Assignment No. 1-Shahzad Ali (37858) - SPM

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Name: Shahzad Ali

Reg# 37858
Software Project Management

Assignment No.1.
Case Scenario
You are working in an Event Management Company as a Project Manager. A local
Pharmaceutical Company want to celebrate its 25 th years of existence by organizing a
Special Corporate Event and want to invite industry renowned professionals and
dignitaries. The event to be organized in a local five-star hotel with all the bloom and
glory and a special color theme. They also want media coverage of the occasion. A
Qawwali night will follow the Dinner.
Being a Project Manager, you are required to develop a Project Scope Document (write
in points only), the Scope of Work for this project. Use your imagination and ideas and
identify main core areas that you will cover, including Planning, Activities like Invitation
Cards, Venue Selection, Photography, Video, Media Coverage, Selection of Artists for
Qawwali night etc., before the event and Management of Activities on the day of event.
(You also have to write Out-of-Scope activities, if any).

Project Scope Document

Main Core Areas:
1. I should have some planning at first how to celebrate 25th years of existence.
2. Then I should have planning the when to celebrate the event on which date when all
renowned professionals and dignitaries can come.
3. Then to select the venue and book the hotel for the appropriate date of celebration.
4. Invite all the attenders by providing them invitation card.
5. Then arrange a photographer and video maker for making event photos and videos.
6. I will show case the media about my event tell them that we are having a great event
then there will be a media coverage as well.
7. I will have to see all the sitting arrangement and seats on given invitation.
8. I will have to arrange the hotel with bloom and glory and color themes for a great
look with hotel management.
9. Then to decide and select the menu for dinner.
10. Then to select the artist and invite them as well for event.
These are the activities and planning that I should do before the event as a project manager and
look after them as well to have successful event of 25th years of existence of our company.

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