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Review: [Untitled]

Reviewed Work(s):
An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics and Coding. by Douglas Lind; Brian Marcus
Mike Boyle

SIAM Review, Vol. 39, No. 2. (Jun., 1997), pp. 334-335.

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Wed Sep 5 22:49:27 2007

approximation theory. It will be very useful portant tools in hyperbolic dynamics [Bow],
for students. are fundamental units for constructions in
BORISLAVBOJANOV ergodic theory and topological dynamics
University of Sofia [DGS], and provide the natural setting for
applications bf symbolic dynamics to ma-
trices [Boy] and coding.
Section 2. Coding. In computer science
An Introduction to Symbolic Dy- and engineering it is useful t o consider finite
namics and Coding. By Douglas Lind automata which produce output tapes from
and Brian Marcus. Cambridge University input tapes by the repeated application of a
Press, Cambridge, UK, 1995. $27.95. xvi finite local rule (sliding block code). Then
+ 495 pp., softcover. ISBN 0-521-55900-6. it is very natural t o idealize the possible
input and output tapes as spaces of infi-
The title of this fine book reflects its scope. nite sequences and consider codes which
Section 1. Symbolic Dynamics. Sym- map one space into another. For example,
bolic dynamics first emerged as a tool one might face the problem of efficiently
in the study of dynamical systems, espe- storing arbitrary data into some magnetic
cially geodesic flows. Here is the initial medium, and this may translate into the
rough idea. Suppose we have n disjoint problem of efficiently coding arbitary se-
sets (named 1 , 2 , .. . , n) in a space through quences of zeros and ones into a space of
which a point x moves under some action of sequences subject to constraints imposed
N,R,or Z.Associate with x a sequence y, by the storage device. Problems of this
where (say) x is initially in the set yo and sort have found a natural mathematical
successively visits yl, y2, y3, . . .. In some framework in symbolic dynamics. In par-
situations, one can deduce the existence or ticular, homomorphisms between shifts of
preponderance of interesting phenomena by finite type (as topological dynamical sys-
sufficiently constraining the set of sequences tems) are exactly the maps induced by
which arise from the given action. sliding block codes. Some of the ideas al-
To go beyond sets, one makes a topo- ready developed for studying topological
logical dynamical system out of the sym- relations among SFTs, with no hint of
bolic dynamics. Begin with the set XI,] = application, might have been tailor-made
(1,.. . , n)" of all doubly infinite sequences for coding problems. This connection was
on n letters 1 , .. . , n. With the natural first pointed out explicitly in [ACH],which
topology, XInl becomes a compact metriz- won an annual IEEE Information Theory
able space with dist(y, y') = 1/(k 1) if Group Award for the best paper on in-
k is the smallest nonnegative integer such formation theory. The conceptual parallels
that yi = yi whenever lil < k. The shift among symbolic dynamics, coding theory,
homeomorphism a : X,,] -+ XI,] is defined automata theory, and system theory are
by (ax)i = xi+l. The pair ( X j n la, ) is the spelled out in [MI and [FMST].
topological dynamical system knbwn as the The book under review covers very lit-
full shift on n symbols. The restriction of tle of traditional error correction coding
this shift to a closed shift-invariant subset as in, say, the introduction [V]. The book
is a subshift. is concerned with symbolic dynamics with
Arguably the most important class of an emphasis on its pertinence t o coding
subshifts are the shifts of finite type (SFTs). problems.
Every SFT is topologically conjugate t o an Section 3. The Introduction. The book
"edge" S F T O A , presented by some square carefully builds the fundamental frame-
nonnegative matrix A. Here A is viewed as work for the study of shifts of finite type,
the adjacency matrix of a directed graph, sofic systems, and their coding relations
whose edge set is the alphabet of the asso- and internal structure. The topics include
ciated SFT. The domain XA of OA is the entropy, periodic points and zeta func-
space of doubly infinite sequences x corre- tions, shift equivalence, strong shift equiv-
sponding to walks through the graph; i.e., alence, finite to one codes, lower entropy
for every i, the terminal vertex of xi equals factors, Krieger's embedding theorem,
the initial vertex of xi+l. The SFTs are im- existence of nonnegative matrices with

prescribed algebraic invariants, markers, Section 4. T h e W e b s i t e . The website

degrees of codes, almost topological con-
http : //www.math.washington.
jugacy, canonical covers of sofic systems,
resolving and closing maps, the dimen-
sion group, and ideal classes. Connections contains a detailed table of contents of the
to data storage and transmission are cov- book and a copy of its preface. The preface
ered. The book is self contained; for exam- includes a fine sketch of the genesis of sym-
ple, the required results from the Perron- bolic dynamics and a useful discussion of
Frobenius theory of nonnegative matrices the organization and contents of the book.
are proved.
The book is a model of organization and
clarity, consistent in pace and tone, with REFERENCES
very few errata. There are plenty of useful
exercises, though not many very hard ones. [ACH] R. L. ADLER,D. COPPERSMITH,AND
The book aims to be accessible to engineers M. HASSNER,A l g o r i t h m s for slid-
and even strong undergraduates, and the i n g block codes-An application
mathematical prerequisites are correspond- of symbolic d y n a m z c s t o i n f o r m a -
t i o n theory, IEEE Trans. Inform.
ingly modest (for example, measure theory Theory, 29 (1983), pp. 5-22.
is not required). However, it still works [Bow] R. BOWEN, Equilibrium states a n d
well for readers with stronger backgrounds. t h e ergodic theory of A n o s o v
I was pleased with it as the main source di;fjceomorphisms, Springer Lec-
for a one-semester graduate course, supple- ture Notes in Math. 470, 1975,
mented with more advanced material. Springer-Verlag.
The book is even better for individual [Boy] M. BOYLE, Symbolic d y n a m i c s a n d
reading. A graduate student can move m a t r i c e s , in Combinatorial and
Graph-Theoretical Problems in
steadily through it with very little help.
Linear Algebra, R. A. Brualdi,
The number of pages (approaching 500) S. Friedland, and V. Klee, eds.,
is deceptive: clarity supersedes concise- IMA Volumes in Math. 50, 1993,
ness and very little proof is left to the Springer-Verlag, pp. 1-38.
reader. The index and index of notation [DGS] M. DENKER, C. GRILLENBERGER,
are excellent. A N D K . SIGMUND,Ergodic T h e -
The book is emphatically an introduc- o r y o n C o m p a c t Spaces, Springer
tion. The authors omit some important Lecture Notes in Math. 527, 1976,
difficult proofs (e.g., Ashley's theorem on
[MI B. MARCUS, Symbolic d y n a m i c s
the existence of closing maps) and do not
a n d connections t o coding the-
develop various central or important top- o r y , a u t o m a t a t h e o r y a n d sys-
ics (e.g., the thermodynamic formalism, t e m theory, in Different Aspects
Markov measures, automorphisms of the of Coding Theory, R. Calder-
shift, countable-state Markov chains). On bank, ed., Proc. Symposia in
the other hand, with comments and exam- Appl. Math. 50, 1995, Amer.
ples throughout the book and a 40 page Math. Soc., pp. 95-108.
survey of advanced topics a t the end, the [FMST] D. FORNEY, B. MARCUS, N. T .
authors give quite a good (if sometimes Multilingual dictionary: S y s t e m
cursory) overview of the open problems theory, coding theory, symbolic
and research activity in the field today and dynamics, and automata the-
provide an excellent sense of its historical o r y , in Different Aspects of Cod-
development. The survey comes with ref- ing Theory, R. Calderbank, ed.,
erences to a comprehensive bibliography. Proc. Symposia in Appl. Math.
50, 1995, Amer. Math. Soc.,
Future monographs will be easier with this
pp. 109-138.
book as a basic reference.
[V] J. H. VAN LINT, Introduction t o
In summary, the book is a very fine and Coding T h e o r y , Springer-Verlag,
broadly accessible introduction to symbolic Berlin, 1982.
dynamics and coding. It is now an essential
reference which fills a gaping hole in the MIKE BOYLE
literature. Universzty of Maryland a t College P a r k

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