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Chemistry example: 2.0 moles of ideal gas is compressed isothermally to half of its initial volume.

pressure happens at 300K.the work done on the gas is given by:
W on =−∫ P dV

WhereV1 and V2 are initial and final volumes using ideal gas equation and integration,
find the volume of work done on gas.


We start by relating the initial and final volumes. Since the end volume is half that of the start we can
write V1=V2. This will be important later on.

Now we tackle this integral at which P is being integrated with respect to V hence we tried to find an
expression for P in terms of from the ideal gas equation we know PV =nRT so wemake P subject of the
formula. Dividing through by V gives:

P=nRT /V

Substiting this and our limits into integral gives:

W on =− ∫ dv The constants can be taken outside of integral.
2V 2 V

W on =−nRT ∫ dV Integrate 1/V in this limits
2V 2 V

W on =−nRT ¿ Evaluate the integral between the limits

W on =−nRT [ ¿ ( Vƨ )−¿ (2 Vƨ ) ] Using the laws of logs this simplifies to a single log

W on =−nRT ∈( ) Simplify further
2 Vƨ

W on =−nRT ∈ ( 12 ) Put the members into a final answer

W on =−2.0 ×300 ×8.31∈( )

¿ 3.456 … ×103 J =3.5 ×10³ J


A helium atom is moving with velocity v of 20î-15ĵ m/s.what is its sped?


Since speed is magnitude of velocity, we take magnitude of velocity vector. This gives:

⃓ 20 îî −15 ĵ⃓ = √202 +152 =√625

¿ 25

The particle speed is 25 m/s.


Ignoring the hydrogens find the atom connectivity matrix of but-1-ene shown blown:

2 4


An atom connectivity matrix describes below the carbons in but-1-ene are bonded with each other. First
note that we have labelled the carbons 1-4. We use matrix element a mn in row m and Colum n to
describe how carbon m and carbon n are bonded hence how need to find in 4×4 matrix.

 The matrix element a12 describes how carbon 1 is bonded to carbon 2 .we have a double bond
between them then hence a12=2. This also means that a12=2 as this element also describes how
carbon 2 is bonded to carbon 1.
 The matrix element a13 describes how carbon 1 is bonded to carbon 3.we have a 23=1 and a32=1.
 The matrix element a21 describes how carbon 1 is bonded too carbon 1 however it does not
make sense for an atom to be bonded to itself .hence we trend to write in atomic number of
atom which for carbon is 6 so a11=6. This is also true for a22=6 and a33=6and a44=6.

So when we find the rest of matrix is same way we have that atom connectivity matrix of but-1-ene is:

6 2 0 0

2 6 1 0

0 1 6 1

0 0 1 6

The force between two particles is modelled to be:

F=12 ε /a ˳ ¿

Given that force is negative derivative of potential i.e. F= U and at r=a˳, U=-Є calculate the
potential between two particles.


This is a problem of separating variables so first we set up the problem:

−d 12 ϵ a˳ a˳ 7
r ( ) ( ) −

−d 12 ϵ
U= ˳ [ a ˳13 r−13−a ˳7 r −7 ]
dr a

12 ε
−∫ dU =∫ ˳ [ a ˳13 r−13−a ˳7 r −7 ] dr

12 ε
−U = ˳ ∫ [ a ˳ 13 r−13−a ˳ 7 r −7 ] dr

12 ε
−U = ˳ ∫ [ a ˳ 13 r−13−a ˳ 7 r −7 ] dr

12 ε a ˳ 13 −12 a ˳ 7 −6
−U =
a (
˳ −
r +
r +C )
U =ε ( a ˳12 r −12−2 a ˳ 6 r −6 ) +C

Now find C by substitution (r=a˳, U= -Є)

−ε =ε ( a ˳12 a ˳−12−2 a ˳ 6 a ˳ 6 ) +C

−ε =ε ( 1−2 )+C

−ε =−ε+ C


Back into equation we get,U =ε (a ˳12 r−12 −2 a ˳6 r−6 )


Written in exponential form the radical wave function for a 2p orbital of hydrogen is :
ψ=± r sin θ e−iφ f ( r )
Write this in polar form.


A complex number in exponential form:r e−iφ has polar form: r ¿.

Because of the ± and ± sign in this equation we have either:

r= r sin ( φ ) f ( r )∧φ=−φ

r= r sin ( φ ) f ( r )∧φ=φ
Hence in polar form we have either:

r= r sin ( φ ) f (r )(cos (−φ )+i sin (−φ ) )

r= r sin ( ∅ ) f (r)(cos ( φ ) +i sin ( φ ) )

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