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INTRO: *Billions of edible animals are raised in US each year on

feed containing G.M.O.s, with no evidence of harm. In fact,

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We will be animal health and growth efficiency actually improved on
defending the positive side of Genetically modified (GM) the genetically engineered feed, according to a 2014
foods which are defined by the World Health Organization review in the Journal of Animal Science.
as foods derived from organisms whose genetic material *Wider adoption of genetic engineering, especially in
has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, African and Asian countries that still spurn the technology,
for example, through the introduction of a gene from a could greatly increase the food supply in areas where
different organism. Most genetically modified crops have climate change will increasingly require that crops can
been modified to be resistant to plant diseases or to increase grow in dry and salty soils and tolerate temperature
tolerance of herbicides. extremes. I continue to be distressed by the
resistance to Golden Rice, a crop genetically engineered to
supply more vitamin A than spinach that could prevent
Humans have been modifying plants for irreversible blindness and more than a million deaths a
thousands of years. Selective breeding and many other year.
techniques have evolved into powerful tools for developing In 2005, Golden Rice 2 was announced, which produces up
innumerable varieties of cultivated plants. The new to 23 times more beta-carotene than the original golden
techniques of genetic modification that have been rice.[9] To receive the USDA's Recommended Dietary
developed during the last twenty years by research Allowance(RDA), it is estimated that 144 g of the high-
scientists and the biotechnology industry differ in the yielding strain would have to be eaten. Bioavailability of
methods used, and the extent and speed of the changes that the carotene from golden rice has been confirmed and
can be produced. But, to date, they do not differ found to be an effective source of vitamin A for
fundamentally in their broad objectives. Hence, this house humans. Golden Rice was one of the seven winners of the
agrees to eat GMO with all the evidences gathered through 2015 Patents for Humanity Awards by the United States
thorough research providing number of impressive benefits Patent and Trademark Office. In 2018 came the first
that have been well established. approvals as food in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and
the USA. (Golden rice is a variety of rice (Oryza sativa)
*Robert Wager, Faculty in the Biology Department at producedthrough genetic engineering to biosynthesize beta-
Vancouver Island University, provided details about the carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, in the edible parts of
testing in his response to another question on GMO rice)
Answers.  Here is an excerpt:  “Most people are not * FEED THE WORLD- By 2050, the world’s population is
aware of the extensive pre-market testing that must be done expected to expand from today’s 7 billion to way beyond 9
before any GE crop is allowed to be commercialized.  In billion. To keep pace, the United Nations say global food
reality, GE crops are tested 10-50 times the level of non-GE production will have to double over the next 35 years. Yet
crops.  The testing examines potential hazards and the the amount of farm land is shrinking. Biotechnology is the
likelihood of exposure to determine the overall risks for GE only way to feed that growing population, by increasing
crops and derived foods." yields to get more food from less land. GMOs mean
cheaper, more plentiful food to fight hunger in the Third
In the words of the American Association for the World. It also cuts costs for consumers and raises
Advancement of Science, that "consuming foods containing livelihoods for farmers in developed countries.
ingredients derived from GM crops is no riskier than
consuming the same foods containing ingredients from crop *STRONGER CROPS = LESS PESTICIDES- Through
plants modified by conventional plant improvement genetic modification, scientists can give crops built-in
techniques." Major scientific and governmental resistance to pests. That means less need for pesticides that
organizations agree. The U.S. National Academy of are potentially harmful to the environment. Studies show
Sciences found that "no adverse health effects attributed to the introduction of GMO soybean and corn in the United
genetic engineering have been documented in the human States led to a 13 million kilo reduction in pesticide use in
population," and a report issued by the European the 12 years up to 2009. By reducing the need to spray,
Commission made the same claim. The World Health GMOs also cut farmers’ fuel emissions, helping to fight
Organization has concluded that GM foods "are not likely, global warming.
nor have been shown, to present risks for human health."
AMPERING FOR TASTE- Foods can be genetically
*In the spring of 2016, The National Academies of modified to improve flavour and texture – peppers made
Science, Engineering and Medicine (NAS) issued a spicier, corn given enhanced sweetness. In blind tastings,
comprehensive report where a panel of more than 20 testers regularly rate GM foods higher than naturally grown
scientists, researchers, agricultural and industry experts alternatives. One, in 2007, found 60 percent preferred GM
reviewed over 20 years of data since GMOs were tomatoes. Genetic modification can also give food a longer
introduced, including nearly 900 studies and tests and shelf-life – meaning consumers get fresher taste and the
European and North American health data. They concluded environment benefits from less waste.
– as other previous research concluded – that genetically
modified crops are safe to eat, have the same nutrition and ENHANCED HEALTH- Biotech can make food healthier,
composition as non-genetically modified crops and have no giving lettuce a greater concentration of nutrients, reducing
links to new allergies, cancer, celiac or other diseases. starch in potatoes or lowering the saturated-fat content of
cooking oils. Studies suggest genes introduced into GMO
*A number of impressive benefits have been well tomatoes can increase their natural production of
established. For example, an analysis of 76 antioxidants that might help prevent cancer or heart disease.
studies published in February in Scientific Reports by Improving the nutritional values of foods can be
researchers in Pisa, Italy, found that genetically engineered particularly significant in boosting diets for developing
corn has a significantly higher yield than non-genetically countries.
modified varieties and contains lower amounts of toxins
commonly produced by fungi. GMO crops can be tailored to provide better health
*By engineering resistance to insect damage, farmers have GMO foods can be modified so that they provide a
been able to use fewer pesticides while increasing yields, complete nutritional profile. Multiple vitamins and minerals
which enhances safety for farmers and the environment can be built into the crops as they grown by adjusting the
while lowering the cost of food and increasing its genetic profile of the plant, making it possible for people to
availability. Yields of corn, cotton and soybeans are said to get what they need with fewer foods and lower costs. That
have risen by 20 percent to 30 percent through the use of makes it possible to provide more people who are living in
genetic engineering. poverty with the food resources they need to maintain their
2. There is the possibility of an increased shelf life.  gluten-containing foods or other triggers are also being
GMO crops can be engineered to last longer once examined. The future of food science in the world of
harvested, which makes it possible to extend the GMOs could make it possible for people with food allergies
distribution life of the food product. That makes it possible or intolerance issues be able to safely eat foods they love in
to use the existing infrastructure for food distribution to the future.
send healthy foods further around the world. That means
locations which are experiencing food deserts or shortages 10. GMO crops use less water. 
can still receive affordable foods that can benefit the From 1980 to 2011, the amount of irrigation water required
general population. for fields planted with corn decreased by 53%. For cotton
fields the amount of irrigation water decreased by 75%.
3. It takes less land to grow more food.  Soybeans, rice, and potatoes all saw decreases of at least
GMO crops can be engineered to produce higher yields 38%. Even wheat fields saw a 12% decrease in irrigation
from the same croplands. In some instances, the crop yields water consumption when planted with GMO crops
can potentially double when the transition from traditional compared to traditional crops.
crops to GMO crops is completed by local farmers. That
makes it possible to meet the food demands that future 11. There may be a positive environmental impact with
generations are going to face. By 2050, upwards of 10 GMO crops. 
billion people are expected to be living on our planet. In general terms, GMO crops require fewer in-field
Oxfam currently estimates that global food production is operations and applications to maintain the quality of the
enough to feed about 8 billion people. yield. Because of this, fewer passes over the field are
required. That reduces the amount of carbon dioxide and
4. Genetically modified crops can conserve energy, soil, other greenhouse gases that are created through fossil fuel
and water resources.  combustion with tractors, combines, and other farming
That allows our food distribution networks to make less of equipment. Carbon dioxide is also stored in the soil, so
an impact on the environment. Food can be grown in areas fewer passes means less of a release occurs there as well.
that receive very little rainfall and have zero irrigation with
proper genetic modifications. Crops can be grown on fields 12. GMO foods must meet the same standards as
with little soil. Because the crops have an increased traditional foods. 
resistance to disease, weeds, and pests, there is greater For GMO food products to be sold in the United States,
consistency in the yields that can be produced. That makes they must meet the same quality and safety standards as
it easier to budget food resources for a larger population any other food product. When compared to organic foods,
base. Stanford University has even found that there are no
additional health risks when eating GMO foods or organic
5. Simple changes to certain crops can have a major foods. Although there are food allergy concerns, especially
impact.  in children, any food at any time has the potential of
The United Nations, through their Food and Agriculture creating an allergy. From a pure nutritional standpoint,
Organization, suggests that the easiest way to decrease GMO foods are equal or greater than what is found at the
vitamin A deficiencies is to genetically modify rice to have average grocery store.
higher levels of this nutrient. Because half of the world’s
population consumes rice on a daily basis, the high rates of 13. GMOs can even safe beneficial insects. 
this vitamin deficiency could be resolved with this one When Bt proteins are used in genetic engineering, it targets
simple change. Bananas in Uganda are being looked at for a specific group of insect pests that are dangerous to that
this vitamin enhancement as well, while soybeans provide specific crop. Other beneficial insects that would be killed
higher levels of Omega-3s without trans-fats. when spraying a general pesticide are saved. Those
included proteins have a minimal effect on them. Although
6. Fewer harmful agents need to be applied to crops.  there are stories of shepherds letting loose sheep into Bt
GMO crops are more resistant to pests, weeds, and other fields and losing thousands of head of livestock because of
threats. That means farmers have less of a need to apply it, there are often more positives than negatives to find
pesticides or herbicides to their crops, which saves them here.
money and potentially increases the health benefits of the
food being grown. Farmers can also make more money Conclusion:
from their existing croplands because there are greater
yields with GMO crops. Even the sustainability benefits,
such as drought-resistance, can maintain yields so that Ladies and gentlemen, we have talked about GMO and
fewer subsidies are required. given the facts and circumstances provided in this debate,
this house reaffirm the view that GM crops represent an
important new technology which ought to have the
7. It can save core crops from extinction.  potential to do much good in the world provided that proper
Many of the foods we eat today are products of a single safeguards are maintained or introduced. Hence, GMO is
initial resource. Every naval orange, for example, is safe to be eaten by human, provided that all those who are
essentially a clone of one original tree that was grafted to involved in developing the new technology, whether they
created additional trees. That lack of genetic variation puts are researchers in the public sector, in agrochemical or
the crop at-risk should a virus or bacteria be able to attack agricultural businesses or farmers, or food manufacturers
the basic genome of the crop. We’ve already seen that and retailers need to recognise and accept a very broad
happen with the Hawaiian Rainbow Papaya and genetic responsibility to the public. The scope of improvements
engineering helped to save the industry. Something similar offered by genetic modification in the future is much wider
could happen to naval oranges or any other crop. and consumer benefits are much more evident. GMO
produces up to 23 times more beta-carotene than the
8. Farmers can use better ground-care methods.  original golden rice, more plentiful food to fight hunger,
Because GMO crops have a greater overall tolerance, no- give food a longer shelf-life – meaning consumers get
till farming methods become a possibility. Even if tilling is fresher taste, significant in boosting diets for developing
required, less may be necessary to successfully plant a crop. countries, make it possible for people with food allergies or
That means less irrigation may be necessary. Less nutrient intolerance issues be able to safely eat foods they love in
runoff may be experienced. Soil erosion can be reduced. At the future, makes it possible to use the existing
the same time, the safety and nutritional value of the crops infrastructure for food distribution to send healthy foods
are not placed at-risk. further around the world and the likes. At some point, we
must figure out how to feed our growing population levels.
9. Future GMOs could eliminate food allergies or New farming methods can only produce a limited amount
intolerance issues.  of change. With this technology, we have the potential to
Current genetic engineering research is focused on maximize our resources. Thank you.
removing the allergen triggers that are present in common
foods, like peanuts. Intolerance issues that are caused by
Argumentum ad antiquitatem (the argument to antiquity
or tradition). This is the familiar argument that some
policy, behavior, or practice is right or acceptable because
"it's always been done that way." This is an extremely
popular fallacy in debate rounds; for example, "Every great
civilization in history has provided state subsidies for art
and culture!" But that fact does not justify cont

Argumentum ad hominem (argument directed at the

person). This is the error of attacking the character or
motives of a person who has stated an idea, rather than the
idea itself. The most obvious example of this fallacy is
when one debater maligns the character of another debater

Argumentum ad ignorantiam (argument to ignorance).

This is the fallacy of assuming that something is false
simply because a proof or argument that someone has
offered for it is invalid; this reasoning is fallacious because
there may be another proof or argument that successfully
supports the proposition. 

Argumentum ad misericordiam (argument or appeal to

pity). The English translation pretty much says it all.
Example: "Think of all the poor, starving Ethiopian
children! How could we be so cruel as not to help them?"
The problem with such an argument is that no amount of
special pleading can make the impossible possible, the false
true, the expensive costless, etc.

Argumentum ad nauseam (argument to the point of

disgust; i.e., by repitition). This is the fallacy of trying to
prove something by saying it again and again. But no
matter how many times you repeat something, it will not
become any more or less true than it was in the first place.
Of course, it is not a fallacy to state the truth again and
again; what is fallacious is to expect the repitition alone to
substitute for real arguments.

Argumentum ad numerum (argument or appeal to

numbers). This fallacy is the attempt to prove something
by showing how many people think that it's true. But no
matter how many people believe something, that doesn't
necessarily make it true or right. Example: "At least 70% of
all Americans support restrictions on access to abortions."
Well, maybe 70% of Americans are wrong!

Argumentum ad verecundiam (argument or appeal to

authority). This fallacy occurs when someone tries to
demonstrate the truth of a proposition by citing some
person who agrees, even though that person may have no
expertise in the given area. For instance, some people like
to quote Einstein's opinions about politics (he tended to
have fairly left-wing views), as though Einstein were a
political philosopher rather than a physicist.

Naturalistic fallacy. This is the fallacy of trying to derive

conclusions about what is right or good (that is, about
values) from statements of fact alone. This is invalid
because no matter how many statements of fact you
assemble, any logical inference from them will be another
statement of fact, not a statement of value. If you wish to
reach conclusions about values, then you must include
amongst your assumptions (or axioms, or premises) a
statement of value.

Slippery slope. A slippery slope argument is not always a

fallacy.  A slippery slope fallacy is an argument that says
adopting one policy or taking one action will lead to a
series of other policies or actions also being taken, without
showing a causal connection between the advocated policy
and the consequent policies. A popular example of the
slippery slope fallacy is, "If we legalize marijuana, the next
thing you know we'll legalize heroin, LSD, and crack
cocaine." This slippery slope is a form of non sequitur,
because no reason has been provided for why legalization
of one thing leads to legalization of another. 

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