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– Causes,
 5 MIN READ  DECEMBER 16, 2017

dometrium is the mucous membrane that is found lining the inside of

erus, and the term ‘Disordered Proliferative Endometrium’ is used to
be a hyperplastic appearance of the endometrium without an increase in
dometrial volume. The uterus is a muscular, pear-shaped, hollow organ
rms an important part of the female reproductive system. It is located in
lvic region, and it is the organ where the fetus grows inside a woman’s
ntil birth.
dometrium is the lining in which an embryo implants itself. The
metrium builds up and breaks down during each menstrual cycle. The
ess of the endometrium changes during di erent times of the menstrual
During the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the ovaries secrete a
ne called Estrogen that causes the endometrium to increase in
ess. Later, in the midway of the menstrual cycle, the ovaries start
ng a hormone called Progesterone that prepares the innermost layer of
dometrium to receive the embryo in case a woman conceives. If there is
ception, then the hormone levels decrease radically, signalling for the
metrium to be shed. The endometrium is then shed as the menstrual fluid
a woman’s period. The endometrium is at its thickest during the middle
menstrual cycle which usually lasts for 28 days in most women.

ered proliferative endometrium has been called as a form of Simple

plasia by WHO. Endometrial hyperplasia means abnormal thickening of
dometrium in which overgrowth can occur and cause abnormal
ng. This condition is common among perimenopausal and menopausal
n. It is associated with anovulatory menstrual cycles and exogenous
en therapy.

rdered Proliferative Endometrium Causes

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signs of pregnancy menopause symptoms

ntioned earlier, disordered proliferative endometrium is associated with
atory cycles. Anovulation can occur at any age, but is most common
menarche and menopause. Anovulation refers to the absence of
on during the reproductive years of a woman’s life in the absence of
ancy. During an anovulatory cycle, the failure for ovulation leads to
ive and prolonged estrogen stimulation, and there is an absence of an
se in the progesterone levels. The spiral arterioles do not develop
rly due to the absence of progesterone.

ordered Proliferative Endometrium

mptoms of disordered proliferative endometrium include:

mples and acne

egular menstruation

eding in between menstruation

norrhagia or excessive bleeding during menstruation

olonged menstruation

yness in the vagina

normal discharge from the vagina

n during sexual intercourse

t flushes

reased heart rate

quent mood swings

reme fatigue
vere abdominal pain

reased growth of body hair

rdered Proliferative Endometrium Biopsy

icult to make a diagnosis of disordered proliferative endometrium in a
. However, the histologic findings in case of disordered proliferative
metrium are as follows:

ere is unconstrained estrogen stimulation without any subsequent

ogesterone stimulation

e histologic changes resemble that of normal exuberant proliferative

dometrium, but there is no uniform glandular development, i.e. some
nds are cystically dilated while others show shallow budding

ere is an increase of cystically dilated glands, but the relative ratio of

nds to stroma remains normal

taplastic changes are seen commonly

ere may be endometrial breakdown along with hemorrhage with

ombosed, thin-walled vessels

ere is presence of plasma cells, but with no clinical evidence of infection

rdered Proliferative Endometrium Cancer

metrial cancer is a type of cancer seen in the uterus, the organ of the
reproductive system where the fetus develops and grows. It is the
that begins in the layer of cells that form the endometrium, that is, the
ning of the uterus. Endometrial cancer is sometimes referred to as
e cancer. Other types of cancer such as uterine sarcoma, can develop in
erus, but they occur much more rarely than endometrial cancer.
metrial cancer is most o en detected in the early stages, because most
n experience abnormal vaginal bleeding in case of endometrial cancer
ges them to see a doctor. If endometrial cancer is discovered in the early
hysterectomy, or the surgical removal of the uterus is usually suggested
doctor as a remedy to get rid of the cancer, and prevent any metastasis
spread of cancer to other body parts.

Signs and Symptoms of Endometrial Cancer


normal bleeding in between periods or menstruation

ginal bleeding post-menopause

watery or blood-stained discharge from the vagina

vic pain

A Doctor Online
on having any signs or symptoms of disordered proliferative
metrium as discussed above, can first approach a doctor online through
rious health websites. These websites allow patients to chat with a
list, and in case you doubt if you’re su ering from disordered
rative endometrium, you may approach a gynecologist or an
rician. Many of these websites allow patients to post pictures and
ostic results for the consultant doctors to look at, and guide you on the
ent options available for your specific condition. Also, if you have
y seen a doctor and still harbor doubts about your condition, you can
consult a doctor through one of the renowned health websites and get a
d opinion and clear all the doubts you have about the condition.

ical Second Opinion

have experienced any signs or symptoms of disordered proliferative
metrium and consulted a doctor, the doctor may have ordered tests such
svaginal ultrasounds, biopsies, and dilation and curettage to diagnose
metrial hyperplasia.Once the results of these procedures are obtained, the
will discuss with you about your condition at length, and if you su er
isordered proliferative endometrium, she may recommend oral
tin or a progestin vaginal cream as a treatment for your condition.
ver, if you’re not satisfied with the doctor’s line of treatment or if you have
s of having some other disease, you can always consult another doctor or
list with your test results and get a second opinion before you start the
ent recommended by your first doctor.

An Endocrinologist Online
ve begun the progestin treatment for disordered proliferative
metrium, and still experience symptoms such as abnormal vaginal
ng or discharge, especially if it occurs a er menopause, painful sexual
ourse, irregular bleeding or pelvic pain, you can consult an
rinologist online through any of the top health websites, and get his/her
n about your condition and the treatment you’re undergoing. The
rinologist may help you on what to do next and advise you on which
to approach.
ew quote=”Medically Reviewed By” author=”Dr. Kaushal M. Bhavsar
, MD)” occupation=”Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine, GMERS
al College, Ahmedabad” avatar_image=”1325″

Sushma Hegde

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