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Australian Business Culture

0|Australian Business Culture

As you work through the online modules, you’ll be asked to complete
sections in this workbook.
To record your answers in the eBook, click Save As to create a copy
and continue to Save your progress.
You will be asked to upload your work into Moodle for grading upon
Type your name and Student ID in the text boxes below.



1|Australian Business Culture

Lost at Sea – Part 1
As per the instructions in the module, rank the following items in order of relative
1. A shaving mirror

2. A 7.5 litre can of oil/petroleum mixture

3. A 19 liter can of water

4. A case of army rations

5. 186 square decimetres of Opaque plastic sheeting

6. 2 boxes of chocolate bars

7. A Fishing Kit

8. 4.5 metres of nylon rope

9. A Floating seat Cusion

10. Shark Repellent

11. 1.1 litres of 160 percent proof rum

12. A small Transistor Radio

13. A quantity of mosquito netting

14. Maps of Pacific Oceans

2|Australian Business Culture

Lost at Sea – Part 2
Having participated in the forum, re-rank your items below:

Initial Responses Revised Responses

1. A shaving mirror 1. A shaving mirror

2. A 7.5 litre can of oil/petroleum mixture 2. A 7.5 liter can of oil/petroleum

3. A 19 liter can of water 3. A 19 liter can of water

4. A case of army rations 4. A case of army rations

5. 186 square decimetres of Opaque plastic 5. 186 square decimetres of Opaque

sheeting plastic sheeting
6. 2 boxes of chocolate bars 6. 2 boxes of chocolate bars

7. A Fishing Kit 7. A Fishing Kit

8. 4.5 metres of nylon rope 8. 4.5 metres of nylon rope

9. A Floating seat Cusion 9. A Floating seat Cusion

10. Shark Repellent 10. Shark Repellent

11. 1.1 litres of 160 percent proof rum 11. 1.1 litres of 160 percent proof rum

12. A small Transistor Radio 12. A small Transistor Radio

13. A quantity of mosquito netting 13. A quantity of mosquito netting

14. Maps of Pacific Oceans 14. Maps of Pacific Oceans

3|Australian Business Culture

What kind of team player are you?
Record the results to your quiz here: 100

The Storming Phase

What can we do to minimise the impact of the ‘Storming phase’ and exploit the ‘Performing’
The impact of Styorming phase can be minimised by developing communication skills,
clarifying work goals and individual roles and objectives, do one on one checks in, ask to
alter behaviors not personalities that can help to exploit the performing phase

4|Australian Business Culture

Defining Conflict – Reflection

1. How does the definition of conflict affect the way we think about conflict?
The conflict can be damaging and many people actively avoid dealing with situations
aridsing conflict.

2. What are some negative consequences of conflict?

Mental health concerns, a decrease in productivity, members leave organisations.

3. What are some positive consequences of conflict?

Social change, Decision making, Group unity, inspire creativity

5|Australian Business Culture

Managing Conflict – Reflection

1. How have you managed a conflict with a team member at work or on a university
I actively readjust my attitude during a conflict situation which means I will try to understand
and listen the other;s person point of view.

2. Which of the three outcomes were achieved?

No further complications, Situation under control and Foster relationship with colleagues

3. What did you do well, and what could you do better next time?
According to me communication is the best key to avoid any conflict and understanding.
Every time I will use the communication key to resolve any conflict.

6|Australian Business Culture

Dealing with anger – Reflection

1. How does your ability to resolve conflicts affect you in your job?
I will stand out as someone who can maintain, if not boost, morale increase the health of an

2. How does a team member’s ability to resolve conflicts impact the team?
It will allow the team member to trust each other work and work better to achieve their goals
and also create smoother working relationship.

3. How does a team’s ability to resolve conflicts impact the organisation?

It can make the organisation more healthier and happier by resolving the conflict.

7|Australian Business Culture

Your Conflict Resolution Style
Record the results of your quiz here:

8|Australian Business Culture

How would you resolve this conflict?

Andrew works in a small team of six. The team mostly co-operate well and there
is generally a friendly and relaxed atmosphere in the office as everyone focuses
on getting the work done.

However, in recent weeks Andrew has noticed that Shaun has become disruptive
– disagreeing with him (and his teammates) in an aggressive manner, and failing
to do his share when assigned to work together on projects.

Earlier this morning, an important customer overheard Shaun being

argumentative again. Deciding he’s had enough, Andrew decides to discuss the
problem with Shaun.

Apply your learning about team effectiveness to find solutions to resolve the conflict. Describe the
steps you would take. Provide at least 4 steps.

1) Clarify what the disagreement is among them

2) Establishing the common goal for both of them
3) Determine the barrier to the issue on which they are disagreeing.
4) Agree them on the best way to resolve their conflict.

9|Australian Business Culture

Submitting your workbook
Check that all components of your workbook are completed and saved properly.

Follow the correct naming conventions: StudentID_LastName_FirstName_ABCEWB

e.g. 30001_Smith_John_ABCEWB

Upload your workbook to Moodle using the instructions provided.

10 | A u s t r a l i a n B u s i n e s s C u l t u r e

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