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Video watching tonight: Intro to Water

Task 1 3.50 mins

Water in the Anthropocene

Watch the video  

Video 1 
a.  What is the link between access to freshwater and growth of human

It defines where human population flourish. Eg: the tigress and ureides rivers.

b.  How are humans through to be altering the global water system? 

 Damming, extraction, irrigation and climate change

c.  Approximately how many large dams are there? 


d.  Approximately what proportion of global wetlands have been drained? 


e.  What is the comparative area used to grow crops worldwide? 

 South America
f.   What is the comparative area used to rear livestock worldwide? 

g.  Outline some of the future effects of human activity on the global

water system. 
h.  Outline the effects of water shortage and alterations to drainage
basins on humans. 
Causes the water cycle to intensify, wet weter and dry dryer

i.Which of the SDG’s do these issues relate to? (may be more than
Water scarcity
Task 2  
Water Scarcity

Watch Video 2 and take notes on the causes and effects of the two
different types of water scarcity 
Physical Water Scarcity 
Economic Water Scarcity

Task 3 – 3 mins
Watch the third video (water crisis) that gives you a wide picture.
Wearing your TOK hat – what criticisms could you make of this
type of video Video 3        



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