 3rd anniversary of issue of the certificate. ☒ Document of the Maritime Labour Convention.

4 CD0191 4407 What is the maximum period of validity for an Interim ☑ Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance.
Maritime Labour Certificate issued under the MLC 2006?
☒ 3 months 9 CD0191 4402 What is the main responsibility of a Master on a ship
flying the flag of a Member State that has ratified the MLC 2006?
☒ 36 months ☒ Ensure that the DMLC part 2 is completed.

☒ 12 months ☒ Hear all complaints raised by individual seafarers.

☒ Only persons signed on ships articles.
☒ Carry out checks on the recruitment and placement service supplying seafarers to
the ship. ☒ Only persons who hold seamen’s identity documents.

☑ Ensure ongoing compliance with the Convention. ☒ Only persons holding an STCW qualification.

10 CD0191 4401 Which body has the final responsibility for ☑ Any person doing any work on the ship.
implementation and enforcement of the MLC 2006 on ships flying the flag of a ratifying
Member State? 14 CD0191 4397 The onboard complaints procedures required under the
☒ The IMO MLC 2006 allows seafarers to make complaints relating to compliance with the
convention. At what level can the seafarer make their complaint to under these
☒ The ILO procedures?
☒ Only to the onshore authorities.
☒ Port State Control
☒ Only to the ship’s Master.
☑ The Member State
☒ Only to their direct line manager.
11 CD0191 4400 Seafarer recruitment and placement services operating
under the jurisdiction of a ratifying Member State should be approved and licensed by ☑ At whichever level is required to resolve the issue.
that State. Which of the statements given in the options is the most accurate in
relation to these services? 15 CD0191 4396 Select the option which best completes the following
☒ Once licensed the service should be spot checked to ensure compliance with the statement. A recognised Organisation is one which is appointed by …………… to carry
requirements of the Convention. out the inspection and certification requirements of the MLC 2006.
☒ A Classification Society.
☒ Once licensed the service should only be inspected regularly in the event of an
alleged or suspected non-compliance. ☒ The ILO.

☒ Once licensed the service should be self regulated. ☒ A Shipowner.

☑ Once licensed the service should be monitored and inspected regularly to ensure ☑ A Member State or a Competent Authority.
compliance with the requirements of the convention.
16 CD0191 4395 The MLC 2006 contains a requirement that a copy of the
12 CD0191 4399 When Port State Control Officers carry out inspections Convention must be carried onboard all ships flying the flag of Member States. Who
under MLC 2006 they will look for evidence of compliance with the requirements of should have access to this document onboard the ship?
the Convention. Which parts of the Convention should they consider during this ☒ All of the ship’s Officers
☒ Only the requirements of Part A of the Code. ☒ Only the ship’s Master and Chief Officer.

☒ Only the requirements of the Articles ☒ Only the ship’s Master.

☒ Only the requirements of Part A and Part B of the Code. ☑ All seafarers.

☑ The requirements of the Articles, Regulations and Part A of the Code. 17 CD0191 4394 The term competent authority appears throughout the
text of the MLC 2006. Who would normally appoint this competent authority?
13 CD0191 4398 How does the MLC 2006 define a seafarer onboard a ship ☒ An organisation representing seafarers.
to which the Convention applies?
☒ The ILO
☒ The seafarer
☒ A shipowners group.
☑ Competent authority of the Flag State
☑ A ratifying Member State
22 CD0191 4389 What is the minimum leave rate that seafarers should be
18 CD0191 4393 The MLC 2006 requires that Member States provide entitled to under the MLC 2006?
medical and dental care facilities available ashore. Under what conditions should ☒ 6 days per month
seafarers have access to these facilities?
☒ Only when the ships hospital is already fully occupied. ☒ 5 days per month

☒ Only in emergency situations. ☒ 1.5 days per month

☒ Only when the seafarer agrees to pay for any costs incurred. ☑ 2.5 days per month

☑ As required when the necessary care cannot be provided onboard. 23 CD0191 4388 Under the MLC 2006 what is the validity for medical
certificates for seafarers aged 18 years or older?
19 CD0191 4392 What is the minimum age specified for a person to work ☒ 5 years
as a cook onboard ship according to the MLC 2006?
☒ 16 years of age ☒ 4 years

☒ 25 years of age ☒ 1 year

☒ 21 years of age ☑ 2 years

☑ 18 years of age 24 CD0191 4387 According to the MLC 2006 what will be the minimum
age for seafarers to undertake normal night working onboard ship?
20 CD0191 4391 When deciding on safe manning levels for vessels flying ☒ 21
their flag the primary concern of a competent authority is always the safety of the
vessel. Which factor should always be taken into account when setting the safe ☒ 17
manning level?
☒ The capacity of the galley. ☒ 16

☒ Overall wage bill for the shipowner. ☑ 18

☒ Size of the mess room. 25 CD0191 4386 What is seen as the key advantage to the shipowner
resulting from the introduction of the MLC 2006?
☑ Fatigue risk due to vessel operational requirements. ☒ It should allow them to reduce crew numbers onboard their ships.

21 CD0191 4390 If a shipowner fails to repatriate a seafarer, or pay the ☒ It should allow them to build cheaper ships.
cost of the repatriation, following satisfactory completion of a contract, who, according
to the MLC 2006, is responsible for making the arrangements and covering the cost for ☒ It should reduce the number of inspections onboard their ships.
the repatriation?
☒ The ship’s Master ☑ It should give them a level playing field in which to operate.

☒ One of the seafarers’ welfare organisations

26 CD0191 4385 The MLC 2006 requires that either hours of work or hours 2 CD0192 4451 Under what circumstances would the ship’s Master
of rest are regulated and a notice displayed showing the detail of this. When hours of expect to receive written notification of any deficiencies discovered during a port State
rest are regulated what should the minimum hours of rest be in a seven day period? control inspection?
☒ 65 ☒ Only if the deficiency results in a health or safety hazard.

☒ 84 ☒ Only for deficiencies arising from seafarers complaints.

☒ 40 ☒ For every minor deficiency found during the inspection.

☑ 77 ☑ Only if the deficiencies are considered significant.

27 CD0191 4384 The MLC 2006 requires that either hours of work or hours 3 CD0192 4450 What should the ship’s Master expect to happen if a port
of rest are regulated and that a notice is clearly displayed showing the detail of this. State control inspector discovers some minor deficiencies onboard during a detailed
When hours of work are regulated what should the maximum hours of work be in a inspection under the MLC 2006?
seven day period? ☒ The Master should not expect any action to be taken in the event of minor
☒ 48 deficiencies being discovered.

☒ 60 ☒ The Master should receive a written notification a copy of which will also be sent to
the flag State authority.
☒ 40
☒ The vessel is likely to be detained until the deficiency is rectified.
☑ 72
☑ The Master should receive a verbal notification and asked to agree a deadline for
28 CD0191 4383 The MLC 2006 requires that either hours of work or hours rectification.
of rest are regulated and that a notice is clearly displayed showing the detail of this.
When hours of rest are regulated what should the minimum hours of rest be in a 24 4 CD0192 4449 Which of the options given should result in a port State
hour period? control inspector deciding that a detailed inspection under MLC 2006 was required
☒ 12 onboard a vessel?
☒ No obvious signs of deficiencies.
☑ 10
☒ A valid Maritime Labour Certificate with a completed DMLC attached.

CD 192 ☒ An unfounded complaint from a seafarer.

1 CD0192 4452 When would a ship’s Master expect the ship to be
detained following an MLC 2006 port State control inspection? ☑ An expired Maritime Labour Certificate.
☒ Whenever more than one minor deficiency is discovered onboard.
5 CD0192 4448 There have been a number of publications produced to
☒ Whenever any deficiency cannot be immediately rectified by ship’s staff. try to ensure an acceptable level of consistency in monitoring compliance with the MLC
2006. Which publication is recommended for detailed inspections of foreign flag
☒ Whenever any deficiency is found relating to one of the 14 specified areas during vessels?
the inspection. ☒ Ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006.

☑ Whenever a deficiency is found which presents a safety or security hazard to crew ☒ The Maritime Labour Convention: Action plan 2006 - 2011.
☒ The guidelines for flag State inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention
2006 (ILO).
show that a vessel was in compliance with the onboard health and safety and accident
☑ The guidelines for port State control officers carrying out inspections under the MLC prevention requirements detailed in Regulation 4.3 of the Convention?
2006 (ILO). ☒ The minutes from a safety committee meeting.

6 CD0192 4447 Which one of the given options is most likely to be the ☒ The shipping company’s health and safety policy.
minimum evidence necessary to satisfy port State control inspectors that the
requirements for dealing with onboard complaints, as detailed in Regulation 5.1.5, are ☒ The vessels ISM certificate.
being met?
☒ A copy of the onboard complaints procedure. ☑ Records from the onboard safety management system (ISM).

☒ A signed list showing that each seafarer has been given a copy of the procedures. 10 CD0192 4443 There are certain conditions regarding the suitability of a
person to serve as a ship’s cook and the Master must provide evidence that the
☒ A written statement from the Master detailing any complaints dealt with during requirements are being met. Select from the options the one which is correct?
previous voyage. ☒ A person appointed as ship’s cook must hold a professional chef’s certificate.

☑ Records of complaints and confidential interviews with seafarers. ☒ A person appointed as ship’s cook must be at least 16 years of age.

7 CD0192 4446 Which of the given options is likely to be necessary to ☒ A person appointed as ship’s cook must be at least 21 years of age.
show compliance with Regulation 2.2 which deals with the payment of seafarers’
wages when the payroll is handled directly by the shipping company office ashore? ☑ A person appointed as ship’s cook must be at least 18 years of age.
☒ Copies of the seafarers’ employment agreements.
11 CD0192 4442 Which of the statements given in the options is true in
☒ A written statement from the company’s finance department. relation to the hours of work for seafarers under the MLC 2006, Regulation 2.3?
☒ After working for 14 hours a seafarer must be given a minimum of 6 hours rest.
☒ A written statement from the Master.
☒ The hours of work requirement is fully met if a seafarer never works more than 14
☑ Seafarer interviews and records of claims for overtime and other additional work. hours in a 24 hour period.

8 CD0192 4445 Regulation 4.1 of the Convention deals with onboard ☒ No seafarer should ever work more than 72 hours in any 7 day period .
medical care requirements. During a detailed inspection of a vessel by port State
control which of the options best describes the evidence that the Master would be ☑ No seafarer should normally work more than 72 hours in any 7 day period.
expected to provide to demonstrate compliance with the requirements for the medical
chest? 12 CD0192 4441 How are existing ships affected by the accommodation
☒ Details of the qualifications of the person in charge of medical care onboard should requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006.
be sufficient. ☒ Existing ships are subject to the accommodation requirements of the Convention
only if a change of flag occurs.
☒ A list of contents of the medical chest and purchase orders for medicines.
☒ There is no legislation for the accommodation requirements for existing ships.
☒ A list of the contents of the medical chest.
☒ Existing ships are totally exempt from any of the accommodation requirements of
☑ Access to the medical chest and full records of contents and inspections, including the Convention.
arrangements for replenishment.
☑ They only need to comply with the requirements if substantial modifications,
9 CD0192 4444 Which one of the given options would be the most alterations or change of use has occurred.
suitable primary evidence for the Master to provide to a port State control inspector to
13 CD0192 4440 Which of the given options would be suitable evidence to
show that a vessel is meeting the requirements of Regulation 2.3 of the Convention ☒ All evidence used for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with MLC 2006 must
which deals with hours of work and hours of rest? be generated solely for that purpose.
☒ A written statement from the heads of each department onboard.
☑ Evidence from other sources may be used for MLC 2006 inspection purposes if it is
☒ An absence of overtime claims. relevant.

☒ A record of the weekly and monthly aggregate of hours worked by each seafarer. 17 CD0192 4436 The arrangements for payment of seafarers’ wages are
dealt with under Regulation 2.2 of the Convention. What arrangements, if any, are
☑ A detailed matrix of seafarers work activities. required regarding allotments under this regulation?
☒ Shipowners may charge seafarers up to 10% of their wages to cover the cost of
14 CD0192 4439 Which of the given options would likely be accepted as allotment arrangements.
primary evidence to present to port State control inspectors to show that the
conditions contained in seafarers’ employment agreements are being met? ☒ Seafarers can only allot their full wage each month.
☒ Tick boxes on the crew list against each seafarers name.
☒ There is no requirement to have arrangements in place to deal with allotments; it is
☒ Absence of any recorded complaints in the onboard complaints records. just recommended.

☒ Verbal statement from the Master. ☑ Seafarers must be able to allot all or part of their wages on a regular basis.

☑ Written statements signed by the Master and the individual seafarers. 18 CD0192 4435 Regulation 5.1.5 of the Convention deals with the
requirements for arrangements to deal with seafarers onboard complaints. Which of
15 CD0192 4438 The majority of the evidence required to show that the the statements given in the options is true?
seafarers working onboard are suitable is likely to be detailed in existing or suitably ☒ Seafarers may be removed from a vessel if they make repeated complaints.
modified crew lists. What is the Masters responsibility regarding the details entered on
the crew list? ☒ Complaints can only be dealt with if a seafarer is accompanied by a union
☒ Provided all of the documentation is in date there is no need for any further checks representative.
by the Master.
☒ Every complaint by a seafarer must be dealt with directly by the Master.
☒ If the seafarer has been recruited through an approved service the Master can
assume they will have carried out sufficient checks. ☑ Every seafarer has the right to take his complaint directly to the Master.

☒ The Master can assume that the shipping company has carried out adequate checks. 19 CD0192 4434 Onboard medical care for seafarers is covered by
Regulation 4.1 of the Convention. The regulation stipulates the conditions under which
☑ The Master should inspect seafarers documents and carry out reasonable checks for a medically qualified doctor must be carried onboard. Which of the given options
authenticity if there is any doubt. would require such provision?
☒ All vessels on voyages exceeding 14 days.
16 CD0192 4437 Suggested evidence sources to show compliance with the
requirements of the Convention are given in the ILO guidelines for flag and port state ☒ Only vessels carrying more than 100 passengers.
control inspectors. Which of the given options is true with regard to evidence of
compliance? ☒ All passenger ships on international voyages.
☒ Visual inspection of all areas is a requirement of any port State control inspection of
a vessel. ☑ All vessels with over 100 persons onboard on voyages exceeding 3 days.

☒ Only written evidence is acceptable for the purpose of demonstrating compliance

with MLC 2006.
20 CD0192 4433 Regulation 3.2 of the Convention deals with food and
catering requirements. Which of the following statements is one of the requirements 24 CD0192 4429 Which of the given options is a requirement of Regulation
of this regulation? 2.1 of the Convention which deals with seafarers’ employment agreements?
☒ Anyone onboard may take on the role of ship’s cook as long as they hold a cook’s ☒ The Master must retain the original and all copies of the seafarers employment
qualification. agreements for inspection by port State control inspectors.

☒ Shipowners may make a reasonable charge for providing food and drinking water. ☒ Seafarers must sign their employment agreement immediately upon joining the
☒ All officers and crew must be provided with exactly the same food and drinking
water. ☒ Only seafarers over the age of 18 years are required to have employment
☑ The Master or an authorised officer must carry out regular inspection of all onboard
catering facilities. ☑ All seafarers must be given a signed copy of their employment agreements.

21 CD0192 4432 Regulation 3.1 of the Convention deals with 25 CD0192 4428 Which of the statements given in the options is true in
accommodation and recreational facilities. To which vessels do the accommodation relation to Regulation 1.3 of the MLC 2006 which deals with seafarers qualifications?
requirements directly apply? ☒ Young seafarers can be given full training onboard once they have joined a vessel.
☒ All ships over 10,000 grt.
☒ Only those seafarers with watchkeeping or cargo handling duties need to have any
☒ All new and existing vessels. qualifications.

☒ All vessels of ratifying Member States. ☒ All seafarers must hold an STCW qualification.

☑ All vessels built or delivered after entry into force of the Convention. ☑ All seafarers must be trained or qualified to carry out their duties onboard ship.

22 CD0192 4431 The requirements for manning levels onboard are dealt 26 CD0192 4427 Which of the statements given in the options is true in
with by Regulation 2.7 of the Convention. What should be the main consideration for relation to Regulation 1.2 of the MLC 2006 which deals with medical certification?
flag States when setting the manning level for a particular vessel? ☒ A seafarer must hold a valid medical certificate issued by the flag State of the vessel
☒ Crew costs. that they are working on.

☒ Size and capacity of the galley and mess rooms. ☒ A medical certificate issued by any medical practitioner from the seafarers home
country is acceptable.
☒ Total number of cabins onboard the vessel.
☒ Only seafarers over the age of 40 years require a medical certificate.
☑ Fatigue risk and safe working.
☑ All seafarers must hold a valid medical certificate issued by an approved medical
23 CD0192 4430 Which of the given options is the required minimum practitioner.
number of hours of rest for a seafarer in any 24 hour period according to Regulation
2.3 of the Convention? 27 CD0192 4426 What is the minimum age for a seafarer to work onboard
☒ 14 a ship under Regulation 1.1 of the MLC 2006?
☒ 20
☒ 12
☒ 18
☒ 21
☑ 10
☑ 16 ☒ 3 years

28 CD0192 4425 Which of the given options should be accepted as prima ☒ 1 year
facie evidence by port State control inspectors when inspecting vessels for compliance
with the MLC 2006? ☒ 2 years
☒ No obvious deficiencies sighted when boarding the vessel.
☑ 5 years
☑ A valid Maritime Labour Certificate and DMLC.
5 CD0197 4602 Who would normally complete part 2 of the DMLC for the
CD 197 purpose of the MLC 2006?
1 CD0197 4606 When Port State Control Officers carry out ship ☒ A Recognised Organisation.
inspections according to the requirements of the MLC 2006 they must do so with the
regard to the ‘no more favourable treatment’ clause. Which ships is this clause meant ☒ The Competent Authority.
to prevent from having more favourable treatment?
☒ Ships built or delivered before the entry into force date of the Convention. ☒ The ship Master.

☒ Foreign flag ships flying the flag of a ratifying Member State. ☑ The ship Owner.

☒ Ships flying the flag of the Member State visiting a home port. 6 CD0197 4601 Under which of the following circumstances might an
Interim Maritime Labour Certificate be issued under the MLC 2006?
☑ Ships flying the flag of a non-ratifying State. ☒ When the DMLC is incomplete.

2 CD0197 4605 In order for a Maritime Labour Certificate, issued for ☒ Following corrective action for a non-compliance under MLC 2006.
compliance with the MLC 2006, to remain valid it is necessary that an intermediate
inspection is carried out on behalf of the Competent Authority. When should this ☒ Following a successful intermediate inspection.
inspection be carried out?
☒ Between the 1st and 2nd anniversary of issue of the certificate. ☑ When a ship is newly built and delivered.

☒ 6 months after issue of the certificate. 7 CD0197 4600 With respect to the MLC 2006 what does the
abbreviation DMLC stand for?
☒ After the 3rd anniversary of issue of the certificate. ☒ Dispensation from Maritime Labour Certificate.

☑ Between the 2nd and 3rd anniversary of issue of the certificate. ☒ Detailed Maritime Labour Certificate.

3 CD0197 4604 What is the maximum period of validity for an Interim ☒ Document of the Maritime Labour Convention.
Maritime Labour Certificate issued under the MLC 2006?
☒ 3 months ☑ Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance.

☒ 36 months 8 CD0197 4599 What is the main responsibility of a Master on a ship

flying the flag of a Member State that has ratified the MLC 2006?
☒ 12 months ☒ Ensure that the DMLC part 2 is completed.

☑ 6 months ☒ Hear all complaints raised by individual seafarers.

4 CD0197 4603 For how long is a Maritime Labour Certificate, issued for ☒ Carry out checks on the recruitment and placement service supplying seafarers to
compliance with the MLC 2006, normally valid? the ship.
☑ Ensure ongoing compliance with the Convention. ☒ Only to their direct line manager.

9 CD0197 4598 Which body has the final responsibility for ☑ At whichever level is required to resolve the issue.
implementation and enforcement of the MLC 2006 on ships flying the flag of a ratifying
Member State? 13 CD0197 4594 During an MLC 2006 inspection seafarers may be
☒ The IMO interviewed by either a flag State or port State control inspector. Which one of the
given statements about these interviews is true?
☒ The ILO ☒ Only seafarers selected by the Master may be interviewed.

☒ Port State Control ☒ The interview must be recorded so it can be replayed at a later date if required.

☑ The Member State ☒ The Master must be present throughout such an interview.

10 CD0197 4597 Seafarer recruitment and placement services operating ☑ The interview must be treated as private and confidential.
under the jurisdiction of a ratifying Member State should be approved and licensed by
that State. Which of the statements given in the options is the most accurate in 14 CD0197 4593 The MLC 2006 contains a requirement that a copy of the
relation to these services? Convention must be carried onboard all ships flying the flag of Member States. Who
☒ Once licensed the service should be spot checked to ensure compliance with the should have access to this document onboard the ship?
requirements of the Convention. ☒ All of the ship’s Officers

☒ Once licensed the service should only be inspected regularly in the event of an ☒ Only the ship’s Master and Chief Officer.
alleged or suspected non-compliance.
☒ Only the ship’s Master.
☒ Once licensed the service should be self regulated.
☑ All seafarers.
☑ Once licensed the service should be monitored and inspected regularly to ensure
compliance with the requirements of the convention. 15 CD0197 4592 Which of the given statements is true according to the
MLC 2006 regulation dealing with medical care of seafarers?
11 CD0197 4596 How does the MLC 2006 define a seafarer onboard a ship ☒ Medical care only has to be provided onboard ship.
to which the Convention applies?
☒ Only persons signed on ships articles. ☒ Medical care only has to be provided in emergency situations.

☒ Only persons who hold seamen’s identity documents. ☒ Medical care only has to be provided when the seafarer agrees to pay for it.

☒ Only persons holding an STCW qualification. ☑ Free medical care must be provided onboard and in port if required.

☑ Any person doing any work on the ship. 16 CD0197 4591 What is the minimum age specified for a person to work
as a cook onboard ship according to the MLC 2006?
12 CD0197 4595 The onboard complaints procedures required under the ☒ 16 years of age
MLC 2006 allows seafarers to make complaints relating to compliance with the
convention. At what level can the seafarer make their complaint to under these ☒ 25 years of age
☒ Only to the onshore authorities. ☒ 21 years of age

☒ Only to the ship’s Master. ☑ 18 years of age

17 CD0197 4590 Which factor should always be taken into account when ☒ 17
setting the safe manning level onboard a ship according to the MLC 2006?
☒ The capacity of the galley. ☒ 16

☒ Overall wage bill for the shipowner. ☑ 18

☒ Size of the mess room. 22 CD0197 4585 What is seen as the main advantage to a shipowner that
should result from the introduction of the MLC 2006?
☑ Fatigue risk due to vessel operational requirements. ☒ It should allow them to reduce crew numbers onboard their ships.

18 CD0197 4589 If a shipowner fails to repatriate a seafarer, or pay the ☒ It should allow them to build cheaper ships.
cost of the repatriation, following satisfactory completion of a contract, who, according
to the MLC 2006, is responsible for making the arrangements and covering the cost for ☒ It should reduce the number of inspections onboard their ships.
the repatriation?
☒ The ship’s Master ☑ It should give them a level playing field in which to operate.

☒ One of the seafarers’ welfare organisations 23 CD0197 4584 The MLC 2006 requires that either seafarers’ hours of
work or hours of rest are regulated. When hours of rest are regulated what should the
☒ The seafarer minimum number of hours of rest be in a seven day period?
☒ 65
☑ Competent authority of the Flag State
☒ 84
19 CD0197 4588 What is the minimum leave rate that seafarers should be
entitled to under the MLC 2006? ☒ 40
☒ 6 days per month
☑ 77
☒ 5 days per month
24 CD0197 4583 The MLC 2006 requires that either seafarers’ hours of
☒ 1 ½ days per month work or hours of rest are regulated. When hours of work are regulated what should
the maximum number of hours of work be in a seven day period?
☑ 2 ½ days per month ☒ 48

20 CD0197 4587 What is the requirement under the MLC 2006 regarding ☒ 60
the person issuing a seafarer’s medical certificate?
☒ They must be the ship’s doctor. ☒ 40

☒ They must be the seafarer’s own doctor. ☑ 72

☒ They must be the shipping company’s own doctor. 25 CD0197 4582 The MLC 2006 requires that either seafarers’ hours of
work or hours of rest are regulated. When hours of rest are regulated what should the
☑ They must be approved and properly qualified. minimum number of hours of rest be in a 24 hour period?
21 CD0197 4586 According to the MLC 2006 what will be the minimum
age for seafarers to undertake normal night working onboard ship? ☒ 14
☒ 21
☒ 12 2 CD0218 4882 Which one of the following best describes the action to
take if you realise the entry you have just made in the oil record is partially incorrect?
☑ 10 ☒ The whole entry should be struck through with the new corrected entry underneath

26 CD0197 4581 How should the non-mandatory Part B of the Code of the ☒ The incorrect part should be struck through repeatedly so that it cannot be read.
MLC 2006 be treated during ratification by Member States? The incorrect entry should be signed and dated, with the new corrected entry
☒ It must be covered by local port regulations. following

☒ It must be fully implemented. ☒ The incorrect part should be erased and replaced with the new correct entry

☒ It can be ignored completely as it is not mandatory. ☑ The incorrect part should be struck through with a single line in such a way that the
incorrect entry is still legible. The incorrect entry should be signed and dated, with the
☑ It must be fully considered and reasons must be given for non-compliance with it. new corrected entry following

27 CD0197 4580 The MLC 2006 contains a number of Articles. Which of 3 CD0218 4881 Which one of the following describes the best way of
the given options best describes the content of the Articles? making sure that the quantity of sludge discharged to reception facilities matches the
☒ Part A and Part B of the MLC 2006 Code. reduction in sludge retained on board?
☒ Check the bilge holding tank levels have not changed during the sludge discharge
☒ The specific national laws and regulations that must be introduced by member
states. ☒ Make sure you get a detailed receipt for the sludge from the reception facility

☒ A specific list of requirements to be met. ☒ Check the quantity of sludge on board at the next weekly soundings and make sure
the reception facility receipt matches the change
☑ A description of how the MLC 2006 is meant to work and the basic rights of
seafarers. ☑ Check the quantity of sludge on board immediately before and after discharge
ashore and make sure the reception facility receipt matches the change
28 CD0197 4579 What is the approximate number of existing ILO maritime
labour standards (conventions and recommendations) that the MLC 2006 will replace? 4 CD0218 4880 Which one of the following best describes how the ship’s
☒ 50 positions in oil record book entries can easily be found to be false, even ones from a
month ago?
☑ 70 ☒ The positions are written with East/West co-ordinates before North/South ones

CD 218 ☒ The position of the ship is recorded in the oily water separator control system and
1 CD0218 4883 When you take the oil record book to the master for his can be downloaded later
signature he points out that last week’s sludge discharge ashore has not been
recorded. Which one of the following is the best way to correct this mistake? ☒ The positions of ships are now tracked by satellite
☒ Destroy the sludge receipt and pretend it never happened
☑ The positions in the oil record book do not match those in the deck log book
☒ The missed entry must be written on paper and stapled to the book in the correct
date position 5 CD0218 4879 Which one of the following best describes how you can
enter the quantity of water pumped overboard from the engine room bilge wells
☒ The missed entry must be recorded in the next blank line through the oily water separator (OWS) into the oil record book when you have no
sounding tables for the bilge wells?
☑ A code I entry must be made explaining that the following is a missed entry, ☒ The quantity does not need to be entered into the oil record book because it has not
underneath write the late entry been in a calibrated tank
☒ You cannot pump water directly from bilge wells without putting it in a tank to ☑ Make an entry using operation Code I which includes the capacity and amount
measure the quantity first retained in each tank

☒ You can estimate the quantity by looking into the bilge well before and after 9 CD0218 4875 You have just finished transferring bilge water from the
pumping Main Bilge Holding Tank in the engine room into the starboard cargo slop tank of the
crude oil tanker you are sailing on. Based upon the recommendations in this training
☑ You need to estimate the quantity pumped from the OWS capacity and the time it program which of the following is the correct way to record this in the Oil Record Book
was used for Part I (machinery space operations)?
☒ Make an entry using operation Code J
6 CD0218 4878 Which one of the following best describes the likely
reaction of a Port State Control Officer (PSCO) if unusually repetitive entries are found ☒ Make an entry using operation Code E
in the oil record book?
☒ The PSCO will think the crew are committed to complying with MARPOL ☒ Make an entry using operation Code D and another using Code J

☒ The PSCO will think that the crew speak limited English ☑ Make an entry using operation Code D

☒ The PSCO will think the ship is run to tight routines 10 CD0218 4874 You have just finished transferring the sludge from the
Main Sludge Tank in the engine room into the starboard cargo slop tank of the crude
☑ The PSCO will be suspicious that the entries are false oil tanker you are sailing on. Based upon the recommendations in this training program
which of the following is the correct way to record this in the Oil Record Book Part I
7 CD0218 4877 Which one of the following operation codes would be the (machinery space operations)?
best to use to record the fact that the oily water separator overboard discharge valve ☒ Make an entry using operation Code C 12.1
has been sealed while the ship passes through the Mediterranean MARPOL Special
Area? ☒ Make an entry using operation Code C 12.2
☒ Code G
☒ Make an entry using operation Code C 12.4 and another using Code J
☒ Code D
☑ Make an entry using operation Code C 12.4
☒ Code F
11 CD0218 4873 Your ship needs to de-bunker the remaining fuel from No
☑ Code I 27 Bunker Tank so that it can be steamed out and surveyed. Based upon the
recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct
8 CD0218 4876 Your Company’s policy is to sound all tanks daily and to operation code to use in the oil record book?
record the results for the bilge tanks in the oil record book every week. Based upon the ☒ Code G
recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct way to
record this in the oil record book? ☒ Code C
☒ Make an entry using operation Code C 11 which includes the amount retained in
each tank ☒ Code H

☒ Make an entry using operation Code C 11 which includes the capacity and amount ☑ Code I
retained in each tank
12 CD0218 4872 Your ship is allowed to ballast No 2 Centre Diesel Oil Tank
☒ Make an entry using operation Code I which includes the amount retained in each and did so after the fuel was used on the last voyage. The ship has now arrived in port
tank and needs to deballast to shore reception facilities before bunkering for the next
voyage. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the
following is the correct operation code to use in the oil record book?
☒ Code C ☒ C 12.1 13.3 m³ sludge from Main Sludge Tank and Purifier Drains Tank to Acme
Waste road tanker during port stay @ Miami
☒ Code D
☑ C 12.1 12 m³ sludge from Main Sludge Tank – 0.3 m³ retained to Acme Waste road
☒ Code I tanker during port stay @ Miami

☑ Code B 16 CD0218 4868 The incinerator has just been shut down after 8 hours
burning waste cardboard and sludge from the Incinerator Sludge Service Tank. The
13 CD0218 4871 While loading heavy fuel oil at Yokohama the bunker incinerator sludge burning capacity is noted on the IOPP certificate as 480 kW (approx.
barge flexible hose bursts leading to fuel entering the water. Based upon the 50 litres/hour). Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the
recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct way to following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book?
record this in the oil record book? ☒ C 12.1 0.5 m³ sludge from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank – 3.5m³ retained
☒ G 22 14:45 23 35° 40’ N, 139° 69’ W 24 Approx 0.3 m³ HFO
☒ C 12.1 0.5 m³ sludge from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank Burned in Incinerator for
☒ G 22 14:45 23 Yokohama Deep Water Terminal Berth # 2 25 Bunker barge flexible 8 hours
hose burst
☒ C 12.4 0.3 m³ sludge from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank Burned in Incinerator for
☒ G 22 14:45 23 35° 40’ N, 139° 69’ W 24 Approx 0.3 m³ HFO 25 Bunker barge flexible 8 hours
hose burst
☑ C 12.3 0.3 m³ sludge from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank, 1.7 m³ retained Burned in
☑ G 22 14:45 23 Yokohama Deep Water Terminal Berth # 2 24 Approx 0.3 m³ HFO 25 Incinerator for 8 hours
Bunker barge flexible hose burst
17 CD0218 4867 The Incinerator Sludge Service Tank has been heated for
14 CD0218 4870 Just before the engine room goes unmanned for the 4 days in preparation for sludge burning. During this time 0.2 m³ of water has
night you find that the oily bilge pump, which supplies the oily water separator, will not evaporated. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the
start. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the following following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book?
is the correct way to record this in the oil record book? ☒ C 12.3 0.2 m³ water evaporated from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank
☒ F 19 17:45 20 Tomorrow 21 OWS pump not starting
☒ C 12.3 0.2 m³ removed from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank 9 MAY 2011 08:20 – 13
☒ F 19 17:45 21 Not known – OWS pump not starting MAY 2011 08:40 (96.3 hours)

☒ F 19 17:45 ☒ C 12.3 0.2 m³ removed from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank 4 days

☑ F 19 17:45 20 Not known 21 Not known – OWS pump not starting ☑ C 12.4 0.2 m³ water evaporated from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank, 1.7 m³
retained Between 9 MAY 2011 – 13 MAY 2011
15 CD0218 4869 The contents of the Main Sludge Tank have been pumped
to a road tanker while in the port of Miami. Based upon the recommendations in this 18 CD0218 4866 The contents of the Incinerator Sludge Service Tank have
training program which of the following is the correct way to record this in the oil settled so that you can drain some water to the bilges. Based upon the
record book? recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct way to
☒ C 12.1 12,000 Litres sludge from Main Sludge Tank – 0.3 m³ retained to road tanker record this in the oil record book?
Miami ☒ C 12.3 Water drained from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank – 3.1 m³ retained

☒ C 12.2 12 m³ sludge from Main Sludge Tank – 0.3 m³ retained to Acme Waste road ☒ C 11.4 0.2 m³ water drained from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank – 3.1m³ retained
☒ C 12.2 0.2 m³ water drained from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank – 3.1m³ retained
to Port Forward ER Bilge Well – about 0.5 m³ retained
☒ The volume of sludge increases when the tank is heated
☑ C 12.4 0.2 m³ water drained from Incinerator Sludge Service Tank – 3.1m³ retained
☒ Bilge water transferred from the bilge wells into the bilge holding tank adds to the
19 CD0218 4865 You have just finished transferring oil residue from the quantity of sludge measured each week
Bilge Holding Tank to the Incinerator Sludge Service Tank ready for evaporation of the
water. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the ☒ Water tends to drain into the sludge tanks
following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book?
☒ Record the operation as a sludge disposal (Code C 12) followed by an entry showing ☑ Oil residues from save-alls and other oily drains gradually build up in the sludge
a non-automatic transfer of bilge water (Code D) tanks

☒ Record the operation as a non-automatic disposal of bilge water (Code D) only 23 CD0218 4861 You have just finished pumping clean water from the
bottom of the Primary Bilge Tank into the Main Bilge Holding Tank. Based upon the
☒ Record the operation as a sludge disposal (Code C 12) and ignore the Bilge Holding recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct way to
Tank change record this in the oil record book?
☒ No entry is needed
☑ Record the increase in sludge tank level as a manual collection (Code C 11) followed
by an entry showing a non-automatic transfer of bilge water (Code D) ☒ D 13 1.1 m³ bilge water from Primary Bilge Tank 15.3 To Main Bilge Holding Tank,
15.3 m³ retained
20 CD0218 4864 You have just finished pumping the sump oil from No 2
generator to the Main Sludge Tank. Based upon the recommendations in this training ☒ D 13 1.1 m³ bilge water from Primary Bilge Tank 14 Start 08:10, Stop 08:35 15.3 To
program which of the following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book? Main Bilge Holding Tank, 15.3 m³ retained
☒ C 11.1 Main Sludge Tank 5.6 m³ retained 11.4 1.1 m³ collected from No 2 Generator
sump tank ☑ D 13 1.1 m³ bilge water from Primary Bilge Tank, 1.2 m³ retained 14 Start 08:10,
Stop 08:35 15.3 To Main Bilge Holding Tank, 15.3 m³ retained
☒ C 11.1 Main Sludge Tank 11.4 1.1 m³ collected from No 2 Generator sump tank
24 CD0218 4860 You have just set the automatic bilge pumping system to
☒ C 11.1 Main Sludge Tank 11.4 1.1 m³ collected from No 2 Generator sump tank 0 m³ discharge overboard through the oily water separator for the next few days, while the
retained ship crosses the Atlantic. Based upon the recommendations in this training program
which of the following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book?
☑ C 11.1 Main Sludge Tank 11.2 15.3 m³ 11.3 5.6 m³ 11.4 1.1 m³ collected from No 2 ☒ D 13 from ER bilge wells 14 Pump start 08:00 15.1 49° 30’ N, 8° 27’ W
Generator sump tank
☒ E 17 Pump start 08:00 at 49° 30’ N, 8° 27’ W
21 CD0218 4863 Your Company has just taken over a ship from other
owners. Which one of the following is the best way to decide which tanks MARPOL ☒ E 16 Pump start 08:00 from ER bilge wells
requires to be sounded weekly and recorded in the oil record book?
☒ Sound all the tanks listed on the tank plan as being for waste oil ☑ E 16 Pump start 08:00 at 49° 30’ N, 8° 27’ W from ER bilge wells

☒ Sound the tanks listed on the IOPP certificate as sludge tanks or bilge holding tanks 25 CD0218 4859 You have used the 6 m³/hr oily bilge pump to pump the
aft ER bilge well to the Bilge Holding Tank. The Bilge Holding Tank is listed in section 3.3
☒ Sound the same tanks as the previous operator’s crew did of the IOPP certificate. Based upon the recommendations in this training program
which of the following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book?
☑ Sound the tanks listed on the IOPP certificate as sludge tanks ☒ 2.3 m³ bilge water from aft ER well Start 09:10, Stop 09:40 To Bilge Holding Tank

22 CD0218 4862 Which one of the following best describes why the total ☒ from aft ER well Start 09:10, Stop 09:40 To Bilge Holding Tank, 2.3 m³ transferred
quantity of sludge, measured by the weekly soundings of sludge tanks, usually goes up
every week even if the oily water separator has not been used?
☒ 2.3 m³ bilge water from aft ER well Start 09:10, Stop 09:20 To Bilge Holding Tank, 3.5
m³ retained

☑ 2.3 m³ bilge water from aft ER well Start 09:10, Stop 09:40 To Bilge Holding Tank, 3.5
m³ retained

26 CD0218 4858 You have just finished bunkering diesel with a specific
gravity of 0.9. 20 m³ was loaded to the Diesel Oil Settling Tank and 100 m³ to the Diesel
Oil DB Tank. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the
following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book?
☒ 120 m³ of ISO 8217 DMB 0.9% Sulphur bunkered to tanks: 100 m³ added to Diesel
Oil DB Tank – now contains 167 m³ 20 m³ added to Diesel Oil Settling Tank – now
contains 32 m³

☒ 120 m³ of ISO 8217 DMB 0.9% Sulphur bunkered to tanks: 100 m³ added to Diesel
Oil DB Tank 20 m³ added to Diesel Oil Settling Tank

☒ 108 Tonnes of ISO 8217 DMB 0.9% Sulphur bunkered to tanks: 100 m³ added to
Diesel Oil DB Tank – now contains 167 m³ 20 m³ added to Diesel Oil Settling Tank –
now contains 32 m³

☑ 108 Tonnes of ISO 8217 DMB 0.9% Sulphur bunkered to tanks: 90 T added to Diesel
Oil DB Tank – now contains 167 T 18 T added to Diesel Oil Settling Tank – now contains
32 T

27 CD0218 4857 Bunkering of heavy fuel oil started at 9pm on May 19th
and took 5½ hours. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which
of the following is the correct way to record these times in the oil record book against
operation Code H 26.2?
☒ Start 9pm Stop 2:30am

☒ Start 19 MAY 2011 9 pm for 5½ hours

☒ Start 21:00 Stop 02:30

☑ Start 19 MAY 2011 21:00 Stop 20 MAY 2011 02:30

28 CD0218 4856 You have just finished bunkering diesel fuel. Based upon
the recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct
operation code to use in the oil record book?
☒ Code I

☑ Code H

CD 220

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