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1. Slant The letters lean on either right
or left direction. In axis, the
right slant is on positive part
while the left slant is on the
negative side of the axis.

2. Alignment It is how the letters, words or

whole lines is relatively
positioned on the baseline.

3. Shading Otherwise known as pen

pressure, it is where the
pressure is most applied in
the letters in a word or line. It
can be shown through where
the thickest letter in the
words or lines are.
4. Infralinear These are small letters that
Letters goes through below the
baseline such as g, j, f, q, y,
and z.
5. Supralinear Theses are small or lowercase
Letters letters that extend above the
x height of the baseline.

6. Linear Letters These are lowercase letters

that does not exceed above
the x height and below the
middle baseline.
7. Descender It is simply small letters that
goes beyond the Middle

8. Ascender It is simply the small letters

that goes above the x height
of the baseline.

9. Beaded These are the first stroke

which are fancy, curl, loop, or
underline, etc. that is
common in capital letters.

10. Beard The beginning upstroke of a


11. Margin It is simply the amount of

space left on all four sides of
the paper where the writer
12. Line Space It is simply the amount of
space in between the letters
including the amount of space
after each word.

13.Patching It is enhancing the

appearance of the letters
through mending of letters,
retouching or repairing the

14. Hesitation It is where the ink leaks when

slowing down or stop of
writing causing thickening of a
part of letters.
15. Retracing The overlapping of strokes
especially in loop letters
where we overwrite them
causing a loopless letter.
16. Whirl A long upstroke commonly
from letters that contains long
loops but also available for
capital letters that have long
upstroke such as M

17. Staff This is a portion of a letter

that goes below the middle

18. Diacritic Refers to the dots of letters

such as i, j, and the cross of
letters such as t.

19. Arcade An arch or rounded stroke

found on top of letters such as
m,n and r.

20. Garland It is simply the connecting

stroke forming a dish-shaped
movement where the tops is
open and the bottom is

21. Thread Forms Commonly happens when a

person is rushing where the
letters looks flat and wavy.

22. Stem/Shank It is commonly seen in capital

letters where the downward
stroke of a letter is straight
from the top of baseline to
the middle of baseline.
23. Shoulder An extra curve on top of letter
between the up and

24. Hook It is simply a curved small

stroke or an ankle which
occurs most often on the end
of strokes of each letters.
25. Spur An involuntary stroke made at
the beginning or end of the
stroke of the writer.

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