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Chapter 1 Introduction to mass communication Theory

The author in chapter one that is talking about introduction to mass communication theory is
shedding light on the evolution that have taken place in the media environment and shifting from
normal traditional communication tools like reading and acquiring information by reading it
through different newspapers that we can know what is going around the world or watching what
is going on through traditional TV channels which can direct you to a certain way to a new
environment characterized by new tools and digital world that you can get the information by
surfing through the internet and by this way you can verify the validity of the information by
checking different sources or subscribe in a cable system to get numerous number of channels
that provide to us different kind of information and specialized channels so you can pick
according to your interest we are now replacing instead of visiting each other physically to meet
each other virtually instead of playing games like football or all open air activities to replace that
by virtual games which is called cyber space where we communicate electronically in a virtual
world where each of us is sitting in front of a shiny screen

This evolution in the media environment force us to stop an think about the destiny of the old
media environment will it vanish and replaced by the new media that is characterized by its
digital framework at the first glance the answer might be yes by the reality that it is not true as by
the emergence of the new technology this will have a great impact in shaping the old one there
are real life example for this television had been invented it didn’t end the era of radio but on the
opposite new programs appear in the radio like talk shows and specialized music formats

Mass communication can be defined by three characteristics It is directed toward heterogeneous,

anonymous audience , Messages are transmitted publicly are timed and The communicator tends
to operate within complex organization
New media environment characterized by Previous technology are merged , Shifting from media
scarcity to media abundance , Shift from general to specialized content and Shift from one way
communication to an interactive media

The author begin to explain and focus on the different means of new media environment like

1- Digital Television
The digital television is an system that carry video and audio and transmitting it using
digital encoding technique which is different from the tradition Television which transmit
both using analog system signal of the digital TV are transmitted in bits this new
technology have make an jump to a new level that it offer a huge amount of channels to
watch in addition to the great resolution of he picture and even though you can control
the resolution according to the broadband connection you have in addition to a high
quality sound which is different completely from the old traditional TV and it engage
the users in the media itself through his interactivity

2- The Internet
Is a network of computers that are connected together and it have been developed rapidly
from a private network used by the US ministry of defense till it become available for all
user and that due to the invention of Mosaic a browser that help users be able to get
several web materials in addition to that the internet is a user-friendly and the software’s
that have been issued that make the use of internet easy
The Email which is a fast way of communication between people that make people able
to send messages in just a second instead of taking days and week till it reach the receiver

Newsgroups and mailing list an electronic messaging sharing system that people who
have common interest can exchange information and opinion between each other

World Wide Web a system by which information in millions of computers can be

accessed Website have succeeded in grapping the attention of entrepreneur and business
owner who use it to attract customer instead of spending so much money on making store
and spending on traditional marketing tools to convince consumers to purchase to make a
website with attractive design and include all the information need for a consumer to
know about the product not only that but also he can purchase through the website and
get the product he want while he is at home in front of the computer without moving an
inch not only that also politicians and celebrities begin to use it to explain their opinions
and contact their supporter through the websites they create for this reason have to make
website to share their information with their fans

But in the same time the internet have its disadvantages as decrease of subtle forms of
languages, attracting people away from the real world as well as not all the information
on the internet are correct so we need to make sure about the accuracy of the information

Theories are general statement the summarize our understanding to the world around us
and how the world works it can take different forms as If-then statement ,An is more
likely to statement , The greater the X the greater the Y statement and Statements use
phrases like leads to

Mass Communication theory it achieve different goals it Explain the effect of mass
communication and Explain the uses to which people put mass communication also it
Explain learning from the mass media finally it Explain the role of mass media in shaping
people values and views

The author after that talk about the effect of mass communication showing that Some of
these effect are intended like the effect of newspaper reading on the level of knowledge
about political candidates and some effects are not intended as the effect of television
violence on the tendency toward aggressiveness

The author organize the possible types of effect according to three dimensions cognitive,
affective and conative

Mass communication theory have made many changes the author illustrate them in the Increase
focus on uses of mass communication and Shift to cognitive science or information processing
approach which involves three aspects A shift in independent variable from the variables of
persuasion to concepts such as discourse and Change in independent variable from attitudes to
cognitions and Shift in emphasis from change as a result of communication to restructuring
There are two schools the empirical school that characterized by quantitative research and
critical school that emphasis the broader social structure in which communication takes place
they criticize empirical researchers for applying the methods of physical science to human being
and society in an improper way

The cultural studies is another approach that tend to examine the symbolic environment created
by mass media and study its role in culture and society


From all what have been illustrated by the author in this chapter we concluded that the media
environment have changed a lot shifting from the traditional environment and its tools to a
digital environment which have accompanied by using new tools that contribute so much in the
evolution of the mass media communication also the mass communication theory achieved
many goals that it explain mass communication and how people use it as well it make changes
that it begin to focus on the uses of mass communication and focusing the information
processing approach

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