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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 2: Networking

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Student ID

Class Assessor name

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

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Table of Contents
 Network definition...........................................................................................................................................5
 Role of network...............................................................................................................................................5
I. NETWORK TYPES AND PROTOCOLS.......................................................................................6
1. Types of Network............................................................................................................................................6
1.1. Local Area Network (LAN).....................................................................................................................6
1.2. Wide Area Network (WAN)....................................................................................................................7
1.3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)........................................................................................................8
2. Protocols and Standards...................................................................................................................................9
2.1. Network Protocols Definition..................................................................................................................9
2.2. List some protocols:...............................................................................................................................10
2.3. List some standard organizations and standards name:..........................................................................10
1. Network Topology.........................................................................................................................................11
1.1. Definition...............................................................................................................................................11
1.2. Types of network topology....................................................................................................................12
2. Communication and Bandwidth.....................................................................................................................14
2.1. Communication......................................................................................................................................14
2.2. Bandwidth..............................................................................................................................................15
III. NETWORKING DEVICES AND SERVER TYPES....................................................................16
1. Networking Devices.......................................................................................................................................16
1.1. Switch....................................................................................................................................................16
1.2. Router....................................................................................................................................................17
1.3. Gateways................................................................................................................................................18
1.4. Brouters..................................................................................................................................................18
2. Server types...................................................................................................................................................19
2.1. Definition...............................................................................................................................................19
2.2. Server types............................................................................................................................................19
1. Workstation hardware....................................................................................................................................19
1.1. Network interface card (NIC)................................................................................................................19
1.2. Network cable........................................................................................................................................20
1.3. Processor (CPU).....................................................................................................................................20
2. Networking Software.....................................................................................................................................20
2.1. Client Software......................................................................................................................................20
2.2. Firewall..................................................................................................................................................20
3. Interdependence of workstation hardware with networking software............................................................21
V. DESIGN A NETWORK................................................................................................................21
1. Design on Cisco Packet Tracer Instructor:.....................................................................................................21
2. IP Address......................................................................................................................................................21
VI. Test Plan........................................................................................................................................23
VII. Implement......................................................................................................................................24
VIII. Document......................................................................................................................................26

 Network definition
Network is digital network of telecommunications that permits sharing information
and resources between network nodes is exist. PC systems swap data between nodes in PC
network (data associations). These information connections are set up through a system
link, for example, a link, optical link or remote gadget, for example, Wi-Fi.

 Role of network
Setting up a PC system is a quick and solid approach to share data and assets in your
business. It can enable you to benefit as much as possible from IT system and equipment.
On the off chance that you are maintaining a business, you will comprehend that IT
arrangements are critical to the proficiency of each business activity. Furthermore, PC
system is one of the present IT arrangements.
PC systems can enable your business to develop, enabling you to store significant
business information in a brought together area. This enables various PCs in the system to
recover information from the fundamental area. Furthermore, the PC system enables you to
get to information from different PCs on a similar system and adjust it as indicated by your
Moreover, Computer Network enables workers to share thoughts all the more
effectively and work all the more proficiently. Increment profitability and make extra pay
for the organization. All the more significantly, PC systems help numerous organizations
give their items to the world. Usually by two ways:

 Share resources - Can share resources such as printers, fax machines, computers
Storage devices (HDD, FDD and CD drive), Webcam, Scanner, Modem and many
other devices.
 Share Programs - Just as you can share files on a network, you can often share
programs on a network.


1. Types of Network

1.1. Local Area Network (LAN)

LAN is a network system used to interface PCs in a little zone (lodging, office, school, ...). PCs on the
LAN can impart assets to one another, commonly document sharing, printers, scanners and some different
gadgets. Frequently, the nodes are connected via cables. A wireless LAN (WLAN) is a LAN that uses no
physical wires. Very often, a WLAN communicates with a wired LAN for access to its resources.
1.1.a. Pros of LAN
 Sharing of resources:
Every one of the assets are joined to one system and in the event that any PC needs any assets, at that
point it very well may be imparted to the required PC.
 Client and server relationship
Every one of the information from joined PCs can be put away in one server. On the off chance that
any PC (Client) needs information then that PC client can just sign in and get to the information from the
 Sharing of the internet
 Software program sharing
software projects can likewise be shared on the LAN.
 Securing of data
Keeping information on the server is progressively secure. What's more, in the event that you need to
change or expel any information you can do it effectively on one server PC and different PCs can access
refreshed information. You can likewise give access or deny access to explicit clients with the goal that
solitary approved clients can get to the information in the system.
 Communication is easy, fast, and time-saving
In LAN PCs can trade information and messages in the simple and quick way. It additionally spares
time and makes our work quick.
 Computer identification
Every PC is given a location and is briefly put away in the switch or switch during correspondence.
All PCs on the LAN are distinguished by addresses which are utilized to send and get messages and
1.1.b. Cons of LAN
 Data security problem
On the off chance that the server PC isn't set up accurately and there is a hole in security then
unapproved clients can get to the information too.
 Limitation of distance
Neighborhood are normally made inside a structure or adjacent structure and can't stretch out to the
more extensive zone.
 Server crashes may affect all computers
In the event that any record on the server is adulterated or hard drive fizzles, at that point all the
connected PCs face issues in working appropriately.
 Setting up a LAN is expensive
It is costly to set up LAN in light of the fact that there is extraordinary programming required to make
a server. Additionally, specialized gadgets like centers, switches, switches, links are expensive.

1.2. Wide Area Network (WAN)

WAN is a system that covers an enormous geographic region, (for example, a city, nation, or the
world) utilizing an interchanges station that consolidates numerous kinds of media, for example, phone
lines, links, and radio wave. A WAN can be one huge system or can comprise of at least two LANs
associated together. Moreover, the Internet is the biggest WAN in the world.

1.2.a. Pros of WAN

 Privacy and Security:
As referenced over, a WAN gives an immediate, committed association through which your information can
pass. This cut off points open doors for others to catch your information all things considered in travel between
 Network Performance Consistency:
Your information does not need to contend with other Internet information for transfer speed as your
interchanges travel between goals. You get consistent access to all the transfer speed you are paying for. This
enables your business to maintain a strategic distance from throughput slacks ordinarily experienced in the Internet.
 Infrastructure Management:
The reliable exhibition and upgraded security noted above make a system situation in which you can viably
consolidate media transmission arrangements.
1.2.b. Cons of LAN
 Initial Budget Costs:
Actualizing a WAN will bring about some underlying expenses. The particular costs will change
contingent upon the advances you decide for the hidden network, the quantity of clients and areas you
have to help, and the separation isolating the clients and areas.
 Maintenance Costs:
When you have executed your WAN, you will keep on bringing about certain WAN-explicit expenses.
Dealing with the equipment, programming, and other WAN segments requires specific abilities. You will
either need to depend on staff or redistribute the undertaking.
 Security Considerations:
WANs offer security focal points. However, all systems have vulnerabilities. WANs are no exemption.
You should add WAN-explicit safety efforts to your IT security abilities.

1.3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

MAN is a broadband information system intended for the extent of urban communities and towns. The
separation is generally under 100 km. As far as land scale, MAN is bigger than LAN but littler than WAN,
it assumes the job of associating 2 LAN and WAN systems or interfacing LANs.

A MAN more often than not is overseen by a consortium of clients or by a solitary system supplier
that offers the support of the clients. Nearby and state governments, for instance, direct a few MANs.
Phone organizations, digital TV administrators, and different associations give clients associations with
the MAN.

1.3.a. Pros of MAN

 Less expensive:
It is more affordable to join MAN with WAN. MAN gives the great proficiency of information. In
MAN information is effectively overseen in a brought together manner.
 Sending local emails:
On MAN you can send neighborhood messages quick and free.
 High speed than WAN:
MAN utilizes fiber optics so the speed of information can without much of a stretch reach upon 1000
Mbps. Records and databases can be moved quick.
 Sharing of the internet:
In some establishment of MANs, clients can share their web association. So numerous clients can get a
similar rapid web.
 Conversion from LAN to MAN is easy:
MAN is a quicker method to associate two quick LANs together. This is because of the quick design
of connections.
 High Security:
MAN has a high-security level than WAN.

1.3.b. Cons of MAN

 Difficult to manage:
In the event that MAN increases, at that point it winds up hard to oversee it. This is because of a
security issue and other additional design.
 Internet speed difference:
MAN can't deal with customary telephone copper wires. In the event that MAN is introduced on
copper wires, at that point there will be low speed. So it required the surprising expense to set up fiber
optics just because.
 Hackers attack:
In MAN there are high odds of assaulting programmers on the system contrasted with LAN. So
information might be spilled. Information can be verified however it needs high prepared staff and
security devices.
 Technical people required to set up:
To arrangement MAN it requires specialized individuals that can effectively arrangement MAN. The
specialized individuals are arranging managers and troubleshooters.
 More wires required:
In MAN extra links are required to interface two LAN which is another issue.

2. Protocols and Standards

2.1. Network Protocols Definition

Network protocols are an accumulation of the considerable number of shows to guarantee PCs can
speak with one another. It is a standard arrangement of guidelines for speaking to information, flagging,
validating and distinguishing information mistakes - what is expected to send data through correspondence
channels, as indicated by which PCs (and gadgets) have Can interface and trade data with one another.
The network protocols for computerized signal correspondence in computer network have numerous
highlights to guarantee dependable information trade through a blemished correspondence channel.
Protocols can be executed with hardware, software (programming) or a blend of both.
Along these lines, PCs that need to speak with one another must have a similar network protocol.

2.2. List some protocols:

 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): This protocol’s mission is breaking up data into bundles for
transmitting. Setting up connections among many computers guarantees effective data

 IP (Internet Protocol): Route data packets when they sent over the Internet. Furthermore, ensure
the information is sent to the right goal.

 HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): allow transmit information or data (usually in hypertext
form) on Internet.

 FTP (File Transfer Protocol): permit file exchanging over the Internet.

 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): permits sending email messages (email) over the Internet.

 POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3): permits accepting email messages by means of the Internet.

 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension): an augmentation of the SMTP convention,

permitting the connection of paired records, motion pictures, music, and so forth by email.

 WAP (Wireless Application Protocol): permits the trading of data between remote gadgets, for
example, cell phones.

2.3. List some standard organizations and standards name:

Network standards guarantee interoperability of network advancements by distinguishing
correspondence manages between gadgets associated with the networks. Network standards exist to help
guarantee results of various merchants can work together in a network without the danger of contradiction.
It includes:

 Data communications standards

 The TCP/IP reference model

 The OSI reference model

Some Network Standards Organizations

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) situated in Geneva, Switzerland, is a blend of

norms associations speaking to 157 nations. (Hardware Industries Alliance, 2012) they will probably
build up global innovative measures to encourage overall trade of data and hindrance unhindered
commerce. It applies the fields of materials, bundling, circulation of merchandise, vitality generation
and usage, shipbuilding, and banking and budgetary administrations.

ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is a particular United Nations organization that

manages worldwide media communications including radio and TV frequencies, satellite and
communication determinations, organizing foundation, and taxes connected to worldwide
interchanges. (Hardware Industries Alliance, 2012) It gives rising nations specialized skill and gear to
better those countries mechanical bases.

ISOC (Internet Society) is an expert enrollment society that gives assistance to set up specialized
models for the web Their worry includes keeping the web available with its quick development, data
security, and settling tending to administrations and open gauges over the Internet. They comprise of
thousands of web experts and organizations from 90 parts around the world.

1. Network Topology

1.1. Definition
The design of computers, devices, and media in a network, sometimes called the network architecture,
is categorized as either client/server or peer-to-peer.

On a client/server system, at least one PCs go about as a server; different PCs on the system
solicitation administrations from the server. A server controls access to the equipment, programming, and
different assets on the net-work and gives an incorporated stockpiling region to projects, information, and
data. The clients are different PCs and cell phones on the system that depend on the server for its assets. A
few servers, called committed servers, play out a particular errand and can be put with other devoted
servers to play out different assignments. A network server oversees network traffic (movement). A
client/server organize regularly gives an effective way to interface at least 10 PCs. Most client/server
systems require an individual to fill in as a network head on account of the huge size of the network.

One sort of shared network is a straight forward that normally interfaces less than 10 computers. Every
PC, called a peer, has equivalent obligations and capacities, sharing hardware, (for example, a printer),
information, or data with different PCs on the peer-to-peer network. Every PC stores records individually
capacity gadgets. In this way, every PC on the net-work contains both the network working framework
and application software. All computers on the network share any fringe device(s) connected to any PC.
Peer-to-peer networks are ideal for very small businesses and home users.

1.2. Types of network topology

Depending on the needs of use, we can have many different types of network topology:

 mesh

 star

 bus

 …
1.2.a. Mesh
The mesh network topology uses one of two organizations,
called the mesh section and the full mesh section. In full mesh
section topology, to examine authentically with each workstation
clearly connected with each other. In a midway grid topology,
some are simply connected with various workstations that
exchange the most data. A couple of workstations are related
with each and every other workstation.

The use of network topology makes data transmitted from

different devices at the same time and the work can withstand
high traffic. Data isn't impacted during conveyance in light of the way that there is continually a substitution. Can
develop and modify the network structure without impacting various workstations. Regardless, working costs are
too much high appeared differently in relation to other network topologies and the foundation, use, and the officials
of network topologies is irksome.

1.2.b. Star
On the star network, all PCs and gadgets (hubs) on the
network interface with the focal gadget, hence shaping a
star. Two kinds of gadgets that give a typical focal
association point for nodes on the network are centers and
switches. All information change starting with one hub then
onto the next through the center/switch.

Star network is very simple to introduce and keep up.

Hubs can be included and erased from the network with
practically no network interference.

On the star network, if a node fault, just that hub is

influenced. Different catches keep on working typically. Notwithstanding, if the center point/switch comes
up short, the whole network can't work until the gadget is fixed.

1.2.c. Bus

A bus network comprises of a solitary focal link, to

which all PCs and different gadgets interface. The bus is
the physical link that interfaces the PCs and different
gadgets. The bus in a bus network transmits
information, guidelines, and data in the two headings. At the point when a sending gadget transmits
information, the location of the accepting gadget is incorporated with the transmission so the information
is directed to the suitable getting gadget. Bus network are prevalent on LANs since they are cheap and
simple to introduce.

One preferred position of the bus network is that PCs and different gadgets can be joined and
disengaged anytime on the bus without aggravating the remainder of the network. Another bit of leeway is
that disappointment of one gadget more often than not does not influence the remainder of the bus
organize. The most serious hazard to a bus network is that the transport itself may end up inoperable. In
the event that that occurs, the network stays defective until the bus is back in working request.

1.2.d. Ring
On the ring system, the link frames a shut circle (ring)
with all PCs and gadgets orchestrated along the ring.
Information is transmitted on the ring network transmitted
starting with one gadget then onto the next on the whole ring
one way. At the point when a PC or gadget sends
information, the information will move to every PC on the
ring until it arrives at the goal.

In the event that a PC or gadget on the network is flawed,

every one of the gadgets before the gadget are harmed are not influenced, however the gadget after the
gadget is broken may not work. The ring network can traverse bigger separations than the bus network,
yet is more earnestly to set up. The ring structure is essentially utilized for LANs, but at the same time is
utilized in LANs.

1.2.e. Tree
A tree topology is an exceptional kind of structure
wherein many associated components are masterminded like
the parts of a tree. For instance, tree topologies are as often as
possible used to sort out the PCs in a corporate network, or
the data in a database.

In a tree topology, there can be just a single connection

between any two connection nodes. Since any two nodes can
have just a single shared association, tree topologies structure
a characteristic parent and youngster chain of importance.
In PC network, a tree topology is otherwise called a star bus topology. It joins components of both a bus
topology and a star topology. The following is a model system outline of a tree topology, in which the focal nodes
of two star systems are associated with each other.

2. Communication and Bandwidth

2.1. Communication
2.1.a. The Rules

A network can be as complex as gadgets associated over the Internet, or as straightforward as two PCs
legitimately associated with each other with a solitary link, and anything in the middle. Network can
fluctuate in size, shape, and capacity. Nonetheless, essentially having the physical connection between end
gadgets isn't sufficient to empower correspondence. For correspondence to happen, gadgets must know
"how" to impart.

2.1.b. Communication

Individuals trade thoughts utilizing a wide range of specialized techniques. Be that as it may, paying
little heed to the strategy picked, all specialized strategies share three components practically speaking.
The first of these is the message source, or sender. Message sources individuals, electronic gadgets, that
make an impression on different people or gadgets. The second component of correspondence is the goal,
or recipient, of the message. The goal gets the message and deciphers it. A component, called a channel,
comprises of the media that gives the pathway over which goes from source to goal.

Correspondence starts with a message, or data, that must be sent from a source to a goal. The sending
of this message, regardless of whether by up close and personal correspondence or over a system
administered by standards called conventions. These conventions strategy that is happening In our
everyday individual correspondence, the standards we use to impart one medium, similar to a phone call,
are not really equivalent to the conventions for utilizing another medium, for example, sending a letter.
For instance, consider two individuals conveying eye to eye. Before conveying, they should concur on
the most proficient method to impart. In the event that the impart is utilizing voice, they should initially
concede to the language. Next, when they have a message to share, they should most likely arrange that
message in a manner is reasonable. For instance, on the off chance that somebody utilizes the English
language, however poor sentence structure, the message can without much of a stretch be misconstrued.
Every one of these assignments portrays conventions put in to achieve correspondence. This is likewise
valid for PC correspondence.

2.2. Bandwidth
Diverse physical media bolster the exchange of bits at various rates. Information move is generally
examined regarding data transmission and throughput.
Bandwidth is the limit of a medium to convey information. Advanced bandwidth estimates the
measure of information that can spill out of one spot to another in a given measure of time. Bandwidth is
regularly estimated in kilobits every second (kbps) or megabits every second (Mbps).
The pragmatic Bandwidth of a system is controlled by a blend of components:
 The properties of the physical media.
 The advances picked for flagging and recognizing network signals.
Physical media properties, current advancements, and the laws of material science all assume a job in
deciding accessible Bandwidth capacity.

Bandwidth units of measure

There are 4 sorts of bandwidth accessible today:
 Public wireless
 Public broadband
 Private networks
 Software-Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN)


1. Networking Devices

1.1. Switch
Switch is gadget that work in Data Link layer of OSI model and increment network performance by
lessening the number transmission edges to the remainder of the network.
Switch opens a virtual circuit among source and goal to counteract correspondence between just two
PCs that are communicated to any PC on the network or portion and called micro analysis. At the point
when two machines have virtual circuits, they don't need to impart bandwidth capacity to some other PC.
Besides, many virtual circuits can be utilized simultaneously, each circuit has its very own full bandwidth,
called bandwidth switch.

Star topology using switch

When machines need to share a wire and go after accessible bandwidth with different machines, they
will experience a debate.
1.2. Router
A router is a gadget like a switch that courses information bundles dependent on their IP addresses.
Router is for the most part a Network Layer gadget, work at the Network layer of the OSI model. Router
give separating and system traffic control on LANs and WANs. It gaps communicate areas of hosts
associated through it and interface various portions and numerous networks.

1.3. Gateways
A gateway, as the name proposes, is a section to interface two networks together that may work upon
various networks administration models. They fundamentally fill in as the detachment specialists that take
information from one framework, decipher it, and move it to another framework, on other way gateway as
a rule is a mix of hardware and software. Gateways are additionally called convention converters and can
work at any system layer, decipher between various convention suites. It implies that gateway sometime
has the most negative impact on network execution. Gateways are commonly more mind boggling than
switch or switch. Parcels must be modified at the lower levels as well as at the exceptionally upper levels.
So real information substance can be changed over into an arrangement the goal can process and makes
the most idleness.
1.4. Brouters
It is otherwise called bridging router is a gadget which consolidates highlights of both extension and
switch. It can work either at information connection layer or at system layer. Filling in as router, it is fit
for directing parcels crosswise over network and functioning as extension, it is fit for separating network
traffic and it gives the best qualities of both a bridge and a router. Brouter works at both the Data Link and
Network layers and can supplant separate bridges and routers.

2. Server types

2.1. Definition
Server is a network (programming and fitting PC equipment) that meets the necessities on a PC system
to give or bolster the arrangement of a system administration. Servers can keep running on a devoted PC,
which is likewise regularly alluded to as a "server", or different arranged PCs fit for facilitating servers.
By and large, a PC can give a wide assortment of administrations and administrations.

2.2. Server types

There are three primary kinds of shared facilitating servers: Dedicated Sever, Virtual Private Sever-
VPS) and Cloud Sever:
 Dedicated Sever running on equipment gadgets and backing including: HDD, CPU, RAM,
organize card, so just a single hard drive is broken, all information of the client will be lost. It is hard to
update the server level and the utilization and upkeep expenses are high. This requires individuals with top
to bottom learning of equipment and servers to guarantee the parts that make up the server.
 Virtual Private Sever is a machine intended to impart equipment and programming assets to other
working frameworks. In this way, overhauling just as changing virtual private server arrangement is
straightforward. It has highlights like an independent server. Be that as it may, it relies upon the physical
server. On the off chance that a physical server quits working, your cloud server will stay stable.
 Cloud servers will be servers that are consolidated from a wide range of unique physical servers
alongside SAN stockpiling frameworks and cloud servers based on distributed computing innovation. Can
be moved up to spare profitable assets and accelerate server get to.



1. Workstation hardware
Workstations like PCs are designed to play out specific assignments.

1.1. Network interface card (NIC)

A network interface card (NIC) is a hardware component without which a computer cannot be
connected over a network. It enables PCs to speak with one another and move information between PCs.
At the end of the day, it puts information on the system or bamboozles information about it. It is also
called network interface controller, network adapter or LAN adapter. It enables PCs to speak with one
another and move information between PCs. NIC Designed to contain electronic hardware for wire, for
example, Ethernet or remote, for example, WIFI association relying upon the client's needs. So Users can
choose one of the NIC that suit their needs and system interface card is required with the goal that a
workstation can associate with the web to move and download information.
1.2. Network cable
Cable is a fiber that contains parts to convey sign or information that movement long separations or
associate has together, used to interface one network gadget to other network gadgets or to associate at
least two PCs to share printers, scanners and so on. Various sorts of network cables, for example, coaxial
cables, optical fiber cables, and contorted pair cables, are utilized relying upon the network 's physical
layer, topology, and size. To address the issues of cables there are two fundamental sorts. Bent pair
network cables are utilized in neighborhood, for example, private office lines with copper cables. Optical
cables are high data transfer capacity places, for example, school clinics.

1.3. Processor (CPU)

Processor (CPU) is a pre-programmable, programmable information handling circuit that reacts to and
forms the essential directions that drive a PC. CPU as a workstations focal preparing focus is one of the
most significant segments of a PC, as it is in charge of deciphering the vast majority of PCs directions.
CPUs will perform most fundamental number juggling, rationale and I/O activities, just as dispense
directions for different chips and parts running in a PC. The preparing velocity of the PC relies upon the
speed of the CPU, yet it additionally relies upon different parts, (for example, interior memory, RAM, or
designs card).

2. Networking Software
Server Software is a PC that is on the network and offers its application assets with network clients.
From that point, clients can access and utilize the application.

2.1. Client Software

Client Software is a well model in the PC network it works dependent on sending the solicitation to
another program or another server then the server will process the outcomes and return the outcomes to
the customer. A client is a bit of PC hardware or software that gets to an administration made accessible
by a server. The client gets to the network assets however may not impart its assets to the network. Much
the same as signing on to a site. That help client can associate with program in the web or interface with
different gadgets. The server is regularly (however not generally) on another PC framework, where case
the client gets to the administration by method for a network.

2.2. Firewall
A firewall is programming used to keep up the security of a private network. Firewalls square
unapproved access to or from private networks and are frequently utilized to counteract unapproved Web
clients or illegal programming from accessing private networks associated with the Internet. It controls
access and squares possibly serious things for the PC and the client. A firewall might be actualized
utilizing equipment, programming, or a mix of both.

A firewall is perceived as the primary line of barrier in verifying delicate data. For better security, the
information can be scrambled.

3. Interdependence of workstation hardware with networking software

Hardware is the mind of the PC and the product is a lot of projects to work. Software and hardware
cooperate to run client administration programs. Software and hardware bolster one another and software
can be comprehended in a theoretical way as something that cannot be held, as hardware and software rely
upon the hardware. No software, PC hardware is useless. The software cannot be utilized without the help
of any hardware gadget. Hardware and software must work together as a team.


1. Design on Cisco Packet Tracer Instructor:

2. IP Address
Device Interface IP Gateway Subnet mask Functions

FPT Uni F0/0 Provide network

to Server

GroundFloor VLAN 9

GroundFloor VLAN 6 Provide network

to teacher

GroundFloor VLAN 4 Provide network

to IT

GroundFloor VLAN 2 Provide network

to staff

GroundFloor VLAN 3 Provide network

to manager

FirstFloor VLAN 9 Provide network

FirstFloor VLAN 4 Provide network

to IT

FirstFloor VLAN 5 Provide network

to lab

SecondFloor VLAN 9 Provide network

SecondFloor VLAN 4 Provide network

to IT

SecondFloor VLAN 5 Provide network

to lab

PC-Lab2 F0


PC-Lab1 F0


PC-Teacher F0

PC-Staff F0

PC-Manager F0


VI. Test Plan

No Activity Expected Result Reason

1 Ping from PC-Lab 2 to PC-Lab 1 Successful Same VLAN 5

2 Ping from PC-Lab 2 to PC-IT2 Failed Different VLAN

3 Ping from PC-Lab 2 to PC-Staff Failed Different VLAN

4 Ping from PC-Lab1 to PC-Manager Failed Different VLAN

5 Ping from PC-IT 2 to PC-IT Successful Same VLAN 4

6 Ping from PC-Lab 1 to PC-Teacher Failed Different VLAN

7 Ping from PC-Staff to Printer 1 Successful Same VLAN 2

8 Ping from PC-Staff to Printer 0 Failed Different VLAN

9 Ping from PC-Manager to Printer 2 Successful Same VLAN 3

10 Ping from PC-Manager to Printer 0 Failed Different VLAN

VII. Implement

No Activity Result Evaluate

1 Ping from PC-Lab 2 Passed

to PC-Lab 1

2 Ping from PC-Lab 2 Passed

to PC-IT2

3 Ping from PC-Lab 2 Passed

to PC-Staff

4 Ping from PC-Lab1 Passed

to PC-Manager

5 Ping from PC-IT 2 Passed

to PC-IT

6 Ping from PC-Lab 1 Passed

to PC-Teacher

7 Ping from PC-Staff Passed

to Printer 1
8 Ping from PC-Staff Passed
to Printer 0

9 Ping from PC-Manager Passed

to Printer 2

10 Ping from PC-Manager Passed

to Printer 0
VIII. Document
Step 1: Setup mode VTP server and client for switch

 Switch VTP server (VTP server mode):

 Switch on Ground Floor (VTP client mode):

 Switch on First Floor (VTP client mode):

 Switch on Second Floor (VTP client mode):

Step 2: Set up VLAN on VTPServer:

VLAN Network For

2 Staff + printer

3 Manager + printer

4 IT

5 Lab

6 Teacher + printer

9 Management

Because there is only 24 port for switch in Packet Tracer, but in reality 3 types of switches are needed:24
ports, 36 ports and 48 ports. Below is the mapping between simulation and reality.

Switch In reality Network VLAN In Packet Tracer


48 ports F0/2-F0/20: 15 teacher + 1 VLAN 6 F0/2-F0/10:

printer teacher VLAN 2
F0/21-F0/35: 12 staff + 1 F0/11-F0/18: staff
printer VLAN 3
F0/36-F0/44: 5 managers + VLAN 4 manager
1 printer
F0/23-F0/24: IT
F0/45-F0/48: IT
24 ports F0/2-F0/23: lab VLAN 5 F0/2-F0/23: lab

F0/24: IT VLAN 4 F0/24: IT

36 ports F0/2-F0/34: lab VLAN 5 F0/2-F0/23: lab

F0/35-F0/36: IT VLAN 4 F0/24: IT

 Set mode trunk for switch links of VTP server:

 Set mode trunk and access for VTP client:

Do the same with Switch on First Floor and Ground Floor.

Step 3: Setup VLAN for ports of each switch:

 VLAN for ports of switch on Second Floor

Do the same with switch on First Floor.

 VLAN for ports of switch on Ground Floor

Step 4: Setup IP for vlan 9:

 On VTPServer:

 On switch on Ground Floor

 On switch on First Floor

 On switch on Second Floor

Step 5: Set up ip for Router:

Set IP for each VLAN that will make PCs have their own IP of VLAN.

Do the same, but with little difference:

F0/0.3: IP:
F0/0.4: IP:
F0/0.5: IP:
F0/0.6: IP:
F0/0.9: IP:
Do same as this but with:
Vlan3: network:
Vlan4: network:
Vlan5: network:
Vlan6: network:

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